10th birthday This is llit kind of action lpllltl this ttklllfl il llll lHili annual liihoi ha Softball luuiiiamrut in lion in ltoh Baird oftom tllllllt lools lt out lm chrndi of thi tlptiinisl ttuli total of to Itlitih split into Io illusions lll lil ionipriing for part ot lllt $1100 in ash piics iiiliht llirii Ilt ltiltli in our group on luding ltiatiiri loorls iiurrh lobilr lloinis and ltarvic ttifil lttl art It local lth Annual ï¬w locations Queens Park Shear Park Mac Morrison Park Group AA Jr Friday pm Convertible Pools vs Peter Reirio Sports at Queens Park rn Wall Real Estate vs Hillsdale at Shear Park 830 pm Mr Transmission vs Brorllord at Queens Park 830 Village Caterers vs Duntroori at Shear Park 830 pm Sammys vs Georgian Sports otMac MorrisonPark Group Sr Int Saturday 30 p111 Whitby vs Down sview at Queens Park l213f prri Hornby vs Barrie CO OP at Shear Park 35 Beatrice Foods Defending Champions will be back again aetx lfitllls compoting inttln ftilltrtlJI tournament which kicks oft rida iitli fiu games Jtl tlirrr city hall parks liliitts is sponsoring the tournainrnt ulnrli includis lllLirtillltll and llnlstslllit pill hinz Iiil tiiiiiIs litgin at pm Illltlil it Sinir and tintcos loi mm in gainis it laclor rison urins iiiil Shiai parks The lllltillll list Iiplcsints tln Iaigcst tuinunt tll tor llll ltillltittllltlll Iiual gaincs ill lnlttl to lituni loiirlircnlii1L lillllllltl lliotoi my Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Sept Tournament Schedule pm Guelph vs Beatrice Foods atQueens Park pm Church vs Owen Sound at Shear Park 630 pm Winner of Whitby Dowrisview vs Sault Ste Marie at Queens Park 630 pm Winner of Horriby CO OP vs Port Colborne at Shoar Park pm Winner of Guelph Beatrice vs North Bay at Queens Park pm Winner of Churrh Owen Sound vs Cohourg at Shear Park Saturday am Barrio Flour and Wall vs Yorige Station at Queens Park lst Round am Parkdale TV vs Adair Sports atShear Park am Charlies Cs Aces vs Starr Electric at Mac Morrison Park 930 am Pickering Glass vs Slessor and Periard at Queens Park 930 am CroyrRoy vs Markham utShearPark 930 am Rouge Hill vs Barrie OptirnistotMac MorrisonPark ll am Underground Railway v5 Huntsville at Queens Park I230 am Winner of Wall Hillsdale vs Oshawa at Mar Morrison Park pm Winner of Village Dune troori vs Paris at Mar Morrison Park Queens Park lord vs Waterloo arrie labor tball Tournament 330 pm Winner of Convertible Peter Reino vs St Thomas at 330 pm Winner of Mr Brad Game Times Fri pm Sat am Sun 12 noon Mon am Its only fitting that the 10th anniversary of the Barrie Labor Day Softball Tourna ment be the biggcst ever Forty teams will use four ball parks for 75 games stretching through three lays and four nights thats the formula for thc 1977 tournament And it all begins Friday with five gamcs formally announc ing the start of what is now rankcd as one of the trip softball tournament in the province Its also one of thc iichcst with $2400 in prize money to be split equally ovcr two divisions We startcd it years ago with eight teams rcmcinbcrs John Mctann president of the Bar rie and District Senior Softball lcaguc It started the first year with $200 bonds for prizcs and it just grow from eight teams to 16 teams the second year Mctaiin has hern involved with thc tournaiiicnt sincc its start and ranks thc calibre of ball as among thc best hcs Sll Barrie will be well represented as usual this year There are 11 local teams involv ed representing two leagues draw held earlier this week determined who would meet whom in the opening round STARTS FRIDAY The tournament will run Fri day night with double headers at Quecns and Shcar Parks and one game at MacMorrison Park Play resumes bright and early Saturday am and continues throught thc day until approximately 9pm Sunday will see the cruciial knockoff day in the double knockout tournament Action begins at norm and continucs daylong heading into Mon days final round The championship finals are expected to begin early in the evening Besides heavy schedule at Quccns Shear and MacMon rison Parks pair of gamcs havc bccn squeezed into Stch Strect to accommodatc the tight schedule Other events with tourney lhc annual Barric Labor Day Sottball louriianicnt startcd with ciglit tcains l0 years ago and now licadiug into Fridays opcncr has 40tcam ltiSltt lt just grow to the point lit two divisions had to bc tormcd This took placc tour years ago and has provcii suc ccssful ltut thats not tlic only thing that has lilossoiiird itli lllt an nual touriiamciit llorscshoc pitching has liccomc iccogiiilcd cvcnt at thc tourncy and now tug of war IS gaining in popularity lhc horscshor pitching is uudrr thc dircction ol itorgi Milts of thc Barrio llorscshoc luh It is living hcld on tlic Sunday with advance rcgistra tioii in orrlri Anyonc intcrcstcd ui cnlcriiig the tournament is asked to coir tact Milcs as soon as possiblc lhc Barrie police havc entcrcd team in the tug of war competition which will bc licld Monday during breaks in thc gamcs at Quccus Park All told there arc four teams in thc tugofwar including iiicrican llotcl lhc lublic ltilitics ommission and llydro lhr softbah tournamcnt has roots in thc huich lloincs organilatiou Today tlicic arc three teams llltfl in putting thc annual packagc togrthcis ltcatricc Foods hurcli and tho Slcssor and lcriaid ln surancc lub all sharr thc workload lhcrc is dancc at the Ar mourics lriday and Saturday cvcnings Flyers cut prices on season tickets Season tickit liolrlrrs arc go mg to grt break this season for liomc gamcs of the ltarric Flyrs Hycrs iniiouiiccd icVistd lltktl llsl including HP taiiii ly plan for their 31 gumc homc schtIluli thilrlicu ill pa St prr gaini or $21 ltil tlic honir giiriic Stllttlltlt The pic season llkktl Championship games at Queens Park on Monday evening Sponsored by Labatts price ll purchasirl bcforc Nl isSlt Students and senior llllttlS Will saw St 30 it thcy buy scasoii tickcts llir rcgular piuc prr game is $13 Adults will pay Sit pcr gaiiii or SW for the liomr gainrs hut ll they purchase tlltll scuson tirktts tlity Will saw $030 the examiner Thursday September 1m 1I5 Beatrice Foods which won the grand championship last year under the eview Dairy banner is back Bradford Queens Hotel is back as well it was Bradford which Beatrice knocked off in the grand championship final Teams have been ranked ac cording to classification with the bulk of thc teams in lroup Two or the Intermediate AA Cor Junior ranking Theres total of 28 teams in this group comparcd to thc 12 in Group me Theres $1000 in cash prizcs available for each division star ting with top puisc of $500 and working down $300 $200 and The two division champions then meet to dccidc the grand championship of the Labatts Labor Day softball tournament to celebrate decade of competition with biggest show yet sponsored event There is an additional $200 prize for the winner or total of $700 available for the tournament champions GROUPONE The 12 teams in Group One in clude BeatriCc Foods Barrie Cop and Church Mobile Homes of Barrie Other teams are Owen Sound Kings Farms Hornby Whitby Downsview Guelph Sault St Marie Coburg and Port Colbornc North Bay is expected to be strong again this year as are Hornby and the Guelph In grams which won the touma ment three years ago llornhy has established itself as strong contender Group One steps into play Saturday beginning at 1230 pm Coip an entry from the 24 Barrie city Fastball League takes on Hornby at Shear Park with Church Homes going against Owen Sound at pm Beatrice Foods meets Guelph at Queens Park at pm GROUP TWO There are eight teams from Barrie in this group Slessor and Periard Insurance Club is ranked as definite threat as is Bradford Queens Hotel Starr Electric Convertible Pools Mr Transmission Barrie Floor and Wall Barrie Optimist as well as Georgian Sports firstplace finishers of the Citys Recreation Division and PeterReino Sports Hustlers which swept through the Intermediate Division regular schedule suffering just one loss are the other local clubs iiiorgian Sports is thc only team cnlcrcd in thc annual Barrie Labor Day Softball tournament this holiday wcckcnrl from lhl Rccrcation Division of thc Barrie City Fastball League ticorgian Sports finishttl lhc rcgulur schcdulc in first place and one of the reasons was the hit ting 0f l9rcd llaughlon iiiorgiiin is dcfinitc contcndcr for the Rec Division championship total of II llzirrii cams lltt cntcrcd thc fourAday tournament which starts Friday Examiner llioto