the examiner Frlday Dec 231977 4240238 Christmas Eve carol and lesson senice will be held in Christ Church at pm Christmas Day Service is at 10 am in Christ Church with Holy Communion Rev and Mrs Lloyd Howard are holding Open House at the recton on Jan from to pm Everyone is welcome to at end Christ Church held its Sunday School party recently with slides and lunch served to over 40 children Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson spent few days in Lucan this week visiting Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson and family Mr and Mrs John Kursis recently entertained their fami ly and over 30 guests from Toronto for dinner Mr and Mrs John Harn mond Mr and Mrs Don Ham mond attended the funeral of Mrs Williams tMrs Hamr monds sister in Shellxturne recently Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bob Lawson nee iHeather Cunninghami on the birth of baby boy lbs 02 Kevin Robert at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Essa Township Christmas For Christmas neighborly news party was held in Ivy Orange Hall Despite the snow storm good crowd was on hand Reeve Charles Pridham acted as master of ceremonies and had his guest Brigadiere General Beatty and his wife from Cana dian Force Base Borden After several speeches they enjoyed hot roast beef dinner put on by the ladies of Ivy followed by dance The annual Christmas Pres byteriaii Slipper and concert IliaS held in the Church recent Sympathy is extended to rs John Hammond in the death of her sister Effie at Shelbourne Thanks to Dan Hammond and Davis Arnold for clearing the driveways in the village hawkestone by Muriel Hart 4872030 Mr and Mrs Morris Shelswell entertained the Sanderson branch of the family recently with smorgasborg dinner Those attending were Mr and Mrs Brian Hughes of Kit chener Mr and Mrs Fred Coutler and Warren of Barrie Mr and Mrs Keith Sanderson and Joy of Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Charles Sanderson all of Shanty Bay and Mrs ilart of Hawkestonc Due to the slippery road con ditions Mr and Mrs Tom Graham of Richmond Hill were unable to at tend Members of St Aidans Anglican Church Women met Dec 14 at the home of Mrs Dunn In the absence of the presi dent Mrs Hall Mrs Dunn con ducted the meeting which had Christmas theme Minutes were read and cor respondence dealt with Plans were made for packing the Christmas boxes There will be no meeting during the winter as the Church will be closed until Easter There will be communion service followed by the annual meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs William Mould Sr on Jan 15 at 3pm Christmas Eve service will be observed at the United Church on Saturday at 730 pm Members of St Aidans will join with the United Church congregation for this service and also for the Christmas Day service at 10 am as there will be no service at St Aidan Members of the Sunday School will join with the United Church for Christmas Day Service Mrs Frank Harrison left by to Remember SCULPTURED MARBLE BY DAVID BURNETT This marble sculpture will delight any discriminating collector and enhance any home Canadian Burnetts sculpture depicts the Eskimo heritage It is offered for your approval at the attic Royal Court of Barrie Fine Art Fine Antiques lapperton St BARRIE Everything for gracious living giving Kaiser Waterford Aynslcy Bing irondahl Towlc Kaufman aloehel Santa Roach arrived early at Gord Mens Shop and he brought with him nice selec tion of British Duffle Coats Here is truly great gift worth giving and certainly super gift to receive The model with Santa is wearing this versatile outer coat Color is camel naturally fabric is warm melton authentic cloth bone the The featuring toggles hood is attached to shield you during our typical Canadian win ters Gord Roach Mens Shop has complete size range from 36 to 46 Give him something special this Christmas give him British Duffle Coat from Gord Roach Mens Shop gm rem Men W551 cStyle olluu the Jllan 22 Dunlop St Phone 7282928 train Tuesday to visit her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Duncan Clark of Kanata for the Christmas holiday Georgina Mitchell 4563232 The Lefroy Senior Citizens held Christmas party dinner at South lnnisfil community Centre Dec 13 There were 40 present for the festive dinner There was lucky draw of Christmas cake won by Mary Hammond After the dinner games were played and sing song of carols George Uncles was named king for day They were waited on for lunch and won free draw ticket Charlie liver president thanked the ladies that pre ared all the goodies and wisied everyone seasons greetings The next meeting is Jan 10at 130 pm HESI DESIGN The winners for the best design for the figure skating club pin design first Neil Smith of Toronto $5 second Janice Corner of Lefroy $3 third Lori Neilly Gilford $1 Congratulations well done WIIIIE ilFl The Lefroy United Church held their White Gift Service Dec 11 and the children presented play describing how the foster homes were first started for homeless children in the 19th century There will be Christmas Eve service at the Church The Gilford Lions are having their third annual Boxing Day breakfast to be held at the Golf Haven Country Club on Dec 26 from 8am to 11 am There will be pancakes and sausages tickets from members or call Colin Bird at 4563528 CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Chur chill senior curlers They won the division 10A playdown at Stroud They defeated Bradford and two Barrie rinks in extra ends Sympathy goes to the family of Ed Paine of Letroy in his 83rd year at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie who died on Dec 13 He is survived by three children Harold of Lefroy Irene Townsend of Toronto and Gordon who he lived with in Lefroy also four grandchildren and great grandchildren Funeral service at the Neil Lethanque Funeral Home in Bradford Sorry to hear that Dick Adams is in Royal Victoria Hospital wish him speedy recovery wish all my readers and those who help with the news very merry Christmas and pro sperous New Year guthrie by Vllda Campbell 4873201 The December meeting of the United Church Women was held recently at the home of Mrs Morris McArthur Mrs Ivan Clark president played the accordion while the group sang new Christmas hymn from the observer Children of Bethlehem by Herbert ODriscoll The Stewardship convener reported that the donation to the mentally retarded associa tion and the shutins exceeded the objective by well over $100 Mrs Dallas Slessor of Edgar was the guest speaker and her message was based on Inner Peace her remarks followed many scriptural passages There was also carol singing Christmas congregational dinner was on Dec 11 with more than 125 people having MEIlUN DJ ormuar THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Sat 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society Jasper Jewellery hy Wediood Wedgwood Jasper Jewellery always makes beautiful lastminute Christ mas gift for loved one At STEELES CHINA GIFTS Bayfield and Collier Street the Christmas shopper can see beautiful array of traditional cameolike earrings pendants brooches and link bracelets set in white bosrelief on blue background Green as background color is also available For the modern loss heartshaped pattern in white on blue background is sure to please Wedgwood Jasper Jewellery ranges in price from $2250 to $3495 Visit Steeles China and Gifts and surprise the love of your life for Christmas 0Piano Organ Lamps Book or Sheet Music °Music Stands OAssorted Colors of Piano and Organ Bench Covers Ear Phones From the Management and Staff of Ponttngs Music Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous ponhnq New Year MUSIC CENTRE EST 1947 Your Christmas Headquarters For PIANOS ORGANS MUSIC lAMPS 680 Maple Ave Barrio 7261800 hot turkey dinner at the United Church After dinner the members of the Sunday School presented the program play given by the Intermediate class was call ed The Best Gift of All The Primary class told the story of the Christmas Tree as it related to the birth of Jesus CHRISTMAS PROGRAM At the Presbyterian Church Christmas program followed the morning service The older children of the Sunday School put on presentation of the five Candles of Advent The younger children sang musical numbers Sonya and Tracey Hastings played the accordions While Rev Ken Heron presented two solos accompanied by his own guitar playing White gifts were presented in the Church service which were donated to the Saivation Army DECEMBER MEETING The December meeting of the Womens Missionary Society was held at the home of Miss OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUTH regular weekly income op portunities to earn valuable prizes plus lessons in business practices are all available to Examiner carriers To obtain complete details on how your son or daughter can become one of over 210 Examiner Little Merchants with no initial obligation call Miss Halkes an Examiner cir culation representative at 726 6539 gift for Christmas Anne McCuaig Annual reports were presented Christmas program follow ed during which the Five Candles of Advent were lighted Early in December birth day dinner for Mr Robert Caldwell of Simcoe Manor was held at the home of his sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs William Campbell Caldwell turned 92 on Dec Guests for dinner included his other daughter Mrs Helen Carters her son Peter of Orillia and son and daughter inlaw Mr and Mrs Harold Caldwell Several members of the Marigold Jolly Elders from VIS Barrie 437 lturilop St 7266527 The 20 RCA ColorTrak is on display at MONARCH TV AND AP PLIANCES 118 Dunlop St Featuring single VHFUHF selection knob and SignoLock electronic tuner which lets you switch through all VHF and the UHF channels the ColorTrack makes an excellent Collingwood 121HumeSt 4450331 Guthrie joined members from the Oro Station and Hawkwtone club and went by bus to Toronto to attend the ser vice of The Living Christmas Tree at the Peoples Church TRAINS EXHIBITEI NEW YORK AP free train exhibit here includes some 100 photographs scores of scale models several train layouts railroad memorabilia slide shows and movies To set the mood for the show 26 footlong wooden train pulled by steam engine and filled with animals and candy canes hangs over the entrance DAY Christmas SPECIAL All Car Rentals from Fri am Dec 23 Wedam Dec28 plus mileage We try harden NOW in Elmvale co Hocken Ford 3223121 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR jolly way to remember your friends and relations this Christmas is to send gift of The Examiner CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW Write to The Circulation Dept of the examiner or Dial 7266539 We wish you the best of the Holiday Season with Christmas tilled with love and peace ROBINSON DOMINIONIIARDWARE Servos Barrio Better with 15000 feet street to street 31 Dunlop St Barrie