Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1977, p. 24

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air the examiner Saturday Nov 12 1977 MAX HAINES Crime Flashback One of the last pictures of the Peterson family before the tragedy From left Mary 18 Dorothy 11 Jena 17 Pearl Phyliss the lone survivor at the house Mrs Lee Hill who was living in at the time Colin Mrs Peterson William Mr Petersons mother who was in hospital and Mr Peterson holding son Larry Family massacre Murder is the most reprehensible and hor rendous crime that man can inflict on his fellow man The motives which generate this most final of all acts can come from variety of sources greed hate lust jealousy the list is endless But what of the murders which take place without motive without reason and without explanation Nothing can be more tragic This is the story of one such murder Shell Lake Sask is tiny farming com munity of 250 people situated about 90 miles north west of Saskatoon The closest town of any size is Prince Albert The huge farms often associated with western Canada are not evident in this area The farms are small Hardy men work long hard hours in the fields to wrest living from the ground In addition to their craps they raise horses cattle pigs and chickens Jim Peterson had farm about four miles from Shell Lake Jims farm was about mile square and stood about 300 yards off Highway plain clapboard farm house was home to 47yearold Jim his 42yearold wife Evelyn and their eight children rang ing in age from Larry one to Jean 17 An older daughter Katherine had recently married and was living in BC Wildrew Lang owned the farm adjoining the Petersons Lang and Peterson often worked together on each others farms During haying time they pooled their labor first doing one farm and then the other At 830 am Aug 15 1967 Wildrew Lang started off in his truck for the Peterson farm Because the men were always giving each other helping hand they rarely drove down their long driveways and along Highway to the next farm Instead they had worn sort of path or crude road through connecting field in order to go directly from one farm to the other On this perfect summer day Lang and Peterson were going to clean out granary which was really an old house used for storage It was located not too far from the Peterson house Lang made his way across the field and started to load his truck alone He idly thought that Jim should have joined him They had discussed loading the grain the night before Jim planned on haul ing it to the elevator so that he could give his 17yearold daughter Jean little extra money Jean was runner and was soon to take part in track and field meet in Dun durn Sask The whole Peterson family was excited about the prospect of Jean taking part in real organized track meet What could be keeping Jim Lang decided to go to the farmhouse and find out As he approached the front door it dawned on him that it seemed to be so very quiet and still It was close to oclock Where was Jim Eight active kids and not sound to be heard Lang opened the door and apprehensively called out Hello He peered inside There on the kitchen floor clad only in his shorts lying face down was the body of his friend Jim Peterson Lang didnt look an further He drove the few miles to She Lake and made contact with the RCMP at Spiritwood Cpl Richards arrived at the Peter son home and while Lang waited in the car outside Richards entered the house He in stinctively knew that Jim Peterson was dead In the living room on cot he found the body of 11yearold Dorothy He con tinued on to the childrens bedroom In the first bed he discovered the bodies of Pearl nine and Jean 17 In another double bed were three bodies Mary 13 William VICTOR HOFFMAN now In institution fivei and Colin two All had been shot in the hea Richards noticed slight movement bet ween the bodies of Pearl and Jean He bent over and discovered tiny fouryearold Phyllis her face buried in her mattress Richards lifted her from the bed and took her outside The child didnt speak Richards saw to it that she was taken to farm across the highway Richards then drove to Shell Lake for help He returned accompanied by Dr Michaud As he approached the house for the second time he discovered the bodies of Mrs Peterson and one year old Larry clad only in his diaper The bodies were found outside the house Mrs Peterson had grabbed her infant son and jumped out window in an attempt to escape Both had been shot through the hea Nine human beings had fallen that morn ing to some madman Who could hate this Godfearing hard working family enough to kill them Why the Petersons Why was Phyllis spared The RCMP had no murder weapon and no motive but they did have some clues The killer had left an identifiable footprint on the Petersons kitchen floor It had been made by rubber boot which had distinguishable markings One of these markings were the words Made in Taiwan The bullets which had killed the Petersons came from 22 calibre rifle Three days after the murders the RCMP received call from farmer rte gaVe them the name of someone whom he thought they should check out The name was Victor Hoffman Victor was 21yearsold He had been in and out of trouble for the past few ears From 1961 to 1964 he had been charg three times with breaking and entering Each time it appeared that he was interested in stealing guns He had received twoyear suspended sentence for these offences More recently he had behaved strangely around his own home When he started shooting his rifle in the air explaining that he was shooting at the devil his parents had him committed to the Saskatchewan Mental Hospital at North Battleford While being treated at the hospital he con fessed to doctors that he hadseen the devil many times From as far back as he could remember the devil had appeared to him He described the ap arition as being well over six feet tall wit face resembling pigs Doctors in the mental institution diagnos ed Victors illness as schizophrenia They prescribed drugs to suppress his hallucina tions as well as electric shock treatments Victor received 12 shock treatments and seemed to improve On July 16 he was released While still introverted he was capable of working on the farm and socializ ing with acquaintances The doctors who re eased him felt that drugs would keep his illness under control The RCMP visited the Hoffman farm and confiscated Victors 22 calibre Brownin ri fle and his rubber boots On Aug 19 our days after the murders and the day of the Petersons funeral the crime detection laboratory in Regina informed the in vestigating officers that Victor Hoffmans rubber boots had made the track on the Petersons kitchen floor and his rifle had fired all the fatal bullets Victor Hoffman was taken into custody and questioned He told police that on Aug 15 he got out of bed at am and worked on the family car Then without warning Vic tor blurted out OK killed them tried to change the rifling on it should have burned the house then you would not have found those cartridges stopped at the gate dont know what made me do it col lected 17 cartridges The one left didnt see me When Victors rifle was examined it show ed signs of having been tampered with in order to make ballistic comparisons more difficult In his original statement above and later Hoffman was obsessed with changing the characteristics of his rifle so that the fatal bullets could not be traced back to him His statement also revealed wh little Phyllis was spared She had not 100 ed and in his war mind Hoffman ordain that she woul live because she could not identify him Victor was studied extensively psychiatrists His story began to unfol After workin on the car on the day of the murder the evil told him to go for drive The thought entered his mind that he should kill both his parents but instead he put box of shells in the glove compartment and placed his loaded 22 on the front seat Vic tor took off and as he passed each house he had an urge to pull into the driveway and kill the occupants As he drove st each farm the urge grew stronger unti at last he did pull into driveway It was the farm of Jim and Evelyn Peterson Little Phyllis waspurposel left alive Hoffman says it was because didnt see him Psycluatrists feel that his impulse to kill was exhausted Hoffman had never met nor even seen any member of the Peterson famil until the August morning he opened their ront door Victor Hoffman stood trial for murder and was found Not Guilty due to insanity He was confined to mental institution where he is to this day The doctor says Might not prostate gland By THOSIESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Ive been having trouble urinating figure its myeprostate gland tting enlarg understand rom what read that this is matter can handle myself How Can you give me some tips for those with my problem MrLTD Prostate trouble is com mon among men after middle age but that doesnt mean every case of urinary distress excess urination or diminished stream force is result of gland problem Surgery is not always neces sary if the gland is only mildly enlarged But if there is in flammation or enlargement you would want to know Rather than speculate based on such slender information sug gest you first of all be exam ined to find if your prostate is involved at all Dear Dr Thosteson am 13 and wear mascara on my eyelashes When remove it every night with baby oil two things happen First about five eyelashes come out on the tissue Second the baby oil gets in my eyes and my sight is blurred for about five minutes Should switch makeup Tl Better forget the mascara for while At this rate ou wont have many eyelas es left If you dont know it now youll soon learn it takes several months for the lashes to grow back The oil forms film over your eyes and is carried away even tually by tearsprobably the ones you shed over the lost lashes But why subject your self to this in the first place If you are not expert in removing the mascara which seems the case with you you may be get ting some of the mascara mate rial into the eyes themselves and that can lead to further problems If eyelash loss continues after discontinuing the mascara you should be examined by an oph thalmologist or der matologist Dear Dr Thosteson am being treated for overactive thyroid which developed right after the birth of my first child Its back to normal Once go off the thyroid medicine what are the chances of it remaining normal Mrs You are normal because of the medicine If you stop it hy perthyroidism is likely to re turn would say the chances are slim of staying normal without it Dont do anything about the medicine either way without consulting your physt cran Dear Dr Thosteson You wrote that it is wise to check in ternal causes of bad breath Just what kind of doctor should person look for to do this JJ Your personal physician But see your dentist first Dear Dr Thosteson have read letters in your column from people who suffer from nervous sym toms fatigue de pressronan soon My heart goes out to them was in the same boat and some one told me about Recovery Inc gave it try and it helped me so much Everyone was helpful and understanding Please tell people about this or ganization It is selfhelp pro gram and there are no fees so anyone can afford it Its usu ally listed in the telephone bookDN Thanks for mentioning it Ive heard of the work of this organization and endorse it BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby Play hits at establishment NORTH OAKS VQ871 OA963 592 WEST AQJ10863 EAST 10 SOUTH 10 10 Both vulnerable West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Here is another hand taken from one of Easley Blackwoods articles in the ACBL Bulletin Note that South reached seven hearts without using Blackwood Remember that you should not use Black wood with either void or worthless doubleton in an unbid suit So South headed for the slam by his club cue bid Pass monds to show that ace and right or wrong South closed the bidding at seven hearts It turned out to be the winning decision although at first glance it looked as if South could only come to 12 tricks He found the 13th by suitestablishment play He ruffed the spade lead Played his ace of hearts to pick up the trumps Played king and ace of diamonds Discarded his last two dia monds on the ace and king of spades ruffed diamond to set up dummys last dia mond for an eventual dis card of the 10 of clubs 42 diamond break would have defeated the grand slam but suits break 34 almost 68 per cent of the time Colorado reader wants to know the score for making four hearts redoubled with three overtricks It is 2230 points made up of 1200 for the overtricks 50 for the contract 500 for the rubber and 480 below the line Hence it counts more than an undoubled grand slam bid and made Of course in rubber bridge if it gives you North accepted the invita two ame rubber on et tion by bidding four din 700 notg500 for the rubberg daily crossword ACROSS 45 Family member Tobacco chew 46 Wild card €on 49 Protective Seed glove 12 Press 53 Sooner than 13 Bird class 54 River in 14 Environment Europe agency labbr 56 Air prefix 15 Falls 57 Word to call 16 Accustomod anenuon 17 Hum 98 58 FOrearm bone 18 ScohpottJl 59 Kite part cut on 50 Navy ship 20 Near lite prerix abbr beginning 61 Audible 22 TOWN respiratiOn 23 mflglzl 62 Squeezed out 24 Floor support 27 Strongest Dow 3123 Jest 32 Roman poet Hindi dialect 34 Oriental Composer beverage Stravinsky 35 Seasoning Digs into 37 Makes mad Failed tree 39 Thus Lat Profess 40 Having Hamilton bill apertures Consideration 42 Donjons Varying 44 Cold and weight of damp India Answer to Previous Puzzle EDEEEE DEBBIE DEE BED DE BEBEE El 10 Samiprecious 33 Look 36 To be Fr CltY 38 Remove rind 19 Dmsron Foot bone preposition 21 Spindle Minor 23 Sadist 45 Isaac mother Marquis do 46 Biblical king 47 Raw materials 48 Florida inlet 49 Company of people 50 Hole in pan 51 Great Lake 28 Rblgxalion 52 $3 29 Step and hop 55 Fatimas 30 Spam husband 24 Strap on falcons log 25 Using speech 28 Shakespear ean villain Be patient Wnuu vr As their Birthday regarding some thing that youve been hoping will come through lhatll lead to more abundant circumstances This coming year it could all happen SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You possess unique talent today for making much from meager opportunities The crumbs that others ignore youll bake into lull loal SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You are able to make something difficult look easy today because you have valu able past experiences to draw upon and you use them wise ly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Your strong suit today is your talent for helping others get out of light spots and binds Put if to good use AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Judgments you make today regarding the true motivations of others are remarkably astute but keep them to your self PISCES Feb 20March 20 Conditions pertaining to signifi cant issues tend to favor you again today Expend your ef Short Ribs 1M BAD BRAD MEANEST HOMBRE WESTOF IHE P3305 GIUEW IWT KLXXUHOUDGIW IUTEEESIEDIUMEI raph Bernice Bede cool torts where theyll do you the most good ARIES March 21April 19 In situations today where you have to exercise authority do so with tolerance Use firm hand but not clenched fist TAURUS April 20May 20 Be sure that all members of the family pull together today to help keep the household budget intact Exceptions could cause the cookie jar to crumble GEMINI May 21June 20 You earn the respect of others today because they know ex actly where they stand with you Your words have the ring of truth CANCER June 21July 22 Pru dence is called for in money matters today If you cant find what youre shopping for at the right price its best you wait till you can LEO July 23Aug 22 The type of activities that you should find the most fun today will be those that are toned down bit rather than those which are physically exerting VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You are methodical in procedure as well as conscious of your re sponsibilities today It isnt likely youll confuse your prior itles LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 It behooves you to associate with your more ambitious friends today Your companions influ ence your attitude IM HERE IO SHOOT THE EYES OUT OF THAT YELLOW BELLIED CHICKENLNERED TINHORN SHERIFF Feuuow lDiANg five ear saute 9000 News AND éOME 3RD NEW MIMIQJINJUTV M©©UTZAIL Wooii Nov 14 1971 Dont turn your nose up this coming year at enlerprlses that are unique or novel in what they offer One of them could be real barnburner and make you lots of bread SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Ma or strides can be made today in advancing your selfInterests provided your methods are noble and dignified Anything less will work against you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Factions merge uniquely today advantageous to your interests The benefits are predicated upon the caliber of the people involved CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Your chances for success are better if you use the least obvious methods today tactics loo direct or pushy will offend allies AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 It might prove wiser today to quietly act on your own coun sel rather than try to justify your reasons to knowItalls Debate lends itself to delays PISCES Feb 20March 20 This will be lucky day as long as you operate in friendly familiar territory Foreign fields are traught with pitfalls HE HAD NOTHING BUT NICE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT YOU OH UIAT THE HKK ILL GIVE IT MINER MR PLOHIN DO ARIES March 21 fprll 19 It may be necessary or you to veto the suggestlons of an associate today In an Important business matter Do so If youre sure youre rlght TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 You treat others today In an honora ble open manner and most will reciprocate In klnd The excep tionone who has been dis honest with you before GEMINI May 21June 20 joint venture has the promise of substantial rewards today Dont blow your posslbllltles wllh foolish move CANCER June 21July 22 Part nership arrangements are lucky for you today with mem bers of the opposite sex and people that you know soclally Alliances with kllh and kin are not LEO July 23Aug 22 Thlngs that you do spontaneously to day have way of worklng out On the other hand paralysis sets in in matters where you overanalyze VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Un der unusual circumstances you may meet someone today qulte Influential who could be big help In advancing your present plans Make good Impres sion LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You handle yourself admirably In career and commerclal matters today but your sound logic and foresight could desert you In domestic issues ON HIS WAVOUI OF TOWN You Rent11E 1an IF You WERE all wE couLD AUCTION BILLING and fgNTS BC TELEéRNA FROM CLUMSY CARP pintoyflmc NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 THEN HOW CAN You Tau Iris FROM awnle CARP Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use You ofF Tb PAY FOR THE REPAIR cosrs torrmurim Reg us Far on THAQES TIIB ClTl THE STATE OR THE FATHER 0F WK llvll

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