10 the examiner Tuesday October 13 1977 71 help wanted nIioIp waited help wanted ROUTES ARE NOW Extra Money and Win Prizes MERRITTHIGIILANDLITTLE AREA DONALDFRANCIS AREA AVAILABLE DUCKWORTIIEUGENIA AREA ST VINCENTMARION CR AREA CODRINGTONALBERT AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 SALES CAREER Do you want to manage your own business Want to avoid major capital investment of franchise Are you able to demonstrate understanding of sound business prin ciples Do you want to earn early returns on the investment of your time and energy in selling basic commodity items Let us satisfy your financial and lifestyle goals For an interview call 18002610799 toll free OIB 72 saies help agents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LéT 2J6 DIRECT SALES PEOPLE needed in Barrie area for food and freezer ser vices Crew managers and closers need ed Top commissions paid Will train Call collect 416 684 9651 Taremployment wanted CHILD CARE any age my home Goodfellow School area off Line 4364363 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children 590d one year and OVEF Constant super vision References available Please call QUOM for more intoanation CLEANING LADY available Please telephonegfter 4p rd 726 Hut WV BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise NOTICE Dealing lor classrlied Wold arts to day previous noon Saturday 78 tenders 78 tenders TENDER Tenders are invited for the Overall lnsuro or THE BARRIE nce Coverage URLING CLUB I75 ESSA ROAD BARRIE Sample of coverage of present policy is available for study at the Club office Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 1000 i200 noon and l00 400pm daily except Saturday Tenders close l200 noon November l5th i977 HERSEY SeeTrees Ol9 ANNOUNCEMENTS moximum 40 words additi Card of thanks 40 words PEIAL NOTICES Death Notice Engeoets Birth anal words i0 cents per word $550 Additional words to cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events Sibtrths GOOD NEWS STORY when you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 2AM VOIGT TDennisuvaerTEï¬tizabethr lnee Snelgrovel son October to 1977 Jonathan Thomas brother for Ben iamin IS deatlts TOLCHARD Harry George Glover suddenly at the oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Saturday October is i977 Harry Tolchard of Barrie formerly of Toronto and Kingston aged 70 years Beloved husband at Elva Smith of Barrie Loving father of Leslie Mrs Julien Burford and to Julian of Oakvllle Dear brother of Etta Tofchard of Toronto Resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home t5 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Monday at Service in the chapel on Wednesday Oc tober l9th at pm Interment Green wood Cemetery Owen Sound at approx 330 pm As an expression of sympathy donations to the Ontario Heart Founda $322 per column inch 88 coming events ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission Si 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Ryerson settlement is queried TORONTO CPI The board of overnors 0f Ryerson Poly tcc nical lnstitutc blocked move by top Ryerson adminis trators who agreed to freeze their salaries in 1975 Ryerson president Walter Pitmnn said Monday Pitman said in an interview that when hc came to Ryerson in 1973 he thought adminis trative salaries were too high and proposed the freeze lhc freeze suggested before federal antiinflation board guidelines came into effect ap plied to about 14 persons in cludin himself But said the board of gov ernors would not allow the freeze Pitman was commenting in an interview aftIr Harry Par rott Ontario minister of col leges and universities was questioned in the legislature about 95731632 settlement paid by the board 0f governors to George Kore who resigned about two wee ago as vice prcsident of Ryerson John Sweeney Liberal mcmr ber of the legislature for Kitch cnchilmot said in thc house that Parrott should investigate the settlement because about till per cent of it was public funds Dr Sheila Nazerali dishes out Don hittick president of the Barrie Branch of the Ontario Division of the anadian Red ross Society during an open House Saturday The Barrie Branch opened its doors at 34A lappcrton Street approximately year ago on fulltime basis The open house was held to celebrate the Occasion and allow members of the community the chance to visit and mcit with board members Examiner Photo Hold Open House piece of birthday cake to Davis urges talks on economy issue TORONTO CPI Ontario Prcmicr William Davis urged Prime Minister Picrre Trudcau on Monduv to call meeting of premiers to begin an effort to put Canada back on the road to economic recovery Spcaking at the opening of the fall session of the legislature Davis also said propcrly tux reassessment will be postponed for another year Icgislauon will be introduced to control bodyrub parlors and thcrc will be legislation to comr bat the Arab economic boycott of Israel Davis also said in ltirpzigc introduction to thc session there will be legislation to regulate the removal of topsoil from prime agricultural land Much of the Davis statement was reiteration of govcrn mcnt programs announced during fhc last session He said the larger wnICli confront tho and the country will ominnlc much of thc legislatures thoughts and activities IFES NATIONAL lNllY refer in spccific terms to the ongoin debate on national unity and ie SOIiOUS problems of unemployment and in flation Dams said He rcpcatcd ca rlicr promises to take an active rolc in the na tional unity debate and said he docs it intend to confine him self to Ontario in rcspcct of those activities The persistence of issues rovincc high Ontario major concern unrmpinymcnt in rcmnins it Davis said He said the problems are par tly national and international in scope and no simple solutions can be taken to correct the situation The federal government and the to provinces should be working in concert to find solu tions and restore confidence both in Canada and in the rest of the world US areas hit by snow rain By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Autumn suddenly looked like winter on Monday in inland areas of the northeastern United States as storm dum pcd snow on parts of Penn sylvania and New York and drenched coastal areas from Virginia to New England with rain As the storm moved up the coast rain and snow reached as far west as the lower Great Lakes and upper Ohio Valley In New York Pennsylvania and New England there were scattered power failures flood ing and warnings that tempera tures would drop In interior Pennsylvania up to 30 centimetres 0f wet snow fell on trees still laden with tur ning leaves weighing down branches that snagged and snapped power lines Hundreds of motorists were stranded along two of the states major highways with press peril warnin MONTREAL CP It was billed as seminar on The Press and the ConfederatiOn Debate and Quebec Premier Rene Levesque seized the chal lenge with relish Levesque was not the only mvimlal premier to attend Monday gathering or senior editors and executives organized by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association But where Saskatchewans Allan Blakeney and New Bruns wicks Richard Hatfield con tented ihemselves with gently prodding the nations news papers to do their part in the cause of national unity Le vesque stunned the audience with charge that Englishlan guage news media are in peril of becoming the trained seals 0f Ottawa in the Con federation debate The tone was set moments af ter the premier took the podium to polite but not overly long ap lause After some in roductory pleasantries in French Levesque switched to English so that our guests from this unilingual Canada which reigns outside Quebec can understand The audience included both Frenchand Englishs aking journalists and simutaneous translation facilities were available but the Quebec premier complained he had tried the headphones earlier and found it difficult to follow two languages at once GAP POISONOUS star reporter for years with the CBCs French network Le Vesque complained that the gap between Frenchand English language news coverage in Quebec is potentially poisonous while coverage of the Parti Quebecois govern ment in the rest of Canada is slanted basically against what we stand for The pressure cooker of Que bec politics makes the job of journalists difficult Levesque said raising the danger that re porters and editors will become the trained seals of the status quo and even the trained seals of politicians Recallin his meeting last month wi parents at an Eng lishlanguage school in his home riding of Taillon Levesque said the debate was blown all out of proportion by saturation coverage which included live radio and television broadcasts There were two television outlets there waiting for traged to happen he said The God this was very civilized and openminded au dience The second case which trou bled Levesque was the treat ment by the Montreal Gazette of poll commissioned by Southam Press and the Toronto Star on the attitude of Cana dians toward Confederation and Quebec independence POLL DRAMATIZED The poll carried out by Gold farb Associates of Toronto and previously denounced by Le vesque as political oper Levesque astonishes audience ation was frontpage news for seven consecutive days always with the most dramatic possible headlines the premier said The poll found maorit of Quebecers opposed to the Char ter of the French Language and to separation But another poll carried out for Readers Digest by Montrealbased Centre de Recherche sur lOpiniOn Pub lique indicated most Quebecers supported the languagelaw In addition responses on sep aration varied according to whether peo le were asked if they favored separation or sovereigntyassociation the PQs term for political inde pendence accompanied by an economic common market with Canada Pollster Martin Goldfarb de fended himself against criticism voiced by the premieras well as by the Montreal daily La Presseat panel discussion later Monday Castro visits Jamaica Cuban Premier Fidel astro embraces an unidentified man in his welcoming party as he arrives in Kingston Jamaica RAT CONIEE ANNE MURRA RADIO 950 If You Like The Sweet Sound Of omen cm MUSICAL comm on the weekend for his first vi far right is Jamaican Prime Photo OLIVIA NEWTON JONN sit to the Carribbean island At Minister Michael Manley AP It ALP DEAN MARTIN MANTOVANI BRENDA LEI JERRY VAL Classified advertllomontl and notices for thou pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Cassified Display advertisements which mm be in by pm two days prior to publication CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cosh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two lnurtlanl 9V per word Insertion Three consecutive Insertion cents per word In sortion total 3648 Six consecutive Inser tions BVnc per word per insertion total 224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered wbioct to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Inltlal abbreviation set of numbers etc count as Separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Clanlfiad Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly viacheck their advertisement Immediately after first Insor tlon In order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed lnurtlon at any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the milprint Er rors whlch do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corroc tiom by make goods1he Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reflect any want tlon or the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar riewouidbeappreciated 88 coming events min Shop Rempenfolt Chapter I0DE Thom Oct 20 to Sat Oct 22 oclock to Hum loner Mots Mela Dunlap St Courtesy of about lam Good used clothing homo baking gift table household ef fects books leweliery knlck knocks Public invited to submit articles to be sold on profit sharing basis Articles accepted Wed nesday afternoon October t9 Not everyone had good seat An audio ltchlllfflll sits atop wooden spool left during iov IIugli urcys Monday press conference in he lied Room of the Capitol iov urcy sold the state and the Port Authority will obey the US Supreme Court on the landings of the oncorde at Kennedy The techni Phone 72837l9 7282730 clan c0uld have sat In one of the chairs because the room was only twothirds full but he Ol8l9 PHONE mm chose to sit behind the View of the cameras AP Photo CKB RADIO 950