Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1977, p. 4

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Wednesday Doc 14 1971 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrio and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Elia Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Keep concept of Fireball The Fireball is dead But the concept of the Fireball should live on The Fireball fight has shown the Barrie residents want cultural centre and can support one The problem is where the centre should be or can be Having centre for this citys wide range of cultural activities art exhibits band and symphony concerts plays and the like makes sense Barrie Public Library seems logical beginning for cultural centre The Ontario government says Barrie Jail will be replaced as it should be But what will be the fate of that historic building Can it be converted to cultural cen tre The decision by council Monday night to tear down the Fireball is loss for the citys cultural groups and those who have labored long and hard to have the building turned into cultural centre Councils decision though need not be the end of the efforts to get cultural centre for the city letters to the editor University needed in the county Dear Sir The picture in your entertainment page of the Dec newspaper of Canadian group of rock musicians is much truer represen tation of the contribution that Georgian ollcge has made to our community of Barrie rather than their public relations releases to the press For example they boast of the many new programs that are unique and indigenous to the special Georgian Bay region of Ontario such as their pottery making and underwater marine engineering courses However would guess that many of our mung people who are four year graduates of our secondary schools attend community colleges in Toronto and other centres because our community college has attempted to com pete with Toronto and has lost We are beef milk and potato tobacco and apple growing agricultural region What course or courses has been designed for this indigenous and most important industry But my letter is not to complain about the inadequacies of Georgian College such as 80 per cent of their staff members lother than the provincial nurse instructors do not hold degrees but that funds such as the one million dollar grant for repair and refur bishing could have been used to build the initial administration building required for Simcoe University The Wright Commission of 1972 recom mended that this area required university to meet its educational needs recent sur vey of our region rthe only one in Ontario with out university revealed that our educational needs werent top priority anymore Their survey was conducted under Georgian College auspices and obviously the Wilfrid Laurier University Extension Centre at Orillia was not consulted because un derstand that they were unaware of their the Centrest existence Now Wilfrid Laurier University has gran ted more than 500 degrees to its graduates for its Simcoe County Centre since its inception in 1958 Many of the Georgian College person nel have been their most zealous students zealous students Of course these are hard economic times and thus no money is available for expansion of the budget for Ontario university building The fact that Wilfrid Laurier University was the only Ontario university which recorded profit ast year makes no difference The fact that resident taxpayers of Georgian Bay region support all universities outside their region makes no difference When will this in justice end It will end when such nonsense as the sur vey of Grade 13 students that indicated that write your mp mPP If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letlas to the Editor columns After all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Km 0A6 Ross Milne MPPeelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MP YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Gus Mitgeii MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEasl Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 ieorgr McCa ur MPP Dufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 sflWMw their preference was to attend universities away from home are properly interpreted For example five years ago univcrsities dropped French as requirement for en trance and admittance to their courses Today everyone is amazed that the number of high school students has dropped by 50 per cent in those French courses Poor students who cant afford to go to university have either dropped out of high school or selected softer course electives because they simplv couldnt dream of af fording the high tuitiontransportation food and board expense of moving away and at tending university away from home In conclusion small manufacturers are closing shop because we dont have the population who are willing to work for less wages than the larger metropolitan areas What people overlook is that university can become very profitable industry for its community Lecturers from Wilfrid Laurier University have to come to teach at our summer ex tension centre in Orillia because we have such ideal tourist setting Many more people might select our area as good place to live if they knew that there was univer Sity available for the benefit of their children The area unemployment office pays $90 week to educate person for retraining at Georgian but we dont have one dollar to educate our own youth Sincerely John Schmidt Barrie Thank you Dear Sir On behalf of the members and patients of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Simcoe County Chapter may express our heartfelt thanks to Earl Rowe Jr and the Barrie Raceway for the enjoyable evening recently enjoyed by all at the Barrie Raceway special thanks to Pat Lorimer who made all arrangements and to Monty Barnes Jack Harper Paul Meger and Jack Cain who sup plied the manpower to transport theéiatients in wheelchairs to the second floor for inner would also like to thank the generosity shown by Harris Flowers in their donation of cama tions for all those attending Everybody expressed their heartfelt thanks for the enjoyable evening and we hope that in the future we will be able to attend your Raceway again Yours very truly Betty Meger Chairwoman Multiple Sclerosis Society Simcoe County Chapter we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to Letters to the Editor The Examiner Post Office Box 370 BARIIIE Ont L4M 4T0 Interpreting the news BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEN Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Bill McFarlane wire editor Lyall Johnson Werner Bergen sports Barb Boulton Claudia KrauSe Iilestyle Marina Guattrocchl photographer RE PORTERS John Bruce Paul Deleon CLASSIFIED Richard Dunstan Ruth Blals supervisor Pat Guergls Freda shinnar Scott Hasklns Rudlelgh MacLean Sue Burke ADVE RTISING Len Sevch manager Dana Graham John Zarecky Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapel Dana Homewood BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gall Mc Parland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager Linda Halkes asst manager Andy Haughton Judy Hickey Alva La Plante Elaine Porter Gary Prlngle Published daily except statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier YEARLY by carrier MOTOR THROW OFF ELSEWHERE lN CANADA The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circuia tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner Sunday and 90 cents $4680 BY MAIL Barrie 630 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal $3650 $39 year $3850 year or Exqmm Ye The second phase of proposed $20 million downtown shopping centre cancelled due to Knowles ramblings By BILL KNOWLES Thoroughout much of the United States legislation exists that requires water flow restriction devices in resrdential and com mercial dwellings Canadians are picking up the American idea and various municipalities are bringing smiilar legislation before their councils In Barrie however support of this legislation was not given earlier this year when the water came up Water flow restrictors come in variety of designs but basically they act by reducing the flow of water throu tap the shower or whatever These evices are made of By LEONARD NOBLE There has been lot of controversy lately concerning the budget of Ontario Om budsman Arthur Maloney Mr Maloney had requested an additional $11million in supplementary estimates however the government cut that amount back to $63300000 for total budget of $42 million for the current fiscal year It was bad enough for Mr Maloney to be put on the hot seat by some members of Parliament who complained that he was spending too much money but in addition one of his former employees stated in an in terview that lot of complaints investigated by him and six other staff members were frivilous complaints of prisoners who wrote to demand an investigation into how much toast they were permitted for breakfast or the brand of shampoo that they were given touse Things looked rather bleak for the Om budsman until Correctional Services Minister Frank Drea came to the 0m budsmans rescue by stating unequivically that the work of the Ombudsmans office js saving the Provinces correctional institu tions something in the order of $10million year in looking into the complaints of the prisoners As matter of fact Mr Drea was quite em phatic in his opinion that as result of the Ombudsmans investigations into prisoners grievances the Ombudsman had prevented disclosure of the plan plastic and are Virtually nondeteriorating and indestructable in use The simplest consist of disc with small hole in the middle that restricts the water from passing through at its fullest volume The more sophisticated designs not only restrict the water flow but compensate for pressure variations in the water lines As an example the simple type would at an in crease of 10 pounds in pressure at existing flow rate of three gallons per minutes give 32 gallons of flow With the compensating type the increase in flow would only amount to about quarter of gallon an obvious advantage Ombudsman to the rescue unrest vandalism and possible riots in the correctional institutions Cant you imagine my two favorite cotis Joe and Herbie as they sit drinking their morning coffee Well Herbie whats on the agenda for to day inquired Joe Im really going to be busy today Joe replied Herbie in matterifafact business like manner Whats up questioned Ioe Ive got lot of important letters to get out might even say that if things keep on this way Im going to have to demand secretary to assist me said Herbie quite concerncdly dont get it replied Joe scratching his head in confusion didnt know you knew that many people Its not that responsded Herbie trying not to lose his patience as he explained to his friend Ive got to keep up my cor respondence with the Ombudsman Im not going to let him rest on his laurels just because he looked into the toast and shampoo capers Nosirec Im going after bigger game this time continued Herbie quite en thusiastically Wowl exclaimed th Whats your complaint now Herbie Ill tell you Joe but keep it under your hat for now whispered Herbie Im going to suggest that the Ombudsman look into the removal of the bars on our cells person could get claustrophobia this way Little hope of UN action to halt miniwar UNITED NATIONS CI savage mini war being fought on the distant plains of nor thern Africa is lenghthening into its seventh month with no sign of peace and little hope of UN action to end the fighting The conflict bitter and bloody in its in tensit is being waged by Ethiopia and neigh oring Somali but neither of them for variety of reason want UN intervention Their neighbors in the rest of black Africa agree with them For one thing all of them fear superpower intervention and feel that UN debate would be an invitation to the US and the Soviet Union to interfere In actual fact both of the superpowers have been involved to an extent in the background as su porters and arms sup liers for the warrin actions The fight is regard as purely African affair and has been referred to the Organ ization of African Unity to which most black Africa states belong The OAU has set up commission to try to mediate the conflict There are other reasons for the reluctance to seek UN help Ethiopia wants to avoid UN debate because this would draw attention to Ethiopias outright annexation some years ago of Eritrea the former Italian colony which the UN designated in 1952 as an autonomous province Somalia is on equally tenuous grounds in its support of rebel orces which last spring in vaded the Ethiopian province of Ogaden claiming it is historically part of Somali territory That action started the war Ethiopia and Somali among with the bat tleground of Ogaden are located in what is known as the Horn of Africa which overlooks the Red Sea lanes which carry much of the Western worlds oil supplies The region is of strategic importance to the Arabs and to all major powers The average personal shower lasts 10 to 15 minutes and the average shower head provides to 10 gallons of water per minute total of about 100 gallons of water per shower With flow restrictor this would be cut to 40 gallons per shower without any appreciable or noticeable difference in the quality of the shower And no matter how much you turn open the water taps the flow remains basically the same Additionally major saving is in the fuel you use to heat the hot water in the shower SAVING FUEL Sixtyseven per cent of the water flow is hot water and with flow restrictor you are saving the heating fuel required to heat 402 gallons of water sixtyseven per cent of 60 gallonst in each shower as described in this sample In community such as Barrie 0n tario saving of 60 gallons of water per shower one shower per week for 30000 of the 35000 population totals 93 million gallons of water Der vear saved Hv annlving the sixty seven per centhot water factor you find that of the 93 million total gallons save 63 million are hot water and at the accepted factor of 45 gallons of fuel oil required to heat 1000 gallons of water you see saving of 282000 gallons of heating oil per year And if this is translated to fuel cost of only 45 cents per gallon the dollar saving comes to $127000 per year for shower water savings alone The cost of the 93 million gallons of water whether hot or cold amounts to 16800000 based on price of 73 cents per 1000 gal Then there is the cost of sewage which amounts to the same figure of $68000 The total of water and sewage in the Barrie sample is therefore $136000 Add to this the saving in fuel as detailed in the previous paragraph and you can see potential saving of $263000 by using shower flow restrictor in each shower head in the Barrie household OTHER SAVING DEVICES There are other water saving devices on the market mainly smalltank toilets and toilet tank liners that decrease the volume of water in the tank The lowgallonage toilets them selves work on pressure system but require only two gallons of water per flush as com pared to five gallons for regular toilet If the gallona was reduced by only one gallons per flus through tank liner we could look at saving of at least 60000 gallons per day or 22 million gallons per year And remember if saving 22 million gallons per year for toilet use there is an additional saving of the sewage cost for 22 million gallons Total savings therefore by saving one gallon per flush is $32000 year including water charge 73 cents per 1000 gal and duplicate sewage charge And so it can be seen that with the use of flow restricting devices in our shower heads and tank liners in our toilets or if you prefer couple of house bricks placed in the tank to displace water city the size of Barrie based on 30000 people using the described facilities the population exceeds 35000 could show savings of up to 115 million gallons of water 25 full capcitydays of ater treat ment plant in Barrie and related saving in dollars of $295000 per year or approximately $10 per person The shower flow restricting device costs about 50 cents each The toilet tank liners about $4 These devices should be publicised and made readily available in all munici titles In new home construction they ould be mandatory The devices described are all available in Barrie at plum bing suppliers and retail stores The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out oI errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non Insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid lor such advertisement not slow By DON OIIEARN Queens Park Correspondent Thomson News Service TORONTO Over the years good political maxim has been to grow slowly Experience has shown that when govern ment and its components rush into things they most often end up in trouble Arthur Maloney comes from political family and personally has been politician good part of his life But apparently the maxim of slowness has escaped him LONG FIGHT There perhaps has been no government ap pointee in Ontario history who has been in such continuous hassle as Maloney has been since he was named our first ombudsman 212 years ago He started off with all the good will best wishes and fond hopes in the world But before too long there were problems with his budget questioning eyes were being cast at the scope of the operation he was building and then there was headtdhead confrontation with the ministry of housing over the North Pickering land deals The culmination has come at this session when for more than two weeks there was almost steady conflict between him and three bodies The board of Internal Economy the select committee on the ombudsman and the standing committee which examined his estimatesPIIRSONAI NOTE Underneath it was the drive to grow Maloney asked for budget of $42 million which was 49 per cent more than he had last year and then asked for supplementary estimate of several hundred thousand on top of that With all the emphasis in government today on holding back and restraint this demand raised tremendous hackles Eventually he got his 49 per cent But in the process he lost nearly all the friends he once had here and put his office under cloud It is hard to assess the Ontario office of the ombudsman It now is handling more than 6000 cases year It has bigger budget and staff 130 than all the other seven ombudsmens office in Canada combined In fact its budget is twice their total Whether it should be handling all these cases and whether it takes care of them ef ficiently really cant be said It is too new and there is too little room for comparison It is known that good portion of its cases have been matters that have been outside its jurisdiction But finger can be put on the main cause of the ombudsmans trouble And this is the ombudsman himself When he took office Maloney pledged that Ontario would have the best office of the om budsman in the world And he now says that it has this Laudable perhaps But was it necessary and did it come too quickly The members suspect that it did And un derneath this is the obvious fact that Maloney is extremely ambition that he likes the good things in life and likes to do things the good way that in fact he can give some suspicion of being throwback to the days of imperial Home Canadas story Prevented war with US By BOB BOWMAN When Britain has queen instead of king it might seem that her husband holds posi tion somewhat like that of the vicepresident of the US However this has not been so Prince Philip is known to have great influence today And Prince Albert Queen Victorias husband was far from being mere figurehead Prince Albert died Dec14 1861 but took ac tion just before his death that helped prevent war between Britain and the US in which Canada would have been the battleground On Nov8 1861 US warship forced the British ship Trent to stop at sea and removed two passengers who were going to London and Paris to be ambassadors for the US Con federate states In the US the incident was hailed with great joy On the other hand there was an up roar in Britain There could hardly have been greater insult than stopping British ship at sea Those were the days when Britannia ruled the waves Prime Minister Palmerston wrote protest to Washington that was almost declaration of war Prince Albert insisted that it be modified Even so it was close call Britain rushed 14000 troops to Canada and they were landed at Halifax Saint John and other Maritime ports because the St Lawrence was frozen They had to get to Quebec by travelling in sleighs across New Brunswick and then the Americans allowed them to pass through the state of Maine OTHER IE I4 EVENTS 1820Bank of Montreal was incorporated 1817 Lower Canada rebels were defeated at St Eustache HIMGeorge Brown was elected to Parliament for first time IanBritish Columbia was shaken by an earthquake but there was little damage and no loss of life Itltllquoho Park was planned

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