Thuroday October 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the exa I1 serving barrieand slmcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 cussrnros 7282414 65th birthday shouldnt be end Mandatory retirement at 65 is an unfair and unjust practise According to this primitive move persons produc tive worth ceases immediately upon turning 65 Sixty four and productive on Tuesday but sixtyfive and un productive on Wednesday what ridiculous logic Retirement is not pretty age its ugly depressing and discriminated against People fear retirement almost as much as they fear death But people aren born with this fear they learn it And this is where society should be criticised because it has not undertaken the task of teaching how to prepare for old age What piece of work is man he labors with his mind and body for 35 or 40 years for his employer then upon reaching 65 he is immediately thrown onto the dung heap of expendibility with his gold watch strapped tight on his wrist but with no dignity whatever An all of us should feel ashamed It is indicative of ex isting social trends which leave little room for old age And this partly explains why society treats old age with such silent disrespect and fear Retirement age also robs person of his dignity and selfres ct Without these persons life has an utter sense meaninglessness Retired people too often think of themselves as being useless yet they still have their intellectual powers and the ability to use their imaginations In fact they can be more productive and dynamic than ever before in their lives One needs only to think of such old people as Tolstoy Stravinsky Shaw and Bertrant Russell to see just how intellectually dynamic and creatively pro ductive oldaged people can be The United States Congress realizes this this is why it is about to enact another law that will make this retirementage practise invalid Maybe our government will have the courage to do the same thing down memory lane Oct 1957 The meritorious service medal was awarded to LtCol Cooper OBE of 162 Toronto Street Barrie Owing to C01 Coopers ill ness the medal was accepted on his behalf by his son Lt Cooper of RCASC at dinner at Camp Borden Premier Leslie Frost unveiled new historic laque on Matchedash Bay near Co dwater at the site of an early trading post once operated by George Cowan The ceremony was sponsored by the Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association William Moore QC of Orillia was elected president of the Simcoe County Law Associa tion at meeting he at the Barrie Country Club Esten QC of Barrie was elected first vice president Commodore of the Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Only in Canada could government be pushing through new bill to promote com petition in the marketplace at the same time that the headlines proclaim the governments role in uranium sales cartel Bill 042 it passed would promote and protect competition as the best way to alio cate rmurces The allocation of uranium resources however was entrusted to cartel consisting of the federal government and number of private companies in the energy field If the government is guilty of in consistency this certainly isnt the first in stance of it And while some may accuse it of cynicism the politicians and bureaucrats in volved in the cartel might well claim to have been only realistic Disclosure of the cartels existence resulted from US congressional investigation which is continuing in disregard of the Canadian governments request for secrecy Thats another ironythat the United States should suddenly so devoted to the ideal of perfect competition in the inter national energy field Havent some of the UScontrolled multinational oil enterprises been shown to be over the years much more devoted to what are discreetly called or derly markets US INQUIRY The Americans led by AttorneyGeneral Griffin Bell are nevertheless losing no op portunity to embarrass the Canadian govem ment over the issue of the shortlived uranium cartel They arent however taking any op portunity whatever to attack the iggest and most powerful cartel of them albthe Or bible thought He that is slow to anger is better than 11 mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than in that taketh city Proverbs 1612 The in fighting is whats rough Win there and the victory is yours Call up the in ner man Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world Barrie Yacht club Osmond Rowe QC outlined the history and activities of the club in an address to the Kiwanis club Winter was on its way and the Barrie Cana dian Tire Store was selling steer ing wheel cover for cars at 36 cents the Barrie Firestone Store offered free clothes hamper with every purchase of an adjusting iron ing board Cost of the boards was $977 each Elvis Presley was starring in Loving You five bedroom brick home was offered at $11900 Taxes were $63 year Loblaws was selling lean pork shoulder roasts at 41 cents pound and choice sole fillets for 39 cents for onepound package CNR had Saturday excursions from Bar rie to Toronto and back for $265 The two sides of competition ganization of Petroleum Exporting Coun tries which is dominated by the Middle East oil producers Nor is the Americans newfound devotion to international competition very apparent in the endless series of political and bureaucratic obstacles to prevent British Air ways and Air France from landing their Con corde in New York the terminal that the supersonic airplane was designed to serve There are after all some plausible groun ds that can be cited to defend the uranium sales cartel It was intended to protect one of Canadas vital national resources And while the price of uranium did rise sharply so did the price of all other major energy fuels as an automatic accompaniment to the troleum cartels quintupling of the worl price of crude oil BILLC42 What has all this to do with Bill C42 the Competition Act of 1977 Nothing directly perhaps But it does un derline the fact that questions of competition policy arent necessarily simple and urr complicated On the surface theres much to praise in the new Competition Actveven though that would be denied both by the antibusiness zealots and by the buccaneers of busimss For example Bill 042 allows consumers to bring class actions against violators of the Act That means that single determination can be made where number of poo le have essentially the same claim against same defendant At the same time the new Competition Act offers legitimate businesses some protection agaimt frivolous claims which have been ilrjsgd as kind of legalized blackmail in the The real value of the new bill will be deter mined by the way in which it is administered In the past the gunslingers of the anti combines branch have sometimes been all too eager to haul businesses into court on the slightest of technicalities By all means consumers must be given fair shake in the marketplace It would be folly however at this depressed stage in Canadas economic development to saddle businesses large and small with the legal costs of defending them selves against trumpedup charges BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Randy McDonald city editor ADVERTISING SALESMEN Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Bill Curran county editor Lyalt Johnson Werner Bergen sports editor Barb Boulton Bill McFarlanewlre editor Dana Graham Hope Dempsey lifestyle John Zaracky Marina Quatlrocchl photographer Janet Guthrie RE POR John Bruce CLASSIFIED Paul Dclean Ruth mars supervisor Richard Dunstan Lesley Young Pal Guergis Freda Shunner Scott Haskins Sheila Mr Govern sue Burke Kartn Atkinson Peuov Chagall Parliament hill By STEWART MatLEO Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service wish could share in this ripple of ex citement that seems to be running through English Canada at the thought of Claude Ryan leading the profederalist Liberals against Rene Levesques campaign for an in dependent Quebec But would rather see someone else take on the difficult assignment Through the courtesy of the Canadian Broadcasling Corporation thc English net work that iswwe are so used to hearing Ryan being described as Quebecs most influential The world today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The oint United StatesSoviet statement about Middle East relative to the planned Geneva Conference is clearly great shock to israel one of the worst she has suffered in her 19year history That statement includes Soviet call to Israel to give up the conquered territories won from the Arabs in the Six Day War of 1967 and support from the US for the legitimate claim of the Palestinians to their national home But put together they obviously mean the Americans support the Soviet position on MOSHE DAYAN inscrutable Lon savlck manager BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Belly Armer Dorothy Bowland Gail Mc Parland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Bu1ler manager Linda Halkes asst manager Andy Haughton Judy Hickey Alva LaPianle Elaine Porter Gary Pringle On second thought spokesman that its almost sacreligious to take his name in vain Similarly we are con stantly being told that his newspaper Le Devoir is also the more influential voice within the province Wouldnt it be great we hear if this wer ful personality were to lay asi his typewriter and devote his enormous energies to battling down Rene Levesque and his devious plan to divide our country But before we all get carried away we might remind ourselves that Ryan probably is far more familiar to Englishspeaking television viewers than he is on the Hench language stations and that his influential newspaper with relatively small cir Joint statement Shock to Israel return of the conquered territories as much as the Russians support the American position on Palestinian homeland In Israel the result could be an even harder response at the government level than might have been anticipated solely from the Begin administration srnce there is now the call or National Unity government This would link Labor and Likud parties in grand coalition of the kind remembered by the great powers in their times of national crisis Certainly former Labor ministers including Yitzhak Rabin are speaking out as strongly agairst the joint declaration as are serving members of the Begin cabinet But the fact is Israel must be in to think in terms of Palestinian nation on er borders Indeed one wmders if she ever would do so even if the Palestinian Liberation Organ ization agreed to the basic requirement for negotiations its acknowledgement of Israels existence as an independent state Israel had agreed grudgingly already to Palestinian representatives at the Geneva Conference so long as they were not members of the PLO and were part of another Arab nations delegation The agreement was that they would form part of the Jordanian delegation move which in turn disturbed the Syrians and the Egyptians who wanted separate status for the PID at the conference Israels foreign minister the inscrutable and self inionated Moshe Dayan has been in the and is man who puts Israels case in terms which tum too many off Selfrighteousness has become trait of too many Israel political leaders And this has extended to invasion of Lebanon to stop the rocket attacks from nearb PLO forces on israeli border towns Why di nt more world opinion criticise this invasion The whole sad devastating crisis alwa comes back to the same oint of origin need for an equivalent nation for Palestinians which will clearly be carved out of the Middle East in the same bloody we the Israelis had to struggle for their country efore 1948 Published dollyjoxeopi statutory Ildoya WEEKLY by cantor YEARLY by corrlar ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3950 year Iha Examiner Is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of circuit tlons ADC only the Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Frau Routers or Aganco France Fran and local news stories published in The Examiner 90 cents $4600 IV MAIL Dorrie 630 National advertising offices 65 Queen 51 Toronto H710 Cathcart st SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal $3650 MOTOR THROWOFF The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of 319 your errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by Someone other than Ryan for Quebec Liberal leader culation is virtually unknown in rural Quebec And while he is much in demand as an af terdinner speaker in English Canada and while the CBC continues to collect his com ments on every issue affecting national unity he does not appear to be bounded like this within his own province There is no doubt of course that his editorial pronouncements have giantsized impact on the provinces official establish mentparticularly the Montreal business community but this is not where the inde pendence referendum is going to be fought Rene Levesque is gearing for trench warfare The 160000member Parti Quebecois has just completed another lookahead con vention with guidelines for an Action Plan that is intended to win the independence referendum neighborhood by neighborhood street by street family by family And in announcing this Action Plan the party re vealed its most devastating weapon of allRene Levesque is returning to televrsron for regular talk show on separatism Anyone who has seen Levesque perform on television will realize how effective he can be As he puffs his cigarette shrugs his shoulders flashes that smile and dab bles in the art of understatement there are few who can match him in sheer salesman ship After taking recent public opinion poll on the Quebec situation sociologist Martin Goldfarb was quoted as saying that as per sonality Levesque has become almost kind of religion in Quebec By comparison wonder whether perhaps Claude Ryan is not more of nonQuebec re ligion N0 SUGGESTIONS Not being familiar with all the potential candidates for the Liberal leadership in Quebec can offer no suggestions on who might be an effective match for Ievesque when the battle of television starts in earnest But whoever it is he or she had better be well prepared bevesques people are certainly well ad yanced in preparing material for their leader And even without note hecan rhyme off statistics which he claims lisprove most of the arguments being ad vanced by the profederalists And even when he doesnt have the exact figures he looks convincing The federal government is running fear campaign he says But des ite stories of mass exodus of Anglophones mm the provin ce the economic impact is marginal And he has figures to show that capital in vestment in Quebec is running at higher rate than in the rest of Canada In fact he seems to have figures for everything The new Liberal leader will be able to collect some interesting figures to counter the Levesque assault but this will not win the battle That leader also has to be able to lead his troops neighborhood by nei hborhood street by street and family by fami Ryan Isuspecl was never really foot soldier And when heard that he has been con sulting Prime Minister hudeau Gerard Pelletier and Jean Marchand about his pos sible candidacy also wondered whether he just might be developing generation gap with presentduy Quebec The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advartlslng material created by its employees and published In this newspaper Copyright registration number 20315 register 61 that portion of the advertisement In which the error occurred whether such error Is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and than shall be no liability for nonlnurtlon or any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement expected By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO To judge the latest effort of the Ontario Federation Labor one is not to expect much contribution from our trade uniorr movement in the solution of our basic or longterm economic problems This effort is gospelmeeting tour of six Ontario centres Meetings are to be held in these centres this month to get the inions of the unemployed and bodies such as ocal labor councils and at the end findings are to be presented to the government NUMBER ONE What can this possibly contribute lot of beefs certainly but what in any way constructive Government today certainly knows that unemployment is critical problem The OFL says its intent is to impress on it and public awareness that this is the coun trys number one problem This is not precrsely correct If we want to put national unity to the side the No problem is the state of the economy the cause of unemployment not unem ployment itself thlAnd governments are certainly aware of BLIND ATTITUDE What is most disappointing in the OFL ven ture is that some statesmanship from labor is desperately needed and this current venture shows that this is not ap reciated in its ranks This is basically an style rabblerousing effort within the lines of the demagoguery that has stam organized labor Along this ine federation President Cliff Piikey made revealing observation at his ress conference announcing the con erences He was asked what the OFL attitude was towards proposals such as the construction electricians who wanted to share the available work by going to fourday week jgie dont believe in sharing poverty he sax When asked if this could be turned around to say that it didnt believe in sharing the wealth he replied that there wasnt any wealth today This of course was blind attitude And it is one which though there may not be reason for timism at the moment we can hope that la will change fix the better Todays economic crisis calls for rational apprtoaches by labor business and govem men Canadas svory Queer quirks By BOB BOWMAN There have been some queer quirks in relations between Canada and the United States If the Americans had been more alert they mi ht own half of Vancouver Island British naval captain had not put on grandstand act Canada might own the Pacific coast as far south as the Columbia river most of the state of Washington Early in the War of 1812 the North West Company with headquarters at Montreal boug Fort Astoria near the mouth of the Oolurnbia River from the Astor Company of New York In the meantime Britain not aware of the commercial deal sent small warship HMS Raccoon under Capt William Black to cap ture Fort Astoria Black was greatly disappointed when he saw the British flag flying there He wanted the glory of capturing the fort So he marched his men to the flagpole pulled down the Brit ish flag hoisted the American pulled it down and raised the British flag again Now he had ca tured Fort Astoria When War of 1812 ended it was agreed that all territory taken by military action would be returned Britain claimed Fort Astoria because it had been acquired through commercial transaction The Americans then recalled the Black in cident and claimed that it was military ac tion The case went to tribunal and Fort Astoria was awarded to the US on Oct 1818 If it had not been for Capt Black the Columbia Rivermight now be the St Law rence of the Pacific forming the border bet ween Canada and the US OTHER OCT EVENTS rutThe ï¬ench gave up the effort to recapture Annapolis Royal NS lassSir John Macdonald urged Joseph Howe to oin his government rsso 1e US placed heavy duties against imports from Canada rollThe Liberal government led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier resigned following election defeat IotaA Newfoundland delegation mat to Ottawa to discms terms for Confederation 1967Ihe heaviest rain on record19281 chesfell at Uculet BC