the examiner Thursday Oct 27 1071 sum rv AND APPLIANCES Grade BABY BEEF Interiors sseuiaorm Painter Pants unis 0mm mm an nglu 175 200 lb re vol3m in new ve ge Fully processed while mï¬hn 21 supply available mqdmum he mwmw urnls mg Treasures This offer is good at either of our two stores mrmm lock $2 Mi $2 omummnm Grandpa ers er rer Ming mmmtzgums Four Poster Bed $530$630 linduy Mirror $125 Ds st ssa un ANGUS PREFERRED CUSTOMER CARD HOLDERS Brentwood 424541 v1 HCliN OWhiie supples lest Color Your World 25 °o oft FA BRICLAGND IO Dunlap St 724201 day SALE See the srvrnm professionals 39 Why Fabrlcland for mm mrmmhn Prepastedwashable mm aurni sizr 22 $32323 OSales i° Millhm rlsfteserve so mnmum Omessories 31395 trh savings year as Ann Pillow so Were Versatile gt V54 6800 During Our DOCkSIde shunMAflRESSrscrory Annklversary iale lakeshore at Mulcaster Image to Dowaw 21 North Barrie Plala 7264400 summiiesis0e r0 Contest Rules Nil iliReHKJE NEYiSSLl 75 Hum You cauid be iucky enoudt to win on SUPERB HOLIDAY iorz featuring the exent of week in London ems SE61wa wear on THE sundrenched ISLE 1812A in the Mediterranean Beefy Bargains MiniBudget Saver includes 90 lb front of beef cut into steaks roasts Bayfield Mall 7372352 Barrie For Onty 01m Tliï¬iï¬griizvalli °7cii22d 311322 $9988 MCIIF NI SAVEWZ IOIbSausooe 5lbPorkChops 5bWieners $3 son or mum Reg $4000 The Budget Saver uh we of use our Quinn laymm lb spgtnsideoi beetcut and wrapped the way youlike won mmTï¬xo Swimg 52 Mens or ladies ipiece 512 55 gm Chops EV 39 £3 °°° Barrie leather oods ltd 15° rm mtflflï¬f Baytield Mgl Uh shad ImmmmummmllMWlmliuilmu3 llite 05535 549 3mm ST 1370254 nm 726529 smucr gum mmz Th iilllllill mm PETERRinosmh MINUFE MUFFLERS Where your dollar stretches long way Sale ends Oct 31st Leather Uppers Rubber Bottoms with Corrugated Rubber Sales and We stock exhaust systems Faxing Steel Shanks 100 Wool mo wk and model ladies Assorted Felt Liners mens sizes to 12 Free estimates Dresses 99 lnstallation included in price 20 Lifetime guarantee imported cars yr Denim mini Igrzfsziggggisgvice jeans SKI EQUIPMENT GUAM MERCHANDM DiSCOUtfl was 76 Donna ST WHY 0V0f8l108 00 NORABZAARRE Handy rim and 43 In ALLISTON ONT 4354500 Alcona Beach Mestercharge accepted Barrie 40 Bayfield St 7266241