161mn 32mtoruh 32mtorulo Allmlolutondo litMlhlul chemAmman REPOSSESSED available January $195 monthly pay 26 RCA XI IOO carved wood Cabinet to the IIoor Casters total automatic color the oxamlnor Monday Doc 1971 13 7265247 ONE BEDROOM apartment equipped own hydro Parking heat refrigerator Illuminated channels dlgltal UHF Instant stove supplied Adults only Telephone AT l7 JACOBS TERRACE on Take Over payments at SW per month sno thl Telephgne Haggis hem and hydro Plron tonight Delivery tonight WIN LUXURY FURNISHED two bedroom Bpanrimgntw $3370 032mm Apply 204 DONT limt llruts Barri Plu 7371102 gigRï¬gggEDmgsfmzedmgmvgggg BUY USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE DB 2fevage ttlilll laggeggtt talgge and XVo 30DAY GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILES flvï¬d one Wee ll tfllMondaFy ex 1972 Chevalla dr Htp auto P5 P8 radlo $1695 MOV SALE 17houses to rem W72 Dotson SW speed rodio SI I95 feglégnags Tgypï¬sonenggasgf I970 Volkswagen speed radio 995 7lR7wooD 70R SALETffï¬ï¬ia EW CON DON UM °°°°d °°°d 25303ii68722ai$33 at HOUSES l969 Mustang auto PS radio Siltt €6597 ï¬olrimmediatedrzrlltllsl3bedrocigtcslarge T969 CItOV Ton Plckupradlo USED SKATES and skate exchange ng room an ng room ated at Also skate shar enn Georgan arts 17 St Vincent st 7283030 7265992 or ls Ians 65 DUJOD Whitlng LP flailDALE HEmHTs bed l973Astroautoradio 95 FORK LIFTlNTERNATlONAL $5200 our room or trade lor our wheel drive 726 mm semi available immediately $375 per mos mCh°l¢°Y 726 9005 monthhglusliiltilitlesLLeaGse rgqulredlézalll 1969 Continental 2dr Htp loaded 95 arr agi re 00 co emont ea Estate72B4067gr 7263864 969 cml C°V 1° L2H CONCESSION OF 0120 two I972 PontiachgonAl mechanically T18 the Merry room trame home with basement unï¬lthable December 9131 £5250 plus Merry Month es Lease requir al Harry Traitor Stem 13313 tiflecliilfï¬ 14 15 Will ea sae or COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modem bedroom bummom Hwy 035H thlnk and remember £3323222221332litattired rd mum nicotine ans eldv 776376 773309 epresen T965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 327 Car specie gi YOUR BFST USICO If live carada TN ltii 56500 or trade for tour wheel BEDROOM HOMEm dowmow area For Barrles Newest Car Dealer 59 lï¬lgoLTI 77 9°95 Why not Cheek our OR THE HOLIDAYb or ICE metastasisssirhisl strait P03032302 Christmas list flachefl 73 C° is SUQQGSIons verib au omat racer es M0 ind IlleRTThE HOMEbéor ITnl doume gallqu 600903 liezibfolen Tï¬lepRZIiorï¬e Classiï¬ed ouseo mom Cushions for Christmas 5°W°bi9 helmets sweaters 0A ee ouse au surroun mgs 2483 60r YI Located Baytield Street Central GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL cu INV Guaran Gift Spotter it 4° Bedspreads other EEWZZLWEP Mug flzpéloneanrugo or eveninsgs 7265207 AUTOMOBILES ms nu service repair bod Hl urntip No gift items Water skits wat suits condos otc in $669 EEDROMHOUE grozcliloom throughout effrrilï¬ ORV HARDY 70 mnno MALLIARIIE SPORT HAVEN MARINE OflinlllohmnI Plano un area 325 mont Iy available gt FIREWOOD mixed hardwood Free 7167291 srlgggdgalely Telephone 7264133 delivery Telephone 322 2390 7t can kw mmrgpum HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITUR ESSENIBER lSTrli FIVE ERROONI T76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 SPECIAL choice at style ilnish Cottee tableea mum iv 013 tivuIdfetlIer loch 1° Tm °me MWFTF ONREFINISHINGLCW Sl25endtablestromS657371039 DIGIANMALL lhé°$Â¥$222°ï¬lfuilim$932 Look like new mm BROWN LAZY BOY whirlAway 1231330 fgznycgï¬lsxtmwm Utilities Istand last Lease72837l5 I973 glslvtsLleD Amt ggéirentaggtsmx gmlezggp girmf5ï¬gh$°°fa83 Tw DTHRFE 25$TOOAQ HOUSES oelsgdleg 320 errtgine new radials with TCCPWHN 090 All THINGS NICE 333 Bend Iggeebgfygrd ciï¬dlggm chrome reverses on rear Excellentcon RCA FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR Th am Rem mo mommy Isms ummes ditian s24ooCalI45lt7745738777777 ll and Stoyéhglhsell0963139wa mar FENDIEY FLOWERS HANDMADE GIFTS WITH P70f€880r Also Close to bus stop 7263257 betweenti I973 MGB body rustprooted and solid Ye WW 00 93 LIVING lOVINGCHRISTMAS GIFTS ll 50an TOUCH is on am andopm orlglgal paint ooodhtiresF inechaptseegt Your choice ofcolor Swamim 5736 CLOTHES Send our no 1313571 soun runs smoo ce ll TRlc Qtilti Cralgltaadil and Two BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE 5°°G3°UB° 40000 miles Price $2400 Call GeOIQE DRYER tully CM automatic ex IMMEDIATELY Clapperlo Wllh 7282485days72628152venings tIILllI condition 9Xdcay guarantee on muume med Educational SONIC replace and garage Rent $235 toys handlmits AUTOBODY WTOLTNCOLN air power equipped TPn narts will deliver Reasonable Telephone between am and pm 63 Ormonllqun Inc 7263257 new paint certllled 20 miles per gallon pnce prlvmri can 718 Mp privareffliï¬fg 77723777175767 Dunlap N9mon0y down payment RESMURAN swam 80 Awnrvuimol llSDudopStJ WHTDNDA CIVIC tor sale asking IowaBSllmonthly scales gas sicam table two not we 0517 7260041 or barns aej acres We 000 onllllcrcill tloor scrubber and polisher 5k mns Rem sm per monm ca Ray 300 Has 28 95 HIT DI2 hUI imut nllchinc llcrns $50 each 716497 aubel 7266871 or 7289275 representing 58 Wm H200 39 °m° Alsop Iwm sIrOllcr 510 Telephonl ovonh Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor 4796666 so 75 WWW 5p mum Aunt BAYFIELD ANDCUNDLESNewlhree 76 CHEV MPALA °W mien 0M0 nettlfnctrtun ower brakesradtoair lMOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills lo ï¬iï¬thdWï¬nï¬ns mommy Virgo gaggllToTIeerdvg Fpower trunk Best Licenced mechanic will repalg 6000 QUESTIONS Plus weo 737 0724 tier 63 THREE BEDRoOM semi detached ET9EEBQGLATEIEPE°EB9275 Ii grwgzggfg mp ID TED JLV mus mom remember muse Tall Trees area broadloomed FQRD LID BROUGHAM 5235 MIICNM yourfriends and garage Available December 30 $325 PPwetallFsmdtwnWElielcg itssnowmobiles moms Firs and 55 mommy mm I7n62cqertlfled Best otter Te ep one 7285975 74 Blake Rodlng ls tlidekoy to schoolsuccess Ba relatives this Christ quire call 7206321 alter pm s777777mwr rourchl hashokoy 7269727 1976 AMC PACER 25000 miles Ex ARCTIC CAT AISO °p°9 9W 5°° m4 moss° send gllwb 262 SHANTY BAY Readfkempeï¬g cellentcondition Radioautomatic0ne SNOWMOBILE Plaza corner of Hwy 89 5PIOV5 OI The Villaue beautitully wooded site two Own Cerlilied 90 95 We your olmtorflold click labor King Alliston ExaminerThey are easy My saltIslesher 131739 ACCESSOIIES bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove in cluded Adults only no pets Available January lst Call 7284590 THREE BEDROOM Bungalow lirstTnd last months rent required at $31018 Col lege Crescent Telephone ls4162262l9l aid Inllrlc lndudod up to IS ydl Free pickup dolvory ii Darla to 10 day urvlce ARTISTIC FRAMING PRACTICAI GIFTS ARTSUPPUIS to order They last all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in Pickup delivery included T977 FIREBlRD Espiril metallic maroon white interior buckets console Ill strip scoop tinted glass rally wheels radials radio etc 56200 or best otter 59 7370988 CW SPOITIIAVEN MARIN 1976 CORDOBA power steering power km Id For Al The hilly THREE BEDROOM hOUSe vacant brakes tape deck low mileage Cer 77 Rent $300 monthly Vespra and Brad titled Telephon7e777377378787lor70375 773 1161001 MJWM STONES UPNOISTEIIING 5lPPWS full rich colors mailed to arriv 0d 059 schools and bu5 7269371 1964 CHEVROLET Biscayne and l967 My27 Shoes Samsonite Jolliner at lust the right time before WOOD Free parking Central S25 weekly stiiyi loveun tlllilcitiilw 7767040 weekdaystnot Monday Volkswagen both in running order momÂ¥ hr 726512 024 Snow 300s PAINIINGS CUSIUM IlUUHI IHAMINB Dionne Skyway Christmas nltie tsdm aPIS wante rem 223332333 5° ab 8° 1970 SKI DOO NORDIC new Hark and Evening Shoes ESLNTlï¬fMRLEEANESRANSHEELRREP Order 0W ONE BEDROOM unturnisheri central ï¬fï¬Aï¬UWsldfBodyandinterior ex igï¬gfgyp ff 39 Teepwn PlANo MASON RiscH recently tun LeclhaSuode vinyls DO for one adult and one child Telephone Cellent Good mechanically Owner will ed in excellent condition 000 Hand 30 WUIUS LtllllllUlllu 11 3352531 77 certityS750 Call772666717a7 197 SthDOO rOLYrItIIPIC agoLtw7tnfx lilcpllllrlvalllfl sp 176 0918 30 mm but WALLETS BY 1973 AMC JEEP CJ5 45000 miles Good $352 gogfgroneggcgfn Sï¬smg 03 ONE AMERchN STANDARD OII tired BuxtonsTilleyrRolI zorooms el C°°m° R°°i° N13 been Call Nell at 835 5791 home or 7266411 oi WW 0000 Wl Owls llllCOles Attmhocancbrielcusu Writing to THE Reasonable price eephone 4361554 controls goodrondllittn SN Telephone FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus atter 7m 9228 9m mm °° CCU°° DEF stop cooking facilities available 1977 EVNRUDE SUPER SPORI 80 mg of The Examiner 1971 METEORtour door automatic 302 Track like now Good Lowlth RLWOOD Assor cc split and bu mmbog Ge 99 We ed Teephme snow tires engine heater new battery LIIIlvullcl s27 50 pcr taco Ottl Reduced 59° 7266537 7284268d r72808l0ev Na reasonable otter relused Telephons ay 95 Needs some body work As IS 5550 or best 728 5600 DVltl tor ullrlltly orders or Ul your Own DUNLOP ST 72 BARN CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS ï¬gjileplinelgagolo 00 BOMBARDIER Stop tarniord Call rm 2014 us C°T° °°m5 99 Parkngt laundY 1966 PLYMOUTH six automatic Z$dinl Em Telephone 76 90° lJKl tiox SEEBURG collrtlors Did EATIIERGOO laclles72°7 suitable tor parts 575 or best otter item Great on Irlrrllly ontorlalntTIttil BAYHELDMALL FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern Telephone 728 I697 atter5pm lotl silrsrtlnns Elicelitnl condition Much cemral alm Perkin avalabe W772 17050321an 2door hardtop MI¢IOS for 8d litltnhonv 73 0466 alter 00 72652 pgflooghone Hamilton Real Estate Michelins Monroe completely tuned GANT RCA xuoo mmd so Wk Fumltun 350 automatic Stored winters DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room Rusttree 40000 miles $2500 726 3053 XMAS SPECIALS We have moo mm mm mm Elimowx CANADA ndY some1mg for giggigg 7533233$2132$35 des L6fleicï¬re Drop in and see our many Tables naw in not let only 5446 010 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 HUtCIhGS His Car air ape mo or EXTRA LARGE turnlshed rooms share mechanically sound 1959 BU ICK ex PCIOIL YOU WI rILIfLLSmJLldzllw PH Imtusj TEL 728339 walzbse kitchen tor singles or young couples cellent interior blue metallic exterior WW linen supplied Downtown area 7276 6392 and mechanically tit Both cars winteriz 010 suPPlY JlWuv W78 Ptlmm OHgltt Itllrely 27 Ami owe Uni CB Transcelvers errlal ATTENTION BUSINESS GIRLS Your $7509 739513 39 HIGH ST wow Custom made T°P° d°Ck5 CO ROdOS own turnished room plus share house l97l VOLKSWAGEN standard new OPENST KRAZY KElLYS All at prices you can oftord with two other working girls All conver body iob Certilied Best otter Barrie Plum 737I Your esgn SLEIGH III 0F niences parking close to bus and malls Elghgneagzqgs at7ter75 pm Mwi=ogo MADE CANADA Domgsm Pratt Moth Available now Telephone alter 500 975 CHEVELLE MAUBU Classic M7 08 phone Tidy 726696 SAVINGS 72°9319 LLe 36500 original mllES Rwill winter ElliIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII commerCial vacuum Cleaners LED CBS s99 CO LTd CLEAN BRIGHT FURNISHED Power steering brakes radio white must lll ARIiCl Fs Hunlidltiir 0° poiishms rug sham Insoluble prices as Bedroom tor gentleman Linen supplied walls Landau root VB automatic Tele tulilohil ulils LOIItt and wild tatllrs DH Antennas 5999 39 High St 72859 and changed weekly Share kitchen phone 424 I723 atter76ar1d on weekends iwttltliit GIUW ltqirsllor and 9009s 590 helst gormem AM FM track or stereos $39 MomFri til 530pm W677 PONTIACf VB power Steering airvaults 024 power brakes Body in tair condition Two Pan Sir IS pmr lfldll ski boots Hitachi llome Speakers 59 5°ll PL LARGE NEWLY DECORATED lur Needs little work to certily $150 STOVES sn twm 7mm rubtlir built tour mnn won hanging docks sag Attractive buys on all nished rooms Broadloomed and utilitie Telephone 322 ls740r 737 H64 MMOOIIOWOIOMMIY ivnl camp slow 0m yinr Md Sd 15 Cum accessories lnCludedCalMr Marshalt7283865 Cï¬ï¬jggjmgnjhg gondmon Wm 0TH COTTAGE iipti llo Mi 29 pc HS ri sets ROOMS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Shelby 60s on rear also Blrack $225 or outiADIAli STEPSTOVE Cihif it liehi tor sillt llarrltol socket sets Sll99 024 Gentlemen preterred Central location Telephone 7264859 or 737060i ROOMS TO RENT monthly Cor burglar alarms $399 Switch blade Combs $399 gt Hi It Sltlll it yIUVl ice bu Itlrl Slnl swim tysttliilr irliphuniw 10m I972 MERCURY MARQUIS lour door HT air Pw Very good shape H400 MW MWI md ween and 9pm Ilieasdonable Kiltchedn Iprivileges tuély certified Call Neil at 835 579i home or mm Pails SALES roa loomed Ian area Availa le 726 61 lice immediatelt Assv at 52 Hishcrott set m7 magmas tourdoor hard Phone 7165336 IASIIHII IIAII has CHOKE CHRISTMAS Gms 7373955 top 52600 miles VB automatic Will IllllIIllIlIIIIIIIlllllIlIIIIIIlllllIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII best otter Telephone777267 8693 vtmom oowumnia Eï¬e ï¬llnil Dl9 FURNISHED ROOM in quiet building certlty $2600 or best otter Telephone WASONI IEISClt Bkmo Wmngs available immediately shared kitchen 7266925 N26MWFD2a SNIILOCK MANNING Parkas Moccasins in Pl FrFMFHW Carnpla MI 63 gï¬ff°f3nf°m°d me 1972 MONTEGO WAGON Mx Alto Grand Plano Jewellry Sweaters linder standard new brakes new ex Lust new shocks7oo camped or we IllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllll Shop new or Chrismos All YOUR CHRISTMAS FOR WORKING GUYS OR GIRLS ideal Winter Boots Pottery accommodation in large modern home tor halt ton 737 378307975 Steve and use our convenem oLeoher crafts all conventences shared privileges ï¬g conbï¬gA door 35000 miles ï¬nd NEEDS 93 Gamma C°Heges lephone ly loaded in excellent condition Asking oyawoy or an cm BEA1571 GT OuTrM rrrrrrrrrrrr 460° bestoiier Telephone 322 1437 PONTINGS MUSIC CENTR Hudson Bay Cools etci eta sisl rim IN of rooms Willi kit AITMNW Jo hen pmimges €7058 downyown 33cars wantedhid blIMaple Ave Bani ALL CANADIAN 723s7llggltieniirirozwamy Teepm JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices Low 500 Bfldos 3090 MOSLEY STU 7283927 aid same day pickup Holt Auto CLEAN FURNISHED rooms tor rent sVreckers 725 3711 wumur wear BEACH TOO MANY lllKFf AND IWU SflllWIVUIMIt tnr sali ivit litirvr Call Shop now tor Christmas Centrally located parking tacilitie and use our convenient Available immediately Phone 737 690577 TRACVWANTS cars and trucks tor Hwy Zora Stayner North mil wrecking and parts top prices paid to Molly East mile EODMFgEJASBikï¬hLégngURgdsgy Mm TEEPMM 87 l°V°W°V °l° PslIJ or l0le AND COUNTRY Show OPEN 7d°y5 AND GFTS 77 neighborhood close conveniences lIaApNqugaléle1a7n$icrcasrsiguana Hon ONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE OWN poyhmnt Silt 1pglloy Ym DUNlOP ST phone 4292108 TV and parking included Suitable tor LA2Les ago at 37 DUN OP STW II gentleman Board it desired Telephone SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED TOP Im SFvi PAL VIOL INS tor snlr Soml 02 7372358 prlces peg Free immediate pickup 726IOOO D9 handmade Al in good playingconrlilinll any me 2900 PFKI IlrTpDnltlllP Tole hone 325 5924 2lroom and board El TOF PRICE tor lop cars Toke Motors $6 PER WEEK CllJNTF TOP llti TCHEN brand ntw RELAXED CLEAN HOME tor Iemale Bradmd We 83 monitort long iulrplionr 723 7044 49christmas trees toroomUseotkltchen easy commuting 4C 955 CHEV any con Buys beautltul 26 RCA XLIOO colour LEATHT COAT short lingtll ITdy CUT YOUR OWN GILLESPIES toBarrie5139mmthiy45li9IB9 dltioEfTelephone sun l0 l0 worn onus 550 Also Spanish to the Iloor Console television RIDE WANTED willing to pay trom ROOM AND BOARD You 72626lL7 irV is Automatic colour automatic line turning V5 um ï¬lmf ansm IVDV 75 ngzleydsgggnm ore Lme No Hwy 89 and 400 to Carlingview Drive mlin°2c° 3Her and We so so utiltio noon sun to to st mrr newphonnomghymammal FPEI LR tot Shiv lA cum toot chist 52piants and bulbs gtphoneGlllord7456773SQ 1975 F250 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone llVS 4455562atter5p1 Darla Plilu 737III2 PRIVATE 1969 Chev ton automatic DB VB licenced and certitied 3800 Also T971 7777 International crew cab V8 speed in good running order As is S500 Phone 7263103 IngAvailablenowTelephone 728 7568 lypr Mnrl yttrlrs old Iultpllï¬ili 424 688 TROPICAL PLANTS lor your home or 370 l°75lwarld lound oilice etc Brays Garden Centre 26 if flTWl hf Femdale 017 7951 iFOUND ViClnlty oi Rodney and Napier lDecember lsl am kitten about mon iths old grey ilecked with light rust 59 yChCKS lwhitepatchonchestjm2B7 POINT TTIAH lip til blooms In intrlprltsSLl 99 WIIIIIIIILYIaSI Brdys Gnrlltil Contrru 76 Flrrntlaln Drivv Telephone16 79 23ottices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES Screen Brass Reg $9100 new $68 on DEKALB READY to lay pullels avail Angelo LE Christmas able Alsotarmtreshcggs Crate Hunter l1llie waned 67 1977 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Land TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square teet Poultry Farms Stroud 43618ll each can loined together no man gggfrbgfgggg 333963 gig€5132 Glfts Galore om am mm pc Fliesel Brass Reg $6850 MW $47 00 llIllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllL thzafxgwgfsepggunfojggaï¬ï¬g condilion Telephonel 4451362 0mg 2th Larges b°°k and PC Flrese Brass Reg $8850 sbo 64 arm mammary ROY OPPORTUNITY Ideas from every °i° it Sets Andtrons Reg 551 so new $35 mm Iiier vs driven dallyg con ion or es at inul RETAIL STORE WI mt store TIRES POWER STE RING CALL avallasglle Decemberskï¬llandalelocar 22ï¬tsgllzgflï¬gxdgtg Tbggngh oAI Instructional Material WOOdFHOIder 3105 299 no 726 4536 New 9° cellent snow tires new brakes and or OY DII Mt It 959s 0C 99 no cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 clutch cenmed 250 or Des Mar CW NC 67fruitsvegetables our munermmmmunqglly77777 7752517 season off righ ohltordorurvlco sets Andlrons Block Reg $4125 new $28 on APPLES AW mole and so can dwmmm Program vwswwmw looTnï¬hCEISIOFFog REE tsgglaroalle 2er 75 GMC THREE QUARTER TON Ex MINE The GIFT um Im °I CM Electric Fire Logs Reg $2625 new $1300 cession 0rd Telephone 728 8409 or Cd 72 tloor gloom onsqsecond tloor 79262772 °W d° WW 599 pfw SPOTTER hymns and corals 726 1907 Closed Sundays 105 IJTErerlsaIICfdgï¬gényifgilgl$823523 Sttopllow Ial Christmas and usaour 68personas El RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE as sublet ment$750475933170t71e7r77p7r7n Myanmnliayawu plan lllllllllIllllllllIlllIllIIllllllllllllllllllllï¬ arear771Egggightsgaggggémsquareteet 1m DODGE hall ton elot Win PONTINGS mum mm 303 Tltfln St Baffle 7284040 ALCOHOLlCSANoNYMous7206501ii UVE HOUSEKEEPER headed for 3600 SQUAREET AND MORETrial 2°Iig3m°°3 SZWSilgfeTlffa TV CPI 30 07 hauntdtgrdtitrtgdtssbzurrs Easllgensitilrtevou m°merless nail 2°32 and ing years nice dine in we er wi mg 53237 iglggaggllcglé mg 487 3m 12600 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena comlorlable accommodation Apply Box AL 835 3IIO 97 It ton real cod Horses boarded Barrio two minutes 457 Co dwa er days or Ideal loadingulzl2aogiagg area Main lonzï¬grfgzgoï¬mpï¬onem7o 44d09$pttS 47 homenmprovements Windy Haugwarmm om wwwgyemngs7 dW°W9°° jmBBFGET 13 cyiihder INDOOR SHOWROOM 4lull5lzed pools TROPICAL FISH Best Selection in YOUR HOME MONECA psychic and card reading ACCOUNTANT 24space for rent automatic radio low mlleaqe Also 1972 on display Come in today or all 726 4606 town Aquariums all silos at unbeatable counselling Days and evenings Monday Volkswagen camper van with pop up Iomh tor tree page booklet oi inground and prices Evenings and weekends Edge EE DS t7hrou9h Friday Phone 728 8868 Young aggressive company requires an PRlME lNDUSTRN SPACE 7000 top radials good shape 726165l or 26lloctloiiomeporwnli S49s Wm abovr ground pools Pioneer Pools hillquarial43 Ardagh Road 7270094 Fowlwourpcflmrs TELECARE Why your problem experienced Accountant with banking 609°031IY aï¬rlngleawtzawaf 472476463 777777 numb Baymarl Plato MAys POODLE PARLOR Proles and Renovationscml alone Let triend help Call Telecare background or some it not completed andngm NC 08 no 77 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and sional clipping and grooming Peas 726 7922 anytime mnflg 35 aleIAr OIICCS WI be le artotlarge ex andlnglndustrlal I972 GMC HALF TON with cap 51x 39 gun 736 71 cyunderl award body amen Snow xuoor 0k $515 Ampllller approx months old Both in anable rates Phone 726 0061 UNWANTED HAIR removed saieiy Eagiepssgjelliped°b7 as NIP FOR LEASE industrial space and me new makes and Clumh cenmw uuomc we so condmon Aan 50 AMERICAN COCKER spnANlEt PR SE5 ï¬rmï¬nemgyk madicauyd apllrotveli LY Repmuneration commehsurgteamtltï¬aenx Sl2500rbesiotler4875251 sale males only Your oice ac renC Cerii ie eC ro ogis X3333 Teephone no anol Wï¬ if NO MONEY DOWN and blottdes Reasonable prices to good 705 7269696 737 267l erhlgggebaï¬leeodtox The Ex 13 Kennels726 3634 We COMMERCIALAND INDUSTRIAL pro 35min service repair NO PAYMENT TIL amour l0 42arttcles wanted 05 QUALITYlNTEGRlTY SERVFICE5 IrguRMTCCIyOR Rglrv togati Targlfrgrdj MATURE RESPONSIBLE person re perm are of mm Mons IRISH SETTER PUPS champions lp MW 09029 red 0r appon en wired do mg work childrenis leited Real Estate7280674 JANUARY 78 CASH FOR old turnilure books dishes Pedigreersllflls and wormed calWHOC La home Allannale area Telephone wmï¬merï¬ai Do It Yourself Phone tonight it WW Pm 5°° 49 cIIrIflllttll hm ERNATONAL VESTGATON Wm l950l15m5 77B H734 COLLlE PUPPIES ready to go tor services Civil criminal divorce 77w Fewer lmalel 1000 square ieel storage space WANTED SALESPERSON tor Home mazmmrywnhuyedï¬msidfl barn Md Delivered Tonight COINS WANTED accumulations col Christmas Sable andlwhllye Clgc gratiï¬ance Discreet and coniidential Crime and surrounding area sell Telephones m1 businesshours leclions at Canadian or Americancop registered CalMr W05 75 609 tice supplies Salary and Commission Arr You do the work we so Ptl silver gold Highest Cash paid by DACHSHUND tor sale purebred male VACATION SERVICE Need someone to Car essential Send resume to po 80x Lar etrees suitable for zsgarages 77777777 10 MC 00 collector 726 4544 year old good with children $25 look alter your mail plants or pets at 909 Shelbourne Ontario LON Iso HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to knoplod RPQUREU 60° 50 Teepmnem 09 COMMERCIAL STORES 59be99 53 vaab°°m LOCAL LONG ESTABLISHED ch do your own car repairs Hourly or daily kindsi Ill 00 SAlVATON AR THREE CHIHUAHUA PUDDICSt IUS BANKS 23 cm 2253 935 Hwy pany requires telephone solicitor good rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Shop 24HourRoadSerolce MY60 Collier St 728 3794 ready tor Christmas Telephone 322 ms WOULDa BRUCE CUNNlNGHAM hourly rate and bonus Telephone 72852l24562576 alter hours run WWW Loto en doll startln 7389731 AE7 777 Afl SMWPIOWIM Mn noNNG he 44 dogs and pets 10y poopLE pup two months old sap DY Wm mom Whereatloms pleas NIGHT AUDITOR required lull time I1 Bdrflé Arena apricot color male Has had all shots f°afjChffdrYV9e MFPB angtthm experience preterred tull company QTcottages to re 77 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoolng and dewormed$l00 Telephone 474 5709 of gmaanrio he Egnsemgltcgsz7omoo ay benems Hesse apply In person me THREE BEDRW6QErleconage 08 Clipplllg breeds Sophia DOGHOUSE PLANS Easy to build ken Holiday Inn Barrie 777 77777 77 WAIQ 7777777 STEOIEBSI76 nel tested design build YOUTSCII and CATERING No party 00 Small pARTTIME BOOKKEEpER required available Immediate In BBY POImi nh lnsirucions $8 90 Christmas parties bullets hors with tlreplace and broadloom 1141 ORGAN OR SAL Klmball 00 POODLE TRIMMING protessmnal sth ans 93 BERCIY $1 doevres H0 or com Guaraneed torornamehtalrailingcompanyFourto throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet enleram ECclle C°dl° ASkW D2 grooming all breeds pick up and do Wayne Blank PO Box 30l Burtord On Reasorabm 85 726 no ï¬ve hours per week Teiephone 7265939 weonf775mand9pm726 325777 MWFJ4 s29oTelephone728 l970 Iivcry 726 0790 Pet Studio tarlo N0E lAO 923 7288797