the examiner Friday Sept 16 1971 17 11 property for sde Public Works Travaux publtcs Canada Canada 01 property for sole INVITATION TO TENDER Sale Of Commercial Property SEALED TENDERS for the purchase of the property listed below addressed to the Regional Manager Finance Ad ministration Ontario Region Department of Public Works 25 St Clair Avenue East 6th Floor Toronto Ontario M4T 1M3 and endorsed with the Proiect Name and Number will be received until 1500 hours on the specified Closing date Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the of fice of the Director General Department of Public Works Ontario Region Tendering Office 6th Floor 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario PROJECT No 007298 Sale of the Former Post Office Building and Lot Angus Ontario CLOSING DATE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1977 Deposit Nil Enquiries Mr Shearer Property Services Department of Public Works 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario Telephone 4169665644 To arrange inspection of the property contact the Post master at Angus Ontario INSTRUCTIONS To be considered each tender must be submitted on the for ms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender documents The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Warren Regional Manager Finance Administration Toronto Ontario September 12 1977 $1516 12 mortgages 12 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anygworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour 7260981 Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 Call Anytime TF Secolid Mortgages LILMEL LOAN mm KANEFF 5i°°° 5336 0000 06 APARTMENT HOMES $15000 $16006 mooo $21341 Barrie Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults Bases on 12 per year 25 year amortization Compare what you are paying now for car loan personal loan 77 TF and credit cards with what WELLINGTON pLACE you could be paying All you save is interest Call anytime Ssélpï¬RTMEgTv Wayne Dobson 3222838 OaElrgxg 06d e5 OFFCE 7299262 THREE BEDROOMS First mortgages from ADULTS Yve buy and 59 exismlg 1° For appointmentto view call 9°9°5 7263827 MWFTF TF mI°2ir xr UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom apart merit stove refrigerator Close to down town available immediately $235 monthly utilities included Married cou pie preferred Parking No children or pets Phone 726 5844 ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex newly decorated near Queen and 51 Vincent Parking laundry facilities stove fridge and heat included lmmo diate possession Telephone 726 3596 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart merit suitable for business Girl Separate entrance Closr to bus route Near Georgian College Fridge and stove supplied Three piece bath Abs tainer preferred $185 monthly including heal and hydro Call after 5728 2081 UNFURNISHED central location one bedroom apartment on main floor Available November lst quiet couple preferred Telephone 737 1830 BACHELOR APARTMENT with kit chenette For single person or couple $125 monthly Hwy No 400 and No 89 Cookstown Call between and 458 4352 BEDROOM APARTMENT One child welcome 18 Penetan St Available irn medialely $175 monthly heat and park ing included Telephone 726 3056 ONE BEDROOM Available lst of 0c tober in downtown Barrie Ideal for pro tessional people Fully broadlnorncd modern kitchen and bath appliances Utilities and parking included Adults only No pets 726 7676 BEDROOM APARTMENT 74 Shirley Ave $260 monthly plus hydro includes everything No pets or children Telephone 726 8733 BEDROOM tSMALL central loca tion No children Gr pets Available 0c tober 151 $170 monthly includes heat Telephone 728 5364 BEDROOM APARTMENT Available October lst Stove fridge and heat sup plied Married couple No children or pets $204 monthly plus hydro Telephone 728 1845 ONE BEDROOM apartment stove and fridge parking Central location $160 monthly 726 9418 after 6p UNFURNISHED bedroom apartment With fridge and stove Pay own electric no pets Phone 726 7663 alter 14 mobile homes trailer RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TRAVELMAIE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfteld St 726 6438 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king Size bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 4451480 BANK REPOSSESSION 1973 Master coach trailer 29ft Asking $6500 Can be seen For more information call Bank Dunlop and Owen Sr Barrie Ask for Ken 726 1431 MOBILE HOMES 10 50 on lot with 190 ft frontage On waubashene Bay golf and skiing near by Priced to sell fast $7900 Evenings 737 0653 MOBILE HOME for sale 12 60 all utility connections and blocking ma terial included Three bedrooms price negotiable For more information call Trevor Stephens Borden 424 0654 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JESSIE Fl BRYSUN Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music VOCAL LESSONS SUSAN FORD RICKETTS ARCT LRCT All 9035323 Registered Music Teacher Studio 27 Bradford 51 Preparation for all grades 7284718 Royal Conservatory if desired MARJORIE HANES 20 North Park Road Teacher of Piano on Theory Barrie Pu ils prepare for R0501 Conservatory Examination FIT7 ALL GRADES ALL AGES ANGUS ROSS BA 15 Clapperton St 7288153 Registered Music Teacher Instruction In Piano ROY SCHUETT and Theory CO Also tutoring in French Chartered Accountants Logln pndbcltgcipsr SC 00 EU 311232136 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 SAMUEL ROSE POWELL JONES CO and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Chane Accoumam 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 Trustee In Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 T6 opts to rent FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays BACHELOR one bedroom and two bedroom apartments for rent Utllities refrigerator and stove supplied Call 7371674 betwee 57pm UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM 520 rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM In Allendale of bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267186 32 earsifor sale 1917 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Fully loaded 11000 miles never seen snow excellent condition For further In formation or appointment TELEPHONE FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton eal Estate 7371000 Apartment Close to factories Heat Fijiï¬fsggbpï¬bMgigr Teï¬fï¬Ã©ï¬ $23 hydro and water included Stove torles and shopping From 22 to 30 726 647 Cgurlesbpnly go childrenvAnoupitS weekly7269859and7371631 eera seiners va EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED rooms g3fl€r£€fl1°¢79795° sume kitchen For slngles or young 976 DODiE kCtIARGERI EE 35 Vglé cou les Linen su Ilied Downtown loorsh UC etsea seg rac M1 GA COU RT are 7266392 pp and radio Please call 4241956 weekdays Two bedroom apartments colored ep or 4876343weekends LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS 95 1° smc Pala Tw° available immediately shared kitchen 1972 CHEV IMPALA SPORTS COUPE aparmems available OcOberland °° and bath broadloomed throughout Good condltlon power steerlno and apartment available November Call 7371877 brakes V8 Certified offer Telephone 436 4899 I968 CAMARO 327 BORED TO 350 high performance balanced blueprinted Four barrel headers dual exhausts Hurst four speed Muntzy Trany Telephone 726 8744 1975 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM Fury power steering and brakes automatic radio etc 360 V8 like new $3200 Telephone 7287484 evenlngs 1973 RED GREMLIN 75000 miles Good shape has been well looked after $1300 Telephone 4365036 enlngs 1971 METEOR MONTCALM 2door hardtop Metallic brown with vinyl roof V8 power steering and brakes new tlres Excellent condition $1500 cer tlfled 7289605 17573 DATSUN 510 low mileage as is $1200 Telephone 726 2204 downtown 395 5171605 AL CLEAN BRIGHT QUIET room for rent kitchen priviledges dishes supplied directly across from bus route Tele phone 7373675 after pm Telephone 7269399 or ONE BED 00M APARTMENT 55 Dunlop st available September 19th $167 monthly includes fridge and stove Pay own hydro Telephone 7372835 after 5pm STROUD AREA Two Storey apartment in country home Completely separate Two bedrooms Modern decor broadloom No appliances supplied Adults only References please Rent $210 hydro included Available October Phone 436 1535 FURNISHED semi private apartment Allandale Heights bedsitting room piece bathroom kitchenette parking utilities $125 monthly Mature business person Telephone 7288612 after 630 pm CENTRAL BARRIESmalIer2bedroom basement apartment available October Heat hydro refrigerator stove No pets Only mature responsible people need apply $165 monthly Telephone 835 5372 after pm COUNTRY LIVING Two bedroom mobile home suitable for young couple Twenty minutes from Barrie Orlllla or Midland $175 Utilities extra Phone 835 2481 or 835 2431 NEWLY DECORATED Bedroom FURNISHED ROOM to rent clean bright central location available Sep tember 17 $20 weekly Telephone 7283747 ROOM FOR RENT $35 weekly furnish ed llnen laundry Telephone 7265871 after3pm ATTENTION BUSINESS GIRLS Four bedroom modern house to share Fully furnished All appllances Parking Close to shopping Bus route Available now Rent reasonable 319 ROOM To RENT Iii Trees area Complete use of kltchen bathroom rec room and grounds Close to bus route $150 monthly Call Len 7372756 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD for temlae with kitchen priviledgesand TV Ideal for teacher or nurse Thornton 4589189 automatic Good reliable transportation As is $295 or best offer Telephone 7281872 777 7V T976 illllle Rustproofed cannon SINGLE RoOM araiioor coloFTij headers ansa exhaust Michelin home cooked meals Close to downtown dials 10 also room mate for double room am radlo track firm $2300 Call Students welcome 35 weekly 726 3670 1728 3183 after 630 Serlous Inquiries on 1966 DODGE POLARA Slant steering wheel dropped red Telephone 728 2696 available October TOWNHOUSE REQUIRED by Climber lst two bedrooms in the Barric apartmenl Ground floor duplex fireplace parking spacious grounds Close to downtown $215 monthly plus hydro 737 2784 GETTING MARRIED Changing iobS Retiring Prefer small town Just like new apartment Then consider bedroom apartment in Elmvale Call 322 2013 after TWO BEDROOM apartment With fridge and stove Available October lst Steel Street Adults No pets $240 monthly Telephone 726 7685 or 726 0875 MODERN BEDROOM apartment country setting 10 minutes South of Bar rie electric heat and air conditioning piece bath large living room no ap pliances $190 monthly covered parking $25 extra Wilkins 416920 9236 even ings or 705 436 3146 weekends LARGE BEDROOM apartment available October lst Rent includes utilities Telephone 728 1850 attor6 pm BACHELOR APARTMENT heat hydro separate entrance available Int mediately Baytield St $130 monthly Rick Harker 7371414 or 726 4940 ONE BEDROOM apartment fridge and stove parking heat fully broadloomed Bayfield 51 Available immediately $215 per month Rick Harker 7371414 or 726 4940 FURNISHED BEDROOM waterfront apartment 25 miles from Barrie on Georgian Bay $159 monthly Telephone 322 1522 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent fridge and stove included close to downtown $190 monthly plus utilities Available immediately Telephone 487 2113 BEDROOM APARTMENT $130 mon thly plus utilities two bedroom apart merit and garage $180 monthly plus util ities In Angus Call 424 6035 anytime MIDLAND ONTARIO overlooking Lit tle Lake Park Two bedroom apart merits includes electric heat cahll and underground parking Apply to Super intendent 586 King St Apt 110 Midland or call 526 7953 OVERLOOKING THE BAY bachelor apartment for rent Furnished $185 per month including parking Telephone 726 0241 or 726 8420 ONE BEDROOM upper apartment heat stove and refrigerator supplied parking East end Close to bus Avail able October lst Telephone 776 6104 SUBLET To August 78 DCdUlifUl pent house apartment two bedroom new fridge and stove large living room $29510 includes parking and other ta cilities Telephone 726 9343 BEDROOM APARTMENT downtown Barrie Kitchen living room No chil dron no pets Prefer middle ngr lady or couple References rcqmrrrd Available October lst or sooner 728 0580 blfore BEDROOM APARTMENT miles north of Barrie $225 monthly Available October lst Also BED ROOM APARTMENTlhrerriiilesnorlh of Barrie With family room two ftre places garage $325 monthly Available October 1st Call Paul Arbour Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Ltd 728 406 FURNISHED BEDROOM apartment self contained on ground level Suitabli for working person abstainors prefer thrgu TWO BEDROOM basement apartment lst LIVIng room large kitchen bathroom store room Centrally located Telephone 778 I663 17 houses to rent FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished house centrally located on bus route Available immediatelyooodforlargia family Call 737 2699 or 726 255110 30 AVAILABLE OCTOBER Two bedroom bungalow large lot and garage cht street near hospital park and schools $290 plus heat and UIIllIlfS References 728 6089 FARM HOUSE two large bedrooms Six miles south of Barrio Hwy 27 Available October $780 monthly Utilitins extra Telephone 726 4301 FARMHOUSE FOR RENT 6milos west of Barrie For further information pleasr telephone 728 9547 any timi LEFROY Two bodroom home full basement garage Availatilr Oclohrr Isl $250 monthly Call Larry Di Wilde representing Lou Goedcmonl Real Estate 728 4067 BARRIE 10 miles west lwostorcy lhreo bedroom succo house with all convc nienccs good big barn references first and last months rent Telephnnn 416 635 0654 WASAGA BEACH Three bedroom sidesplit nlUdan fridge stove and sauna Available October $100 mnn thly plus hydro Telephone 429 5837 THREE BEDROOM bungalow fully broadloomcd full basement garage paved drive $325 pnr month no pets Please call 728 9745 TWO BEDROOM partly furnished Hwy 90 seven miles from Barrio Living room dining room kitchen basement Owner will rent with option to buy 525 monthly 726 0617 HOUSE IN ANGUS bedroom With op tional fourth in basement Fenced yard good location For particulars telephone 424 0158 LOVELY STOREY bedroom home double car garage family room with fireplace beautiful yard Allandalc Heights $500 monthly appliances includ ed Telephone 726 3825 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT $250 monthly Orillia arca references re quired available immediately Tole phone 737 3689 STROUD BEAUTIFUL bedroom broadloom drapes fireplace large lot Golf course $325 monthly Telophone 436 4565 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES Three monthly Virgo Realty Lid 7311211 TWO BEDROOM bungalow 9th Line In nisfil Township Fridge and stove includ ed Utilities extra $200 monthly Telephone 726 9698 after BEDROOM HOME for rent centrally located available immediately references required Telephone 728 0674 IBapts wanted to rent Quiet responsible single gentleman re Furnished Must be reasonable Tele phone 322 3059 19houses wanted to rent be spacious Apply to Box v42 The Ex aminer De area Around $225 monthly With heat in cluded References Telephone 728 8133 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 312151 for sale bedrooms family room garage $350 quires small neat bachelor apartment WANTING IO RENT three bedroom modern home in Barrie or Orillia Must 23offices stores for rent $250 as Is Call 424 9427 MODERN OFFICE space for lease i973 CHRYSLER wlthwsoteiVcer small or large suites immediate oc titicale Vinyl top new brakes new cupancy short or long term 726 3400 palnt power brakes power steering Angeloft Mileage 42000 Excellent condition TWO OFFICES iust over 500 Square feet 971094 Elï¬n 59 2798 each can be ioined together $150 man 1972 VOLKSWAGEN 411 STATION thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie quires some body work Mrs Petch 726 3338 7262806 ORILLAMAIN ST 1973 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE wiih 1974 engine Certified Asking $1900 Lease or sale unique Victorian building 79181311009 776 7696 alleréPm attractively renovated Ideal for retail 1973 DODGECHARGER special edi store or professional offices downstairs on Green with white vinyl top two aparmem U9515l3 7013 00 door hardtopvamotar power steering Square 391 Rem aPtrmlTalIY 00 power brakesand radio Certifiedunder monthly Telephone 726 1763 coated and Ming glaxed 45oogmies Ex cellent condition $2850 or est oter Telephone 728 7538 between pm pm 1971 PONTIAC WAGON power steering and brakes positraction in good runn ing condition As is Best offer Call 7261763aflcr6pm 1974 CORVETTE white air condltlon WBFEPOUW ing tan leather exterior AM FM rack Angelo Excellent condition First offer over VERY NICE industrial building on $6500 Tclephone 705 435 6765 Dunlop St West with large fenced in 1973 DODGE CHARGER special edi PYODCNY Phone 728 7044 or 416 tion Green with while vinyl top two 635 063 door hardtop motor power steering 800 SQUARE FOOT WORKSHOP for power brakes an radio Certified under lease Availableimmediately Rental in coated and Ming glazed 45000 miles cludes heat and lights Downtown 5a Excellent condition $2850 or best offer rie Telephone 728 0580 beforeSp over $2500 Telephone 728 7538 between 259939 1977 Chrysler Aspen two door custom WANTED IMMEDIATELY GARAGE sedan 26 options including on the floor or driveway 10 mm in me park and EC overdrive balance of warranty WIII cles St area Telephone 737 1235 Sell for low price of $4875 firm 728 3634 26accommodationSto Sha re 1971 FORD VAN $1000 certified 1971 Pinto $300 as is 1970 Duster 340 speed SHARED ACCOMMODATION New split entry bungalow fully furnished $1000 Certified 1969 Chrysler Newport $800 certified Telephone 726 5146 Call MldlU Vlllagt References preferred bewcenspm 99 $175 monthly Telephone 723 3555 Or FOUR OVERSIZED SHINY WHEELS 726 4938 With 71 Mustang on top Good condition FOR WORKING guys or gals Furnish ed room in large modan home All can Automatic radio and throaty Try $1400 Telephone 726 6761 venicnces Near Georgian College Telephone 137 1957 1971 FORD CUSTOM uncertified $250 SHARE large new furnished house 1969 Beaumont stationwagon uncer within walking distance of college With two males Reasonable rent For in formation call4361290 after 530 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14 ft18 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial Telephone space and 726 340 3175 All 726 1177 I974 CHEVELLE MALIBU 250 Six cylinder automatic $2600 Certified 20000 miles Telephone 436 3677 anytime 1931 FORD COUPE Model Excellenl condition Trade or cash $3900 or best offer All high performance options Telephone 726 4813 or 728 6807 1968 OLDSMOVILE 98 excellent con good running condition THIS WEEKS SPECIAL dition Has to be seen Call 7260191 anytime 1971 HORNET SST cylinder automatic new snows on rims 52000 miles will certify $925 Telephone 7286506 1972 BUICK LE SABRE two door Vinyl top power steering and brakes automatic radial tires new brakes rebuilt motor Will certify $2100 or best offer 7371605 after 1969 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYALE 88 Running Goad extras $500 1968 Volvo 142 for parts Need space Pair Cibie headlights 726 9207 1975 FORD LTD country Sguuro station wagon loaded plus air excellent condi tion low mileage Never driven in win ter no rust Asking $4200 Telephone 436 3875 1971 340 DUSTER black and white stripe ET mags bucket seats stan dard Good condition Best offer must sell 325 92190rilia anytime 1969 DATSUN STATION WAGON 510 73000 miles Good running condition AUTO SALES miles north of Barrie on Iftiiy 27 3221654 1972 DODGE CHARGER V8 power steering and brakes 57000 miles certified Lic NO FFH 082 $1450 1973 GREMLIN six Cylinder new paint new radial tires cer tified Lic No AMN 353 $1450 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA doot speakers 26000 miles radial tires six cylinder Private sale 726 7429 1972 GRAND TORINO sport Starsky and Hutch stripe automatic power steering and brakes $1800 or best offer Call 737 2755 1973 MERCURY COMET Six Cylinder automatic transmissnon radio radial tires excellent condition $1800 will or tity Telephone 487 5468 after or weekends I972 SKYLARK V8 automatic power steering power brakes 78000 miles certified $1500 Telephone 728 1560 1956 BUICK CENTURY convertible it automatic power windows new top and radiator will certlty Asking $1200 Telephone 737 0817 WHITE BUICK Le Sabre10000 miles on new motor 1911 Red Opel excellentcon dition 1961 Meteor standard Graftit car all cars certified Telephone 456 2621 1970 DODGE CORONET door 318 engine $450 certified or best offer Telephone 456 5900 after 6p In 1917 DODGE POLARA good condition can be certified $300 or best offer Tole phone 737 2178 I974 AUSTIN Marina automatic two door harvest gold Fully equipped 27000 miles One owner good condition will certify Phone 728 9828 evenings or noon hour I973 OLDSMOBILE TORONADO Every option imaginable Green with white vi nyl top white interior bargain at only $7150 Lic DZJ 131 Cullingford Motors 94 Tlffin 51737 3440 1974 FORD GRAN TORINO Four door Economlcal V8 Only 25000 miles lm maculate condltlon Lic HVF 672 $2245 Cullingford Motors 94 Tlffin St 737 3440 1969 OLDSMOBILE Iic LFH 307 AS Is $375 Cullingford Motors 94 Tlffin St 731 3440 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY showroom condition $3400 or best after 1973 Mer cury Marquis fully loaded $2800 Both certified Telephone 728 0908 1974 DODGE CORONET four door V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel covers $2788 Llc HTR 012 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrle 728 5558 1973 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN station wagon V8 automatic power Steering power brakes power tailgate AM radio whlte walls Luggage rack $2248 Llc JKV 915 Douglas Llncoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 728 5558 1972 METEOR RIDEAU 500 door hardtop V8 auto ps and pb radio whitewall wheel covers fender skirts vlnyl roof $1888 Llc FCY 209 Douglas Llncoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 728 5558 1973 MAVERICK four door sedan slx cylinder automatic powar steerlng white walls $1978 Llc FCV 698 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 728 5558 I974 COMET four door slx cylinder automatic AM radio white walls Llc LPU 561 $1998 Douglas Llncoln Mer cury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrle 7285558 19721 BUICK CENTURY LAUXUS one owner 56000 original miles new Mi chelln steel belted radial tires shock absorbers and brakes Certified $221 Telephone 726 2961 193 CAPRI 2600 speed In great shape custom palnled channel Craig tape deck and speakers many extras Best offer Cell 726 0185 after pm 429 $1550 1973 PONTIAC door PS PB PW V8 low mileage certified Lic NO E05 742 $1650 1973 HORNET dr cylinder power brakes power steering radio new paint 39900 miles certified Llc DUA 110 $1495 1972 HORNET cylinder auto new paint Certified Lic FCW 28151295 1973 DODGE MONACO 852 hardtop auto power brakes power steering V8 new paint Lic DW5168$1195 1974 FORD 34 ton pickup truck Lic No H42 442 4speed an the floor VB power brakes Michelin tires 44000 miles certified 52295 1973 GMC 34 ton heavy duty V8 power brakes brand new tires 52000 miles certified Lic No H45 594 $1895 1970 FORD ton V8 speed in good condition Lic No P78 373 3850 Phone 3221654 $17 1956 BUICK CENTURY convertible automatic power windows new top and radiator will certify Asking $1200 Telephone 7370817 73 PLYMOUTH SEBRING Two door hardtop 318 V8 automatic power steering powor brakes radio bucket seats Whitewall tires Mlnl con dition inside and out Lic No BAY 330 $1885 International Automobile 100 Tif fin 51 Barrie 726 9050 1965 CORVETTE stingray coupe 327 cublc inch certified $6950 Telephone 726 1001 or 726 9005 1971 CUTLASS door sedan for sale In good condition excellent runner best offer Telephone 726 5361 1976 DART SWINGER cylinder automatic radio rear defogger low mileage excellent condition priced to sell Telephone 436 4517 atler6 pm FOR SALE 37 Marc Park Lane PS PB PW6way seats tlllsteerlng can be certified $600 or best offer 424 9528 1973 METEOR V8 automatic power steering brakes 58000 miles radio new exhaust system good condition $1800 Phone 728 0851 I973 GRAN TORINO 40000 miles power steering brakes and windows air condltloning good shape Asking $2000 Make an offer Must sell Telephone 325 2383 days 689 62316fter pm 1971 PONTIAC WAGON power steering and brakes positractioii in good runn ing condition As Is Best offer Call 72617636fter6pm 1967 FORD METEORGoodEonoitton WAGON good mechanical condition re Telephone 1975 Volkswagen One owner car with on ly 33000 miles great second car for $2195 Call 70 Brougham $1200 spent on power air tires new car opp only 7370254 74 DELTA ROYALE 1974 Oldsmobile Delta Royele PS PB 332 ears for sole 32 cars for sole 1975 CORDOBA Immaculate velour In terior all extras Including air condition ing 17000 miles Like new Telephone 7261506 ESTATE SALE 1974 Pontiac Catalina door Power steering and brakes Rustprooted excellent condition Phone 4362665 or 4361762 1975 FORD ELITE 2door Automatic white and brown radio rear detogger Certltled like new 22000 miles $3500 or best offer Telephone 4363677 1976 BUICK CENTURY 19000 miles highway driven excellent condition undercoated steel grey with red and black Interior owner buying truck Ask Ing $4650 Telephone 7373713 1976 FORD MUSTANG $3200 19000 miles Mint condition AMFM eight track stereo rustproofed snow tires White with red lnterlor and red trim Telephone 3221582 reconditioning full certified Asking $1800 Private 7267773 OOTOIICOI S20 75 BEETLE Simcoe Detsun at small V8 new radial tires Finished In bronze with white vlnyl root Only 45000 73 miles Price to self at $2495 Call Simcoe Dofsun at 7370254 1971 FORD CUSTOM in excellent runn lng condltlon brakes good tlres radio 302 engine good for parts $150 Telephone 4362385 1975 La Mans Grand Am Two door coupe PS PB elr conditionlng tllt steerlng wheel Finished in silver wlth maroon vinyl roof Only 29000 miles Price to sell Datsun at 7370254 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens wood fences Improve your property 737 rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm 150 vm References available IQED MORE living space rec room extra PRnghéï¬R OSEBIEAALETIFY bedroom ploy room laundry office storage On Two door hardtop 318 V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio radial raised belted tires Super per formance Car in showroom condltlon Llc FER 813 $1885 International Automobile 100 Tlffin Street Barrie 7269050 1975 MONTEGO MX STATIONWAGON V8 automatic ps pb AM radio whitewalls wheel covers electric defroster Lic No JRZ 599 $2998 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 7285558 power steerlng and 75 GRAN AM at $4195 Call Simcoe listed are experts in their field finest iob possible ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers 32 ears for sale 32 cars for sale 1974 DODGE MONACO 4door sedan va automatic ps pb AM radio whltewells Llc No HFH 063 $1948 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 7285558 I971 COUGAR XR7 v8 automatic power steering and brakes radio radials good condition must sell $1200 certified Coll Ken at 7281675 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY III 4door V8 automatic ps pb air conditioning tinted glass defogger whitewalls AM radio Llc No HTD 337 $2498 Douglas Lincoln Mercury sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie 7285558 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 2door Eight cylinder automatic In top condi tion must sell Best offer Telephone 4873290 Wh 1975 MERCURY MARQUIS 4door hard top V8 automatic ps pb pw air condi tloning tinted glass electric defrost AMFM stereo whitewal ls wheelcovers Llc No JLX 026 $3888 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa rd Barrie 7285558 imrH NDER BIRD 70000 miles col lectors Item Phone 7266633 1976 BMW 2000 2door sedan 18800 miles FM radio $5195 1977 F150 cylinder automatic power steering 9500 miles $4695 1975 LTD electric defrost air conditioning power win dows 54000 miles $2995 Reposses sions Call Dave at 7266411 betWeen em5pm T971 FORD 351 engine good Ilresfnéoas some body work reasonable Telephone 4240517 after 6pm 1974 HORNET door sedan cylinder automatic radial tlres rear window defrost amtm stereo 39500 mlles $1950 certified Telephone 7264158 1972 GRAN TORINO door blue with black vinyl top 46000 miles $750 un certlfied $825 certltied Telephone 7371743 1976 DODGE CORONET low mileage VB power steering and brakes certltied Telephone 4589428 after pm 1976 CORVETTE ONE OWNER pampered excellently maintained 15000 miles power wln dows leather buckets headers amfm aluminum mags seven coats laquer tllt tggesgggic wheel $8250 Telephone LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditioned power equipped 84000 miles Newly painted Private sale $2000 Telephone 7287156 1974 CHEVY NOVA Supersport 350 Automatic bucket seats AMFM stereo tape radio rustproofed new safety checked $2400 or best offer Phone 7267040 anytime 1972VW VAN 3000 mileson new engine new clutch and snow tires Michelin Must sell Telephone 4364680 after pm 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2door VB automallc ps pb air conditionlng tinted glass AM radio whitewells wheelcovers Lic No LKV 530 $4488 Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd 81 Essa Rd Barrie7285558 and will assure you of the IIOMEIMPROVEMENTS PAINTING PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced free estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 175618874 BC your home with CHAIN LINK REYNOLDS ALUMINUM OSiding Storms OSoffitFascia °E°V°5°9h Galvanized and Vinyl seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREEngss$AiA 55 FREE ESTIMATES CALL CALL 7269769 lified $250 1965 ford ton uncertified Awnings Doors Windows Er3E BARRIE 7265609 GIBSON ALUMUNIM 7287829 TIFFIN FENCE CO 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices Do it yourself or we install For free estimates call if 7264131 Old Fashioned Pride Siding Soffit Trough 10 Discount Avalable GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS DRESSES FIT if mad by JOSE AQUINOI Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia 51 Phone 7266m0 DRESSMAK NC TAILORING and anon ALUMINUM e$idin Eov syrou lions Reasonable rates For appointment oSoffitg m797bi39°d79 °W5 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS quick FOCIO Doors and effluent reasonable rates Telephone Shutters Awnings Tupi Porch EnclosuresStonework EAVESTROIIGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING 9091119 WEB9 F9 SUPERIOR EAVESTROU AdditionsRoofing For free estimate HILLsï¬E DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpapering custom textured walls andcpilmgs Telephone 105 8355387 local PAULS PAINTING Interior exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaï¬fion guaranteed 737I295 space Also painting wallpapering Murray Boll 728B906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens aid patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioihts Work guaran IOOd4589346 NORTHERN CARPENTRYNDecks rec roOms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed workgt7262609ar 7269002 PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS WELL no IT RIGHT PARKING LOTS AND OUR PRICES WONT BITEIII CONCRETE WORK Additions Family Rooms ALL WORK GUARANTEED Our Specialty FREE ESTIMATES Your Satisfaction Our Only Concern FREE ESTIMATES JULIAN AND SONS 114111111 7370179 MANIERI PAVING Driveways Parking Lots 7374743 Tennis Courts INCOME tAx Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 55 up Dobson 424 5910 after iand weekends Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 INSULATIIIN INNISFIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MW FM7 WNORTIIERN ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price 728 8633 evenings PERSONNEL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL RESUME AT 1011 COST Cg Pull sulllflo Roofing and roofin repairs Free estmat Call us fOra confdent al 72669o MoginYerstraItIon 4241956 NewILoweall Today oppom men Loco Family Busness Aic BIOWing Get that OIIYIIOTTI iOb interview PETER GAMBLE El Free Emma 71 at ommerua mLHEZzH3IUyrgvgm Residential Industrial Installations and ser work Guaranleed nun ice 7264996 anyone 2609 7276790027 737 I727 Of 726 4536 pgmmu SERVICES lm 25 Mp Street East FRALICK ALUMINUM LAND erszs lndustria Commercia 55 me 19 50 FOSCIO Residemaa Forms BOTTING PROPERTY Services Rough Maw plungmc hardtop power brakes and $300 as Is or best offer Telephone syeerin Ouoma 7269247afler5pm Ic ow 1976 VALIANT New condition au mileage certified Llc No FLY tomatic four door radio with tour ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales grid service 18 Alliance Blvd 7288392 ad AUTO REPAIRS $31I3533m23eÂ¥li33 WE REPAIR British European and Japanese s5543ranaflon Auto Serv 17 Mary Sf no nous Backhoe Excav Trenching PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Malloib Ave Barriezor tlephong 72852821 AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms ACCURATE IOORIEEPING SERVICE Why struggle with bookkeeping Let us do the work for you Accts RecAccts PayPayroll Shutters Windows Doors Eavestrough Ughï¬ng deï¬gn Electrical consulting Call today 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 APPLIANCES EXCAVAHNE Horizontal Augering 7289833 BOOKIIEEPING TIRErLACEs Watson for ITOOVQSIIMOIOI 7281599 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Trial Balance etc For information call hip or peel 3253341 722 MWF $26 Installers All floor wall mosaic tiles RPEMRY and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed7371507 WW CARPENTER Specializing in rec rioorm No4 WWW terlor remodelling trim etc Pease ca LP°°ll9m mm WINET MAKER European trained Kil cheni vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2m WlndOWS Cleaned LEENCED CARRENTERSW Custom home cottages renovations repa guarant CARPENTERAWIII do rec rooms renovations 29942111111 89 lo 991 1261371 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates OOTOIOI carpentryAdditions garagR rbc rooms built In clouetl Drywall texture spraying Free estimates 7263853 START Revitalize your carpets wlth AI carpet steam gloaning 7266321 COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout elc Plese cal collect 416 932631 new °General lawn care Cleanup and fertilizing OGarages and basements cleaned ORefuse removed Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIE 4362387 lrs Satisfaction and Construction 72674617 4354995 CARPET CLEANING YOUR cleaning today Iprlng COMMERCIAL ART FREE design art 25 or 7263441 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors anable 7287267 1119 cleaning basements an gate es nllura strippingond refinishing 737 NOME IMPROVEMENTS ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage STONEWORK and IIIplum specially Vic RUSHS SPORT CENTRE miles north of Bar Installatlon and refinishing old and new cranked no X1 TlOIttSer 7260427 trash haulOd away Just give us your castoffs Telephone 487 WALL WASHING Palnlln imoli having labs lot clearing and brul Window caulk lng Garage and Iheds dismantled Reas HANDYMAN will to paltilin Tpooirhoho fur ing pruning lawn and garden maintenance landscaping sodding Free estimates NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer leaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotta REICIIEN 33 LANDSCAPING EXAMINER 219 KENNEDY AVE PAINSVIICK ONT WANT ADS Sodding lawn and garden PONE 7282414 maintenance Rota filling Evergreens Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and norms P°° Rm an FREE ESTIMATES gepairsbl Siélgntozd Slulity 333 easona e14168957533 collect PHONE 7265666 Tartar Roéiï¬Ã©iNJï¬JdMotd up we F29 Jimplttdwflceflggepm lAVlN CARE hop Go Are you losing heat Roofing is Insulation Install new roof Stop leads Install Shingles Coll Graham Roofing 7286628 FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiin Also rough mowing Vic Triemstra 72604 rIe west side of 27 Hwy Lawn and garden Snowmobile repairs 7268158 FALL FERTILIZING toll cleanups 14689 and shrub trimming Mowing and weed spraying MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rates 728 9545 PIANIST AVAILABLE TORWEDDINGS chcr TIONs DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after MWFSI9 6pm Wei AW MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Stimuli Painling GUITAR LESSONS Classical and POpDIOI Lemur2W Glam Studio 729m COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New And Repairs DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Plum Minniiun Tap Ballet Jazz Baton mm Anna Enrolling now for classes 227 4244709 commencing in September mmfl 1128231333 DANCING ENGLISH RIDING iNSTRUCTION Indoor and outdoor riding schools Five minutes from aorrtowviNbv HAUGH FARM 72641192 SNOW BLOWING SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need It blower or plow Sim son Tel 7364538 018355957 on 015 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two monthi trial instrument loaned for home ractice Canadian Ara demy of Music 121 anfleld 7281799 WSICIANSHIP is STRESSED Piaiofoéi training written Iublects Sylvia Kent 51519MJJ791fl572119361 TIN GUITAR Classical and folk Itrin bano oA and drums The Bandstand Bayfielg Mal 191919 PIANO LESSONS tau ht by experienced teacher All types 7371468 PIANO VOICE AND THEORY Beginners to Associate June Melenbachei LTCL ARCI music For details way radio Sales and Service MgsnRMllgaustr SHOP ON PREMISES GUITAR LESSONS Classical ula and 51292999919997768 Dulmde PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Private lessons available in ion rock or classical Reasonable talus Moved5Mucaster SI Telephone DRUM LESSONSStarterr Equipmeiil qu BI LakBSIlore work Guaranteed EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations ErlwcfluqqggwflBuns 7267310 haw mm ragtime 12 PAINTING FR EESTIMATES 1YLL 19 11112 =P6 WELL DRILLING datlans renovations odditlom 4362955 or 4364175 after pm 739r9091 BUY THE EXAMINER TO READ READ THE EXAMINER TO BUY CONSTRUCTION Home raising foun Phone VELLINGA PAINTING and decoralin Iii terlor exterlor Work guaranteed Esta ll$Il 30 years 7262225 72691 WAYNE FOLEY PFOIOSIIOIIOI pointers Ex terior and Interim Free IIIlleJS Work guaranteed 7267389 DON SIESINNG Professional painting Ifl terior exterior paper hanging cuiloni walk Satisfaction guaranteed Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes cottages Free estimate 10 years experience Angus 111520111 CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cfeanin iiients Stores Houses Factoriesolmrli ablertalef Telephone 728I914