Edwï¬ ahws isroï¬icewomtmm ncmlomle 31 Lt19 nuW HENTAUPURCHASE liilIIIiIIIiIliIIiiIIIIIlIIliIilIIliIiIIIIiiIii allllllllllilllllllllIllllllllIlï¬ï¬ï¬llllllï¬ll ITi orgg ic HONDA cit105E 1977 53 ORGANS roll RENT 8t deter COLOR TV cI 3500 Square Fact 33133 plus 13230 lic tumor Sho Tor Christmas now w°°h°wlc° ondp use our convenient Sit rt CHEN morons to 26 ilectrotlonie par waali $495 THE 20Toiittte parwnk s5 90 lovaan blan PEOPLE Em Rd 400 20 au x1100 mi $565 Wit Mm tom PM 26 Panasonic per ml 50 Maple haulrte Space Suitable For II 7282287 No MONEY DOWN 726400 09 imamSim 94 No PAYMENT TIL WER tits Fora natlia grim PER MONTH IlliIiIliIlIillIIlIIIlIIillIliiIIIIIIIIIilIiIIIIll JANUARY 78 faï¬evlréfliï¬iï¬agktraciorscoitover llarillitaro gagmgï¬cngggcgmafgogwaiter $200 new Wlll sell lor s75 Phone Bruce runnv Mom up $26107 dawn payment mg common Body no Om ownerI Phone tonigI McLean 705 458 4488 Cookstawn 0mm an Total deferred tires Sacrifice best offer Delivered Tonight hbflc ghop OTC balance $46I328 I9 vw BEETLE bUCIeI se 3U er mourn on 48 0th I35 condIlItion cegtllied 73048 miles lflc No ZJ426 1595 Auto Haus Barrie 416 9252551 CALL 7266488 NOW 7370100 by the face cord it I976 VW RABBIT Custom 175 13 SR IalIe Your 09 tires passive restraint seat belt system mo DELIVERED Bani pllcatton OVOT Ihe rear window louvre tour speed stan 728131 dard transmission certified 28567 PRACTICAL GIFTS ELM5 FLOWERS I°I°Ph°° miles Llc No LFF465 $3795 Auto Viflmoswtfliflbs lIVlNG iovma cttttterAs sins BAIRIE HONDA IIIlags BIarrle 7370100 as MIN or SondourFTD I970 VOLKSWAGEN lalr condition D8 TT PP seasonicmteraouquot engine 5° 9° °° wm by my °Sh°°s twin up 17 GOWAN ST Tï¬lephme 436563l alter 530901 wood sme Sow in he ace com iAbic SALE 25 on all material In the oHuches esttow Boots BAR 26 SPIIEr SPIEctIAL ADDITION 95 61371 gore ThllewIeIeléonlIy Singer Company Uc sea ike new Certified Gorilla Tables EVOnlng Shoes Sommmhmm TThS03 25863 mies Lice K55 01 Ice E5ew39305i°o 315 for 2551331 TYPEWRITER reconditioned l7inch Wash Stands III d8 DlonltoSkyway consoldatoilliliilding IIummmmummmlmmmmmnm ngsgwagrglï¬Ã© Em deliveries72il7587 gItIIIIcIIgIIglectric Underwood Telephone II w° Um HANDBAGS comeron limited steering disc brakes radio Willcertily FREWWD 15 anglbgï¬l mm Custom made GI CM gErYINgOA CARI éhquglugtilavlggn besrglerlflephone 7287538 anytime Tneï¬l agelgnlgczgleng ver paIIII 20 per cent on Beverley Cascade I°Yourdosl9n 5093 twmrsuwvny Cenligterglrlanéigliigfstn736ml per 3733335551 EfAULliETROVIvIagon LIE REPOSSESSED box springII antIlI Ifnaltreésgrmggs 39 Ly snag guaran ee ree VErYr NORMAN utility All is Bill Tidy 115696 luxtortTilleyRalf cupancy short or long term 7263400 ammallci Power steering Barrie 72a 8390 26 am XLIOOcorvod wood cabinet to the downtown Barrie 7209922 II MuhcmflIbIIkmuI AnoeIouI ï¬gxerczrramesa rasdzioIboVeeg c303 1976 GRAND PRIX SJIWHY IoadedI ke tloor Casters total automatic color 24 OllttLOP ST 72038 95 mm OFFICE SPATZEvatglable namesi3 Telephone 7370066 ew °V 271303mles LiC NO JWZ633r WWd lmmt HR DH boar L200 square teet Rental rate 3450 per mgaï¬gmactg WENACE Paris Slessor Motors 4l8 Blake Street on Take over payments out per month My Mutiiui 26 RCA xuoo colour iportbdgstotobogsgltl sq ft Call BIil Sakarls National Trust ownerI I000 mnesI Includes aircoggf 53 383 ho lonilllit Delivery tonight Whm Spanish to the iioor cantata telavltion 77 Also Opening new store In compfnynsnmr ï¬A rm tionlng cruise control AM FM radio Thy hsx cylinder Automatic colour automallc leng ei£Pr0fedsgfl Inmncoons Plaza comer of Hwy 89 WSOFFIDCEISIIIusdtinerIroo StilIigoreIeei power windowsand seats Asking 53595 axiomiï¬ N35 gfldï¬gfgmfgegg mzt IELlYS No money down No W00 Wt calcldator King Allston ygicy 222 FMILdZS ggfkiï¬g and 23an EEEQzsjigmgzn analrem Motors 418 Blake street BarrieI hurl Phlg 7371182 JGWGFYJIWW t°IOIdy °I9I Haaycusltbfl sBAYFlELD MALL Located Dunlap st downtown Barrie 7233390 Vï¬ DB I972 CHEVELLE MALIBU two oor hardtop One owner 55000 miles LiC WIT ELLTS lurk Pllu 7374161 6009 path Mrs Petch 7263338 In ubtnct RETAIL STORE or oiiicéiorrent 76 MALIBU CLASSIC 72652910 AGIFITHAT AWA SI ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 00 with 08 ar essor otors 418 entertainer Excellent condition Asking available DecemberlstAtIandaleloca I976 Chovelle Malt SI tion 500 square feet 5235 month in 99 55 773 9390 9950 Telepmne 7734970 LASTS ALL YEAR Classic Lic No JKKl22 305V8 automatic PS PB factory air conditioning 1096 lottery eat cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 B7l2atter 6pm or 726 4621 daily HANGING BASKETS all varieties 2590 all while they last Brays Garden Cen tre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 1975 vw Beetle for sale in good condi tion new mufller new rear tires radio rear window delroster block heater FIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper by the lull cord Free delivery Also trunk loads picked up Telephone e6sea zitspace for rent $17000r best offerTele hone 487 3622 REELM l°Y PRlME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 Finish in °°° wm 77 My 728192 BABY NEEDS Two we WNW boat way to 60300qu it lItIilly Sprinklered transport black cloth interior WILL garmegagzcgggmgsï¬lzxï¬nz 903f an ttruc loading docks l4ttiatt I976 Chevelle Malibu Classic two door Stove tire lam iknlck knacks Ver ND GIFTS HANDMADE mm romPrnber clear part at large expanding industrial Go QUICKLY AT ONLY coupe eightcylinder automatic PS PB reasonable Telephsone 4363584 Temphone 728 5388 anyflme 12 PERSONAL 1000 Your lends Id mall 722139 II II WSW radial tires lactory air condition rvwm KITCHEN STOVEII elefllrlc7xgï¬gg 600 or puma II llli rebï¬vos this chris FOR LEASE ndusyrial space 33 Ing Finished in silver blue matching in 7267907 Outlii dighom warehouse Telephone 726 3400 ilor Lic JTK006 will sell quickly aton FREEZER 22 cubic toot chest type by mmm UM mas is to send glttsub Meek II II Iy $2950 International Automobile 100 MIN in GENERAL excellent condition sl95 Roadingls thakoy to schoolsucms8o to halndknlt scriptions OI The ï¬bTJsTRTAL 575er 260 squéré TIfItIrIISItIoIIBjrrie7I269OllIIIII III or Telephone 7372568 my°hdh°h°7 moanthuu Examiner They are easy leet Bradlord St $300 per month Also I973MGBI°°Y spmle and orgml lmled ed° WAlNUT DNNG ROOM SUTE DH IIVMO l325 square leei Morrow Rd $287 per Original paint good tires mechanically Chang and thogrophs by chairs table butfet and china cabinet II toorderThey last all year monthCalDM°rteLydII7780 mu sound runs smoothly Fully certitied twooil lamps some antiques Telephone WWW and cos maucompar aï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬ggflï¬iflï¬g 40000 miles Price $2400 Call George great masters CHAGALL DALI FR Ugges Ions acuity and 10 0d me more parties tor sale or rent Mortell mm 92 773 €513EL73219EE 9L MIRO PICASSO CALDER and STEREO COMPONENT system Web Aqua 0C I972 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 80 Royale cor receiveramplltier and speakers edRea Es ate 720 0674 Igrrlo 37 0254 others Perfect Itt items lawsuitsnu gltt will be announced in your 23 éiagés NlBH soggy IsIteIeriIrIig arItrItIIbIroaIkes one owner IQIII IIIIIIE watnuy hmsh Gag reiggégmgu 1Im Imme beautiful card in 1975 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE geevagflessfl5ï¬ Lv grea Inves men Icasso leenw oth ctadalt halt IInontls fu rich col HEATEDGARAGE SPACEavailamw 5mm wagon Low mueageI l973 CIHEVELLE DELUXE 350 FACE original etching Retail ROTo FERTILIzER SPEADERS six $669 mm arrive do Your own car airs Howl or can mawme British Commbia car Ab automatic power Steering Requires $200 at 510 each Used one season Regular onhuï¬m at iusttho right time before rates Located at 191 Burton All Phon solulelv no rust Power steerino power ï¬gflao iMdl 700 Teephme Yfmzms 373 Guam qg Bargsfarde me Fm Chrysmas 4562576 brakesAMFM stereoair conditioning LL are Imite so or or now lg nguorlu electric door locks two Michelin snow STATIONWAGON l970 Dodge POlara ARTSUPPUES gmo mnnomAmG Order now 26accomm0dallonSlo Share tires on rims Asking $4400 728 7349 318 air conditioning new tires and humor mformmlon wrne or can 90 CENTRE Do EX 626TEARimnébsé Idudes ailer6pm brakes Needs body work Must sell collect ALWVV es PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICI Mather Clash spodanssm cuswm modem my women We and mi CHRYSLER Excellent condition 739929923793933429 Allied Salas Incorporation URE FRAMING We hduda yr 52 music Iguana Dr sauna Non smoker preterred For more P99 36 55s PUMOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE 156 East 52nd Street PAINTINGS CLEANED AND HESTORED FIEEvltkan an and °°°r °5 BY inlormatlon call4875862alter5pm I973 CUTLASS SUPREME52000 miles 9Fled 75° be REDU HNE FRAMING FOR NEEDIEPOINTr IL Cushions tor Christmas wrmng THE Oahu MANWMS wo gaghem hdmé excellent condition new radial tires fwml mxlm Kw 39 New Y°rk New Y°k I00 Many extras Asking $2400 Tele hone pumps °C 59 ea Ph moms CERTIFICATES BedsprIeads other Circulation Dept $973503 Tags Wm same 720 4400 belore pm or 726 7900peven 09 97 5639 92 838 8710 N18 wmy tltoms of The Examiner v7 we ings SUPER CHARGER 7t new bearings 30 omes WIIII IWO new CalbS 24 m4 aI sayilelil lilal umun macaw or Dial 7266537 zacohageslorsalq ggggngggggeogggmeggg3300or takes Canbeadapled to moSt Cars Best FIREonoo FOR 555M134 gong GAKHl 25podol s32 16 ace cord mixe ar 7373572 71 71 SMAILL FRAME COTTAGE on 50 x100 1950 may 000p 1939 Chrysler S°°b°°°l 5919 WI delivered 7265 Sunday calls console price $5500 nu lot in Oro on Lakeshore Rd Asking door l9730atsun4door l800 l937Chev Now 9000 95 Ymderr acce ted IIMIALL $15000 Call David Shelswell Rep tonwillselorincude ton pickupin d°° Celiliedr $400 Telephone £vAeT Shelswell Ltd72il 32930r4872389 trade 436 5596atter6pm ORGAN FOR SALE KmbI 0° 5005 in 31095 vrr EMA diA 69 PONTIAC 350 auoma Good entertainer Excellent Condition Asking 32950 Telephone 7201973 omuoun I2 mortgages I2 mortgages I6 opts to rent 11 houses to rent 31 W5 32 cars for sale 385 WEQTESDW 737 3159 USEDNSKATES and skate exchange METEOR RIDEAU d°°r dam Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports aower steering power brakes radio Dunlop SwaI72632mI Vinyl root good running condition evr vï¬Aa vi PRESTlGE luxury bedroom Phone 726 93looIr I737 07625IileIrI5IpIm gIIRIIIGIIAtItlIIï¬iygingiangIgwggxsimm townhouses Selective noigh ImX3ng$ï¬iyizaLï¬igrmï¬fg $2000 or best otter loriginIaIIy $3600 borhood References 275 Telephone Ron 7284901 eVeTIlflng AVAlLABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom apartment Blake St $165 man thly plus hydro Call Sue Drennan IF representingEmoryMillerLtd726teal or7263545 QUlET NON SMOKINC RESFONSI Sounder $475 T412 with Leslie cabinet $3095 FAIEISA 0d dt ss immediate st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans BLE PERSON WANTED to share large $33125 rTaelgphoge 526r066mdlabi 96 150R price $1049 partly furnished two bedroom apart Ebb 6236 pm ITWStHIIIO I968 FORD FAIRLAINE Jncertiliéd lSlRSIl25 Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation ment IPaggtng call John morningSJIm Evenings 7209682 may new 000 engine 895 and commercial properties Wed love to help you again °°° 5° IMF ler Telephone 726 0038 atterISIpm ll uv 1968 BARRACUDA 1960Fohtiac Good Mmlmm F2 SUBLET FOR DECEMBER lst Two S995 aems oatmems uper saw 352025093inboard room no PRICE 135rltrsrit flmm Home imDrOvements any worthy reason Seam 7gf723 baths Available now S350 montth plus 71 lion Telephone 726 5731anylime Ch we heat and dro Tele hone 726 3257 0d now or IlStmos 0To pay ottexistlng ormaturmg mortgage ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT aImtoame43653348lier6 Op 0Construclioniundsalree advicetry us available December lst Pay own hydro Warrdnty books bench tlioitila iiottiit Loaded luv399 $11995 3Caf5Â¥afrd° WY and use our convenient THREE BEDROOM HOUSE avalable MWW We have ready cash to purchase mortgages IZSSITIMtth Adults only Telephone November 1st Rec room garaeé and 17 10 37ng 55 ngVNTpEIgIIIIrIltghIegItIptxï¬e layaway plan and delivery no charge oriereeeiaaisv l33iiisinterposed Hatchback Cyl ll MAVl57 $3695 Wrecers mmmccm 390 3°dd°°°st trance paIrIkiIng stove triage and Iaun bu op 726 3157 beween 31m and TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor 10 No 95 OCCOPIO on III dry taCllitles Centrally located 17 Monarch Special wrecking and parts top prices paid 1151 09 aboveorgans available December ist Telephone PS Free PCIJDTEIEPMM 726 EN POIIHGSMUEICCENIIE all nytime ggéggébjiodm AFARIIMéIq ICOLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted erv wrecking Fast picku Da GREAT SOUND IN SPEAKERS Four II latla 29 DUMOP ST EAST 24 Hour BAY STREET se Corllained apamem Wih HOU Es 76 Twondo my Iqulpwd up 329 $7995 05 63 Allerépam 424 5949 year old 447 Sonics speakers l6 72600 BARRIEI ONTAmo Phone SONIC TORONTO ONT utilities paldb Corngletely IzedecoIrIateId for ImmediatedreIrIttal JbedroomsIladrge My Voh AT PS WAN50 Ctéaï¬hsgdggéafï¬gggn whoofers Telephone evenings after N25 7250981 3634 Ellereiiecgs sSloa rrigotntv r°eipro°ne i3ir2e°nt St 73 o°omn2c92 Zr 15 Doug no at AT pa It H531 $3595 3° 59°7G°W9 5119298 771Le SCRAP VEHTCLES ANT TIQUE EIGHT piece walnut dining WT PS EDv TOp room suite including retectory table and em Iano ongage BVOIGS Assoc Two BEDROOM APARTMENT FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE PB 88430 $2995 nycï¬rsnepifl mom mmedae pckup carved side board Very good condition 079155 WASHER DRIER spacious well kept close to school three miles east at Barrie near Shanty Buick PS Telephonem 1039 SlmPIICIiY Dorlpble Cleanrgm 1an shopping and bus route Large yard Bay Two bathrooms oil heated TOP PRICE tor lop cars Toke Motors AAAAAAAA FFAn3r WAT condition Price $110 Call George Heatand parkingNo petsszilSmonIth modernSlx monthsieaserequireds300 15 My ml 95 p3 1402 $2995 Lintted Ht Bradlord Street Barrie WOOD HEAT KGQOD IDEA See 7282405lLays72628I5evenings 72 728 Bill down draught airtight Carmor at Sun I4llloIliIe homes trailers Ibgpts to rent T£9°E9f19é95 9900 Firsldndlflsimom mm Seed Nam Foods Dunlap STOVE OLDER ELECTRIC tour BEDROOM APARTMENT stove 99205 191839996739 99 75 CIIOV STOP VIII AT Ilr PB 57446 $4495 34trucks and trailers 55000 mm 5230 burner stove Oven Plus separate Warm TAINDEM CitationI BIendix Idelque BEDROOM APARTMENT available refrigerator heat married couple no LARGE BEDROOM Townhouse full 14 PM won 1416 $2495 IA 77ï¬gt WNW all offal0 gggYQYsesllé CleagIPFICE IIIrIIIaIIIllesr rlIlIlIléurayIsIIUBIrItIiIsIhtrItIgsI ktIngIIsgIZIg December lst Parking laundry ya ItlldIgIen ornpetIsI s2I2IOIiIgtIusItIIydro ggdlIassIt baseznegtANo appliancesIIoRetereInthes gzangSpc FIgRooédtourgytIleol grtIveIIva evannaa eorge ays 623l5 ac it Ir cos cilities $230 month us droI on re va ecem requ re ngus area mon con on eep one new used only six times 705 4451480 RetergncesNopets72sylozl5 Egppgng72ana4n First and last months rent required Maud PSI 33 995 445 5562 all€r5pl1I II POTTERY WEAVING SNOWTIREIS2A78xl3otlrlmswilltit 60x used mobile home deiuxe model Two BEDKGOM ENS TEREE 5E0 FURNISHED STUD STYLE one Telephone Sunday through Thursday Ply Sod AT P5 P3 RUE085 $I995 1975 FORD EXPLORER Pickup truck l97l Gremlin S20 Also copies of the bedrooms broadloom drapes lridge ROOM amnmems Modem building bedroom apartment Super Cleannicely ZPQQJTQOJPREjflï¬gj 5746 gt AT P5 P8 1c 055 power steering automatic vs law last edition ol the Toronto Telegram stove Call 705737 0086 II $290 and $310 monthly includes electric decorated Immediate possession Call TOWNHOUSE FERRIS LANE bed 95 mileage$3lOQITeIIephonIeZZBJZ16 Handcrafted by MARLETTE HOME l2x60 with expan heal lightwaterand parking Lease re 713 £75 rooms tour appllances $300 per month MUST SELL 1973 GMC Ton m4 FABRIC SALE 25 off all material in doand built on roomrefrigerator stove quWdr FlFSl and lasi months rent in ad Lefties BSELESIVGIE 797 907 Donn cv pickup 3000 miles on newzvg engine HEATHER JUD the store This week only Singer air conditioner IiIirIarItes aIrItd rugs Utility bcoIléIIWellinotorIl lacIe AIpiIrt l7housos to rant ALLANDALE HEIGHTS tour bedroom 14 llamas AT HTS263 $2495 Spoke wheels and wide tires New 18m C°mpanYIG°°WlanM°lli 30 shed on service in ookstown Ex QISUDerln en 6039 semi available immediately $375 per chocolate brown paint with beige trim ri ov COMPLETE SET machinist tools and celIlent co9ngyion Asking $22500 Adults gggrngi glelIianzgton St Barrie month plusutllitles Lease required Cal 73 More Cougar AT P5 P3 II TEA270 $2595 $2500 or best otter 726 7770 alter pm N00 09P box also set at mens goli clubs on y456 IIII7IIII II IIIII Harr Maglll rep Lau Goedemonl Rec 73 PS PB Hrlv 658 $2395 weekdays Telephone 7370156 AVv ONE BEDROOM FURNWHED Apart Etate72a 406LorI736I3064II II IY I976 FORD twelve passengacnateao 50 N°V I9h ANTIQUE CANADIANA CLOCK NORTH LANDER Iltstrlmsznnsaggï¬ Ã©ngIlilIlelIg On Eastview bus rrute two Logs COINcESSIION OFIIIOIIRO tho 13 Old on PS 106 $2395 club IyanIIow mileage many extras lOclmt05pm made by Wheeler Georgetown Three bedroom l2 70 home Set up and bed ms immucu 09 on room rame ome asemen on one 26 4295 Shell clock 1079 French shell clock 1820 skirted on landscaped at Lakeview montth plus heat 726 3257 between 00f available DecemberI ISt $250 plus CYL SNOW pLOUbHI fkm aggiifgrbfade sl manna clack Westminster chimes and Mobile Home ESIGIES ln Oflllla 500 amand9 AA on asemen ea UIIIIIIESA Lease reqUIrEG ca Harry PS with hydraulics Fits any sue ruck twoGerman400dayclocks728t2254 dongnI among 31653315 Inglth pluIs lot arlrneni in down 3205 plus all and utilities adults xgglgsgggï¬nlggoflgb fngï¬demondl II Telephone 726 3200 alterSpm mm rena is meIIs ocae across rom town areaavailableimmediatelyTele NI7 on Id tlrm waterItrontII mhunchIDOIEptIarkmCosIed to phone 726 3257 between9amand9prn 0er d095 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie mu CV 796 $3595 531397$3£05hgggqupï¬ggeiggyrnggg T3ehh°70543563i7 000 iv wwï¬ iggggns fnnascggggï¬ablelggmeeyby gNEIeAIIIDFIIIIlIvIgI eIdIIrogImovgprIsIIrIlIrEIiIggs Phone 7284752 mflï¬wsgoggdarggomvgugggomalgmIgg 71 Jeep 414 V6 PCP278 $2995 IaIge IiIiany extras Certilied Must sell ANTIQUE DARK PINE POSTER TwoBEIGE BROWN and Black Plaid 935° 776 69m Telephone 737 1674 between 500and7200 3999 ands PmI dryer large garage $325 monthly Louls 7I PontJltp AT P5 P3 IN225 995 enc°237761229 9907 BEDROOM sum with hutch top rIpIe bflIVï¬ Exfcgrhascgg M23189 pm TF Slansnewt 376 or smz epese PS TRLSJICKIS I970 773 dresser Currently being advertised Nayyure brary 575I 20 volume Great 1976 26 iootTRIFLE motor ome fwabgopooM availaélé 53w Angus alive gayadaï¬jgsl 90 on 95 rum 900° COM local llyer lor $999 Will accept $799 or 9me 572873 celient conditIOn Fully equipped 12000 VACANT Time BEDROOM If e°°b°° relused Phone bestotterAlsoVolvo cartop carrier two mu Teephonem 24 area 5220 Includes iridge stove and MODERNJBEDROOMtarm bungalow Ten miles 62 or out ru 40624 $l995 Windsor5l9 969 sil609amtospm mm 98 aquariums my equipped FURNITURE FOR SALE hutch gold Air £3779¢2lIe5=9°C 9999 we and reeler supnllw 3333 $9353 3° 58 31 Do P55 257 $229 l974FoRDITONUpérc55 5591 Wm mm one Aisa atom with red trimadresserstinishedmapie LARGE THREE BEDROOM apart Utilities extra First and last months LL on mp we ty rad battery and suspension withaux track tape deck Si Automatic two W°°d desse llnl3hedl3ll°l men cenlallY l0caled CUdes rem No Avalable December SHANTY BAY Pb iliary tank Michelin tires 500 speed tlve cycle lwasher like new 5350 NW Isled pme cma mm parking includedI Laundry 7260044 Village beautltully wood St 2bedroom Telephone 705 ms nu or hes We Lookan whie French tion Selling for ill health Call 72699564 b° tacilities No pets Please telephone townhouse electric heat hydro water provlncialrirple dresser 58 93 anytime omes 7230930 relrigerator and stove included Adults 35serVIce and rep rs 77 BASEMENT SALE3 SHANTY BAY cmcessm 199 only No pets Available January Price in effect until Nov rm7 re °U ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Fridge pd order bedroom storey recently Tel hone 690 MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills GIANT RCA Xlloo Barrie Saturday and Sunday Novem Lld and stove private entrance All utilities renovated and broadioomed Call vrAF Fwyw Licenced mechanic Wm 96 hay RCA xuoo mud or calorpar be and 20 l059m Miscellaneous paid East end area Close to bus stop Oshawa 416 576 7496 or shown on NEW TWO STOREY LAK HOME beautilul vlew Line Ora Close SALE RENT No pets and no children Available weekend household items antique furniture and December lst Si95 monthly 7267243lI domestics or imports 737 0724 alter 630 dishes some clothing Nice gifts tor tables new in Total lor only $466 or pay or weekends to skling Adults only $695 monthly Call The Home of Hand Picked Quality just $475 woollly on our Rental Purchase cnristmas EC WC Lemiw 437 16260r1I6m 6357 ZIPmotorcycles Plan N° °Y d° P°Y° Parts and servyce cozv Two BEDROOM apartmenlrcon THREE BEDROOM SEMIcentraloca 7A at locaymm parkmg heatand hydro om syove andridge includedI partially STROUD AREA large brick two storey 0000 Toilet Chair Thomasville French Prov Exclusive Dede for cluded $195 First and last required turnished Available December 15m farmhouse bedrooms large kitchen gébbYAMAIIIIIA deIIPIdblad WIIIII SUI tonight vlnclal table and chairs unusual 7269413 any ï¬lm Ca 728 8463 anempImeeekdaysI and ltvmg room piece bathroom all 000 995 59 99 unly up Carnival Glass Bowls and pitchers Bendix and Glendale OEVNEVFEEDRGOM EUéNierVVEb 5pm MODEiN FOUR BEDROOM heat close to highway It immediate W73 DODGE 35 5h°W °°m C°d°n BeautitulChrtstmas gltts Saturday and ouse for our door clean power 726 777ldays lurk thg 7312 Modular Home mam overlooking mo mon Lease to 230300 mist new 30211003203 thiy Everything included but hydro trorn December to July S350 not in 91340 cyllndIergzssldns uncertilied2l97lMlnls SBSnomebles De mELW One ear lease Phone 726024i or Ht one one at $425 Tm acuum eaner Norhlanders 77 got 3ggdclddotidn7ue Close to school FERPIS LANE Three bedroom ll967 Chev Caprice cleanflhggllllgg W70 AMC HORNET Lic YAMAHA SL 3380 New ename ANSWERING SEEVCE byeRreecgerllgr 8mm elecmc ypewmer Unme Travel Trailers SMALL ONE BEI3ROOM apartment and hospital l75 Toronto St Reterence Le ggaaéllargg mfgaoflfgW £209 Teleflhme 773 0943 AVE47L six cylinder golï¬nouer Days 737 0720 an ggnï¬sxuznggrsnï¬nitflï¬ï¬gg can be my flzlrfuIBlOggggellï¬ikisl In 09th condi located Dunlap 5i Barrie Newly Wed Available December tst i970MERCURYMONTEGOlorSal Al 000 kln $475Calibetween6and Coma Glendene painted and broadloomed Fridge stove 7227i Avgglgzlzbglmedmew ca free condition low mileage recently paiï¬ied ouommc 51 mles WANTED 10 BUY door wen gzwdngznl FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL $5200 shamrock and 0mm included 75 per TIIIIIEE BEDROOM M6 IIOIIIIYIIEUIII is II Wigcermyvsuoo Telephone 0523 reliable car for the winter reasonable in good condition Telephone month First and last months required 737 II 30 or trade tor tour wheel drive 7261001 or 1965 CORVETT Ont PI 7257005 Terms Up To ISYears Because of rear entrance and size Issonoaiale 238ligbleouoergrettggr tilled $6500 of iflégcigfiojflwï¬gg DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE TRAILER GIESEL AUCTION AND FARMERS Highway Sounh paIrtneerIlIlRmogebsrgabllédliir SlfIlgIIIIIe phone 728 MI to let drive 726 I001 or 726 9005 $895 gaiIcglIlIeInt condition 5150 Telephone FLEA MARKET mites Be 0W0 ri4 170 Burton Ave 7289866 Realtor 726 3671 ON BUS ROUTE near school three 969 CHEV IMPALA 4door 307 uncer Certified 7w Em 57 N° bedroom bungalow Fully broadloomed tilled In good condition Asking $500 stop cooking lacilltles available T9ephone7266nL I973 SkIDOo TNT 340 tor sate hasflnew eupholstering antique lashioned dining room suites Gentlemen prelerred Telephone LARGE Two BEDROOM IIpIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Availabe immediatelyI Fun basement rebuilt engine asking $750 Telephone antique lashloned bedroom suites oak we with stove and fridge Nicely decorated 93 $375 monlhYgNQrPejS 7777397451 7260009 hall stand rockers china cabinets tan 728 426adavsor 7780010eveglnqs I976 CAMARO 350 tour barrel low WT cy tables and stands etc Auction starts 6QP to rent in very clean quuetIlour plex includes BEDROOM semi detached home We éï¬ï¬QALfE ï¬NISHED ROOMSI Illeageglady owner excellent condi onic for llll 1030 am Vendors wanted or Fig Veeem parking and all utilities except hydro baths stove trtdge garage s325 mon common momsl nee parking aundrv 00 00 or best otter Telephone MUSIC Largest book and sheet 7373477 1969 PONTIAC vafautbmatic power brakes and steering certilied Tele phone 450 9703 1970 NOVA radio in good running con diItlon As lsI$400I Telephone 424 9572 7261625 thly Lease available Ask lor Larry MODERN luxuay fwo BEDROOM DUpLExI Hittsdate DeWilde representing Lou Goedemondt VERY LARGE and bedroom 15 miles north at Barrie Pine bars 359 59 leTeeph°°773 4097 for lease Quiet huge kitchen garden Suit quiet girl or IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY lovely Ii OZOIItImeI SIIdI No pes couple $150 Nopeis children 835 2031 bedroom basement rec room garage Ul 1973 15 FOOT TRAVELng house washrooms broadloom $310 Contact References 7289682 90 trailer Sleeps seven Fully equipped in M8 J5m7373°°°°r77° 995 549 Iaytlolll St lust north at Georgian Mal Iarria 7370254 Market lust opening 930 am to ap proximately 500 pm Space available Inside or outside tree for remainder at this year 519v6692I57 ANTIQUES Jam cu board 35 writing desk $20 oak sc ool desk 10 aak dining room table needs repairs QGJWF 739196 FURNISHED ROOMS Clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 77 000 IIII CLEAN ORIENT tanIEhed bedroom Itocover it Yourself 0Wido selection at discount music selection In town lobrics s40 30 licence lates l922l960 it in tor entlemanllnen suppliedandchang I967 PLYMOUTH Belvedere new 313 sac HOLGATE Ap mQI Side In excellent condltion Telephone Two BE DROIOM HOME two 39ny share knchenI ea parking angina new resI As good runnlno emu git ml Foam cushions wrought iron telephone stand 815 Th ITF 737 0590 bathrooms alsotireptace Situated on 50 weekly TelephoquInIaIQgI condmonIrglfppone new miscellaneous items Telephone 7204913 Two BEDROOM apartment available acres verv scenic Property miles alter 5pm ONEBEDROOM APARTMENT heat December 1st Downtown location 0t 309 50 per 10 Allnstructionalflmrhl OToolsbotllamateurfl COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bed I973 AMC JEEP CJ5 good condition Olscount to teachers lossional sitter kitchenette Private toilet reasonable mileage Telephone 436 l554 pm and hydro included Pets welcomgham ï¬zwgomb 140 m°hY Telepmne gfï¬a 55°59 755° shower aVaIlabIe Mondays to FrlIdgy I975 37 10 Litersprn IIII II that orderska oNoodios thrgodga twlnas pie parking 90 monlhlvs °° ONLY Suit gentleman wllh establs Into Lic KFX MUST SELL I976 Cordoba P5 PB selection at citlat rdor 424 0486 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment TWO THREE WW met home elsewhere and who returns home 482 radiovlnylrooIwo0nseaIacon 3° m°d°l°° ouse of URNISHED down available immediately Convenient to Kiowa 903 Elf WT Igdggfev weekends 7268998 IIIIIIIII W° 00 stlmdtml dmoned package mien common ï¬rmMeant oAcomplolelino oi upholstery 355 EEaIfIlgIUekriIIVSImIII IrIngIII ea an gggyarbggwanwrtzr rIItIIDspltal Telephone 7201 FURNEHED ROOM rem In private Wlth only 20000 original 22000 miles £4995 Call 726 5963 alter shop nowlorChrlstrnas and use our supplies Yd CWM cm UM or TW BEDROSM stove refrigerator MVIDHURST M04795 lie59 I°Witi2TTlnIE°ZSSï¬zd Urieiivmï¬ï¬ This car cm°°°° reterre 8C UY NOW I972 OUGAR two daar EggzoprlanIErfgnlqogtlgtz heat and parking included Located in blOIJIaIlIOVJifthTileIzrflfsï¬ 7C2Ilinzlg7lslelt parklngIngwsgkyIIIEIEproWJIjz2I7I56I inside and out GREAT hardyopI vaI power game and brakes PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE ChrEStmas Ideas 7203203 33 Decembe NICELY FURNISHED comtortable SECOND CAR FOR ONLY consolcwithmagtires bucket seats On ltdpie Anlarria 8e T°°D°ec°eti 75 77 LUXU Ry bedsittlng parking Tv Gentleman ly 46000 miles 31750 l973 CHARGER 71 IL FURNISHED ONE and W0 09600 MOVING IN THE NEW YEAR one Homellke atmosphere Board ll desired SE Brougham two door automatic po apartmEMS Walla Cema Adllls bedroom apartment centrally located Telephone wer steering brakes radio Only 50000 Classlfled 00W OWEWWWGYS will be available January 1978 LOU Three bedrooms WNTO Funiiggearoom ghllesIItlitéooo 1754 DIODGE Monaco two DivotFabrlc ART so er thin in ded 5190 manthl oor ar lop radio va aut TmmhlayeietclegerallputilitxsEaltdscaï¬e rehtApp3 in wrllting tlo Box W7 Barri WShmoms named oaraqe adms malt fern 7ggggzr favogfges we amatlc vinyl root Must sell at 31450 ELECTRIC SamlAcoustIc Guitar and Drapery Mm OUIIOI Sp0tter N0 pet lose to Hayï¬eld Mall Lease Examiner Barrie0nt Em INIle was 8726 pie Fur I973 MERCURY cooW Park Pas Ampmerapprox amonms 8° In Just north of fhese frlendl Wired Telephone no 60 6N5 BEDROOM aparmen EIle PelPeapmII erPz 21room and board senger wagon V8 automatic power excellent condition Asking $550 YI TWbg5pOOM Amnmm 745W dammed stave eirigeayouinnes COLDWATER H00 SQ tl WW wwWflmme minor brakes radioalr conditioning 720 3599 Georgian Moll merchants $260 per month plus hydro All other parking Included sl9o monthly Avail bedwmsl Wak ovbasemeng gggdgg ELAXEUDt CLkï¬ft Hoï¬gggggmflg ClnfLkecnï¬féqnthalfpoInIiIcarI are RECYCLE LOST HEAT irom your Iur 7374510 IF welcomeI erences ream oroom 390 an cer ie man roug nace inrtallahealmlserln our smoke l3326333itï¬iéliizletï¬ammme ï¬liligfiglbfitalcm°d°w°wd mmm °5Ii°5C°°W°ll£7° tOBGUie5139mqnlilY45599L 7370154 ron Graham Motors 728 5470 pipes CalII lIorIlItItlormatlon 720 075 wThFTF