wwwv wwwvwwwwvwwvwv the examiner Wodmday Oct 26 1977 Wealth mat MacMurray Canadian Brass set for tour OTTAWA CP The five members of The Canadian Brass are preparing for tour this winter that will take them to London Paris and parts of Germany and Italy as entertainment Take brummagem for instance well as Moscow and Leningrad They return to Canada in December and month later will begin tour which includes stops in Hawaii California and western Canada The fiveFred Mills and Ronald Romm trumpets Eugene Watts trombone Graeme Page French horn and Charles Daellenbach tubaplayed here for the Queen at special command performance and had weeks run at the National Arts Centre on double bill with pop singer Vikki arrr Along with their farflung travels The Canadian Brass will have their fourth recording launched this fall recorded in the new directtodisk technique which currently is the rage among highfidelity buffs Their previous records on the Boot laboe like their live shows range from the classics to Joplin re and jazz The new record on the Umbrella label will inclu their arrange ments of music by Johann Sebastian Bach and Jellme Mor ton with Howard Cables Newfoundland Sketches The Canadian Brass began in 1970 as members of the brass section of the Hamilton Philharmonic orchestra but with changes in the trumpet players and their packed program of touring they have severed their orchestra con nections television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2471122News 1Hollywood Squares sToronto CBC Newshour 9Detinition 19Polka Dot Door 25Nouvelles 79ClTYPulse 630 247979News 3Mary Tyler Moore IlParly Game 19Readalong 22Gong Show 25LActuel 40 19Cover To Cover 655 19Write 0n 00 2Hollywood Con nection 3Charlies Angels 4Cross wits 5Mary Tyler Moore 7To Tell The Truth 9Emergency 110regon Trail l90Iympic Profiles 22Fernwood Night 25Les Belles Hisloires Des Pays DEn Haut 730 2Match Game PM 4Strikes Spares Misses 5Gene Taylor 7Gong Show 19Movie Turnabout Pt 22Sanlord And Son 79VOdd Couple 800 2Grilzly Adams 35Fortunes 422Bugs Bunny Special 78 is Enough 9Rosetti and Ryan 11NHL Hockey 19Cope 22Sanlord Arms 25Jamals Deux Sans Toi 79Movie Mixed Com pany 830 Ted Knight sMuslcamera lCandid Camera 19Education Mike McManus 22Busting Loose 25Reto Spec 900 20regon Trail AMovie The Greatest Thing That Almost Happened 7Charlies Angels 9Movie Its Good To Be Alive 19Cinema 227Lasl Cause 25Contes De Campagne 930 35Passionate Canae dians 10 00 2Blg Hawali 7Baretta 22ANews 25Consommateurs Avertis 7977 Jenny Lady Ran dolph Churchill 1030 35Watson Report llPeter Appleyard 25Nouvelles 11 00 2345791lvNews 22Forever Fernwood 79w1tness To Yesterday 11 05 25Rellets DUn Pays 11 20 359News 11 30 2Johnny Carson AHawali Five0 7Movie The Woman Hunter 11Lynne Gordon 19Cope 22Winners Circle 79CITY Lights 1135 590 Minutes lee 1150 JMovie Behold Pale Horse 1200 9Movle The Helllons llMarcus Welby MD l9Education or Mike McManus 22Movie Holiday On The Buses 79PTL Club 1205 25Clnema 1230 19Communique 1240 AMovie Target Risk 100 2Tomorrow llMerv Grittin THURSDAY MORNING VIEWING Walter Matthau has HOLLYWOOD NEA Walter Matthau director Howard Zieff and couple of the crew members were having lunch during the shooting of House Calls One of the crew members was gaffer and Matthau said did anybody know that the word gaffer is con traction of godfather No Nobody knew that Matthau didnt seem sur rised He munched away on eggs and threw few more word stories out Are you acguainted with the word brummagem he asked No nobody was acquainted with the word bummagem It means showy but in ferior he said Look it up and youll see Im right did He was used it once in conversation with Lord Olivier dont think he was vauainted with it either He sort of gave me blank look But didnt want to insult him by telling him imagine he went home and looked it up Everybody kept on eating Are you acquainted with the word Striangulation he asked Once again nobody had even nodding acquaintance with striangulation Good he said There is no To codirect Festival play STRATFORD CP Peter Moss has been named director of the Stratford Festivals re vived Third Stage an ex perimental theatre suspended in the 1977 season Moss native of Montreal who has worked extensively in England was assistant to artis tic director Robin Phillips last season and will codirect The Winters Tale at the main festi val next year The revival of the Third Stage is part of the Stage One expansion plan which even tually calls for theatre school alternate theatre and multi media centre such word was playing word game with Glenda Jackson the other day Miss Jackson is his costar in House Calls and she used the word strangulation challenged her She said it meant stran lation by ex tension wha ever that is refused to acce it and of course it turn out she was bluffing It was very good bluff think Glenda is very bright woman She reminds me of bantamweight fighter very fast very sharp Shes the of fspring of Welsh coal miner which may have something to do with it The company had been shooting on street corner in Studio City part of the San Fer nando Va ley hot and smoggy but convenient Most of House Calls is being shot on location in and around Los Angeles This time they were lucky The location was near pretty good restaurant So Matthau and Zieff and the others had skipped the usual location caterer movie catering food is good but it gets boring after while and were lunching at small but in teresting place It seemed to make the normally talkative Matthau even more so He talked about bookies He talked about heart attacks He talked about doctors He talked about food He was eating crazy concoction of eggs sour cream Spanish sauce avocadocs and slice of pineapa pic can understand everything except the pineapple he said pushing it away from the rest of the food it is curious what some people do with food went to delicatessen in Chatsworth and this very nice lady served me some very nice lean corned beef with oran slices Have you ever heard more terrible combination than lean corned beef and orange slices Its like something my first wife might have con sidered remember once saw large black lady eating Nathans hot dog with mustard Glenda Jackson and Matthau bantamweight was bluffing and sauerkraut in one hand and large cup of vanilla custard in the other hand She would take bit of the hot dog and then lick the vanilla custard That picture of her doing that has stayed with me In fact have been sick for 30 years thinking of that man softly edged his way over to the table where the group was eating When he had Matthaus attention he said he was visitor from Israel and wondered if he could take the actors picture Sure Matthau said But lets go outside where the light is better And he led the surprised and delighted visitor outside onto the sidewalk and ha pily posed with his arm aroun the mans shoulder while his wife took the picture While he was gone Zieff and the others commented on how like Matthau that gesture had been It is very unusual for an actor to be so cooperative but Matthau does it all the time They each had some story of how he had gone out of his way to be kind to visitors He came back in again tossing final wave and smile in the direction of the man from Israel It was time to go back to work House Calls is romantic comedy about doc tor Matthau whose wife dies after they had happy faithful 31 years Now he decides to cut loose and romance as many women as he can And Glenda Jackson is the foremost among that happy group They were shooting scene supposedly outside TV studio after both of them had ap peared on TV panel show The scene had them walking out with two others then Matthau getting him grabbed Miss Jacksons arm and led her away It sounds easy But Zieff wanted to have it all nice and casual but it was hard to stage it to get that feeling and still work for the camera He rehearsed it five or six times After each rehearsal Zieff would say Talk to me meaning that the camera people and the sound people should tell him how they thought the shot was shaping up from each of their standpoints One problem was the light When youre shooing in real genuine California sunshine ou have to be careful about it eing too bright on certain ob jects and faces So they had to place crew member on an overhand extending out form the building with device to shade the faces It was tricky in place BURBANK Calif AP Among the people mentioned frequently as the wealthiest actor in Hollywood is Fred Mac Murray recent article said his wealth is so great it is something of legend However MacMurray says it is not legend at alljust He admits though that he is careful man with ar Ive heard those stories so many times he said in re cent interview Thats Hollywood myth It started years and years ago dont know why had down payment on ranch down payment on couple of apartment buildings and had the house Thats all MacMurray has been denying stories of his great wealth for years He said he has been worrying about such stories because it could encourage kidnappers He said nearly 30 years ago national magazine put him in the same league with Doris Duke Barbara Hutton and the tga Khan It said his wealth was between $75 and $100 mil ion couldnt believe it he said All of sudden the gar dener wanted raise TALK WILD He said his worth was nowhere near $75 million Asked to be more specific he said Id say Im millionaire But thats if sold the ranch the house some property in Riv erside have insurance some stocks but not great deal They talk of $75 to $100 million and its so wild If sold everything Id be worth maybe $3 million to $4 million Maybe He said stories exaggerating his worth may have started because he is cautious spender and invested his money Im Scottish so took care of my money Theatre manager starts new career OTTAWA CP Raymond Wickens for nine years general manager of the Canadian Mime Theatre in Niagaraonthe Lake Ont has resigned to become freelance theatre consultant When took this job it was supposed to be for only three years and after nine years just want to get away and do other things Wickens said in an interview He resigned last week effec tive Dec31 and said he will be available for advice especially to help prepare the mime com panys tours in Canada and abroad The Canadian Home Insulation Pro ram mag ay you eck It on now 03350 Are you eligible If your home was built before 1921 you may quality for grant of 23 the cost of materials up to $350 555 30 IO 00 Yes this is residential building of three storey or less 9Focu5 llOntario Schools 2Not For women only constructed before 1921 00 79Portugal Today AJokers Wild Yesl plan to Insulate the attic walls and floors over unheated ZWPTL Club 8300 5Ontario Schools space With CMHC accepted materials 9University ol the Air 4Caplain Kangaroo 7Dlallng For Dollars th as rinci al esdence llCamera on Canada 7Rocketship 9Art at cooking est UNI IS use icanoons 79Iaian5555mo DaYbea It youve answered Yes to all three questions well send along our 615 I5 79Sounds informationapplication kit AFarm Report 3Ed Allen 1030 Th 25 825 2H°nywood squares Please pnn Is is your man mg 4News SNews 5Mr Dressup NAME 7Window on the World 830 A9APrice is Right at 715 915 645 In Box ofï¬ce opens 615 30 5Boniour 2H Olympiques atn has entertainment featurin Anoness 4Sunrise Semester 845 79CITY Pulse 9Cartoon Playhouse 3Boniour 1100 WHAT THE PRINCE John Klrk cny llYoga 5Friendty Giant 2Wheel ot Fortune SLIPIED lNlDERhlilA 900 PROV POSTAL CODE 645 5Sesame Street on the of éggsoaybeat 2Dinah 7HaDDY Days JFriendly Giant 11Klaras Korner English kit Send to ana ian ome nsu ation rogram FMS Emmoymen Lamas Lucy ma Am me Come and hear wrde VOller of musrc gage 71300 7Employment File 54 Touch 25Dossiers Alrique auren ue ec 700 Ham Donahue 79CTypulse News played softly for your ltstentng pleasure H4L 5A8 2Today 4CBS News 7Good Morning America 9Canada AM 11It Figures 79Greek Horixons 715 3700 Club 9Toronto Today 22vCanadian Cavalcade 798uper Cinelotto 915 JOntario Schools 30 AiTattletales 9Romper Room 22100 Huntley Street 797 ChaivJewish Show 1130 2Knockout 4Young And the Restless 7Family Feud 9Its Your Move 11Midday 22lntermedia 25Les Animaux Cher Eux THURSDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 2rTo Say The Least 3Leave It To Beaver 7News SrBob McLean 9Uncle Bobby Show 19Mr Rogers Neighborhood 22News 25Fili Brindacier 79Pay Cards 1230 2Magazine 37News ASearch For Tomorrow 7Ryans Hope Flintstones 11All My Children 25Les Coqueluches 797Youre Beautitul 1255 SNews 100 2Gong Show 3Merv Grittin kConcentration 5Time For You 7AII My Children 22Going Places 79CITY Classified 30 211Days 010ur Lives 479As The World Turns kTattlelales Joyce Davidson 22Winners Circle 257Nouvelles 135 25Femme DAuiour dhHui 200 JrMoira Hunt 5Ryans Hope $20000 Pyramid Alan Hamel IzrrMovie Guys and Dolls Pt 230 2Doctors 35 Edge oi Night TilOne Lite to lee Guiding Light 25 Cinema 79 City Lighls 300 29 Anolher World Take 30 AAll in The Family 79 Jokers Wild 15 mCommander Tom 11 AGeneraI Hospital 330 Celebrity Cooks 79 rMalch Game 22 Rocket Robin Hood 400 2Movie My Blood Runs Cold ItsVision On 4Merv Grltiln 9Star Trek llYoung and The Restless 22Pink Panther 25rBobino IDFamily Feud 430 3Party Game 5Whals New 7Mlke Douglas llDlnah litElectric Company 22vLIttle Rascals 25Grulol Et Delicat 79 rMy Three Sons 500 3Hogans Heroes FMarkelplace 22Gilllgans Island 9Emergency 19Sesame Street 25Gens De Mogador 79FBI 530 JNews Hal Couple 5AII In The Family llBewltched 22Doris Day THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 24 71122 News Hollywood Squares Toronto CBC Newshour 9Delinltion 19 Polka Dot Door 25Nouvelles 79Cily Pulse 30 79 News Mary Tyler Moore llearty Game 19Readalong 22Gong Show 25LAcluel 640 19Cover To Cover 55 19erte On 700 2Hollywood Con nection 3Lou Grant 5Mary Tyler Moore 4Cross Wits 7710 Tell The Truth 9Funny Farm llvBehind The Scenes With Jonathan Winters 19Vlston 0n 22Fernwood Night 30 2vHollywood Squares Strikes Spares Misses Weve Got Each Other 77Famlly Feud TBA 11 She Na Na l9M0vle Turnaboul concL 22Santord and Son 25 Du Tac Au Tar IFOdd Couple 800 11 Chips Carol Burnett Waltons 22 Welcome Back Keller 97 Wonder Woman 19 Consumer Challenge 25 Le Travail La Chaine 79 Movie At Long Last Love 830 722 Whats Happening 19 Education Oi Mike McManus 25 Cinema 900 James Al 15 Movie Lucas Tan ner 411 Hawali Flve Canadian Express Barney Miller Carter Country 19 Omnibus 22 Wntario Lottery 930 CTV Reports Carter Country 22 $128000 Question 1000 Rosetti and Ryan Barnaby Jones In Touch ABC News Closeup Teenage Turn on Drinking and Drugs Tony Bennett in Hawaii 11 Origins Of The Motia l9 Pile El Face 22 Global News 79 Rookies 1030 Recovery From Tragedy 19 Dela Demain 25 Nouvelles 1100 23 is 79117 News 197 Ontario Scene 22Forever Fernwood 79V Wltness To Yester day 1105 25Clnema 1120 97 News 1130 2w Johnny Carson 4Movle Love Is Ball 7Movle Sex And The Single Girl 11Lynne Gordon IDConsumer Challenge 22WInners Circle 79CITY Lights 1135 540 Minutes lee 1150 3Movle The Prime or Miss Jean Brodie 1200 9Movle The Plainsman 11 Movle On Clear Day You Can See Forever 19The Education of Mike McManus 22Movle The Glass House 79 PTL Club 1230 19 Communique 2577 Cinema 00 2Tomorrow 105 5v Movie The Shape 0t Things To Come 225 11Merv Grltiln 355 11 Marcus Welby MD TH EATRE Every Saturday night pm cm 7269641 355 Bayfield St OPENING THIS FRIDAY or through your operator call collect 514 3411511 French kit Government of Canada Gouvernemenl du Canada Canadian Home Insulation Program Programme dioolation thermique des residences canadiennes Honourable Andre Ouellet Minister Lhonouble Andre Ouailel MintIre IMPERIAL THEATRE Ill tell you something that never came out made Adam seventeen Eve was fifteen thought that would be like middle ageWho knew people would live so long 66 Adult Entertainment GEORGE BURNS JOHN DENVER OH GOD TERI GARR DONALD PLEASENCE Based on the Noyel by AVERY CORMAN Screenplay by LARRY GELBARI DAVID CARRAIDIINE KATE JACKSQN its 250 Proof Fun as they bust up the biggest moonshine racket in the country Adult Entertainment WWWWWWCOREYMN WWWMMMSBEM