Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1977, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at Circulation NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Published daily except ABC Only the Canadian Preu may republish newe stories In this newpaper credited to Sean Finlay managing editor Len Sevlck manager Marian Gough accountant Sunday and CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FramePruu and local news stories Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEN Betty Armor statutory holidays publllhad In lhe Examiner Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowland WEEK by can Bill Curran county editor Lye Johnson Gail Parland gown The Barrie Examiner claimu copyright on all original news and advertising material Werner Bergen sports editor Vikki Grant serving borne and simcoe couny BI MCFarIaneIWIre EdIIor Barb Bounon YEARle by com createdby its employees and published in this newspaper Monday Sept 19 1977 Dana Graham $46 80 Hope Dempsey lifestyle John 1ka Copyright registration number 203815 register bi Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited ragga Quattrocchlphoiographer JaneGuhrie CIRCULATION Maltasmt RTERS Nationa advertising ices 650an St Toronto BMl7l0 640Cath tSt Mont l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 John Bruce CLASSIFIED J0 Butlermanaver swcoecoumv Paul Delean Ruth Blais superwsor kinda allies 35 manager $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at er el i0 Agostini publisher giihgrd Dunstan Lesley Young Sizigclon MOYCQJHROWOFF in naemements beyond thehanLount paid lor the space actually occupied by that per uergls Freda Shmne ayear erticement in whlc error occurred whether with error is due to the NEWSROOM Scott Haskins Karon Atkinson Lapplame ELSEWHERE IN CANADA negligence at its Iervante or otherwise and there shall be no liability lar noninsertion of Sheila MC Govern Peggy chape Elaine Ior er $3350 or any advertisement beyond the amount paid lor such advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Sue Burke PM Indexed pensions should be fair While the majority of Canadians undoubtedly are not opposed to reasonable plan the campaign now being conducted by the National Citizens Coalition against the present systetn of indexed pensions for civil servants and members of Parliament is understandable They are much tnore generous indeed than for average anadians and they do not start at 65 or even 60 but upon retirement after only minimum of six years of service regardless of age Every shopper is well aware that with the shrinking purchasing value of the dollar some indexing is quite fair btii figures referred to by the coaltition spokesman insurancemen olin Brown regarding the indexed possibilities for MPs have been little short of astounding As ati example he mentioned retirng finance minister Donald Macdonald at 45 could take with him an annual pension oi some 313688 If the present seven per cent an nual inflation rate continues although everyone is hopeful that it wont it could reach 3337500 when he reaches on and $73900 by 70 Various other examples also were given with com parisons made with ordinary pensions which shows the very generous differences The National Citizens Coalition has placed itself on record as opposing indexed pensions on the ground that the scheme is not actually sound If there isnt enough money in the contributory pension fund to meet the boiigzitions Canadian taxpayers would have to make up the difference Proper provision should be included to avoid extremes all gives further emphasis of course to the pressing need for adequate acton to bring the inflationary trend of recent years under control tnder the circumstances it is little short of amazing that there has been so much pressure at Ottawa to imm ediat ely abolish controls The government commitment to retain the controls un til the end of 1978 as originally arranged or at least until the economy settles enough to halt further inflation is certainly serving the best interests of majority of ana dians down memory lane Queen park Strike laws stir debate By DON OHEARN Queens Park Thomson News Service TORONTO Rene Levesque is carrying the labor end of industrial relations to new extreme The Quebec premier is proposing bill whereby employers on strike could not hire replacement employees The only legislation we have on lines at all similar in Canada now is in Saskatchewan and Manitoba prohibition against em ployers hiring strikebreaking companies But Levesque would go much further in that they couldnt hire replacement workers at all CLOSE DOWN This of course is fantastic move and would ive labor stranglehold Tra itionally the philosophy on labor disputes has been that workers would withhold their services and that while the employer could carry on as best he could he would suffer through the lack of his trained staff He could find replacements but obviously they wouldnt be efficient and he would be un der pressure to settle and get his old staff back But under the new proposal for most em ployers there would be little choice but to close down or settle It probably wouldnt affect big cor porations such as the auto companies too much But middle or smallsized companies would be in bind Most of them arent in financial position to shut down for any length of time And they would either have to settle for exorbitant increases which indirectly would breed inflation and adversely influence our economy or go broke which again of cour se would harm the economy DONT RESCIND This obviously is bad and dangerous legislation Most serious once it is approved in Quebec there will be insistent demands for it in other provinces Some of those who take detached and quixotic view are not alarmed by this They say that when there is change of govern ment in Quebec the law willbereseinded II halts BARBIE the top priority Incedmg attention This demonstrates ignorance of the mac out the laxiiniliitt stpttmhtr irotn lrtme Minister lrudeau and tical processes of our law and particularly to lflTfi 39 cent llllll hall was his federal government Major that Once laws are on ills books thfiy are mu ti lll icstwtisililc for the death charities were urged in federal gflgstmpossmlem resc Rathe ey ex we ittipopotanms at the tin provincial liscal arrangements by Agrimeexampleisinthepublicservice It ii tgt=gtlL1Clil Park at Wasaga David Ii Ierry oi the research staff Years ago the Lesage government gave licach The animal dicd alter of the Tanadian lax lioundation QUGbeC civil servantsthe right tOSlrike Iiwmrz Tim scacrot unsuccessful attempts hv ominunttv college enrolment of NA This PuPressure onguawa and Soonthad WWII IN IIII I1 III ItIi to give the federal cwul servants the same It pat tttiinaiy ow mm igtitts rightSI And eventually the other pmvmca stat keep it alive Members oi caught some colleges in intario by had tofollowalong dartiv ty cecs marked their 33th surprise The 20 colleges had in This was bad move though many Will tEW with membership creased their growth rate predic argueno LI WI III WI gt II JustafewdaysagoOntarioTreasurerDar wt tll ayo iii In If tom ptl it your Cy Mcxeough said that had made govem who was honorary president libcral candidate in lcel llill menis vulnerable to whipsaw tactics and litt tvllilgtl region oi laycces was term Snncoe riding ltoss Milne of bU5ln955 ihal Pilblic service Pay levels werenow above atomic tilllilpilllls Ion Brampton named Bill Snyder his heprvaesemor But an ous thiseverbem chan ed Mclercn nonstown showed the campaign manager lulmvalc ee gran would and reserveniajp valilltllllh captured lllt liillllt ill clan the Holstein cattle termcdiatc lcaguc playoff title for It li3llii llililiiiu IllilIi Tm Ild SFCVM PMS the VIII III nksmwn all 500mm Hm Mllng Businesstliil0tltllliil lluiis up mg mp pump hdli National lclecommumcations Billwouldgive ll liillt ll lll trttsion mlclirtnincml bhcrcs itltml itlllltlll gm regumle the limb bdlm Thomson Newsstnitc lranstanada lelephone Systems activities giftscr road race and also the ill ll Slilbml ill QUW iilkv iill lolttical frustrations ilt thc rtsnlt oi yumJ Mimi Hum Iphn Mum Le it the epcnseof seven provinces Canadas mi tor Must team oi roadsters ludwards on the mound scattered cIronmnIc Ills liuiclorc tin mum of gtVlllil $1 unthtm tn lllNiZ miemttoos illl III vifv rtlx iii or rilmvale captured scvcn Barrie hits whilc llcn liirntl 1lmummyHMNM de HHN Ht itll HDHRIi mmn SlOlY pf DH my Iv tivision oi legislaiiic and idimiiistrilic Im im Immimn Ahoy coupless for is pisstic oi course to go tooIar in II lIiiIll ti ophy ioi winning litivt IIainplIn III and hi itlIiIlVilliaIms WW Hum mIImImI MIMI ls Cm MIMI am mo ammo of at Iinli gtulyf in it tttsr IiH lxllllllh llilllll llll Illdll lhat ill tllul istlic lltnada present proxincml IlSllinsiliilll tinder Seething of tcdcral powers For example it wouldnt be T3 tFtIilift Lfntdltcictl by John ling demonsrations qlilpliltlit and future appear to ch tildlltlplt It AIM feasible to produce corrostonnsistantI cars Robe is rrNinnoc II maiori dislilavs atid tours featured tliiilmé WI tlmi HHim HINT 01 Hr onmt willolichI itittlitfiimertheth iuicilmn nsiigt ianiida Montreal if Ottawa can use the evera its in gu v9 snotsutnyiaislopaypaittitutitttit IIII lIfIIVIIIfI kn Illunl llH dd pluglnn it Spl In SINKll Stpl In to the llisltldltit nun1 bought by home owners silltilhlt ititlltrtdl grants in Oldtl l0 IlloCltEI uniwtpiry llllli slitltilttili as lllldillm liurcun of tatiult he ciiiictxcd the icdcral but oul in plcillhm that tcccpt tIIJllt niti llllt and llllllllllt the existing hodgepodge ltmtillllltnl 10 inlhllillilunll Itll Ami dnions such is lllllltl in highway spent limits ct building codes atask that sensible people the provinces tor responding through MM hmmmp palm lli long supported then it probably Interpreflng the news unanimousintiuusipcnce yinmyth vnttt highthptmupm should it proiince is free to reject the lIttlcr tlic lirilisli oll ll mci lii 1c cwkm ints on llll ietnn oldfashioned to tuiposi otnntat unit to is i3 AN it mildI litlildl ston standards ill the tnanutactmc oi cats BBQ US unemployment adds to problems for Carter wix II lzwtict iaiftr hi icinying hl he is to lILlll tcr slight dcchnc curb ill the ycin lhcovci all uncmpioyment rate is on the rise again reaching per cent It August ll iSTlh gmcrntncnt is llhIttillillilt tot matters oi nil Iltlldl mlcrprtnincml or international llilllll tlltl lot peace in der and good govcin mcnt In all llltllltl of local or nilri plmiticttl Iillillt the pro tnccs nc supi cmc lint dc lildllilpl snd tcdctal intrusion ill to provincial rcswnsilnlittcs is gradually eroding lhc Illllltllll ol tlic pto niccs II the ltllltl of tonfcdcralmn lllt today he qntppcd tlicy bc turning oth Ill llltll graves which might be usctnl lolilhdi but no tl iclotia tilllldlthil cnnrontnctital uithority prm ides lcdcral piotcctiott against air pollution Ii each prmmcc cnsurts that its own lll ts clcan dc tirandprc iskcd can llicic nuilly bc my dirty lcdcral itr it do we ncnl lnlcral dcpirtmcnt of amatcur sports and physical ittncss when by Illllll nuatcnr sports start it the neigh borhood lt cl wlicthcr municipal or pttoclntl budding codes Some critics ot the Transtanada Telephone System would argue that federal regulation might help to reduce the relatively high illlllltl to the hind StatesV cost of long distann calls that go across several provin ces each of which takes its cut nd lateral securities regulation as in the lmtcd States would strike many investors as preferable to the present requirement that any new public debt or equity financing innsi be acceptul by up to in provincial securities commissions Although Wolfe won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on Sept 13 the city did not ca pitulate until Sept 18 and British troops en tered the following day One of Gen Mont calms last acts before he died was to send message to Brig Townshend who had suc ceeded Wolfe asking him to be kind to the citizens of Quebec The senior British officers held con ference and it was decided that Brig Murray would take command of Quebec and stay there for the winter He later became gover ti PLAN tnv 11 norofCanada and stayed untilI1766 rs Ishc IIisyhm tl llilllllllillllll tlitllioo plilipflimlli Murray developed an adémration for the II an lean theirsse if it lr do when Illilllllllllll pay scales for one your would cost 552mcezlladée Eggsed he elecgo 30 Y1 PHIHim Anti Sim lIlllIill Although no details of tartcrs legislature and also the introduction of WI PIlt for rent plan to improve the Cities have been rclcasctl British law II II Minn Ihrphmt Im ll iIv ht be Ivt il iliiz llltflltlllllfilfl lob lllillllllltl to llll intothrec The world The first Mm at 999 was my tlgtfl at ficult for soldiers and cmhans The British itfil£1l lcadets at tlILIlllllltlt policy for categorics Subsidies for privatescctor jobs training programs to provide skills to the uni skilled and creating new jobs with the gov today as nationalism business mix ships left all the supplies they could when they sailed away in October but Murray had de for 000 soldiers and 000 citizens Ht Vye of your c1 ntncttt thcd to prov irtc mp ti mm at ucbec ift lw ziiplttIitcnt lint only the first two ideas apiear prac Who thug to takmg rontc had in cfiot of art ctnpimrny fllltfihlll by rlt arttr is more interested my rr budget by ltttil han ill premix made to blark tun 44 51 llililllliiBl KS im cuic matmaiticrl that fatter wininnit titajotity of black cmhcr elullhlt botany ol uotc black employment new vtti the black caucus is putting higher or tub regttton programs and of Hiritptrlteisivc policy to itaprow izrmr But stcn program Mair they likely would more mix it of Larii mndhng black sup pir do rertuirc tmnwnc lwlcrol spending and ought hamper the president attempt to halame the budget by 1981 Jot creation and training programs in the mst billions of dollars this year lint alr tical on largc scale since ircct em ployment on longtcrm basis is extremely costly Economists note that the eventual success of shortterm subsidies for private industry and training programs depends on continued growth of the economy with people involved in the programs eventually being absorbed into the general labor force bible thought HasteI which is the great commandment in lllt lim Jesus said utilo him Thou shalt low the Lord the mil with all tln heart and with all lll smil and with all thy mind This is the first and gr eat commandment find the second is like unto it Thou shall lttt lll neighbour its tli scll lattluw 223021 The reason the world is iii trouble today is becausc we hau madc so hit lc over the great coninandmcnt lnc imcrs multitidc of sins ll IUIIN llAlllllliiN Foreign Affairs Minty st lliolnson New Scrvicc Oil and alcohol dont mix Neither do guvcr nmenis and the oil business when the slate wants to take part in llicoil ttidlistl Thats the way it used to be long ago in the open and freclxxilmg years oi the worlds big oil companies Governments could be used to help swing contracts and it you had the right political pals to stop anticartel legislation But all tlial is very long time ago President Theodore Roosevelt began the trustlxisting by looking at giant oil com patties and alltxnverful railways III the earl liillls Today governments are directly ill the oil busmess and its executives and inlet national operators still dont like it Listen if you can to the invectivc piled on letiotanada our still new government oil corporation by the oil com iany brass ill the private clubs of algaty am ldtnonton But state oil Corporations are lltlt to stay And next month senior officials of many of Latin mcrtcis Lirgc state oil mmpanics will Inch lll Montreal for the sixth annual meeting oi tala the tanadian Asstxiation for Latin America lll Montreal ll MIXES liitlll its members are almost entirely frottt anudas private sector large and small nmputnus doing business or sharing cchnology with hemispheric customers Among them will be senior executives from lEM EX letroleos Mexicanos Mexican let oleums the grandvdaddy of modern state oil xincerns and lelroVen Its the still new Ye ltllltltlll oil mrporation formed in 1976 iroin he nationalized assets of Shell and Exxon in but counliy It was former Venezuelan minister oi iydro arbons who persuaded funnel Lanadian minister of energy in the fall of 1973 get on with the task of setting up state oil mnpany here The reason was clear Venezuela on the road to her own oil nationalimtion wanted to do business on governmenttogovemmeni level with Canada and needed state oil cor poral ion here to work with lctiotanada was already it me works on Japer at least And all that was needed was is approval by Parliament to become new Crown corporal ion in fact governments in the oil business iont really act much differently than those it private enterprise Their oil companies nust also be financed staffed with skilled ersonnel and engage in the search for new il resources and drilling possibilities PEMEX formed in 1938 from nationalized oreign oil companies is one of the most tighlyvrespected companies in the US money markets where all the big borrowing done Like llydroQuebec provincial power itility which also has very high rating on Wall Street PEMEX has no trouble raising iew cash or even loans for refinancing its out standing debt Petromina Indonesias huge state oil agen has run into some of the cash and manage nenl problems of the big private concerns with civilian and military brass misusingI fun ls and misjudgng future markets at ome llll abroad the oath of allegiance Fortunately the British soldiers and French citizens got along well The soldiers helped them bring in their crops and went into the forests to cut wood during the winter even though they did not have proper clothing for the conditions Many of them were still wear ing kills In the meantime Gen Amherst was leading another British unit through the Lake Cham plain area to attack Montreal He delayed un til he learned that Quebec had been ca lured but this news did not reach him until ate in October He decided to wait until the fol lowing year and did not capture Montreal un til Sept 1760 The delay was costly because it gave Gen Levis time to gather an army in Montreal and be nearly recaptured Quebec in April He did defeat Gen Murray at Ste Foy but was not able to break into the city Then the Royal New arrived and he had to retreat TllEll SEPT l9 EVENTS lestThe first Canadian marriage was recorded

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