The Examiner la member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau lecvll la moanr NEWSROOM Apvï¬nflstnc ausmsss palm fly up riom ABC Only the Canadian Preaa may re publish new stories In Sean Finlay managing editor Len sevick manager Manan cough mama Sunday and credited to CENT Prra Reuters or Agenda FramPreaae and local Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEN Belly Armer atuiuiory holidays news atorluou xam ner DOYOhY Bowland the examiner Tum Nom 1977 serving barrie and simcoe county Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor WEEKLY bygoniei Bill Curran county editor Lyell Johnson 53 MC Hand 90am Werner Bereen sports editor am Bounon Vikki 0mm it Bill McFarlane wire editor Dana Graham Haggard the Examiner cialma copyright on all original news and advertising material created by Its employees and published In this newspaper Copyright registration number 20315 reciater 61 Chris Montgomery litestyte ho Zarecky Publlshe IVMAILBama bY Conadlan Newspapers Company Limited ggBaRgtgggoccm Photographer cmcuunon National advertlslne offices as Queen st Toronto mo uo Cathcart st lb Baylreld Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 John Bruce cussrrreo 1° 51 39 5W6 COW M° Poul Dem Rvm ems WNW Linda Halkes asst manager mac Rmth Duns LN Young Andy Housman Moron mgoworp The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arlling out El to Agostmi publisher pa Guam we snmno ï¬lmy trcPkIEV your gig loladrgerttlzemenlspeyond the amount paid tor the use Tally ocgvflledb va ante nor on ver umeni In which the error occurr whe we on NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING ClASSIFlEDS BUSINESS enagxzscum $353 8233 Elaine Porter savages fva due to the mlloence of Its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Sue an Gary Prrngte nonInsertlorroiany advertisementbeyondtheamounioaldtormhadveniaemom literacy problem exists in Canada Boxing is good example of where person may get injured if he is beaten badly enough Boxing is good example of where person may get injured if they are beaten badly enough Boxing is good example of sport in which person may get injured if they are beaten badly enough Boxing is good example of sport in which person may get injured if he is beaten badly enough Which of the above sentences is preferable Which sentence would you choose as being the best sentence The four sentences are part of the English Language Proficiency Examination at the University of Waterloo The results of the University of Waterloo exam and the results of other testing at other Canadian univer sities have some people convinced there is literacy problem in Canada Fortytwo Waterloo test failed per cent of the students who took the The provinces high schools have taken the brunt of the blame for the alleged illiteracy of hi gh school graduates Too few teachers themselves badly trained have been trying to teach too many students in too little time That conclusion was reached by those at University of Waterloo writing skills seminar And there the matter rests It is very easy and convenient to blame the high schools for the problem Those who think parents have done enough by feeding and clothing their offspring have something else to damn the education system wrth But children listen and read in places other than school They listen to radio they watch television and presumably wade their way through more than obfusca tions in learned textbooks What about television radio magazines newspapers books Are the media keeping English standards high Are youngsters being encouraged to read and listen Are children being told there is good English and bad English Are the schools the only places children are expected to be encouraged to read and listen to be told there is good English and bad English Apparently they are Yet schools and government consistently do the greatest offense to good English with their stress on highfalutin words which mean little and convey less The battle for good English simple clear concise language easilyunderstood by the writer or talker and the reader or listener starts in the home Until that is understood then literacy levels will decline and good English will become thing of the past Editors Note The fourth sentence is correct This photograph the property of John McLean Edgar is of the students of Edgar School about 1908 in the picture are Back Row Willie Hunter Jack Lauder iiarold Jamleson Wallace McLean Walter Lauder Glen Slessor Marie iiutchinsorl Laura McLean Mr Best Annie Blueman Laura Addison Edna Cavanaugh iracc Cockburn Ethel Wrcggit Edith Mongomery Wilfred Cockburn Herb Reynolds Third Row Teresa Brandon Grace Cavanaugh Clarence Hunter Nellie McLean Lily Herbert Mary McLean Laura Cavanaugh Edith Blencoe Mary Smith Lizzie Morningstarr Kate McArthur Leta Hayes Second Row Bob Sulton Walter Jamieson Jack Addison Edward Blerrcoe Max Livingston Mervin Reynolds Pearl Jory Mildred Reynolds Alice Morningstarr Jenny McArthur Jessie McAr thur Annie Addison Minnie Hutchinson Marjory Kissick Ella Hunter Mildred Mongomery Nellie Blencoe Mary Herbert Elfred Jory Bill Wriggitt Bruce Cockburn Front Row Jack Cockbum Bernard Mitchell Vincent Hayes Fred Montgomery Russell Thompson James Brown Ernest Brown Lorne Smith Johnny Herbert Maurice Hayes Dwight Patterson Ross Patterson Willy iierbert Harvie Cockburn Arthur Mongomory and Kenneth Cavanaugh Your business By VlNCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Ah hindsight if year ago you had only foreseen the decline of the Canadian dollar You could have switched your savings in to US funds and earned an easy 148percent capital gain The US dollar was worth 9714 cents Canadian on Oct 25 1976 and $1115 year later Even better you could have switched your assets into sterling and achieved an ap preciation almost twice as great The pound bible thought And it came to pass in those days that he went out into mountain to pray and con tinued all night in prayer to God Luke 12 Isnt it stran how we can feel so satisfied with few wo of prayer in view of the time that even Jesus spent with God Lord teach us to pray How to cut risks as dollar slides was quoted at 515499 Canadian then and $1982 on the same date this year Better still you could have bought gold bullion its value has risen by exactly one third in the past year That may sound like an easy way to get rich with little effort Most things are easy with hindsight In fact you wouldnt have had to put up much of your own money at all if you had speculated in currency or bullion fu turesthat is contracts to buy foreign currency or commodity at future date for known price Currency speculation is one of the riskiest of financial transactions however and the futures market is geared to bigtime operators dealing in sixfigure amounts individuals can of course go to the bank and buy foreign currencies The bank or any dealer in foreign exchange quotes fairly wide read between buying and selling prices owever so you start with at least one strike against you Parliament hill By STEWART MaclEOi Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service With 400 media people following the QULfll and Prince Philip during their Ottawa visit decided to pass up the mob scenes and follow all the events through newspapers and tclc vision am sure glad did Had been forced into live coverage would have collapscd with confusion Take the Queens clothing for instance For reasons ive never fully comprehended it must be described in vivid detail and quite frankly wouldnt know cotton from canvas But by reading one paper was able to learn that Her Majesty arrived at the prime ministcrs Harrington Lake cottage bundlcd The world today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Servicc in two countries Communist Czechoslovakia and fascist South Africa freedom of speech has been securely naich into its coffin the irn risonmcnl of in tellectuals an the osing down of newspapers in Czechoslovakia ground under by an atrocious Sovietbackcd dictatorship the long fight of many of that countrys intellectuals has ended in their prison sentences in South Africa where racism and op ression of other kinds is rampant all the eading black newspapers beginning with The World have been closed down and some of their editors arrested The South African movesu coming in the aftermath of the mysterious durth in prison of leading antiapartheid black leadcrr are typical of this racist state The Czechoslovak protesters who had won wide European support as signers of thc Charter 77 calling or human rights in their distraught country risked the fate assumed to them by contacting Czechoslovakian exiles intire West Ota Omest leading theatre director in Prague had maintained open contact with or important Czechoslovakianlanguage exilr journal in Paris Others in his group now given prison tcnn of up to three years persuaded academics all over the free world to support their cause This columnist received their manifesto ir the summer of 1975 from Slavic studies The floating Canadian dollar up warmly against the chilly air in maizc color coat with fitted front and full back with strapped sleeves and matching velvet turn shantcr with brown silk tassel When she removed her coal at the cottage she revealed pale maizecolored dress with brown coin spots scamcd pancl front and threequarter slccvcs Had bccn thcrc could not havc bccn more descriptive than saying she worc yellowish coat and dress its worth noting incidentally that an expert from anothcr newspaper missed the silk tzrsscl cntircly UNPLEASANTthlllENlS Anothcr problcm with bcing too closc to thc scene is that ou miss sonic of thosc only onelittle incident storics that crop up uith cvcry royal tour Scims that only our such in nail freedom professors at the Univcrsity of loronto hartcr 77 was iortucd to dcmzurd tbr human rights promised by the USSR out its European satcllitcs along with frcr European nations at the 1975 llclsinki nn ferencc Of course the USSR and its caplivc European nations have never honorcd this ronfcrcnco which was largely irrspircd by the Sovict Union in thc first placc And the filial sham of thc Czechoslovakiar trials was the claim by the prosccutiorr that Charter 77 had nothing to do with llclsirrki hilt everything to do with dissent in trcch oslovakia All the Czechoslovakian intellectuals wan ed was to function as in any free society as critics and observers of their nations coursc The South African move to closc black newspapers was unexpected Equally uncx pccted has been the backlash of criticism from the whiterun newspapers some of them supportch of South Africas apzrrthcid mgimc Other South African organizations not in the world of ournalisrn are protesting outri ht while countrys justice minister stan sfirrn While these two events were taking place the foilowup conference to Helsinki on East West relations was under way in liclgradc Yugoslavia When the American delegate protested thc treatment of tho Czechoslovakian irr tellectuals the Soviet ilrrion dclcgatc said it was not question of human rights but oijn ternal security Following the Queens Visit through newspapers television brings boos cidcnt is rmitled with each visit and they must be oscn carefully Most newspapers selected the case of 31 ycarold Gatincau Que author5who has ncver had book publishedwho broke through police roadblock and shouted Vive le Qucbcc libre That said policeman was the only unpleasant incident iorovrto daily newspaper decided this should be its frontpagc story on the Queens activities But an Ottawa paper was concerned about diflcrcnt incidcnt On that train trip up to rakcficlrt Que it sccms thcrc was another iitile crisis Nobody really noticed but according to lhc rcsidcnt railway as tociation experts the whccls uliprrcd several times on the greasy tracks lluagiuclhat And still anothcr Ottawa paper chanced ii iii third potcniial disaster Not an ounce the Quccns favorite brand of drinking water Muivcrrrc was to be found anywhere in Ottawa said rcliablc source who has catered to the mice during hcr previous visitstctulradu ihis crisis was rvcrtcd when it was discovcrcd she could drink Frenchvblltlcd uritrcrul vulcr She lilacs it with slice of liurc harvcnt the space to go into all the in ridrnis uircovclcd by individual reporters but had better mention the one singled out by iinitcd ircss international ierhaps the only untoward incident at the entire lunch ccurrixl when Sir Philip Moore found piece vf buckshot in his serving of goose absolutc outrage Another thing about not ciug there Since Rcrrc Levciuv is never Still without cigarettc it would irovci havc occurred to me that ho lit up irecans he was so rattled in the prcscnsc of royalty ilut it was interpreted hat way However it was good to learn through ioronto paper that he was exhalng the smoke through his nostrils And Uii added that he continued to take discreet puffs blowing the smoke downward if hc had exhaled the smoke ward from his nostrils it Would be quite arrot rcr matter Also at that luncheon Ontario Premier William Davis sat on the Queens left is iicrre lrudeou trying to win over Bill avis asked one Ottawa paper Meanwhile Levesque was sitting on the right of Prince Philip And the same paper decided that the seating plan prepared by the prirnc minister placed lcvcsquc as far away from thc Queen as possible llad been there would have missed the significance of that game of political musical chairs would have rrurvcly assumed that every prcmicr hard to sit on some chair and there is no social stigma to sitting on Prince Philips right interpreting the ngwsi More troops raise questions By HAROLD MORRISON The Canadian Press Reports that Cuban troops have moved into Ethiopia raise fresh questions about Fidel Castros true intentions in Africa While these reports come from only one side in the Ethiopian fi ting they lend themselves to pattern ch suggests that theCuban president is in league with the Sovret Umon as part of plan for 7e tut influence over vast territories in bulent continent Many national leaders including those who have befriended the Cuban president have raised uestions why Castro would send thousan of troops across the Atlantic to fight in Angola His standard answer is that his African comrades needed help mainly against imperialists and that his intention was merely to protect the Angolan govem ment against external threats When the fighting there ended and the Cuban troops were still seen there Castro maintained they would be withdrawn gradu ally The withdrawal of his troops from Africa appeared to be key point in the prospect for closer relations between Cuba and the United States lNFLUENCE SOUGHT But there have been grave doubts that Castro really intended to withdraw all his troops from Angola Indeed there have been rumors that his troops had spread from Angola to other parts of Africa to train left wing forces and influence political powers in general of Communist strategy Some Western observers even suggested that Castro was in Africa not so much for the love of his African comrades as to help pay off debt of gratitude to the Kremlin for the huge economic aid the Soviet Union has provided to the Cuban regime The Soviet Union has given the existing Ethiopian government strong support while at the same time withdrawing aid from Somalia which has given sympathy and sup port to the Western Somalian Liberation Front in the Ogaden Desert To charge Somalia with imperialism might prove less convincing and certainly likely to arouse little sympathy from black African governments more concerned about removing white power from Rhodesia and South Africa more pointed question is whether Cuban troops would be in Ethiopia for the purpose of protecting brotherly group or merely to sustain Soviet policy At home Castro has de icted returning Cuban troops including wounded as heroes who fought for just cause in Africa Whether Cubans would consider the use of their countrymen in Ethopia as just strug gle is another matter To the average eubarr there may be little difference between an Ethiopian and Somalian Canadas story His name By BOB BOWMAN Pierre LeMoyne perhaps better known as iberville is great figure in Canadian iris tory except in Newfoundland Mention of his name in that province brings boos to this day Count Frontenac and Iberville had plan to capture Boston and the New England states It was necessary to capture Newfoundland as preliminary step Newfoundland was an English colony except for Placentia which was held by France Using Placentia as base iberville began leading force across the Avalon Peninsula Nov 1696 He only had 120 men and it was daring campaign bein so late in the year iberville and his men ha to get through thick forests and wade through swamps and streams of icy water up to their waists It took them nine days to get to Ferryland There they were joined by Governor De Brouillon and much larger force who had travelled in ships They began their march on St Johns Nov 26 St Johns was defended by Governor Miners brave man His only hope was to stall for time because he knew that two ships of men and supplies were on their way from England But iberville knew this too and it was necessary to take some drastic measures to force Miners to surrender quickly settler named William Drew was ca tured outside St Johns and Iberville had lndians cut all around the mans scalp and strip the skin from the forehead to the crown of his head Then Drew was sent into St Johns as an emissary with warning that if Miners did not surrender immediately all the inhabitants would suffer the same treatment if they surrendered iberville cruised they would be taken back to Engla safely it was hard di lomacy along the lines of presentday hijac ing Miners agreed and St Johns was evacuated and razed to the ground The 400 inhabitants suffered severely in winter weather until ships were provided to take them to England Later iberville completed the campaign by destroying number of other small com munities causing great hardships to the inhabitants OTHER NOV EVENTS 1697Labrador was granted to Joseph de la Penja of Rotterdam nosDr Jacob Mountain the first Anglican bishop of Canada arrived at Quebec PissBishop inglis opened academy at Windsor NS that became Kin College rimNormal school open at Toronto with Robertson headmaster l885CPR began service from Montreal to Winnipeg via Ottawa Sudbury and Thunder Bay Ont mwv