Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1977, p. 4

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stjq the hammer is mambai ol the Canadian Pun CF and Audit Bureau of Circulation NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Publiihod dolly OlCIpl ABC only oh Canadian Pu mo to ubllnh nown start It Sean Finlay managing editor Len Sevlck manager Marian Gouuti iu ooumnt Sunday and CF The Auoclotod Prui Rout orp Agent FranzIm giiiifllgfdlpflxrrgi Randy McDonald city edttor SALESMEN Betty Armcr ItatuIOIy holtduyi publlihnd in tho Examinu theexaminer Suela McGovern asslstant city who Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowlmtil Bill Curran county editor Lvatl Johnson WEEKLY Gall Mi Paitmid 90cm The lant Elomlnor lolmi copyrlght on all original now and odvorllnln mat Werner Bergen sports editor Barb Boulton Vikki Grant troutodb om Ia III and blihud In th Wednesday Sept 21 1977 3ng b° and Wm C°Y ggwégfiggxwrsognm DnnaGratitim nggw WW or John wacky Copytlg tioglitrotlan numbcr 2036B in tumor Published by Canadian NeWSpaPers Company Limited mggaggggoccm DMOQMDHY mm Guthrie CIRCULMION Not It Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario John Bruce CLASSIFIED JO 301 WWW SIMCOE couuiv °°°d 65° YDOIIIU 864 Win MOCOthtuitsr Montreal Paul Dclean Ruin aims um v50 Llndii Halkes asst manager $3650 Andy Houqmo The advertiser our that tho publilbor nboll not be Judy Hickey Richard Dunstan liuhla lm damages arising out of ar Pat Guergis Uqu youu MOIOR IHROW ion In odvaitlnomonts boyond the amount paid lor the IpOl actuoll Elio Agostini publisher occuplod by that pot sn Huh rmtn lwuppn Awe Lapmnu ELSEWHfiazICOANADA tlonIol tho odvorlimmont In which Ibo ouoi ouuiiad whoihgi mm Am RM Gmmrn Chatmn Elaine Porter 33 soaYm mézzztmznamrgzgz Ohifwlio rd they shall no liability for noninnrtlon ot oomaun pat onuz ia nit 7266537 7266539 7266537 72824 7266537 sue Burke Ga Need restraints to curb inflation If prices cant be held in check because of mounting production costs it is well recognized that it would be un fair to continue to expect full acceptance of wage con trols This no doubt is what former Liberal finance minister John Turner had in mind in suggesting that the federal government should get rid of wage and price controls now In an address to meeting of the Ianadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Mr Turner was quoted as say ing The phaseout of controls is essential Until controls are lifted or phased out and it is clear what latitude the government will allow for the private sector confidence will not be restored Most people who follow the Ottawa scene will agree with Mr Turner that the battle against inflation remains as the N0 priority for Parliament He was also right when he said unemployment cannot be beaten until infla Queens park Book review of Ferguson By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO striking omission in On tario is the lack of writing about our provin cial history and particularly our political history We have had lots of historians but they have almost entirely concentrated on the fed eral field And anyone trying to get knowledge of our political growth to get real grasp on how we grew to be what we are today has very scarce pickings tion is cured But until some better way is introduced to help check rising inflation which has been constant in recent years early removal of controls couldnt help but stir much concern Such course would open the way for even greater in flation unless other more effective checks are first adopted It would be the majority of Canadians who would be hardest hit by further rise in cost of living Unlike MP5 civil servants do not qualify for indexed pensions upon retirement unless they have specified years of service and reach 60 MPs can quality on retire ment after minimum of three terms of office regardless of age When controls were first imposed in October 197 it was specified they should remain until the end of 1978 when it was hoped the economy will be settled Not long ago the federal labor minister John Munro pointed out the need for voluntary restraint before con trols were lifted Hopefully unemployment will drop and productivity will improve before the end of next year It is true that many prices have increased such as clcc tricity and fuel gasoline anti lumber but undoubtedly the upward trend would be much greater without con trols real cutback in government tax spending and elimination of deficit budget financing would be good start to help encourage business and industry create jobs Todays record heavy taxation plays major role in many inflated costs Kh letters to the editor Traces growth Opinion polls lcarSir Lflfc at Woe Mmt ch Darcys restraint plan no threat to Barrie ITEMzIhc city administrator said he expects budget constraints in Bar iic to be much the same as this ycai when the city held thc municipal tax rate increase to two per cent Media freedom is important Back in the late 1960s thcn premier John Robarts realimd this and the gap it represen ted in our culture and he set in motion program that led to the formation of the Orr tario Historical Studies Series in 1971 The purpose of the series was to publish biographies of all Ontario premiers along with historical studies of various other areas such as social and economic development The first volume of the premiers series has now been issuedG Howard Ferguson On tario Tory by Peter Oliver One cant say enough good about this book The subject was exceptional Howard Ferguson was gut politician He could have been the best politician of the cen tury in the nation and certainly in the provin ce Leslie Frost took many lessons from him And yes he was better all round politician than Mitch Hepburn Oliver is an academic but he is that od dityan academic who can write simple clear flowing and organized prose His book reads as easily as novel And this despite the fact that he did really spec tacular amount of research and well could have sunk in its morass would say it augurs well for fine series but there has to be reservation This is that the other books are all beine done by academics and on experience it is doubtful that they will have Olivers writing ability However favorable point is that Oliver is associate editor of the series and could exer cise good influence The Ferguson book is one that everyone in terested in politics should read and par ticularly the politicians themselves There is much practical advice for them For instance the longtime premier 1923 30 believed it was the mob that decided elections and the appeal should be made to it He thought it was cardinal political sin to talk over the heads of the people but that you could talk down as much as you wan tedsriiietliiiig many of todays politicians could learn He didnt respect George Drew In his later years when asked what might be done about Drew he said he should be born over again The book is published by University of Toronto Press One mark against it is that it comes in at hefty $1495 Of All thefussand discussionovcr IrCllltlll now es ThlS dices augur Vanfor the wlde cm public opinion polls is interesting but largely puritionlittsgifiiulluddhave if it IS to makethe con riumii Dears IIIlttll ram 95 lt The mugeum MMhursl is slmcw man It asking few people their opinion about Museum and Archives not Vespra we would like to inform newcomers In fact would bc surprised if Vespra had fewer articles in it then the rest of the county regarding access by the news mcdui have to it It all And speaking of that how many readers conscnsi sit IO of ibl ss esbut oftcn lllidm vThe 1959mm 45 firm In 193 lh mm1Hmiqclfinfi hiringLstlplogvnprll to Words where the police are in charge llicn this is the case good news person VlSll the Barrie Farmers Market on Saturv Canada Simcoc ount Women Institute under the in we 12 er U1 Hm think The Banner editorial explained one side will suspect that something is being hidden or day mornings For those of you that dont go story leadershipof Mrs It Sutherland ol Stroud however and The Examiners editorial the coveredup and Will dig and dig until it is there regularity you are really missing Mrs Stocking of Waubaushene Mrs Robert Boycs of Churchill Mrs Alvin Wice of Painswick and Mrs Singer of Barrie branch of the Womens Institutes It was first opened in 1928 in the basement of the library but things had to be put away after cach showing which became cumber some Mrs Ernie Miller asked the county council to grant Mrs Sutherland oiivrrner the uso of the registry office rthis picture was in the Banic Examiner recently First ly the two front rooms were used The ladies and their families drovc many miles gathering up material and later third room was granted lhcn books and papers were stored in fourth room and eventually were removed to the county building now an election actually revealed general public opinion it wouldnt be necessary to hold vote This would be ridiculous of course Sometimes such polls do reflect accuralc So publicity of any such opinion polls based on relatively few interviews when consider ing the overall picture hasnt the influence on voters somc sccm to fear The iveragc person votes as he pleases regardlggss Oni voter write your By BILL KNOWLES would love to get into the discussion other The point as far as am conccrnul is that like it or not it is the news media that keeps us all honcst They have this role in free country and they generally perform it responsibly The media no doubt has some justifiable complaints from time to time both here in Barrie and throughout other parts of the country The police must sometimes bc reminded that they have an obligation to give the news media access to information pro viding it does not hinder their investigations Some police like some politicians fear the media and only cooperate as little as they discovered As said they keep those in charge on the straight and narrow lisr closure of the truth is one of the prices we pay for democracy if indeed it is considered price at all INHINIOIIN IIISIIVAL Next wcckcnd after this sees the Hay Ilays event in downtown Barrie This looks like it will be very successful festival following the success of the downtown mall in June It you have something to sell you can set up booth on Dunlop street and taste what free enterprise is all about something Theres lots of fresh vegetables home made apparel fresh eggs pies and cakes and cookies woodwork and cspeciall frcsh honey The prices are right and if you get there early you have the pick of the local farmers crop The first Friday in October brings another fall event being put on by the local Conser vatives at Barrie Raceway They call their evening the Harvest Happening and its their kickoff gettogct her for the new federal riding Before you buy one of the many mileage conversion stickers for miles to kilometers you should check the size of your speed ometer and the size of the little circles that Record held by Laurier By BOB BOWMAN In any poll to decide the greatest prime ministers since Confederation Sir Wilfrid Laurier would rank among the first three He you are supposed to stick on was the first Frenchspeaking prime minister provincial The ladies took turns on volun it new mo circles that are supposed 01 the Dmmnmn and he also holds the record tar has In kepplnll hp luslunl P0 dur silkk are no on transparent backingy it lOnglSl COIISCCUIIVC SIIC€ 15 years ing the summer rmwu Mllnbor Von will have lot of difficulty reading the When Lauricrs Iiibcral government was 1ng when Sutherland mum ltirlitimcnt or Member of Provmcial Par emp OI Mrs George Johnston was made conventr for year and then Mrs Sutherlands daughter Mrs Hand became conventr until it was taken over by the County of Simcoc in 1902 In the early years Matlarcn editor and an owner of The Examiner at the time was great help He served on the board and when unable to attend was represented by one of the stall Later Ken Walls took his place Harry olcman thcn treasurer of Sim cot County was included on the committee and later his son Jack tnow chairnmni was appointed Many many things were just loaned but no doubt ill never be taken out There were some niisimpressions about the background of the museum and felt could not in It slip by without setting things unzin for newcomers to Barrie and the count Mrs William lland Stroud Scenic tour luarSir After reading bout the beautiful scenic dri vcs in Simcoe County matte motor tour to Matchedash township and the marine railway The scenery at this time of the year is magnificent and the ent ire tour was delight The area around Tea Lake is very pmiuws or It was so ested that write to the paper and let rest ents know how much we were im pressed and recommend the tour to others Henderson liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitablc for our Letters to the Editor columns Alter all it there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or Mll if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors tom FICIIIIRAI Dr ll Rynlild MP NorthSimcoe Iarliamcnt Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA tlAti Ross Milne MP PeelIuffcrinSimcoc Parliamcnt Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA oAti Sinclair Stevens MP YorkSimctw Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KlAtltti ius Mitgcs MP IreySimcoc Parliament Buildings OttawaOnt KiAtlAti PROVINCIAL tieorge Taylor MPP Simcoetentrc Ontario Legislature Queens Park Ioronto M7A IAZ iordtm Smith MPI Simcocrllast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 iiorgi Mctague MIP DufferiiiSimcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A lA2 Hy LEONARD NOBLE Schlcppcr sand to my good but can tankcrous friend what does it all menu We had been discussing the resignation of Finance Minister Donald Macdonald as well as the statement of Eugene thliin minister of agriculture in the Trudeau itwernmcnt that he was thinking about retiring from federal politics tell you what it all means replied Schlcppcr who never has been accused of not having an opinion on any given subject at any given time Trudeau reminds me of hockey coach who suddenly finds that his list of first string players has drastically diminished for one reason or another and he is forced to put team together from either untried or over thehill players Without pausing for breath Schlcppcr con tinued Now you take the finance ministers slot The departure of Macdonald is tantir mount to loosing superstar like Bobby Hull Who can you put in spot like that from the list of eligible players Should you move up an old timer like Martin OConnell Hes got good reputation as an economist and as matter of fact was in the cabinet once before and served as minister of st ate and minister of labor Mind you its like putting one of your older players in the front line and he may be hit lc out of step with some of the younger guys that are coming along Whats the alternative Schleppcr replied trying to get word in edgewisc Ihcrc really are not hell of lot of to keep winner alternatives for the primc minister He should pick someone from the Toronto itltit to rcplacc Macdonald If he doesnt pick 7oir nell who Would figure would be his first choice then all hes got left to choose from is Robert Kaplan harlcs accia Norman iifik and James lilcming They may be alright on second or third line but you wouldnt want to put any of those players on your first team So its foregone conclusion that Martin OConnell is going to bc thc next minister of finance suggested trying to pin down Schleppcr at long last Now didnt say that replied Schlcppcr soiiicwlint irritably simply am suggesting that Otonnell must be very stmng con tender in the prime ministers mind But picking superstar cabinet minister has other aspects to it that do not readily analogizc to hockey player For example the prime minister may want bilingual minister of littillltt or there may be some other cultural or religious factors that he may have to consider Ilc may have to appoint Jean Chret icii Well Sclilc pcr dont know whether Im more confusei or not since otir conversation As matter of fact we havent even discuss ed the problems if Eugene Wlialcn steps down replied Will he pick Jack Horner as his replacement Dont be confused my friend responded Schlcpper lhercs one thing for sure theres going to be cabinet shuffle and all we hope for is that the prime minister picks wmuingtciim speed at night The converters are not experi sive but you might as well get the right ones before you start messing tip your cars speedometer Some of the numbers are printed on circles that are too large to fit on your dial also stray chicken wandered into my yard at the little farm have in Ivy She had bare backside and so goes by the name of Beatrice Bareltottom If anyone in Ivy lost chicken that is embarassed and chilly over her expos ed dcrricr please let me know The rest of the chickens seem to be laughing at Beatrice but shc lays an egg almost every day and the llltiS arc in more danger of winding up in thc lrcczcr than Beatrice MAJOR DISIPOINTMIINI The major disappointment in the latest Trudeau TwoStcp on the hill in Ottawa was the appointment of Marc Lalondc to the ministry that will he most actively involved in anadiali Unity throughout the provinces Mr alondcs proclivity for intransigcnce is legend Look that one up in your Funk and Wagnals Lalondc selling unity in anaila is like Shopsy trying to sell matzoh balls in Cairo Yes dear reader Im biased but never claimth wasnt thank publicly my friend and fellow col umnist Dick Dunstan for supporting my loniL ly st and on skateboards On my street the kids are back talking to me despite my efforts to get their boards off the streets think the matter is over and donewith now however and dont thliik it would do any good to flog the somewhat dead horse unless theres change of heart somewhere along thc line which could hap when not if some young boy or girl is hit car defeated in general election on Sept 21 1911 there were many Canadians who found it difficult to realize that he was no longer the prime minister Years later it was said that there were Frcnclianadians in the back woods who still believcd that Laurier was the boss Lauriers defeat was one of the greatest up sets in Canadian political history Sir Robert Borden leader of the Conservatives wanted to resign months before the election because he thought there was no chance of defeating Laurier but his party nicmbcrs urged him to continue The tide turned in most amazing manner Laurier through his finance minister Fielding worked out reciprocal trade agreement with the United States This was something that most anadians had wanted since the first lttlplOCitl trade agreement en ded in mm However several leading American politicians and newspapers destroyed Lauricrs campaign by boasting that the reciprocal trade agreement would lead to Canadas becoming part of the US President Ialt said that Canada was at the parting of the ways with Britain and Champ Clark spixiker of the House of Representatives said We are preparing to annex Canada bible thought If ye tlicn bciiig evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him Matthew II We should not only be courageous in our asking but confident of His answer

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