16 opts to rent MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adult only 726 0908 weekdays BEDROOM apartment AvailableT tober lst Large balcony or yard Playground area all utilities included Close to transportation and shopping Please telephone 720 0900 PRIVATE COMFORTABLE one bedroom fully furnished apartment utilities included free parking Suit single business lady West end location Reasonable Telephone 726 8990 anytime TWO bedroom apartments in Barrie Available immediately and November lst Close to schools shopping and transportation Call Toronto 1416 727 9057 Two BEDROOM Apartments availaTsIe Immediately November lst December lst Parking laundry facilities $230 monthly plus hydro References No Pets 720 1035 SINGLE BEDROOM apt private en trance available Nov 1977 Central Barrie close to transportation Stove refrigerator utilities and parking in cluded $165 monthly Aurora 416 727 3830 alter pm and all day weekends ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments available November lst quiet street Close to shopping and bus route adults only From $195 to $230 monthly Please call 726 9200 LARGE BEDROOM apartment in six plex Available October 22 Laundry facilities $220 monthly plus hydro Call 737 2258 BEDROOM APARTMENT stove refrigerator parking laundry facilities and neat included $220 monthly Avail able November East end Telephone 716 1253alter6p ONE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown on bus route Available Nov eriber 151 or sooner Stove fridge laun JFY facilities First and last months rent Nopels Call alter pm 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM Apartment with fridge and stove Heat and parking included $240 monthly East and location Adults No pets Available November Telephone 726 7685 or 7260075 alter ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovestrough Soffit Windows Fuck Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Coll PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soilh Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 77269002 FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Fascio Shutters Windows Doors Eovestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD N6 GIBSON ALUMINUM Old Foshionsd Pride Sidding Soffit Trough Awnings Doors Windows STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE BARRIE 7265609 APPLIANCES LECTROIUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd Unit I9 Lew22 WE WILL PICK ur ondwdispose of old ap Pliances at no costjo your 737V2073 Auto REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Joponoso cars Coronation Auto Sorv 17 Mary St 7255441 Cairoiioiuvst PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Borne or telephone 728 5283 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 at Dalston 9548 CARPENTRT AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplocu guaranteed 73771507 CARPENTER Specializing in roc rooms in torior remodelling trim 01c Please call 7288884 ofteropm CABINET MAKER European trained Kit charts vanities Pinfurniture renovations alterations Domestic Communal 726 79 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling tc NOJOb to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced corpuntors for renovations additions homes Cottogns Free estimates 435 GENERAL CARPENTRY rAddilionsfgordga rec rooms built in closets Drywall onturo IpfoyingFrgoioslirnalgs 7263853 CARPENTER SPECIALliiNG IN rec roomsrond custom cabinets Exporigncnd and roosOn 92 C°P6399°34 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with carpet steam loaning 726 6321 CRIMNEYIIEPAIII 77 Graham Chimney Repair 10 Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work 10wa etc Place col collect 416 2362631 TILopts to rent WELL DECORATED bachelor furnish ed apartment everything Including household requirements S60weekly Ap plications are being accepted Bayer and Grove References Telephone 720 6204 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Utilities and parking included 5240 mon thly First and last months rent re quired Telephone 737 2139 after 17 houses to rent BAYEIELD CUNDLES New storey home bedrooms baths garage $800 monthly Available Im mediately Phone 4164537991 or 7054363021 019 TOWNHOUSE On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus oil and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms baths four appliances broadloom throughout garage $325 monthly in Cludes cable and water Close to school shopping and bus route Telephone 7264338 NEW BEDROOM HOUSE in Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace Id baths Available now $350 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 7263257 am 100 pm 436 3340 alter BEDROOM HOME was Point area $285 monthly References re quired Telephone 416077 5902 BEDROOM HOOSECCeniraiiy iocatï¬ in Angus $250 monthly plus utilities Available October 15 Call 4249512 17houus to rant STEEL AND BLAKE ST area Thrso bedroom townhouse Broodloom throughout live appliancu rec room garage 5350 plus utilities Avsllsblc November lst Call 7202934 after 5pm IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Clean broadloomed bedroom 0000 ment den garage fridge and stove $310 monthly Call Hart Jain 7373000 or 7269915 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent fully broadloomed includes all Ip pllanccs Large rooms 5300 monthly Available immediately Telephone 4364507 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November lst Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent 5330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between am and pm LOVELY HOUSE with beautiful trad 101 very private bedrooms Dunlap Street West Available Immediately Telephone 7372600 evenings 726 2055 STAYNER Three bedroom bungalow completely carpeted finished rec room and den or fourth bedroom Two appll ances $325 monthly plus utilities T010 phone 416081 7213 OCTOBER OCCUPANCY In tresth decorated three bedroom two storey townhouse Fridge and stove Includcd East end S295 monthly Evenings I416 884 0649 or 084 6287 STROUD three bedroom bungalow large kitchen with walkout to deck pav cd drive finished family room with fireplace and built In bar utility room and workshop $300 monthly plus util Itles First and last Phone 436 5517 after 5pm BEDROOM SEMI with garage In Toll Trees area Close to school and shopp lng $325 monthly Available November Appliances included Telephone 726 9303 SMALL BUNGALOW newly decorated bedroom living room kitchen bath room garage nice garden Close to bus and schools Retired couple or toachcr $250 plus utilities References 7204659 16 SOPHIA ST brick home for rent rooms first and last months r0nt S250 monthly plus utilities Telephone 7201319 days 7200790 evenings THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW now ly decorated carpeted throughout fridge and stove east end Barrie S275 monthly plus utilities No petsAvallab10 November 1st Call alter pm Brad ford 416 7756592 or apply 91 Queen street Barrie TATL TREES detached three bedroom family room with fireplace 172 baths garage finished rec room broadloom ANGUS Two bedroom hella dupiex throughout Fenced lot Quiet area 0150 available immediately Call 424 6717 33 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO Spociolixing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 DRESSMAKING TAILORING and all lions RoosOnablo rates For oppoinfmon 107373984 between ond9 pm EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughing installodlColl 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING sacral Roofing and roofing repairs Fran ostimalos Col Agrtin Vorslrotan 4241956 New LowII Eaves EAVESTROUGHING contractor and rppoirs Jock Bolas Free estimates 117 Burton Avo Allandale 726Bb$7£ftcr pin ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and sor vkg 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC ndustrio Commerciol Residentiol Forms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 LTii PARRY ELECTRICAL Commercial Rosidentiol Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 lnduslriol Form N23 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOEF Excavating haulage uptic systems trenching looer work gravel 4361558 4361257 rvflriww WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Trenching Horizontol Augering 7289833 EXCAVATING AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS Droglino backhon bulldozers grader Low ConstructionVLtd Shanty Boy 7268229 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Wolsonfor froo estimates 7281599 FIREWOOD FREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and dollvorod Any quantity All dry sndsonod wood 4872113 ASSORTED FlHEWOOD CUSTOM CIJT 7264131 TF FLODRREFINISIIING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to thlpor pool 32S8341 NANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned trosh hauled owoy Just give us your costoffs Telephone 4075525 or 72634471 HANDYMAN CAN boat or meet any reasonable quote for fireplaces roc rooms chimneys painting etc For old fashioned workmanship call 7371036 7372325 FALL CLEAN UP °Storm windows Cloonod and installed Tree cutting Eoves Garogos and basements OTrosh hauled away Ton Truck and Tandem Trailer DARRIE 4875155 A8 ffANDYMAN leldo polritlng p8 hang lrj floor fIIIn furnlfuro stripping and In ishlng Coll aul 7372075 next to plaza Adults only $175 month 0le PIUS 0mm ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHTHERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible Call collect 1416 4949325 NOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLNG Kltchons rooms Coll Russ 4360601 aftor 630 pm References available KED MORE living rec room extra bedroom ploy room undry office storage space Also painting wallpoporlng Murray loll 720m CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete Document planning and decorating privacy screens md patios aluminum door The number for all your hoods 720m SPECIALIZING iN Tuck pointing chum waterproofing brick and stone cooking wln dows and expansion Ichts Work wron lood 4509346 NORTHERN CARPENTIY Docks roc rooms runovdflons extensions otc etc Guar ontood work 7262609 or 7269M EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations house raising panelling and chimneys roofing Estimates col 7262130 CONSTRUCTION House ruining foun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 oftr6 pm Grohorn Roofing 10 Tours hi Ilrls Shin Instolhd Ing Repaired D00t Wit 11an It Snow Roofan 10 yuan old or more oou gfvo you problems Coll Graham Roofhg 7206620 INCOME TAX IKOME TAX returns pruporod rlo area 85 up Dobson 424 50nd wookonds Bar 10 ofto Northern Insulation Landscaping Attic Blowing Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 737I727 STAN KNIELY WRV Irkk stone work chimney M4245 54 MOVING STORAGE TNE PROFESSIONALS Lawost prices Honost efficient DFroo Estimatoslnsuranco Local or long hauls CAMPINLS Movhg Storage 7266555 £19 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for llku to dance Good rates 7209045 MUSIC SERVICE DJs available for bowling banquets wad dlngs private parties 01c Book now for holl day season References Available 7370947 who TThSNI2 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Morcol Potvln Guitar Sfudlo 7261409 ACCORDION guitar piano organ buglnnor and advanced Two months trlol Instrument loonod for homo Comdlon Acc dom ofMuslc12l Id7201799 GUITAR Classical and fall strlra me grums Tho Bandstand onfto PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TON Private lessons mlobfo Ion rock or classical Roosondrlo roles 20M 7292900 SOCIAL AU BALLROOM DAKIIG Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming Doncoaslzo for adults Fitness CALI 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OI DANCMG N14 17hssssstorsnt HOMEMAKER ruqulrod Immediately Monday to Friday 11 to pm Three children twin girls yours bo yours Eastmnur Simcoe P1010 all 0ft0r6pm720l0l FOUR BEDROOM stony house 1V baths single garage $050 monthly Im mediate possession Nur Georgian Coi logc Pious phone 7201602 TWO BEDROOM wintsrlssd cottage 0150 monthly Lofr All convonicnccs Available lrnrnod otoly Tolcphone 4364050 botwoon5pm snowmen BUNGALOW TWO BEDROOM lakefront on HIMy 93 It Orll leu All oonvsnlsncos suit single psrson or business couple No pets 0175 monthly 14162310426 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE It Shanty Bay four miles east of Barrio Also large born Rent $475 monthly Min Imum six month lease First and last months ront In advance Rotornus r0 qulred 7200901 days BRENTWOOD FARM HOUSE for rent two storey throo bedroom stucco house wlth all convonlonccs surrounded by nlcs trues good garden $200 monthly first and last months rent Rsfsroncos required 1416635005400m to4pm THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE large living room and dining room baths and garage Located at 000 Blake St 0290 on month Ius utilities 0p llsncos Included ll Rob Knapp 261001 rep Emory Miller Ltd Realtor THREE BEDROOM with dining room tour glee bath rec room with fireplace and 0r largo hosted gargs stow fridge and dryer ssuo Tclophono 7201217 after TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE three bedroom washrooms fully broadloomsd appliances 5125 monthly or 055000 Ferris um um Telephone 7373534a 141622117720 BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM Townhouse oval table Novsrnbsr Broadloom appliances garage Ferris Loris 0325 monthly Telephone 7267794 OPTION TO BUY NEW THREE BEDROOM housc Anton Mills 5350 per month plus but and hydro Must have rofcroncss First and Ill months ronf Call Dan Henderson rap unlgroup Inc RE Brett 7371771 arm6065 Detached Back Split TALL TREES 0125 monthly Three bedrooms family room and lruplsco double garage Avoiloblc Novcmbcr 1st coll Bob Hockloy rop Unlgroup Inc RE Broker 7371771 FOUR BEDROOM SEMI In Toll Trans Available Immediately 000 per month Barbara Hot 7371771 rep Unlgroup Inc RE Broker PAINTING rm and duoorottn In rarior ulterior work 10 Ish adfl 007332 WAYK MY Professional pointrs Ex terior and hm Pro usttrriotu Work 0004737 PANTM PAPSI HANGNG loncod fro nsftrriotu Jock Rlchordson 32012 1373674 PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 M29 MWWPANTNGJ tartar exterior arstorrt PICTURE FRAMING OAT 02 Dunlap 80 lost Custom dnltyposWOMmanysfsos ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 Sou our ad in the Yellow Pages WMIIOOMONowondofdcholrs Manhunts 433177oftor6 1n Gritn Roofing IO 70 Irb slnstolod Rapsired Dontldtlltlttlnus COMMERCIAL RESDENTIAL ttsw shit lispin II Uph Mhnllri hvds Algu 0222710 4241709 N15 EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 inurlorfoxturodwollsutdcoll mm PING MAllA WELL DIGGING II No Ilrl0 Homo Form Cottage °Concr0to wall tiles OPump Installations For Fm Stiffnut CALL 7284484 Into have to mt TEXTS SPRAY Exterior sfucco 00 000mm Odo Russel Mldhurst to phone DO you NISD P040 DONE Fast accurate Tell them who In The Examiner goings directory 1201419 20 rooms to I01 URNISHED ROOM In Allandan of bus stop cooking facilities available GOMEIOMCH OTOCFOC Telephone 7204260 days or 7200010 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry t0cllltlss 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern control location Parking available now Phons Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 LOVELY CLEAN HOME IarDe bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cluncd linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities Free parking Gentleman ore torrcd 720099001 7202471 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED beds for kitchenette private toilet shower Available Mondays to Fridays ONLY Suit gentleman with established home slsowhm and who returns home wnkonds 7260990 BEDROOM In private home Cooking and laundry facility Share bathroom Available now 530 weekly Apply at 75 Bloke St ROOMS from 525 and up weekly cen trul clean bright large parking Tclcphone 7370901 days EXTRA LARGE furnished rooms share kItchcn for slngles or young couples Linen supplied Downtown area 7266392 BACHELORETTE furnished suit lady Control Available Immediately Telephone 7200755 RHTTICOS STOIOS for rent MEAFORD STORE FOR LEASE About 2100 square foot on busy main highway shop ping contro Modern front and warehouse facilities Reasonable forms Call Murray Patch Real Estate Ltd Moaford 5I9588 1221 after pm 519538 2596 020 MODERN OFFICE space for lease smull or large suites Immediate oc cuponcy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff OFFICE SPACE available from 125 to 1200 square feet Rental rate 5450 per sq ft Call Blll Sakarls National Trust Company 7209201 TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square feet loch can be Iolncd together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heal Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Pstch 7263330 SMALL STORE for rent at 12 Clapperton St Newly renovated ply Clarks Hgme Furnishings 30 Bay Ield st Bar OFFICE SPACE for rent 99 Bayfleld Street Parking main floor or second floor single or combined offices No lusc required Phone 7262772 days or 7372349 evenings 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE Downtown 54 Maple Ave Parking Available October 1st Call 7201743 or 72060990fter7pm 24 space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq 11 fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks I4 ftIa ft clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE Industrial space aria warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelott VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap st West with large fenced In property Phone 7207044 or 416 I6150617 LARGE BARN for rent suited for horses and storage located In 0ro For Information call7371245 afterszaoprn FOR RENT 1000 square feet Suitable for warehousing For more Information coll Plumbing Mart 312 Bayfleld 51 7263092 32cars for sale LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditional power equipped 04000 miles Newly painted Private sale Best offer over 01700 Telephone 720 7156 1977 FORD F150 CUSTOM 351 motor standard power steering power brakes 15000 miles WIII sell to any reasonable offer Telephone 4073290 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrio Community Credit Union 12 per cent Interest 10 Collier 51 7205191 1777 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY power windows power brakes and steering tinted windows stereo system Ex collcnt condition See at 259 Dunlop st WApt 305 1973 CUTLASS 350 power stérinq power brakes new radial tires tape deck Excellent shape Call 7204400 ONE OWNER 1972 PONTIAC Catalina 4door hardtop Power brakes and steer Ing radio Michelin tires and snows ex collont condition certified 56000 miles 32 cars for sole PARIS SLESSOR MOTORS Ussd Cars Trucks listi Instr 7200390 1975 COUGAR XRI rust proofed rally wheels bucket seats three speaker AM radio air conditioning 31000 miles 54000 tlrrn 7260909 1975 SCAMP slant auto power stee Ing low mileage certified Lease car Avis 101 Dunlop St 7266527 1975 DART slant auto power steer Ing low mileage certified Lease car Avis 101 Dunlop St 7266527 1975 SWINGER slant steering low mileage certified Lease carAvis101 Dunlop St 7266527 1974 DUSTER Gold Edition two door coupe V0 automatic with radio Only 51600 Telephone Brian Moffatt 7285470 1975 VW BEETLE 59000 miles 81995 One owner good condition new back tires certified Telephone 407 3622 1974 VEGA FOR SALE door speed In fair condition 5900 or best offer Telephone 4075174 between and am 33 cars wantedTo buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7260711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 0407 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 After6 pm 4245949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie HOW da Auto Sales 17 Gowan 517266408 SCRAP TEHiCLES WANTED Top prices paid Free Immediate pickup onytime4362900 34 trucks and trailers 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V0 automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562 after pm 1974 FORD 100 HALFTON Certified In good condition 24000 miles 360 motor power steering Telephone 458 9030 1972 CHEV ton tow truck rear con trols power steering and brakes 350 barrel must be seen to be appreciated six new tires Holmes sling sacrifice $4500 Telephone 424 5452 me DODGE PICKUP Truck 3000 Telephone 726 0100 after pm 1973 GMC 4wheel drive Many many extras Telephone 424 5220 1972 CHEV half ton pickup 350 automatic certified $2000 Also 1972 Honda mini trail bike in good condition 5250 Telephone 7269407 after pm 19 CHEV 77 Ton V0 standard can be certified Telephone 456 3209 37 motorcycles 1976 YAMAHA 400 120 black with sad dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 7267771 days VW TRIKE 1300 cc Empi headers MT mags MTL 60 Springer front end frame and fibreglass body from California £2000 Call 7372193 after Ziasnowmobiles 40 articles for sole Cool For $010 For Phobos 0r5t0v0 so Log $495 DELIVERED 4362105 or 436410 019 SEARS KENMORE MICROWAVE Oven 24 wide 14 long 15 deep Cooks 22 lb turkey 5000 new Asking S400 firm In excellent condition one year old used about 12 times Can be seen anytime 4245997 TWO CEILING FIXTURES SIX spoke wooden wheel with amber shades ap proximately 12 Inches In diameter were 560 each will sell for 530 each 7269036 MAMMOTH GARAGE SALE October 22 and 23 to 16 Howard Cres near Duckworth and Grove 51 Sponsored by Simcoe Centre NDP ALUMINUM AWNING 46 com plate with uprights Also wrought Iron ralllng for steps Call 726 0060 after pm S6PER WEIR Duys beautiful 26 RCA XLIM colour Spanish to the floor console folwlslon Automatic colour outomotlc lino tuning No money down No paymonts untll dollvory December Phone tonight It sun erLrs Bunion107374102 36 MAPLE BUNK BEDS and mat tresses piece chrome kitchen suite drawer dresser portable humidifier pair provincial lamps red oval braided rug Telephone 7260690 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cut and split 16 long face cord Also slab wood Telephone7209204 OFFICE FURNITURE desks aftO chairs like new less than half price Telephone 7370901 days SADDLE black western type tooled leather with accessories 5100 Also Hammond organ keyboard with speaker new condition 5050 Telephone 726 1001 daytime Evenings 7200796 KENMORE AUTOMATIC WASHER five years old six cycles two speed self clean filter Guaranteed call after 4294483 APARTMENT SIZE Viking stove In good condition 525 Call 7265213 even Ings at Ferndole Dr7262951 5I PLANT your white spruce trees now till freeze up All sites available Free WWM Permanent position for VERY REASONABLE PRICES Shade maple walnut locust Border cedar quollu°d pr°n poplar Evergreen pine spruce Must Preferably with davonport sellk Dig your can andnsavg Call xperhnco wee ends 01 wee 91 pm 7269295 Write aox 481 ORILLIA 52plants and bulbs 17053266361 the examiner Tuoody October 10 1077 10 4711mm Irnprovomsiit 71h0lp wontod EATIESTIIOIIGIIIIIG dun Your Esvsstrougllkig nusmimo Sales Fill Time $1830 Excellent potential for high Dirtylovsstrougltltls commissions In the home in Cousss Prpblslns sulotlon Industry Clean con Ioolltiovr scionflous people required for Grghgm Eavggfloughing In and around Barrio Loads 7286628 supplied cor necessary Please call sales manager 7286232 07 pm to pm 50 garden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur day delivery Call 7263920 or 7261117 RASPBERRIES Canes for fall plan ting regular 35¢ piece on sale 25 Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 51trees and shrubs SHADE TREES Now Is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold for fall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 SALES Lodlus wear chain requires fulltime and parttime om ponoos Experience essential MAMSELLE BAYFIELD MALL O22 Automatic Scrovr TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262956 SPARE Till 54 service and repairs you won work pgmgsou full approximately hrs daily SERVICE AND SALES days week Hydraulic iacks hand trucks and CP air tools 155 Barrio Rd Orillia at rear of no Saturdays or Holidays hoId valid drivers licence ovor 21 yrs of age REPOSSSED 26 RCA Xllw carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color Illuminon channels digital UHF Instant on Take over payments of $29 per month Phone tonight dollybty tonlght Whore also NRAIT RELLTS DOWN 0107371102 NT AVOCADO STOVE and frost free frldge one year old In excellent condition ask Ing 5700 Also large gas barbecue only one year old 5150 Telephone 7265110 ROUND OAK TABLE perfect condition stso Telephone 728 0090 after 500 pm PIECE DINING ROOM Suite oak finish excellent Telephone 737 3614 condition 5300 1976 YAMAHA 65300 One year old low mileage Asking 5050 Telephone 720 3909 40 wticles for sde Toronto COMPLETE SERVIC vacuum hose money and ROYAL COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Elsctrohonic psr rink $495 Askan $2100 or best offer Telephone 20Tcsliibo prr null 5030 1974 VENTURA HATCHBACK 350 20 RCA Xl100 per rink $565 automatic power steering 30000 miles 16 lesonlc plr wcsk $650 Excellont condition Any reasonable of for accepted Telephone 4362206 1974 DATSUN 2602 New brakes paint shocks and exhaust Good condition Telephone 4362255 1972 OLDSMODILE CUTLASS In ex cullont condition Certified 01900 Telephone 7269215 AH 1970 FORD FAIRLANE Power steer Ino rsdlo 351 Cleveland Just certified must soil soon or best offer Telephone 7372334 between pm2 pm evenings 0ftor0 pm ms TBIRD two door haFiiTopTEFr tltlod excollcnt condition Asking 52795 Tolcphono 4240022 1972 TOYOTA CELICA manual transmission AM FM radials rust proofod ANSA exhaust recent tuneup 42000 miles Excellent condition Cer tlfiod 51500 Call 4075714 1975 CHEVELLE WAGON V0 automatic power steering power brakes radio air conditioning excellent shspo A1 mechanical New radial tires Cortlflod Phone 720 4577 1906 METEOR MONTCALM two door hardtop Power steering and brakes Body oxcollont Must sell 5300 as Is 7260204 1974 METEOR MERCURY Wtcaim Dark blue 4door sedan 351 V0 power steering er brakes radio 63000 miles C0 Iflcd 01650 Phone mgglié 1959 BUICK ELECTRA I970 Snowmobile Both In excellent condition 1965 Pontiac and 1960 Barracuda good Intcrlors need body work 726 5731 1970 LEMANS SPORTS power steering brakes good running condition clophons 7260766 1973 NOVA HATCHBACK 307 V0 automatic power steering low mileage excellent shape Will certify Telephone 7206519 af10r6pm I976 HORNET HATCHBACK new condition Priced for quick sale Owner hoods cash and must sell 720 6168 snytlmo 1969 METEOR gToJmechanlcal CDIle some body WOTN needed $200 01 best offer Telephone 726 7092 evenings 1m MONTE CARLO 16000 rams 0r steering and brakes swivel kots radiols Telephone 7373977 1968 FORD FAIRLANE body very good Excsllont mochanlcslly Certified 0750 Coll 7206610 utter 30 pm 1969 FIREBIRD CONVERTIBLE good 400 engine Crane com and lifters 0200 Phons 720 2410 before 430 1972 NEWPORT door automatic PW 010071110 brokos and windows good condition asking 01000 or best of for T01 hone 7262170 sttcr pm 1957 CH EV 327 chrome reverse radIoIs Rul bsrgoln shepherd mahogany plank boat motor and trailer Widow noods monsy Must sell 1705454 3553 I974 MONTE CAR L0 power steering and br0k00 swlvcl buckets In good con dition T01 hono 7200249 after pm 1972 MAVERICK door for sale radio roar dotoggor good running condition 0450 Tslcpflonc 7263202 1977 CHRYSLER Newport for solo Com otoly ulppod Perfoct condition 7399 or further Information tot nun6230 1977 CHRYSLER anporl custom outtlnod like New Yorker Loaded gmgom condition 06799 Telephone 1972 DODGE 00mm 340 automatE very well malntslnsd radial tlros Itoroo Tolcphonc 7207240 after pmv I960 CAMARO cyllndor now brakes and exhaust 01250 certified or 51100 as Is 1970 Dsrtswlngor 340 gear new brokos hoods body and exhaust to be cortltlod 01310 or best offer Telephone 7269979 0ftor6pm Ask for Ken 1971 GREMLI XV001r conditioninmi frock cortlflcd 01500 Telephone 7202959 0ttsr6pm 1974 CADILLAC CotTp do ville lull wsr excellent condition Asking soo Phono 7373m NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TlL DECEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARRIE SNOPPING PLAIA 7371182 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both In 0xcellent condition Asking 5550 726 3435 RECYCLTELOST HEAT lromyour fur nace Install heat miser In your smoke pipes Call for Information 7200755 HANDS apartment size from 5995 delivered Neales 147 Bruce Thorn DUIY OBIIY Wed closed 519 599 2896 WAREHOUSE SPECIALSUsed refrigerators from 56996 stoves from 53995 Dressers chesterllelds and assorted tables Clarks Home Fur nlshlngs 30 Bayfield St GIANT RCA xLToii W0 have RCA XLIOO solid state color por tdslos now In crates for only $466 or pay 1018475 weekly on our Rental Purchase Plan No money down no payments 1111 December 1977 Phone tonight delivery MW mzr erLrs Dorris rim 7071102 N3 Ex WHITE STOVE and fridge apartment sire like new less than one year old S265 Telephone 726 7949 or 737 1210 RCA XL100 NEW COLOR 100 solid state fully automatic 5497 cash or 5450 weekly on rent to own Starting January 1970 No money down Phone tonight deliver tonight 726 2900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop Street west Just west of the Barrie Arena SANYO 26INCH NEW COLOR 100 solid state fully automatic 5527 cash or 0450 weekly on rent to own starting January 1970 No money down Phone tonight dollver tonight 726 2900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop Street West Just west of the Barrie Arena CHROME COMMODE CHAIR like new or best offer Phone 7266096 ADVANCED VACUUM 1416 Mulcoster $1 Dorrie 7268643 One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north of Special offer $1050 with this ad only Bags and bolts for most machines in stock We also rebuild Dont take chance on door to door selling you are losing Advanced is also service warranty depot for HOOVER EUREKA SERVICE IN DARRIE SINCE 1961 eminer DRAPES custom made green and white flowers pieces wide years old Vegetable slicer all sixes like new Mens figure skates size 10 two pair Telephone 720 0015 anytime ports not included MATTRESSES and Box Springs factory seconds some mismatched save on these real bargains Barrie Mattress Factory 15 Dunlop St Downtown Barrie 720 9922 TIRES GR 70 x14 Goodyear radials mounted on steel slotted dish rims Truck camper 11 homemade sleeps needs finishing equipped Telephone 450 9781evenings 41boats and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 4354245 after 30 pm 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 hp Chrysler outboard convertible top ski bar accessories $3000 or best offer Telephone 720 0960 after pm BOAT STORAGE Inside or outside Safe clean reasonable Reserve now Call 7200915 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks Odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 720 0234 Handyman wil do painting paper hong Ing floor tiling furniture stripping and refinishing Call Paul 7372075 WE BUY All kinds of scrap metal steel copper cost brass otc Boxes available If needed for foc tories Also trucks and cars for wrecking We sell structural steel pipes etc 7372600 O27 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de IIveryE6 0790 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums all sites at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hIIl Aquorla 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes slonal clipping and grooming Rcas enable rates Phone 7260061 PUREBRED POODLE PUP black miniature female CKC registered All shotsond dowormcd 5125 firm 4245997 FOR SALE2 registered male toy poodles chompayne and while Wormed and needled Call 4249520 MALTESE TERRIERS four males not registered weeks old 5150 each Telephone 720 6401 after pm GOLDEN RETRIEVER registered male 15 months Father Canadian champ requires lots of love attention and running space Call after pm or weekends 7372054 FREE TO gooduhomefblack lab female three months requires good home with loving atmosphere Call after pm or weekends 7372054 Available 00in of These Simcoe County Merchants In Barrie All Mikes Milk Locations All Beckers Locations Midway Variety Bradford St Allandale Drugs Essa Addies Essa Rd Marks Milk Essa Rd Enterprise Variety Lit Rd lie Ave Holiday Inn Smoke Shop Continental Inn My13H Hardware 31 Dunlop East 720 2431 Martin RentAll poss medical Phone 3250633 anytime Then we wOfII YOU Coll Mr Howlett 56camping equipment Stock Brothers $605352seasonal05 °°°°s lights water tank Asking sroo 728594 Telephone 7202410 before 430 pm 57 livestock for sale TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson TF MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTOR To work with PhD In teaching Grade 13 moth HORSES BOARDED close to Barrie Well cared for Track and trails Windy Hltl Farm 4365624 RICK SZIJARTO blacksmith hyTp pointment 17054356808 HORSE TRAILERI F31 ERdENrTmoavlvlll Parlllme V9 223°4079 9e MIDHURST COLLEGE 50Iivestock wanted MIDHURST 0683 23332 31212 57 7269685 ass3m on 59 poultry chicks 25112 351915133Péiï¬thm FOR CHRISTMAS ARE Poultry Farms stroud 4361011 67 truits vegetables Joy to give 0A Joy to receive PURE NATURAL HONEY Whites mile north Georgian Mall Hwy 27 OAN EVEN GREATER JOY TO SELL 7288522 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con For full information call 728 9652 or write AVON PO cesslon Oro Telephone 7200489 or 7261907 Closed Sundays Box 485 BARRIE Ont MTTF APPLES PICK YOUR OWN or ready picked Brays Orchard In Nottawa on Highway 24 two miles south of Call lngwood ï¬sonals ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286501 If you drink thats your business If you wanttoqultthatsoursCollany time LIVEW HOUSEKEEPER RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena motherless family children and Horses boarded Barrie five minutes years nice home In Coldwafer with windy Haugh Farm 7260192 comfortable accommodation Apply Box INTERNANONAL TNVESTIGATION 457 Coldwater Call 8353110 days Of Services CIvtI criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential BARRIE OR Surrounding Area 7372972 Christmas help required Car necessary MONEcA psiWit and card reading part Of fulltime work Telephone 416 counselling Days and evenings Monday 9959mm through Friday Phone 7200060 WANTED TEACHERS and anyone In BowLERS WANTED for Kempvlew terested in learning bagpipes DY drums Bowl Teams couples or singles Men or 399 1° Years and °V¢r C0018 RIC ladies for leagues starting soon Contact Hm 4563379 ROYI Canadian or Chuck 7239761 Legion 4562531 Forming new band KEMPVIEW BOWL announces the star WORK YOUR SPARE HOURS 15 or tlng of mixed league on Sunday night 102 week We require ambltlous per at pm Interested bowlers call Chuck 5°5 Wm it BHTTIEWWTTWMIM Wm11723976 area Can earn up to S6 an hour TIELCARE wry glam Your problem Telephone 4160956532 one Let trlen Call Telecare 7267922 anytime EA UNWANTED HAIR removed safely XMAS MONEY WmanenllY medialY aWWW LY Celebrity Is looking for home dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologlst demonstragofs EL perience not essential as we will train YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards 11 easy and Its fun Top commissions and tea cup reading For appointment paid For Interview 7370947 MM WOMEN AND MEN for Kirby sales Ex RETIRED LADY seeks unattached Perlence 01 MCOSSBY EXCOIIEI 10 companion 6065 Interested In bowling come potential Car necessary Call dancing and travel Honest and sincere 7267407 °Y RCPY 1° 80 VBI Barrie cooxs REQUIRED full and parttlmc lewellery Ex EXUMIMT 82eg In person to Bayshorc Motor Hotel ce ORDER NOW TAXidDRvaEelzs must have good driving recor on heat appearance App FOR In person only between am and pm Ire Hpnd frch Monday to Friday United TuxI0Maple ve °°9° by FULL AND PART TIME help required grapefruit Delivery Telephone 7371904 between IOam and Dec mber 10th For In EAST IF YOU HAVE had previous experience ormot 00° In TYPING SHORTHAND BOOK VIEW STRING STUDENTS KEEPING and would like to work day week or month please call 7201191 26347 7286962728 PERMANENT POSITION In garment 3274 screen printing Experience preferred 021 For apolntment telephone Adams at 7370400 SHORT ORDER COOK WIIII WBITTBSS waiter experience reqtilred for bzoak LOST LARGE GERMAN SHEPHERD lreï¬epï¬m 9° ack with some rown mar ngs grey under chln Answers to Duke Between SALES CLERK required ideal 09 the 9th and 251h sidcroad of lnnisfil Portunlty to learn plumbing heating and Telephone 65276 electrical work at retail level Must en by working with the public Apply to 71 help wanted 70 lost and found Dalton Slessor Homestead Plumbing Warehouse 49 Anne St South WAII MNR FULL TIME POSITION BP OIL LIMITED has on Immediate opportunity for mature responsible Individual You should be well organized and possess good com munication skills If you are looking for challenge and are able to motivate others this could be the Ideal position for you Previous experience would be an asset We offer excellent compensation plus complete Tango of company benefits Send your complete rdLumoto BOX V83 TNE EXAMINER IARRIE Rotuil Investigation Co Requires full and porttime personnel With Instoro Investigation experience required All applicants must be over 21 and total command of the English language Apply In person to the personnel department WOOLWORTII CO EXPERIENCED BODYPERSON Required for general motors flat rate shop Excellent medical and Insurance benefit plans available Abovo average wages plus bonus Apply In person to PAT DONAHUE GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD 145 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ONTARIO 7261885 018