Friday Doc 1077 NEWSROOM CllCIIlAIION 7266539 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282 Pie in the face new to politics All the Conservative pie isnt in the sky Joe Clark also known as Joe Who got pie in the face from member of the New QuestioningCoyote Brigade when he visited the University of British Colum bia The pieintheface political confrontation is the newest wrinkle in the strange political life of lotus land on the Pacific Ron Basford federal justice minister has been target The human resources minister please dont ask what human resources minister does has also been target Is this the start of something that will spread across Canada Are politicians everywhere at every level to become the targets of custard pies Will custardpie throwing replace polls for judging politicians popularity Will politicians not on the receiving end hire ringers to throw pies at them Only time will tell if the face of politics and politi cians in Canada is changing Problem solving Unemployment is rising And as unemployment rises unemployment insurance payouts go up So the government of Canada has decided to fight the rising cost of unemployment insurance You have to work longer to get unemployment in surance payments for less time And so the government of Canada solves the unemploy ment problem down memory lane Dec 1957 Frances Wildman was valedictorian at Commencement for Central Collegiate an Alliston woman Theresa Watson was in serious condition in St Michaels Hospital Toronto suffering from burns received when an electric lamp ignited fumes from cleaning fluid she was using Mrs Hook was general convener for bazaar planned by the women of St John Vianney parish seamfree nylons were 99 cents pair at Zellers and mens dress shirts $333 each 320 items were listed for the annual Rotary Club radio auction among those running for Barrie council seats were Dorian Parker Pratt Charles Newton Ed son Wice and Longtin Les By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The pickup in economic growth just repor teirfl few days ago shows that patience pays The growth of Gross National Product GNPthe value of all goods and services produced reached an annual rate of 52 per cent in the JulySeptember quarter Thats significant improvement over the decline of 12 per cent in the AprilJune period If confirmed by later figures it would show that the recession has been left behind The welcome tumaround in the economy is also welcome vindication both of the major thrust of the antiinflation program and of the March 31 federal budget with its incentives to stimulate business activity Neither was intended to produce results overnight and those interests who support everhigher inflation have been quick to write off both approaches as failures But it has been obvious that it would take many months to offset even partially the confidencedraining impact of the twofigure superinflation that Canada was suffering from until antiinflation was introduced two years ago And it was equally obvious that the we want your opinion Somethingon your mind Send us letter to the editor Please maki it an original copy and sign it Wl dont publish unsigned letters although pen name Will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie int IAM 4T6 Cooke and Hersey were in the race for deputyreeve Sproule was running for reeve the public was invited to the official opening of Johnson Street Public School Heber Smith MP for Simcoe North was appointed to private bills public accounts standing orders printing railways canals and telegraph lines committee of the Commons at the Barrie Farmers Market extra large eggs sold for 60 cents dozen potatoes were 30 cents for sixguart basket and McIntosh apples 65 cents six quart basket Carson Ltd was offering custombuilt three bedroom brick bungalow for $10500 The house carried for $75 month Shot in the arm finally working business stimulants proposed eight months ago by then finance minister Donald Mac donald would only take effect after reasonable period of time The latest GNP figures certainly dont show that all is rosy already Clearly it isnt with unemployment and inflation both ex ceeding eig tper cent Nevertheless they support the optimistic View that further deterioration may at least be prevented in the months ahead The longer the inflation restraints are in place and the more time the tax incentives have to do their work the better arc the prospects for sustained growth of produc tive activity which in the end offers the only lasting and effective solution to both unemployment and inflation Already pronounced improvement in the growth of employment is discernible in Can ada although it has had much less public at tention that has the rising rate of unemploy merit Credit for the strengthening of Canadas economy in recent months mist be shared with foreign industrial economies par ticularly the US With those economies advancing as they have been lately export demand has picked up for our wheat iron ore lumber and in dustrial machinery Exports of automobiles and parts declined in thirdquarter i977 largely because of the extended period of changeover to Willmodel production at our carassembly plants The outlook for the rest of this year and for 1978 remains clouded by the threat of re surgence of superinflation however The Trudeau government has announced for obviously political reasons that anti iriflation restraints will end in April 1978 and has offered pious hopes for voluntary restraint thereafter Canadians need only look to the United Kingdomwhich so oftai foretells the dime tion of our economic behaviorto see how voluntary restraints is likely to work British firemen for the past few weeks have not only abandoned their posts but have been preventing others from using publicly owned firefighting and lifesaving equip ment to support their demands for 30per cent pay increase the examiner serving barrio and simcoe county IIISIIIESS 7266537 wWW The world today uswsaoom ADVERTISING IUSINESS Sean Finlay managing editor Len50vlck manager Marlon Gough accountant Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEN 30 Aml Sheila McGovern asslstqnt city editor Don Gaynor DOfOIW 30mi Bill McFarland wlro editor Lyoli Johnson GI MCPOflbnd Werner Bergen sports Barb Bouiton Vikki Gran Claudla Krause lifestyle Dena Graham Marina Quottrocchl photographer John Zorccky REPORTERS CIRCULATION John Bruce Jon Butler manager Paul Deleon CLASSIFIED Linda Hollies out manager Rlchord Dunstan Ruth Bials supervisor Andy HWOMO Pat Guorgls Freda Shinmr Judy chltoy Scott Hasklns Karon Atkinson Alvo LaPionte Rudlolgh MacLean Peggy Chopoll Elolne Porter Sue Burke Dana Homewood MMMW Gory Prlngle Published daily except statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier YEARLY by carrier MOTOR TH ROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Sunday and 90 cents $4680 BY MAIL Barrie 690 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 8641710 cathcail St SIMCOE COUNTY MMITGGI $3650 $39 year $3050 Year mmmmww matvm smmmmmww WAwAwtom YOUPE PEPqu lUQTHE PAW WlEBABV lTS MUSICAL GOMEDV AWAWlE CHICK WHO FAILS lN LOVE WITH AMOUNTtE WHO owns THE roar TO 30 MO pounce Parliament hill By STEWART MaclEI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service After weeks of those heavyhanded ac cusations and angry rebuttals it was rather refreshing to see members of Parliament ac tually laugh about RCMP scandals It was Stuart leggatt the New Democratic MP from New Westminster who suddenly changed the tone of the debate And what spurred him into action was statement from former RCMP assistant commissioner Raymond Parent that he would not be testifying before Quebec commission which By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyiit Thomson News Service The recent visit of Supply and Services Minister JeanPierrc Goyer to French spcaking African nations on bele of Cana dian participation in an intematlonal con ference may not be miiid rubbing But it is further dcve opment in the basic crisis of national unit facing the country And his visit and purpose for it reflect the earliest efforts of the province of Quebec to function in role other than purely rovin cial at international meetings of Irench speaking nations The conference is to be largely Canadian ins lred and to include not only the many Th rd World black countries of Africa that are members of the francophonic corn munity but France herself Already the French and the Quebec govern ments are baiking at the conference struc ture The French having just decorated Quebec Premier Rene Loves ue with the level of the Legion of Honour given to leaders of in dependent nations want separate con ference role for Quebec So does the Quebec government Speaking through Claude Morin the Quebec minister of intergpvcrnmental affairs it has demanded some ind of separate status at the confer ence Goyer has already informed the French government this is impossible and that Canadas federal government is the only one in this country that handles foreign policy Well now the French know this Morin knows this And Goyer must go through the motions in any case MORINS LONG ROLE The key person in the potential new dispute could be Morin He has been through this situ is investigating the Mounties The former assistant commissioner says he is armed with medical certificate stating that he is suf feriiig from loss of memory With deadpan expression Leggatt rose in the Commons and expressed concern that the lossofmemory disease might become cori tagious He proposed this motion That this House direct the minister of national health and welfare to have the department immediately develop suitable vaccine with sufficient supply to cover senior officials of at least two departments two for mer wlicitorsgencriil the present solicitor general and the prime minister so that this Visit development in national unity ation man times before during the 1960s as senior civ servant in earlier governments to the Parti Quobecois During 1908 and 1989 Quebec governments that were not separatist accepted invitations from several Frenchspeaking African coun tries to attend cultural conferch in Africa These invitations should properly have gone to the federal goveminent in Ottawa as Prime Minister Trudeau so informed the Quebec premiers of the time On one occasion the prime minister was compelled to issue set of instructions to Quebec for dealing with othe Frenchspcaking nations lannlng international meetings And nada present hardpressed am bassador in Paris Gerard Pelletier had to deal with Morin when he was in the Canadian federal cabinet as secretary of state The rule in every instance was that Canada would be represented at every and all such conferences by the federal government though small concessions were given at some of meetings to Quebec and New Brunswick which were attending as provin ces with large Frenchspeaking po lotions But Goyers visit and the Canadian govern ments intent to initiate another one of these conferences are being undertaken in different times from the Iate1960s Quebecs provincial government is com mitted to the establishment of the republic of Quebec and will no longer knuckle under to personal directives from Trudeau Moreover Quebec cabinet ministers of the Parti Quebecois and ï¬ghtical commentators on the subject make essential point that Canada would not be member of any fran cophone community if Quebec were not part of the Confederation Therefore it is logical they contend that Quebecs partici tion must be more than that of merely anadian province WU SUN Refreshing to see MPs laugh amid heavy handed debating House will have some asurance that this disease maybe brought under control With that propose Leggatt seemed to set the tone for the remainder of the day In any event our elected representatives managed to dispel all those rumors that they have forgotten how to smile Some of the laughter came at the expense of Environment Minister Len Marchand who managed to get tangled up in the sex life of budworms Amid the noise of the chamber it was difficult to catch all of the ministers words but it would appear that the govern merit is trying to keep male and female bud worms apart so they wont repo late We are now concentrating at of our time and mono in research in cooperation with the Unit States on sex attractant which attracts let us say it is synthetic action which affects the males so that they cannot find the females It was something like that Anyway after series of false starts Manhand said it would all be revealed in later press release With that kind of sneak preview said Speaker James Jerome am sure the House can hardly wait for the ministers press release Next it was External Affairs Minister Don Jaiiiiesons turn And all he wanted to do was table document simple process that is normallny of contnwersy But its not that simple when Patrick Nowlan iPt Annapolis Valley is in chatty mood We bring you the verbatim version from Hansard Hon Don Jamicson Mr Speaker should like to table document Mr Knowlan In what capacity is the minister speaking as secretary of state or as the minister for external aid Some honorable members Order Mr Jamieson Mr Speaker am speaking here as secretary of state for ex ternal affairs wonder what capacity the honorable member is in today if not in capacitated Some honorable members Oh oh Mr Jamieson Mr Speaker with the con sentof the House An honorable member What about the $6 million in aid Mr Jamieson With the consent of the House and with the request that the honorable member shut his 36million mouth would ask Some honorable members Oh oh An honorable member What about your wmillion ego Mr Speaker Order please did not think the tabling of documents was this com plicated Mr Jamieson Mr Speaker in view of the honorable members mood today he would make an argument over the Ten Com mandments With the consent of the House should like to table documents concerning the HaloCanadian Social Security Agreements And he did finally The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tlons ABC Only thrI Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertislng material created by Its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register at The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be llable for damages arising out of errors In advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liablilty for nonvlnsertlon of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement park Queen Get at roots of problems By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Labor has been to the forefront in the last little while First the Ontario Federation of Labor was in here with fullscale public presentation to cabinet of the findings and conclusions of its inquiry into unemployment Then the OFL has been in its annual four day convention OLD PANACEAS There probably could be no more graphic evidence of just how deep and perplexing our economic problems are toda than the futile effort the Federation ma in trying to propose answers to them in its presentation It outlined the immediate problems well enough the drop in the electronics industry steel the Auto Pact and other components of the overall unemployment program But when it arrived at talking of answers it came to almost full stop It came up mainly with the old panaceas It wanted massive spending progrt 15 which governments not only here but all over the world have rejected as much more dangerous than helpful It also proposed the old saw of tax cuts which also have been largely rejected because thev are eventually inflationary And it talked of tariff protections which arent matter of provincial jurisdiction And when it did try to get pragmatic it wentfartherto the left than it ever has before It said the public should either own or con trol selected natural resources and that there should be government action in steering the direction of large private investment And then it came up1 with the lulu of them all It proposed that ere should be public corporation in which the private sector would be forced to invest and which would have the purpose of buying back control of Canadian industry You only have to contemplate for moment just how mammoth is the foreign investment in Canadian industry to grasp just how Alice in Wonderland that suggestion wasin fact the whole presentation was NOT ABLE We do have to get at the roots of our sick economy This is critical But at the roots Not the fading flowers Ideally labor should be full and intense participant in this effort But unhappin it has not shown any capacity to be able to do so which darkens the horizon In fact this horizon is generally dark though there is now one slight glimmer of light Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau has an nounced he will be convening federal provincial conference on the economy Perhaps if the leaders of the country get together men who should appreciate the real problems of their depth better than anyone else they might just possiblyand really for the first timFget into the problem starting from basics Canadas story Nearly riot in Commons nos BOWMAN There have been many turbulent scenes in the House of Commons at Ottawa but there was nearly riot in the spring of 1878 Donald Smith later Lord Strathcona the mem ber for Selkirk Man spoke in support of bill to ve the St Paul and Pacific Railway the ri to operate from the US border to Winnipeg Everyone knew that the St Paul and Pacific was owned by his cousin George St hen president of the Bank of Montreal In act it was on Smiths advice that Stephen formed company to buy the bankrupt US railway mirthermore it was felt that Smith was large shareholder Sir John Macdonald was leader of the Opposition having lost an election in 1874 largely because Smith had failed to defend him against charges of bribery when private interests were competing for the contract to build the CPR transcontinental Alexander Mackenzie then formed the first Liberal government followi Confederation and Macdonald charged the Liberals were rewarding Smith for his servile support Smith tried to defend his position and Sir John shouted That man Smith is the biggest liar have ever met The House of Commons was in an uproar However Smiths bill was passed and the railway from Winnipeg actually St Boni face was completed on Dec 1878 It proved to be rofitable and the name was changed to the Paul Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company Assets included grants of 2500000acresof and Later the railway became the Great Nor them worth $300000000 bible thought And brought them out and said Sim what must do to be saved And they said Believe on the Lord Jesuit Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house Acts ilizao li Its surprising how much reli ion person can get lost in in their search or salvation Here is the answer plain and simple Only believe vEIIL