12 rawrvmas may Today is Remembrance Day day in which we pay tribute to those who fell in battle during the two world wars Janice Menezes 15 Grade 10 student at Barrie North Collegiate composed an essay two years ago which won her provincial honors in contest sponsored by the Royal Cana dian Legion MISS Menezes points out in her essay which is gatherin recognition in area schools that perhaps the young people our peaceful society do not fully understand the meaning of the word Remembrance Janice Menezes First Prize $2000 Vacation Holiday Second Prize 10 Portable Candle Cassette Recorders with Builtin AMFM Radio Model JTR 1215 Third Prize 2O Polaroid 8X70 newest One Step Camera Outfits Heres all you have to do Open Savings or Chequing account for $50 or more at any Municipal branch between October 17th and December 3rd 1977 With every $50 new deposit you make to that account during the contest period youre entitled to one entry to win the great escape onehalf of the value of the trip must be in travel and accomodation Arrangements will be made through OK Johnson Travel or their affiliates or one of 10 Candle Cassette Recorders approx value $120 each or one of 20 Polaroid One Step Camera Outfits approx value $65 each For example deposit $500 and you get ten opportunities Present customers can also participate by making $50 new deposits to their existing accounts Think of your chances to win with only six branches participating downtown Barrie Georgian Mall Orillia Midland Gravenhurst and Pembroke compare the rates the Municipal is offering on Savings and Chequing then open your account today Winners must answer timelimited mathematical skilltesting question acn contestant will be entitled to maximum of one hundred opportunities to win Complete details an Entry Form at all Munroml branches the municipal savmgs loan corporation Convenient Hours Monday thru Saturday Barrie Dunlop at Owen 7269311 Georgian Mall 7260340 Incorporatmi under The Loan Trust Corporations Act of The Province of Ontario Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation By JANICE MENEZES As budding teenager it is hard to visualize the horrors of World Wars Yet on November 11 one of the most moving and signifi nt experiences to me is the me when we pause bow our heads and remember those who made the supreme sacrifice in their fight against tyranny in order to safe ard the freedom and dignity man We pa homage to the thou sands lost their lives so that the free world might be better lace in which to live Tears Ill my eves as wonder whether ti ir supreme sacrifice was all in vain The name of this special day Remembrance Day and its admonition Lest We Forget are losing some of their per sonal meaning to the new generation It is day not to glorify war but to honor those men and women who were wrenched from the kind of existence we now take for granted and sent off to foreign lands some to return wounded and maimed for life some never to return The comparatively peaceful times we now enjoy are proof Rem em that they did not suffer or die in vain We owe them debt of gratitude that can never be diminished by time Can we ever pay the price of peace No it is debt we owe and payment is always over ue It is but human to sit back and be armchair critics Our af fluent society makes us assive viewers of all the worl pro blems of hunger inequality and continuous bombings in Nor thern Ireland We find it easy to turn our backs on everyday problems and be critical of others Yet this traged of nations make our hearts eel sick and sore and cannot simply be forgotten by listening to the football score or watching Happy Days on television thus puttin behind forever the horrors concentration camp On Remembrance Day one asks What can we do If timid folk could not realize the potentials implanted in each one of us singly then we could get deeply involved and help to ease the problems that beset the lives of so many But instead we fall back upon word the plain am just one person what can do Florence Nightingale was but one woman Yet her work led straight to the Red Cross Where would the marvellous work done by radium be today if Madame Curie had folded her arms when her husband passed away and said am only woman We have become obsessed in this country with the idea that we cannot work aloneGod has put us into this world for pose and it is person of little faith who says am nothing The students of today need to be reminded about this great sacrifice and would do well to stop and think for one moment in one day of the year and con sider how miniscule that sacrifice is to what was given by those to whom this day is dedicated To myself say When reflect how little have done And add to that how little have seen Then furthermore how lit tle do without cringe in sorrow and in pain Wondering if their sacrifice was all in vain Taking longdeserved rest After 47 years in the ministry Rev Canon Winston Naimby is retiring to take longdeserved rest The Naimbys who have been at Barrier Trinity Anglican Church for the past seven years are takin trip to Florida to begin their retire ment but plan to keep on working in the parish when they return Presenting the bouquet of flowers to Mrs Naimby is Joan Wilson Behind her from left to right are Dave Bass Scan Quick 12 and Danny Quick 11 Examiner Photo Drinking among elderly is growing problem MONTREAL CP Doctors told Maurice Dumontagne the blood clot in his head was dan gerous and they wanted to oper atethe 15th time in seven years that some part of his 74 yearold body was to be sliced open He was depressed Dumontagne had no relatives or friends to console him so he turned to the only companion he had He emptied 260uncer scotch dont like drinking said the former tettile worker dont even like the taste of the stuff just do it because it helps ease the pain in my headand especially my mind The drinking problem faced by Lamontagne confronts growing number of elderly peo le The problem of alcoholic senior citizens is getting bigger all the time says Terry Kauf man of Project Change an agency that works with elderly people in Montreals St Louis Square district Its natural and owing result the way in ich we ignore and dehumanize this societys older members Bill Jay executive director of downtown community centre exp Ill Theyre average people who lived long and pro drictzve lives then suddenly found themselves alone unem ployed and worthless While 26ouncer and cheap radio may be frequent nights entertainment for many lonely old men the local tavern with its bright lights and warm conversation is more alluring go down to the tavern most days said one carefully dressed 73yearold man They have real nice color TV there and lot of my friends drop in so usually have pre ty good time He said he doesnt drink muchjust quick nip here and there while Im watching television But Rev Bill McCarthy who heads the old Brewery Mission where the man rents room says his quick nip has turned into raging alco ic problem in the last year PROBLEM INCREASING McCarthy says the number of elderly alcoholics living at the mission has tripled in five years and increased 50 per cent the last six months alone Its new problem for the mission which formerly didnt even accept roomers over 65 But now we have to take them in because theyve fewer and fewer places to stay he says And its the only way to keep them from fuming to the bot tie McCarthy says he is amazed that many of the elderly alcoholics havent totally given up You can tell when someone has given up Their clothes are dirty they dont wash and they generally just let themselves go But not these old guys They still have some dignity they justdontknow how touseit Terry Kaufman sa making old people feel uselhl is the best way of ensuring they dont become alcoholics We have to find ways of keeping them active whether through handicraft workshops courses or simply getting them out to work with kids in hospitals and institutions as they do in the US Foster Grandparent plan he says MAINTAINS DIGNIIY Maurice Dumontagne is still striving to maintain his dignity and be productive Despite his age and illness he has held series of parttime jobs to keep himself busy and on the wagon When Im working at job never drink much Dumontagne says Its only when Im doing nothing that it happens He now is volunteer in the office of local social service centre Most of the time he stays away from alcohol but he always fears rela Depression and lbsneliness in old is hard problem to beat ut Kaufman says it can bedone The old dont drink just because theyre old They drink because theyre the victims of mammoth social problem And like every other social problem it has solution if we are real ly interested in finding it CULTURE LEARNED SUNYANI Ghana CP In order to preserve the ancient ways of their forefathers school has been established here to reach Ghanaian youth cultural drumming and danc ing Traditional forms are fol lowed and young and old alike are seen rforming the old dances an music with drums gongs and other traditional in struments Ann Lenders Girls letter causes concern Dear Ann Landers This is the way most of the teen ers in the country feel Not just me Please print it Ann let your teen readers check themselves out know am right Im sick of this house Im sick of this town Im sick of being under my parents thumb Im sick of being treated like baby Im sick of being lonely even thoug have lots of friends Im sick of this lump in my throat thats been there long time Im sick of almost running away from home but losing courage at the last minute Im sick of the authorities who dont know the wonders of pot but keep screaming about how harmful it is Im sick of not being able to cry Im sick of needing to be somebody and knowing IJiever wi Im sick of wanting revenge against people who have hurt me Im sick of wondering if am really insaneA iiiYear Old Girl Dear 16 You ARE sick and hope you get some help soon Many teenagers resent being under their parents thumbs and being treated like babies Some are lonely and dont like the town they live inor even the house But when you talk about that lump in your throat the wonders of pot not being able to cry and questioning your sanitythese are danger signals See your school guidance counsellor or check the Yellow gages for the mental health facilities in your city You need 1p Dear Ann was recenty told have debt to pay and Id like to do it through your column feel that many wives like myself owe similar vote of thanks Thank you Other Woman for making my marriage and family life possible Because of you my husband makes few emotional or sexual demands on me He treats me well is good husband and hes there when need him He also pro vides me with all the necessities of life and many luxuries Neither dignity nor pride could give me the comfort get from referring to him as my husband You sooth and com fort him and he comes home relaxed and smiling4mug ButGrateful Dear Smug If youre content with such duplicity its all right with me Sounds like your husband has pretty cozy setup Dear Ann Landers realize you took an oathno more letters about how to hang the toilet paperbut please print one more The mana er of the Minneapolis Athletic Club must be faithful rea er of your column Recently noticed that he thoughtfully instal ed double racks for toilet tissueone roll is set up so the paper unwinds upward and over The other roll comes down next to the wall guess he wants no more complaintsAlso Morningsider Dear Morningsider What nifty compromise Thanks for letting me know whats happening in one of my favorite cities Erma Bombeck Cars dominate familys talk The other night as my husband and readied for bed he said Are all the cars in The VW is spending the night at friends house said The Pinto had bad night and is getting tuneup and the gas guzzler is cramming for an emissions test What time does the van want to get rolling in the mom ing Early hes meeting the eep at the garage turned to him When id we start speaking automotive fluently He thought for moment Thats all we talk about any more isnt it nodded Whats happened to the American family Our daughter never says hello anymore All she ever says is My transmission sounds funny When was the last time our son ever sat down and dis cussed anything except his loose tailpipe Our entire life revolves around insurance rates repairs payments estimates and oil change We never say anything meaningful anymore All our friends do it at least the ones with teenagers Do you realize we spent the entire weekend discussing bat tery warranties and special insurance discounts Yeah incidentally we should look into the company that offers discount if kid is kind to his mother and doesnt bite his nails There you go again said Im sick of being just another pretty Mustang want this family to have some identity again Just then our son stopped by the bedroom Can someone give me ride to the service station tomorrow need tuneup You look thin observed Speaking of weight Dad what oil should use Talk to me son Im your mother What have you been doing lately cleaned my spark plugs rotated my tires and think Ive met the motor want to spend the rest of my life with Our daughter joined us Arent you going to speak to your sister asked irritably Youre idling little ragged She looked at him suspiciously What do you want You only talk nice to me when you want something Cutting zipper atricky iob DEAR POLLY ordered by mail beautiful dress that am unhappy with after wearing it There is bulge across the front decided the trouble was with the zipper Several good seamstresses have advised me to remove the zipper and replace it with shorter one cannot find zipper the same shade as the dress which is delicate beige almost flesh color with pastel figures Some say you can cup zippers off to the desired length but cannot find anyone who has done this and am hop ing someone can give me solution would also like to tell Alice who cannot completely empty salad dressing bottle to turn the bottle upside down in dish or how with toothpick under it so air gets through Be sure it is not thick enough to tip the bot tle over It will empty My Pet Peeve is not only with medicine bottles with safety caps that we older arthritic people hve problems with but those drain cleaner cans that have caps saying Press here with your thumb MRS JFS DEAR MRS IIS Of course your zipper should not show when properly installed so it would certainly be easier to buy new shorter one that was shade or two off from the color of the dress have cut zippers but it is tricky painstaking job Cut off at the bottom after making firm tacking stitches around the zipper part while closed at the point where you wish it to end Cut up the sides of the tape close to the zipper at either side and then with heavy clippers cut the zipper part just below the fastening stitches Tapes at the side should have about an inch left at either side below the zipper cutoff Care must be taken when stitching across the bottom of the zipper when it is in stalled to avoid breaking one machine needle after another If it should hit zipper part Ease the needle over this thus making larger stitch over the actual zipper but catching the tapes in the regular length stitches The zipper will of course have to be removed from the garment before this is done and so as to stitch the seam it is let in up to the proper place for the shorter zipper POLLY DEAR POLLY Throwaways have many uses and one of them is to save bits of leftover soap bar to use for picking up small pieces of broken glass simply rub piece of soap over the area covered with such glass and all the pieces are picked up safely and in jiffy and the soap thrown away INDA 44