Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1977, p. 26

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an the examiner Wodnoaday Sept 28 1977 79 auction sales The dollar caller 7280744 AUCTION SALE for PAT EDNA AYOTTE MR FIX i1 FTF AN Age importanf 95 deaths RAND WILL WF At hIs home 25 Bercxy 51 Sunday September 25 I977 Survived by his wife Barbara Young and his three children Cremation Inter ment In Vermont No flowers please BUTLER Rita Elvin Suddenly at the Honore Morcler hospital St Hyaclnthe Quebec on Sunday September 25th 1977 Rita Butler Loving mother at Kenneth of Angus Allan at Hawkestone Harold of St Amabie Quebec and oredeceased by Shirley Dear grandmother ol lo grandchildren and tour greatgrand children Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie VIsita tlon from Tuesday at pm Service in the chapel on Thursday September 29th at 2pm Interment Grenlell Cemetery GUDJON Guy JacksonPeaceluIIy on Monday September 19 1977 at his residence Mr Gudlon Jackson aged 62 years beloved husband of Amy Jane on SAT OCT at 102m am sharp at Hwy 93 mile north of No 11 Highway at Crown Hill Watch for Auction signs ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES go Crown cracks bar tray 192526 from Stransmans stereoscope pictures large quantity Crown sealers brass spitoon pine and maple war drobe framed mirror china cabinet cast iron Dutch oven green procelain tub Beatty wringer washer good condition FURNITURE Oak coffee table cabinet model AMFM stereo radio record player track good condition large wardrobe with mirrored doors matched set of paintings oil space heater 39 GE electric range chest freezer oil annex skill saw BSW console TVs clothes dryer oak arm chair counter dishwasher excellent condition spin dry washer wicker planter EQUIPMENT Drill press with motor steel cor ramps several small electric motors 115 lb air compressor rebuilt 240 cu in motor also 319 cu in with transmission both running trailer axles withwheels boat trailer snow machines hp rototiller shop vacuum pipe vise bender and threader Dune buggy with tow bar iig saw quantity of scrap metal 1958 TBIRD in running condition to be sold under reserve bid Also 1960 TBird for parts and many other articles too numerous to list Terms cash or certified cheque with satisfactory Owner vendor or auctioneer will not be held responsible for loss injury or accident on property on day of sale Jackson nee Hancock at its Clarke St Winnipeg formerly of Barrie Mr Jackson was born In Ellros Sask and had resided in Winnipeg lor the past nine months He was employed as an elec tonical engineer for 30 years retiring in 1972 He was member at the Army and Navy Legion Besides his beloved wife he leaves to mourn son Roderick and wile Cathy of Oakville daughter Mrs Margaret Gail Tarneia and husband Prem of Canton Ohio and seven grand children MORSMAN Edwin Charles retired Sergeant ol the Metropolitan Toronto Police Suddenly at his homeon Tues day September 27th I977 Beloved hus band of Catherine Byrne Dear lather of Mary Frances and Ann Brother of Daisy Mrs Vipond at the Morley Bedtord Funeral Chapel 159 Eglinton Ave At Lascelles Blvd Funeral on Thursday to St Gabriels Church for re quiem mass at 10 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery In lieu of flowers dona tions to the Canadian Heart Fund would be appreciated ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTFV 86 cards of thanks GRAHAM Many thanks to neighbors lriends and relatives for lovely flowers lruit cards calls and visits also to Dr Harold Smith Dr Crossland and Dr Thompson and nurses on seventh floor while was patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Rev Graham BRANDONCOLLINS Having spent several weeks as patients in Royal Vic toria Hospital room 601 words tail to ex press our appreciation to the doctors nurses and stall in general for the zealous manor in which all their various duties were performed Also the dieti tions for their care in special diets special thanks to stall ol Emergency lor their excellent help also the Coronary Unit for their constant care To Doctors Phillips Olsen Turnbull and Zierney our grateful thanks Doug Brandon and Frank Collins 88 coming events RUMMAGE SALE Saturday October am FELLOWSHIP HALL COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Auspices UCW BILL BARR Auctioneer For PICKup SCL 40 Call 7280744 7282554 or 728 750 S28 Au3l S21 28 81birtlls SCOTT Colin and Debbie Meger are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Melanie Allison lbs 1501s at Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday Sept 19 1977 Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Meger and Mr and Mrs Jim Scott Special thanks to Dr Green and the nurses on the 4th lloor GREENkRodney and Marilyn nee Jay welcome with love the birth ol their daughter Shannon Elizabeth lbs l3 oz Wednesday September 2i I977 at Kitchener Waterloo General Hospital First grandchild for Art and Reta Jay Barrie third grandchild lor Shelley and Norma Green Sudbury 79 auction sales BINGO Over $700 In Prlzes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Thanksgiving Turkeys given away on Early Bird Games Regular B00pm Cards $1 50 Everyone Welcome WTF 79 auction sales Graham Allen AUCTIONEER Farm Estate Consignment Auctions 7265055 7372491 BARBIE ONTARIO AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER I977 12 Noon 187 ANNE STREET BARRIE for MRS ELLEN MCLACHLAN pc Chesterfield 20 GE stove Admiral Fridge GE wringer washing machine TV Davenport Bed dresser Steel bed Chair Drop leaf table small chairs Utility cupboards New Williams treadle sewing machine Floor lamps Lamps End table Ironing board Coach clock Ansonia chime working Ladys pocket watch Ladyanne 12 place setting Royal ivory English China by John Mad dock Sons England registered shape 737954 Minerva Quilts Crown sealer Eaton Co Ltd sealers pickling crock wlid Beatty wringer washing machine with copper tub Capper boilers Coal skuttle Viking radio console model Tools Watches key wind Elgin National pocket watch 80 public notices Garage door 528 80 public notices THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 77122 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close part of Edgehill Drive laid out by Bylaw Num ber 209 of the Township of Vespra registered as Instrumenl Num ber 82756 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 in the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this Notice at least once week for four successive weeks In The Examiner at its meeting to be held at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of 700 oclock in the afternoon on the 24th day of October i977 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw to close and stop up and sell to the odioining owner that part of Edgehill Drive laid out by Bylaw Num ber 209 of the Township of Vespra registered as Instrument Num ber 82756 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 in the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe and more particularly designated as Port 14 on Reference Plan 51 R6976 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preludiclally affected by the said Bylaw and who ap plies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 2Ist day of September 1977 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by Its Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T2 AND TAYLOR ANY PERSON interested may see plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed In the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours $212805i2 88 coming events Mr Mrs George Dexter 79 King St Angus will celebrate their 50TH WEDDING AN NIVERSARY SAT OCTOBER 1977 They were married at Fort Smith NWT October 1927 by Bishop of the Yukon 10 Stringer An invitation is extended to their many friends and neigh bours for alreceptlon ot ANGUS UNITED CHURCH HALL to pnI WISHES on 52628 ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL AUXILIARY presents CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER Craft and Gourmet Bake Sale WEDNESDAY OCT 26 commencing 10 am in the RVH LOBBY Featuring Gifts for Christmas Holiday Foods to Freeze 52801922 FLEA MARKET Every Saturday Sunday 9am pm at the COOKSTOWN SALES BARN One mile east of Cookstown on Hwy 89 All inside in new building Vendors welcome small rent For further details phone 7054589172 MWFO7 79W auction sales AUCTION SALE for DOUG MCKENZIE Lot 10 Can Essa Twp Directions miles east of Alliston or miles west of Cookstown on Hwy 89 then north on Can approx miles to farm southwest of Thornton at Egbert on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30th at pm The following 20 York Lan dronce Hump crossbred lsf litter sows Reg York breeder boars wpapers tested from ShurGain MF 165 diesel trac tor fully powered cob 2350 hrs Ferguson 35 diesel tractor wMelco loader Triple OK Kongskllde 3furrow plow automatic reset good MF furrow PH trip beam MF 10 wheel carrying disc mid west harrows MF 10 cult Glencoe 12 cult Cockshutt 540 4row corn planter field sprayer liquid manure spreader Gleaner model E111 Combine cab and heater l2 cutting bar Hume reel Melroe pickup AC 330 3row corn head sells complete Turnco grain bin 225 bu Westeel Rosco 2700 bu storage bin Kit chener cement silo 14 60 Ap prox 50 high moisture corn grain in silo Beotty forrowing crates also Bootty steel pens all good Numerous good misc equip Partial list only very little items on wagon no furniture ant wash machine Please be on time 1975 Int 200 aton pickup 14000 miles certified I967 Triumph convertible as is Ap prox 1500 bu barley Terms Cosh day of sale Cheques wID Nothing to be removed until settled for Accidents Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No1Alliston Telephone 7054357467 SCLNol0 $2328 AUCTIONSALE for LLOYDSEED Lot Con 14 Tecumseth Twp DIRECTIONS Come straight south of Alliston at Hunter Motors on the Adiola Tecumseth Townline for ap prox mile entrance to farm on 14th Can an SATURDAY OCTOBER lst at i2noon The sale offers mixed stockers Holstein heifers bred blood tested straw Oliver Super 88 gas tractor Case model gas tractor AC model gas trac tor wscuffling attach plows discs cultivators grain corn planter MF model 44 12 swoiher conditer Int 46 boler McKee forage harvester wagon pipes MH model 80 special 10 SP combine wpick up reels Turnco groin bin trailers wagon groin augers NH blower wplpes many good misc pces of equipment shop tools Incl welder air com pressor chain saw drill press usual wagon of misc Items household furniture elec app some antiques 1970 Ford ton 59000 original miles as Is Partial list only Lunch booth Farm sold Terms Cash day of Cheques wID Nothing to be removed until settled for Accidents Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No Alliston SCL NO TO Tel 7054357467 S28 sale ad The doctor says in flu shots By GC THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thostcson There doesnt seem to be uniform opinion in the medical profes sion about the need for flu shots for the elderly am really con fused get flu shots every year an every ycar catch the flu ncé this turned into bronchitis and lasted four weeks My wife does not get the shots and is only mildly affected would appre ciate hearing your opinion WAS Theres precious little uni form opinion about matters of this short in the medical profes sion But differences of opinion makc horse races and progress As to the flu shots cannot tell you to have them or not to have thcm Such decisions rest on the individual physicians evaluation Age is important Most doctors think influcnza vaccine is advisable for the el derly or those with weakening ailments such as heart disease diabetes emphysema asthma or any such general debility The US Public Health Service agrees The term flu is used Iooscly for various respiratory tract infections Necessarily there are always some varieties of viruses not includcd in vaccines The idca bchind vaccines is In protch against the most dum aging viruses that sccm most likely to bc around in any given year Your flu could wcll have been duc to any one of the 80 or more viruses that causc lhc common cold Its also quitc possiblc that your attacks might hnvc bccn cvcn Inorc scvcrc without the vnccinc protection nrc all unlquc III tllc ways our bodics rcuct to anything in cludlng flu viruses Somc may bc zonkcd out ofthc picturc for wotks whilc others may hnvc only thc mildcsl of symptoms it hit of ti snlfllc or Iowlcvcl fc vcr BRIDGE Protection is the key word in all of this Some doctors just dont bother to givequ shots sus ct some may even have wit held them to avoid patient anxiety over the confusing con troversy surrounding last years swineflu program Its all part of the difference of opinion you speak of Other doc tors give the shots routinely for patients they feel will benefit My own doctor does and trust his judgment enough to have them Dear Dr Thosteson My daughter was on crazy diet and lost some of her gorgeous thick hair Now that she is on more sensible balanced diet will her thick hair come back She is 18 and basically in good health Her anxiety to lose pounds was handled poorly Mrs 81 If it was the crazy diet that caused her hair loss which it might have them resuming sensible eating will restore it Hair is dead material Follicles are not and they respond to nu trition needs just like any other body tissue Dcar Dr Thostcson What is this royal jelly one hears so much about and what is it good for medically IIl Its substance extracted from the salivary glands of the bee Its fed to the queen bcc by the workers know of no medi cal value in it for humans that cannot be obtained from other funds Dcar Dr Thostcson My arm plts itch frequently and vcrcly at times usc ointmcnts but It only relieves itch for whilc There is no visiblc sign as rush or chance in color hnvc discontinued all dcordo rants Mrs MI You do not mention dcpi Iatory or whether you shave your armpits With no rush suspect subtle hair growth as the causc If you shave in frequently itching can occur wit hair regrowth AimJacobi Heart contract wins bonus iéswgliang NORTH zit VJ 08753 duQ97 WEST EAST AKIOMII 519752 9K4 vAlIiiz 0196 OKJZ 4652 43 SltlTlilm vQIOSSII 01104 AAKIIIIH EastWest vulncrublc West North East Pass INT Pass Pass 34 Pass 44 Pass Pass Pass Pass penlng lead 4A By Oswald Jame acoby When todays ha1 was played in recent tournament fourthbest spade was open ed at all tables irrespective of who was declarer or whether the contract was three notrump by North or four hearts or five clubs by South As you can see the lead beat three notrump since spades were set up before hearts It was the only lead to give South IIVl clubs smrc he could get Iwu Ilnmcdiatc diamond dis cards At the one table where the contract was four hearts the contract would probably have been set by club or diamond lead and the play after the spade lead was quite In terestlng South discarded one dia mond on the queen of spades and promptly led dummys jack of hearts He could not afford the luxury of second dlscard at that time West was in with the king and led diamond South won entered dummy with club discarded his last diamond on the ace of spades led second trump and scored an over trick Louisiana reader asks if we have ever heard of 5321 point count No we have never heard of it but If anyone used it he would really be overvaluing his aces daily crossword ACROSS 40 English tavern 41 Tear producer Security 44 Foodhunger Young animal 48 Pack Coughs 49 Whale school 12 Zounds 50 Assault 13 Belonging to 51 Telephone the thing wne 14 City in Israel 52 Strange 15 Something 53 Indian remarkable 54 OtherWIsa 16 Ensnare 55 Expand 17 Misplace 56 Ships floor 18 Church officers DOWN 20 Skilled 21 Esaus Wife Neuter 22 Shoolly Malarlal lever 23 Eggshaped Festive 26 01 the heart Tram 30 Hurricane Aurlcle 31 Skirt American 32 Madame Indians abbr Time zone 33 Genetic abbr material Castrated 34 Autos Tropical plant 35 Want quickly to Wheeze 36 Tried II Prlnters 38 Sheriffs band direction 39 Comrade 19 Pindar opus Answer to Previous Puzzle HE BEDS an EB BID Ell HE I2 BED SUBBED DE HIDDEN 20 Yorkshire river 35 Detoxified 22 Makes good 37 At highest score paint 23 Fair tale craayture 38 24 Trucks 40 Rice Ield 25 Cry of despair Stare 26 Rep 42 Tenpenny 27 Vandals 43 Hostels 28 Iowa college 44 Finale town 29 Sunende 45 Infrequent 31 Scottish 46 saga highlander 5mm 34 Greenblue 49 Kind of mUSIC AstraG raph Bernieefiede 0350 Sept 29 1977 Business situations built around conventional practices and methods are fortunate for you this coming year When you depart from the norm you risk failure LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Situations and joint ventures that dont cost you dough could be very worthwhile today If youre asked to dip into your purse then you should haul out the microscope SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Go Winthrop KNOCKED HI5 GUN AWAV WITH ONE HAND AND DREW MY GUN WITH THE Short Ribs CHIEF SAY WHITE EYE LAWVEI SPEAK WIlll FOBIjED TONGUE HERE COMES DUGS A6AlNJUST IN TIME FOR DINNER Wizard of Id HAND WEN PI WANT TO BE Borneo IN VYWID OVFIEA HALF MIIE HléH that one step extra for those who contribute to your wellbeing to day Lack of reciprocation could turn off very valuable ally SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Doubts should not be allow ed to creep into matters affecting your career today Adopt an op timistic attitude and therell be no problems CAPRICORN Deg 22Jan 19 Overlook the minor faults of those you love today harsh word said even in jest will spoil what should be pleasant day AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 The statements of an outsider should not Influence your opinion of someone you love Youre right The other party is irrevocably wrong Oilla His NEOlt omimuu Inc Reg us 31011 THATS NOT TRUE ILL PWETEND IM NOT HERE Frank and Ernest YOURE AN 01 MAN DEAMPS IM AFRAID WONT BE ABLE TO SEE YOU ANYMORE NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 WHAT DO You KNOW lt91le OLD CHAswc Tilope tOUNe W155 mars 22 AND PLITMY AW ARDLJND Heres we Pitamo You Waggon WHERE 919 You WANT ITT LbTEIQ IT6 IIOT HOW MUCH IT £09V II THE THOUbHT BEHIND IT PISCES Fab 2oMarch 20 Be yourself today Avoid effec tations in speech or manner When you put on airs you create person who really doesnt measure up to you ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Where your potential profit pic ture looks good dont make any sudden changes They could work against you TAURUS April 20May 20 Things that you can control will be generally lucky for you today Interference by an erratic associate could change all that GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Possibilities for gain are ex tremely strong today but you must strike while the iron Is hot IT WOULD BE NICE IF IT MIME SuiKING ARE TELLS You To Otgiibytilhc lumusmm DREAM OF SHOCKIN you WITH THE SORDID DETAILS BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS reversal could occur it you tarry too long CANCER June 21July 22 This will be fun day today It you mingle with persons youre friendly with strange crowd could get you oftkiller LEO July 23Aug 22 Let nature run its course today Events should turn out as youd wish If you try to readjust matters more harm than good is probable VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont try to improve upon things that you know to be truly wonhwhlle Innovations you might have In mind could diminish what exists now COULD DEFEND IWO CLIENTS AI IlIE SAME TIM HADNT BEEN FER ROVER ID THOUGHT YA WEKENT It 0051 no we sn Jul Mum 928 Tums ENE THEM ZCYEAR HEAD STAKE in 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW 155 1Binderreg$219NOW189 Binder Reg $219 NOW 259

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