An attempt by Ald Alex Arthur to get city council to hold the line on sewer ser Vice charges next year failed this week Ald Arthur said Barrie water users who have city sewer connections will be hit by higher rates because the sewer rates are tied automatically to city water rates Effective Jan 1978 the minimum water charge in creases to $650 every two months for 1000 cubic feet of water Under the old rates the minimum charge was $6 for 1800 cubic feet Th examiner Wednesday Dec 14 1977 AtEWto hold line tails As result family which uses 1800 cubic feet of water in two months will pay $970 compared to the $6 minimum currently charged by the city Ald Ed Thompson said higher water rates reflect the higher administration costs of the Cl tys water service Ald Janice Laking however said the increase in some cases would amount t080per cent Considering antiinflation board rulings and the general policy of restraint hope the Public Utilities will make good full Waiting for companies ustification to small omeowners she said Its the small homeowner who seems to be hit hardest by most of these in creases she said Mayor Ross Archer said the Public Utilities Com mission set the new rates only after thorough study of the costs of providing water to the city residents Production costs have escalated necessitating higher revenues for the PUC he said Heavy industrial users will face substantial in Appeal campaign ahead of last year Barrie and District United Appeal is hoping large cor porations in Barrie will submit their collected contributions before the end of the year says Lloyd Armstrong ex ecutive administrator of the program Six to eight major com panies have not reported on the success of their payroll collection methods There is some urgency that we hear from them before they become too busy with the Christmas activities they may be plann ing he said Total contributions now at $136200 represent the largest amount ever collected by the Barrie and District United Ap peal Armstrong said Even right now we are further ahead than last years totalhesaid Armstrong refers to this years target of $205000 as an enthusiastic but realistic one If other communities can achieve their targets dont seewhy wecanthe said One problem faced by the local program is the number of Barrie residents who give at LLOYD ARMSTRONG their place of employment in Toronto Armstrong urges residents to give to the community they live in and thereby help their local organizations Weve been trying to make the community aware of the importance of United Appeal funding to our 13 local agen cies Some of these would go down the chute without these funds he said He suggested people should understand that instead of 13 separate agencies coming to their doors for contributions there is one united appeal Agencies receiving funding from the Banie and District United Appeal are Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded St Johns Ambulance the Raggedy Ann Day Care Centre the Vic torian Order of Nurses the Boy Scouts of Kempenfelt Bay to receive $600 opportunities for needy children at the Bar rie YMYWCA Big Sisters and the Barrie branches of the Canadian Mental Health Association Canadian ArA thritic Society Canadian Na tional Institute for the Blind anadian Red Cross Society Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Association for PhyseiaIIyhandicapped Adults Plenty of volunteers for improvement board City council will have plenty of volunteers to choose from when it names the 1978 Downtown Improvement Board Four of the 1977 boards seven members have said they are willing to stay on and another nine downtown mer chants and businessmen have also expressed interest in serv ing Bob Hollywood secretary to the board said Tuesday City clerk Ben Straughan said Tuesday he will place an advertisement in city news papers Friday requesting fur ther volunteers for the board and other city boards and committees Council will make its 197B appointments in January Under the provincial Municipal Act the Downtown Improvement Board is respon sible for promotion of the downtown area and for im provements to public pr0perty in the area beyond the level provided by council The boards budget 343000 this year is raised by special tax levy on businesses within the downtown business improve ment area rougly the area between High and Poyntz streets from the Canadian Na tional Railway tracks to Ross and Collier streets Board members must be on the city voters list and must either pay the special tax levy as individuals or be designated representatives of limited companies paying the tax Hollywood said board members Mike Benvenuti Victoria and Grey lrusti Jim Pratt lGaniets Ilobbiesi Tom Dart ta Barrie lawyeri and Grant Homer Robinson Hardwaregt have said they are willing to serve again next year Leaving are tarry Mc TIuskey current board chair man iStevensondtlcflluskey In surancel and hris Prusinowski the Town Shop The seventh member Ald Ross Stephens is city coun cils representative on the board Volunteers so far are Chican lShutterbug Photoi David WiIIms Copp Shoesl Swain Mortgage Pun dingi Berenice Austin Barrie Home of Fashion Peter Nor thcott Profitilor Photo Andy Malcolmson Malcolmsons Iii surancei Lorne Hay llIays Travel Servicei Paul Fran chetto Sam the Record Man and Peter McIntyre iJerrys Radio and TV Zoning bylaws going metric Barries zoning bylaw regulations are oing metric All lot sizes rontages side front and rear yard re quirements setback limits and building heights will be given in metres and centimetres when the conversion process is complete in July According to metric con version table presented to city planning board Tuesday single family dwelling Iot must be 660 metres squared in area with 150 metres of street frontage Front yards must be miminum of seven metres deep side yards must be bet ween 12 and 18 metres deep and rear yards must be nine metres Minimum floor areas are 110 metres squared in onestorey house 120 metres in one andahalf storey house and 130 metres squared in two storey house Maximum height is 10 metres Rick Bates planning direc tor said all metric units have been rounded off to the nearest metre to make conver sion easier AII lot sizes have been rounded off to the nearest metre and adjusted to keep the metric lot size as close as possible to the imperial size The provincial authority for zoning the ministry of hous ing goes metric next Jan while the ministry of con REGISTER NOW sumer and commercial rela lions the provincial authority for building standards does not convert until next July he said Bates said he does not ex pect the metric zoning bylaw regulations to go to council un til late January or February level No Beginner 630 pJn lovol No Advanced 730 pm 12 WEEK COURSE $45 Lovol No Voilt 830 pni WANT DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR HER BELLY DANCE EXERCISE COURSE Starts Jun 78 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS CAll JUDITH BEIERL 7267147 Innings commuters Available at Book Storu municipal Offlcu and Simon County Mucourn all Ehscinatin Christmas Gt Proud History of Great County From the early rural settlements to the contemporary invasion by urban the hardships achieVements and hopes for the future of its indomitable people This is book to be enjoyed and trwsured by resident and visitor alike Written by John Craig and illustrated by Margot Oswald Anderson $1195 this chronicle captures all crease the mayor said but the frugal homeowner shouldnt motion to refer sewer rate increase to general com mittee for investigation was defeated Murphy PUC general manager said last month that Barrie residents should Seiko Quartz sets new stan dards for accuracy We are the watch manufac turer with the technologi cal capacity to make every component assuring level of quality control un paralled in the industry The Seiko Quartz offers the most advanced ac curate and troublefree form of timekeeping 36 1e are uwmms Oi Barrie Ltd L52 Dunlop St agreat caseforaparty start conserving water ever though the citys capacity has not been reached Ald Ross Ste hens said there is not real shortage in Barrie The city uses about five million cubic feet of water day but has maximum capacity of nine million cubic feet he said Timer Gift Downtown Barrie FREE CASE Iy water 1115 on is Ie best The letters CGA alter your name tell the story Employers know that they identin an indiwdual with sound knowledge ability drive and initiative After all The Certified General Accountants program is one of the toughest and most demanding of its kind But competition for the best jobs is fierceyour resume has to come out on top If you are ambitious if you want to realize your full po tential if you want to gain freedom of tareer choice then contact The Certified General Accountants Association Appli Cirziduato CGAs are seltreliant determined people with cations now being accepted for winter coury entry llli ability to concentrate on problem and take it through to solution This ability is direct result at the CGA program Willi allows you to learn while still earning IiVing in related employment Write or call Mill Masters CGA Registrar THE CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 25 Adelaide Street East Toronto Ontario MSC 1Y6 416 3666501 CGA develops people who can be relied upon to work WIIIIOUI the need of constant superwsron These are the people in demand tor management teams These are the plUilltf in line for toolevel fmancral and accounting positions esuml HHJ Hey we all know Ive got nose for valucand avaluable nose so when smell great deal like POP Shoppe Cola rush right down and pick up case for myself But dont take my word for it You be the judge The P0P Shoppe Cola if thats not great case for party my name isnt BARRIE ElYERS vs ORllllA TERRIERS Every ADULT ticket holder through Dunlop St arena gate receives FREE CASE of 24 IO oz FR soft drinks from the Pop Shoppe Thore will be refundable deposit on the DECEMBER 23 eggs and bottles nirï¬Ã©it Colborne Andrew Orillio Next to Woolworths lrmiivumu otphltlltl true siiiippis tilriula iimiiod miniiii Sim Barrie opposite Georgian Mall