WW the examiner Thursday Nov 24 1977 23 promotional package for Surrey Place new housing de Photo Winning the high score onegame competition at the recent Debra Mathews 20 an employee of the FPA Group models the dress of bygone era as part of velopment in Barrie Examiner It Tri Club Honspiel at the Barrie Country Club was rink comprised of members from several clubs From left are Eveleen Loft of Stroud Marion Kennedy of the Barrie Curling Club Carolyn Smurthwaite of Stroud and Hindi lansin of the Barrie Country Club Examiner Photo Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Marc Johnson right annou Quebec labor code amendments which include socalled nces changes Tuesday to the ntiscab law while few hours later Robert Rodrique pres of the CNTU said his first reaction to the changes was that the law should be withdrawn CP Photo Jeffrey llerman student at Montreals McGill University prepares for long wait as he looks for ride to his home in Notre Dame de Grace Tuesday Transit workers have been on strike since Monday forcing many Montrealers to seek other means of transportation CP Photo Luigi Cardinal Traglia above the ltalianborn dean of the College of Cardinals died at the Vatican Tuesday at the age of 82 after lengthy illnessAlliaserphoto The doctor says Gail bladder not gland By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson To para phrase an old line about the weather Everybody talks about the gall bladder but no body knows much about it Can you explain in lain words just what it is and at it does hear about gallstones which so many people seem to get Just what are the odds of my getting them in my lifetime JO Youre right about one thing many folks do have mistaken notions about this organ its not gland One woman complained to me once that she had galled blad der She thought it meant she had gall bile in her urinary bladder The gall bladder gets the name by being the storage place for bile Thats green ishbrown substance one of the more important of the digestive juices Its important for break ing down food fats But bile isnt produced in the gall bladder The liver does that sending it directly into the small intestines where actual digestion takes place Bile is such an important substance that the liver produces enough for reserve supply This is what is stored in the gall blad der After meal high in fats the gall bladder releases some bile into the small intestine You can understand why the gall bladder makes its presence felt digestiver when there is trouble there There is pain in the upper rightor upper mid abdomen This often follows fatty meal When such mp toms occur the gall blad er is suspect Stones form easily in the gall bladder because of the concen tration of thickened fluid there its easy for substances like cholesterol to stallize into stones The stone ns with tiny particle The average person has oneinfive chance of developing stones Gallbladder infection cholecystitis is the chief cause and the gall blad der is all too prone to infection The organ can be removed and one can live comfortably without it The liver goes on groducing the bile You ust ave to be careful about hi at meals Dear Dr Thosteson have phlebitis in one leg and am tak ing anticoagulant medicine for it How much and what kind of exercise would be good for me Is bicycle exercise suitable am tilMrs HL cant give you specific answer The amount and kind of exercise depends on the state of your phlebitisthe amount of pain and swelling Your physician can evaluate that and advise You should wear support stockings and limit exerctse to walking until symptoms sub side Later with your doctors approval you might take up cycling Dear Dr Thosteson Can the ovaries be damaged by ex ercising GJ No They are tucked away in the safest spot nature could find for themdeep within the pelvic cavity where only the most severe blow will harm them Oswald and Jim Jacoby call for troublemakers SlilTli NonhSouth vulnerable West North iiast South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Oswald it James Jacob 45 60 Todays hand is taken from an article by Bob Ewen in Popular Bridge The bid ding might go several ways including the complicated one shown in the box but once North jumps to three diamonds the diamond slam is easy to bid Probably the best line of play is for South to win the club cash one high trump and then play ace and one heart llllb wuutu liiiiKC ll possible to ruff two hearts in his hand if that became necessary Anyway the slam makes easily Bobs article did not really concern the North and South hands He was writing about the use of preemptive bid to make things hard for your opponents He suggests that East should have opened with preemptive three spades Maybe North and South would work their way to diamond slam after that monkey wrench was thrown into their bidding machin ery He suggests that South just might try three notrump and play it there That if South did double North might try four hearts and play that contract with dis astrous results All in all Bob suggests that while threespade opening with those West cards might lead to trouble for East and West it was far more likely to cause trouble for North and South UAJé An lowa reader asks which card we play at trick one As South we are play ing three notrump with ace kingqueen of spades as part of our hand The four of spades is opened Dummy holds the singleton seven Third hand plays the jack Either the king or queen but definitely not the ace That ace false card shouldnt fool anybody daily crossword ACROSS 44 Fred Astaires Answer to Previous Puzzle Sister Tree kind pl 46 Compass Lazy bums point Fools 47 Kind of grain 12 Article of 49 Russian apparel mountains 13 City on the 51 Kitchen Thames gadget 14 Greek sea 53 Portugal and 16 Military Spain operation 57 Halt 18 Catch 58 SWImming 19 Doctrine 59 Is human 22 Stage of 60 Auld Lang 24 85 9mm 15 gomzdian 34 Grant par 36 Excremont 25 gggiprocmus DOWN 17 Slimer 39 Kmad 27 Depths Gallery 5°Ca 41 Olympic 29 Made of hanging bll board abbrl hard wood Flurry 2° 30 42 Food dressing Free from Relatives 21 Meme 43 Swimming bacteria Plants grass 23 Chmps mamma 35 Plaster Exclamation 26 N0 50 web 45 Island of ex drawrngs Am not at 28 RGVOIVB 48 37 Kitchen Franciscan 30 College implement Fence post alhlellc group 50 Televsom 38 lndian wear Work 32 RM ill 52 cuwy pl 11 Big name in England 54 DUN9 309 40 Lack golf 33 American folk 55 Tavern 41 Same prefix 12 Strainers singer 66 Broke bread AstroG raph Bernice Bede Osol Nov 25 1971 Several maior decisions with tarreachln effects may be requlred you this coming year Judlclously weigh the alternatives An unwise choice could deprive you of the suc cess to which youre entitled SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Be careful today or you may be held partially responsible for the mistakes of associates Insist upon okaylng all their moves CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Know how to distinguish today between being industrious or Winthrop Bugs Bunny MESS OH THE isrrmuimaros Inc Wizard of Id Franknd Ernest CI 13 IUlli mill BC HAVE YOU 555M THE TURKEY 541 A07 STANDN ERE 70 BE NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 THEV HAD BIG MEETIN TDAY TH JOlNT WILL BE THANP56lVlN6 DAY AéAiN ANP As WK aura52 MY not plain workaholic Overdo ng could lead to your undoing UARIUS lon zitFob You normally strive to do that which is for the greater good ol the greater number but toda your motives may be more sel serving PISCE Fob 20March 20 cohort with whom you have an uneasy alliance may try to cast ou in service role today ont let his arrogance intimi date éou ARIE March 21April 19 Youll encounter serious diffi culties today in enlisting sup porters for causes it you re too gelmandlng Saying please TAaRUS April 20May 20 Re view your financial picture carefully today before commit ting yourself to additional fiscal burdensDonl get into posi tion where outlay exceeds income GEMINI May 21Juno 20 This Is one of those days when you might catch it from all corners Your best course is to dodge potential trouble spots CANCER Juno 21July 22 Things youve previously swept under the rug may sur face in cloud of ust today Even if they dont let nothing more accrue LEO July 23Au 22 Compli evelop toda cations could through lnvolvements wit friends It matters are misman aged there may be price to WKGO 23Sept 22 Beware oday taking an un popular stance will have the pack nipping at your heels DLlMBLOOKiNal HLJH WELJC3LJ LOOlt dLlSi LIKE ME In MUsr PAusa Dave MW OMW 60M WHATDO LIBRMSo likely to doing things where you have to flex your muscles rather than your mind Shelvc mental tasks tlll later SCORPIO Oct 24Nov Caution and practicality essential in business deals today Make no assumptions or verbs down on paper 23Oct 23 Youre better today at 11 are agreements got it all BEER woop ST LOUIS Mo AP Beer drinkers ma be hoisting their brew in wood St Louis Brewery is working to develop such can The can is in the hi experimental and research stage now spokesman said en cans some day DO Aeour THIS ONE THINK HE WAS LEFT OVER vllwm llil Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use 977l7nyA flog US Pat THEM Tum6w