the examiner Mooday Sept 12 1977 town country Area students win scholarships Three area students are among the Ontario winners ot Rene Descartes foundation scholarships loi 1977 than the University ot Wat erloo gtircg Leo is ot anadian Forces ttase llorden is the reci pient ot $2400 scholarship illit Ken tilten of liiiesiiig and Richard Swagerniaii ol liradtord were both awarded S200 scholarships The Descartes awards are presented to treshmen mathematics students at the university Information desk open To meet the growing demand tor information about coiiti nuing education courses the Itarrie campus ot Georgian College has extended its regular day time hours and is now operating an evening information desk unt ti in Monday to Thursday through th lit Interested persons are my ited to Visit the desk located lit the main entrance ot the college seivices theatre building or call 7281931 extension ttlt Woman killed by car ll RESERVE It year old Diillia woman is dead after being struck by car early Saturday Dead isDaisy Fawnol tflltolborneSt tlrillia No charges have been laid against the driver Iarile Siincoc St ot the reserve and no inquest is planiiul police said Nottawasaga Club is first Nottayiasaga ll Sheep club Demonstration leaiii cap tured last place at the tanadian National tZhihitioii in ttie +ll liiterrcotiiity Demonsti atioii tompetitioii Rick Metheial of Glen llurei captured the audience at ten lion itli his skilltul Sllllkt ot the shears aided by his tl taut Loua Metheral Cathy liliie of Diiiit rouii pro ded the coltittietitat on the demonstration and Jane letheial tilei lillltll showed her Skill and knowledge in rolling the iool and preparing it tor market Uther club members llltltttllllL lte leader eil lettiera were on hand to giyc lllttl sttppol The team as aaidcd the timeriioi liilill themes Sziii Ctttllil ot Stllodouaed by liirsiii ers last it South Simeoe as one ot tétftt cniiiiies represented ll the competition Special twoday program Each year the taiiadiai atzi Illtllflttl ssoi 111H sponsors special two day piooiaii tor stliteil senior ll Homemaking club members it ms tlil il man in The girls are linolyed ui lltttshlt and workshops ll nutrition and crafts as well as sperdiuu llltti at the Ililill tion The nine representatives chosen to represent south Mitt coe were Eleanor tlolt Brenda ulliam iiei lherul Kell Wendy Burliacliei and Angela Hughes strand Shirley Johnson and Sylvta llaryey ttxuksmtu laiili lltllitli and Barbara lllack Stay ncr est tilta About We girls ill tloiiieinakii tlub gzrls hon titilial Untario participated from ue Sears Max Factor Announcing Max Factors To Get Ready kit moisture balance program GtttwlthPurchase Vtï¬th the purchase of $650 or more at Max Factor products receive bonus consisting of Moisture Essence Night Cream 14 oz Moisture Essence Cleansing Lotion oz Moisture Essence Under Make Up Lotion 02 One bonus per customer Meet Miss beauty consultant for Max Factor at our counter Over 30 dealers attend Coin Show largest ever Like kid in candy shop Douglas Donr slio Is one of to year hosted by the about 73 members llltlillll Illotot Stayner collector picked best iunior itii lcaliiei lit Sluyiiii IHKII HIl Stall Stayiierhaittheth lllllltllttll tliite loronto tilittl lttiltll at the lliiruiiia lloweioll oriii lloucrott ot tttiasiitaii ltHltliill lli Harrie Saturday Ittllt orin lilttltill litlll lolltisoi ll liitoiito atoll HH Illlllllll IMitltt the lies sttiltit with club 51 tilltittl iiiciiilri Stan thite oi loioiito Noreen llimiloll ot Itaiiic also taking top humus tliite Sona it tlltltl iii tlllll placed llll iii the mi 1d toiii stamps and aiitiiiues had labile tttllilltllliill at the show which was held at HtttLlilHlllt Johnton the liaytield mall Dealers Noreen lloyycrott til attic and came lllllli at ios ttiilai io iiid Lorraine ckerol liariii orthcriil iiitul Vales Iftlllllilll will tl IIIIJ mum Oil it VIII Ill III llll it It MAX FACTOR MOIST IM hissant WImini ulinfl till MIIIiSTiM It Slslw IIIer IIutl Ii xiion SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St 7264451 Store hours MON TUES SAT 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FRI 930 am to 930 pm When is anadian dime not worth to cents When its in immaculate condition lttl years old and sitting on display at the tturonia Numismatic Association coin show Then the price ls$165 Over 30 dealers from Ontario and one from the United States had their nuinisniatic wares on display at the Hayfield Mall Saturday The show was the largest in the 17 years that the lluroiiia club has hosted such events The purpose is to get people intcicsted in coins as well as ltltl an opportunity to see purchase or sell coins antiques stamps medals and the like said ch Sharpe treasurer of thc lluronia club It has about 73 members The man with the $165 liinne was Les Allen parttinic dealer from Wiarton He brought about 800 pieces to the Barrie show one of 13 or so that he will attend this year You could wurk pretty well yearrround at this it you wanted to dont want to he noted as group of youthful coin buffs crowded around his stock Allen like most dealers travelled to Barrie not only to sell coins but also to buy You cant stock everything People come to you with want lists so you take look around other dealers tables attcmp ting to locate specific coins You have more chance of finding Open house at YMYWCA The Barrie YMYWCA will be holding an open house today through Saturday Try the is week where people are invited to attend clinics and classes to see what the has to offer Each day one of our fall programs will be highlighted says Dave Garner program director We will hold classes where people can participate We will charge each person 50 cents for the week says Garner This will hopefully encourage people to come to more than one of the activities we have to offer There will also be babysitting available Monday to Thursday momings from 915 to 1130 at 60 cents per child per day he said There will be conducted grup tours of the in the even Vf ings and Saturday afternoon from to pm This fall we will be trying out lot of our programs and will possibly have to make some changes in our Winter pro grams But am quite optimistic about the response from eyes hey of coins for sale at one of the tables during Saturdays Iltiroiiia timisinatic ssociation coin Iltl at the Hay field lall Illllllttllt dealtis set up shop in the centre aisles of the mall to buy trade and sell The illlltrltihttl llliioiiia ssiiciatioii IItll has thecommunityGamer said coin than someone who attends maybe one or two shows year Blaine lrcmblay IS collector since the age of knew precisely which pieces he wanted Im going mainly for quarters as he drifted from table to table Saturday The Base Borden resident spent just over $20 on no too many coins Still the price was right found couple of hl i9 i9 air ay bargains ne of his purchases was at the table of Mr and Mrs Frank Jones ot trillia For me its hobby Ive been collecting for to years said It was county fair day Satur businesses said Grace Orser day at Sunnidale Community associate director of the Hor Ccntrc When the Barrie Hor ticultural Society and convenor ticultural Society held its sixth of the fair Jones lhc coins he was offering were from his surplus stock annual event Proceeds from the fair go to Admission to the fair was the societys planting projects Friends neighbors people whove quit they supply the Whats the big news on the Canadian coin scenc Jones who tree and everything from arts and to the upkeep of the ar and crafts to uses clothing was boretum is president ot trillias Champlain oin Club as well as member ot the IitlltlODtISOd lluronia Association says the talk on sale There were 25 booths selling of recent meet lugs has been the upcoming introduction of new items like plants cheese baked EXPLORER ARRIVED taiiadiaii penny The new smaller cent is being scomed by vending machine goods and old books to name Dutch explorer Hendrik Hud tew son sailed his sloop Half Moon operators as rnaior headache and inconViencc but from the coin collectors standpoint it thl he milestone The items were donated by into New York harbor in Sep womcn in thc socicty and local tember 1609 BEFOREYOII COULD BECOME PROVINCIAL MILLIONAIRE ONLY IN OCIOBER DECEMBER FEBRUARY APRIL JULY OR SEPTEMBER $1Mitlio Grand Prize Grands Prix my The Provinia WINAMILLION MONTH MORE FUN PLAY THE DOUBLEHEADER Theres new Provincial ticket on sale every month So you can add the live chances left on your old ticket to the first chances on your Now the Provincial Lottery gives you more fun more action more chances to win $1 million tax free Look whats happened NOWA MONTHLY DRAW Now there are 12 Provincial draws year onc earh and every month And any one new one of those draws could make you millionaire Play the Provmca every mom etter chance for everyone CHANCES TO WIN MILLION FOR lllSTSS Lac $5 ticket good for two draws gives you six chances to win $1 million four lldllt es to win $100000 and thousands of other tax free prizes EACH TICKET GOOD IN TWO CONSECUTIVE DRAWS Thats rightThe ticket you buy today gives you three chances to win million in this months draw and three more in next months PM ammo LOlTERY comm flow NOWADRAWEVERYMONTH FIRST DRAW SEPTEMBER 30THTICKETS NOW ON SALE