monday Is for SPORTS Series turn into fights The final two series in the Barrie and District Ladies Softball League are turning out to be fights Both the and Division series are tied at two gatnes each heading into tonights action West Bend and lvy split doubleheader Sunday in the Division West Bend took the first game 53 but lvy came back in the nightcap to win Ht Queens Hotel and Barrie Glass and Mir ror also split doubleheader Sunday in the Division Queens took the opener 2116 and Barrie Glass and Mirror came back in the second game to win 1843 Both series resume tonight at shear park Queens and Barrie Glass and Mirror play at pint while ivy and West Bend play at 830 pm 775 in with Penetang itlllltlE iStalfi Coach Al McLean has announced the newly organized lto 77s junior hockey team has been grouped with lenetang Parry Sound Huntsville and Bracebridge for DNA Competition We expect to be getting schedule soon and practices will be starting right after ward be said Doug Wilson is manager of the new entry The club will hold benefit dance to raise funds at the 0m township arena here on Saturday Swim club holding trials The Barrie Neptunes Swim tlub is holding sw im ti ials every night this week at the Barrie YM YWtA starting at in Any boy or girl interested in competitive sw running is invited to attend the trials For lurthcr information contact Janet laddisoii at 726 087 dea Sock in his milk lt iltt tltt itli man says he pulled pink sock out of tlirceqtiart jug of milk at breakfast Saturday think its disgusting said Jim Sgouromitis Sgouromitiss eightycarold daughter had llSl brought the milk lioiiie She said she saw her father open the jug lie was about to pour the milk but he stopped and pulled otit stick with fork He phoned the dairy which produced the milk and was told to take the jug hack to the store dairy spokesman said he had heard of small parts from processing machinery falling into jugs But sock havent cIUchow that would happen Curb growthRhodes NIAGARA FALLS int Cl lohii lthodes liitario housing minister said Sun lay that government growth should he reduced and efficiency at all levels of gover nment should be increased to curb intlat ion Speaking to delegates of meeting of the Association of ttntario Housing Authorities Rhodes said anada is second to Great Britain in the ptltttittigtof national income spent on government tanada spends 45 per cent of its national income for government compared with no pcr cent in Britain and to per cent in the liiited St ates he said Four dead in crash By THE ll lltlISS lour persons including litllltitllllttltl baby killed Saturday in headon collision about 100 kilometres illiti llllltS northeast of Montreal were among at least 24 persons who died accidentally in tanada during the weckciid suryey by The faiiadian lrcss from in Friday until midnight Sunday local times showed it other traffic dcaths two drowiiings one firc death one boy killed ill play ground accident iillt man killed in float plane ash and onc pcrson lll an ac Cidcntal shooting Qucbcc had to traffic deaths four of them in the head on collision ln intario five persons died in traffic ac cidcnts and onc man dicd after his plane crashed Besides the person killed If the ac cidcntal shooting New Brunswick had one drowning Ohio girl wins Allllt tllY lAli Susan Yvonne lcrkms Miss America him is confident witty and articulate woman who wants to sing and perhaps go to lav school and congress Miss lcrkins 21 of toliiiiihus tihio was crow llftl Miss Aiiicrica hci Saturday night and Judges said she had llllpltSSHl thcm diiringhcr interviews with them Only one driver llAMlllttN tflt More than $2300 damage was caused by single car caily Sunday in an incident involving two parkcd cars campcrtrailer ltl shrubs and trees carport and the corner of house Hamilton chtwortli regional pohccsaid On Boeing list lndiaii investigators hae learned that former Prime Minister Indira ihandis eldest son llajh above allegedly receiv ed StiftttJltlt in questionable commissions from the Boeing company the Indian llx press newspaper reported Saturday tAI lholoi en it Trophy Crown Argentinas itiillerro ilas holds the lS Open Tennis hampionship trophy like crown after winning the title at Forest Hills Sunday ilas defeated defending champion Jimmy onnors Iti tyil 7H and Mt See story on page I0 tAl Photoi Cenotaph rededicated Blackie ltoyir of iiglls lloyal aiiadiali Legion Branch ltiti adds his poppy to thc wreath placcd at the Angus ccnotaph Saturday during spei iaf druinhead scr ice The scriie was held to redcdicale Illl ccnotaph after the addition of two names to the list of those who gic their lives on foreign battlefields Korejwo and Stringer of iigus were killed three years ago while seiying with the lnitcd ations forms in yprus Presiding at the driimhcad service were llei ally owner of olliiigwood and Rev Alan lcltac of Angus Represen tatives of district branches in one lIt joined members of Branch ltiti for the observance tlIamincr lhotoi Willing to release it ltttNN Alt he West ticiiiian govern mcnts latest message to the kidnappers ol industrialist llaiiiis Martin Schlcycr in dicatcs it is willing to rclcasc thc ll iin llwllttl terrorists whose trccdom thc kid iiappcis demanded in cxchangc for Schlcyer Intermediary ltcnis layot said message from tlic govtiiiincnt Saturday night told the kidnappers unless they spccilicd the destination to which lllt trccd terrorists would be flown arrangements could not be made with the coiintrics the plane would fly over or wotild land in it is our opinion that such flight could not he set tip and that ll wotild he elt trcmely difficult for its to fitid crew for such flight which could ptit this crew in danger of litmg killed the govcrnments letter said It was the first piibln indication that thc govtriiincnt was prcparul to meet the kid nappci demand Gave victim $25 MAltYVllilJj lciin tAli hankcrs daughter held for Slfititioo itiiioiii savs her kidnappers ticatcd her well during her honis in captivin to tlic point of giving hci 85 as they set lici tree in North faiolina motcl parking lot lwo suspects aricsted and tailed harlottc Nt were to appcai lll court today to be officially lraiistcrrcd to Ten lltï¬ssttltilllltll was not hurt was well trcatcd lhcy never threatened to hurt me at all said Annette Adams 10 who spoke witfi reporters Sunday til the driveway of her home here hours allcr she had hccntrced MlsS Adams whose father Adams is president of the tank of laryvillc said shc was blindfolded and moved from one motcl to another diiringhcr captivity weather Occasional cloudy pcin tlS today highs to 22 Periods of rain developing tonight and continuing lnisday Lows tonight It to tit lligli Tuesday iiiar ltt Pair trying to cross Atlantic Air mass traps balloonis ts BEDEUBI Mass Alt Two New Mexico men hoping to be the first to crossthe Atlantic Ocean in balloon circled off Greenland early today apparently trapped iii an air mass their tracking station reported here plane dispatched from lceland spotted the silver and black heliumfilled balloon and reestablished radio contact said Mike Leavitt member of the ground ctcw There had been no communication with the balloon since Sunday afternoon If the pilots decide to continue theirjourney ISL3 to Europe Leavitt said they could free them selves from the air mass by increasing their altitude of 4001 feet The balloon was reported flying in circle about 160 kilometres 100 miles in diameter about 290 kilometres 180 milesi east of the southern tip of Greenland The pilots lifted off in their ship just after sunset Friday from Marshfield Mass coastal community south of Boston They hoped their tlirceday flight would take them somewhere between Norway and saw as 13th year No 21 Monday September 1977 15° Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery Great Britain They originally had planned to land somewhere iii France TRACK FLIGHT Weather Service Corp private firm was tracking their flight assisted by ground radio operators who were in voice contact with the fliers and by Canadian Air Route Traffic Con trol said Leavitt special transmitter to bounce signals to satellite over the Atlantic monitored by the Goddard Space Centre in Maryland was on board as well he said We also are working with airlines who will Just what every growing boy should have Vlikc Knclsoii of lilt Bariic has look at IftLl ltcnatilt touiing caroni of nuiiicrous ant iqtie automobiles on display this wcckciid at the threeday flea market and car displa at Molsons lark highlight of the event was the Barrie Firefighth draw for tj1tlacknd with proceeds fioiii the draw going to the battle against muscular dystrophy and to community projects Winner of the car was Alma iuise of linctanguishenc figures were aailable this morning on the amount raised by the draw tlIainiiicr lhotot Firehall board to ask for delay on proiect decision from mayor The future of the disused ollicr Strcct firchall thrown into rctiewtd coiiltmctsy by recent city council decisions Will be the sub tcct of anothcr metting fucsday Mayor RtisS Archer and city administrator ticiry lamhlyn will meet at city hall with thc firehalls hoard of management which hope to restore the century old building as an arts centre ountil votcd earlier this year to grant Sittibtio toward the controversial restoration project most of which was to be paid for by provincial funds llowcvcr last month cotincil voted down proposed Syllfi tioo first phase restoration con tract after learning that availahlc fund would piit only onethird of the buildings floor spaccinto use At the same time tirchall supporters saw their to margin on council dcstoryed when Ald tiroc Mills who had supported thc 3330000 grant announced he had changed his mind on the protect IIHIIAIHII ltl lJSIIIN Mayor Archer himself tirchall opponcnt said after councils vote he expected the building to be demolished but was prepared The bends it wasnt story iii Wednesdays llxaminer quoted lcd loliiiston Btiiric diving iiistriictoi and member of the Barrie Sub Aqiiians scuba div mg club as saying the bends arc danger faced by scuba divci Johnston was imsqiioted He was referring to air ciiiholisms lhe bends are primarily deep diy mg ll bass and not problem in shallow doing dives not deeper than flit feet The bends are caused by the release of nitrogen ahsoihul by body tissues too tpnckly when diver comes to thc surface too last after deep dive Air tllllXillSIIIS though arc tactor iii shallowdives At tit feel air pressure in dici lung is dotililc that of the on the surface pressiirc But voliinic ot the air Ill the lungs is half that of the volume at surface pressiii tlivci raising to the surface must not come up too quickly and must exhale as he rises it he does not the volume of air in his lungs will increase rapidly This increase volume will cause divers lungs to expand and burst to listen to alternatixe proposals from the fireball board iiolf it id hoard viccchairiiian said to day the group plans to ask the mayor and council to hold off deciding the buildings talc until completion of the current $til0tiii core iicaicyitaliationstudy Architect plannci Jack lhainond head of one of two firms llltilttl in the seven month study has also allcd tor delay on the dcci sioii until his study shows how or if the fireball pronct would lll into icvitaliation efforts lhc city is still awaiting decisioiifrom the provincial onscrvation Review Board on whether the fireball should be designated as heritage building by the city The city voted last year and again early this year to go ahead with the designation which has aroused opposition from some residents Last month howevercouncil had change of heart and refused to send witnesses to the onscrvation Beview Boards hearing Aug 23 the proposed deisgnat ion The boards decision will be ad isory only and council will make the final decision It the building is designated it ill be illegal to tear it down until the designation is removed Roots wins nine Emmys ltS ANtifIlllS iAlt ltoots gathcrwl up nine Emmys in an awards show that made tip for loiir month delay by being the longest in the 10 year history of the Television Academy The fit hoiir scrics seen on AB in laiitiary won llmmys for best limited series directing and riting Acting awards went to lotus tiossctt lIdward Asner and tllivia ole The three remaining lIimiiys for ltoots were iii craft categories The Sunday night l3lllfll Awards Show on Nllt dclaycd four months by squabble that split the National Academy of Ielcvsion Arts and Sciences into an Eastern National Academy and Hollywood Academy ran record Jt hours It was 40 minutes longer than the previous longest show last year As long as were running over lets do it good said Angie liickinson who was ctrhostl witn Robert Blake tor the ceremonies at me lasadciia tivic Auditorium The llollvwood Acadciiiv handed out lIm inys in 42 prime time categories with 27 Ein mys going to ABC to Nltt IT to BS and eight lfl lliS lllcanor and Franklin The White House Years won seven awards and tied with Sybil foroutstandingdramatic special SYllll INS bill it Sybil won fotir awards including an award to star Sally lield who was named best ac tress in drama special for her portrayal of woman afflicted by iiiiilt iplc personalities Dick Van Dykes variety series Van llykc and cancelch by Mtt last year after ll pciloiiiiaiices won as best variety scitcs lhc Barry Manilow Special was named out standing variety special Ed Flanders was named outstanding lead actor in dramatic spccial for his feisty por trayal of the president It Harry Truman llainngakiug Beatrice Arthur going into her sixth year as Maude won her first Emmy as best lead actress in comedy series arroll ttonnor whose Archie Blinker is Maiides coir servative counterpart was named best actor in cotiicdy series for All in the Family The retiring Mary Tyler Moore Show how ed out after seven years by capturing the Emmy as best comedy series lts writers also won an award for her farewell txrtormance and the academy paid special tribute to the show in excerpts dating back to its beginning James iarner won an Emmy as best dramatic series actor for his work in The Rockford Files and Lindsay Wagner as best actress in dramatic series for The Bionic Woman Once again Britains lpstairs Downstairs walked away with the award for best dra matic series hristopher lluiiimer playing corrupt banker in The Money hangers took the Em my for best lead actor in limited series lat tv ltiike Astin won as best lead actress for aptainsand theKings Burgess Meredith who played lawyer Joseph Welsh was named best support mg ae for in special for lail lunner loe about the late Senator Joseph Mtarthy Diana llyland who died of cancer this spring was named outstanding supporting actress in drama special for The Boy in the Plastic Bubble ller award was accepted in an emotional speech by John Travolta close friend who played her son in the movie Backstage Meredith said he had been blacklisted during the omnninisthunting Mctarthy era was Very glad when Joe Welsh came along he said was very glad that lgot to play Joe Welsh lini onway was selected as the best stip porting actor in variety series for The arol Burnett Show 413 or 90° Weekly relay information to us as their planes cross them in flight said Leavitt He said the US Coast Guard and the Halifax Rescue Coordination Centre of the Canadian Coast Guard were being kept up to date on the balloons position The gondola is catamaran designed to serve as rescue boat should the 55foot neo prcnecoated nylon balloon filled with 101000 cubic feet of helium come down at sea There have been at least 14 attempts in the last century to span the Atlantic by balloon but no one has made it all the way Pages the examiner serving barrie and simco county CKVR may be back on the air by weekend program head CKVRTV knocked off the air Wednesday night when plane crashed into its transmit ter tower may be back on the air this weekend Doug Garroway director of programming services said today the temporary transmit ting tower which has been under construction at the station since last Thursday should be finished on Wendesday Broadcasting should resume Saturday or Sunday he said Beechcraft Baron carrying four top ex ecutives of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd of Toronto crashed into the stations 1000foot tower early Wednesday evening in bad weather killing the four executives and the pilot Garroway said about if to 70 per cent of tire stations normal coverage area should be able to pick up Vlts signal when the tem porary transmitter is operational However he said there may be some areas in the immediate vicinity where reception will be weak because of the terrain of the area That was the original reason for the 1000 loot tower he said it was build to fill in here and there Garraway also said the station has been busier than normal since the crash The production department has been doing commercials and station promotions he said and insurance and legal people have been at thcstation everyday There will be no layotts whatsoever he added complete damage cstimate has not been made yet iarraway said llAllll lf ll INHVN its pretty hard to pin down he said The station management does not have accurate cost tigtires on either the temporary transmitter or the new Lottofoot tower the stat ion will build larraway said lranspoit anada officials removed most of the pieces of th Falcon bridge aircraft over the weekend They have been taken to Toronto where investigators will try to determine the cause of the crash The 1000 foot tower has not been removed yet he said TKVRs insurance people will decide what will be done with it Garraway said 70ttfoot transmission tower was pulled down by guy wires from the 1000foot tower during the crash The smaller tower which landed on the station roof damaging the roof and the north wall has been removed Doctor Game starts today The Doctor Game lively consumer orieiited medical column is introduced on Page ll of todays Examiner It will be regular feature of our Saturday Lifestyle page The column is written by iifforddones pseudonym for Dr Walker Niagara Falls gyncxologist and author His column is the only syndicated medical column written by anadian Dr Walker has also written four books the newest being What Every Woman Should Know About Hysterectomy An earlier book On Being Woman has sold more than 130000 copies and been translated into five languages Dr Walker fit married and the father of four took his medical training at Harvard Medical School University of Rochester and McGill University Wicks How come we dont got divorced like everyone else inside local lifester entertainment theme page sports to comics 12 classified 13 to 15