Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1977, p. 2

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219 examiner Monday sept 12 1977 Gas guzzler ban considered in US WASIHNUIUN iatt The US Senate is ready to take on ineflicient fuelhungry automobiles as it considers legislation that would prohibit automakers from building any more gas gtizlers ban on cars that get less than to miles per gallon begin mug in 1080 and increasing to El miles per gallon by 1085 is part of an energy conservation bill scheduled tor Senate ac tion today The bill also would establish new energyctfieieney stan dards in the lnited States for buildings and home ap pliances and make it easier to borrow money to insulate homes or tit them with solainenergy equipment Guerrillas wsrt Amin NAIRUBI tlteuterl Presi dent Idi Amm is still being treated in an island tield hospi tal by Soviet and Ugandan doe tors tganda radio reported to day The radio said the first out siders to see the president since he had an operation last week were group ot lalestiman guerrillas lt quoted military spokes man as saying the Palestinians isited iniii oii an island in Lake Victoria where he is still undergoing treatment The spokesman did not gie any detailsot nims condition liut on Sunday his British born aide lioh stles said the presr dent was quite tit and would be up and about itliiii week Last week Amin was re ported to lltt gone into coma after Soyiet surgeon per toruied minor operation on hisneck llll lltil iti tonia Charged after five years Mr We llrI It tint tl man whose identity police haye not released has been charged with second degree murder in the death ot ltiryearrold girl tie years ago po licesadsatirda The man was to appear iii proyaitiat court today the mans ider is not being riealed because he was giuye iiiletneyeaisago pottersaid lhr boil ol lsiiiay niiete Richardson was found in lehiuavy ltf lltlltttllL itt iuiestiuation ot house fire poiiiesant No foul play was enterted at thetiine lolce man was remanded in lttlllllts south ttft Ylie arrested and cusle at tlt sound atiout it kilometres ot ttllllllllfls PMs talk about future lltlilttltt South trica lteuter Rhodesian lrime liiiister lat iiitth opened talks today llll South trican lrime liiistei loliii orster to discuss latest deietopments in he attemp to workout peaceful transition to black niaioriy lillt in lthodesia it was the sotrind meeting in giiis or er two weeks between Smith and orsei1 who is in position to imluence the Rhodesian goyeriinieiit as South trica controls the trade links ot its laiidloekeil neighlioi tiltsilti epeetel iiiitl to outline to orster iiieaiis oi seekaig an agreement lll moderate lilaeks in the rent gade ii tisli coloir to toiin broad based multiracial got loitniahsts gather around monitor il Sherbiooke Que television stalioii Sunday to hear broadcaster Normand laltais read the latest message to the ahdlltlnls of harles larioii The credit union where Marioiis worked betoie he was kidnapped iii1ti raised the ransom ol fer from $233000 to $250000 tor laiions sate release ttl Ihotot $250000 offered to get victim back stllilttititttttxtfi Que The kidnappers of credit iiiiiotiemployeethailes larioii were ottereil an increased ran stilt til $itttlttt lttl l1l release ill the latest broadcast to them tttl lttt il teleisioiistitioiiNinllax Boy dead playing rate from movie tiilt ltt titiio tl ttlll liiiy lii lit in yi ieeitartiiigl pait oi the tlitili llll llairj siiuaied ott against his ll tii olil liliillitl Sunday and killed him with taltltlt tlttllllLtl said ltelpiiie llionip on is hargiwt with iieiliueii iioiii lltlt in the death of tii lltillltt Tli tIis titilltt saltl llii slttiii mg Htttlll Ht tll ttie txtliooo oi their lltIlllltitltti toiiiintius hoiie HIMlllltll tltl llit liiil that ttt llttltl titillt Spokesinen tor taisse lopii laire dc Slieiliroiike lel sanl iti thi iiiessaiie the inereased the ransom ollei as token ol ilootl faith it was the third ollei ol ranom money the tlttlll union hasinadetothekidnappers ilittt liiiriti was ulttllltlttl int tioiii his cottage Ill tvvkr li iiiiles iioitheast oI her the kidiiappei asked lttl Itioii Itlttttt ltei lttll wetIv tle eitsht tlliltlll olleieil jnii IIIIII tttl ltist week Itt itrustllllitiitliittisttiitIi lllt ine iit read by Not 2itiltl ltltl ti lotil will piisiiiiltt who has igttttl 1ti ii ir iti ltl eiiiietli tl ii the ittait stir tzeituti not tipp itt the waj littltlllitllttllH were going and asked the abductor to detail piaii toi the raiisoiii drop oil and larioiis release laltais who has been go between tll other kltlllattttlllt iiid hostage taking iiieideiits said stttttltl intermediary has been chosen at the kidnapper request but his ideiititj has not lieiittltsiloserl the person you tthe alidur toi hae chosen to ai eoinpaiiy li laltais has been ieeipted is per youi iii dunnosage aid te ire liapp that out nego stiiii lions tiation haze reached high letel appears to tr that an lllillitltlil etlenien is pos slltlt ADULT EVENING CLASSES liti lEltt SlMCUE ltlUNlY BOARD Ul JCAlltJN REGISTRATION Tuesday September 20 and Thursday Septririhei 227 30 00 in Grove Street COURSE lENGTH lit the colntririuiii it Eastwow SetMidtin School n12l rttlffiGfttvtUitdrdllitttt Burro Ontario Macdonald warns us Get ready for tough solutions ltlititNA ttli ltlltitlltf Minister lionald Macdonald said Saturday tanarhaiis Will bare to accept tough solution to meet economic problems currently lacing the country Macdonald also said following his speech to Liberal tnndiaisiindinner here he expects Prime Minister No more politics for me Macdonald tells CTV tlliW ttli lllllltt MIIIIHltt ltoniild Maedonald says he liir no rpialni alioiit tltltlllllt the key eeoiioinie post in the lrudeau caliinet at titneot luili iiiitiiitiliif ineiil and ttilllllitlllt inflation in at the lottnnl end ol lll political eaieer Macdonald tilltl on thet TV program ues lion leiiod taped Ioi broadcast Sunday He uled out the possibility of any political iob in the future lint said he might be able to play role outside Parliament in promoting national unity and ioiivuieing nebeeers they should not support the separar tist aims ol the larti iieberois government Macdonald said he was not interested in being prime minister lrudeau to name his successor within 10 days Last week Mac donald announced his intention to retire from the cabinet About 800 Saskatchewan Lib erals raised 331152400 by attend ing thediiiner Macdonald 20minute speech and brief news confer ence following it said Tana diaiis cannot expect as rapid pace of growth as they have slen in the last 20 years The country faces an end to low cost energy and deprecia tioii of easy to extract natural resources and stiff compel it ion Macdonald said While the annual rate of growth will decrease and indi virtual expectations with it there will be no reduction in the current standard of living for Canadians he said Instead there will be more modest rate of improvement in that standard Macdonald in talking to re porters warned that Canadians cannot expect their govern ments to spend their way out of economic difficulty Instead governments must show re straint and reduce the per ccntage they take of the gross national product Macdonald said the in flationary psychology in Canada has not been broken and fanadian economic leaders must make public com mitincnt to restraint He told Liberal followers Ca nadians must adjust to higher energy prices and lower value for the fanarlian dollar He said dollar depreciation must not be met with demands for higher wages tllttl ltiit lltiiij on teleiioii eitinieii mumHi nihi NIM pmuilmtp All County Will he held it Eustvirw Serrmrlriiy Srhtgiril unless Your Intro uctorV 0PV at lu 2000 ChOlerO ltiteitiiiltilril the stiltlvt sll ClasseshgiiiSptriiiburQianttyq ll sris iiititer Neat outbreaks ot tlltiltta iori 31 55 it it reported Sunday in Syria and other partsot the Middle has laiytnp 311 ltt Indicated toei are for 1976 l977 flu t977 1978 Fees srhedolo in syiia wheie the death toll tiom the illstast had 11 Hs in not at tot Wm pqmwhw 5pigume oi ti ii ll tt teat lit tl v1 li Stitttttla id tit as ttl tlililt ta talilt to Poyrililr at registration by rash reitdied lioque light liiiiiuiiigtiietotal iiumlierot eonfiriiiedeasestomore 1llllilll lll ll 20 weeks 20 weeks l2 weeks weeks to weeks hours per week SISOO l900 900 000 800 bedroon lliey weie plajiii1 iroln it like kids do the tenvine sttll still til stttlatttl till against eiltli other like the one hall hours per week hours per wetk Chinatown war goes on SAN FlitiNVlStt Al hours per week Two young intn gissorltiletl hours pir week high quality monthly magazine that will help in with hmese youth tléitlL were ainhustitd earl isunday ap in one tetiltoitti too It he 5Wl out in Wltt 00 partntlj in retaliation for massaere in hinatown titret tilti the ttttth ital AUl WWW Sltittwel ISOO crease the vaue Of Your home Wlth dOItyourself restaurant week earlier pttlltt said hie was killed and emotion ta high iothaia iiimistin ltfs poi week 00 tlieother seriously wounded Maynard tazd tint otdei rrtittttCIltlttts 638oui FRH plirianupplprind repalrs Pttlttt htct thailes iain announced formation of lttttilttt tthtlltii lit tl NOTE special torte to track down the kllltls in both hootings and the nae ta tlu fuel to save 5min out an require Uppltl ler OP use ml iqutpiiiiiit trj to wipe out youth gangsterisin in the rat st hmese ioin will fW iiaiiiity lli ttlitltl tor ll hioliei QF £11 UV Hi It Ullt 11 Yesl Get your free copy of the 84 page volume No1 regular issue simp ty by returning the coupon no further obligation of any kind This is our way to introduce you to the first and only Canadian magazine for the lrritlmrs Will be HI tiriiirl lmtli iogtstiritnai lvlllttqi tl Years of chaos ahead ljlilt tNlt tN tlt Keith Spirer toriner commissioner ot oftirial languages said Saturday that anadti is in tor iiart aid The titlt ltti lltl ltt lr eliet near the llill laytiarvl iiir Uni riiitrtitrdlliitiruin1 ACADEMIC COURSES three Ktttl of chaos because Prime Minister lrudeaii and said it ii iii rutrumor homeowner and handymanl Quebec lieinier lsll have adopted llétttlllllf stances lhi ltllllt merit lllttttill it oi oiitederation which will result in retereiida and Iilltl hnn hit thenon ind littillittl tow ttvt ti ii tei ieteieiida Minh contradict eaehother litkii1lti unit it rim Month ttt link tow iiiuteri iv 2mm tin iii ltn Grotettiq Itiwk r1viwotto Iv it it ri Wink titti ii irv tiitro tiV tiye saltl canadion WORKSHOP is monthly magazine thats chock full of the facts tips and plans needed by any homeownerhandyman With articles by experts in their field all with useful photographs and illustrations many in full color Youll find it to be one of the best quality magazines ever published in Canada And because youll want to keep each issue for future reference it is designed to be yearly bound in sturdy and clever binder with its free in dex ott mph3 Announcer dead at 36 lttltttNltt tl tiweii tiodden it iegular announcer tor the tlit radio news pro gram Night Nationals died in hospital Sunday of stroke tioddenstartedtithtlttasa ftlttilt iai iii Newfoundland lli tuiiim loioiito about years aLo and ioiiird the an ttttltlltlllt tatl year later He is sin ltl li his iiiand tour siiiis ittf COMMERCIAL COURSES In ltt It Ju wk wk TECHNICM COURSES tr ti oa iut week We ttt iiiiu Lu in is rt titnit irwrti vtn eil tie ti it to ii Southoi tti vi rittn in io in Bow itoiitm no1 Ili Ith ltt wk ofli ttwl ltt nk it iii Todays costs of stiilled labor when available and materials are so high that it is impe ative to do thin ourselves around the house Thats exactly what canadian WORKS is all about It is furthermore an entertaining publication edited by handyman for handyman Youll have great pleasure just reading it GENERAL INTEREST int iii tic of t4 tom not tllttit 1o fli io to omits too In he lefli 10 km flink Iiwtw 0st tlwku an rom Tlltl tl mo kin it it vi Hwy Ailniirwt in mi not iot trout mi it tlil nanMia And to introduce you to canadian WORKSHOP were offering you the first regular issue with our compliments at no cost or obligation to you Read it analyse it use it If you like what you see then sub scribe to it or simply buy other issues at your newsstand every month We honestly believe youll like it towto tit intos litliltl lttlltlthlfltlh low to Titlilli4l ltii woolwot tm till grownupsiv l4tl ttoii do TirllHJt toot iont 1a in Hen tlttlllttltt Hunt Adwit Iil Vttlvt tiri Owlu lti wk ltt witi tJ wk ionsit ii iiiio liiIiliiy ii niowiiY In to Masot ionti Fireplace construction Cleaning your furnace before winter Laminated pine furniture Insulation 1st of parts Pleioglass room divider Weekend WorkShop Closmg your cottage this fall Shop 3015 Shop tricks Hand loom Mobile planter From the workbench Home canning and more all of interest to you IIIIIIIIIII Talking shop our smtsiiwoiiuui inqtoitoii ooii oi ioooot Handyman Of the month wormo tooo ii ltltltlliritt toooomtoa Mow to it ttlttllttilt tt itltttl tlir My lliuialiiy Morn Bow Mlltlittt IttlilIi rtortiittoqiloiomwhom litiw rotoi If you want bargain rent one of our smaller size cars Theyre real deal Tilden also has large cars By the day weekend week or month at very eroriorriical rates looalin iona tunmo nunoi riot homo ii Mm toot Hmiflr Eiiitnt it omtiioiuouni Jinltiiir moioy Sat Sept 10 I977 nitoi oi nunat tiiisiluy tmkittq it intuit tllutwfriy 212525$13512312 Ibzoluteltydnlokstrtnqs ttuhod mp sight ioiim as to to you up on your er Cllltl lttwku moan or use copy of canadian WORKSHOP canadan WORKSHOP M9° LNWWIM Wl wlr Vol No understand am under no 2465 Janms sue We Obligmion Montreal Que H3J 1H8 124 pm 134 Wt Plttr tttwtv tumltty 31 MY NAME 37 7137533l517i STrOUd RechUTon ADDRESS APT 34 Bayhed St p9 pman CITY PROV POSTAL cooe Ramsay Difecjor of Educoion obel Dopiiiuliiig on ilnstiiiatioii it may tako up to weeks dnlivoiy MS Feammg Chevrolw margarita INFORMATION cm mum on DROP IN REGISTRATION and other lino curs

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