32 cm 32 cm 32 cm for 31 natalcycle the examiner wetlandy Sept 1m 2s gtTr4 40 Leticle for do DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE MORE BARGAINS Bedroom suite Chest dresser mirror bed mattress two night tables $399 New unfinished hostess chairs $49 Work shirts BigB $877 Work pants BigB $977 sizes to 52 Sauna suits $5 childrens shoes from 99 pr large supply Clay flower pots discounted 36 canvas 99 yd upholstery remnants big discounts office desk $109 lettersize file cabinet drawer $60 two drawer legal ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT IERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible CANAM CLEARANCE SALE You can afford Come to BARRIE Wed 9i2Sat 94 Buying Used Car MWF 516 Some 76 Models Left If you want the fastest best IV MOTO CROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bayfield St of Cundlesï¬d CANAMCZGJAWAl HODAKA HUSQVARNA Sales If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy and serVIce our customers deserve or that our product has been In any way Barrle MataCross Centre Ltd handling most reliable trail ibika oergtoCr9SSer 9193159 7264112 Open to every day but Sun Service Exclusive HiPoint Accessory Dealers misrepresentfiyou will always find me available for your consultation Rn 40 articles for sole PAINTING NANDYMAN ï¬niLiiniEï¬c LI WK Ix I3 ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING size file cabinet $47 secretary RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain IInk custom WA WASWNG Tm EV9 VDONFEEIING Prélosstonal painting in mew desk $755 h°CR°Y Mp LETTER USED CAR BUYERS FROM 2132 °° 18 GIBSON ALUMUNIM 23 737 mcrewshsï¬iizsimztm Ritz Thisiis°e235 mums new urnI ure 5r er ard OldfulilomdPriilo marA ME PAINTING PAPER HANGING oxperienc laggom lllnricercs9lg Siding gaffit Lough ï¬gééquï¬ easing Jock Richardcon 726mm 95 °°rs in °ws lL E9L HILLS if ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED h° °°° HOME IMPROVEMENTS tutoriwfttriiirtnlï¬lcï¬mm to3liio3tw3ns VOLUME SALES II Te ep one 7262900 Un and ceilingsTelephone7058 5387locul 21 MARY STREET I76 Bradford 51 Phone 7284272 claimed Freight 202 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec 7372221 rooms Call Run 0636M after 630 pm References available PAVING S7 9MP Dunlap St iust west of lNGLlSDRYERin workingorder3500r the Barrie Arena FENCING Wednesday September KED MORE living space rec room extra Dear Used Car Buyers SI2 Galvanized and Vinyl bodroom playroom IaunICIlry office stowe best ollcr Telephone 726 7974 Also Intin wa ering Murray We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel It Is unWlse to pay too much But It Is worse INDooR SHOWROOM MI sued pools i096 Discount Avollolilo mulled musmp pop GARAGE SALE Friday and Saturday to pay too Ittle When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because on display Come ininday or can 72 4506 BARR 1265609 FREE ESTIMATES GISTOM REC ROOMSflomplel Imamm 153$4031Sgï¬ï¬eiflffliï¬rfï¬olgfgg car You bought was incapable of doing the job it was supposed to do The Lgollfgfoï¬ff 33 gigggggungoffl ho CALL mggmfjwï¬ï¬zï¬ggï¬ï¬iï¬gggtlg DRIVEWAYS and miscellanous Téiephone AeiIIISIISA common law of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot it Baymart Plaza swam °Y°dt7°°9°6 PARKING LOTS 355555 5er IZIIeIItIvIIIig SPECIALIZING INT It Ir CILIm the done If you deal With the lowest bidder It Is well to hold somethIng for EILIIEEITIIIIRIICBDSIEIZII lchoIIIIISIItIiIcISgigItgroIErIg BUILDING waterproofing brichliana DOLTQTwIIrergnlï¬ CONCRETE WORK SEWIIISIISIIIISIIIIEfggftsvfgagmieciggflggz rlsk yOU take And If you do that you Will have enough to pay for something ï¬bcgitgesnt Condition Asking $550 PRODUCE mtggfggzwmlon l° WarIt sucron ALL WORK GUARANTEED HI In new candmonIm 60m er USED FURNITURE Aircondltioners wTOMdBtlIIILDINGI Hï¬IVlmeiloundo FREE ESTIMATES gfdekgILE ï¬Lrriijlï¬emgfégï¬ggfg an tons an fOnOVa Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come In and lust look at our mer 3335 33 335 Lescgrï¬gfd T60 Bradford Street on co c2n72g726m°V room antique Ihedroorn SUIte All in ex ChondlSe Pulllng you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can af sets lawnlurntture amt bedroom suites Sdlng E°V°5lr009h NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks ricTooinT AAAAAA EQV67C° Teephone 77 551 ford is our business Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse 50 eWindows Baffle renovations extensions etc etc Over free dClIVCl 718 19 Facia anteed work 7262609 Grub9093 WWI boat motor Yours truly SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Alut 905 U0 IIY Gin In ence WEmENCED uRPENTERI hummiOMI l47 ORV HARDY LIMITED ban Kaypaol etc Robinson Hardware Shutters Awnings supplies of lower prices house raising panelling masonry and Driyeways LParking Lots Dunlap St East 728 243i 32 TROJAN CRUISER chimneys roofing Estimates call 7269qu CONSTRUCTION House raising TOUTP dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 436075 after pm AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Do it yourself or we install For free estimates call JOTUL The sage wood burning stove for exceptional fuel ellCtency and healing Open the doors for cozy lirr Contatt For free estimate Mother Natures Heating Cantpitny mm AI condition Many extras such YR MAKE El MODEL Barreromm 05 77 ColPllILSPlIILING JSM Written Guarantee as air conditioning VHF ship to ALCAN ALUMI NUM 5le lor 7266907 IKOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar Shore radio depth sounder 75 560595 Nd rrrrr Gram ricer035 up Dobsan name after camper butk Omar no 30 8A PS PB Tape Air KJH579 Bu Low Fan vï¬ustms DRESSMAKING Escérstivrdt LL Sewmgsmwemmy cessories Ask 59 900 or 76 Ford Plu $9895 SWMMNG P00 northern Aronnoralaaisiiti INSULATION 84 and Install tor ttontmwmr lamllv It DRESSES If made by JOSIE Aaumo for l7years beg Crier ml or or truck Sp ton Blue aluminum swimming pool Willi pittio FmKla Stdlnfl Willi All colors Guar WI°XH19 panmumI gown and alum Choice of Styles meetinq all ItnCllll 0472927609726m anAQEEQQnio SLPhon726m 0n IFOdE $86 by Oppomlmenl regulations on one two 0r three year OTkrWrrrhAhrw 75 Chev Monte CBTIO dl rental baSIS Witti option to own No DRESSMAKNQ lAlLORNG °d °l° BA tlons Reasonable rates For appalnlrnenl OATES 82 Dunlo St East Custom 07V Hardy MOTOTS 75 aids Toronado dr 929 EZITTSIISISMWC6112326 ALUMINUM 531L931Pmewieflendhn trvmtnaot was W5 Call7284272 75 Old 8A PS PB AllLoad JFCgna Bronze $5995 OWMR OPERATED mll 4364899 523 toningiwo TF 75 Ch IUI 858 dr PS PB MFJ776 Cppr $3795 Now PROTECTd 533 IIdOTTA DvaIALL angbtaping residential Blown Cellulose Fibre 85°39 WM Mr Pke ev your omeWI commercla no too ig or sma 8A P3 P3 KFX 845 Blue $3195 Wk MM 26 REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Least26239 FREE ESTIMALESV PERSONNELSERIVICIii Vm fatCWTmlsi sole colour television to e$iding VESTNOUGNING mac 99 monly 74 GMC Pickup l5 ton 8A H33647 Green 52795 the floor full price $499 aimFascia wm EAVESVROUGHING LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONALIIESUMEATLOW cosr IsispmgbohmVs5 in av II usf ra coilfid iiliol intmerit 146 Fiberglas Whh hp 74 Chev Biscayne If p3 pB °Y Ida 57 EOVGWOUQD 533 ré3gé9séKié IaomNGI PROPERTY Services Rough Mow roguy Ioppo 151mm 55159 $1395 74 Mercury Marq dr P3 P3 H205 Bege $2795 ggoncflaclofgfd ï¬lm l°°m°55l Rafting and aoiing pa estimates 33333 °Ylli3indg°l7m°333332 Gh°°£221°b° lS Grew with mo 55 llp 9395 FIRST CLASS WORKMAN 92WPV32324£3°NEYQPM 74 Monte Carlo BA PS PB KZB 804 Brze $2995 202 Dunlap St just FREE ESTWATES EAVESTROUGHING contractor and nymr rr 7136 150 hl M°°V IV BFY789 Gold $3995 MW Mwiemmt CALL no mo it mimi°nzwzml2 REICIIEN 153 in still 52 295 pm PERSONNELSERVICES LTD DUWPSMI Iblz Silvetï¬ne I65 Itp 10 73 Astre Hatchback 4Auto Radio FER953 White $1295 SWWMWG pom FRALICK ALUMINUM MORE NDSCAPING WES 53950 73 Valiant Scamp dl HT 8A p3 pB sltuhtly Scratched In rtllxptirl Fully oSIdingsoifitoFascia PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Vumml Vnnmmarom pluMBmG I7 Sunray with its lIp Johnson 73 Che BSCa ne r338hillwlï¬lfwwnh mum imam eshunars Windows Rd7°l9dl°l °°° Sodding lawn and garden Ns new $5 295 iIi ilr it I6AI re airs rain arid sewer Blue lszighlil lleoprDlhrlrslzglllIs lllllllllll °D°°rs °E°V°5lrough maintenance ï¬ï¬‚nm°m°pï¬m 1mm and hammer HEW 1917 73 dr nitdldll dvlivtrr and illstailaltilil Cull Ca oda R010 filling Evergreons renovations ceramic tile Bilotta 73 Chevrole Impala dr an ttlilacl tnyltinc 4I6 66 VtUH lndustrial Commercial Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and 153433 ROOHNG Green Residential Farms Patio Repair 519 99 It $666 73 Buick LeSabre dr pg pB ATDIBSU Gold $2 BRAND iw Lighting design FREE ESTIMATES and Roofing it Asphalt and II up 73 Plnto dr APPLIANCES Electricalconsulting Repairs guaranteed quality work 44 Spd Double size PHONE 7265666 Roqsonable l4l6AB95A753Jcollect SPORT HAVEN MARINE 73 00d SM FLX 806 9d 895 595 ELECTROLUX iCanada Ltd uulhonxed iota 20V 999 AND riiréomc Nawcndgia Rgpo MILE EAST BAR OIIOpFICOUTelepIhOn andwm raAnmmdhd rm City Masters LlC l18 uw CARE Irroo estimates4363l77 alleropm ON SHAH BAY RD nc aime rr Mr Freight 202 Dunlop St FERTILIZINGweepwrorinolawmanage STOP 7161001 72 Fwd SNV 8A PS PB FMTBZQ Grey $1295 iUSt west of the Barrie mm arnh European and Japanese It mm ELECTRICAL 3f3237 mg WW IWI 04 an Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St Go Are you losmg heat 72 BUICK CBDIUTIOD dr 8A Arenol no elndusriOI Commerciol RUSHS SPORT CENTRE mil north oi liar VV Grey 695 rie well lid of 27 Hwy Lawn and garden Roofing IS Insulation SHEPHERD mahooany boat 72 Bumk Centunan dr gm nous °Farm ORGSIdential rtrlublt hull cylinder Chrysler inboard Snowmobile IEOlrl 777263456 BAPSPBH Installanewroof not AI Conlll on Askin kï¬ LL $2500 72 Marc is dr WDIIO rIIRLPLAcT lymd Ifttr erliiI lint Imil WM MANN How It am Electric Heat MASONRY Stop leads Insmn shingles TLILDIILIHH 335 4245aftor 30p UTY Dilivorysrvnr lflfllllllf Niltit 99 Gold II Molraio Ave sarrto or talophona 728 5233 Dryers Ranges Mun LL 1976 Glaspar Trthll 72 rd Gran rm dr WFWOOD lll it Wit It In not Illl 57 NICE MASON block anriilet R5 horse power merc many has qrittll iirndi 16 hardwier tin tlt ROOI DGICIDQ and Hone work Fireplaces adult pxtrd Red cash lust lakc over payments Ultl til it lat igti rrI tliliwr in IIII rAAr QUAUTY SINCE 1949 mm 7°5l74r5l58 Graham ROOTIng Telephone 456 2708 after 30 ACCURATE sooIIIIEEPIIIGSTIVICE wtilllsï¬lc ENTERTAINMENT RWDEWS res iner Tl Maverle dl 89d FURK Lll ithtimlrl outboard boat brgwn and White Plrtitl rotiilitiiiri SIIII TlllDll Jlll Why struggle WlIlI bookkee lng I90 ll 119 $1795 WARREN LIROWN Mustc for people who it LB attic CrLo plus extras 7i Olds Cutlass dr HT I33 I33 FE Let us do the work for you EXCAVATING tiltto deltcyiGoosifqtgsjiflQSIQ IlkIciww Catt Ron 705 am it Ambassador iii HT p3 P3 98 fee $2195 rayration mi WEMHELNES éiï¬iaiiiéï¬ft Show taming 52513 admit FEW762 Green 395 Triot Balance etc 333 ggqggytt °°d Wk 6pm CENTRAL ROOFING clout qundor camper too Stereo etc 50095 ouronly SdchrS Calla CDOVTOIBL CBDTICB OT All piece dinene sun Fun For Information call WEST GROVE MUSIC lNSTRUCTIONS COMMEHLIAL RESIDENTIAL 726 Utah Or no 4341 New And Repairs I7 SIDEWINDER I70 Volvo HQ 000 fl BUICK SKYIBIK If HT 6A PS PB 726 7374275 CONSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classrcal and Popular F2900e SUBHCIOITYIeJ cFreigltt MWFszb kh wglhmpflqufmSJUdELZTSV Plum Mnnlkm 77 HI $3900 Telephone Jehn 0C 09 XC°V Eknvolo All us 25 FT NOVA SCOTIA boat Six cylinder Pomlac dr Sedan 202 Dunlap St lust uppiufln ï¬nanching DANCING INSTRUCTION and 41447909 Gray Marino motor CB radio hot Blue west of the Borne Arena ï¬T Iflorilomal Grin Ages years and over water sleeps tour miles per gallon 70 $12 AND General Contractor Kitrhen rec U9 with four wheel trailer $2300 or offer mums renovations additions fireplaces Tap Belle Jazz 800 Alltr 30 424 I7 MODIBQD If Gold guaranteed 737 I507 Enrolling now for classes Siwmc MACMNES MUS SELL mo Kennedy Ski boat 125 CARPENTER Spectalinng ill 04 HP JOltliSOll DOST after Telephone 70 Pontlac Safari SIW 4dr 3A p3 pg FCY 027 Id 795 GIGANTSIIELCEAR mm P333 mum com tyziesrrswer SALES SERVICE 0mm 7288884ther6prn one LA 7U tamlllr iliilltIritwr Ill rllll Il Ill iii ANNE MAKER EU on umd KHI STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vtc SEWVEASY CO Service calls from $5 Atn rooflecaslggvsegzndcyréng myr in UIIITUVI flatly NM Duh Pm Wateonlorlree estimate728i599 REGIONAL ACADEMY Specialists erOIrSV all makes industrial Phone tors Ed 58 4572 My IV WV lon and house machines New used soles IOIIii iltlul alteration Domestic Carnmercml 776 oF W74 Sler New on dr AZX SOUI VI 2948 50 7371671 rr lrkglV I65 8A 099 urq 995 WM Mn UCENCED CARPENYERS Custom homB HARDWOOD FLOOR Inllallation and TWOWAY RADIO tapvocck hand and many extras 57506 Ford tollaoos rnmottom rlpatls Satitlacltor rdlnilhlng old and new guaranteed not to ACCORDION 90 Plano 090 begmar ï¬A or best ollnr including insurance and guaranteed and Construction 726 746l chIp ar peel 37583 and ada°d monll 50 Inilumen dorknqo at Barrio Marina 726 9948 69 CARPENTER thI do rec rooms renovations Iitanor mZIILcOTI 7C23nla7ritgn Aca we radio 42warï¬cles warned tod ll ht lI menu 69 Form lb COINQSTTIDCTIEN 51 MUSCANWP 5550 PM our yd cxsH FOR old furniture books dishes for renovations addittolu hdittesctdlnltgzls oor wall mosalc 85 mlnlng wrmm bleCl SVlVla Ker es on ervce MOW UTES CIOCkSi Odds and EDUS fare Blue 995 Free ostirnaiat 435 and vinyl asbestos 93MVYTQSTIISI736B3If SHOP ON PREMISES I950 Items 728 um Add °° On COINS WANTED Collector wants to 68 df morgue bCVOIITIpOiII rycIoumi unawwgï¬mgahzï¬ Work guaranteed year ggttgams The Bandstand Bayftald MD Docksde ruy 55m 0mg collection cum III Fteeesllrnal 7263853 hulls Beslprlctspald 726 4544 87 Bids Delta 88 dr 8A PS PB AZC492 Blue 795 liecover it Pmll 11 c°l°y PIANO LESSONS tau in by anon Electronics nu mammal cubic tool In cal All YP Wilc 70 dDIOIIS 000 cnnditmn Must be reasonable YOUTe VOUR Id 7174 7V Mal8d kMulIlIzaSwl Sl FIttnsivcall 124 057 anytime prtngI counltig ay PIANO VOICE AND THEORv at BS ore lVl Wd° seocton ot decount o9rip 553 725 7310 titdogs and pets fabrics ml Gaunt MNMENNCE MUi MT 7284436 GUITAR Lessons In IV DARRIE pOODLE Salon Shampooing I75 BRADFORD ST BARBIE Zioalrn lItIIIions wmdows cleaned IraIcIIiIPhonoGary GafttIiaslK7ano 3530 WELL DRILLING IIIIIIIILIrIéDpSIIngpfldIfIII breeds Sophia 00 amateur CARPET AND VINYL flooring irutallalian IT The home ol dlwlng man call al lhlnkmg mall pnce proiossional Guaranteed walk at reasonable price General own care all3W walo W9 Qflllmgv FWD fOODLE TRIMMINGI professional 7374873 homes caiiages Tree estimate i0 years gIIKVmIIH all breeds pick up and de MEXMd Needles threads twines cOMMERCIAl ARI cleanup and fertilizing YEILINC 7wa Coraline ln SEP°lt°A9 74 5657 livery 726 8798 Pet StudioI II Bullons made to order Gar nd Jmg3218333 E°blh WELL DIGGING MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles ages asemen 74 Aï¬Avi Sional clipping and grooming reason 32 CCD de ID WanTOd truck and IIIIIOIS Comp 90 10 upholstery COMMERCIAL ARTIST deugn WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex am rates Telephone 776 006 supphos work layout etc Pleoe cal collect 16 Gone terior and Interior Free estimates Work Musy SELL I969 MUSTANG Smack Top pRICE Io mp cars Toke Momr5 I976 JEEP CJS Aposnrart excellent 93676 TROPLCAL FSH 895 SCIECIO 80000 miles new 390 motor transmis sion brakes and tires $1700 or best of fer For more information call 424 67Sl I97l PONTIAC WAGON power steering and brakes positraclion in good runn ing condition as is $750 or best offer Call 716 I763 after 60 I970 CHRYSLER two door for sale In good running order Power Steering and brakes Uncertified $600 or best offer Telephone 456 $403 after pm I969 PONTIAC door sedan183 engine 30000 miles new duel exhaust and ball iomts Very good condition Asking $800 Telephone 778 469 1976 CHEV IMPALA four door hardtop white with red vinyl roof power steer ing power hrikca wheel discs white wall tires remotr mirror block healer trailer hitch undercoated 20000 miles $45000r bestalfer 718 577 alter 5pm I972 FORD CORTINA radio back win new defogger snow tires Excellent con dition Sacrifice $895 Apply 37 Agnes St Barrie or phone 716 6390 PRIVATE l976 CHEVELLE two door hardtop Like new Teleptlone716l318 l968 CHEV BISCAYNE Six clendcr automatic Running condition Uncer tilled Telephone 456 2924 I966 CHEVELLE MALIBU cyl atuomatic dr Good condition less than 65000 miles original owner best offer Phone 726 668i ticars Wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF Haw JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers726 87H Ltd H9 Bradford St Barric 128 8lll TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices pain Free pickup Telephone 716 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 632 Alterbp 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales l7 Gowan St 776 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Townq scrap metal cars bought over scalrs Best prices paid 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Free tmmfdlali anytime 436 7900 Sittrucks and trailers i969 CHEV VAN complete inside Mag wheels Htg bucket seats Asking $ll00 Telephone 776 otl6 FIBREGLASS TRUCK CAP one year old very good condition Fits any eight foot truck box Wllitewittt windows $150 firm Telephone 737 0878 I975 DODGE VAN custom paint full in terlor radial tires mags FM cassette player and more $5600 Catt Rick at 705 458 9590 I973 DODGE VAN fibreglass top Ex cellent condition low mileage Fully equipped Inside Telephone 728 6725 or 424 6l24 evenings I966 CHEV Cab over engine with foot rack and tarp Good condition Certified Telephone 728 7609 I970 DODGE VAN ncW automatic transmission panelled and carpeted From no rust 60000 miles Good running order $7500 or best offer Call 737 0245 evenings 77 HY Beck Trlele Filth Whch Equip trailer with ramps new tires elect brakes also I964 GMC tractor good cand Complete 52500 832 8865 I977 GMC VAN As is $500 One ton power steering power brakes automatic Telephone between pm and9pm 728 6405 GMC CURTIS MINI Motor Van raised lop completely outfitted sleeps four will certify New paint Excellent Condition all through 326 9338 Orillla 1975 FORD TON pick up power Steer ing Ford custom cap step bumper law mlleage Asking $3800 Telephone 726 6800 after 5p Top pit klin condition Lots of extras Firm 55000 Atter6pm 716 5360 I966 CHEV HALF TON Slx cylinctor slim dar Certified $750 or bust offrr Telephone 778 LII8 artservice and repairs Midhurst Reconditioning OEngine Cleaning Olnterior Shampooing Simonizing 0Complete auto Cleanup GUARANTEED WORK FREE ESTIMATES Phone 7268238 MWFS LICENSED MECHANIC will do gnnIral repairs by appointment only Nights and weekends Telephone 728 l87l 36auto accessories AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION to sale A727 type out of I970 Dodge Challenger Fourteen miles an it Phoni 7J7 0729 alter 6pm 37mIotorcyCIes i972 HONDA 350 Asking only 3550 Car lified Excellent condition Call after am mmw NEW THIS YEAR I9I6 5x 500 yamatin with Show larring and luggage rack Sissy bar H650 Also I97l Matti Ski snowmobile Telephone I26 8785 I975 CAM AM I25 TNT low mileage priced to sell excellent condition Telephone John 728 75l5 I97l NORTON 750 Commando low mileage Only driven three summers 5800 or best offer Telephone 716 7087 after 5pm UPIIOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 WThrTl= CHESTERFIELD SUIIF gold scatrr harvest uttld cubic foot refrigerator and 14 stove pool table two tressors arborito kttrIIrri trlhle Tnlrrplianc H6 0978 lrvrntnlis BEDROOM SUITF rilahilgririy trnrli lionrll Indie doublv cfrcssrrr With lamr mirror mans Irawor ITISI Imiblv bod pring Good condition $775 Tollphone 28 9735 after 40 IIorticlos for sale CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps Curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 726008 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DETEEQQfitFiï¬ THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCOE COUNTY MERCHANTS Circle Pine Grove Borden lSave Mart Highway 90 VPrices Store Sunnidal eRd Utopia Highway Service Hwy 90 One Stop Shop Sunnidale Corners Lily Pad Restaurant Hwy 90 Bra Market Big Bay Point Ce ar Point Variety Lefroy Bonds Store Lefroy Warks Store Alcona Beach A21H ORefuse removed 0Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIE 4362387 Garages cleaned trash haulDd away Just give us your castoffs Telephone 4875525Iar 72634 NANDYMAN WILL DO furniture Ilrlpp It and reflnhhlng Realonable ratI ep 40 articles for sale Woes asses Mranteed N0 JOB TOO SMALLI Exterior Painting Home Repairs SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Cal MEL 4364105 MWFS9 PAULS PAINTING Intarior oxflriar Free estimates Low rates Fast service EIIIDSHOOVQUOTQHIOM 737I295I RED PENCIL Strikes at the very heart of Unclalmed Freight Brand new dining room suites Full price $499 Free delivery Telephone 726 2900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap St lust west of the Barrie Arena Si2 ANTIQUE COUCH in good condition 575 Green three cushion wood trim Telephone 728 9754 PING PONG table inch regulation sire folds for Storage 350 Underwood Olivetti electric portable adding machine 575 All excellent condition Pllunv 718 4605 TEAK BEDROOM Suite in excellent condition ladies triple dresser Willi mil ror mans wardrobe king Sire ticad board with end tables 8450 Please phone 776 2345 AMFM EIGHT TRACK Inur channel Stereo four speakers $300 or best offer baby car soat ially iumper with stand back pack Telephone 728 Jim flérticlest95l FIREWOOD FOR SALE IA 16 Good hardwood 675 $30 per taco cord Fiel dolivory In Barrio nioii Telephone 736 3649 JACUZZI POOL HEATER 00000 BTU Sl50 Various tropical fish aquariums from 15 oalliins lawn sub gravel filters included siltlit giant pumps and olhcr diaphrauiil lypi pumps Fair price on all itttnis Telephone 726 2686 bolero it In BAR STEREOS AMFM track plus changer Full price $399 Completewichbarstools Full manufacturers warranty Free delivery Telephone 7262900 Un claimed Freight 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena ISI2 PARACHLITE PC MKI short Simvi star flush pantl Fftlitll paraboats lunlnsun ovcrytllino in LXilll1l0liill tion loloplittm r174 09Ilntl0t tp III steerable reserve mini system north RR No Barrie Home Farm Cottage Concrete well tiles OPump installations For Free Estimate CALL 7284634 anytime WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart monls Stores Houses Factories Reason able rates Telephone 726l9l4 4D articIes for sale SKATES Ono ptill SUIILI lace boys silo silo Hauii Suplcmos Both in flLW CUITUIIIIIII 5N onrli Tolephonr 487 241 FOR SALE KENMORE ELEC TRIC range wlittto window in ovvn dom Also I970 Volkswiiuon IUi for but ts $100 each or best offer ieloiilialw 136 5571 NOR DHE IMFR UIR IGIIT grand piano recently LLOIKIIIIUINII $450 rod Ill stand for Ilility gallon aquarium IIIILLIT uitllon aquar tum pump and Ulldtl around Itltor $35 TDIEDIIUITI ill Ill Di EP Home 15 ubil loot in condition Asking $375 or bust offer TIlipliOltILIHT Billilalllli 5r Ill COMPARE ANYWHERE These beautiful brand new 44 peice living room suites in an assortment of lovely colOUIs Full price 0299 Free delivery Telephone 7262900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap St iust west of the Barrie Arenal 52 town Aquariums all Sites at unbeatable JrICtIS Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aqualla M3 Ardaotl Road 726 0091 SAMOYED PuppiLS white purbréd male and female 575 Call 726 7885 anytime FOR SALE blondo and black Labrador RiIriovvrsSIO Telephone 737 3247 IRISH SE TIER PUPPIES home rais on champion line CKC registered Vet insptc lml DISILITTDLI shots and deworm ed Curilat Alan McKay Innisvale Ken nols Hwy 89 Coakstown 458 9456 FREE IO GOOD HOME Four hall black labraLlor and hall german shepherd pups Ready to go Telephone 434 6990 iltir6pm IIULL TERRIER lost Midhurst area tiirtay evening Male brindle wittt Wlllll cliost Childrens pet Reward Telephone 73 I265 or 728 5I78 SHIH lZU PUPPIES for sale weeks lll Downrmecl all Shots Call Jim at hnntv 187 5035 work 723 5943 Two OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS nlaliS One four years and one one year Both registered Gentle disposition Owtlir must sell moving to apartment 718 55W clays 835 5494 evenings FREE TO GOOD HOME Spayed female four years Old Port hlltpllLld Collie Affectionatc good with chiltli IT Telopllulit 73 0948 after pm 50qarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Salur fay ILIIVLIY Call 726 392Bor 776 SOD FOR SALE large or small quan IIIILv DtllviILLI l0 iob or home Call 43 will 51 trees and Shrubs SHADE 1M LS NOW is the time to StlLCI your tlltHlI We have largo svloctiilii and small depoSlt Will hold for fall pit kup ilrays Gardtril Centre 26 Lormliili DI 126 NH PLANT your Wlllll Spruce trees now till Ironic Lip All Slits available Free l0llVlly HR 940 52 plants and bulbs IROPICAI PLANTS tLIi yout homo or ltthLL IL llrilys Garden Centre 20 Iflldillt DI 716 Jtn