hurch Jim Bailey and Chuck Wether Stone miston and Leslie Burley Gary Rousing finale ory Green seemed just litte awed by the proceedings last week at the King Edward Schools annual Christmas concert at Georgian College He and other youngsters donned party hats and balloons for the rousing finale Happy Birthday Baby Jesus ory was one of the letter holders as well and in his right hand clutches letter in the song title Ex aminer Photol Bridge results Duplicate bridge results for Dec were Northrsouth Danny Schamehorii and John Hazel Larry Church Peg More and Dave Gartner and Russell Scottie Lentsius EastWest and Heino Lewis tied were Holly Her Ediiiunds and Hill Dewitt Results for Dec were Section NorthSouth Josie Hansen and Sherman Boulter Helen Medvicikist and Danny Schamehorii Mr and Mrs Parsons EastWest 31arIett iiier and Johii Kuipers Mr and Mrs McNeil Peg and Art More Section NorthASouth Sue tiraham and John Hazel Ma and Murray Bell Mike Fulmer and Terry Iaddison Eleanor and Stan liveringham East Wcst Martha and George Rcdard Bonnie and John aitti Marnie Boulter and Sven Hansen Russell Church Shiela Vanderhaden Grise and Diane Voliquette EastWest Scottie and Results for Dec were NorthSouth Ella Swain and Elaine Evans Josie Hansen and Sven Hansen Bill Dewitt and Larry Gartner EastWest Evelynn Everingham and Flor ence Turner Lucie Taylor and John Postinikoff Lorna and Ross Kerwin Rays Bridge Club raults for Dec were Open pairs section North South Lea and Ken Bailey Gladys Reid and Wyn Condor Stan Everingham and Stan Everingham Jr EastWest Rosemary Spratt and John Kuipers Olive Hersey and Russell Church John Hazel and Gary Edmunds Nonsmasters section tied were Diane Campbell and Marg Evelyn Ever ingham and Wyn Law Scottie Church and George Whinton Fee increase kept to 29 per Fee increase by the Victorian Order of Nurses VON will be kept to 20 per cent in 1978 reported the finance committee at recent board meeting of the orders Simcoe ounty branch All areas served by the bran ch were represented at the meeting held at Soldiers Memorial Hospital rillia rillia council has granted the VON 810000 to help defray the deficit accumulated in Urillia by patients not totally covered by insurance and unable to pay the full fee Service clubs in Urillia have been approached for donations Mclean Cookstown Presbyterian church was the setting for the recent wedding of Margaret Elizabeth McLean and Gerald Murray MacKay The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace McLean of RR Thornton and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Samuel MacKay of Van couver BC The ceremony was per formed by Rev Rooney Mr and Mrs MacKay cent to cover the remaining dei icu An increase in the number of visits made by nurses was recorded for each month since May 1977 To the end of Uc tober there have been 17607 visits made in Simcoe County car has been purchased for the Alliston area and recom mendation was made for pur chase of new car for the rillia area Because staff nurses recently signed new contract with the board the board voted suitable adjustment be made to the salary of the nursein charge McKay Given in marriage by her father the bride wore floor length lace gown with higl neckline and matching pictura hat The attendants were Mrs Joyce McLean sisterinlaw of the bride and Gordon McLean brother of the bride Following rece tion at Barkley Square lnn couple left on trip to New York City They now live in Toronto The new executive of Grace United Church Women was in gglled at the recent annual New executive is elected Mrs RichardFoxcroft Sim coe Presbyterial president ln stalled Mrs Bruce Wice president Mrs Donald Barr side that we could do without Now theres new instant EncoreD It tastes better natured not bitter Chicory Mellows Coffee Because Nestlé discovered how to give coffee mellow taste with chicory Chicory brings out coffees better nature Leaves bitterness behind Pick up jar of Encoresoon and enjoy better natured cup of coffee Nt Coffee has two natures better nature flavour we like And bitter vicepresident Mrs Victor Wildman secretary Mrs Ralph Rowe treasurer Conveners include Mrs Per cy Ford in charge of stewar dship Mrs John Parris supply and social assistance Mrs Ray Mercer Christian develo ment Mrs Bruce Chappe MealsonWheels Mrs Donald Bytes press and publicity Mrs Peter Verwey nomiunations Mrs EVerard Harris flowers and cards Mrs Bill Oakes manse representation Mrs Ir ving Cooper Mrs Vern Mum berson and Mrs Margaret Ball telephone committee Mrs Bob Foreman social skit portrayed con versation between St Peter and four UCW members Mrs Wilbur Walton Mrs Art business Financial re Storey Mrs Ward Goodfellow and Mrs Charlotte MacKenzie who wished to enter heaven Mrs Verwey conducted rt for bthe the year was present the president in absence treasurer The 1978 list of Grace UCW program groups wa distributed The evening closed with hoveroftrout the oxamlnor wunooday Doc 21 911 COMPETITION HEAVY JOHANNESBURG CP The first group of colored and devotional by Mrs Ford and her committee featuring the exchange of gifts the breaking of bread and the lightingof can Indian ground hostesses being dies trained by South African Air ways met the press at recep tion recently The 10 girls who GROUP IDENTIFIED were chosen from nearly 700 ap plicants demonstrated their tr group of out is called training fathereporwm f50¢ 9w 5071 enc rel instant coffee 0998958 with chicory To Retailer2We WI redeem this coupon for the face value plus normal handling charges provtding you receive this coupon towards the purchase of the products identified thereon Any other an plication constitutes fraudlnvmces provtng purchase of suffiCIent stock of such product in prewous 90 days to cover all coupons presented for redemption must be shown on request Coupons Wlll not be honoured and Wlll be v0id it presented through out5ide agenCIes brokers or others who are not retail distributors of our merchandise unless specuticalty authorized by us to present coupons 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