Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1977, p. 4

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Wednesdav Sept 1977 the examner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio AgOSIInlpublisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 CLASSIFIEDS 7282 BUSINESS 7266537 Letcouncflsset election dates All the political debate of late over the best date for holding municipal elections is interesting enough but hardly new It has been subject to arguments for years and judging from reports there is just as much diversion of views as ever Under the circumstances it was hardly surprising that Simcoe County councillors should decide to defer making any recommendation concerning their views on legislai tion which would permit changes from the present municipal election date of the first Monday in December Middlesex County councillors passed resolution recommending no change in regulations but this was not endorsed ounty delegates to the recent convention of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario reported there were varied opinions expressed when the subject was raised there This seems to reflect the general situation In Toronto some groups have been pressing for legisla tion to hold earlier municipal voting with October or car ly November dates suggested ne proposal recommend ed change in council terms to start in December in stead of January but Simcoe County councillors tell his would be too confusing As discussion turned to the in oly ed implications dealing with revising the financial year and statements it was decided to leave the question in abey aiice pending further information li15micoetonnty municipalities Various policies haye been followed in the past Wasaga Beach for some years iad summer time municipal otiiig but his ll dropped witer the municipality attained town status little oyer three years ago Retore present legislation specified the first Monday in Ieteafricz was to be municipal election day across tin icrerit municipal councils arranged for elections iiis exteridizig from November up to early tlitre also has been some pressiirc to allow lfali that there would be better turnout of then early winter is speculative $1 reicseii and concerned with municipal tc it itsLe the extort to exercise their franchise turret would allow municipalities some iiictr owl election dates undonbtmlly zci ltlizll gt ltilii Altr litti iii lit ltlltlil IH li Nor witaltar don iril in ii Aural limit it iiii IS grin liiiii itltlt llit llitllit iItr llll lira ii 14 iliiilit pro iii ll 3gp piouiri Iiitilil ltiiti onol Wv tr lti 11 ml to unite lazaf how iiiclligciil people timild lldi ltitl can alk such Iiiipi too lim iiii lltltll llt illicit to people ri port lii to ilii llitll pail to for lllllllllIlll iii ail toil liiwioiillti reCiation IV In IvlgtI VH licar ii If ll lMilild lire to lll out lc Ioid of ip of ii prci iaaii and hard to iiilcii lanpo ii ri ii in for banditdone good lobo ci lllt tiiiiiiiii at lipltialli itilitlliallyc ol lllt iv tl 11 the iIMpoiidid in yellow trident to iiic it rtililt ii lt our baiairappco on Jlllilliltil on wliilc Hill ll Jai lioiiic Ili bolida fiorii lii iliool lllll olthrkindiltciitioiiliiiaaliiiiiziliiiliiiiaili lt iiroridli liiulitilitliii at ltlllli iIiIiirplia ltialili ii Highj llhotnlhlthi anoiililticiwoodliiiiilopiiia tli iiii Llilil word lot Ill ill ilorii an ini rt rvlrrai riiali tillili liitlllt Illlll llll lll iiiiigoorl ili ll tiili ll ii rit ii write your it Hi mp mpp ll ll yili Iaiiild llkt to mile your Mciribci ol ii lailiaiiitiil oi Tylciiiliii ot liiiiiricial lai ii lldlHlil prinlid bi Ins II their iriailiiigail onci lgt it you ind ii iopy of your letter it iii iiiiglil In iiilalilc for our Leticia to lllt it lutliloi oliiinii Allci all ll tlicic in ii trial ol Ioiii III llhil inalw ill diillll ltilllt iv it gt 15 to your Ml oi MII it it In not personal In matter it liollltl bi of interest to your riiori ii It lvii rll lil liiciidaiidiiciglilioi tool What irrl IIlllicl liiiti lawir III It Ityiiiiitl lair lbicigiwi lilli1l iii1iiii Ml itillllblltit liit llillllllll ltuildingu tllliilnn iil foundch of llll rotiriti in Iial pioviii and am concerned for our pt Ll ipatlir ll slate and even riiori for our ltlltlt lo pics Itoss Milne my point and those of my ollcpuw lain cn Ml lccl liiiltcr in itllllUIi diiig Ulpltf of lhc iiii ave to the liiinc lailiaiiicnlltiiililingi Minister the Leader ol lhr lippouilion and tiltawadtnt the newspapers in this ttllltli to search out support from lillltl coiiccrnHl citicns With kiiid personal regards irn Yours sincerely William Allison liiikcy lll2 Midland int Productivity SiricltiiiSIIyiiis Ml York Stiricoc Iarliainent lhnldiiigr tittawa int his Mitgcs Ml trey Slillttlt Parliament lliiildings Ottawa int licai iii lltiflllvll just read where the llnitcd hurch nail jointd lli urging adoption of guaranteed rninaiiiirn iagi loi everybody and then an aim lt about thi iitid to raise taiadas pro diir ti xil to pitvent recession have been wondering how people who should know bcl Ily an taken Ili lyll in ihit lhc inaiii iiicciitivr to work in lo All living or obtain the Itill ol fill it you are going logcl them anyway how UNI will quit their jobs right away or all the watch others stay at home and get paid for ll IIIUVINIIAI iiurge laylor Mll Simcoctcntre OntarioLegislature Queens Park loronlo iordon Smith Mll Sinicocliiast ntarioLegislature Queens Park loroiito George Mc aguc Mtl liufftritiSiincoe Queens Park loroiilo NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Sean inlay inanaginu editor Len SPVK manager Marian Gouuii at ounlanl Randy Mconaltlcityeditor SALESME BellyArmer Sheila Mr Govern assmtant ity editor Dan Gaynor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane Wire editor Hove ntiiinsey liteslyle Rt POR ENS Joiin Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pal Gueruis Scott Haskins Sheila Mr Govern Sue Burke Lynll Johnson Bart Buiillori Dana Graham Juliri Iririi ky CLASSIFIED Ruth Hols super Visor trlcy Ynunq lieila Stunner Kariii Atkinson Peony have Dorothy Bowlanit Gail Mlt Parland Vlk Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butter manager Linda Halkes asst manager Slew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPIante Elaine Porter Marci Scartt IF REMEMEER RIGHT THERES SMALL STEP jusr ABour HERE Your business ll It lirisiiics anilt llllltlt llaiis nisi llioiiisoii ii iii llltitii1lil ill ll Hit Ilii iIil illili liliiicl it al itw rite on lfllttllllitlétt iiiac fat ct troninviiliiliowii1tiliycaiaxi tbi lair tcii doliai tits lltlliilillittl li aliiz lial iiii lion is iall iiii lc lli tliliilr juntar 1ii li iiai ii ll licii ri Iowiz toil pt liiilil II it llllll iiliilii littflii ziii ltlill to =lt tli rii iiti ii Ifc lil ii cap iifi ov iice iatc tia ll of iillili itcprc iii or lllt il it rI tl llt ii iii lirdilh it iiiii Iliilu llll Tiiil illt1i lfldpuwti ltlivitiil tlic ii triol iiiiczi ill or llii ilillitl IViilui lali llfl lii iltitwi oi so iii ipaiali iiitizii imii li itiiiu litIlbllllliili it4 ill i1 iillit iii ll lliii llrlli lii tiliwliilt ii tliiliiwtw lltll ii The world today ltIII ll ll lllilttt Illltlill llill llilll Iltllllltl cus cl ii Iliitaiiii lilll irii lillllldl litlislii llilllill lltHIIlll lltitll iiit lic ll oiiiliiii oii pioxiiiial litlt llll ioi lir tll lllillllltl iii Illlllli illyillillltll ottiii will opcii Ill laii tlill tli it hii on litllllll llic IIlltllitlI ttlill it Hit llltt ippiar lll ln iiiiii illillll iiaiii lll Ill iiia wliiii lllt lcitciai itl ti iiiciil iulad lliciri to lllllt llltll williill tlillill iluilll ll iuii iiii llll llu iltltlll tllt It for liiicigii liii llll and niycstiiiciil on owii iii ioiiipitiliiii tlll llll ltIlIl ll llltltlllltlll lii lli llvi llii iiiiiiiiiiiiit on llll cigc ol iiiiioiiiii iiii ii vlllidllltll lliitiliii lloIric in liiiigloii lltll liiiiiici lliI was persuaded by liii licll liaip to abatl tlotilliiploiicl llii llllllal ialiiiict wan cont ciiicil about the iiiisul lllltllill iii iliiiiglon of two Interpreting the news ii li ii ii lfi it til ii ii1 ti iii it ii ii It H1 lli liji lif ltn iifilti xii fjjiv tlvl ll iiitisfisi gliac LW llia tip 12pm iam cv in slllif in Ii la ii ln riiiiH iii iii it ii1i sNViliii Ii ip itll mm it li ii iy llllll awaitiaz tilt scrims tli tidiixu iwl lltliliwlliiull so if it ilw ioiaciiisl alioii lic pri iiiiplii llllillltlll llll ii llsN llit tiizo llttilil itiiil isiiic nil ll1tl ltililliail lii lliiil lallrl tiliati tlllllav in licl rillcdxfalcs lllllitt iiicaizwliili lii liai iiiliz itltltlil llllltlll in metal liilllifili illlt llllllll liiiiilaiiil iil Iltlllwl lltl 5th iiili tltc ilyiiaiiiii iiiiiii Trial cit ot than ttllllflt lltl liii iliiliriii is not tlic only lanadian pioiiic with ll cpatatc llllltll iici was lNJlllli lhc ltllllt tor liusiiics in what ltllll be lrank illlil opcii competition withsayottiiialsollliclcdiiiildcparliiiciit ol lllilllllllitllt inil ioiiiniciccin ltlawa lliilisli toliiinliia has loiii had bus lioiiuc lot trade and lllllittlll ilclop iiiciil iii IltIlaiii oliic sonicot llltlllll tit and llllltttilitllit Ian Smith is studying new peace proposals II IIItl II llC ICII LllNliltN itli rs liinic liinstcr Ian Smith stiiilicd tlic tritiin lllllliltl penci proposals in Salisbury newspapers here were hailing the lllllllt as probably the best possible titl all plan to solve the ltlio dcsiaiisiluiition They held little hope however that the package would be accepted cillier liy Hiiiitlisicgiiiicoitlicgticrrillas The main liirnblriig block is seen is the proposal that both sides li down llltll tll iris lN peacekeeping loicc wolild keep order while new Httlllll force was irl up The lllilliliill liiiies calls lllt propisals ingenious courageous and in cei lain iiii porlaiit respects highly unexpected The most courageous and iiiicxixclid ol the clauses is the proposal that llritalti should assume direct responsibility for run mng the ioiintiy during the brief period of picpiiilioti for general elect ions The main risk the newspaper says is that the ceasefire might break down and expose the United Kingdom to unpredic table coiiiiintnicnts The paper tuiys it is ieiiiarkablc that Foreign Secretary llavul twen was able to persuade his cabinet colleagues that this is risk that must be run llic iiiardian says the transitional irrangcnienls are tlioiiglilt lll piece of fun etional ciiginHring lbe lnnes says that it Smith rejects the plan as is expected the remaining question Will be what iiillltcnce it can have on some other negotiated settlement the Examiner ll mlmbor at the Canadian liou If and Main Bilauo rit Cirrulaiiom ABC Only the Canadian Prcu may puhluh Howl iiiin Ill lIill ulwlpupll Lroditod to CF The Auodalad Pun Rautvu or Agmua Iiiior In and ml um on Published daily axcept Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier published in the Examiner 90mm The Barrie Examiner lalmi copyright on all migiriot nam unit udarruing matrial fooled by its omploynas and publlshod Ill tlm tiewumpr YEARLY by carrier $4680 BY MAIL Barrio Copyright registration number 2036 inginlnr bl SIMCOE COUNIY MOTOR THROWOFF $39 your ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3850 year 680 $3650 International trade deficit keeps down Canadian dollar llliil til iiii ii it in ii Vii ir to promote tourist trade llii prixnii lllili has usin its iiiirscas tlllii till it ti illtiaii Klltlt lltdldlt llllllllK iillji lliil lll iiitllsitglltliii ltiriiii llt iiiic twins illttl disputes con tttitiivl lwci liaoc Iiiistcr lriidiaii and aoi Quibci politicians and llttliltt ilioii the role of anlict in con lereiiiis in liciich speaking African na trons l1til me both lanada and Quebec rt one point tziiiaila cycii broke itiploiiiaii iclalioiis with the small black tiaizioiilioiic liiii republic of tialion lot sciiiliia iiiitaioiis to Quebec before it law it lol llliillll1lllllllvlllltllltltlltt iiioltici iotitcrciicc ltl Niger also blacl liaiicoplaiiic African nation the federal government had to tell Quebec that onl lanziilzi and not members of the llllllli front the irioiis pioiiiccs would CUSI ittltstlll tllllftltlll lillt lliioiighoiit this era the Qticbcc depiin minister ot iiitci governmental affairs was tlaudc Moi ion who reicaled his separatist leaning in tlic carly lions and who is now the llllllllll in lllltiil llhtl ilcparliiicnt lavl spriin iii IJitlh loiin as ii lQ cabinet ltlllltdtl ltttlttl ci fancy reception ltttlll llic lriiiclr gmctiiiiiciit and not the first Quebec iilgttllll llllllldtl oct the years to be icccncd with what others Itillllltl better treatment than that otlciiil lolitiilcali we want your opinion Hoiiiclhiiig on oiii iiiiiid National advertising otticu 65 Queen St lomnio HM IIIO 140 orhmii St Mmaual The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not In liuhlu loi damn mun min tors in advertisements bayond the amount paid loi rh npota luIIHIIly armpiin by that pm tion at the odvulizamant In whlch Iho Irlor ouurrud whether unli III in Au ii negligence oI III urvann or otherwise and IIIOHI shall be no liability to IIUH inurtim any advertisement beyond thn amount nnlrI Im mlvurlumnmn Send us letter to the editor llcasc make it an original cop llltl sign it We dont piiblisli unsigned lcllcrs although pen name will be used iipon tiqllll lncliiilc oui address and telephone number INIuIId we hiiicto Vtl ll letters but we wont pinil our address should you picch found that short ltlltl arc the liel iiail llicalinc of space lllllllllltili pulilii tllllltl and good taste we itillltllllltf liic to lllll iollilciid or reject lcttcis Letter to the minor run Wednesdays and iatiiiilai icnil oIii to lAtltlh to the cililiii llic IIiriiiiici llo htl ltarrredint lxtM itlt Would rival post office By DON IHIAIIN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service 1iitl What is shaping up as one of our classic lights in recent times is getting under way before the int ario highway tran sport board An Americanowned company United Parcel Services is applying to the board for licence to operate parceldelivery ser vice throughout the proViniv And it is being opposed by the railways the post office the bus lines and large number of existing operators The action might make the Gray nach ircyhound fight look llkt teacup squatr blc NtiTNlLEltlil l1artfllCllythlwlb very big li1lfii3 tr tine provinci and grow ing In addition to the railway tint pos office and thr bus lines there are more ria Ii small priyaleopei ator in flr Most of these las cart tror 5e doei employ em lhe look on part pllallbli as real tin fr over and to bar tr up ci griiii ories 21 the compo the where Afil htfi kh flib cons ll ENSFJ Xlc The serace 43 mars pa ip is aL1 Aida rizf It if sr lhgt film ln Rampxi cei in llivlni lnit tic ii 31 liezeti and iom int sinal iTrawrs could be for catiiriiv to adopt pone oi Lilllllll€llL8 owzz rsa Canadas story PEI ioined up in l873 II III IIIHIMAN Although Prince Edward Island did not join anada luilll tllTii liarlottetown is called The iadle of tontisleration becaiise the original plans were made there in IBM llI Nova Scotia and New Brunswick arranged to have delegates meet in Yharlotv telown on Sept to discuss the possibility of the three colonies uniting They are still discussing this possibility lltllll later aiiada asked for permission to send delegates to the conference to propose bigger plan the uniting of all the lllilisli Nor lb American colonies The request was gran led and anadiaii delegates John Macdo iiald ieorgc Illltilllt artici George ltrown tall and liArcy Mciec went there by ship from Quebec The conference lasted for week and was more of social affair getting to know you than strict business Ncyerllieless tall did oiilliiic financial proposals in for iiial session The last night at the conference was Sept and delegates attended ball III the he lisla tryc sseinbly Hall which was decomth with flags flowers evergreen boughs riiirrois and special lighting effects designed liy the sinkriiilcndcnl of the harlottetowri Gas Works The part lasted unl Il IIH iii the inor mug and artiei astounded the guests by dcriioiistraling how high lll could jump while dancing It must lll been startling for his partners bible thought iniin hath joy by the answer of his mouth and il spoken III duc season him good It Is lrmcrlis If lhe right word at the tight time can really turn situation around Pt that it will come from you

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