32mforsdo 31 oil for 8d 32 for sdo 34 truclis for do 34 trucIs for sale 40 atlclos for sale 144 dogs pets 68 grands 71 llolp waned cocKER SPANIEL lovely black YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards lemale puppy neeos good home and tea cup reading For appointment ACCO TAN RegiSIeTEU Shot and reasonable call 7180902 Young aggressive company requires an ORV HARDY Takes The Risk Out Of misrepresented you will always find me available for your consultation I971 FORD RANGER XlT V8 auto power steerlng power rodlo custom cop P182583 1977 GMC V2 TON PICKUP V8 auto power steering power 318 V8 auto rear seats power brakes owner 28000 mlles Lic H23886 white walls brakes Llc brakes $3695 UNCLAIMED Telephone 72675218 alter pm INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Servlces Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and conlidential 7372972 70lostand lound FOUND Male kitten grey about 34 months old round ln Bayview area Sun day evening December ilth Telephone 7282031 11 IIeIp wanted 49christmas trees SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE corner of Codrlngton St AVON Representative and Lot open daily experienced Accountant with banking background or some it not completed training as an RlA Ollices will be in Barrie Possibility at days being ac ceptable It desired by the applicant Remuneration commensurate with ex perience Write Box W26 The Ex aminer Barrie Ont WELL KNOWN COMPANY is expan ding and has one lull time and two part time openings tor ambitious persons Car necessary Can earn up to $6 an step bumper tutone point tllt wheel timlirhear1rie1 gqrs 655r0undln9 area whlte walls slx tires wheels chrome EEgLALQIiEégiEiTRY rgqumd m3 WheelcovorsucHan4o Sizes Your be experienced in operationRol laws Selectric Memory Typewriter equire NOW On sale Chnstmas Dreaming gzneprpoenceegglggmalsi 1977 Please If after visiting our used car permart dd th apossengerradiOMCFLMIN mens Niflowmsus W5 NOT T06 EARLY To EARNIIRRRSRQRWNVLVRJWIRWRT you 99 YOU no receive courte5y START Build Promable operator trucks lor winter sandingrin and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way DODGE Dzoo CLUB CAB Gum ROOMS 93 179 business of your own as on Elgoqusliim area Teephone start car essential Need men and YouCAN EARNEDo PER WEEK th 9am f0 lopJTt fre°qul°JeOVfe702rgs96rger agrrrrltlrrlgolllle 5leteerltatliopnosIllle5 62 Wllilt OPEN LETTER To SED V8 auto power steering power brakes $l7°°Y m7 PO Box 485 gigggggagecgisxï¬smï¬i gem Cg ROWN ATG ESPIESIDO CA BUYERS FROM goggzlepicbulrxggg7radlal tires air con PC hdlOOM WflezlYNdUm Blame Orobhegw No wThJF FREE dAccolAAMQRATON Yotmg ee En SO YWi mvvi WV marrle COUD WI accep one Or W0 sriyce TREES at cssisgsiwzizz 23215aléi3$3 PC room Sgugh frogeehigzugy nailafggecol Raoeaed sEchorpInbus indmornLng dangfloerat nyght df Dd MOTSRS LIMITED V8 spd sptd transle cpse power plus many om grouplng gaghodggnzéignlmuousiy till December 519239283321 W99 99° 76 Bro or St one 728427Q steering power ra es rd in tires step ll you want to work DCENSEDOIL BURNER wedneSdoy 14 bumper Lic LJAS95 approximoyely do srtï¬gtggrxegéatelsy1ï¬ngyngéggnxioz °C or TROPICAL PLANTS lor your home or 5doysa week salary expema C9 Dear Used Car Buyers V819 scour lm DEMO ééiiiiaiéiorlsi°ade ceme 2° no Saturdays or Holidays ï¬lo roLL TIME taxi drivers Must We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse sPéFflZnthxmtggg pfnvzruzrlozzzs2 57Iivestock tor saleii ZSLiglVaysd 3225 am 331XLyrï¬ii°3sglibnil derail to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because deluxe intgflor while wall mes wheel SIXTY REGISTERED and grade H9 passo Lake will 730 and United Taxi Maple the car you bought was Incapable of doing the lab It was supposed to do The discs Then we wont FULL TIME nightauditbrréquiréd Ex perience prelerred All company mmon aw usmess balance prohibits paying little and getting lot It HORSE TRAILER Ior renlorwill move Co Mr benefits Please apply in person to the cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for 977 CHEV to PICKUP Y°aa5 Edgehilo 7793407 ow BidaY mi 95 the risk you take And it you do that you will have enough to pay for something V8 °U°l POW Sleerlngl POWOI 170 isnwleilroosr FgEnEEptichlngl Ilb SOCk Bremen rsnEeEchaElTpArgchceFEipeï¬fehvéiselegfg beyyen radio only 9200 miles Lic 153601 Telephone 457 2725 or 487 2642 School Bus Lines Telephone 726 6637 cse Do yourself favor before You buy any car Come in and iust look at our mer 59p°rVChk5 7285941 2535 FSFRZQSEIILS chandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can af Oftlfloot DEKALB READY to lay pullels avail 1F EXPANDING CANADIAN Company II able Also larm lresh eggs Craig Hunter mg needs dependable person who can work ford is our busmess new 80 V8 860 Poultry Farms$trouda361811 Without supermion Earn 314000 per THREE HUNDRED POULEfSW Sm gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllé yea plus bonus Contact customers Brand new snow plows Layinolo Telephonemglol KIRBY OPPORTUNITY 59 We We ORV HARDY MOTORS UMITED DRESSED GEESE FOR SALE LBS Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum call lor Christmas Ready December BramgtgxgghTEgiGHnNG 17m to 19th Order now Call Van Den Hurk aina 51740r4241718 SALESPERSON CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 60leedseedgrain for our ploilnod viiililielliiéeéli353oin33ii iialflii on U011 My MMQI NET 521551 CLJTI H1331 AHaHaIVyiméyhy mix VCMOMM Progmm called pm $010 Colonial uuln PlII wearerm Call1261205 36 77 comel dl 5A PS PB LNA923 Sllvel $4295 64larm machinery em7°lmglflavn em SpaIIlinlAdogonyflnlsli IIIIlllllllIllIIIIIllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllll 75 Cadillac DeViiie ii iii PS PB mm Burg $8895 ERIE may °n wogl Somme CLASS MECHANic 323133131 CALL Ford on 84Spd Blue IR 776 4536 Re wredyor nvites lo ers Tom in IIART MOTORS ID New 75 Bids Cutlass dr BA P8 P8 Buckets JJKISB Maroon $4295 bum mm Weaponry Walnut nutsli $25555253 ieï¬gflgngngzmegogr Musybeseiysarer from cameaoEtEegéEers Chev V2100 plii 8A BUMPER M6 Brown 3195 Ab °d°9°°° mi 5667 llARl DRIVE 7283026 Asklor IONISOMIGEOIGI 20imiaiflisfifofwiif 233 Ws WM i2 DRECT PARTS lINE 726ll Ionphone 728 7677 728 9378 Neal In appearance 74 Chev Biscayne 4dr 8A PS PB H20572 Beige $2595 on Andliketo work with ublic ISLHMP 68 Pe$°a5 SEND RESUM EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available DOUge Dell dl CUSlom Fl Whlle Learn 8° W34E To in néyohgmgéfglldog gartctgnmseércihsildggrn 699 DalSUn dl Tape YBIlOW for do gt The Examiner Barrie $2836péerrggcgsglgaï¬gtlgnplease call Chev Monte Carlo 8A PS PB JCP102 Blue 52995 evadednae Umggmgghv on gyms as ome 8650718 95 ED 0X Christmas also accept DEFENCE =llllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIIIIlllIllllIlllllllE ws3TneExaminer Barrie 73 Oldsmobile Toronado PS P8 All PW $2995 Gifts Galore agnch mumps 6HourCourse PEOPLE 77lepol Celica eup stenng Gallernoons or evenings ell Pontiac Laur or 8A IES PB MRZ94 Yellgw DO LAR Ideas 33 every °°° 6895mqo20 Em 9pr 33 llO Hatchback to start work immediately old Sills 806 it °d°i MAXINES 0eisusixï¬itzntlits JESS Vowg season rlghl i= pOVlded no experience 1987 Chapter 186 as revised in Mustang di HT 8A PS PB MRZSBS Gold $2495 we claim EXAMNE 1° GIFT NO MONEY BEAUTY SALON mm lose more will be sold by Chev SlnlW White Iabrics SPOTTER lonlghl Swing into Christmas with Cl EsgégilELCAngxz PUbli Ammo bY Cal NlChOIS Chrysler Newport Brown Foom cushions TF new style from Maxines pp Movers 50099 Udl 416 Tools both amateurs Professional styling at Eaam t°°5 gnlop itree1 WestfJ Barrie MaER it U5 OVGCG tont 7t Do on or 72 Buick Centurlan dr HT 8A Ps PB All rcsoss Gold $1895 EZJZTST£° min EIEingirzï¬aiiiii522 Milv 122325223233 rorpersonai lnlewlew me oi iiioo my one iii ll ls Ed CALL7267407 ho Id lt Meioory Maiqois 4dr 8A PS PB FFJSU7 Gold $1695 313lgï¬fnfgjggokm Sil°£i °° In Living Room zmgegsgggwws 017E M2215 Dvisacindsr lot ii Somac 2198 3A PS PB M32523 Green 395 supplies 5J1 i532 alleisifonLioMm 383 333 sung so HIGIKROFT ROAD IIQIIILIIILIIIIIESEgléIIjggIIIIIEITIIE household affects stored by Mr Ids dr II it beds plus box springs and mattress ALLANDALE HEIGHTS nee or pa Lovigne Blow crzniitliginsagcrilice lor ou ck sail OFF LITTLE AVENUE ggtpserlaesrsiclgnagyï¬garchcgéï¬Ã©Ã©racvd Dum rt Id hbo SKI BOOT Dyna lit Victoria Racer an 00 0° FVgFD BY Tm comlortable accommodation Apply Box 7l DUdge Dan Green worn one gum when fondyymn choirlrocklnggwlvglcholf 1011 BARRIF 2857qgglgxantegscml 8353110 days or men 00 Dealmelor classmed BUIck LeSabre 8A PS PB FED401 Green 995 Ceadll i331 aller4p 72886ii8 Div ol Fabric WANT word ads 0099 Miii agendas marshals litN LL ails 3pm 7U POW Parseme P3 P3 95 BUe 495 Jun norm oi 22253315ï¬lmééotiiniiwiï¬a Hi aimsuraciiearrsxaz Sims residing day previous Ponuac TempeSI Green Georgian Mo figvggygssaï¬lfgéaélo Sims 0133 wan GU halsours ca any me alternate weekend livepin work Call noon Saturday Chev BA nYlon pc tank set and cover rose $10 SLZIQGDONEJ ZUCBT ldoor are 737 M°ndaY 1° FrdaY Green newpogostick$7 726 4215 3h ie Ive rnl es WThFTF Gun MATSUOKA BREAD Mgigyczug Farr mi 3m 71help waited 71 help wanted RE Ark TfliA NAUGHT neW excellent tone and ac 95 69 Chrysler Newport dr 3A ps p3 AZXUQB Turq 495 micsféff2lilam5i£fg53 poi gpgayJiggginuxnggw mo Ca 10392o33333l57228333 Mm comm CI of Ford Brown 395 hoi pganudl moachslftzu Iliirnfsndsg 365E MOVIE CAMERA Bell and Howell Iï¬kffffi riévnhdyrlgï¬MEmflflfbem Also twin stroller $20 Telephone Model 1208 XL lens power zoom 995 Chev dl Blue 495 728 AE2Saller Sp practically new Telephone no 2551 manYm POINTSETTIAS up to blooms in XMAS SPECIALS geï¬mgglï¬ gafï¬gggfgveftegy 68 Beaumont Con 8A PS PB MR255 Bl 795 in MM we iiia Hronclioil Cerlllied Electrologist Tool maker able to produce progressmn dies $gl210hnoneci2dr2g51 Ferndae Dme °°P 09d °I m°nY 20 with minimum supervision Dodge Polara 8A PS PB AYK33l 395 HAMkMCaNDdPIIZE oTRpAN likieeneelvyl specials You will save $3 I225gLLgï¬jriï¬Rnlgï¬Eplgrcfsdgfrgeï¬znsta Good rme for righ person gape rpar ep one 36month WONOHTY reasonable rate Service available lrom Barrio to Gilturd east ol Hwy 400 6059p one 26 COLOUR TV Magnavox console ST Please call 456 5403 model very good condition Contact GENTLEMAN FARMER mid sixies 363 mhzfjbsngELL 030 non smoker non drinker seeks lemall For funher information drum set years old excelleerlcfcgltiti EsdeanROSDlsr48prhraécgngmfel Dlé The home of driving mans car at thinking mans prce km my 75 SIREHmienelliyeirciiClgLerdiiï¬lieegnraliendy Callaller 500pm 7266115 Total sue 68 52 $75 lirm per mon mm TRACK PACKAGE Home tape agar deck play back and record tape deck car eighty tapes two leather cases ex DOWNHILL SKI BOOTS TVROLE site mens 20 SAN MARCO silo 32 cars for sale 1967 CAMARO 2door hardtop Eight cylinder standard 5500 or best oller Telephone 726 5004 alter or 1975 HONDA CIVlC Excellent condi tion ziebart radio rear Window deerSl 52200 llrm Telephone 322 2408 1975 COMET 27000 miles radio elec tronic ignition rear wmdow delrost block healer Excellent condition Ask ing $2300 or best otter Telephone 122 3044 anytime 1977 MUSTANG 8800 miles automatic power steering power brakes Tbar root air conditioning $5250 Also 1976 PONTIAC Gran Prix SJ air condition ing power Windows tilt Steering AMFM 19000 miles 54500 Call Dave 726 6411 belween and 1275 AUDI IOOLS In excellent condition Zlebarted Radio Front wheel drive 30 25000 milrs certllied $4200 or best oller 424 5149 alter 300 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS immaculate condition ddoor low mileage automatic will certily $2600 0r best at Her Telephone 726 6925 I974 FIREBIPD V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio with track stereo A1 condition Telephone 726 3157betwerzn and 9p 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH 34 trucks for side 1968 GMC hall ion new snows needs rear brakes As is $850 or best olter Telephone 487 5638 67 HALF TON TRUCK tor sale Has rebuilt motor body in good condition Asking 3300 Telephone 424 5559 1967 FORD ton pick Up Uncertilied Asking 8350 Telephone 737 3325 1971 FORD 7T0 V8 302 engine in sulated cap radio snow tires good can dilion Certilied Asking $1600 Telephone 726 6294 1972 CHEV Ia ton 350 automatic in good condition 81850 certilied 1973 FORD ton excellent for camper Two gas tanks 300 six cylinder standard $2400 certllied Telephone 726 9487 alter 35service and repairs Do It Yourself and Save You do the work we supply shop space tools knowledge 24 Hour Road Service Snowplowlng Ns BODY SHOP drool Garage I71 leiton Avo lurk 7245112 40 rticles for sdo $299 REUPIIOlSTERS your chatterth club labor eld Iairlc Included up to 15 yds Pickup delivery hcluded Work Ilmslllp fully guaranteed to 10 day service STONES UPIIOlSTERING Darla 7265721 D24 INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 lor tree 32 page booklet ol inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplilier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking ssso 726 3415 JOTUL The sage wood burning stove lor exceptional luel elliciency and heating Open the doors tor cozy lire Contact Mother Natures Healing Company Barrie Ontario 705 728 2120 or 416 4129 cellenl condition 3300 or best oller 7267156 INGLIS STOVE AND REFRIG ERATOR apartment size spin washer and dryer 15 gallon aquarium and sup plies two end tables and collee table Telephone 728 7447 Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list Classified Gift Spotter GIRLS CCM SCRAMBLER Bicycle hI rise handlebars coaster brake banana saddle like new $35 Telephone 728 5667 CHINA CABINET and bullet Windsor style made by Knechtel in walnut linish 14 years old Valued at 200 Asking 3580 Telephone 728 4916 Two CAPTAINS oEos one year old youth beds good condition llght oak Telephone 726 0005 alter 330 pm mens top at line used times s1 new $225 Telephone 726 1313 ovens good condition $125 726 1020 $150 lirm Electr 7501500 watt $1 matching stools Baseboard Heater dishes one with handle one looted each 728 98306 9evenlngs only MOFFAT DELUXE 30 stove oven with rotlsserie inlini temperature surlace elements years old Clean condition $300 726 669 42a rticles wanted l9501tems no 3234 COINS WANTED per sliver gold Highest cash paid collector 726 4544 kinds lor the needy SALVATION MY 60 Collier St 72B 3794 drill vlce grips Telephone 726 6365 vice plane Telephone 726 0738 BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE upright grand piano excellent condition $800 or best otter Also electric range double size APARTMENT SIZE portable bar and Small 12 12 tile lop occasional table s4 Two pink Depression glass candy con tinuous clean automatically controlled tour CASH FOR old lurnilure books dishes Old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro VaCcumulathns col vations al Canadlan or American cop REQUIRED Good used items at all MENsHOCkEy EQUIPMENT wanted shoulder pads etc Also tooks electric etc CAP FOR HALF TON TRUCK Must be In good condition will visit tolnspect sNOW REMOVAL irom home and col lege rools Also alterations and repairs Log Construction and Gen Contracting SUGAR lIPS says WASHER DRYER Spin Dry Washer 5249 25 IC 50 to mthly lANKY Illl llas POLE AMPS by Payment as low as $10 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO iii GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL MwFJ4 ElllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllE ioézzlgéRs Am HUNTERS WI bu AUTOMOBILES MOTORIsTs SAVE on repair bills BY ROPERMOTO MOWER alllurs Telephone 437 3743 icencfd mechanic Wm ma 8HP MODEL $68900 WANTED usedautomatic washer in domesmsw mmlsi 737 077 6130 good condltion Reasonable price or weekends Ile present Inventory lasts Telephone 726 9247 36auto accessories Other models available on OWENWELLINGTON AREA ecialord corn 095 and pats BRADFORD ST 7284272 HARDTOP will any Triumph Tm $400 moumnAflENRODNEY AREA Des on 737 737 m5 PRATT OCANADIAN STEPSIOVE BARRIE POODLE Salon snampoolng MWFTF Alliston4357939 gTLï¬fUlLY ovrmoln oowiimmii gird fggiglpgzgglgl breeds Wm iN THESE AREAS mmsmc JUNK CARs WANTED Highest prices gigsnowmobiles 39 him 4w unnhnn MM P6 DEE tilMING proesslonal 93 53 55 pCkJp HO Au an with grooming all breeds pickup and de Wreckers 776 57 ARCTIC CAT 7285911 bub Ilvery no me Pet Studio TRACY WANTs cars and trucks ror Phono126 fRopléAL Bestselemon In SNOWMOBILES Open Saturdays till weklw and pans mp has paw Remy town Aquariums all sixes atunbeatable In Town Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 Accssos Dl4l6 prlce Evening and weekends Edge WANTED Clean used Carl Barrie Hon Rhï¬noo Tm N26MwF028 NIAquarla yaArqwn Road no IaW 53 62VLL7SB IARRII 23323 Eféhsrgï¬omndï¬ion 21 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles Como CEId 09 In imaging immediae pmg 32950 Telephone 778 i970 aIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Jl£$0323552jl° anyome 436 7900 wouluvnl MARIN Mow NG SALE JUST IN TIME roR CHRISTMAS OLD ENGLISH SHEEPooo puppies Yes would like more informatlon about an Examiner Carrier Top PRICE lor trap carssToke Agotors My 50 res lampy knlck knacks Very Plano Masoln RIsch In excellent condl Great stocklng agullers Pure 1198 re arrle ll 131 Tl It 5876 It itll ScizimfliJilfï¬fiz23311 °°° iiiiiiiiéiiiiiii FREGHT R° AGE yraiiers 27 YAMAHA STEREO SYSTEM LOOKING FOR PURRFECT GIFT 34 UCks 7lgblr9335 Wheel drve 100 or ampllller turntable and two speakers Try beautllul Hlmalayan kitten Bred DUIIIOP ST 1975 F250 FORD lour wheel drive V8 1974 ARTIC CAT LYNX295 Goodlamily Only six months old Must sell by Frl lor excellent temperament as well as automatic in good condition Telephone machine In good condltlon Call Gary at FlREWOODi ilxw hardwood Free day 5450 llrm Telephone 726 7896 ask beauty Priced to sell Call 705 as west of he 5561 an 5p 4741976 delivery Telephone 3222390 tor Bob 435 7463 Alliston Area rim FORD ECONOLINE van long box 1971 MOTO SKI 399 Grand Prix HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE ANTIQUE CHINA CABINET lloor GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Baffle Arena standard insulated certilied $1850 New ilres Telephone 737 3445 1972 GMC hall ion with capst cylinder standard body excellent snow tlres new brakes and clutch Certilied $1250 or best oller Telephone 728 6134 Snowmobile lor sale good condlilon Asking 3425 Telephone 728 5500 alter 600pm 1976 340 NT electric start as new used approximately lour hours prlce $1100 lor qulck sale Telephone 728 0807 cholce ol style llnlsh Caller tables $125 end tableslrom $65 737 1039 lREWOOD Assorted split and delivered $2750 per lace cord Reduced prlce lor quality orders or cut your own $10perlace cord Call 095 7014 pollsher 26 Inch Admiral color TV and tables Phone mornings only 726 8292 JUNIOR SKIS wlth blndlngs plus boots size set 345 150 cm skls plus blndlngs $40 set snow tlres G78 14 no Telephone 7370625 eight weeks old Telephone 726 7186 ask tor Michele reasonably prlced Females orIIy Ready to go or will hold lor Chrlslmas Telephone 487 3333 Oral FREE SCOTCH Collie years old trl color loves children Needs lots love 1252600 09121416 Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6