Tfenness SANTA MONICA Calif AP Claire Ford an 18yearold from Memphis Tenn was crowned Miss Black America on Friday night during the first teleVision broadcast of the event Miss Ford fivefoot 10inch l35pound English major at Memphis State University who wants to be lawyer won over field of 30 other candidates from the United States and Puerto Rico Miss Ford sang Everything Must Change by Quincy Jones during the talent portion of the show She was crowned by the television guide ee girl outgoing queen Inanna Kil gore of Washington DC The show hosted by Broad way and television star Ben Ve reeii was broadcast live to the East Coast and delayed for showing in the West Miss Black Indiana Mary Bentley 20 of Indianapolis was named first runnerup in the contest and was also the talent winner among the 10 finalists The fivefooteight inch l25pound telecom munications major at Indiana University sang Lean on Me by Vance McCoy 31 Although CKVRTV Channel Barrie is listed the station is not yet back on the air MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 Betty White 1030 24 ll News Emergency Orie lP JrreMowe Firecreekl Luca I97 Victorians 24 Hours Wanons 25 Nouvelles Demllo I9 Mowe The Last Of 00 Polka Dot Door The Mommns It News 75 VNouvettes I9 NIQhIIYIUSlC 79 CITY Pulse News 77 Mary Hartman 630 25 Les Brigades Du 305 179 News 79 25 Arsene Lupin In Touch 830 1120 It Pariy Game Rhoda 977 News 19 Tell Me Story Educaymn Mike 1130 25 LActuel McManw Johnny Carson 645 ArMowe Babe Tennis The Nasty 900 ll Lynne Gordon Way Mowe tBilty Per 77 OppoSite Sexes trait OIAStret KldI 1140 Wild Wild World Of Tar Sands Avengers Animals Betty White 12200 Cross Wits College Football MoVie The Moun To Tell The Truth Pig and Whistle Yam Bobby thon It Eight Is Enough News ll Young Dan Boone Cope Movie Death Of 19 Parts Of The Sum 25 La Petne Guntrghter 27 Fernwood Niqot Mirac uleuse Ilr Merv Grittin 25 Daniel Boone 22 Provincial Lottery 22 rMovie First To 730 70 Movie Baltle OI The Fight Hollywood Squares Bulge 79 PTL Club Strikes Spares 1205 Misses 930 257 Les Nouvottes Aveii Variety Special 22 Maude tures De Vidocq Americotiilatwlt Soap 1230 Qt Elias 1000 Mary Hartman Headline Hunters Newsmagaline Mary Hartman It Fresques Rafferty 1240 22 Santorci And Son It Famin Crown Court 79 Movie iSudneoly 17 Ready Or Not I200 single 22 News Tomorrow 800 25 Le Son Des Francois Toma It Lime House On DAmerique 210 The Prarie 79 FBI Beretta TUESDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 830 ices Dayhcat 6500 in Am ut ll LI1v175lrlI lcfsir Paul Bernir and His World 75 Au Jarttin Dc Pierrot 79 Latin Amory on Spanin Stiriyy 1015 MD Aiii Friendty Oiatl pgw in 15 TODlno Iv Fr in The skin Out Ca His 900 1030 IS lelywwlt SQUJFS up Mr Dres49 625 HQtCiUty phrcysnum 1vyliyyirid Fwy mprvsmmr rig my Set ond FFIIVIIIIT 6330 00mm 25 Consult rpmcs Tom 79 city Pulse News 1JTMI ivlotial sGJ iioo Super lIIlII anew OEt trltlnt iUt tptisurc 55 wwvhrhk Sesam Stunt 706 930 Hapr Days EV 1lvrt my Kdrpu YWM Tami ll xiv IlttS oi Ive Is yiy Nation Harry World WW lnlltIIltn ALA cur Edmonr Form DU ternuri SET Sr xtm ytWt rv Am rmw Elm n3 Huqnly Sup 15 LL Trouvuitlcs 715 7v JIWSIV Wer Chimp Club 945 H30 730 Hrï¬srpj tnsirteOu ls Anybody now Hug 1000 Po 1y Glam 8300 Not For InITI Onlv qu vs your Cerf it Vrllqvlr it Fruiridly Giant ï¬vviiflplllli Jlixwrs yyll 610 and Pam uni Dov Door LypHJW MMOM rt in IS3 an Dtllrgt1itnvlt It liwc Wt it at at ginint yum DrIlry Jitlri 8375 It Uritin EVvll Li 0U par 0M Li Iiattlt VIIlUrw TUESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 In in vvriviri 400 Ill Fit TM thr rorw Movie lJut or Lemw titaw TaIIITnlfX Youi BJil fr Joyre Davidson Mona Hunt liorlb Booby lvt 11 Opposite Opposite Merv Grittiii plqtf Senu Sherlok Holmes Nmtiiortwut 15 NouytIle Star Trek 77 17 News 135 It Young and The 75 FM AL 54 15 Rflt1iUn Pays Restless WWW 2200 literature tinuuaq 1y Pay Card yans Hope 12230 Alvin Harmi And trio Art i2 90 Pyram It Pint Paiittily News 19 Man Burlttu Man Ariirriatilril MaEW Destroys Id Famin Icut 391 17 Movie IA Brand New 30 Litci Pct ll Box RVW 2125 Mlkt Douriln VlmV News lt Dlnati Mf 30 Ftet tril Company 0W 11 GUIlttlg Lane LIIIII Pytszal Ctmriir Ctlvlifllli Day tnr Ii Plrotiiic iyury about Int fog of Night My Itirie Son 1745 Ill JLt IoLwc 500 Moxie iDr Howlint Mamww Alt tIIIYTIrI LU New Fare New 10 CITY was 12 55 300 Sounds 77 Gilligans Ilitid New ANN war1 100 Emergency 7S LOdyssee Jiu GM All Hi the Famin Mariru Drnt utilpiv CU iy Suich La plIl Tm Or You 19 Jokers WIIJ Alt My Ctr lIYIYI Ftï¬ilntl Tmud VITTIIYIIIIIUIT Toni 530l WV lI animal Hospital New tato now 30 Odd Counti own PM 15 Celebrity Cool All In The Family ur Den Viulcttro It Mm harm 130 It Hot Hands Survu La ptSIf Di My ll Day 0t 0m ivcs In pryt no Hm 600 It country 1030 ii up ly tumour Barony Mllllr taros 0t swap uintord And Son Om Miami Plates Odd outilt lr Down To Fattll 14 Hours 800 1100 IIllilIile ll Rirtuird Pryor 14 ll Nlw 11 Polva Dot Door Home Latitudes lr DIDITIIIIII HI Mum li IIouvtllis Itoxmu 11 Mar Hartman 79 II Putne New Happy Days Winnm to yuanr 30 David ittiiiticrg day Gong snow Movn rm aci or 1105 Ncws the MllrIIlS Pt Alftil Va vii Mar ti For the Top MtVt Speedway 1120 In Touch 30 NIW 11 Party Gdltil Movrc Return OI 1130 Tell Me Story TII Iilik Panthch ll Oppontc Soux Llu tucl IV Education of Mike Jrititiiiy CAISUH 645 McMiinu Kinny Tennis The Nasty 11 Laverne And jIIIIlLy Moi Hartman Way 8345 ll LyririlI yttrflltll 700 is LII 19 city NIW World of tllVtle 4140 Litiiv Home On tm 900 Miivnriiv Prairie Crosswd To Tell III Truth Junior Warvylt It It Audubon Wildlitt Theatre 14 Parts OI The Sum Il Fertiwood quItI Ciriu piwdc Dc TlfItffHIlHl Movie Sex And the Married Woman Threes Company It Movur ipidchan ly Outreach Ontario Mixed Doubles 30 gt vcryoiic yir WIIIII Soap RIDTIJ Baseball 730 Lr ItIttvimoii Muppet iIIIIW OuI itriltcs Spanu and 10200 Misw itiilly Wultrrimi jar Rlyidy Jr Not All Star Anything News 001 Houkui 1200 Movu Sink 11n Bistimrykt Itnrittu Mtivit flip HiII WIIII HIIUUrI II Mlrv IIIIIII Movie tho NdIIII Iii Itit WHltll VPII ub 1705 15 iiicliiii 1740 Town Crown ourt 100 Iliiiinriow Tar Sands drama Kenneth Wclsh plays Ircniiir Iitcr Ixiugliend tlcftt and Ken Iiigiic is his idcalislic aide in the RC drama on the Athabaska Tar Sands The drama hastd on fact lclls how Syncrudc got its massiie Athahaska Tar Sands concession in this It will be shown tonight 11 Illtil in Newlook Ployboys ploy old tunes too WINNIIEG ltfi ltsccms only fitting that when Gary Lewis and the Ilaytioys were discovered in 1964 it was at Dis iieylaiid Despite the groups name its image and the music it pro duced until I967 were squcaky clean Its first big hit was This 121 mond Ring followed by Sure Gonna Miss Her Everyixidy Loves lown and Scaled With Kiss The songs were upbeat catchy and sometimes called sugarocoatcd bubble gum All the big hits came to an end alter lcwis was drafted in 1967 into the Iiiitcd Stalls ar my Ten years later in Winnipeg to perform with new lineup of Playboys Ltwts talked about what happened ll his life and career after his army stint STYLESIli1ll He said lllt first thing he dis cuvcrcd was that his brand of music had gone out of styli The group wciit on two year tour of Eiiriipciin army in stallatinlis which lAwis said lcft lilIti disillusioned and run fused In lItTl ltl scttlcd ili Tulsa Uli wlicrc llt bccuiiii hooked on drugs llc got rid of the habit by admitting llllllflll to hospital for thrcc weeks of treatment gut tired you know of crawling around on thc floor The next day pcuplc would lclt you the things you had doiic lttltlHl to wash my self clciin ltl lfï¬ï¬ Lewis sigiicd with new agciit illltl icciiiitcd llt lltiylioys Now ItItl lilllt plays drums ltuiidy Itliti is on keyboards l1tsl Dalton on bass and Adolph Zciigiiii is on guitar The son of coiiilsliiiil liiiy Lcwis Liwis says his iicw Il More than crowdpleaser tiiini will ltilllltt iiiiitcrial sim llill to his othir iicoldiiigs IIl1lltlIllII tcic kttplllL away from heavy costiiiiiiiig and tug ma tllllll lKtilllN it just doesnt still this blind guess its bc iniisi of lllt show liiisiiitss ttl yiioiiiiiciil wis iiisid in that itlt kccpmi iiiorc along lltlllttllitl lliics Ill lizis Ixiii tollriiig for tlic liist yiiir and it half playing niiiiiiihl stands at nightclubs iiidiollcgis llit shuw ciiiisists of HM old iiiitcriil soiiicclirrciit hitsaiid Ilw lltttll iiumlxrs says lAl dont want to introduce iii2 iiiiiIirlal lxwutlsc pcnplc who tItlIIt to MT lls expect lltt llltltl llillts and piisoiially lttl lllt dont want to lltitl lIlt ltt songs Iciliiit is ll tlicy dont iicogiiic thi songs VtAt lust thciii Zero Mostel savored Iife NEW YORK AP Mosth oncc obscrvcd lhe theatrc is like cath cdral rl nican shut lsynii goguci At 10 end of it thcrcs cupof tea Soleninity and mith were never far apart for Mostcl who died of heart failure Ihiirsday in Philadelphia aged IS The mammoth actor always seemed to be exploiting his talent as if niiining it rummage sale at liffanys Mostcl was iiiorc than tlitlltv ral crowdplciiscr and JUVHIII mcrryniakcr Behind tlic facade was scntiiiicnfal deeply dcdicatcd and canny savoicr of Iifc Mosth will bc rcnicinlxrcd for galaxy of pcrforinanlcs endowncd with the talent of what one critic callcd pair toniiinc gcnius who can say more wiith cuckcd eyebrow Zero than many actors with four pages ofscript Ilis gamut cxteiidcd from James Joyces Leopold lilooiii iii Ulysses ltl Nighttown to 1sciidoliis thc conniving Ito man slave of Funny Thing Happened on the Way to thc It mm from the itVitIllfliIItit of loncsctis ltliiiinccros to the scii tiinciital tribulations of lIIlltI on the Roof MonWomonYouths WELCOME Join anytime No Contracts ROYAL CANADIAN lEGION 410 St Vincent St Wed 730 prn Thim 930 Jone Downer Area Director WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority llic lattcr two portrayals ioii hilii ltioadw iiy loiiy awards III wind was to be his final triumph Mostcl rctliliiid IIItlt lIITIi in it production of liddlcr that grossed $3 Illllllltll on Ittcity tour and wound up Iiist May with It per Ioiiiiziiiccs on Broadway Epitome Artists Inc Showbus Attractions AUTUMN 1977 SEASON Sports Attractions The Toronto Argonauts Home Games Hamilton Sat Sept 10 Montreal Sun Sept 16 Winnipeg Sun Oct 16 Calgary Sat Nov All Games plnvvd of Exhibition Stodlutiil Theatre Attractions Much Ado About Nothing Richard III Some Time Next year Vanities Strotford Festival Strotford Festival The Millionairess Show Festival Royal Alexandra Theatre The Tellers CogeDiner Theatre Night at the Opera Series The OleeIe Centre Don Carlos Verdi The Magic Flute Mozart Daughter of the Regiment Donezetti MOSCOW cmcus Friday October Leave prn $25 Children must be accompanied by on adult 95 queen st barrie onturio 7266256 Paul Robeson AllAmerican Late singer subject of book NEW YORK Reuter The late Paul Robeson whose left wing sympathies virtually erased his name from public notice in the United States is the subject of recent biogra phy tracing his rise from pov erty to stardom and his fall from political grace The book by Dorothy Butler Gilliam is called Paul Rob eson AllAmerican Robeson largerthanlifc figure even during the anti Communist witchhunts that at tempted to gag Iiiiii after the Sdcond World War died in January of last year at the age of 77 In her preface Mrs Gilliam says sought to place Rob eson in the context of his times to see him as more AllAmeri LOS ANGELES AP from her starring role in Good Times by CBS because of ill health network spokesman said The popular TV comedy beginning its fifth year in Sep tembcr will continue without replacement for the actress We will deal with her absence in way we believe is both dramatic and realistic salt anti Irina Kalish The Evans family will now father John Amos who played Miss Rollcs husband on the show left the series last year when his option was not re newed Newman role Los ANGELES AP Pa executive in Paradise movie set behind the scenes of the gambling industry in Las Vega David VShaber is writing the screenplay centred on the paradoxical combination of Eastern financuil institutions aiid the men who still operate the Nevada casinos Best seller 105 ANGELES tAlt lh Colleen Mcfulluughs saga of made into motion picture by lhs topping the best sellers of rights was not disclosed Surprise LONDON tAPI table Friday near the rostr auction house established lll Blue Suede Shoes Buyers iii the main gallery cccding stood by silcntly as the young man finished his UIIiIttOIIlPHTIlttl rendition which he then explained was tribute to the Iatc EIVIs lrcslcy showbiz The book hit the bestseller lists only weeks after its publi cation in May lit and sold 365001 copies in oiin three moll rights brought record 9900000 The price of the movie young man in blue jeans jumped onto can in his adult life than he was as member of his college foot ball team Robeson was named to the AllAmerica football team while student at Rutgers University Later his prowess as foot ball player and singer helped pay his expenses at Columbia University Law School SQlIIIIIEl BY TEACHER Mrs Gilliam recounts how in his last year of high school Rob eson wrote an essay in which he interpreted with great op timism the clauses of the 14th amendment to the US con stitution ensuring all citizens equal protection under the law Of all the forces that have acted in strengthening the hon ster Rollc has been released executive producers Austin be without either mother or lll Newman will play casino IS best seller The Thorn Birds an Australian family will be Warner Bros the last two years Paperback iiiii at Sothcbys the fine arts I744 and sang two verses of stunned by the untoward pro Quebecer Leveillee likes to come back ltiltthlU itll laudi chcillccclillsQiicliechiscollii try fccls deeply about iiiiada and coiiiiiilliilcatcs his fceliiigs in music He has been it popular singing star composer and pianist touring Quebec for years llc has travelled fiequcntly to BMW 726996 France but always wants to come home again His melodies are simple usu ally Stl to driving insistent rhythms and his lyrics are mostly about love llis craggy face mop of black hair and bristly greyiiig beard give him fearsome II£II£IIICL longest Yard 700 prn Black Sunday 910 DOUBLE FEATURE DIOOK SUIIOOY IS 10 0110 MIMI IIIOI YOU IIIIISI 800 IIIIS YBOII Rona Barrett ABCTV PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS AN ALBERTSRUDDY PRODUCTION SIARRING BURT REYNOLDS THE LONGEST iAiiii our Osman DOUBLE FEATURE STEPTOE ISON 715 OIATIERLEY 055 STEPTOE AND SON the examiner Monday Sept 12 1977 ds of our union in protecting our civil rights from invasion in assuring the perpetuity of our institutions and making us truly nation the 14th amend ment is the greatest he wrote in 1919 Across the paper his teacher pencilledextravagant But Robeson the great inter preter of tragic roles like th 8110 and Emperor Jones showed similar often unwar ranted optimism throughout is life Mrs Gilliam shows in the unauthorized biography Robeson liked to think that his singing made audiences for get racial conflict and the fact that he was black tie would say Art is one form against which such barriers do not stand BARRED FROM IIUIEIb Yet at the end of American concerts he would be turned away from most reputable whiteowned restaurants or made to sit at special table set up in cellar well away from other patrons He could stay in few hotels At one time the darling of Londons high society because of his talent he was later said to have served as the model for crass and apish black man in Evelyn Waughs Decline and Fall Even the adherence to coin munism that was to cause his downfall he saw mainly as way of improving race relations in his beloved diverse America Black voters elected his Cum munist friend Ben Davis Jr to the New York City Council he said because they knew that the winning of the war against fascism is the first and funda mental requirement towards the realization of democratic America For him the Soviet Union the only country where he felt he had witnessed no racial dis crimination was tiic primary enemy of rascisni and should therefore be befriended by Americans As chairman of the Council of African Affairs from 1937 on wards Robeson rcgardcd his speechmaking against the con tinued colonization of Africa as an important service for the Americanpopulation educati ng it in the wuiiiing of Africa Mrs Gilliam said Africans were playing vi tal role in the strategy of the war and when peace came they would like India demand inde pendence Paul was sure In June 1953 Robeson dis banded the council Two years later Ghana her alded new era in African ai fairs by becoming colonial black Africas first independent swatc Hear JOEY SMALLWOOD give his views on Confederation on September 21 at 800 prn This is the first speech in threevport series titled Three Views of Confederation The other speakers are representative of the Government of Quebec on October 19 and Dr Hu Harries an outspoken economist from Edmonton on November 16 GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE 401 DUCKWORTH STREET BARRIE $750 for the series senior citizens and students $500 for the series Georgian College Tickets on sale at the College and Sam the Record Monin Barrie Tenth Anniversai IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE 41 DUNLOP ST CINEMA HELD OVER 3RD WEEK CALL 1283440 anytimi 705 In 915 Its the BIGGEST Its the BEST Its Bonn And BEYoNn ALBERT BROCCOLI presents as IAN FLEMINGS JAMES spun 0013 one spit WHO lOVED ME Entertainment starring BARBARA BACH and CURT JURGENS asSItomberg Produced by ALBERT BROCCDLI Directed by LEWIS GILBERT CINEMA HELD OVER 2ND WEEK snort 730 Midnight CHARLES JARROTT fILM sin MARIEFRANCE PISIER JOHN BECK SUSAN SARANDON RALVALLONE imam FRANK YABLAIIS ROXY THEATRE 46 Dunlop St 7284601 tittoovui 2ND lint snow TIME100 900 unlit gait iiiils THE BAD NEWS BEARS ARE ONE YEAR INTER AND ONE YEAR WILMR WILLIAM Wornn tiy PAUL BRKZKMAN Iliil Iiiu it liiii II at ll llt it liy BILL LANCASTER EMNIIII ltI Il LEONARD GOLDBERG ll mi null MICNAEL VRESSMAN Adult Entertainment