Great gm ideas Drop into Living Lighting and youll discover really interesting selection of novel Christmas giving ideas Our artfully crafted sculptures are gifts that are sure to be appreciated So are our Lava lamps with their fascinating flow of colourful bubbles And the cute Kiddie boudoir lamps with tramp or tiger or poodle are always favourites with the little people See these and dozens of other great gift ideas at Living Lighting theres store near you Open every night tilI 930 pm lIVIIIE lIEIITIIIE NH FfllV Lump Perm3 BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7287242 Vvvv Bayfleld Mall lxtmiï¬m CHRISTMAS wrsu FROM SANTA FISH HIIIH IIIIIW iul pol this hrislmus AQUARUM any stocking for him int 11 NJ Iilllili for dogs ulx humxltrs hud LIt SIIKI 977 20 PERCENT off rrg price ALL VET lNSPECTED WORMED AND SHOTS COVERED BV OUR CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE MANYMANYI BREEDS TO CHOOSE FROM ELUX UARIUM SWT SENIOR AQUARIUM STARTER KIT CONTAINS 115 imperial gallon gle eauerium wuth hleck eccent trim full wo cenony Iloht DuIbl vihretor pump ectlvetod filter carbon filter fibre Ioe bottom filter tubing thermometer nylon net pleetlc Dientn trODIClI fleke food chlorout book PET FAIR SPECIAL 3977 CONTAINS Imprill gellon ell of equerium with bleak eccent trim vlbretcr pump corner filter weiretone activated flitev cerbon filter fibre tubing floating thermomm nylon not pieetlc plentl tropicei fleke food chiorout book PET FAIR SPECIAL $2477 JUNIOR AQUARIUM STARTER KIT CONTAINS Imprill oeilon ell glee euuerium with black eccent trlm vibreto pump corner filter weiretone ectlvetod filter cerbon filter fibre tubing thermometer nylon net nlmlc pient troolcel fieke food chlorout book PET FAIR SPECIAL FISH GUARANTEE CERTIFICATES FOR CHRISTMAS REPLACEMENT FOR HALF Buyfield Mall THE ORIGINAL COST Barrie