vwiwviv VVVVWW ï¬rWm Gaes eciimeni and challenge duringCundles Heig The ObSlaCie Course at Cundlcs Heights School playday was tables and over chairs in this picture laui Cormack one of the most exciting and amusing events Students had 149 udy 5m UNITS 15 hes Cheer by fellow team members Pauls team was called the porcupines fl hat and Ion own as the raced under to wea 0pm Examiner Photo mum mm yum Imp um MUN illiUllyiil0ltl lerry Johann was first in line during the basketball toss competition at races during activities day The lure course was around undles Heights School activity day The shorter competitors were allowed to stand on you Chairs WIS and mm hmN library table to shoot the ball into the net while the taller players shot from the floor Terry was one Examiner mm of those lucky ones who had the added boost froln table Examiner Ihoto his iunda Fiveyearold Caroline Glasgow was little shy about having her picture taken during ac tivity day at Cundles Heights School But after few minutes she decided it wasnt really that bad after all Examiner Photo Sixyearold Tabitha Phillips discovered the obstacle course at activity day presented few and chairs you have iojump over can be tiring but still fun Examiner Photo problems All those tables the examiner Mosday Nomaa 1017 Ann Landers Displays upsetting DcarAnn AmimtsAmIsquareAmIoutotiinsw complain refertowhat oesonintheschoolcorridorsbe tween classes Couples ng out like crazysoulkiming touching rubbi$ right in front of ev body simple ye kiss when leaving or separate classes can take but couples fondling and swan tonsils as if graspsem going to see each other it ve years cant TodayIsawascencinthelunchroom thatmademeslck Would you believe mic had crawled under the table and were going at it hot heavy They had their cloths but you wouldnt have known it Your opinion is wanted Gmed out If hat is to DcarG ourcpor accura sugges you take your complaints the principal Such behavior of fensive and the spectators shouldnt have to put up with it Dear Ann hope my stupiliiéy about taxes will help someone else Heres what Mpgur waited last year until zero to file my tax return friend told me about man who does taxes rushed over to him with my w2 picked up my return on April 15 signed it and mailed it assumed it wasnt necessa to check it becatliise the man knew lot about taxes and didnt know any ing few months later received large refundalmost everything that was withheld from my gay In July received letter from the Internal Revenue rvioe wanting to see my receipts and cancelled cheques When got out my copy of my return nearly passed out There were many hony deductions one of which was interest on home ive with my parents There were large church con tributions dont belong to church go with my parents on special occasions tried so call the man who did my taxes and was told his phone had been disconnected Fortunately the IRS auditor believed me when said didnt realize my return was full of lies but he said was responsible because had signed it Ann Ihad togooutandborrowthemoney topay backthe refund lus interest Why oesnt someone warn people about crooks who do taxes for people and then disap rYoung Taxpayer Dear YT YOU remi ed themand in most ef fective wa Ih somebodvlistcns Dear Ahn ecently woman wrote that her blood pressure jumped 50 points because her ex refused to pay child support My blood pressure jumped 50 points because am paying support money to woman who walked out at me for man old enough to be her father dont have one word to say about the way my kids are being brought up and its killing me The laws must be changed so respectable father can et his children when the mother is tramp and proves it by er behavior How can woman teach decent morals when she has none herself Im broke paying legal bills and cant go back into court again till save some money In the meantime get sick when think of what is happening to my kidsMe And Lots Of Others Dear You More fathers have custody today than ever before urge you to hang in there Dont stop trying Erma Bombeck Carseai changes was standing on the curb the other day when my husband yelled from behind the wheel of the car Get in yelled back Where do you want me to sit He retorted Your usual place had to stand there and smile That was ridiculous thing to say to woman who has changed seats in car every time the gears shift When we dated sat so close to the driver he looked like he was driving alone The longer we dated the more gravitated toward the passenger side After we were married was all the way over to the doc with the exception of when my motherindew rode with us and was relegated to the back seat After the first two children were born sat with my body draped over the back seat so could lurch and swat When third child came along sacrificed front window seat and sat between the other two in back to ac commodate everyone with window seat and keep them from killing one another After car pools became way of life slid over to the drivers spot behind the steering wheel position held un til my knees locked remained there until the children began to drive Then moved back to the nger side where sat constricted in fear with my right oot on an imaginary brake and both han ds on the door handle When the children left and we began to grownups mice in was relegated to the back seat with the other wanan re it was assumed we would have more to talk about than the man married Some women tell me it isnt over yet Theres the period when you et grandchildrenand they ride up front and you sit in the ck with the portspotty and the playpen and when your daughter gets olderI you end up in the back seat with her again Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to get into the car yelled my husband impatiently crawled over the dog who imists on sitting the win dow where he can hang his tongue out the and squeezed in close to my husband Weve gone complete cycle whispered He hadnt the foggiest notion what was talking about Pollxs ainiers Bay leaves will rid flour bugs DEAR POLLY Please help me need to know how to get rid of flour weevils have had them for years and cannot tell you how much flour meal cereal noodles rice and so on that have had to throw away have even found them in papers books and napkins We have had the cxtenninator tried sprays and so on but are only free of them for few days and they are back again Please need help MURLENE DEAR MURLENEHavc you tried bay leaves Of course one must be rid of the pests first but they really keep them away Destroy all packages of affected food and transfer all new or uncontamio noted things to scaled an Scrub all your shevles and then spray with an secticide spray that says it is for IIIC pests Drop dry bay leaf into each unopened package or each canister or container with food in it Good Luck POLLY DEAR POLLY Those who are troubled with weevils in flour etc should put bay leaf or two in any container when it is opened as this will repel them without banning the contents at all Those who use steel wool pads infrequently will find the rust can be deterred by placing them in an airtight container such as small empty glass jar or an empty plastic margarine container EM DEAR POLLY We have white painted frame house with black house numbers on the front Every rin these house numbers looked very streaked from lk of the white paint Two years repainted the house numbers and then when nail them back on the house put onefourth inch cers behind the numbers on the nails as pounded em in Now the chalklng washes down behind the numbers leaving them nice and clean and very easy to read against the white house MRS MC DEAR POLLY My grandchildren had so many cute staffed to but were outgrowing them sol wondered what could be one with some of them lcked up cute yellow felt duck and greed it on ecc of cloth covered styroioam for se and had great pincushion use the body for straight pins and the head for needles Most such toys have the right stuffing for rustproof pins and needle and can he put to good use again MRS JR