ï¬r 23 the examiner Wednesday Sept 1917 56 camping equipment HARDTOP TENT TRAILER fully equipped sleeps six three years old Us ed three times In excellent condition Telephone 728 5528 Room 62 SEARS CRUSAIRE tent trailer for sale Sleeps six In excellent condition $475 With mattresses Telephone 726 9217 or can be seen at I72 Yonge Street RAINBOW TRAILOR 18 complete with Reece Hitch propane heater stove fridge 3pc wash roont with shower double sink Excellent condition $2000 7283495 TRUCK CAMPER eight foot complete with electric and gas fridge and gas stove and gas heater Good condition Telephone 728 2325 after pm im DODGEHALF TON six cylinder automatic with foot cmaper $4595 certified Telephone Ora Mobile Homes 726 1651 Eran Foorrnuck CAMPER pro pane fridge and stove ts gallon water tank 12 volt and 110 Telephone Nil 1493 alignm 57Iivestock for salei TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware ï¬ll Dunlop East 728 7431 HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared for Track and trails Windy HiILFarm 436 5624 REG AND GRAD HOLST HEIFERS from brucellosis and TB free herd Due early Sept to Nov Maurice Schaer Minesing 726 7788 ARABIAN TWO YEAR OLD FlLLY beautiful purebred from champion stock and already multiple ribbon WIIT her in open and Arabian line classes Has been professionally broken lo harness and is billed and ready to slam under saddle or breed Discuurn to IUITIQT exhbitor all 705 82h 1020 HOLSTEIN BULL calves for sale on regular oasr from MI 81 rum by Telephone to link PONY IILLY for sale IIIIIT Arn zip1 cntforniaiinn Well llrflllllfcx old For more lllfLITI all ail do 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY In Ia LLilivs Iv able Alsoarnt fresh v19 Cr tu iL Poultry Farrris STJUZ llf Iziii ogIeedseedgrain FOR SALE LIaczsundws iir Call after 3n prt Lorin 3221977 OAK STRAW for sole pck wt Telephone 45 513 evenu Tishfarm machinerywanted BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 7Tholp wanted 68 personal Secretary to Construction ELAXAT ON Project Manager Minimum years experience Energetic self starter able to handle small proiocts through to completion Massage as meditation course Anyone can give beneficial massage if that person learns to relax mentally and allow hisher hands to become sensitive to the person being massaged This beginners course in massage combines proper breathing techniques and yoga exercises Six week course 15 Wednese Shorthand and typing day evenings to pm For more in necessor formation phone Cheryl at322¢ 1582 Additional asset experience in computer printout data Submit resume in writing to lnducon Construction of Canada Limited Lagoon City Developments RR No iBrechin Ontario 7054845991 4163687210 Au31$l2367 70lost and found LOST PUPPY Golden Retriever I4 weeks old Tattoo in right ear No 2WX1J Answers to the name Mauchee Lost in area of Barrie Speedway August 30 REWARD 487 3005 LOST BEAGLE Letitia Heights area Thursday night Black and brown in col or female years old Brown collar but no tags Please return to 14 Christie Crescent 0i phone 7266537 ask for Glenn LOST CHARLAIS STEER faan color With large horns in the vicinity of Thorn ton lvysideroad Telephone 728 1097 LOST MENS GLASSES brown in brown leather case May have been lost at Woolwortlis Reward Telephone 726L199 7IIielp wanted CLASS MECHANIC required To maintain small fleet of trucks and mixers Must have complete knowledge of both diesel and gas Apply in person to R055 MCCABE 8573500 S9 CLASS mechanic required for dealership in Alliston Telephone 435 1371 from am to 30 pm ask for service manager PartTime Month and afternoon Iii lertors needed for EXAMINER MAIL ROOM Phone CIRCULATION 1266539 TimItalp wantod Awaiting Opportunity That could be mistake opportunity only comes to those who make We are an international multimillion dollar firm with over half century sales experience marketing income protection it happen 71 help walked Because of the tremendous growth of our business we require 12 pm tunity you are looking for lodditional representatives in this vicinity and may have the op ARE YOU Cacer oriented Sports minded Of Legal age 0Am ibitious Bondoble OOwner of reliable car Able to start career training immediately IF YOU QUALIFY WE GUARANTEE Opportunity to earn $15000 $25000 in the first year or more OEstablished Accounts to service lHigh Commission Pramotion based on metit not seniority OEx cellent pension and security program Previous experience and education is not essential but is an asset After weeks of expense paid training we will assign you to sales iterritory for continuous on the job training by qualified sales director THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY MAKE IT HAPPEN DO IT NOW MWFTF FOOT SCRAPPER BLADE wan Ford 8N tractor IUSEOI Les Worry 737 7300 or 436 7396 67fruitsvegetables PURE NATURAL HONEY Vfillun in la narlh Georgian Mail Hm 72 778 852 APPLES Apply Kerrie and ceSsion Oro Telephom Lamar 7251907 Closed Sundays PICK YOUR OWN TOMATOES IU own container $500 ouste Sweet corn for your freezer Brctis Fruit Market Hwy 27 North at Furqu invalv oftpersonals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies from July on word Efficiency units from $75 week for two persons Phone Barrie 7283136 for information WThFN30 TELECARE Why fight your prolilunv alone Let friend help Call Teler an 726 792 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS mam It you drink thats your buess It you WBHIIOQUItthatsours Callanytmw UNWANTED HAIP remyivrd Soft1y permanently medically approve Ly dia Hrencnuk Cerified EIETIII7LIGI 737 2671 RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor iteri Horses boarded Barrie fIJP TVIIIf Windy Haugh Farm 715 Dlw INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Servrces Civil cr na Git1th surveillance Dscreet and confidet il 737 2972 MONECA pshyir and rart rearlrni counselling Daysandevecrnqs Monday through Friday Phone 718 new BOWLERS WANTED for Krirnpvinw Bowl Teams couples or singles Mm nr ladies for leagues starting snort Canto Art or Chuck at 728 9701 YOUR TOMORROW today Tiirlit cards and tea cup reading For apporrivtet all 728 0902 HANDYMAN AND PAIIITEW Carport try ton truck firewood No lob Small Cell anytime 127 Il7l LIMITED OPENINGS for DQTHTVfi in ceramic class Start no Monday September 12th For nfrirrntroi ra 723 3125 afterSp COMPANION WANTED for SiIilw gentleman Evenings only raxrerrt rirr rt sional weekend Mus DO ynilrr or divorced ferrian No strings afyvriiuj Apply Box V34 Brrilr Elamimvr RIDE WANTED from Durkwnrttr ll AOOhighwoy to Toronto 11 1pr Mun dayto Friday Telephone 726 F1775 ROD IF YOU OWN truck at 77 Esau Rd please Contact Mrs piC ctrIon Fm day September 9th at 737 713 019 363$ ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE For personal interview call BUD CHENOWETH I7057286I9I 100m t06 pm Call collect today and tomorrow HOMEMAKERS Counter and kitchen positions are available at McDonalds Restaurant paid breaks to hour shifts food discount uniform supplied scheduled pay raises shift flexibility APPLY at the restaurant 230 to 430 MONDAY to FRIDAY ESALESPERSON Riou S2678 IOI2 Due to increasing sales of Toyotas Central Ontarios largest Toyota dealer requires new aggressive salespersons immediately Ex perience not necessary BENEFITS °We have best automobile sales training program in Ontario °Compony cor Excellent working facilities Excellent remuneration Long established business and repeat clientele PIus many extras CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 7260288 All for Bob or Orville Jackson WANTED TO PEOPLE QUALIFICATIONS ambilious Dhaye car 510 sales ability willing to work evenings FOR APPOINTMENT CALL MATHERS 7371904 510 Earn 259 DUNLOP APTS CODRINGTONMOUNTBATTEN AREA UEENWELLINGTON AREA FAIRVIEWSOUTNVIEW AREA NAPIERBOWMAN AREA CENTRECAROLINE ST AREA VICTORIAJOHN ST AREA NORTHDRURY LANE AREA Extra Money and Win Prizes Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield SL Barrie or Phone 7266539 Name Address Telephone Age Il 71holp waited EXPERIENCED HEIDLEBERG OFFSE AND lETIERPRESS OPERATORS For our printing department tawa Valley town Call LEMOYRE collect 6134325891 for interview appointment $67 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs 10in days week no Saturdays or Holidays hoId valid drivers licence ovor 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 ELECTRICIAN Applications are being received for the position of electrician Applicants must possess cer tification inthe construction and maintenance trade Starting rate 5586 per hour Generous fringe benefits available Duties are county wide while working from the maintenance shop on Ferndale Drive in Barrie Apply in writing on or before September 14 1977 to PERSONNEL OFFICE The Simcoo County Board of Education 99 Ferris Lane Barrie Ontario L4M 2Y2 AVOII MAKES YOUR CHRISTMAS MERRIER At Avon we have just in troduced our most exciting line of Christmas gifts ever People welcome the Avon Representative and your neighbors are in buying mood right now Theyll love our gifts and youll love the extra Christmas earnings Call 7289652 WOI2 CANADIAN COMPANY requvris 10 100 plf to deliver atnlriiiws and IrlIl orders 15 WNW or more wrib Hiuh earnings dAurrrl liar to or surrounding area Telephone no fir 451 DUE TO XIANSION rimpany this two openrnris for part TIITII and three for lull time employers Must be Pat in air pftrvlfll and have lr 41111ther ill or turn an hour Telephone 416 was 6il STUDENTS in work in an liar and with rriartilnnry flirilin KITTIDVHW Btiwl 77ft Hbl JOE OPPORTUNITY V4171er twauty counwllors llri flpff tutti necessary irrlriierlinlirmirriinq TIIfpIIlIfIf 718 H999 PERSON TO INSTAI aluminum doors wmrlow irtrt awniltlt N0 ix pirriliri VTTTUIFITI but must be handy neat and iIIITTICII Apply Il Mnrriiw Pond Harri FXPERIENCI WELDERS rlQIIllifI iriimididtily Apply 77 471 SLIP COVER inrl Irriprty Dlfriiitr wanted Apply III person to Barrie Tent anti Awning IA Liylirlrl St Barrie UNI lMITfD NUMTIER of openings in snle and Distributors Telephone Ill 1904 for interviiw SALE PERSON reqiiirvd for three iVItllltla Wttk 30 99 in Knowledge of TlIrdeFf anti spurts Apply Woolworth 5676 Baylivlrl St before WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN in McDonald it nrnntohahysitflinys one Preschooler age and Telephone Ill 319M BILINOUAL SECRETARY required typing and translating of letters and memos necessary Also taking of telephone orders in Frnrh Telephone Tandy Leather 7874511 ask for Doug Black MATURE PERSON to babysit in my lioriirI weekdays part time thrie IIIIUTLTI Allnndale Heights area Can start immediately telephone 776 3866 SURVEY AND CANVAS people flLfdtd for to hours per day Salary plus in centive Telephone 18 199 PANTRY PERSON fkllf hen htIper Full time days will train Apply Crork and Block Restaurant and Tavern 325 Bayfield Street WAITRESSESWAITERS requrred part time days only pleasant environ ment Apply Crork and Block Restaurant and Tavern 315 Hayfield Street $2 65HOUR Interesting telephone work Call 726 0741between9 and Thursday TORONTO STAR roquures person to assist local district representative in recruiting newspaper carriers Park time help only Generous renumeration Telephone 726 80019 am too prn MATURE RESPONSIBLE adult re quired for night work in childrens home Allandolr area Telephone 726 338 COUNSELLOR required for small home for mentally retarded adults MRC course or equivalent would be helpful Phone 778 lleor appointment FULL TIME DISHWASHER Monday through Saturday Apply in person to the Colonial Restaurant between to 430 728 725i PERSON WANTED for landscape con struction experience preferred Car necessary Telephone 035 5957 LE 72 sales help agents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work Without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 7J6 Titemployment wanted EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD operator or receptionist requires work in Barrie area Prefers days full time or part time Enloys public contact Reply Box V35 The Examiner Barrie N0UNCEMENTS examiner SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Patterns Death Notices Engagomonts Births S550 maxlmum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents par word In Momarlam no verso $550 Varsa par count lino extra 22 conts par Ilna Coming Events $322 par column inch STUDENT SPECIAL Dont be out of the news when youre away at school this yearGet Student Subscription to The Examiner Only $1950 For an month subscription Postage Included Send cheque or money order with your name and complete address TO the examiner CIRCULATION DEPT 16 Bayfield St BARRIE Offer Expires Sept 30 TE 81 Iiirtiis 85 doatiis CAMPBELL Malcolm and Bonny are proud to announce the safe arrival of their first child Jennifer Jill JJl on August 28th i977 Special thanks to Dr Funeral Home ape Van Volktnburgh and nurses an AA 127 BAYFIELD ST 83 engagements 7282530 CROW GILES Mr and Mrs Andrew FrittmilYCOTmms 5mm Crow of RR Barrie are happy to an MWFTF nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Susan Carleen to John TUE 0T thanks Giles son of Mr and Mrs Jack Cries of Barrie The wedding to take place at SHEARDOW W9 WOUld kemmank Emmanuel Baptist Church on Saturday September 241977 at St pirt 84morriagos BRANDON WIGSTON On Saturday Auriust 20 1977 at 45 pm at Em manuel Baptist Church by Pastor Wuest Julie Denise daughter of Mr and Mrs Bill Wiostun of Leicester England to Mr Carl Brandon son of Mr and Mrs Brandon 85 deaths RAIO Charles Edward Chuck At MIT160IS Hospital Toruriloon Salur lay September 3rd 1977 Charles twarrt Craig in his S9th year Beloved usband of Marjorie lll ir slupfnittur oi irline and Irma brivtt Allyrm Mrs Hills Jim ani Stnn rid Gordon of Barrie SLrvrcr Ill llIi hapel at Lynett Funeral Home Dundns Runnymede at in Tuesday Septenibrroth DAVIDSON John Elliott at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie rm Tuesday Siptiiizlxr IWI John Elliott David on beloved husband if Beatrix Trer Father of Derek and father in law of Annis Grandfather of John and Dar rtn llriilher If Irene IMrs Bond of New Jeruvy and James Davidson of Hamilton Also survived by many nltCfS and nephews Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home 177 Bayfltld St Servici in the chapel on Thursday after Hill at iii Interment Barrie UnitV Ctllflfy Arnold Funeral Home park fllljdl roar EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 éroniployniontrvvantod REI IABLE BIIBYSIT TING in my home Georgian CoIIeQi area For more in tririitdlion pIraSi all 16 li814 all our friends and neighbours from both Guthrie and Edgar community who con tributed to the lovely gifts we received at both the community showers Clark aridlilac Sheardown 88 coming events THE GINGHAM DOOR 74 Maple Ave will be taking in clothing star ting SEPTEMBER with full business beginning SEPTEMBER 15TH OPEN Tuesday Saturday 1030 430 Closed Monday Over $700 in Prizes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regular B00pm 7Cards $150 Everyone Welcome WTF BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 6th Annual COUNTRY FAIR EXTERILNCED rrliablr day are availabil in my home Oakley Park ilVlrI Lunches provutfd telephone 718 NIHI IUNIOR COMPUTER programriiir two years lain prlxissing ixpirrenre Sunnidale Road sinkn nirnrfy employment in the Barrie irnn Johnston Tuleptwini 2pm 416 96 6767 Preparation day September 9th LADY WILL CiEAN71ron anylourd 1pm Fun References repttoni er ADMISSION FREE GfNL RAL OFT ICE LCfplIOIIiST typ inltl hookkirpiriq machine opernfor cashier Full or part time Experienced For more information call 7260038 Inyllnil 78 tenders illltr TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF WINTER SAND SEALED TENDERS in Township of Innisfil envelopes plainly marked as to contents will be received by the ClerkAdministrator at the Township Municipal Buildings 8th Line Stroud Ontario until 1200 oclock noon on TUESDAY 27th SEPTEMBER 1977 for the supply of WINTER SAND at the Township of Innisfil Works yard Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the Clerk Administrator Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Groh ClerkAdministrator Township of Innisfil Stroud Dempster Supt of Roads Public Works Township of Innisfil Stroud 795599993219 cs furniture glass chino Located at 219 Sunnybroe Ave in the Village of Stroud just east of Highway No 11 across from Sunnybrae School The undersigned has received instructions to sell the following Appliances McClory fridge and matching stove in avocado green new wringor washer vacuum cleaner and used small appliances Woods 2i cubic ft deep freezer 18 Inch portable TV and stand WI T2 living room rug and rug Glass and China Assortment of dishes and china complete set of silverware antique places Iardinieres sealers inson burner etc Quantity of picture frames atc Assortment of linens and fancy work Tools Assortment of tools hand and garden tools wheelbarrow roto filler and miscellaneous trunks some lumbar otc ANTIQUES 13 pone pine cupboard handmade pine chests secretory desk pine tool cupboard magazine rack mantlo clock old fiddle shotguns single and double barrel plus other articles Single walking plough Floury No quantity of miscellaneous Items too numerous to mention Terms cash no reserves as Estate must be settled nothing to be removed until settled for Estate or auctioneer not responsible for public liability or property loss Selling by number Cheques with ID Lunch available VERNON AYRES Auctioneer Phone 4361927 RR Stroud SCL 23 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE Complete dispersal of all house contents new coloured appliances linens tools several antiques pine cup board pine chests piece oak dining room suite etc For the Estate of the late MRS JANET NEELY To be held Sat Sept 10 com at 10 am 9piece oak dining room siper hi1 mirror to match piece chesterfield suite good Living room chairs chair and stool bookcase and books and tables parlour chair Bedroom Furniture continental beds new drawer chest double bed dresser and mirror steel beds wardrobe Kitchen chrome set and chairs Troodle sewing machine Rugs 10 For information call conveners MRS GRACE ORSER 7284687 and MRS McEVOY 7260793 78 tenders 5714 lamps atc quantity of Pigeon hole 21 set of bob sleighs plus lg 57 Brighten Room WflauBme Put color underfoot cro chet oval rug in colors Its all Single crochet Even beginner can make this rain bow rug thats sure to wrn compliments Pattern 7379 directions for rug 30 36 Or 30 50 included $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Examiner 60 Progress venue Scarborough 0n aria M1P4P7 Ontf residents add 9t sales tax Print plain Iy Pattern Number Your Name Address VALUE packed 1978 NEEDLE CRAFT catalog Choose from 225 desrgns free IITSlde Ail crafts Knit Crochet Send 75¢ Easy Gifts 0rnamentsS150 Pillow ShowOffs $150 Stuff Puff Quilts $125 Stitch Patch Quilts $125 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts $100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $100 Complete Afghans ffI4 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Gift Book $100 12 Prize Afghans 12 75¢ Book of 16 Quilts ffl 75¢ Museum Quilt Book 75¢ 15 Quilts for Today 75¢ Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 75¢ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Oassifiod advarhsamonts and Milton for than page must be rocoivod by pm day pracodirig publication with tho axcoption of Oouifiad Display advertisements which must bo in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words SS 50 Additional words iOcts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words S5 50 Addi tIonal words IOcts per word MEMORIAM NOTICES No varo SS 50 With varoo par aunt lino 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM QASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply If paid within days Ono or two Insertions per word Insartion Three msocutlvo Insortionl onto par word In sertion total 8648 Six consocftivo inur tIons per word par Insertion total 01224 Mullipl insertions may be ardorod Iublacl to cancellation when satisfactory rasults obtained Method of counting fowar than 24 words count as 74 words Each Initial dsbravlofion set of numbats are count as separate wards ERRORS AND CONNECTIONS All phone Insertion ardorl are accepted as mnvanionco to the advertisers Tharfora the Classified Advortlling Dpoitmont ro mlroi ad advertisers to kindly Itrthock their Mvorlisomont Immediately altar first insar on In ardor that any error or omission may ho reported bafara am iri ordlr that name may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is rasponsibia for only orio Incorracfly printed Inlartian of any advortlumont and than only to tho oxioni of portion of ad that involvu tho misprint Er rors which do riot fault the value of tho advortisomont are not ollglblo for correc tIons by make goods The Exominor rosarval the right to classify revise or ralact any want ads monsr um BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage allodged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however otherwise NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday By NEA London Economist News Service For the best art of 30 years West Germans avebeen iving in what to outsiders looks like comparative paradise If there was anything wrong with the place it was it was too efficient its citizens loo eager to work too hard its shopping streets improbably affluent Unions ï¬ll up show of driving hard rgain but their leaders had read the same economic text books as the bosses and acted accordingly Parties pretended to quarrel with each other but T611111 it hard to unearth enough policy differences to sustain election campaigns But there is darker side to the picture and it is becoming increasingly visible 1n the 1960s leftwing students moun ted what they called an extra parliamenlary opposition protests demonstrations some violence little later neoNazi party briefly bloomed sustained by middleaged Iowermiddleclass discontent Far more serious then either has been the emergence in the 19705 of gangs of organized terrorists prepared not only to rob and bomb but to shoot in cold blood They claimed their 19th victim last month in Jurgen Ponto the head of one of Germanys big banks who was shot at close range by gang led by the daughter of an old friend clutching bunch of roses as an entry ticket to his house The Economist of London The first generation of these urban guerrillas known as the BaaderMeinh0f gang is now mostly out of action Andreas Baader and number of his fellow terrorists are in prison Ulrike Meinhof the eoleader ot the gang was found dead in her jail cell last year But number of secondgeneration groups have sprung up to replace them some led by the leftwing lawyers who defended the first group One of the secondary groups is thou to have been responsible or the Ponto murder another which shares some of the same members for the murder in April of Ger manys chief public prosecutor Siegfried Bubaek The same loosely connected guerrilla net work is thought to have been behind the murder of German judge in 1974 the attack on the German embassy in Stockholm the kidnapping of German politician and the kid napping of senior OPEC representatives all three in cidents in 1975 Some of the ter rorists are now in prison awaiting trial and few have been sentenced most are at large Who are these people Not conventional criminals despite their fondness for Bunnieand Clydeslyle bank robberies to raise money for their cause Most of them are young or youngisli between 20 and 40 Almost all of them come from comfortable homeswith their parents ill loss to understaan what has happened one of the toughest members of the Baaderltfeinliof gang Gudrun Ensslin is vicars daiighleri Most of them have had an aboveaverage education And surprisingly high proporliun of them are women not just doing the backroom work but using the bombs and guns Over half of the German terrorists for whom an arrest warrant is HOW IUI are TLTTIITIL TORONTO iCI com munity worker says more than 5000 children it Metropolitan Toronto never go to school be cause they are living in Canada illegally Celestion Gabriel 32 legal assistant to the Portuguese community says the youngsters are the children of illegal Immigrants or children who have been sent illegally to live with relatives in Canada Gabriel who came to Canada from Portugal in 1960 said in recent interview the For tuguese communil alone con tains from 3000 lo 5000 illegal immigrant families That is lot of children he said We tend to have big fant iIies Gabriel who deals with cases involving illegal immigrants said would say there are lot more than 5000 kids in To ronto who never go to school OTIAWA CPI Court ap pearances are scheduled in On Iario courts soon for two promi nent Quebecers Senator Louis Giguere and bisiiiassman Ge card Filion who both want to be tried in French Gigueres request for Fren ch lrial threatens to plunge the Ontario government into an other controversy concerning its language policy in pIOVIlI eial courts He is charged with influence peddling His lawyer Bruno Pateras said in an interview that if trial in French is not possible in Ontario then well have to go to Quebec Filion facing trial in Toronto along with several other men in Darker side topictu re What makes them tick is clearly not money though they seem to have few scruples about spillin bloodto get it Susanne Ibrechf the angieader in the Ponto mur er IS said to have tom ner friends that she was sick of eating caviar at parties in flankfurt banking circles The early terrorists were deeply concerned about Vietnam All of them are Marxists who profess to be offended by West German society which they dismiss as fascist Their education has been in country that has long murtured revolutionary theorists of the most radical and systematic kind In their absolutism their disregard for the individual and their insistence on the supremacy of ends over means Germanys young political terrorists have been charged with perpetuating the Nazi tradition Other countries with fewer skeletons in the lime pits have terrorists too indeed the Ger man guerrillas have gone out of their way to foster their in ternalional contacts More to the point the German terrorists however lethal number perhaps few dozen certainly not many hundreds in population of 60 million Some farleft university circles apart there is no evidence that the vast majority of those 60 million feels anything but revulsion for them Given that revulsion the Ger mans response to the terrorists in their midst has been almost surprisingly liberal Although there have been blunders the authorities for the most part seem to be leaning over back wards not to repay extremism with extreme measures After the Panto murder the minister of the interior announced an inquiry into the intellectual and spiritual background of terrorism the opposition Christian Democrats have been calling for tougher laws and sentences for terrorists but the government is unlikely to act on this except perhaps to in crease the penalties for possession of such weapons as machineguns Its biggest hope says ministry of justice of ficial lies in morally and politically isolating the terrorists to show that society disapproves Such faith is touching but hardly realistic Terrorists who have deliberately set them selves apart from society and rejected its values in the hoipe of overthrowing it are har 1y likely to be too upset if that society does not welcome them with open arms What matters to them is approval from their ovm group Those who have ob served them at close quarters say that relations inside the gangs are almost claustrophobieally close closer than in most families and that gang members spend most of their waking hours in debate with each other There is no hope of breaking up that kind of togetherness by public disap proval Nor given the guerrillas unpredictability and rulhiessness is there much hope of providing effective pro tection from their attacks All the police can do is keep hun ting and pray that new con verls are not being made faster than they can catch the old ones All everyone else can do is walehoul Many children miss schooling He said many illegal immi gants over 40 years of age are illiterate They have come from coun tries where work was more im portant than education As result he said schooling for the children has no priority Duncan Green director of the Toronto board of education said children in an illegal situ ation usually are allowed to at tend school until the situation is resolved Stan Hendra the boards placement officer said that last year only six illegal im migrant children were found in the system and the board was aware of only 30 adoption proceedings involving im migrant children We know its only the tip of the iceberg Ilendra said The whole thing is under ground This is conspiracy of silence Prominent Quebecers want trial in French harbor dredging conspiracy already has been refused his re quest for French proceedings Ontario AttorneyGeneral Roy MeMurtry said that 19 per sons and companies were in volved and it would not be possible to separate the charges to allow Filion to be tried by himself in French As well most of the events took place iii Ontario But Pateras said the Ontario government could not use the same reasons to refuse Giguere French trial The accused are from Mon treal and also the witnesses most of whont speak French Pateras said 24