About 100 homosexual activists demonstrated at the NBC building in midManhattan Thursday morning to protest the airing of taped interview with Anita Bryant on the net Sees no reason to retire the National Arts Centre Photoi Arthur Fiedler famed Boston Pops Orchestra conductor will be 83 in December and says he sees no reason to retire Fiedler was in Ottawa Wednesday for special benefit concert at works Today Show The demonstrators chanted gay power and carried variety of signs critical of Miss Bryant specifically and anyone opposed to homosexual rights generally AP LASERPIIOTO Redford narrates Predators Actor and environmentalist Robert Redford is the narrator for The Predators wildlife special examining the precari ous balance between predators and prey in the remaining wil derness areas of North America telecasting on the CTV Television Network Friday November 25 The program was filmed over period of threeandahalf years in 25 states from the snowy peaks of Alaska through the rugged areas of the West to the sanctuary swamps of Louisiana and the Florida Everglades This marks an infrequent participation by Redford in network television program since his rise to motion picture Superstardom In commenting on the telecast focusing on some of the environmental issues which have concerned him over the years Redford said Our country has finally come to realize that mans in terference with the delicate balance of our ecological system is having very serious effect on our lives Our natural resources are diminishing por tions of the animal kingdom are becoming extinct The answer seems to be educate the public make people aware of the real facts not merely for businessasusual but to benefit the quality of our lives This telecast offers facts about that delicate balance of nature so important to all of us Earlier this year Redford narrated two PBS telecasts about the world around us The Wolf Equation which was segment of Nova and The New Indians National Geographic special In March he was chairman of National Wildlife Week sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation STRUGGLE LPllllil QUEBEC CPI The Quebec government has acknowledged that it has an uphill struggle to elicit American sympathy for its nationalist aims Minister of In Claude Morin said in an inter view If the United States imagines us as trying to isolate Quebec and to place it outside North American civilization and preparing to make it Fascist or Communist state Georgian College Tenth Anniversary IS THE WEST GOING TO SEPARATE then the rest of the world will ff tergovernmental airs thinkthat rr STEAM CLEANING mt John Dupain anus mm 728476 Professional it Wall to Wall Carpets Rugs and Furniture In Your Home or at our plant FREE PICKVUP AND DELIVERY we clean velvet furniture SIMCOE CARPET Established I948 noxv THEATRE 46 DUMOPST ISHOWS NIGHT ETSOIYTOO CALI 1146 ANYTIME kHltl kl ltAKII WININ xrr RUl LF UREYEV VALENTINO IISl rr Akr Micr rrar llLLllS tCARL KAer Iriulutr IIAIItr Ill Nv um kl IHSI ml MARIHK MARIIN 41 DUNLOP ST HEAR Dr Hu Harries of Edmonton III Georgian College Theatre November 16 at 800 pm Dr Harries is western Canadian economist and businessman and is the third and final speaker in the series THREE VIEWS OF CONFEDERATION Tickets available at the College or Sam the Record Man $250 adults $150 Itudont $150 senior citizens Gocrglcm Collage Tooth Annlvauory IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE CALI Til3440 ANYTIME 1ND HILARIOUS WEEK 105 905 JERRY WEINTRAUB PRODUCTION GEORGE BURNS JOHN DENVER SHOWTIME 7M 909 THE GREATEST What yesterdays stars are doing Aumont writes plays and acts too By JAMES MEADE Copley News Service HOLLYWOOD French ac tor JeaoPierre Aumont was commenting on the unusual career rellels between him self English actor David Niven We both left Holywood movie careers to fight for our countries during World War II and we both lost our first wives in stupid accidents Aumont said Both also have written of their careers with humor in sight and intelligence Aumont most recently in his autobiography Sun and Shadow 304 pages $995 Nor ton Aumont was at Metro GoldwynMayer briefly before he joined the Free French For ces early in 1942 World War II saved him from endless Latin lover roles the usual fate of European actors recruited by Holywood was luckier than others Aumont conceded MGM put me in war pictures like Assign ment in Brittany and The Cross of Lorraine even played RimskvKorsakov after the war in Scherherazade with Yvonne de Carlo He was no Latin lover to say the least Although he has performed in movies he personally did not care for Francois Truffauts Day for Night was not one of them was amazed and delighted at the way the movie was received in America Aumont said So many people ask me about Truffaut more than in France Especially young students In his book Aumont relates with humor two traumatic stage experiences Aumont was astounded at English director Joan Littlewoods cavalier treatment of Conor Cruise OBriens play Murderous Angels which she was invited to stage in France Molly Picon queen of the Yiddish theatre destoryed play Aumont wrote Madame Mousse by adapting it to her style wonder if Littlewood would open her arms to me Aumont smiled hope she took it well havent seen Picon since the book was published If one has flops as we an no one should tell about them with sense of humor Aumont has written five plays but he is proudest of his first The Emperor of China which ran year in Paris It flogged in America when pr ucer Philip Philip Barry changed the title to My Name Is Aguilon Barry who was old famous and successful told me know more about American audien ces than you do Aumont said knew he was com pletely ruining my play Aumont also had the ex perience of appearing in the stage musical Tovarich with Vivien Leigh three years before her death and during the height of her mental illness Vivien needed electric shock treatments Aumont recalled We were to close for week so she could fly to Lon don and have them She collap sed day before leaving for the treatments What tragedy She had everything to be happy for but was miserable Aumont remains active in the theatre having performed last year in Paris in Day in the Trees with French stage Movie on CTV is Sinatras first in more than decade Contract on Cherry Street starring Frank Sinatra and cast of performers from stage film and television telecasts Saturday November 19 on the CTV Television Network The movie is an intense powerful story about Iawmen who take the law into their own hands policemen that are willing to put their lives on the line to rid the city of mob leaders Heading the cast is Sinatra in his first feature film in more than decade and his first ever made directly for television Sinatra plays Frank ilovannes veteran cop and man of principle the type of role which served him well in The Detec tive and Tony Rome Frank Sinatra is one of the worlds lengendary superstars with fabulous career in film recordings and concerts His musical career started as singing headwaiter but llis Husic Will live forever THE COMPLETE ELVIS PRESLEY RECORD TAPE CATALOGUE FREE WRITE TO TREACIIERS RECORDS LTD 6138 FRASER ST VANCOUVER V5 3A1 developed quickly as feature singer with the Harry James and Tommy Dorsey bands Soon he was featured vocalist on Your Hit Parade and ulti mately his own radio show Songs by Sinatra Bobbysoxers soon laced his songs on top of the rts and be rapidly rose to the star entertainer at the SACRED Paramount Theatre His recor dings have remained popular favorites ever since In 1943 he made his movie debut and in 1946 was awarded special Oscar In the decade between 19431953 Sinatras career in movie musicals zom med with many great hitr CONCERT RON PATRICIA OWENS Sunday November I977 130 pm WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Steel Street Barrie EVERYONE WELCOME LOS SIETE MARES ACAPLILCO Acapulcos casual economy hotel with lot of exciting extras This Canadian owned and managed hotel is run by your congenial hosts Claude and Maria And what they dont know about exciting Acapulco isnt worth knowing Included in your Los Siete Mares holiday is welcome cocktail cruise around Acapulco Bay Polaris glassbottom boat ride tankards of draft beer barbecue dinner rum punch party And admission to three of Acapulcos hottest night spots Boccacios Baby 0s and Le Jardin Iheres pool and sundeck Theres an eXCellent little restaurant and friendly bar Iheres everything for fun carefree holiday And at Golden Birds remarkable price now almost anyone can swing into all the golden sun and excitement of glamourous Acapulco Youll fly to Acapulco direct from Ioronto on an excellent Aeromexico scheduch jet Iliglit complete with inflight mealsDeparts Dec l8 to April 23 One week $299 to 5409 Two weeks 5339 to $449 $299 to $449 Price based on each of two GOLDEN BIRDHOIideS FilmontTours International Limited Johnson Travel Barrie 7266525 114 Dunlop lttl All iItI IAIII AIIVI Nllllll AIMI Ill lithi INII HNAIIthAl IIII GoldenfLife from Golden Bird $299 is the examiner Saturday Nov 1977 headphones It worked well said Aumont allaying fears that the timing would be off between the French speech and the English translation The laughs came in the right places stalwarts Madeleine Renaud and canLouis Barrault The play was moved to New York where it was performed in French for two weeks with narrator translating into English to audiences wearing NOW AVIS IS MOVING ON TUES NOV 15th with AVIS of course to 431 Dunlop West AVIS Phone 1266527 Garage Phone 7260112 Dunlop St gr El nvrs Avis MW to BROWN MOTORS BARRIE LTD CAR TRUCK RENTALS LEASING 9vi LOLllrnt Lakeview 185 Dunlop 728515 Nov 1977 Sunday Special commit GAME HEN with Rico Dressing or HEADED PORK OPS with Applesauce Garry Giana Calm for dessert MONDAY BAKED VIRGINIA HAM with Spanish Sauce TUESDAY SWISS STEAK with Onion Sauce 25 WEDNESDAY ROAST TURKEY with Old Fashioned Dressing THURSDAY BAKED SPARERIBS FRIDAY GRILLED FILLET OF SOLE with Lemon Wedge TRY OUR DAILY lUNCHEON BUFFET SERVED MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 30 AM TO 145 PM ONLY $295 GRANDMA LEES SPECIAL OF THE WEEK WHITE BREAD lb 01 49 CANCUN MEXICO Mexicos latest ocean splendour spot on the unspoiled Yucatan Peninsula One of the most beautiful holiday deals that Golden Bird has going Includes return airfare by Nordair jet charter from Toronto with inllight meals and complimentary drinks Modern airtconditioned hotel room or efï¬ ciency apartments at Plaza Caribe or Club Verano Even welcome drink at your hotel Departs Dec 19 to April IO Seven night holiday $339 to $449 Price based on each of