the qxaminer Frlday Sept 1917 neighborly news Prices in effect Mon Sept 12 only or while quantities last days this week with Mr and Ivy Mrs Keith McVanel of Barrie by Sarah Price and lileather Kerr spent last wee at JeanJannett Pyesbyterian Camp at 4240238 Breeken Mr and Mrs Jack Bantin ViSitors With Herman Jennett on Tuesday were Mrs Lydia spent the cc kt nd ItIl friends Miller Mrs Margaret Sykes incravenhuml The Presbyterian WMS 83113 meme Barge 0f met at the home of Mrs Mrs Eleanor ltainey and Jim arena Oggarth 0f Barrie Penelton ot Htickley visited fltnw Fletch Jean Jame and returned home recently from Siiiiday school will reopen in mp England Christ Church on Sunday Sept II at 10 15 Mr and Mrs Art Hayward Guthrie visited Wednesday by wit on and Mis lieu lat Mr8 Norrls ltuby Smith of Thornton COChane iiSited this week with Jean len 4246637 nett The leaders for an Mrs Edna Edgar from the Dianne Smith and Name BEWO Mimi Spent 05 Bates they attended classes at Wim and GWdm Alliston in August The first Subourin andfmmly meeting is lminesdav night to StleIh attended M17 elect offjcor5 Hector lurnbull of Alliston in Mi and Larry sum the death of his wife and to the Kimberley and Kevin attended families Funeral SClVICt was 1m Morris Hum at we held from John lhonias sound on he mickend Minnie Funeral Home at Alliston on Arnoldand Jean Iennett visited Ihursduy friends at Beeton on Sunday and Mrs Ienzil Mrs James IhItDtlllltnt Coehrane entertained their Mrs listen Davis and Mrs triendsto corn roast on Saturr Irene Hirons visited ith Miss IitytVtnllitLM trace Dunnill and Miss iinn MF HIK 13 am ingliam Meaford on Monday and Christine Imldm Children wear Musc Records Housewares we welcome am Mrs spent the weekend with Mr and 1s Lloyd Howard Hugo Mpg Gary ochrane and farm CHILDS POLYESTER conon LADIES ourrusu rum 60 MINUTE BUNK CASSET 25h Id 810 they moved into the rectory LV sucxs no FRESH BAKED DAILY up 0mm pad Just after returning from trip Hi tind honw and friend Madam Canada elastrr bail IIL Itill ttr1ltlltit chocolate hone di 30 ITIIIUIES recorde me each 01 rs 44 In my assoracou or to Jtltltttcld mm Toronto spent Mommy Bruwn rust ticlgt ti tinu Oh up sou atlpt t1 WIllIt pair dy Side co CUP nus Herman Jennett spent the with hm puran MI and 0SuestiutX pr unusanmum as orange WIS more lapesvetpaï¬kage Wk ll VTtttiflldfBIIF Jim Show Mrs mm gm novsmnns rsmm otltwontht nylon BAKERS DOZEN nucx cnmnc cm 30701plasmaIS Ph ELEheE5 ttlid the boot Ils and Donlh Spent few VS OIelrur mun printout Oil tirtwn navy whine my oHUds 12 lanes compact VIVA PAPER TOWELS III Lark Ilmfivv mm with indy and attended the ex LUIQSMUu Ululfh Mr with P0 Wad case eh Ammd COWS alts IIlfxxlbfllttrIIIllt I313 MW flw M°°°° 0M mom mm méifllcifiiioim nssu Iomens Institute Mrs Hugh Thompson of Acnllc 5ILIIWTLHWIIWn see he r8 read ValOUS COIOUSeecuon Several persons lroin here at mmltm called in Mrs Den1 UM mm oln2rul pack pair 044 wildcd the funeral Mm Chmnmmnmrgduy SxEATER MENSSPORTSOCKS jet ESIIUII avounle Disney Dennev at the Thomas Funeral SI ilitlliti WM OtIurn timiin Home earlier this week Il $115 tiII1ldll IIIIii owlniz wrtlr allltu mm HousehOId Needs Mrs ArnohI SP I0 lttktlltIHIIIl her parents BMV HEW mm Pair Hardware 3st it hi ea HTDROCAL LAMPS Boys mm Fabrics Notions mamas non OLarge table lamp WIth shade or who row Hoavy duty vrnyl case OBrown or gold c0ourBonly each To WW 45 anno rum cor OT TURK mm WSW MP 41 were II 10 mm wnh mashed polotoes BICYCLE lac PIaSIIC base Shade boudurr ii rm WI or Frenchlries Mudemu 453E Size um WHENch with My Cumbmamm WlIIl red or smoke shades each 7777777 tyt ï¬rm 36 PRINTED ruuumm 44 Ruswvuotedcase each mum osum M1 lv SVLVANIA LIGHT sum ll yds AND BOUDOIR SHADES Your chorce of colour E3 style each PLASTIC WALL PLAQUES 04 shapes color ChOICB Available In 60 watt E1 100 watt 04 bulbs per pack pkgs Trips Every Day JUMBO QUILT PATCHES IIl yr Ladies Wear VIVA WOOLCIlEST FLASHLIGNT 05 sue OChrunle linish way SWIICII WIIII llowers landscapes our ROUND up FARE 3760 LADIES 27 ii 27 SCARVES SHNNING WM °Uses sun batteries not trails for IOIRP TICKET RA $3400 II lr Assorted colours included each ti aach FALL TIME TABLE Effective Sept 7th MUSHROOM POT HOLDERS Set at two pct holders In shades ol blue or Ha wt In roll package Limit packs per customer Wtw if wt Im Ai lADIES TSHIRT or DIMMER swncu Slngle polo push on push olt each mum mm ow MASTERS PAINTINGS our til Warned reproductions of old COMPLETE DAILY EXPRESS SERVICE 0i gt7 plasters T0 TORONTO SDIFSMFVMSILOPS 44 nuonzscmsnrm vm Efmimws 45 SOBCIally embossed lor daylight We Ch om aa comm ST gum II IS VELVET 430 om LADIES PULLON sum 1M PAINTINGS 645 om exc at an Owngp only my style carved wondenlrenres 700 om Sat Ill ea DUCK coy IOOI scenes cartoons ships strrl 7215 om exc SCI SUn HmS NYlON PAN5 end ydumgg UMBDKHS AECKED DISH Towns 835 om exc Sun 11 SHEFFIELD MADESCISSORS mh244 Selection ofcolours lord prints TAGTIMALROWS ace we mg rd with Mr 930 om Wed Sat pnlr In roll package 781 Mm mgmamws checks for 10 to om mm crosmo nu Limlt packs per customer wm WW Wm 50 DIISHCLOTIIPIACKAGE II 30 om Tues Sol Un try rv ncouurs or hue Orange 1i nan GOP Hum DART BOARD Greon or yellow pkg it OMarlrx rn in land pkgs ELANNELETTE SHEETS If ll it ital lr in each MUIII sin would 335 pm exc SCI iv Utruri3ltiiiilr or ii 420 unnssmnoowu wmnnn our IHIU x90 only each 53525 EARTNECKLACES OMadelntngland manommn PILLOW rw war Oil darts per pack pk 55 715 pm Fm so sun snmwgop Hog sylcx Shindard 5116 WEIII mauve or 855 pm or each no green embroidery pair 945 pm 27 IM4 44 mum wnu SNAP on Oteltliandurrightlland GREYFLANNElBlANKETS BUCKLE CLOSING 0ir ll It 100 unou 3mm In I28 02 Size plastic bottle Limit bottles per customer Size Ogrey wnh red WIlIIt yellow or blue Stripe each Wltlr curved blade lihieglass IIDIIUII each TABLE TENNIS SETS WED SAT EXCURSION TRIP it IIHJï¬ Yr 11m Hi how CUIIIBIIIS tournament hats 1cm ER VAUNCE EXPRESS TO TORONTO null LIIIlil each table tennis balls Via Yorkdoe Centre bottles Oi set of posts E1 nni IUW 03W DUIYUSIEr $425 Oltulns ncluded lot In shades nl melon or brown IILI BU 36 Valance fill it Lectve Emmi To 00 Mens lo PACK ans In 11 wt RTUrn from YEort elf atpCrEIf Stn °°°° Modols 175 Stale each PIECE BATHROOM sn uses eove rom as TIDE LAUNDRY Consrsts til Irdrnvar contour tt rectangular mat Washatile wnh nun skid rubber Excursion tare good Wed or Sat only swmm PIAMd In It MI BOYS FLANNELETTE worm mum MILK Mus tllll1lIl ll n1 union Paints Wallpaper mum rrv backing tmflfm WW PLANTERS mums WALLPAPER oscolourchurce BARRIE GRAVENHURST 44 err mm pitta mun bu ob box 01pm pasted washable wrth mcpppn MA iir tttï¬lllituve ORubtmi backed E1 hand PORT CARImo SERVICE MENS BRIEFS mg Assopno coon IIIm box per fomdy CUIUUIS patterns to choose Mighahlg 91IO om Frl Olly I34 lim WNW Iltllll DR 400 Sunday all mootginlyrgulug variety rmirltnd 444 ln bright colours Slle 74 36 approx for 40 tun DECORATIVE mcuc intonationthiillin PAPER in Pa llltl How PAUL Sulmlmn wmurs Damons In 18 bvvd roll roll PLASTIC FLOWER POTS Famll Footwear Toys Wrth ITIBILIItIlg tray 235 pm 740 pm CHILDRENS RUNNING SHOES SUNBRITE CHILDS 36 PIECE DINNER Otiitexwhrtaollwhitaboige ln colours ol white brown l55 After Midnight Doil otmnmrwuulrrw ONde semgm Whlm Assomnge IHW 44 MHWW Hi Millagreanfi blue 44 mugmm or TROPICAL Boys RUNNING SHOES Illrllliw In 128 oz size bottle 0W Damn plants WIM WW WW JOANNE BRIDE oou Limit bottles er custom Ym choice 14 um TIMMINS mm will win Housewares DCin Thru Buses EOCIT Way ArriTrcydyle IlIlIII Ill WIlIIl Ii Innvalilt timid lltlllf Ion 0chI or at pa rs DEER MUGS Am SUPP iUIMBO BOEING PM bONIOS OClear glass wtth handles for an SHAWN WIIII inniluim upturn Illl LIIII BWHV MM goxm mu 5m nmals WIIII lilltillliti litlIiLr each CI It FOR COMPLETE SERVICE hrwvli only all It to ill pair Cunmms 12 01gt wme Ldn 15m em mu bog LADIES mocusms ruumou uan cm Mills ISSLS lot TORONTO suDBuRY NORTH BAY llrnllnnn notion t1 nihtinr 5Jl Saln tiornpltiti WIIII plllll Witt muss Make 900d I191 IOI Chldle NCII OWEN SOUND MIDIAND allny ruining only Illllllll lfiIUI It It trolls oach Wino BCK Ask For System Time Table or itnull toll pair °Pasnc muusmth victims ml 044 Pharmacy VOIUGS Handy Pocket Schedule uninsum Cameras In 01 coming smx nouns owihwrpnrItihliJlltllt orlnli Lavender powder room OWoodenin ovalor round woorwonm PHARMACY is 09mm or ucx toll onAy colon sup stapes for AUSTIN DRUGS DIVISION OF DOMINION permit uf animus ms or 17570 auntmt Fresh forest sn or snucr nus mm It blues no Ilfilllf tor par Rose herbal scents 21 TORONTO AIRPORT EXPRESS SERVICE Runs from Islington Subway Station Tickets and Information at an IIIILIIIIIIIS processing It mourning each DEVELOPING TANK REEL Mltislnhlo Heel Illllll 35 Hill to li7ll lrlni each MENS SHOWER THONGS WIIII rutllmr ilIItt It may Lllrilll IIIIIJHI ln lllé to II IJIIIWII tzolnlir only pair Windsor aluminum 0n5l81 ti lli qt sues at DISPOSAB PAPER COEEEE SPONGE EIILEEISDEISKBISIYID packaga 44 ggzizzegfgfghus 3km ch 44 5676 BAVEIELD ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE acme um 900 PM unorncaouun snumv 600 MI antrch off Maple Avenue rnxmc ALLENBURTS BASIC SOAP 039 gm sue for BUFPUF CLEANSING IARRIE BUS TERMINAL Maple and Simcoa Slroolx Telephone 7235571 9000 l23 456