Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1977, p. 26

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28 the examiner Thursday Dec 1977 SPCINICS RTES BLOOD DONOR The regular Blood Donor NEW YEARS Eliigenéu°b2ehidaiiflio Pres yterian urc recen EVE DANCE IVY stroud Death Notices Engagements Births $550 Mrs Campbell maximum 40 words additional words to cents per word Don 4361084 Card at thanks 40 words $550 Additional words to cents per word THE SANDCASTLE Lakelands senior citizens In Memoriam no verse 85501 Hot buffet club No m5 met at Lakeside V0 IDr count lift 22 C00 D°° Pm Hall Alcona Beach recently for Coming Events 5Couple llbirttn Mondays Child is lair ol lace Tuesdays Child Is lull ol grace Wednesdays Child Is lull oi woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Frldays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor Its llvlng And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information tor your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year ol birth the weight and other vital Inlormation printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Addi tional words to cents per word PHONE 728 24 SSdeuttu GALLOP Bud Founder past president and past lieutenantrgovernor ol Mississauga Centennial Civitan Club Suddenly as the result ol an accident on Monday December I2 1977 Bud Gallop in his 46th year Beloved hus band ol Marion ol Barrie Loving lather ol Gail and Kim both at home Dear brother at Aileen Mrs Phillips ol Florida Shirley Mrs Sisson of Hamilton Elsie Mrs Walker oi Mem phis Tenn Robert of Plaster Rock NB Ted lnman ol Toronto and Marilyn Saunders ol Burlington Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home I52 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation lrom Wednesday at pm Service and committal complete in the chapel on Friday December lb at Interment Barrie Union Cemetery WILSON Dorothy Lorraine At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tues day December 13 1977 Dorothy Lor raine Everton beloved wile ol Fred Wilson ol Aurora Survived also by her mother Mrs Birdie Reid stepfather William Reid niece Sharon Ayres great nieces Shelley and Wendy and great nephews Robbie and Jellrey Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Wednes day Complete service in the chapel on Friday December to at 30 Inter merit Barre Union Cemetery McNALL Stewart James Suddenly at Barrie on Monday December I2 I977 Stewart James McNall in his lath year Dear son at Donald and Marion McNall 01 Same Survived also by lour sisters Joy Donna Jill and Julie Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Thurs day Complete service in the chapel on Friday December Id at 30p Inter ment Barrie Union Cemetery PAYNE Edward William At Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday December 13 I977 Ed Payne ol Lelroy in his 83rd year Beloved husband ol the late Mabel Ayres and dear lather oi Harold and Gordon ol Lelroy and Irene iMrs Townsend ol Toronto Also survived by four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren Friends may call at Lathangue and Skwarchuk Funeral Home 30 Simcoe Street Bradlord Ser Vice and commital in the chapel Friday of Interment oth Line Cemetery in lieu oi llowers please make donations tothe Ontario Heart Foundation KIRCHEN Russell wright Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday December 1077 Russet chen beloved husband ot Anne Barrie loving lather ct Merle itrs Dunnl ot Barrie an Fla Dear lather in law ai Laurie Dear granotaner at re Kimberley Dear DVDVE era Mrs Andrews Iv it re 64 at Toronto and CeC io 33m ita Resting at the Jenne Fmea I52 Bradlord Stree aar lrom Thursday Sen are committal corrolee ece Saturday Decerrber terment Barr Uh oh lions tn the Ontar Hear Gideon Bible Soc ei preCiated BROWN Alice In her 95th year at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie On Thursday December I5 I977 Alice BrOwn vvile ol the late Charles Brown lormerly ol Morriston Ontario Dear mother at Fred oi Barrie Harold of Thunder Bay and the late Mrs Beatrice McNeilly and Miss Mildred Brown Grandmother oi Pat Mrs Han nahi Doreen Nrs Green and Alice Mrs Knousei ot Michigan city In diana Great grandmother ol siy great grandchildren Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home I27 Baylield Street Barrie alter Friday Ser vice and committal in the chapel Satur day alternoon at Interment Bar rie Union Cemetery Arnold Funeral Homeparkingatrear NIXON Elbert General Hospital on Wednesday December I4 I977 Elbert Nixon oi Cookslown brother ol Mrs Myrtle Brolley and Borden deceased Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown lor service on Friday December to at Dm Interment St Johns Anglican Cemetery Cookstown JACKSON We wish to thank all our lriends neighbours and relatives lor their acts at kindness cards lloral tributes and donations to Canadian Cancer and Gideon Societies received during our recent loss at dear husband lather and granolather Cyril Special thanks to Minesmg Womens Institute tor catering nurses an IC cit PVH and Drs Bailey and Taylor lBeverends Wuest and Lindsay tor thelr support and consoling words also SteHey Funeral Home lt Maude ondlamill lb and of fink BLACK Wilson and Noni Black and lamin wish to thank everyone lor their concern help gilts and various con tributions at the time of Wilsons acci dent We extend to all Seasons Greetings SLESSOR The lamily ol the late Myr tle Slessor wnsh to thank the many lriends and neighbors lor their thoughtlulness in my recent and sad bereavement Special thanks to Dr LaurieandstallolKempenleltManor UrsalE Slessor INGRAM Thanks to my many triends tor the lovely parting gilt sent to me Sorry couldnt be with you to receive it Mariorie tngram HADDEN We wish to thank all our lriends and neighbors lor their kindness cards ol sympathy and llowers in the passing at my dear wile Hazel special thanks to the nurses ol 7C RVH and Dr Smith the Rev Kaye and Barrie Legion Branch In Also those who donated to Canadian Cancer Society and the Jennett Funeral Home Mr James Hadden andlamily HADDEN Sister and tarnin ot the late Hazel Hadden wishes to express our sincere appreciation to iriends and neighbors tor their kind expressions ol sympathy through llowers and donations tothe Canadian Cancer Society Ab and Dot Howell soxowAv The lamllies ol the late Ernest Boadway wish to express their appreciation to relatives triends and neighbors tor llowers donations to the Heart Fund cards and kindness shown in our recent bereavement Your kind ness will always be remembered 81 in momorioms DEXTER Luise In loving memory ol wonderlul wile and mother Luise Dex ter who passed away Dec ll I974 It Is sad to walk the road alone Instead ol side by side But to all there comes moment When the ways ol lile divide You gave us years ol happiness Then came sorrow and tears But you Ielt us beautilul memories We will treasure through the years Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband Stuart and children Karen and Steven PHILPOTT Reg In loving memory at dear lather and grandlather Reg Philpotl who passed away December IA I976 Love should be like tree whose roots are deep in the earth but whose branches extend Into heaven Always remembered and sadly miss ed by Bernice Bill Sharon and lamIlies At the Toronto 13P°l the regular weekly meeting HAPPYHOUR89 Mrs McNeish chaired the FOR TCKETS CONTACT meeting in the absence of ED PATTON 4244955 Parker Canada and our LARRY DAVlS 424l3l6 heyne song was sung south events TURKEY SHOOT The Stroud Womens Institute will meet at the Strand Com ARMT NAVY mumty Centre Thursday In noon hour lunch followed by AIR FORCE CW meeting under convenersilip MILL ST ANGUS bV of Mrs Gray Hunter Thom pic 11 1911 Margaret Sta son and Campbell Imagunnm 9357676 Members are asked to bring mumHo FUND MEN ESiii$gnriiiaiio°iri3 Bazaafo afve dee Pop along the Christmas crafts they Mhyw source un ralsmg havemade 915 various church groups and other organizations since the beginning of November with many taking advantage of an opportunity to purchase homemade aking and craft items and enjoy social cup of REBEKAH AND UDDFELLOWS tea EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT The Golden Age Club took 800 pm bus to Toronto recently with 00F HALL reams LANE SgfligziffKSmseehatgg 0P through elther failure or delay JockpotSlOO refreshmentbooth in forwarding such replies UHF SCtlgilesstmas and to brousc in the howeveroherwise BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect ol loss or damage olledged to arise VV RULES Each week the lord Wltlterio appears it several of the mortiseterm on this future loud the eds acutely clp tile advertisements it which Vittorio end forva your entry to the Ninterlo Editor The Exauiner Each reel drum will be made and winner notified The Exher is mu St IIrle oimilo SWEEPSTAKES miiiém ENTER OFTEN sum Lu cuts in mm In GREFIL GBRICK 5332 EASY TO use MADE WITH THE 615 SW and DOITYOURSELFERIN MIND Shape th ne of mm 5535 mm SANDERSDN guspflgsfgn REATWE AIAD scuom or It Looks Real HAIR STYHNG DANCING Because It Is Real For Appointment Cal mg 726232 728378i 4353075 Jct Hwy 2627 12w rmiig St smu Innis North at Midtiimt located lteIoI HCR THINKING AHEAD Christmas is coming Come in see our selection of Penelope Tapestry Canvases and Bouquet Rug Canvases KNIT AND HOOK WOOL SHOP WINTER BOOTS For its Emir Family See wtflll than IN THEMEWS 1312211 Wntorio NORMAN SHOES 24 Dunlap VARIETIES Come in and try our delicious Donuts and freshly ground Cof fee wnuno 72IJIII For the Newest in Dining Visit THE PORT OPEN 24 HOURS DAYS WEEK I04 umno sT 7283340 OF HUMIING labile ELECTRICAL FEIABIEUIHEI HOLDINGS LTD WVtoleaole Full mvenu licenagd and Retail byl Ropalu and outlier INNISEIl BEACH ROAD HWY It Installations 1239322 RR snouo om 4351511 IDESI DONT THROW WIIIIIOIW1 Eretel Sole loll um You mail be hand at factory to you Our Beauty Advlmr will assist AI Winiaiio you In shade selection teach you the latest makeup Wily Also no need to Wintorio worry about trout bitten llowerI on that special aoy$peclallzlng In techniques or design com plexion care program MATTRESS FACTORY utmln MALL ls nail St mi 11 71 mERLE nonman lullll leech Id 4164901 Wintdrto SIMCOE CARRUTNEKS Settling Machine Co RENTAll Wirilorlo mm mm Elm and Construction Industry Hulsytyno Households R0 kin colgmuga ASK US ABOUT Vacuum Clean SAlES SERVICE REPAIRS Take Out Delivery GREEN MACHINE To All MAKES Orlem Gills lawn and Garden Trimmer I33 DIINLOP ST 53 Collier 7284823 97 Indford lorri 1262422 Wintarlo Vital Rustproofing HUGHES BATTERY comm BATTERY VlTAllllNG SPECIALIIING INSPECTION Car Truck IN VOLKSWAGEN Rultprooflng AND HONDA REPAIRS plus Interior Exterior nuns Promwon Minor Repairs to Domestic 0M Nu Rd Cars Fill GUANNTEED 726919 204 Shanty Icyu 1313191 ll Vespru St 1231322 CRUNCH Wlntorto mlts Colislon YOU CAN INSULATI leaks Spochllhg MW nonom INSUlSPRAY WNN ER MW hl°£NllO FIE for your little AUTO BODY 7372822 WINTARIO TIA5 IOD TIEflN STREET 204 Shiny Iey Reed Is SPECIAL KIND OF DAY Mmwe Another siaiiléy cup forgConadiens sports lnlurles drain Hustlers chances at national volleyball llnols mOndOY You cant tell the players is for without program and you cant tell what went on in the sports world over the weekend without The Examiner on Monday All the weekends sports activity from archery to volleyball from minor league to world championship is in Mondays Examiner The Sports Hall of Fame contest Tests your knowledge of the sports greats of the post Monday is for sports and Mondays Examiner is for the sports fan who wants to know who won and who lost and why And if sports isnt your thing then The Examiners still for you From eosytoreod classified pages full of bargains in everything from homes to cars to complete coverage of world and local news Second white blue ttottt Whats happening down on tuesdoy theform is for L0 And every Tuesday The Examiner tells city and country readers iust what is happening in Simcoe County The newest way of doing things on the form what makes any one of the many communities in Simcoe County unique what the issues are in the countryside all are reported every Tuesday in The Examiners County Page And every Tuesday theres challenge to Examiner readers in the Know Your County contest Familiar and not sofamilior places in Simcoe County are presented and readers are asked to identify them The way we are wedneSdOY Thats what Lifestyle is all is for about What we eat what we wear what we do whos who in Barrie ll and Simcoe County whos doing interesting things how the service clubs of Barrie and Simcoe County are making life better for everyone its all part of the way we are and its all in Lifestyle in Wednesdays Examiner Theres also The Examiner Girl in Wednesdays Examiner Barrie and Simcoe Countys prettiest girls Budgetminded homemakers will find good reading every Wednesday in the advertisements from the super markets of Barrie and area differenc Comfdr ml Jungle 20° thursdoy is for Nothing to do this weekend Dont bet on it until you have zvg read Thursdays Leisure Page in The Examiner Weekend Notebook tells you what is happening where every weekend in time for you to make weekend plans And if thats not enough there are features about in teresting places to see and things to do in Simcoe County for you and the whole family Movie buffs can find out how much they really know it about the silver screen by trying to name the stars and the movies in Movie Trivia Where are the new sub frday divisions and what do they of is for fer What are the advantages of insulation Can insulate my home myself Whats the best furniture for my home Should buy or rent owng ahead These and other questions ore answered every ergy HoltdOY lnnsf Friday on The Examiners Home Pages podiutt as Examiner writers keep close eye on Simcoe County is homes so they can tell you every Friday about new trends new development new ways of doing things Its all to help you enjoy your home more every Friday on The Examiners Homes Page And for the photographer in your home chance to show My Favorite Photo on Examiner contest every Friday In Olemgy Who says business is dull SClUrdOy It isnt on The Examiner is for business page every Saturday The foscmotion of the stock market is there in the record of Wm the weeks activities on on the Canadian markets Articles written for you explain what is hap pening in the business world in Barrie and across the coun try New companies and new products are introduced on the Business Page along with new trends Business is never dull in The Examiner on Saturday And for the old car buffs theres the Wheels of Yesteryear contest us mi sclle the examiner serving borrie simcoe county

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