an the examiner Saturday Nov 1977 12mrtgoges To consolidal oConstruclion 16 opts to rent MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 T1hSTF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays BEDROOM apartment Available Oc tober 1st Large balcony or yard Playground area all utilities included Close to transportation and shopping Please telephone 7280980 Two BEDROOM APARTMENTS $280 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Bayfleld Mall Lease required Telephone 7266046 ONE AND Two BEDROOM stove fridge rklng laundry facilities and heat Inc uded Nochildren or pets Apply apartment 201 55 Blake Street TWO BEDROOM Apartment 74 Shirley $260 per month plus hydro All other utilites Included Available immediate ly No pets No children 726 8733 BEDROOM APARTMENT available December 1st Parking laundry fa cilities $21 monthly plus hydro References No pets 728 1035 UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM apartment available now Suitable for working couple Close to factories and downtown Telephone 7286520 FURNISHED BEDSITTING room apartment one person only male non smoker Fully equipped kitchen piece bath private entrance utilities includ ed Midhurst area $135 monthly 7268392 HILLSDALE Attractive two bedroom duplex Pine floors huge kitchen garden sundeck private entrance Suit quiet girl mature couple No animals or children $160 8352031 ONE BEDROOM apartment central location available immediately newly redecorated Call collect 1416 7279857 or 14168594493 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent on Dunlop Street West Available im mediately Telephone daily 7372600 After6pm 7265207 SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment situated in downtown Barrie above new office building New paint and carpet Prefer single or couple fridge and stove Available immediately 5190 first and last Phone 7263871 TWO BEDROOM AND THREE BED ROOM apartments Modern building 8290 and $310 monthly includes electric heat light water and parking Lease re quired First and last months rent in ad vance Call Wellington Place Apart merits building superintendent apt No 208 135 Wellington St Barrie 7267153 lF you NEED MONEY immediate st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you Home improvements any worthy reason fsTo pay all existing or maturing mortgage Call Anytime 129 oumor ST EAST Ho gagï¬rglgg BARBIE ONTARIO pm Sm as 7260981 33421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 12 mortgages debts low monthly payments funds free advice try us 16 opts to rent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT close to downtown and hospital Fridge stove and utilities included 5190 per month Telephone 7266633 ONE BEDROOM Apartment close to downtown on bus route stove fridge laundry facilities parking No pets First and last months rent Call 726 6725 after4pm ONE BEDROOM apartment on ground floor In older home Quiet setting In east end Private entrance Stove fridge heat hydro paved parking included In rent $210 Call 7284867 after pm ONE BEDROOM Apartment including fridge and stove 39 Donald Street available Immediater $175 per month Call Ted Long 7371599 after pm SUBLET Two bedroom apartment central location Available November 26 or December 1st Phone after pm 737 3990 SUBLET SPACIOUS TWO bedroom apartment $275 monthly includes park lng laundromat fridge stove and utilities 135 Wellington St 7373286 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartments Well kept home Allandale bus route school and shopping Large yard stove and heat No pets Ground $300 upper S265 monthly Available Immediately 7261045 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment overlooking the lake 5190 month One year lease required 194 Dunlop St East 7288420 or 726 0241 SPACIOUS BEDROOM apartment to sublet Close to plaza and bus stop Phone after 530 7371625 TWO BEDROOM apartment seven miles west of Barrie electrically heated stove and fridge fireplace laundry room owner entrance garage Abs Iainers only 7266799 ONE BEDROOM Apartment available November Isth Downtown $170 month ly Fridge stove parking and utilities included Call 726 2910 SUBLET TWO BEDROOM apart ment family unit in modern building available November 15 S257 monthly First and last months rent required Phone 7285423after4z30pm LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment on bus route available December 3rd Stove fridge laundry facilities park Ing No pets Adults S240 First and last months rent References Telephone 7267625 after5pm SMALL SELF CONTAINED Apartment In east end Private entrance parking heat hydro stove and fridge included Rent 3165 Available November 15th 7284867 evenings or Saturday 17houses to rent PUOET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom SUBLET TWO BEDROOM apartment avallable December tst Grove and St Vincent Close to bus route 5232 men thly Telephone 7373839 TWO BEDROOM apartment in quadplex at 11 Victoria Street $210 monthly plus hydro less If willing to superintend building Apply apartment or telephone416297332o TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT close to downtown on bus route Available December 151 Stove fridge laundry facilities parking No pets First and last months rent Telephone 7266725 after4pm SMALL FU RN ISH ED bachelorette cen trally located in Barrie 535 weekly Phone 7266271 alter pm LARGE THREE ROOM apartment Can be seen at 134 Owen St available December 1st Telephone 728 9668 alter TWO BEDROOM sellcontained in downtown Barrie Ideal for professional people Adults only no pets Available December 151 utilities and parking in eluded 7267676 Two BEDROOM ATARTMENT are townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 728 9682 TThSTf TOWNHOUSE On Eostviow bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil hoot $205 plus oil and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms 172 baths four appliances broadloom throughout garage $325 monthly in cludes cable and water Close to school shopping and bus route Telephone 7264338 NEW BEDROOM HOUSE In Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace baths Available now $350 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 7263257 taxing the lake opposite Simcoe Plaza Pay own hydro Adults only Available December 1st or January 1st 5224 men 1119265247 SELF CONTAINED two bedroom base merit apartment In modern Htllsdale home Stove fridge carportand uttlmes included Adults No pets Telephone n52 ONE EEDPOOH FJRN$HED Apart merit In downtowp area Available hovember Is for girls only Per 5136 murmur plus neat 726 3257 betweer anc9 rr Two BEDROOM Apartment down town area are aoe rmc aleIr Veie Wu 72632575eteer 9a rr anctp rr Two BEDROOM aparrrier araa OJ Jute eiepvre 72660 SELF CstL ml we age men pupex Cersra rtav LIrr Chuce be vr army Co tnuIiaIerI Ir GE JNE DEDPJJH Lwrrrkt available Deanna warhmagn Lime fridge Iee urclrr wry ry Cum Par or IrJ wf rF 111 Iv pvt ecprme rlaoï¬ wepts to rent to m7 436773348 alter BEDROOM HOME Big Bay Poml area $285 monthly References re guired Telephone 416877 5982 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November Isl Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus UllllflES Also Close to bus Stop 726 3257 between and rn NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES p9 rrrved ate rental All broadlwrru pearlï¬rs large rig 71 and drung roan VGw at 17 Jimenl St 718 343 or 456 94 BECKDOM FARI HOUSE three Ies east Barrie near Jarity Bay TM carwwmz Ill healed 954 Vtrs ease red red WI per 94 tr bgt rrty rent oJratJ fryo 726 7r lPJE BEDROOM saxe ray rec 6411 oer I$t off rrlJlt exprrxe tuner 91 919 IboptsJo rem llltllJJI lvl avers Fahrenhe rvxtIr Ht reg red vr rrrlr nunjay 474 WU CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST II PERIAI VVICRS SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT wlth LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM TENNIS COURT MINUTES TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH AND YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPE RTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street 7269580 7264991 ALSO SEE CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON STREET BARRIE 7264991 STF LL 17 houses to rant LARGE HOME ON BAYFIELD ST three storey beautiful freed lot two garages heated greenhouse suitable for professional people 7372600 evenings 265207 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom bungalow redecorated broadloom garage large lot quiet street $275 plus utilities and heat references Telephone 7286089 THREE YEAR OLD four bedroom bungalow fully carpeted family room games room garage 19 baths avail able November 15th Call 7285619 STROUD Three bedroom house fireplace and broadloomed with option to buy Very Immaculate mature responsible people no pets references 4363022 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available Immediately For further Information telephone 7287204 between 900 and 500 weekdays only EAST END four plex bedroom townhouse unit $295 monthly Available immediately Telephone 4168840649 or 4168846287 262 SHANTY BAY ROAD Kempenfalt Village beautifully wood site bedroom townhouse garage electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove included Adults only No pets Available De cember Telephone 7284590 two garage small workshop and garden Highway 93 at Dalston Available im mediately Telephone 7261109evenings FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE with den wall to wall carpet throughout curtains on all windows fridge and builtin stove Franklin stove in living room 1V2 baths double garage Just outside of Barrie $350 monthly Call collect 1416 7757284 THREE BEDROOM Home In afytleldT Grove area on quiet street References required Call 7280674 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT S272 per month three bedrooms llz baths four appliances Available December 1st Call728I762 I23 office stores for rent STORE FOR RENT 8500 Square Feet Can Divide Jobl Lobloyts Woolwortlls LCI0 Shoppers Drug Mart At the BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA Space Suitable For Furniture Store Radio and TV Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Fabric sltop ctc Pflona Don Orrnc 416 9252851 Gift IfIOI consolidated building rorporuiinn consolidated building corporation limited 24space for rent SHANTY BAY Concession and Ridge Rd Older three bedroom two storey recently renovated and broadloomed Call Oshawa 1416 576 2496 or shown on weekend FIREPLACE NEAR LAKE SIMCOE Three bedroom bungalow12 miles south of Barrie garage large lot 5300 plus utilities Telephone 4589124 alter pm TOWNHOUSE FERRIS LANE bed rooms four appliances 5300 per month LePage Real Estate 737 0011 ONE BEDROOM HOUSE large kitchen sewing room large living room full basement large parking lot Cookstown area near Hwy 400 $175 monthly No pets 456 2545 FOUR BEDROOM BACK SPLIT garage private fenced backyard opens onto field Ideal for snowmobilers or skiers Bayfield Cundles area Telephone 737 1107 after 600 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE baths fenced backyard available DecemberI Ist $275 monthly Telephone 7265365 after6 00pm ALLANDALE TOWNHOUSE Available December Near schools bus bedrooms 1t bathrooms finished rec room refrigerator stove Swimming in complex $325 monthly plus utilities Afteroprn 726 2477 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom semi available immediately $375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Magill rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 728 4067 or 7263864 loftI VCONCESSION oi ORO twol bedroom frame home with basement available December Isl $250 plus utilities Lease required Call Harry Magill representing Lou Goedemondl Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 FULLY FURNISHED winterized cot tage three bedrooms knotty pine living room fireplace Big Bay Point Short term rental References 445 6580 VACANT TOWNHOUSE LOUnI St bedrooms washrooms garage adults only $290 monthly plus utilities Telephone 726 2109 before POYNTZ STREET central 23 bedrooms fireplace pine office and play room garage low overhead $325 plus ulillties Call 728 0729 THREE BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME trout pond thirty one acres stone fireplace FIve miles from Barrie $243 monthly plus utilities Telephone 726 8603 evenings only BEDROOM bungalow newly decorated Anm Street South Close to bus highway and downtown S275 mo plus utilities Phone 726 3821 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE available December Ist Centrally located close to hospital and downtown Ample park Ing $250 monthly plus heat and hydro Firstand laslmonths rent 726 9450 ONE YEAR OLD bedroom house for rent with garage Three appliances Bayfield Cundles area $350 monthly Available December 151 Telephone 7283567 TWO BEDROOM fully broadloomcd house 5250 momh Allandale area First and last month required Reply to Box V99 The Examiner Barrie DREAM COME TRUE 50 acre horse ranch in Bracebridge inside training arena plus barn for boarding Five bedroom fully modernized house $450 per month Call 645 5155 TWO BEDROOM Bungalow lull base menl large estate lot on Highway 27 near Mldhurst $225 per month Avail able immediately Call Mike Woods 519 S79 0227 FOUR BEDROOM two storey semi downtown $315 monthly Available im mediately References required Telephone 726 3964 18apts wanted to rent SINGLE GIRL reqmres one bedroom apartment in central localon before December Telephone 726 714 after pm GENTLEMAN NISHES TO SHARE two bedroom apartment Telephone 726 9248 CHRISTIAN MIDDLE AGED COUPLE will babysit your apartment whllr you are away this winter References sup plied Call 726 6561Erlr Srrllth local FEMALE TEACHER requires furnish ed accommodation 1r Barrie Strwd cinlty Ha srrtall well behaved pantie Telephone 43 361 before 20r00ms to let IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlIlIIllIlllIIIilllIlllllTMHIIIIIlIfIIIIlllllllllllIfllllllllilflllllfllllfl FURNISHED ROOM trl Allandale at but stop 4k rg farlltw arnllaltle Gentlemen preferred Telephone 77 4769 do Ill llï¬lleIHIrigs EnrolI fulvtilml ROOMS rxrror rIrs free parking laundry fart1b Ill II 11 rltf Ty lvylll Illart modern Ilgrtral 1761 tr baring orallntl fflrr Prior ltarrmur ideal 11716 711 Ill ftl H4 hither Ilklt Ill fJxlllf lllltff lrf Hff4f41flhcfl Iy moodwrap am mime1 Int11m fort critic preferred Telephone In 4218 day or Ill Aiulllu 61111 lltlutf l2 ffIll olflllahle quiet area exxellertl new Preferably 41 mm unmer 1m fyrtur Irfrrrrtnltlll title prim4 411 Itl Ikf lyrr shed rums share iv 314 or IJIIQ UJll71 $4141 41 Illrrrtlrurr area Ilidgf 14 W707 litter kllilrilltlrt arid laundered winner ntIlltlas linse Ir 113 stop and stores Telephone III 161 791115111 knot1m rartl S18 mel ly uricr1 Supplied enlral lrxatllm telephone Ill 147 COMFORTABLE fUleISHLI tmdlll Ilrlg morn tlear bus and plain parklrlg Gentleman preferred TelephoneI 726 5067 FURNISHED ROOM for rent IIIIGVl slort carpeted 0er bathroom parklng Phone 776 7704 or 716 1531 FURNISHED ROOM at bus stop Chen privileges Telephone 728 8820 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM with linen central location Reasonable rent Available Immediately Telephone 726 9806 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Bedroom for rent In country home Fireplace colour TV Share with two other people Must have car Call Doug 7262454 fter6pm 21 ro and board PERRIS LANE Room and board is single girl Monday to Friday 830 or full week $35 Telephone 7268335 RELAXED CLEAWHOME to female to room Use of kitchen easy commuting to Barrie $145 monthly 4589189 Kit 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate oo cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll TWO OFFICES lust over 500 uare feet each can be olned together 150 men thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Patch 7263338 OFFICE SPACE for rent 99 Bayflald Street Parking first second or third floor single or combined offices No lease required 865 toSI60 per month Phone 7262772 days or 73 2349 evenings 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE Downtown 54 Maple Ave Parking Available October Isl Call 7281743 or 7286899after7pm Soll PRIME lNDUSTRlAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ft 18 it clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE Indirstriai spice and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff CCTIVIMERCIAUINDUSTARIAL anok ERS Mortell Limited Real Estate 7283674 VV HiMW SPACE FOR RENT New all steel con crete floor building Suitable for boats trailers machinery and cars shelburne 9919 5°7537° 25garages 32 cors for solo I976 METEOR MONTCALM door 34000 miles airconditioning or windows radio excellent shape ooo Telephone 7266905 1976 CAMARO 150 four barrel blue with white Interior low mileage lady owner excellent condition Best offer Tele phone 7373477 after 1972 CHEVY NOVA four door six cylinder or steering power brakes 60000 mles Asking 31000 No rea sonable offer refused Telephone after pm 7261192 1970 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE New paint radio standard transmission bucket seats $695 Certified Runs real well Gas heater Telephone 4356322 4245949 evenings FORD FOR SALE 48000 miles good running order some body work ra qulred 5350 Telephone 7267959 1972 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 Royals power steering and brakes one owner $1595 Telephone 7287005 350 1968 CORVETTE Convertible automatic white with black top Reasonable price Telephone 4364905 after530pm I973 BROWN COMET vinyl rOOf V8 automatic leather Interior $1200 Telephone 4563145 after pm 1976 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT four door automatic excellent condition $3800 Telephone 15347068 1976 CHEV IMPALA Landau many power options Including air 24000 miles £4500 Call 7288275 after pm 1975 LINCOLN Town Sedan Every conceivable option Including leather Interior stereo and tape absolutely spotless 7261581 or 728490 Must sell this weekend new car has arrived I968 PLYMOUTH VALIANT slant automatic 87000 miles In good condl tlon Certified Asking $850 or best offer Telephone 4873131 1968 PLYMOUTH Sports Fury 900dcon dltlon Recently certified WIll acceptof fersfephone 7269840 after pm 1975 vw RABBIT for sale 18000 miles In excellent condition Must sell Telephone 424 0173 1973 OLDSMOBILE 98 L5 In excellent condition Telephone 7262209 1971 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE excellent condition automatic stick shift Telephone 4246683 1973 MONTE CARLO power steering power brakes automatic radio in excellent condition $2500 Telephone 728 7709 1971 TOYOTA 1200 four speed as Is con dition Best offer Telephone 7264674 after pm AUTOBODY SHOP for rent in Barrie FOR SALE 19657101 000 Ch Two stalls plus paint booth Reasonable Telephone 7373023 32 cars for sole PARIS SLESSOR MOTORS Used Corr Trucks 411 311151 um 7288390 HONDA CI VICS fast delivery $9611 PER MONTH $26107 down payment VTotol deferred balance $461328 48 months ot135° CALL 7266488 NOW We take your credit ap plication over the telephone BARRIE HONDA AUTO SALES 17 GOWAN ST BARRIE TThS03 UYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent interesl 18 Collier $1728 5191 I974 CADILLAC Coupe de ville full power excellent condition Reasonable IHIHIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIII111IllflIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIlIllIlllIllIIlIlIlIllIIIlIIIlIIIIllfllllllllllilllllllllllll Phone 737 3036 1972 THUNDERBIRD excellenl condl tton fully loaded WIth options Tell phone 726 8712after mg 1974 CHRYSLER door custom Newport blue with while vlnyl top new 111705 one owner rerfified Telephone 737 1458 1970 CHEVELLE MALIBU V8 58000 miles power steering power brakes tach mags snow tires Asking 5850 Telephone 322 I410 anytime MUST SELL 1968 Chev Biscayne In good running order 3300 or best offer Telephone 728 4745 after 1974 MONTE CARLO power windows brakes steering and trunk 39000 miles Good condition 13500 Telephone 718 908 lrll BMN BAVARIA brown tan In tenor automatic air power steertng Itll hoaxes Blaupunkel AMFM raswtle 11111 Ilghls 53000 highway rrllles 414 9229evenlngsand weekends 1975 DODGE TRADESMAN Van 2118 lIIQIIIQ It cylinder automatic window barrage air vent on top Mechanically certified Asklrlg $4700 Telephone Ill lfll lrll IW ONVT l9 Iftl Excellent shape and safety her kerl Complete mitt radio mag wheels and five radial ply tires Asking SL695 Phonl for details I26 6801 or 815 6025 lrl6 MONT ARI Excellent condl 11111 llrw rhlltmgr irlre $4300 flrrn rrrlilled luttlarl lmn MrFatlden at III 1118 after 11 177 HONDA IVIC llAICffiiACK four spew wlfh rarlllt 1000 miles Excellent urtrllllurt Asking 83700 Phone 716 502 Im 1111 A58 SlifRlME 350 alltrtmallr power steering and brakes asklrlg 1400 or best offer as is all Ill lfll 19641 OI IJMlftl 98 all er with tlg rrtlttltr 17000 Lnll later pm 76 571 Ml Cliff HOHCA 1974 carllflad exrullorti condition 35000 miles auto transmission new exhaust system H795 or beslollar Telephone 315 0087 1972 ORIINA for sale In good condl lion flurkal seats 11 miles gallon as or certified est offer Talophnrw 716 6294 for Ttii ICONOMY MINOLO sport lll4 Punllot Astra 61 fully ul port ltrlmarulato erlllloll 81850 lrllnlo Ill 0802 177 CADILLAC BROUGHAM air con dlllonlrtg fully loaded dolognnco In terlut 7000 miles In mlnl rondltlon Telephone 726 5681 1977 curLAss two door hardtop v11 automatic power steering and brakes certified 81500 or best offer Telephone 737 0478 I975 CORVI TE Immaculate one owner car with every possible option Silver with black leather interior and on ly 44000 original highway miles New Firestone lettered tires Only 87450 Call Tammy at 728 9622 between 10 am and 4pm After 4pm7l71901 1971 $0130 GALAXIE lwo doorhard top power steering Dower brakes 351 Very good condition Make an offer Phone 7373191 1972 DODGE MONACO two doorhard top power steering and brakes new galnt lob radial tlros 5800 certified °FJ9° 779 93 FOR SALE 69 Pontiac cyunasr Good condition 8650 certified Phone aflvawrsmeunll 7310 1967 voLVo 123 61 160060 mites Four Mlchalln snows Needs valves and bodywork otherwise reliable uncar tlfled 8150 Phone 835 5485 SHARP 1972 Cadillac Coupe do Ville Loaded New paint new tires 7285693 4872142 aftor6200 1973 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER 318 automatic powar steering power brakes tinted windows radialscar tlflad $2500 or trade for van Tlm after 436 1342 Lf Good motor transmission rear end and tires Selling as Is Would be good for parts 3109453 45 1973 OLDS 88 ROYALE Good condition Will consider smaller car as part trade Telephone 726 4212 1968 BEAUMONT two door hardtop 350 V8 automatic certified new body and paint re built engine snow tires serious inquires only Telephone 7288095 after 1969 BUICK for sale in good condition uncertlfled 3275 or best offer Telephone 726 7817 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS Dower steer ing power brakes radio Excellent con dlllon Low mileage Very reasonable 726 6833 after 1971 GREMLIN cylinder automatic no rust excellent running condition Cer tified $1295 or best offer Telephone 726 7437 I970 VOLKSWAGEN fastback three speed automatic disc brakes radio etc good condition Best reasonable of fer Telephone 728 0957 11972 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE four ldoor hardtop power steering brakes windows air conditioned AMFM stereo track summer and winter radials Asking 81325 7370495 1973 IMPALA power automatic V8 radio 51650 Telephone i7261058 new brakes new tires Asking $550 or best offer ID jl9a7 METEOR running condition new alt reg bat many parts Best offer Telephone 726 3959 1977 CAMARO beige and brown radio 305 engine hood scoop spoiler cer lifted Sacrifice at $4300 or best offer Telephone 424 5452 or 4245771 1973 VOLVO 144 Excellent condition Sunburst orange Asking $2650 Cer good condition ITelephone 835 5686 1972 VOLVO 144 77000 miles excellent mechanical condition one owner $1450 Call 726 7924 office 737 0842 1I973 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme all ex tras excellent condition $7200 after in 737 3994 1973 PLYMOUTH WAGON four door automalic new tires new brakes new exhaust Certified Telephone 728 6N7 I971 CHEV V8 automatic power steer Ing power brakes good running condl lion As is 8525 Telephone Stroud 436 1313 33cars wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto gWreckers 726 8711 $500 uncertified wrecking and parts top prices paid ref pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After op 424 5949 WAN TE Clean used cars Barrie Hon do Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Free anytime4362900 34trucks and trailers 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562 after 1971 CHEVY 12 TON custom deluxe 10 excellent shape Asking $1695 certified also 1968 GMC It ton as Is Asking 5695 Phone anytime 728 9576 or 737 2232 ask for Dave 1977 DODGE van 4000 miles only Cost $6100 Must sell for best offer speed overdrlve rustproofed radio Purchns ed August 1977 7717 0492 I969 ECONOLINE VAN must sell Carpeted Inside bucket seats In good rrlndlllon $650 or best offer Telephone 458 4233 after 1968 FORD BRONCO with plough In good running order Telephone 726 3208 I968 GMC PICKUP In good running con dlllon with cap 8495 Telephone 726 9274 I965 GMC PICKUP In running condition with cap 8100 without cap 550 Tale phone 726 9274 196 CHEV HALF TON Pickup uncor tlflod 8450 or but offer Call anytime 424 9437 1968 CHEVROLET STAKE TRUCK ton four speed transmission Swnrtr bullt box Ideal for farm or con structlon New brakes sloorlng box SL200 uncorllfled Telephone 728 7696 1970 CHEVY HALF TON 327 standard also camper top asking $1195 certified $1000 as II Can be soon at 219 Dunlop Street Wont 424 9593 1973 DODGE VAN totally customized for show many extras murals cap talns Charis sun roof bar shag rug Plonoar car stereo C8 tires side plpoti roof rack and ladder tlra rack flares and spoiler hood scoo sun visor Serious Inquiries only eat offer 728 4522 after pm 1974 GJS JEVE four wheel drive 307 via roll bar good tires Asking $3200 Phone 728 I294 I969 ECONOLINE VAN mull soil Carpeted Inside bucket seats In good condition 8650 or best offer Telephone 436 4347 after 1974 FORD F100 super cab half ton heavy duty V8 automatic Asking $2700 or best offer Must call Call 686 7586 1975 DODGE TRADESMAN Van 318 engine cylindar automatic window package air vent on toy Mechanically certlflad Asking 00 Telephone 728 2379 i974 CHEV aLAiER four Wheel 1173 350 four speed No 1200 tires on white Top Immediate pickup spokod wheels $4800 Call 7373664 before pm gitauto accessories WRECKING 1969 FAIRLANE all parts avallabla 351 engine four and transmission $300 for both Telop one 424 6681 57Lmotorcyclleys 1976 YAMAHA 400 R11 black with sad dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 7267771dayl 1976 SUZUKIR7675 raced onccv In ax caliont condition 8600 or best offer Telephone 7372060 Irtstï¬BcLEEWIF lynggtg and other extras Telephone WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ALL ma HELP YOUNEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Sldlng Eovestrough Sofflt Windows FocIo Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cd PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NorITHEItN ALUMINUM Products Sofflt Foaclo Siding Trough All colors Guor cntood 7262609 7269002 FRALICII ALUMINUMT Sldlng Soffit OFoscIo Shuttors Wlndows Doors Eovostrough Call today 4361830 STROUD N6 certified 1969 FORD GALAXIE in good shape Telephone 7171 after iltfied Also 1967 BUICK ELECTRA 725 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for GIBSON ALUMINUM if Fashioned Pride Siddlng Soffit Trough Awnings Doors Windows STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE BARRIE 7265609 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised soles a1d service 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 72933572 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British Euro Ical Coronation Auto rv if on and Japanese 17 Mary 51 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole iy 0192 Mulrose Ave Barrie or lglepllgnojv soommuo roll 1110 industrlol Commorcio Nu Rosldentlol Forms Lighting design CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if mode by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsulfa gowns and oltoro lions 42 Egganlo St Phone 7266W0 DRESSMAKING TAILORING and oltero lions Reasonable rates For polnlmant cdl 7373984 between om and pm ORYWALL H8 CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Drywall Interior and Exterior Painting Spray Texture 7288663 BARRIE 4240052 BORDEN TThSN30 EAVESIROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves frogghlng Installed Coll 728662B SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGH INC Spoclallltl Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Coll Martin Vorstroton 4241956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jock Boles Free elllmgtes 117 Burton Av Allondalo 7268657 offer pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Rocldontlol Industrial Installations and cor vlce 7264996 smcor ELECTRIC Electrical consulting 20yrs experience FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled 487 HANDYMAN MK Just Iva us your coatoffs Telephone 52503264441 FALL CLEAN UP °Storm windows cleaned and installed OTree cutting Eoves Goroges and basements OTrdsh hauled away Ton Truck and Tondam Trailer BARRIE 4875155 A8 HANDYMAN will do pointing paper nong floor tIIln fumitura stripping and PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and docorotln lerior exterior Work guaranteed Esto Ish adBO cor72622257269m2 WAYNE FOLEY Profelllonol pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work Mrontoed 7267389 PAINTING PAPER HANGING ex lenced free estimates Jock Richardson 262012 17568874 PAU LS PAINTING Interior and OXtOIlOI Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 M29 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in nlsftlngColl oul7372875 rooms Coll Ruse 4363681 offer 630 pm References available MED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom ploy room laundry office storage cpoco Also pointing wollpapering Murray Boll7288906 CUSTOM rec nooMs Complete 1min planning and decorating privacy screens aid patios aluminum door The number for off your needs 7288906 SFECLALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dowc and expansion hints Work guoran food 4569346 gt NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations house raising 90410111719 moron and chimngys roofing Estimate coll 726135m RS 11 CONSTRUCTION Hous rolling foun dotions renovations additions Phone 432955 or 4364175 after 64pm INCOME TAX City Masters Lic 118 7288234 PARRY ELECTRICAL °lndustrio Farm Commorcidl Residontidl Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof DeIcing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 CONFIDENTIAL BOOKKEEPING Complete set of books Payroll Financial Statements Familiar with most systems For Consulototion Pick up and delivery CALL 7269696 TThSN25 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces lmwvlsdUUW CARPENTER Specialising in rec rooms in 1torior remodelling trim etc Plague coll oftor 611ml 77 ICABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vonlflu Pine fumltura renovations durations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 trucks mamas psoriasis renovations repairs Satisfaction ed and constriction 726A7461 m2 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No iobto Imoll 7261771 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottage Fjooestlmoto 4354995 gt GENERAL CARPENTRY Additions garage rec rooms built In touts Drywall texture spraying Free utimgtesr 7263853 CARPENTER SPECIALIZING IN rec rooms and custom cabinets Experienced and reason Call otter 30f458 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets wlth Al orpaf Itaorn loaning 726 632i COMMERCIAL ART CORAMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc Place cal 19 195 design art ollocl 416 EXCAVATING lROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work 11 €¥55°3é51 LLL WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION BockhooExcov Tronching Horizontol Augering 7289833 rlltrrucrs STONEWORK and fireplaces spoltiofty Vic Watson for free estimates 728 FIREWOOD itOde Any 48721 quantity All dry OOOIOnd FIREWOOD rott SALE min hardwoodl illmitod quantity of white birch Will deliver Telephone 72607W evening MIXED HARDWOOD and plain birch $30 pot oca cord for hardwood birch S40da1vored 289668 after IREWOOD FOR SALE Dry seasoned maple or booth no par foce cord delivered 24 521901 4665210 noon 111111115111th tARDWOOD FLOOR hatoflotion and eflnllhlng old and new guaranteed not to 1P oar9 Fiï¬835 FURNITURE STRIPPING URNTTURE STRIPPING and refinishing hold nd soft woods Reasonable rotoa Tale thong 436 2997 offer pm LLL 38 snowmobiles I970 horsepower Good running condition 8225 or best offer Telephone 728 5709 1971 SKI DOO NORDIC electric start 18 track Good condition Phone 72611825 17974 MERCURY HURRlCAN Mark II 440 5800 Machine like new Telephone 436 2688 40 articles for solo $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Racoycr It Yourself IWlda selection of discount fabrics OFoom cushions 1001 both omotour professional ONaedles threads twlnaa Buttons mode to order 0A complete line of upholstery suppfles UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery MIII outlet Just north of Georgian Moll 7371510 WThFTF lNDOOR SHOWROOM full oiled pools on display Come In today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of Inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza ï¬x ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both In excellent condition Asking $550 7263415 RECYCLE LOST HEAT from your fur nace Install heat mlsor in your smoke pipes Call for Information 7280755 PIANOS New artment site from $995 delivered Naa as 147 Bruce Thorn bury daily WOO ClOIBd 15195992890 BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENTT Dryers basins st ling stations and ltyl Ing chairs To ophono 7264621 or 7268712 gth LIMITED QUANTITY factory neon this week 40 or cent off 39 and 54lnch mattress box springs Barrie Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop st East downtown Bail ï¬lm 00 articles for solo 5K 000 OLYMPEflyygmooo FOR SALE dry mixed hard wood spllt 436 1372 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Beech and maple 16 cord s40 12 cord s30 Local deliveries 7287587 FIREWOOD hard maple and birch I6 Inch and 12 inch lengths Will deliver Telephone 728 9204 PIECE econooM suite tabléwltns chairs single bed chesterfleld carpets Telephone 7284VI38after4pvm ORGAN FOR SALE xIrnsaII Iloo WW1 entertainer Excellent condition Asking S2950 Telephone 728 1970 LAWN AND GARDEN tractorserlés ZOO rolary tiller series 33 rotary mower series 48 all John Deere and months old year old freezer re Sold by the face cord frlgerator years old work bench with vice clampL737 2859 after pm YAMAHA STEREO SYSTEM Includes receiver amplifier turntable and two speakers Five months old Excellent condition 3700 or best offer Telephone 728 7802 FIREwboD Maple and BIrCh no face cord or $10 face cord and you cut Nodellvary Telephone 8352110 MATCHING CHESTERFIELD chair and recliner 8350 complete Glrard radio record player tape deck com lete with stand and four speakers $150 elephonc 728 1714 CONTENTS OF HOUSE stove refrigerator washer dryer stereo old radios beds dressers guitar other household Items Saturday and Sun day 108 Korlov st Telephone 7260831 Hfln cheaper FIREPLACE HARDWOODS by the full cord Free delivery Also trunk loads picked up Telephone 7281637 PINE FURNITURE Good IolectlZn of refinished pine furniture also several antiques Telephone 726 6613 WINCHESTER AUTOMATIC rifle model 100 308 as new with case 8225 Drawing automatic shotgun 12 gauge New with case 8200 Telephone 726 0497 LARGE MOFFAT GAS DRYER In good condition Asking 875 Telephone 7286627 after 430 FACTORY REBUILT ENGINES OR Your own angina rebuilt It our shop PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY CO LTD 89 fligfl St Barrio 7285911 Open Saturdays fl TThSN8 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR cubic foot ideal for apartment or bar geld condition 90 Telephone 728 2585 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knlck knocks Very galoanLalelephone 4363584 FIEWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Iplit and IKOME TAX returns reputed An us Bar yIriooroo SS up gobson 424 10 after 5ond wgkmds uyitl call FALL FERTILIZING full cleanups Hodge and shrub trimming Mowing and wed spraying Vï¬TflOMINO 7260427 MASONRY ltono work chimney repair Flrgplocu iBEIOhL stimote I707574245$gï¬ MIISIc INSTRUCTIONS IOUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular lMorceI Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner 10nd advanced Two month triol Instrument loonod for home practice Conodlor Aco ldomyolMuslc 121 aaytiold 7231799 GUITAR Unusual and folk string bomb laid drums The Bandstand Boyfleld Moll IEAWJ rncTrcSSIoNAI DRUM INSTRUC ITDN Private lessons available r1 you Irock or closstcol Reasonable roles II9R33W SOCIALAND BALLROOMOANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming S4 ACOUPLE CALL 7264723 0101141 ACADEMY or DANCING MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who Ike to dance Good roles 7289545 MUSIC SERVICE DJs available for bowling banquets weddings private parties etc Book now for holiday season References Available 7370947 TThSNI2 OFFICE SERVICES CLEANING SERVICES to suit your needs evenings 40 articles for solo SEASONED 011110 HARDWOOD by the face cord DELIVERED Barrio area 7287871 EVENINGS WEEKENDS TTh 505 20 BLACK AND WHITE console Televi sign with solid wood cabinet excellent condition Telephone 726 7194 FUR COAT $150 red suede coat s25 brown suede cost 325 All site Telephone 726 1484 after 00 HEAVY DUTY home water pump and thirtyfive gallon pressure tank Used two years Utility trailer new tires three wlre wheels Telephone 726 1780 ANTIQUES Early Canadian pine buf fat desk dry sink Very good condition $250 per piece Telephone 728I429 LARGE FREEZER SISO14f1SporIpal Canoe thirty three pounds 3200 Telephone 72170456 or 726 9360 CHILDRENS SWING SET with slide in very good condition One year old $75 or best offer One hair dryer with chair plus childrens clothing up to site etc 32 Tiffln 51726373 ETPIEACET Séc TI CHESTERFIELD tangerine 8225 Telephone 728 1042 ANTIQUE CAMEO deA Excellenl condition Circa 18401850 Telephone 7269148 BEAUTITFUL CUSTOMMADE aIImIr ror coffee table 601 44 and 16 high 8150 or best offer Telephone 7262544 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12faca cord $32 16 face cord S36 All mixed hard wood delivered 726 5938 Sunday calls accepted ORGAN FORSALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking 82950 Telephone 728 1971 WIDE ALUMINUM GARAGE DOOR complete unit like new 575 Telephone 728 9249 or 100 Amelia Street at Duckworlh GUITAR FRAMUS ACOUSTIC sun burst finish Good condition 8110 Telephone 728 9796 after ANTIDUE TELEPHONE turn of can fury modal wall type S160 Window fash typo wall mirrors various sites shapes and finishes two only 15 Volkswagen rims complete with excellent tires 825 pair Telephone 728 8926 gt DRYER apartment me two or beat of farTaIaphone 7264695 gt Royce ooo ca plus antenna hardly aver used Best offer Telephone 726 3959 gt Wflmuww Two GENERAL steal belted radial tubelus tlnn HR7815 Ins than 5000 miles S60 pair or but offer Also two BF Goodrich Sllvcrtown ballad tubelen 27814 820 7284473 after 5th iiiilï¬ï¬‚kfï¬tfron sALe In good Wklfl OPUOF TWBIVO YBIB Old W11 Tclgphona 4811412 Handyman will do pointing poporTonglng floor tilln furniture stripping and roflnlahlngCollPoul1372875 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens roc STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and Reasonable roles Satisfaction guorontoad Gilberts Md Cleaning and Maintenance 72696871 homes cottogas Free estimate 10 years itarlor exterior paper hongh custom workSotlsfoctlon ugrgltoodJim PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Canton frornln of all types We Itodl M11 arm Phom 283770 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRNAING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pogo PASCOC CUSTOM muss Goose from hundreds of Mats wd Meowhp Telephone 3222711 Efrnofo ROOFING AND POONG New ord old Imus Fr sitD109 £1 Sillngllng Farm CENTRAL ROOFING CUVMEIICJL =3IEWA New etn Upbln Eric 3222713 4241709 N15 11qu1111 SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Repairs Eoveslroughing Commercial Residential Eovestroughing cleaned and flushed $15 and up For estimates call 7263492 TThSTF SNOW BLOWING DOUGS 01990me toli cantarcs an raid loosense 201 Tour SNBINBLOW1GVW Cotor iRaaracca aocvi 3° 7527 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNONPLOWING resdormsi and commerctc roanrota rotor free esti mates coll Paul 73 3064 litRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING SnoII commr clbl and residentid Reasonable rot Qopondoblc 367757 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and stwwbiowhg Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by eleven up Call 7265666 SIMPSON SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need 11 blower or plow Telephone 726453813181155957 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential Md commercial Best service it town Roos onobla rotas Telephone 7372892 7264604 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco intarlor textured onIs and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurlt telephone 71214327L wm 0111111110 Water Well Drilling rotmi experience Maul4715657 40 articles for sole TYPEWRITER DESK single common tal bed electric lawn mower garden tools etc Telephone 726 1128 1966 OLDS for street stocker partially restored 5150 An ANTIQUE BONNET Chest S400 Apply 158 Cundles St afterapm SOFA BEDS 21 53 each Schml desk chair 53 Tub bench Bird cages $1 each Television 545 zsinks $4 FltIL 50cents each 728 3776 BOX TRAILER forsole $125 box plywood 14 tires all 266532 afteI 500p weekdays anytime weekends MODERN 30 ELECTRIC RANGE and 115 cubic foot frost free refrigerator Clean and In good working condition Avocado green Price reasonable 7263791 IPIANO APARTMENT SIIE unto gmonlhs excellent condition Asking $815 Also antique buffet MI twor all 726 3929 after and weekends FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner with all attachments like new allu sun IAsklng S325 Call 456 3°81 COAL FOR SALE 550 lb bags for treplace 01 now Also bundles of maple fIrrS 1th 436 4120 DELIVERED gLACk Pom PixI mth 71 11 34995 Tarps and hurt twatst all pur es Batrle Tent am kwnlng 34 ayfleldStleel rot SALL km 1w table ml malls S40 bookcase Shk hestettlek and lounge $450 telrghmr worm Mat be seen 11114 ht lIllf restMI 41boats and motors 22 FT SHFIHI RD mannoam ï¬nal double hull 11mm Lhtnlel 1mm motor 1011de Anklno Lt lift Telephone 415 41011er kp 17 F001 SPORTRIU moabï¬vt 103 Chrysler niltlkmlit convmlbla ski Ebal Ituessorlex 5301 best not Telephone 778 8964 after qut STORAGE Inside or until Safe clean reasonable Reserve now Call 728 0915 42a rtlcles wanted CASH FOR old furniture bmks dishes old pictures clodls odds and ends The 1950 Items 728 6134 TRUCK CAP to fit Dntsun shot1 box truck It must be In good condition Telephone 726 8803 ET BARRIE POODIE Salon Sham Ing and clipping of all breeds mhla Street East 726414i POODLE TRIMMING mien1 grooming all breeds cku llvary1268798 Pet storm TROPICAL F511 Jam ulccï¬otl in town arlums all sing at Ices vanl and weaken Elli Aquarla 12TArdagh Road MAYS POODLE PARL clonal cllppl and groom onablcratealltone7260061m Rt