Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1977, p. 5

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MITCHELL SQIARR iSiaft There will he Shin in prii money for sulk Iiorse races at the 125th aniuial fall lair ot lllt tIro Agricultural Society Fri day Preparation day for the tan with the placing ot exhihits on Thursday llllt there lll he chariot and chuckwagoii races on closing day Sat urday Iohn Currie Doug rawtord and Andrews Ir are members of the conmuttee in charge of the sulky races IllI anadian Trotting Association rules to he followed The pro gram calls tor two onermilc heats for each race Parade and ofticial opening ceremony are planned for on the Friday Along itli the harness racing there will be roadster show and race and beef cattle competitions The school lair section will in elude livestock classes indoor displays and other events cat Show also 15 planned tor the entertainment oI school children new competition planned will be senior citizen fair queen contest at pm open to any Oro resident ti years old and over Tritouiity dralt pony obstacle course event IS another new feature IlIISIIOI mutt show for tIro elenicii tary School children is planned midhurst 728956 Congratulations are extended to Mr ande James Rugrnan who will he celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary on Sept Dr Walter Ward of Tlencoe visited with Dr oiitts this week Mr and Mrs Ahhott oI Sault St Marie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Spence The ITtW met at the home of Mr and Mrs Hertrain large number were present Mrs Nash showed pictures of her Scandinavian and Russian trips that she took this sum mer Midliurst Historical Society has sponsored study tour of their live historical plaque One Grade it and two tirade classes of Forest Ilill School ac companied by their teachers Mrs Byers and Mrs Blon dheim historian from the Historical Society was at each plaque to explain why the pla ques were erect ed The Iolly Rebels met recent ly Will 43 present Irixe win ners Were for the men were Dr Joints and F2 raig Ladies Jean Day IIY INHAISIIIII YIIARS Damascus the capital of Syria is one of the oldest con tiiiiiously inhabited cities III the world tor the Li Plaque honors meritorius work Bill Duncan seated District Manager of the Ontario Motor League Harrie receiud plaque recently from tiary rowlc llalric lolicc Safety Officer for his meritorIUs work with the citys safet patrols The Oil is responsible for spore soring the training of the tirade ti to students which is done at amp Samac Oshawa the liarrie lolice well the for It Saturday the chariot and chuckwagon races will start at in Western Arabian and Hunter hone show heay horses draft ponies and sheep classes also are listed on the program tor Saturday Acluevinent Day for HI call clubs will he held along with competitons lor dairy cat tle hot carcass auction and lucky draw tor baby beef The annual horseshoe pitr clung tournament will he held and IIlltl£l attractions pioyid ed hy arousAl Amusement Ioriner tiro reeve Wailace Key and Murray towen are members of the tiltitltllltt in charge of heavy horses with classes for Clydesdales Ier cherons and Belgians Don Sanderson is chairman of the western classes with Hot ur riealsoonthecommittcc Duncan taiueron president ol the io Agllttlllultil Sollei and members ot his executive have been active for months in IIIllkliIL preparations Other main othters are Itoy tamp hell and korgc Iran Vlttr presidents and Velma Bradley secretary treasurer Mrs Joyce Scott is couvencr of the larliesdiyisioii Former ro deputy reee tharltzs Simpson and Oro coun cillor harles Sanderson are among 13 directors There are also 12 associate directors and neighborly news Midhurst Hridge luh will meet on Sept 20 at it III in the Community tentre The cluh is open for another table ridge is the first and third Ihursday of each month Brenda Dunn Iias returned from holidaying in talgary This perm moisturizes the hair Reg Price $4000 INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL Buyfield Mall ANNOUNCENT The Only Perm with Essential Fatty Acids tor the more natural and responsive curl actually House of Bellini OPEN am to pn1 Mon thru Fri Sat till 430 prmide identin cards vinyl wallets and any other necessary equipment used by the patrollers The program which in oes owr ItItItI cit children has been in operation in Barrie since ISLii In that time we haw never had fatality which occurreddue to negligence on the part of the patroller Dun can noted Examiner Photo 11 lady directors HONORARY IRIISIIIIINI Warden Allan tilassford ot Simcoe ounty is an honorary president along with Dr Rvuard Ml for Simcoe North and iordon Smith MII tor llast Sitiicoe Other honorary otficers in clude Reeve Ilowaid amphell tormer councillor Har tlioloinew tormer reeve Ken lilltllIISl Thomas Fletcher IIriiest trawtord lIrnest toates Lloyd Fletcher iteriiell Chairman Optimistic Earl Snider chairman ot the Marne and District tnited Apr peal hoard of littot is opr timistic that this years cam paign will reach its goal of Szozitlit With 34000 people in Bar rie he SZIIfl all were asking for is about St apiece the heiieliciaries of this years campaign are The Bar rie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded St John Ambulance the Raggedy Ann Day are entre Vic torian Order of Nurses The Iiig Sisters Assrkiation ot Harrie the Canadian Mental Health Association the Barrie YIVi YWtA the anadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society the Canadian National institute for the Blind The Canadian Red Iross the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Association for Physically Handicapped Adults reconstructs and $2000 style cut Extra 726462I Sulky horse races one feature at I25th annual Oro fall fair McKay Joe Levison and Keith Sanderson Announcing GtttwlthPurchase bonus consisting of oz Lotion 02 Meet Miss beauty consultant for Max Factor at our counter Max Factors To Get Ready kit moisture balance program Mth the purchase of $650 or more of Max Factor products receive Moisture Essence Night Cream 14 oz Moisture Essence Cleansing Lotion Moisture Essence Under Make Up One bonus per customer To regional government Opposition to any changes to regional government is as strong as ever in Simcoe Coun ty it was indicated by survey of views of county councillors We are holding down taxes better than regional areas and dont see any good reason for change said Warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of Tecumseth We have to protect the interests of our ratepayers Personally am as opposed as ever since we are getting along so well Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte who is among mem bers mentioned as future warden prospect said he agreed with the warden Taxes are too high in regional administrations he com mented The reeve of Innisfil Bill Gib bins said municipalities and counties had done better than other levels of govemment in holding down expenditures This particularly ap lied to Simcoe County he sai referr ing to overall county levies for this year which were held down to last years figures former chairman of the finance and general govern ment committee Reeve Gib hins also has been prominently mentioned for warden and with the present chairman Reeve Morris Darby is con siderul leading prospect for the 1978 wardenship IIIIITIIR IHAN OTHERS We have tried to keep our taxes down in 0m and at the county too said Reeve Howard Campbell of Oro poin ting out these administrations had done better than others in checking tax rises Deputy Reeve Allan McLean of In stated comparisons of Simcoe ounty figures with those of regional governments show per capita expenditures have been lower We have spoken against regional government right along and have no reason whatever to News Quiz WORLDSCOIII Itrue 2opposition Ic 4b 5a NEWSNAME Margaret Thatcher MATCIHVORDS 1e 2d 3c 4a 59b NIIWSIICIIRIEA SPOTLIGHT lb 2volleyhall 3womens 4b Sc change our opinion at all he commented Several county spokesmen referred to statistics quoted at the convention of Association of Municipalities of Ontario which showed that the average growth in property taxes this year was just over 10 per cent with municipalities requiring nine cent more and school boar 12 per cent Figures mentioned showed the average tax increase in Metro Toronto creation of Queens Park was 14 per cent or about $90 per taxpayer The average increase in regional government areas outside of Metro was to per cent or $52 Cities outside of regions were able to keep down their average increase to eight per cent or $39 and for smaller rural municipalities the economic record was even better rang ing between five and six per cent or from $15 to $16 increase These figures show clearly why we should continue to avoid government com mented Deputy Reeve McLean stating the municipal ad ministrations close to the peo ple concerned were more responsive to taxpayers Chairman of different county committees which studied restructuring proposals at various times during the past decade Reeve Earl Brandon of Goldwater said these showed it wouldnt be feasible for the county to make the change Our county administration is much better than most he said directing attention to the ayasyougo financial policy olIowed over the years There are not many which have been able to avoid deben ture debt like we have he said in support of his remarks Allistons Peter Cameron said the county faced dif ficulties at times with higher prices due to inflation but prais ed the excellent spirit of co operation Higher prices affect us the same as others he said men tioning the latest increase in gasoline prices as an example Reeve Darby as chairman of finance was asked his opinion about whether the county coun cil would be able to hold the tax line again next year It is dif ficult to say at this time he answered cautiously but added he was confident the members would strive to do so if it can be done on practical basis As former warden Edgar Currie of Nottawasaga who is now member of the Niagara Escarpment Commission said he was strong opponent of regional government when he headed the county council two years ago He felt events since vindicated his opinion Collingwood family gets extra $80000 TORONTO CPI The On tario Appeal Court has increas ed by $80800 an award to the family of Collingwoodarea farm wife who died in June 1973 in highway accident The court ruled that an earlier award of $59000 by the Ontario Supreme Court was not sufficient The lawyer for the estate of Pearl McQueen said the original award did not reflect Mrs McQueens role as mother housekeeper co manager of the farm and pro vider of theopportunity for her husband George to work off the farm Mrs McQueen 42 was killed when trans ort truck went out of contro on hill and struck the tractor she was driv ing The court was told Mrs Mc Queen helped her husband build one farm at the time they were Scars Max Factor SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Baytieid St 7264451 MAX FACTOR M01571 ESSAWCE Merjlalrrw Lotion MOISTURE ESSENCE Warming Lotiofl married in 1956 into tour at the time of her death She fed 200 cattle twice day for half of each year while her husband worked as an installa tion installer She helped him operate farm machinery and plow 400 acres of fields each spring Mrs McQueen rose daily at 630 am to get her five children ready for school before feeding the cattle then did housework baked made clothing gathered eggs and milked cow farm management consul tant testified that she could be classified as cosmanager of the farm and that at 1975 wage rates it would cost at least $9000 year to replace her The Appeal Court awarded the five children $6000 to $10000 each up to twice what the lower court had given them Her husbands award was in creased to $99300 from $35000 MON TUES SAT 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FRI 930 am to 930 pm the examiner Monday Sept 19 1977 Opposition is still strong municipalities in the county The cities of Barrie and Orillia cooperate in suburban roads and certain other services but are not represented on county council The county administers the city of Orillias welfare ser toward more centralimtion of vices for which the municipali powers Strong local govem ty is taxed Barrie administers ment should be maintained itsown welfare system he said stating this is the level closest to the people and often felt to be the most responsive LOCAL DECISIONS lot of citizens want to par ticipate in local decision making but they see regional government as too complicated and the decisionmaking too remote he said Civic pride encourages many local services from interested resident and community groups it was stressed Country records show the Simcoe County administration is marking its 135th anniver sary year After the initial meeting in Toronto the ad ministration was conducted from Barrie for over 130 years The present county complex We are much better off for having remained as county he remarked When he was county warden Mr Currie spoke to the C011 ingwood Kiwanis and other groups assailing regional government and the trend at nearby Midhurst was opened on November 27 1973 The county council currently has 53 members representing 33 INGRAM AMOS SCHARF WILLISTON Barristers and Solicitors are pleased to announce the relocation of their offices from 179 Burton Avenue to 103 Collier Street Barrie Ontario L4M 1H2 705 7280555 ADULT EVENING CLASSES 19771978 SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REGISTRATION Tuesday September 20 and Thursday September 22 730 900 pm in the caietorium at Eastview Secondary School 42I Grove Street corner Grove and Nelson Barrie Ontario COURSE LENGTH All Courses will be held at Eastview Secondary School unless indicated otherwise Classes begin September 27 and 29 FEES Indicated fees are for 19761977 The I977I978 Fees schedule will be set at later date prior to registration in September Payable at registration by cash or certified cheque 20 weeks hours per week 20weeks hours per week I2 weeks hours per week I2 weeks hours per week IOwoeks hours per week weeks hours per week Academic courses hours per week English citizenship hrs per week Senior Citizens 65 over FREE please supply proof MTE Some courses require supplies fee OR use of equipment fee Fees are nonrefundable Teachers will be on hand both registration evenings to discuss content of their courses ACADEMIC COURSES $1500 1900 900 12 800 400 I500 500 01on 13 Canadian 000970th 20 wks Tuesday Thursday Gron I3 Biology 20 wks Monday Wodnosday Grade 13 English 20 wks Tuesday Thursday Gron I3 History 20 wks Tuesday Thursday Grade II Phyniu 20 wks Tuesday Thursday Grad I2 Math yr 20 wks Tuesday Thurtday 20W Tuosdayl Thursday cm PlYits 20 wks Tuesday Thursday OtherAcademic Courts are available on roquest provided minimum enrolment II ochiovod COMMERCIAL COURSES Typing Bulic 20wks Thursday Typing advanced 20 wks Tuesday Bookkeeping ha pw 20 wks Tuesday Computer ProgrammingCOBOL 20 wk Thursday Dell Shorter Hand 20 wks Tuesday TECHNICAL COURSES Small Englnu I2 weeks hours per weak Tuosday Mochinl Shop 20 wks Tuesday Welding gas and arc 20 wks Monday Basic Woodworking 20 wks Tuesday or Thunday Basic Auto Body Repair 20 wks Tuesday Introductory Droiting 20 wks Tuesday or Thursday GENERAL INTERBT Upholsterybask advanced 2V hn per wook 20 wk Tuesday or Thunday Art at your own loyal 20 wks Thursday anchConvorxutional 20wks Thursday Rug HookingBeginntfs 20 wks Tuesday Advanced 20 wks Thursday Powr Squadron Doyle adv 20 wks Tuasdoy or Thursday Sowing Elementary 20 wks Tuudoy Intormudiato 20 wks Tuesday Creative Dressmaking 20 wks Tunsday Stretch Sawing lavol ROwks Thursday Englluh and Citlromhip for New Canadians 80k 20 wks Tuesday Thundoy Advoncod 20 wk Tuuday Thundoy Weaving 20 wks Thursday German Convonotionol 20 wks iuuday WE SEMESTER COURSES bogln September andor January Womans Fllnou Racraotion Programme I2 wkt Tuesday Fitnou Rocroatlon Programme I2 mndoy Bring Boat Inlarmodiot I2 wks Tuudoy Crocheting Intermediate I2 wk Tuosdoy Basic I2 wks Tuosdoy or rhursday Crochctlng Macrame Tuasdoy Noodle Point Crowl Embroldary I2 wkI Tuesday or Thursday Botlc Quilting IO wkl Tuudoy Cooking Con In Fun TO wks Thunday Crootlvo Cako Docoratlng I0 wkt Tuuday Voicu Production 5ightRoading Qwrol Singing IO wks Tuudoy Introductlon To Pottory I0 wks Wednesday Square Donltng Fall umutor IO wk Tuesday wlntar umutor I2 wk Tuesday Bollc Photography IO wkl Tuudoy Tho Metric Syttnm on Introduction Swnks Tuesday Perri Principal Ramsay Director of Education FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 720432 OR DROP IN REGISTRATION MONTS

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