se the examlner Monay Nomad 1971 CLASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 50510055 OPPOFIUNIIIN 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 card 0f thanks 86 articles to rent 43 C075 l°r sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auctions soles 79 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 auto accessories 36 auto service and repairs 35 01 propOrtï¬or solel 01 property for sole Canada Trust 91 DUNLOP STREET EAST 7263261 EXECUTIVE CUSTOM BUILT HOME 3759 This bedroom home is only 10 minutes from Barrie located In An fen Mills Features dream kitchen with builtIn dishwasher lazy Susans two sided fireplace between dining room and living room 14 pce both on main level 15 pce bath on upper level all bedrooms have walkin closets rec rm den dble garage large well freed lot To view call Graham Holloway 7265113 IDEAL FAMILY HOME $53900 Vendor has been transferred This bedroom sidesplit features upgraded broadloom throughout in living room dining room and all bedrooms It also has finished rec rm with bar and office on 3rd level attached double garage Call Lois Stansfield 7288082 ANTEN MILLS 555900 Four bedroom sidesplil features large eatin kitchen large living room dining room combination with double glass walkout to large cedar deck rec rm workshop laundry room on decoratively lan dscaped lot Call Graham Holloway 7265113 CODRINGTON STREET Attractive bedroom bungalow located near Codrington Public School features large freed lot and attached garage This home must be SOLD Call Mabel Marshall 7268603 PRICED RIGHT AT $42900 year old bedroom backsplit features large eatin kitchen living room dining room fully broadloomed carport full basement could be good deal Call Jo Harrington 7289727 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS $59900 This bedroom bocksplit features family sized kitchen overlooking family room with fireplace and double glass walkout to patio fully broadloomed living room dining room framed 5th bedroom fruit cellar in 4th level double attached garage Try any offer Call Jo Harrington 7289727 PRICED TO SELL This bedroom storey home is in immaculate condition with all the original wood doors staircase window frames and trim all finished In natural finish The home is located downtown in good area Call Mabel Marshall 7268603 N28 SUNNIDALE ROAD WELLINGTON Drastically reduced for im mediate sale Gracious bedroom storey on private one acre lot Lot alone worth the asking price of $72500 Ask for Joel THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ACRE picturesque and private set ting on the Nottowasaga River miles of boating pleasure Meticuloust designed bungalow in glass and cedar level com pletely separate for entertaining or apartment log burning fireplaces baths bedrooms builtIn double ovens and range Twin walkouts to balcony and deck 27 24 over double garage Heated lnground pool Plus room guest cottage and pony barn No its north of Barrie Realistically priced at $76900 Bill Hockley 360 FT ON DUNLOP ST M3 ZONING over 500 ft fronting on Sergeant Drive acres of the primest industrial property in Barrie income houses are included in the purchase price Total income 5700 per month Joe Dyson YEAR ROUND WATERFRONT HOME 208 ft of beautiful waterfront goes with this ranch style bungalow 26x16 boothouse Walkout from master bedroom to deck overlooking Bay Sauna and many many extras Situated of Eight Mile Pt Ruth Gibbons BRICK BUNGALOW $29900 Affordable and comfortable McGeorge subdivision bedroom brick semi completely redecorated gleaming hardwood rec room and bar high dry basement large lot Easy terms carries less than rentl Bill Hackley SERVICED INDUSTRIAL LAND Over 20 acres In various sizes from to 10 acres located in prime area fronting on Dunlap St 400 Hwy Zoned M3Heavy industrial All services of street Joe Dyson TWO 100 ACRE FARMS OROI Located on the 8th of Oro on the 9th of Oro Both have good barns and houses good flat land has been pasture for only years Priced to sell at $1 10000 and 125000 Joe Dyson N28 Nora Rivers 7262596 JoeDyson 7262090 DonAllan 4872412 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Poppy Wilde 7281887 Murlol Jeffrey 7266383 Jim Miles 7370499 Pat McGrath 7373394 Joe Dlrracolor 7260567 Ruth Gibbons Martha Dyson 7281409 7262090 Lorna Vorsfrafon 4241956 Bill Hockloy 7262596 Joe Cestaric 4584762 Doug Wainwright 7287858 WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED OREN UNTIL 9PM EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GRAND PLA CE BY CHANUTE INVESTMENTS 0F BARRIE 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING BEDROOM BUNGALOW on large lot south of Barrie Enioy subur ban living with abovo ground pool and large patio with portable closed In panels gas barbque All this and more for only $47900 Call Blll Barr 7261938 or 7280744 ML53432 OWNER MOVING FROM AREA This bedroom all brick bungalow with attached garage full basement II on cul de sac Hos gar barb quo in garden Priced to sell $41900 Call LE Benham 7261938 or 4245033 MLS 3462 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Owner must sacrifice due to transfer bedroom brick bockspllt now broodioom In llvlngdlnlng area Home In Al condition full basement large back yard All for 842500 Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 MLS 3459 EXECUTIVE LIVING AT WORKING MANI PRICE your old brick bungalow bedrooms on main floor flroplacos bathrooms miles south of Barrie Must sell Please make offer Call Wilma Bld woll 7261938 or 7269135 MLS 3543 N20 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 cottages for solo 28 farm machinery wanted 65 cottages wanted 29 feed seed groin 60 deaths 85 financial 11 dogs pets 44 florists 89 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 engagements 83 garages 25 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 I01 property for solo WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY 01 property for sole 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 CONCESSION ORO close to Lake Slmcoe five room bungalow septic and well electric heat fireplace beach and tennis rights Close to skiing $23900 CONCESSION 10 ORO 1800 sq ft three year old split entry Esther Kennedy Leo Cavanaugh ANNE ST SOUTH OF CUNDLES GEORGE 42415471 7281207 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batslone NEW HOES FOR SALE BY CHAPELTON BEDROOMS GARAGE PURCHASE PRICE $37250 DOWNPAYMENT$ MONTHLY PAYMENT CAN BE REDUCED IF YOU QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE Phone 7373972 tionTHURS 13 pm SALSUN 116 pm MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS F011 OMIDHURST ESTATES ONILLOW LANDING MIDHURST 00 PRATT CONSTRUCTION LTD REM BUILDING IATTISON SONS NOW OFFICES IN BARBIE FOR SALE Vicki Kent Bob Saunders BillMoran bungalow exceptionally large rooms finished rec room with fireplace two baths aluminum fascia and safflt cedar deck double garage view of Lake Slmcoe Lot 140x155 $68900 16 COOK STREET one year old four bedroom backsplit two walkoufs two baths top quality broadloom finished family room with fireplace double garage paved drive Exceptionally well built Call for details N28 4872501 7263883 7263043 7282305 370 271 TO SERVE YOU BEI EFI Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Maglll 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beokhuizon 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 Larry Derlde 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Peter Gubbels 7282425 Jim Cancllla 737 597 ITTDDTITAIIDL I24 DUNLOP ST JOHN 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 ART MAW BERNIE BLUM 4872299 LTD 15477071 AL CALHOUN no tall 8352742 7281346 MWFTF DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 531 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 01 property for sale Real Estate 355 Boyfield St Enid Day 7266904 Jack Slessor 7266280 Bev Neill 7260205 Wilf Sharpe 4362576 Harvey Weber 4363815 Percy Ford 7287930 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ross Burwell 4589248 Rob Knapp 4875462 Ken Miller 4873365 Wayne Ward 7268220 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Mike Lysabild 7266054 rwp msu Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams 7286829 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Margaret Wright 4363669 rlrlf4ll Professionals Since 1913 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD lost found 70 lots for solo 04 morkotboskol marriages mobile homes trailers rnonoy to loan 13 mortgagos 12 motorcylos 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 01proporty for do IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LEPAGE iIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 rain BARRIE Ontario 737001 Bill McCroary 7281865 Verna Mullln 7282875 Judy Ponneff 7371264 Wayne Ponnett 7371264 4362403 llltlliflttflltftttfttllfffttfttllflfflIllINHIIHIIIIHMIIINTIIHIIIIIIIIUIIHlllffftfttfttfl EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 726 1881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT Ron Thorne 7288714 Los Lovogrovo 424 289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Helen Burns 7262386 Jerry McNabb 7262386 Sue Dronnan 7263545 Bill Purvis 7260452 Ross Miller 7260563 Al Rose 7288116 47 COLLIER ST Coroor of Doll Color Shoots IARRlE 7262611 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Ross Leeder 7269245 Gard Wright no toll 4363669 TF 168 DUNLOP EAST 01property for sdo INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWF TF PERFECT FAMILY HOME for the festive season and the years to come Move right into this quality custom brick bungalow on Castle Drive 3000 square feet for yOur entertainment and family needs Two fireplaces family room games room two full baths fourth bedroom at tached two car garage Many loxtras including dishwasher Reduced to $87500 Open to of tors excellent terms Call for appointment to view N2528 lllllllllllï¬lfl 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7263422 LISTSBuy on SELLWITIT LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD Slant 726 JONES REALTOR 180 DUNLOP ST 7269933 PROPERTIES to be sold for tax or roars Official Ontario Lists Dept Ex Box 51180 Station Ottawa Ont ch NO ZOWN payment Angus throo bedroom brlck soml full basement large lot Immediate possession $205 monthly $27500 full prlco Tolophono 424671 175 ACRES on Old Nlposlno Rd out of Parry Sound Small cottage on proporfy Three mllos from Highway 10 Apply 4363792 or 4241209 COUNTRY LIVING11 bedroom bungalow with full finished basemonf patio doors to deck nlcoly wooded lot forms available John Colo L1d Realtor 717 2101 Royal Trus 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 8814174 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA NORMAN REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays 910 REALTOR TF 7203293 03pr6portyforsoloorrol1t FOR RENT 70 acres of corn land Telephone 7263441 ovonlnggl 04755 for sale TREMENDOUS VIEWFrom nicely freed acre estate lots Ideal for walkout basement forms available Anton MIIIs area John Colo Ltd Roaltor7372101 07buslness oppOrTu les TI JIANCOIKCTM Oporafe your own discount outlet store with brand name loans exclusive areas lucrative proposition with small Investment Cd Slssulm ThouMatti ms sc Lowoof Iv6 thou BRlEL Investment Services yr Woolf hvostmont Cortificotos 94 Contact REID 705 7267191 012 12 mortgages MORTGAGES bought and sold Imme diato octlorl confldenllal David Wall Roal Estate Broker call 7264651 clays 72046510vonlngg 7200001 Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am IF YOU NEED MONEY Immodloto lot and 2nd Opon Mortgogo Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 0To consolidate debts low monthly payments OHome improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage 0Construclion funds free advice try us BII Anytime 129 DUNLOP sT EAST New 347 MY STREET name ONTARIO PM 8mm 10032329 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc opportunity for mon women74 posture for solo 61 posture to rent 62 pasture wanted 63 personals 68 photography 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale 01 12 mortgages MORNA GES Thinking of reflnanclng your homo or cottage Why not call for quote with no obligation We might save youmonoy FlRSTSfronlDAX SECONDSFROtAIllné car will oonSOll Armstrong Mortgogo Sonics loyfiokl St 7269262 farmsmng ourl nunma wrl uro MWFTF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association KINZIE LIMITED Ist Mortgages 107496 faith 10 propoymont phlogo to 05 of robs 2nd Mortgages II goal on Ifhs lntororf to 90 of We or mortgage brokors and srnco we specialize can guarantee prompt and mdlvtduol attention to all mor twgo lnqulrlos ensuring maximum mortgages undor the most favorable market lorms Amplo fun do for residential communal and rocrooflonol properties We also purchaso existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable ad vice Bus 7371881 Res Toll Free 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East Barrie TF Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TFMP 14 mobile Items trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glondefte Shamer Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 Soulth 170 Burton Avo 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bondlx deluxe frollor luxury furnishings kingIlla bod sacrifice at $7000 flrm cost $9500 new used only six times 7054451400 1971 25 FOOT TRAVELlNER house trallor Sloops seven Fully equipped In side In oxcollont condition Tolophono 7370590 FLORIDA MOBILE home for sale 10 minutes from Disney World $5500 Canadian currency Like new condition Phone 4355991aftor pm 16apts to rent FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260900 weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMEN monthy Includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Bayflold Mall Lease required Telephono 7266046 I2morfggos property for sale or rent 03 property management 08 property wanted 02 public notices 80 resorts 30 room and board 21 rooms to let 20 rooms wanted 22 sales help agents 72 service and repairs 54 snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 16qfsfo ront WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West TWO AND THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF BEDROOM APARTMENT avallable December 1st Parking laundry fo cllltles $230 monthly plus hydro References No pets 728 1035 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED ApartI ment In downtown area Available NoI vember 131 for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between amand9pm Two BEDROOM ApaMrtmOntATnudFWFII town area available immediately Tele phone 7263257 between am and pm ONE AND TWO bedroom apartmentst for rent Fridge and stove Includedi Telephone 7371674 between 500 and 700I pm SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment lo cated on Dunlop St Barrie Newly painti ed and broadloomed Fridge stove and all utilities included at $175 per month First and last months required Be cause of rear entrance and size apart ment more suitable for single male Call Ray aubel Rep Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor 7263671 Two BEDROOM apartment to renT $243 monthly Ailandale area Available December Telephone 737 3445 after PM TWO BEDROOM apartment in fourplex $210 month plus hydro Reduced rent for superintendent duties 11 Victoria street No pets Phone 1416297 3320 UPPER APARTMENT 17 Worsley Street $195 monthly Less one month at the end for painting etc Pick up key at Steeles Chino shop Call 7282395 TWOTHREE bedroom apartment with fireplace Central parklng $250 mon months rent required Available Im medlafely730901days ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent Fridge stove $180 monthly 18 Penetana Street Available December 131 Tele phone 7263056 after pm THREE BEDROOM heated apartméï¬t close to Barrie $275 per month Avail able December 15th CaIIlZ6 0715 AVAILABLE DECEMBER ist small one bedroom apartment $100 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent Telephone 7263912 Two BEDROOM $220 monthly Angus area Also furnished bachelorette cen tral Barrie 7266771 after LARGE LUXURIOUS BEDROOM basement apartment in country set ting Private entrance References pre ferred Angus area Telephone 4245838 SELFCONTAINED bedroom apart ment fridge and stove heat and hydro Private entrance Parking no pets Sln pie or couple Call 7372699 after 730 pm ONE BEDROOM fridge and stove three piece bath parking Close to shop plng No pets Adults only $195 plus hydro monthly Available December 15th 721188911 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $175 monthly includes heat hydro refrig erator and stove Available December 15 Telephone 4245845 TWO BEDROOM Apartment utilities $274 monthly Downtown area Avallable December 1511283487 BACHELOR APARTMENT in quiet building Central location Available December 1st $105 monthly utilities in cluded Telephone 7266633 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Stove refrigerator parking laundry facilitie and heat included No children or pets Apply Apartment 201 55 Blake Street AVAILABLETIMMEDIATELY sea room apartment $240 monthly Also small one bedroom apartment available January Isl $185 monthly Both central ly located No pets 7269200 UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom apart ment available Immediately no children no pets Couple preferred App ly Armstrong Hardware or phone 7282441 Two BEDROOM apathenl ln ailarT ment bulldlng Central location heal cludedzvrto monthly Phone726 7736 MISSSSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments coloured appliances utilities Included Available January lsth and February 1st Telephone 726 3577 17houses to rent NEW BEDROOM HOUSE In Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace 1V2 baths Available now $300 monthly plus heal and hydro Telephone 7263257 am toe pm 4363348 after TTFIiEETBEDROOM HOUSE ayeliable November 1st Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $2130 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between am and PL NEWCONDOMINIUM HOUSES For immediate rental Jbedrooms large living room and dinlng room located at 17 St Vincent St 7283030 726 5992 or 4589431 Awfl FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE three miles east of Barrie near Shanty Day Two bathrooms all healed modern51x months lease required $300 per month First and last months rent In advance Telephone 7260908 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom semi available Immediately $375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Maalll rep Lou Goedemoni Real Estate 7264067 or 7263064 10TH CONCESSION OF 0120 bedroom frame home with basement available December 1st $250 plus utlllllos Lease required Call Harry Moglll representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 7264067 or 7263864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie thly plus hydro No pets First and last wafer parking stove and refrigerator in IbqfsJo rorlt BAYFIELDGROVE Nine room home for rent available December Isl $400 per month partly furnished Stove and fridge Telephone 72113702 RENT NEGOTIABLE Four bedroom back split llke new near Eastvlew Col legiate Call Doug Pllch business 4167503630 home 7372918 75 BLAKE STREET Three bedroom home for rent Available immediately $290 monthly No pets Option to buy available Telephone 4872412 Taapts wante to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment or duplex Single career lady Unfurnished prefer red IReply to Box W25 The Examiner Barr 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM 1n Allandale at bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7204268 days or 7260810 evenings CENTREFURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 726 7186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 71171000 DOWNTOWN BARNESFurnished room for rent Kitchen privileges ladies preferred 7284268 or moalo EXTRA LARGérurnisnea rooms 55 kitchen for singles or young couples linen supplied Downtown area 7266392 FURNISHED BACHELOR for rent suit lady share bath no pets Avallable December Central Telphone 7280755 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED Room private entrance full kitchen bath close to downtown hospital bus route Female 011197261776 iLIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 0175 entrence own bathroom Near Well ington Plaza Phone after 7268478 ZTroom and board RELAXED CLEAN HOME for female to room Use of kitchen easy commuting to Barrie $139 monthly 4589189 ROOMAND BOARD for young gentleman Lunches packed Light washing done Central location Avail able now Telephone 7287568 22rooms wanted MATURE BUSINESSMAN looking for room or room and board in private home with parking Telephone 7263411 buslness hours 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large sulles immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff Two OFFICES iust over 500 square feet each can be iolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie Mrs Fetch 7263338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent available December ist Allanaale loca tion 500 square feet $235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 after 69711 or 7264621 daily OFFICES FOR RENT separate or ad iolnlng 170400 square feet on ground floor 100270 on second floor 7262772 days 73723493venings and weekends RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE as sablet lrom current tenant 300600 square feet near Five Points 7263822 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14 ft16 ff clear part of large expandjng industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff COMMERCIACANDlNDUSTRlALpro pertles for sale or rent Morfell LimLed Real Estate 7280674 15an rages WT HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car repairs Hourly or daily rates Lacated at 171 Burton Ave Shop 7285212 4562576 after hours 26accommodationsto share WOMAN betvvcen 4050 to share ex penses Must be neat clean non drinker Own room Telephone 7261499 or 728 7476 32con far solo BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent Interest 18 Collier St 7205191 1971 CHRYSLER Excellent condlllo Phone4365548 1965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 327 Cer rtlfled $6500 or trade for four wheel drive 7261001 or 7269005 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Station wagon automatic excellent condition no rust 62536 miles Certified $1295 Telephone after pm 7370026 1969 PONTIAC GTO 400 cubic Inch con vertlble V8 automatic Good condition $1600 or best offer Telephone 416 24839060r 7264403BnytlmeAsk for Joe 1975 PONTIAC Lemons sports coupe Ipowor steering power brakes bucket seats 33000 miles Asklng $3200 or best offer Telephone 7262034 1973 JAVELIN AMX automatic power steering and brakes bucket seats with console 360 engine new radials with chrome reverses on rear Excellent con dltlon $2400 0114584538 1967 BUICK ELECTRA 225 good condi tion $500 uncertlfled Telephone 8355686 T975 PLYMOUTH passenger wagon Power sleerlng brakes windows Fac tory air conditioning Ready for winter AI condition Telephone 7260096 1973 M68 body rustproofed and solid orlglnal paint good tlres mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully certified 40000 mlles Price $200 Call George 7282485 days 7262815 evenings rm EHEV Good conTliIon Certified 3195 Telephone 720337 19710LDSMOBILE 4door hardtop $250 r7157 beset offer uncortlfled Telephone 304 1974 BUCKREGAL Loaded all options Including air excellent condition must Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 built1n stove and oven frig washer and dryer large garage $325 monthly Louisj Stansfleld 726 3261 or 726 8082 represen fatlve Canada Trust THREE BEDROOM house garage broadloom thr0ughouf Bayfleld Cundles area $325 monthly Avallable 1m mediately Telephone 726 4133 after 530 pm TWO BEDROOM fridge and stove $250 monthly Phone4J64942 FOUR BEDROOM house close to school and hospital 175 Toronto Sl Reference required Available December 1st 726 714i Tvï¬fBEoROBM HOUSEIIarOé 1th Edgehlll Drive $250 per month Avail able Immediately Call 7260715 Modern ALLANDALE AREA bedroom townhouse December 1st stove and fridge Includ ed No pets Call 7260655 after pm 262 SHANTY BAY Road Kempenfeltl Village booutlfully wooded site two bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove in cluded Adults only no pets Avallable January 1st Call 7204590 Also one bedroom apartment HA ANGUS Three bedroom brick semi full basement $225 monthly Immediate possession Call 4246717 FOUR BEDROOM older home on bus route 000 block from school Extras In cludo two baths all broadloomed very modorn lntorlor $325 monthly Avall ablo December 2nd Call 71693511 bot woen9anland1pm BEDROOM HOUSE for rent close to downtown Responsible persons $240 monthly plus utllltlos Avallablo Im mediately Telephone IIN70 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Cookstown with option to buy $300 month plus utllltles Available lm medletely 117200547 availablm sacrifice Call after pm 7264192 WISPONTIAC LE MANS 2clooT automatic 2150 power steering and brakes bucket Seals Limited edition $4500 or best offer Telephone 7265159 after pm 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBU cylinder automatic new brakes brake lines front shocks and exhaust system Body good 650XI miles Certified Asking $675 Phone 72861214 1972 CHEV IMPALA Cuslom 350 automatic two door hardtop power steering and brakes vinyl roof $900 or best offer Telephone 7282425 1977 CAMARO 228 silver with black in terior four speed 350 four barrel radials mags four winter tires and rims 9500 miles Asking $6200 Cell 73704711 1976 HONDA slatlonwagon rusfproolod FM cassette deck excellent condition Call 72172622 days or 4072295 evenings 1973 PLYMOUTH SCAMP two door harth3slxcyllndoL$1995 7202602 1970 LlNCOLN air power equipped new paint certified 20 miles gallon hwy Private sale $1400 7207 56 1970 OLDS DELTA CUSTOM 445 two barrel power steering and brakes air rear defogper rodlals Al $1000 2193573 172 FORD STATIONWAGON Ex cellent condition Includes towing package olr shocks now Mlchollno lus snows Cortlflod $1600 or host or Phono 7201617 or 14167752049 oven llgs 1974 HORNET Hatchback Sports Package FM stone cylinder mgég standard excellent condition 32 flrmToloptlorlo 7202120 1969 FORD nlno passenger wagon n0 rust $900 certified Also 1967 Ford Musfan 209 motor now now flroo $7M Sofllfl CBll4161001