14A tho oxamlnor Friday Sept so 1977 Removing unneeded lighting fixtures saves Simcoe Board $58200 year The Simcoe County Board of Education is saving $58200 year after removing excess light tubes in its 110 buildings says one administrative of ficial Lighting reductions are part of an energysaving program begun three years ago says Dave Harvey supervisor of maintenance and operations He says 20300 tubes were taken out after study was done to determine how much lighting was necessary We worked with the coun tys public health unit to establish reasonable lighting levels and they gave us list of recommended lighting levels he said in an interview The energy saved per year is about two million kilowatt hourshesaid Another onetime saving of $15000 has been made in fluorescent tube replacements says Harvey Lighting is still sufficient in all school board buildings despite the cuts he says My office had 16 tubes in the ceiling he said There are six now That is the same illumination 65foothigh candles would pro vide he says His old lighting level would be equal to 145 foot high candles Costs going up faster than energy cutbacks Energy costs are going up faster than Georgian College can cut down energy use says Walter Fry superintendant of engineering services Our amount of consumption is definitely down he said in an interview but the cost of buying energy keeps increas ing Administration officals have been cutting energy use for over two years and have achieved an average eightto ninepercent reduction each time Consumption dropped from 5521000 kilowatt hours before costcutting programs to 5174000 in the first year and 4683000 in the second Yet the college is paying more for energy than before the program started says Fry The increase is because of an increase in rates It was increasing costs and decreasing supplies of energy that started Georgian on an energy conservation program says Fry The facts that there was shortage of gasoline and that the cost of energy was going up at very great rate made us realize if we didnt do something wed end up spen ding the greater part of our budget on energy he said The college started with the most obviom cuts in lighting and heating said Fry The first thing we really at tacked was lighting he said We reduced the levels in every area we could other than areas like drafting rooms where high lighting levels are necessary Lighting levels everywhere AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO AUTO HAUS AUTO US AUTO HAUS HAUS AUTO UTO HAUS US AUTO AUTO HAUS AU AUTO HAU AUTO HAUS HAUS AUTO AUTO HAUS AUT UTO HAUS lAUS AUTO XUTO HAUS 605 DIGSEI HAUS AUTO The 1978 Modols on now in stock or you mad no AUTO AUTO HAK Oiooso from in good soloction of colon JS AUTO HAUS AUTL ma dds in time for Christina dolivoryJTo HAUS AUTO HAUS HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HA AUTO HAUS AUTC AUTO HAUS AUTO Hr HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO mm 7370100 HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AU else have been reduced to il lumination comparable with that of 70 foothigh candles says Fry Levels in corridors have been reduced to that of 35 to 40 foot high candles he added We must have pulled out about 40 to 50 per cent of our lightshesaid And the ones we took out are being saved to be used as replacements which is an add edsavings FEW COMMENTS Fry says he didnt get many comments on reduced lighting His department issued ex planation to all areas of the school before putting lower levels into effect and he says people were cooperative If we received complaint we checked it outhe said And if there was problem we would provide the specified lighting they needed Fry and Ed Wayman plann ing engineer says heating use is being reduced by using manual rather than automatic controls They are also able to turn air conditioning on and off as needs requires says Fry We try and take advantage of cool evening to cool this place down He had had complaints about the heat but says the problem isnt serious one and notices have been sent around to ex plain why temperatures are set at certain levels WATER TEMPERATIH Fry says water temperature levels have been reduced as well DEPENDBLE ECONOMICAL FAS 60 FAIRVIEW TO HAUS ARRIE LTD Weve reduced the temperature from 140 to 120 degrees which is quite con suderable change when its up in that range he said Weatherstripping step Fry says in only common sense to take has been used around doors and windows If we dont do this we can lose considerable amount of warm or cool air depending on the he said Until now energysaving schemes havent cost much to implement says Fry Now were evaluating things we can do that would return the initial cost to us in savings in five yeais time he said They are considering heat reclaiming devices that could be used where air conditioning is not allowed to pick up about 60per cent of wasted heat increased insulation could be installed when roofs need to be replaced he says But economics remain ma jor factor in any decision it depends on what kind of return you get and when said Fry Georgian is also looking with interest at work with solar heating Dr Chuck lvey is do ing he says Were hoping to make use of some of the things he has discovered once we can Justify the expense he said Solar and wmd power have become increasingly important with increasing electricity costs Also if enough people manufacture solar panels they will be cheaper to buy JTO AUTO HAUS JTO HAUS AUTO AUTO HAUS AUTO UTO HAUS AUTO HAUS to HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO Excessive lighting is com mon problem in industrial and public buildings says Harvey TOO MUCH There has been too much lighting in most buildings he said Part of the problem has been the lack of awareness for energy consumption and con servation architects have had until recently Harvey says People just had very little concern for energy consump tion at that time he said Harvey also promotes in dividual human conservation programs with notices under each light switch warning that lights should be turned off if they arent needed School board officials have been looking at energy conser vation programs for three or four years says Harvey We were considering dif ferent things to do but it wasnt done in any organized way he said Once we started to get organized we knew we had to find some means of com munication countywide energy management committee was formed to handle that job says Harvey The main committee consists of trustees principals and ad ministration officials he says lt is chaired by trustee Sam Neilly and meets when there is problem or proposal to discuss Feeding suggestions and in formation into the committee are energy conservation teams from each school and one made up of maintenance and opera tions supervisors The teams have been meeting to try and list the pro blems and suggestions for Tho Pot lolly Tho Podour Stovo reducing energy consumption Harveysaid School energy conservation teams are staffed by prin cipals teachers students and janitors Their suggestions are printed and circulated in an energy bulletin that goes to all schools and board offices IQSUGGESTIONS In bulletin issued March 10 there were 39 suggestions rang ing from appointing student energy monitors in every classroom to checking water lines and fittings for leaks Some of the suggestions have already been put into effect says Harvey We have program for weatherstripping and caulking that is into its third year now said Harvey it reduces leakage into the building Lightreflective colors are be ing used for painting walls to reduce the need for high lighting levels Water temperatures have been reduced substantially he says All these things have such an important effect on schools on the scale were looking at said Harvey The school board has receiv ed Young Canada Works grant to hire workers for weather stripping project this year Air conditioning is another area where costs have been cut says Harvey They are shut down during nonacademic hours Harvey says administration officials also have longterm plans for energy conservation but wont discuss them The increased awareness of energy conservation is going to affect everybody he said He says major step in sav ing energy is education and says most Ontario schools are deeply involved in making students aware through various programs But conservation wont affect learning says Harvey We want to save energy but we dont want to interfere with the academic programs he said Tho Box Stovo $89 oneHod $84 you uuoiblo Tho Comfort Hootor Vorsotilo Franklin Pleasant Place To Deal Simcoe District COOP 259 lnnisfil AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO HAUS AUTO Barrie 726653