Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1977, p. 4

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mpm lt ngt iinu the examiner Monday Sept 12 1917 serving barrle and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio Agostini ADVERTISING NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 publisher CLASSIFIEDS 7266537 7282414 Living cost index harder to check tllttIllllttllltlll of another increase in the price of milk to help dairy larniers meet the upward trend in costs is further reflect ion of the government difficulties lll coping itli inflation lhettntario Milk Marketing Hoard described the latest increase as modest and within the Antilnflation board guidelines It is aimed to give farmers about three per cent increase or ID cents per hundredweight more for the milk they sell for table use In explaining the new boost Kenneth MCKiiinoii chairman to the Ontario Milk Marketing Board was quoted lteceiit ayailable inlormation indicates that piodoucers incomes are lagging They require an imlt mediate btit modest increase to help offset their cost in creases Since pril he said significant increases have oc curred III the cost ot electiricty and fuel both coin modifies tlsed extensively on dairy farms In addition equipment and repairs labor feed costs and property laws have been increasing The cents per hundredweight Mitt quartst will cause rise in the farm milk prices starting September to from $12 iii to Slilttli per hiiiidredweight in this part of Ontario and from 331 iii to Sliltitl in northern Ontario The new retail prices will probably vary according to costs since there an no milk board regulations tttllttllh ing that aspect bitt some increases are inevitable No mention was made with the announcement abotit the future change to metricatioii when quarts will be changed to litres or little over three ounces less amounting to ounces instead of to iid motorists who has shown concern about the new gasoline price rises can look forward with interest to the time when gas stations will be starting to sell fuel iii litres rather than gallons niioiiiiting to four quarts The federal met ric commission has this scheduled for January so it isnt too tar away It remains to be seen how these changeoy tls will affect retail prices but they will be costly and ll can only be ex pected these will be passed on to the coiistiiiiers With higher heating electricity gasoline and other costs faced by everyone trying to check the cost of lllllt1 indev is obviously going to become even more flllllttlll down memory lane III lf llS Hill IIRllI Ironi IIic IIlllllltl September 13 WE ilolin llltltlllttLil all Iw gitsszvet oustruame leader made at iiiioiona lltttli pitcling to twintestokeepititwit mad lle LIIJI Ieil lie rotw Jenai is pm It lt lt rc firH gt JJI Jubvb bummer uni limiterii he iv til JI 1lt tltuiii Latin rH Me int id 15 inhi Fug9 their womb iai on my Mp Lul picpgia host iusyuisxm ot we it tial Oh plulitfj rv Mli otbcl countries ia lr gout net Noulliel ate it liti iit 1c igoiitioveisial as ligt Ii ti ciiaiiw UH the use of kilometres rotiwi or most of Canada higiiwia In the first place theauiioiita liiiHll tot fered any convincing use loi an wait it now when the Lnited States is retaining the mileage system fanadas sovereignty wouldnt have been diminished if we had tried to hannonize our poliCies with those of the Atiicricas sincr we use each others high ways soextensively Second place the essential uniformity among the It provtiices hasnt been achieved Illrcc Nova Scolia Manitoba and of coiir se Quebec are holding back llnril thout provniccs that are converting have left it up to the indivultial car owner to make whtitivei itlititment is necessary When conversion took place in New Zealand for example the govciinncnt provided xixodometercoiivcisioii decals Willi each lfoiniie renewal In addition some men ic highway signs have been erecch cxpienmiig Illiililllttts in fractions of kiloiiielicl much an hall rather Illll ti1 discussed drainage problems at La tle Lake aiididates in the pro varietal election arranged for tie iotar were bitsj lll area rulings loiniei warden It irthur ll£tli NIII was opposed by llltltt ttwcn llaiie lawyer at ho was Liberal can 1le lieu ltowiieiNllllot It itieiir Elltttt also laced con Itflill Smith loriner wtias chosen to cw upd leherbv as oiiscr nemridrlaeii liast Siiiicoc loungii of lhorntoii was litt of the lurrow to tiiii spiroe at the inter pins mg match to beheld at iiiic taiii lli lnmslil PM 7le liner oi illtston was frazaLc If ioitiit committee knit the iiiatcli with the twatii sociiitioii rllilll that liciniei Ioir would addie the ifli i1lii it arletiin lflilllillllf lill lllwi main Inn iicai Vic in float depictini vc lopm won first phone it Angus which to lioala ll hand MAMiv tcaiii lohn lllll We pic llllllllp topia iihic than and uteir il iilliitiliil Shift to metric filled with goofs my do illitll point and the iiIuiilici of will liflitll who ll the liasisot the ii And in Iiitaiio the iitioiiicy ieiieials if Hiring advantage of the cliaiigc ovci to up lii ili icce lIi upccdiiig lilies illlllllllll rinucd lo tiallic court ulgt ugict line of $1 tot each of the lil imamtie ovei thi specd limit lhats 51 pi tiil highci llmli the old guideline of ti Ipci iiiilc loi pctd2 ol zo to Sift kilometres above the iiiHt llllill the auggotml guideline is $1 30 pct kiloiiictie oi an increase of 37 per cent wet the pievious suggested level of $1 75 llllt lilllfl the metric changeover as an op portunity to liltltitd prices whether of speeding or of groceries is the surest way to discredit the program and to stir tip latent public opposition to it And its the one mistake that the federal Metric tonnmssion has most consistently warned against But the Ontario Attorneytieneral isnt alone in ignoring those warnings and grab bing the chance to extract some more money lroin the public In the sugar industry for example the flVlr pound bag was changed to two kilograms the equivalent of pounds l2 per cent weight reduction Manufacturers and distributors didnt extend any l2 per cent price reduction to consumers however because there had been no significant change in the costs of packaging and handling That may seem like legitimate reason to vendor but its totally unacceptable to ttllhlllllll BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Randy McDonaldclty editor SALESMEN Shelia McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Bill Currancounly editor Lyall Johnson Werner Bergen sports editor Barb Boulton Bill McFarlane wire editor Dana Graham Hope DEMDSEY Meshl0 John Zarecky Marina Quattrocchi photographer RE POR TE John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Burke CLASSIFIED Lesley Young Freda Stunner Peggy Chapel ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager Ruth BlaIS supermsor Karen Atkinson BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gail Parland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butter manager Linda Hollies asst manager Stew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPtanto Elaine Porter Morg Scartt Publishod daily oxcopt Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrlor 90 conII YEARLY by currior $4680 BY MAIL Barrio $4690 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOR THROWOFF $39 your ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3850 your publishod in Tho Examinor NON SENSE lTB GREAT SWEEIENER IVE USED ll FOR YEARS WITHOUT Wimp n29 Totem 9m Parliament hill My SIII III lacllItIII tittawa IIIIIIitII lliotlisoii News Sci yice llavmi talked to group of cabinet ministers some ol whom may be involved iii foitlicoinnig cabinet shuffle and all ot whom have had rccciit chats with Prime Minister lrtideau was enthusiastically prepared today to provide some inside in formation on what might happen thought was Ill lin good position to ltillllllll oi canch some of the speculation that has been swirling around the Peace Iower loi lack of other newswoithy lttplts had something to say on the most current gossip that Iraile Minister lctii tlirelicti would become oui iicw ministci of finance was going to discuss the future of lack lloi llIl the foiiiiei lory who now waits III the wings ri minister without portfolio titto Lang would have figured in lll crystal ball along Willi lll touncil lresidcnt Allan Miicliachcii and Health Ministii Marc laoii dc And there would have been other names sprinkled thioiigh thr icinirkablc story based on lttllVlIutlltillEi with souiccs that would have been invariany desciibed as liiglilyplaced unusually well iiifoimed or even uniiiipeachalile Isually reliable Wouldhavelxeniiitiehtootardowntlieliuc INCU HUI ItI ll Ilut something ha ipenid on the way to the typewriter actual did come across an iiii usual source person who has been involved in conversations between the pritnc iniiitstet The world today By IIIIIN IIAIUIILON Foreign Affairs Analyst IIioniiion Newspapers Washington Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in nifty light gray suit sat quietly between Guyana deputy prime minister and Costa Iticas president at the ceremonial signing of the Panama anal treaties here yesterday But as usual the prime minister did his own thing wearing light suit where all the high representatives of the 27 hemispheric nations in attendance wore the traditional dark one of diplomats llut the anadiaii political leader who Iias been around longer than anyone at the long table in the baroque hall of the americas in the headquarters building of the rganimt ion of American States was at least holiest about his garb The military presidents of hile Argen tina Bolivia Honduras Paraguay and Panama the latter along with the United States one of two signatory nations iif the treaties all wore civilian suits learly these ANY TROUBLE AT ALL and cabinet ministers when possible changes were being discussed And he offered me this caution Vlien it comes to speculating on cabinet shifts the sources who would appear to be the most reliable are actually the worst Sometimes you would be better of talking with the cleaning staffon Parliament Ilill And he went on to describe Irudeaii technique which hadnt heard about llltllt When he is thinking about sliiifl lc he will often invite two or three ministers to drop in each day and have very informal chat about their ltlllllt lle obvioust wants some reas surance of their continued enthusiasm tor politics and to see whether they are ltlpp where they are or where they would like to go Its not case of him saying intend to make you my nnnister ot tmance or it If okay with you we will leave you where you are for siv months What he does is sort of think out loud saying things like with your Lilllillldl background you would probably pretei Justice lo the jttll yiililtavc lhat minister leans the prime ministers oltice convinced he will be the new minister of Justice He will slip the good news to an aide on confidential basis iiid the ciitliti siastic aide will slip II to Mtllldl or trusted friend in the media and the rumor is rampant IIIIIINIIII IIsllllt liiicnlioned that lloriier had made it amply clear while announcing his conyersioii to lib erahsm that he was given to understand he were military dictators on their best behavior Indeed most of the key hemispheric nations invited by President arter to watch the cere monial signing are run by tough and often brutal generals Ideological differences between the at tending Latin leaders were pushed aside here for the hour required to carry out the basic ceremonies very brief by Latin American standards while the US anti Panama signed the two treaties Yes there are two Panama tanal lreatites not one The first determines the future joiiit management of the canal until the year 2000 and the second with Panama in full possession after that late calls for guarantee of canal neutrality by the Ianamanians There was more than bit of ideology lltWVl in the short but contentious speech by Gen mar Iorrijos Hercra Panamas military chief of government He reminded everyone including some member of congress who were also President arters guests what every American school Vi vssqososismswwmoflww wit ya wswuwwuwmsms Trudeaus cabinet choices are difficult to predict would be getting all important cabinet post Perhaps so said my cautionary contact but Ill bet you any money that Irudeau never told lloriier flatly that he ml become nnnister of transport minister of trade or minister of finance He Just doesnt operate that way Perhaps on the eve of an an nouncement he will make it firm but cer tainly not weeks or months in advance This person also told me that when the prime minister talked Allan IacIIachen into giving up the prestigious external affairs por tfolio to return in his old Job As President of the Im council and government House leader that the minister had every reason to evpist additional diit ies Ile said good per lttll ot the negotiations inyolved the litsstlllll oi ltililtlltll also becoming head tl thc iiiiidiin International Ikwelopnietit toiimration tub he would deal love ltnt ll wastit tnm commitment and it didnt happen ly cautionary contact has been around 0t iawa in irioiis capacities for long time iiid he said thn ltudeaiis tishniqtie he cant decide whether it is deliberate or other wise is not in original invention It was practical to science by prime minister lcatsoii who ditfered only in that he would discuss the future of one minister with second minister nd that doubled the poten tial for leaks Ill take his word for it because Ill never forget thoseday ledidiit have preshuffle leaks New Panama Canal treaty asks guaranteed neutrality child has known since ltllS The canal was giant technological feat he admitted built by nation showing historical tenacity but that event said Gen Iorrijos who has never let go the brass ring of shouting for the canal as Panamanian became colonial conquest of our count ry through the distort ion of history Whats iiiiporiant and perhaps critical for aitcr other than reaching the point of signing such documents after lit years of ran coroiis negotiations with anama is that he did it so clearly out in the open Ity iiiovmg this fast with the Latin Americans which was peihaps wise ginn the indifference to their opinions by the previous lttltl and Niwn idiiiitiistittinns art er may have healed some old wnnn ds with the Latin inericiu republics Iliit his relations with congress lnch IllIll approve the two treaties iiid the chances of securing its early approval might be diminished by pushing so ILIIII with the Latins and not doing enough pic ions home work with his mngressional opponents Tho Examlnor mombor of Tho Canadian Prou CP and Audit Buroau oI Circulation ABC Only tho Canadian Pron may republish now ttorlos In this nowspopor crodltod to CF Tho Anoclatod Prou Routor or Agonco FrancoProne and local howl IIOIIOI Tho Barrio Examinor claimu copyright on all original now and odvorllting matorlol crootod by it omployoos and publlnhod in this novupopot Copyright roglstrotion numbor masts roglttor bl National odvortiilng outcos 65 Ouoon St Toronto 8644710 640 Cothcart St Montrool Tho advortiuor agroo that tho publllhor shall not bo lioblo for damagos arising out of or rou in odvortllomont boyond tho amount paid for tho spoco actually occupiod by that por tion of tho advorilnmont in which tho orror occurrod whothor ulth orror duo to tho nogligonco of its Iorvunto or othorwlao and Ihoro shall bo no llabllity Ior noninsortlon of any odvortisomont boyond tho amount pold Ior ouch odvortilomont Queen park Less demand for labor Queens Park By DON OIIEARN Thomson News Service TorontoWith Labor Day and the resignation of Finance Minister Donald Mac donald unemployment has been getting lot of attention recently 0n Labor Day of course there were the to beexpected cries from trade unions leaders for government to overcome the crisis And Mr Macdonalds withdrawal brought accusationsthat he had been disaster and that the government must now take ac tion to meet unemployment N0 CHANGE Notably missing in all the hullabaloo however have been two key points One any really practical suggestion as to how unemployment can possibly be over come Two any consideration as to whether unemployment is really deeper matter than in the past and whether it is possible ever again to see employment as we have known it in the past Our approaches to criticism are the same as we have had for decades going back to the 1930s Government must do something But these appraisals dont take into con sideration the fact that employment con ditions in the world have changed drastically LABOR MARKET The fact is that With automation and the enlargement of the work force mainly through the advent of more women there IS very real question as to whether there are enough jobs to go around or ever will be At least on the basis of fiveday 40hour week Automation of course has cut deeply into the amount of manual work that is required Our own business newspaper publishing is prime example And the work force has swollen tremen dously It IS true that there can be expansion of the work field But this is mainly possible in the seryice sectoerrom hotels to telephones SERVICE SECTOR And it is an economic fact of life that there cant be an overbalance of service production or an economy is in trouble There must be production of real goods real wealth to com pensate for it There may be error in this assessment but if there is personally would like to be shown where it is And we wont get this from the politicians They duck N0 politiCian is going to admit that high unemployment is an inescapable fact of life its worldwide unless we change our social mode and adopt new approach such as possibly the fourday week Personally believe that probably the most constructive thing government could do at the moment would be to set up trust worthy inquiry in which the people would have confidence to review the employment problem in depth and from longterm ap proach Canadas story By BOB BOWMAN Pierre Radisson is one of the most famous figures in Canadian history but his brother Iaw Medard Chouart is relatively un nown Yet it was Chouart the added the name timseilherst who played the leading role at least until the formation of the Hud sons Bay Company in l670 He began exploring as far west as Lake Michigan in 1654 when his partner was probably Jean Pere It wasnt until 1859 that Radisson joined him and they got as far as south of Lake Superior Then they tried to find water route to Hudson Bay but were fined by Governor dArgenson for having done their exploring without licence This action led to their joining forces with English merchants to the south and eventually to their meeting with King Charles II and Prince Rupert in England They sold the royal couple on the idea of establishing company to obtain furs in the Hudson Bay area and had wonderful time in England until their hips were ready The King gave them weekly allowance of to shillings and they were wined and dined by members of the court When the first expeditions sailed in 1668 Radisson was in the ZagIet and Chouart in the Nonsuch Eaglet was damaged in storm and had to return to England but Chouart managed to get to Hudson Bay and istiiblish ed base at James Bay on Sept He called it Fort Charles and named the river there Rupert Chouart returned to England in Huber 1669 with such valuable cargo of fins that the Hudsons Bay oinpany was termed the following year This was momentous step in the ikvelopinent of iinada Perhaps it was just as well that tliouart adopted the name timsetlliers lt enabled people in England to call the couple Radishes and lttlStlXllVu bible thought nd It shall come in pass afterward that will pour out my splrlt upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy win old mm shall dream dreams your iIIIII men shall see islnns nd also upon the very ants and upon the handmnids in those days will pour out nu spirit lnel 22829 We can see the idence of that day in our ltllll and though many cannot understand it nonont us can deny it Holy Spirit breatheon us and ttl us to evmige 110 the world in our time In tnsns name Amen LgtA

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