The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circula ishe ai excep tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper 33 NEwsROOM taVsifliTLSgaGn er zgfilajfggwh accoumam Sunday and credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local 26sz Elfgsknagastlpgezdggr SELESVMCEN gem Armer statutory holidays news stories published in The Examiner CY WEEKLVbycarrier hï¬iuchéicaï¬gyiriugseseiztiag City editor ESQHGJaJhrï¬gn gngmcypaangd 90 cents TheExarnliner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created sem ees and ublistted in this news serving barrie and simcoe count Werner Bergensports Barb BOUtO Vk Ga YEARLY De Friday DOC 16 1977 Claudia Krause Iitestyle Dana Graham 80 Copyright registration number 203815 register bl Marina Quattrocchi photographcr REPORTER John Bruce Paul Delean John Zarecky BY MAIL Barrie CIRCULATION $46 80 Jon Butter manager Linda Halkes asst managrr SMC CCOUN Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 8641710 M0 Cathcart St Montreal CLASSIFIED $36 50 Richard Dunstan Ruth Blais supervisor Andi Haugmo The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising 00 80 Agosln PUbllSlIer Pal Guerois Freda shinner $213 MOTozggsgtv OFF errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by Scott Haskins Karen Atkinson that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is Rudleigh MacLean PGWY Chapell 55 30 ELSEWHE RE CANADA due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor 7266537 7266537 72824 7266537 Sue Burke Dana Homewood 03 Pm99 33 50 Y9 non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid lor such advertisement Christmas Cheer deserves support Christmas has come Were all feeling the pinch of poor economy and the price of giving has grown high So its not as easy to be goodnatured when someone suggests sharing the wealth But thats what the Barrie and District Christmas Cheer Organization is asking us to do If times are tough for the welltodo theyre that much tougher for the needy Last year Christmas Cheer helped about 300 families in this area make it through the holiday season There is likely to be that many if not more in need this year Were all little selfish so when times are tough it is Queen park NOW dUSTWllAI THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK lVE GOTA FUZZBUSIEI ON THIS CAR Sonctimony about police By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO We are getting pretty sanc timonious and perhaps nearhysterical on the question of police and security these days In this am not thinking of the RCMP and the running battle that has been going on in the federal House easier to turn our backs on the needy saying its their own fault lve got problems too tell them to get job they probably have to climb over beer bot tles to bring the gifts in All of those excuses miss the point Christmas Cheer is not for adults Christmas Cheer is for children No matter what fouryearold Suzies parents do she still believes in Santa Claus All fouryearold children have right to Its the joy of being child What could be more shattering for young child than to wake up Christmas morning and find that Santa has passed her by Even if the parents do manage to explain to their children why Santa didnt come who is going to explain it to their classmates There is always one child in the class who is going to discover Johnny didnt get any Christmas presents And that child is usually the one with the loudest voice you know the ty bus to the back pe that echoes from the front of the school The Barrie and District Christmas Cheer Organization is nonprofit nonsectarian organization of concerned citizens bound and determined that isnt going to happen It takes very little to help them win the fight new unwrapped toy nonperishable foodstuff or cash dona tion Donations may be left at the Salvation Army Citadel on Collier Street letters to the editor Oil companies and gasoline prices Dcar Sir According to all the advertisements we hear from the major oil companies they real ly arc having very hard time making ends meet According to them it is not their fault that the price of gas is so high it must be the govcrnmcnt and taxes Would someone then explain to me how conic that when private dealer was pricing his gas somewhat low on Bayfield Street amongcst the giant oil company outlets these same giants lowered their prices to the Congratulates Dear Sir May congratulate Ed Harper on his Dec 2nd sports wheel article on the subject of goal tending How very full of truths it was This year my wife and acquired the ques tionablc distinction of becoming the parents of niiicrycarold goaltender in the BMHA While we wouldnt give the experience up for anything there are many more relaxing ways of spending your leisure time than wat ching your boy play goal Your article was great Sincerely Millet Salter Barrie write your mp 90 if you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns tAfter all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your frltndS and neighbors toot FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne MPPeelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa OntsKlA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MP7 YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 ius Mitges MPaGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPI Simcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park loronto M7A lA2 Gordon Smith MPP SimcocEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A tA2 iiurge McCague MPPV erufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A lA2 public below the privatcl Just likc that lower priccs We shudder at the word monopoly but every day wc scc the samc typc ol situation happening to us the public if it isnt thc oil companics it is the supcrmarkcts Perhaps it is about timc lhc public stoppcd being the quiet nice guy and thc silcnl majori ty and started making littlc noisc to our politically clcctcd rcprcscntativcs whcrcvrr they may be We as private cntcrprisc and in thc gasolinc business will continue our utmost to be pain in thc side of the giants pcrhaps wc might stop on few tocs but we oursclvcs arc getting very fed up with what we scc happcn ing right in our own ityf Signcd an outspoken Canadian Alexander Barrie Says shame Dear Sir say shame refering to the picture on the front page of your paper dated Saturday Dec Deadline the picture of female on the beach if we want pictures like that we know where to look for them and certainly not in our family paper Surely youre not thathard upfor pictures Sincerely Frecthy Stayncr we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Plcasc makc it an original copy and sign it The Examiner docsnl publish unsigncd lct tcrs but if you wish pen name will be uscd include your tclcphonc numbcr and addrcss as we have to verify lcttcrs Because of space limits public intcrcst and good tastc lhc Examincr sometimes has to edit condcnsc or reject lcttcrs Letters to thc Editor arc run cvcry day on the editorial pagc Send yours to Lcttcrs to thc Editor Thc Examiner Post Office llox l70 BARRIE Ont AM bible thought Behold show you mystery we shan not all sleep but we shall all be changed In moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and dead shall he raised incorruptihlc and we shall be changed Corinthians 35152 The Bible describes the meeting in the air of believers from all walks of life with one thing in common they accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour while on earth Jesus said will come again in such an hour as think not the Son of man cometh So shal we ever be with the Lord Parliament hill By STEWART MatLEOI Ottawa llurcau Thomson News Scriicc There is an cntirc army of dcdicatcd fcdcralists poised to fight ircmicr ltcnc chcsquc in the batllc for national unity but they arc finding thc targct ratbcr clusivc And this is contributing to fccling of frustratimn within various organizations such as the govcrnmcnts Coordination Unit on National Unity thc Task iiorcc on Canadian Unity and other spin off groups in the SaveCanada industry If chcsquc would only stake out his position thcsc organizations could begin launching coiiii tcr offensive but obviously the Qucbic prcmicr is in no hurry to obligc At first when chcsquc talkcd about that famous forthcoming rcfcrcnduin on lucbcc indcixndcncc thc fcdcralist forccs wcrc con Your business fly VINCENT EGAN Itusincss and ottsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Servici The Christmas and New Years period is one of the most popular in thc ycar for travel and thcrcforc favorite time for burglars who like to break and cntcr without being disturbed by their victims Police advise apartment dwellers to let their superintendent know when their apart ment is going to be vacant If you have moved into the apartment fairly recently have the lock cylinder changed before going away you may know the previous tenant but you dont necessarily know who else could have key if you live in house ask close neighbor to keep an eye on your house and to lot policc know of the presence of any suspicious per sons or cars in the neighborhood Also ask the neighbor to pick up any ad vertising flycrs and thc likc that may be left at your front door and have someonc such as the neighbors children trample any fresh snow that may fall on your walk or driveway in your absence SOUND EFFPXTTS Whether your home is an apartmcnl or house there are several other precautions that you ought to take if you must leave it unattended fidciit llicy could win handily in crips uni cluttcrcd campaign on thc issuc ltut now thcrc is fccling that lhc rcfcrctiduin will be so vziguc it will bc cxcccdingly difficult to mount an cffcclivc opposition It could bc somcwhat likc last Notcinbcrs provincial clcctioii in Qucbcc wlicii the separatist larti Qucbccois camc to powcr without scparatism bccomiiig an issuc in its campaign lndcixndcncc was qucstion that could bc dccidcd latcr dcclartxl chcsquc lhc issuc of thc day was good govcrnmcnl PLANS ilE lhc iQ govcrnmcnt has promiscd rcfcrciiduin prior to thc iicxt provincial clcc tion and it likcly will bc iicld in 1979 All tltc fcdcriilist forccs who are itching to lo battlc ovcr this grcat IUOSllOilllilllO would givc anything to know morc about the timing and thc content so tiicy could plan stratcgics But Outwit burglars when youre away llug iti mic or prcfcrably inorc electric timcrs tcost $10 to $15 that will turn on lights and radio in thc curly cvciiiiig for cxannlc and turn them off at bedtime so your ionic will both look and sound as if it wcrc livcd in If you usc two or more staggcr thconaiidoff timcs Arrangc to havc all dclivcrics stoppcd such as ncwspapcrs brcad and milk lf youvc ordcrcd some mcrcliaiidisc have it dclivcrcd cillicr bcforc or after your vacation lont however advertise the fact that youre going away by telling your acquain tances at the supermarket or other public placcs They say that walls have cars If you have garage keep it locked to prevent burglars from using your equipment to break into your house Leaving car your own or neighbors in the driveway may also help deter burglar IOK AND KEY If you have lost or mislaid your keys its wise to have your locks changed One way to reduce the risk of loss of your housekey is not to leave it on the same keyring as your car keys parkinglot attendants have been known to take house keys Scc that your locks are properly mounted so that the hinge bolts are not exposed on the outside that they are of good quality and that they can be deadlocked OHM Boom vs so Save Canada industry finds Levesque stand frustrating instead of bcing clarified the issue seems to bc gcttiiig morc cloudy Ihcrc arc many pcoplc in Ottawa who even doubt whcthcr thc ucstion of Quebec inde pcndcncc will bc on ballot at all Wlicn tiic IQ assumed power Levesque and his tninistcrs spokc almost lovingly about cvcntual scparatism for Qucbcc But all the public opinion polls clearly indicated that majority of Qucbcccrs opposed outright scparalion The word independence later became much more fashionable than separatism chesquc said it was less ncgativc but as the population continued to opposc total iIIdOIXIIdCIICC there was more emphasis placed on continuing ties with the rcst of Canada The words common markct wcrc uscd great deal at first but gradually this loose term was replaced with sovcrcignlyassociation And just recently there has been some talk wihin PQ ranks of new form of federation with the rest of Canada The ixvcsquc government scents to be oc cupying some of the ground previously claimed by federalist opposition parties in the provincc lllllULT TARGET And Ottawa is finding it very difficult to hit this moving target it only chesquc would keep talking about scparatism or independence they say wist fully But with public opinion polls indicating that only iiinc pcr ccnt of Qucbcccrs favor outright indcixndcncc it is highly unlikely that chcsquc will be talking much about this And hc certainly wont solicit the opinions of Quebeccrs on this particular option so long as tho rcsults are so predictable Instead he is likely to approach the promised referendum as hc approached the last election cam paign Acmphasizc issues that have clear public support Perhaps the referendum question will ask whether Quoboccrs want the PO to continue discussions with Ottawa and the other provin ces toward more acccptablc distribution of powers Or the people could be askcd whether they would favor constitutional chimch that would bcttcr protect Qucbccs cultural and economic inlcgrity With just ll fcw dcft woi ds lite chcsquc govcrnmcnt could mukc it almost impossiblc for thc opposition forccs particularly when both tlic provincial lllllill and the Union Natioiiulc part ics arc oii rccoril as favoring iicw constitutional iirriiiigciiicnts with Ottawa it could cvcii bc difficult for fcdcral lllllllS front thc provincc to opposc qucstions likc this Its Iittlc woiidcr that so tiintiy of lrimc Mitiistcr lrudciiiis high priccil tiiluidit Savcrs arc litginning to fool ii hit frustrittcd by thc chcsiiiic tiict itS Rather it is matter of the controversies that have been cropping up here quite possibly as bit of throwoff from the Ot tawa situation key instance is the protest that has been coming from the New Democratic Party because the Ontario Provincial Police had lainclothes security officers in the crowd at abor demonstrations against unemployment here at Queens Park and at Thunder Bay Ont The most concise and perhaps shrill declamation was by James Foulds of Thun der Bay To misuse the OPP in this way is an in vasion of privacy and intimidation of the right to dissent DUTY TO PROTECT Well is it all this We have to keep in mind that key duty of the police is to protect the country and the province from subversion Admitted there are certain things it is agreed police shouldnt do at least without sanction from an outside authority Foremost among these is the invasion of in dividual privacy through wiretapping or searches of confidential records But keeping watch on public assemblies is another matter These are not private mat ters They are public And of course when we come to liberties there is great dif ference Police have been watching these assem blies for years and years The one excellent reason for this has been that since the last war protest groupsnor mal and lawabiding protest groupshave been favorite tool of subversive movemen ts INFILTRATION The approach has been to infiltrate them quietly and either take them over gradually or goad them to extreme protest This first applied to Communists and labor unions In the 19403 and early 19508 the Com mies controlled various major unions But it spread to other subversive groups and most innocuous movements For instance when for while we had series of mass protests here by university stu dents good number of the protesters werent students at all but members of various radical groups And these included extreme rightist groups including fascist movements The NDP would probably be in full agreement with using watch on public assemblies to uproot these If Ontario SolicitorGeneral John MacBeth who has been the main government spokes man on this question had said the police were looking for Western Guardists much publi cized Toronto Fascist organization it is con ceivable in fact that the sanctimony mightnt have appeared Canada story Baronets for land By BOB BOWMAN History students always learn about such notables as King James King Charles Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon but they are seldom if ever told that they took an interest in Canada King James tried to encourage people to live in Nova Scotia by creating the Order of Baronets of Nova Scotia Charles returned Quebec and Port Royal to France after they had been captured by English forces so Fran ce would pay him money owing for Queen ilcnricttas dowry Napoleon wanted to recapture Canada for France and sent large army to Haitisthe mosquitoes killed somany soldiers he had to abandon the plan Oliver Cromwell became Protector of England on D9016 1653 One of his first acts was to repudiate the Somillionacre real estate deal that Charles had made with France This also had the cffcct of ruining the Baronets of Nova Scolia and he did not reint buisc thcm bccausc some had supported the Stuart causc Baronets of Nova Scotiu were invested in Edinburgh bccausc the royal pmviiicc of Nova Scotiii was part of the kingdom of Scotland lilid formed part of thc coiintv of Edinburgh ilowcvcr the hcndqunrtcis of the order still exists in thc Castle of ltltk iiiiiiiiiziitshirc OTHER DEC 16 EVENTS ltiltl cnsus showed population of New lllllltt tliptlll from lndiimsi was 375 um Mcrchiiiits were allowed to mark up prices of imports from France by 65 per cent and paid to pcr cent duty tlltll Dawson City ukoii was in Olptllillttl itilo llclcgution of 1000 farmers deman ded revision of tariffs Mounted Royal College Calgary rcccivcd charter Illlit BNA Act was amended to give Parliament power to make changes in con stitution