Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1977, p. 6

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tho examlnor Sammy Nov 12 1971 33 Th game By GIFFORDJ ONES Mrs of Vancouver writes Im twentyeight hap ily married and love my work Eventually we want amily but would like to delay it aslong as possible How safe is it to have child in your thirties Would require Cesarean section Another reader Ms of Ottawa asks Im 100 per cent career woman with no desire to marry or have child But if have change of heart later in life what troubles run into Is there much chance of an abnormal Like South Americans who frequently put off things until tomorrow more and more Canadian women are planning for manana baby Some women are findng new and exciting challenge in business Others prefer childless marriage for several years Still other couples are unable to decide whether or not they ever want children Women whose lifestyles are so predicated should be aware of some potential pitfalls Putting off things until tomorrow can be hazardous in many situatiom and pregnancy is no exception For one thing manana baby may never appear Today its easy to forget this basic fact After all everyone reads that hundreds of thousands of needless abortions are done every year in Canada and the US Its also common knowledge that millions of women are preventing pregnancy by the birth control pill 0n the surface it would appear that avoiding an unwanted child is the main problem Career women should not make the mistake of thinking that pregnancy at any age is simple as flicking on light switch Remember that one couple in ten are infertile for For many Canadian women manana may be too late of problems Some women are born with weak menstrual system which causes infrequent and irregular periods in early life This menstrual irre larity is usually due to feeble ovaries which fail to ovu ate at monthly intervals If lazy ovaries have trouble producing eggs in the twen ties its easy to predict theyll have more difficulty doing so in the thirties Pelvic disease may also enter the icture Some women in their thirties will develop fibroi ovarian cysts en dometriosis or pelvic infection which will decrease the possibility of pregnancy Who knows what the future will bring recall one patient who was always preparing for later ichild when she suddenly developed acute appendicitis dur ing vacation in Europe It ruptured prior to surgery and ended her chances of pregnancy by severely blocking both fallopian tubes Women who eventually have manana pregnancy face other potential problems More of these patients will have miscarriage toxemia of pregnancy difficult labours or late pregnancy bleeding that requires cesarean section Doctors have to handle these women with kid gloves during the entire nine months Mariana pregnancies are more likely to produce ab normal babies For instance between the age of 35 and 39 in 208 births are mongoloid Between 40 and 44 in 70 and betwltgten 45 and 49 in 40 If youre planning manana pregnancy see your doctor every year By doing so he may spot early troubles that might change your longterm planning Pap smear may begin to show minimal abnormal changes small fibroid might start to increase in size Or the doctor may detect the internal bleeding associated with variety of reasons Delaying pregnancy to the middle years lowers the batting average Failure to have manana baby can result from number inlays Custom draperies or bedspread one window or your entire home only Reed National Drapery has the skill resources and service to guarantee you the best custom product within the manana baby Our Beautiful Fall Collection Sanderson Prints Swiss Easements American Antique Satins Dutch Velvets Italian Contemporary Weaves French Terqals lndian Hand Woven Cottons and many more among our 1000 hanging drapery samples At Reed National Drapery youll find the largest and finest selection of drapery fabrics Only Reed National Drapery uscsb inspection steps and those handcrafted details that makes your drapery look really custom made 1FABBIC INSPECTION 2HAND SEWING FULLNESS 4CHECK THE HANG 5FULL HEMS PERFECT MATCHING Remember at Reed National Drapery we give you complete price Including fabric making track trim and installation There are no hidden extras Why not call us today for an appointment The consultation and estimate are free See our beautiful drapery samples in your home Call now OREED NATIONAL RAPERY FOR SHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL 7263401 Out of town call collect mallr charge with children as the key endometriosis that could scar the female organs The best advice is not to push your luck too far in planning KINGSTON Ont CP church in Kingston was built with children and day care in mind Bay Park Baptist Churchs architecture and activities were designed for church ser vices recreation and fulllt scale day care centre Rev Albert Luesink one of the churchs ministers said The church built thr whole thing separate foundation chartered in HITS as nonprofit charitable organization open ates the daycare centre and leases facilities from the chin ch mammoth undertaking for small congregation of about too people the daycare centre is licensed for 74 children There are only 20 children enrolled now as the centre opened at the beginning of September The acting president of the board Dr William Forrest said the idea started when the congregation realized the for mer church was too small We wanted new premises and steering CJlllllllllit sug gested the possibility of erect ing building which would bc and senior as one of combined church citizens residence our sister churchi in Toronto had done hv said Fees for the fiveday week are $4250 per child Iiow about rerun prayer for middleaged Dear Ann long time ago you printed Prayer for the MiddleAged enjoyed it 10 years ago but NEED it now KI From LA Dear 81 Ilere it is Happy to oblige Prayer for the MiddleAged Lord thou knowest better than would know self that am growing older and that some day shall be old Keep me frotn the fatal habit of thinking must say something on every subject and on every occasion Boltrise nic from craving to straighten out evcr bodys affairs Make me thoughtful but not moody help ul but iiol bossy With in vast store of wisdom it seems pity not to use it all but thou knowcst Lord that want few friends at the end Keep my mind free from recital of endless details givc High school English seminar Stresses needorconsistencY The implementation of the high school credit system in the early 1970s has serious harm ed the effective teacging of writing skills This is the opinion of Mary Thysell supervisor of the English language proficiency program at the University of Waterloo Speaking at an allday pro gram for Simcoe County English teachers Thursday at Central Collegiate Mrs Thysell said English teachers at the high school level dont have the time to work on one toone relationship with their students If more time could be had for high school teachers to mark English papers we at the universities would expect to see an improvement in the writing skills of freshmen students Furthermore the loss of marking time for English teachers was the worst thing about the implementation of the credit system Mrs Thysell said Mrs Thysell and Stephen Jones dean of arts in the University of Waterloos exter nal affairs department outlin ed the five writing skills com mittees that have been formed by the university The committees were formed from the writing skills research project study undertaken at the university in June in which 92 educators from across the pro Vince put forth recommenda tions for improving the teaching of writing skills in On tarioschools Each committee has its own particular area of responsibili ty The first committee will seek to define the levels of writing achievement that can reasonably be expected of students at the stages from Grade through college and university The second committee will discuss standards used in marking Committee three will deal with the project report recom meridations that the number of English credits in high school be increased that the teacher student ratio be reduced and that more time be devoted to some high school English courses The fourth committee will take up the recommendation that elementary teachers should receive more effective training in how to teach language skills And the fifth committee will deal with the recommendation that all secondary teachers not just English teachers should receive more instruction in teaching writing skills Neither Mrs Thysell nor Jones offered ways in which ef fective solutions could be found for the recommendations put forward by the university One teacher asked the Waterloo representatives where the money was going to come from to support the research groups recommenda tions that the number of students each English teacher is expected to teach be dropped from the current 100 to 120 and that the number of required English courses in high school be increased Representatives said they did not know Credit system has harmed writing skills By RUDLEIGII MACLEAN Examiner Staff Reporter There is need for consistency in the development and teaching of writing skills by high school teachers says co author of the ministry of educations senior English pro gram guidelines Tom Riddoch told group of Simcoe County High School teachers participating in series of allday seminars at Thursdays professional activi ty day held at Central Col legiate that teachers must co ordinate their English pro grams Too often in the past each grade teacher has been struc turing his class programs as though he were an island unto himself he said This has caused an overlap and discon tinuity in the teaching of English programs All teachers should have consistent writing program across all English programs specifically in the teaching of expository prose Riddoch said Riddoch who conducted an seminar on the topic an in tegrated writing program emphasized the need to in corporate writing skills into all areas of the English program In suggesting ways swoo dary English teachers could improve the quality of student writing skills liiddocli said teachers should dcvmc less time to the quantity of literature covered in classroom and mort lllllt to writing skills Xtrtists In the suitor guidelines have stressed the UlltlliINl linic allotment ill Silltil Smoking arthritis nail mid hair disorders and CilllfIltlS Were the topicsof flidllfiflull ilfi intmoors of the Simcoe ounty Mtthill Secretaries Assocui lion attcniicd recent lllilt lay at the Scarborough icncra Ilospitnl liespirrdouist Dr John An thony who spoke about sinok mg told the group that thi liilii Iilll loud to physical uioiitlittiriiiig siiorlnnss of breath obisin and liwr and turn dischar ll increases the chumc of sti okra heart and vascular lustre bronchitis Iilltl em AnnLanders me wings to get at the point Seal my tips on my aches and 3211115 They are increasing and love of rehearsing them is coming sweeter as the years go by dare not ask for grace to enjoy the tales of others pains but help me to en dure with patience dare not ask for improved memory but for growing humility and lessening of cocjsureness when my memory seems to clash with the memory of others Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally may be mistaken Keep me reasonably sweet do not want to be saint some of them are hard to live with but sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil Give me the ability to see good things in unexpcctul places and talents in unexpected people And give me Lord the grace to tell them so Dear Ann Landers No big deal but it bothers me lot more than it should loaned book to friend Several months passed and Sht didnt return it Finally got up the nerve to ask her if she had finished reading the book because wanted it back Her response rocked me She denied ever having borrowtxi the book but announced coolly will pay you for it do not believe person would pay for anything if she didnt think she had borrowed it Now hear this have an item borrowed from her Shall just keep it and tell her to forget paying for the book Miami Beef Dear Beet Your relationship is alreadyprelty badly bent Dont do any further damage If the money is offered take it Return whatever it is you borrowedregardless And let this be the last of the lend lease program between you two if you value her friendship Dear Ann Lenders used to think you were square olrl bat Whenever youd advise someone to discuss problem with their clergyman Id say to myself what copout Well got in jam and decided to try my clergyman lie was so understanding and gave me terrific counselling couldnt have gotten better advice for thousand dollars This is to say thank yousLancaster Iccn Dear Teen Thanks for letting me know hope others who think Im square old hat will pay some attention to you English classes on the teaching of language skills In the intermediate English guidelines there will be 50 per cent requirement for class time spent on language skills he said EVALUATION in the area of evaluation of students progress in learning language and writing skills Iliddoch said the ministry recommends the use of three main types of evaluation procedures teacher evalua tion peer evaluation and stuw dent scltievaluation Mul lltyhlll scpcrvisor of The keynote speaker at the allday seminar was Gray Cavanagh coauthor and supervisor of the ministrys senior guidelines writing team Cavanagh stressed the need for balanced flexible and in tegrated English program where the balance is met bet ween teaching proficient writing skills and teaching creative and imaginative writing Both of these styles are im portant in students learning to express ideas clearly logically and concisely and in the English proficiency pro giuni at the inivcrsity of Waterloo and Stephen Jones illltll of irts in tbr universitys external affairs department Medical secretaris attertd special clinic pit emu lw saitt adding that litw is grtulir clmncc of post operative roiripiitutions in siriokcrw llllli lll riozi sriukcrs Dr Howard lionsk der mainlogist spoke about trail and llJLT llSllttlvlF lzidications of distuse and abnormalities rin br ilclictcl by examination of Ill llilllx he iiri aiding the ost of moi polish rcniovcr Slllp off part of the nail plate He told tie group that clear nail polish reapplied as llltSiiilV is less harmful and wuncd against mil hardeners lxtuuv some people have been ftlulltllilltlpitltlllllli ltilltlll film on hair transplants and falthion show of nursrng uniforms Dr Michael limiti ninn spokc about licultuu of rheumatoid hands lbt disease is more common lll woinrn tinrt men and occurs in children viill as the elder the plastic surgeon said fomiiicviting on films of joint Cpliltliltll surgery be said llln luiiil can ht restored to normal function and up lieurziutc Progression of the discusc can be prevented bi phystotbciupy the doctor ud ed IA It IS Concluding the session was talk about cataracts by Dr Harold Stein More common in hot climates and traceable in family histories ultllfltll may be removed by cold probe method he mid lrollowiiig surgery pntiint cts objects greatly inagnilitd but may be helped by cataract glasses he said lllllltxllliil lenses that may be sewn to tho pupil can return vision to near normal llr Stein concluded Present from linrric at the clinic wort Ruth Aaison lTnu iiorton Shirlcy Carson Viola Peters liertlri llogaii IZdilli Smith Murg Klein lmminc Dolisky tuthy Monknian Marianne Parker and Carol Weitra Avoiding men keytolfie DESEIIONTO Ont GP Emma Shorey who celebrated her 1051b birthday this week attributes her longevity to the fact that she has stayed away from men If wanted to get married could have she said in weekend interview But en joyed my life myself Miss Shorcy who was born in nearby Ncwburgh said she feels fine and the nurses at the nursing home where she lives say she is more lively than many of the 70and 80ycarold residents dont think would even suggest how many more birth days would want she said his learning to express im aginative thoughts in creative passages of prose Cavanagh said AMODEL As model for the 1980s English programs will be designed and implemented by teachers 50 per cent and studentsth per cent Such an arrangement bet ween teacher and student will encourage average and superior students to perform to their maximum potential Cavanagh told his audience explain how the implementation of the credit system in the Heather Hooper coauthor of the intermediate guidelines and professor of English at The University of Western Ontarios Faculty of Education stressed the need for teachers to in tegrate the English programs in the elementary schools Integration is the key to an English core program from Kindergarten to Grade 13 in which the timetables reflect the integration of reading and writing skills by making them one discipline she said early 19705 has hurt the teaching of writing skills at the secondary school level Examiner Photo Attends Toronto convention Members of the Hospital Auxiliary Association of Ontario gathered in Toronto this week to elect new executive Right Gerry Morton president of the Royal Victoria Hospital Aux iliary in Barrie talks with Mrs Keefe of Midland incoming president of the rovin cial association The convention was held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto Bureau hoto Background as colorful as artwork she paints MAooc om tCP Mary Schneiders background is in many ways as colorful as the paintings that have made her one of Canadas most respected artists The sprightly 84yearold who runs the Schneider School of Fine Arts can look back on lifetime that has brought her more than the usual measure of joy and despair And there can be few things that provide sha contrast to period of her it she would prefer to forget than the breath taking location of her school on the Skootaniata River short distance from this community In 1989 four years after her marriage to artist and designer Roman Schneider the Polish born champion of the avant garde movement and her hus band were arrested by the Rus sians and sent to prison camp in Siberia After their release the Schneiders lived in Iran where they became friends with Ira nian royalty Ma Schneider became director the Polish art workshop in Tehran They spent five years in Lebanon before moving to Can ada in 1950 After serving as in structors at Acadia University in Wolfville NS the Schnei ders moved to Toronto In 1963 Mrs Schneider dis covered the site of the school while visiting friends in the area She and her husband erected cabins on the site and the school now has grown into one of the major schools of fine art in Canada Roman Schneider played an active part in the instructional syllabus at the school and taught ceramics until his death eight years ago Since then Mrs Schneider has continued with tier work She painted scene of Princess Annes wedding which was pre sented to the princess Eager students from all over Canada and the United States flock to the school for summer lessons The students whose ages ran from 17 to 70 come to wee long summer sessions to study under wellknown artists such as Anita Carson Alexan der Millar John Taylor Carl Schacfer Philippa Faulkner John Bennett Don Fraser Greg Paul Cuttorn Otto and of course Mary Schneider SOME 0N SCHOLARSHIPS Many of the students enrolled at the school are on scholar ships offered by the govern ment and the local Rotary Club Mrs Schneiders unofficial righthand man is Collins Mc Bride from Peterborough who arrived as the only male student at weeklong session last August and stayed on as student artist school han dyman and chauffeur During the period from late October to June when the school is not open Mrs Schnei der spends her time at her To ronto home or visiti artistic centres around the wor She remains more active than many women half her age She was recently invited to hold classes at the Banff School of Fine Arts but turned down the offer Maybe next year she told the school

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