WvVWw Delean on records Consistency makes album corker Domenic Troiano finally cleared hurdle Hollmood hotline Finding script for giant actor is far from easy matter My llstt to mid Just the right scripi tor topley cs sei tt his ne iltttVlt HiiLIAyyiniti no cant play the young cis otaiei ora Llitll lieutenant anymore he notes lifti Imh or wripi Mh no eyident regret lhaye my agent reading scripts lij have guy oxer it liiliacl reading but tlieies Just so ip itlltli iunk htii ftIIl through some are thing could pro litlgtl lo liey ttti written ii tad asfe doni want to talk against people liiitlttlty1lli ioiiiake prom iiir tines but there leyel of Scripts isptiiiy yiieii tor Vi1ieiieplciiiiil lie pour long thoughtful pause oi pertw tion plaieiu of pro mmiilmtloniieiittiie lttitttlislli scripts should he prodianr soi licliiei Ithttilitlt ttlliflfiItlilliitlliillttlittliS Em mnwwtr script should liaye aien ftzlll hr the Liiaii til l3 llflwllw ml MW pm Wt illt to rlcniily with about rare iiieon genuine trying llmlll3llr lllldk WW nix taiier my iiiicie my brother Hes guy like cry Ietiyttt tiilililtlil llt will ttllltk hiringactorvliolii coiiisesot tii lle colorful itttl tllvl hm toi ioiicgc innrniier with lot of good TIill ili tilltLte itil it pulpits Fulleroi tat ltllililltllll Itinl expect to find has lleknowsmowabouthe onieihing thats perfect for history of soc1i ltitlIIll llilll me lilll it the to he tar enough tiiost teaciiir of licrire ars upthescalctoliepalatalile ltf itl 1lil vllltlskylllislllillttl criptsto much int lli rmn careri litgar 1o year Jitzti xnd iiÂ¥ also Ii ikcs ll liitll taync llllitt liiin III many Lllls lliey sec me as eyerylliinL grunt TO Start back to school on time with name brand watch from Bill LeBoeuf Jewellers Right now Bill LeBoeuf Jewellers is featuring specially selected NAME BRAND Watches at savings up to Come and see Bill LeBoeul Jewellers today You will be glad you did Also the following school rings reduced Barrie North Collegiate Barrie Central Collegiate Barrio Eastiiew Collegiate 3655 16 goat Of BARRIE LIMITED 52 Dunlop St West trout senator to piolessioi il Illllllr iljll Liyne was Illlll in liait shade on the piio o1 his Newport Item It lionic alvou or miles south of lieie in an open Iteiked slilit tisliil and dccl shots lie ill tor ltts been tlltti lg gvieixei linkidt weekend tii3i tli trin tried by lzqiiuipiocn ile lin sad Htl Qwe nicn leader ill 74i iln iuipoitaii niotto lily uzw tu tnc iinciw iz iic abroad he say it litilt1tlllltl opii Whit linoan to is ll we had studio nioeiit tin iiii ftillst iou ot the mpic sio inadc iiouirl the iorid lit goycriiineizt pu the nioiuil of busines can ltllllltilit gangster hero trend Iii troduced with liable and togart and so on the liltiltts were popular but the moguls had the guts to change the Kyli of those liltltllls lien lllt It1l1l the ltt illoiitji rats and ln wa ittcctini lllt youth and the more of Hill country So tliij oliltidtil making pit iiirc Alitt lu topped lltiise our though they were ttiihltt lot of money Open days week Fri evenings till pm 7283343 By Ill DELICAN IIxaniiner Staff Writer omenic lroiano has lived somewhat of charmed life on the anadian music scene these last Itiyears Toronto critics and pro moters warmed to the young composergaitarist while he was with the 1960s formation Mandala They have stuck with him ever since even though Iroianos output never quite ltl up to their considerable expectations Its taken while but their taith has finally been reward ed Iroiano has new album out called lturiiin At The Stake itapitoL SlIItitifii Its cor kcr easily one of the best releases this year by anar than artist What makes it so is its con sisiency lroiano has flashed traces of Mandala through stints with Hush lhe laiiies Gang and The Guess Who The problem had been that they were Just that flashes Solid iiiateiial like Dancing hoot ittess Who or Looking lor My Lady Ilanies langi vltlttl yitli mediocrity As often is he Iound the groove lroiano would miss it completely yith lturnin At The Stake he has finally cleared that hurdle limit of the albums nine original compositions has the qualitytostandonitsoun lliere are two instrumentals on the record The llISl the ti ile cut showcases the gut ltttlsl lilaiiig speed while iaidliack tune called Lonely lilll recalls the winsoinc Iii eein by imrge Benson lhougli certainly guitarist iirst Iroiano has improved as singer llis ocals are more tlan adequate on this album He also gets top notch cont ribu trons from James Hang alum nus lioy Kcnner and lorontos soultul SliayincJackson tin the instrumental side the list Iii guest performers in cludes the litttktl Itrothers tor brass and The Ayerage While Hands Steve lerronc on drums Part of the appeal of lturnin At The Stake is its diversity lroiano £lttl stylistic con zinemcnt and his broad range includes rock soul tall blues lunk llie prodlict also seems more commercially Want to become More Effective Supervisor or Prospective New Manager The in ivfii liitiliil of Maiirigmiyeiit Lake Sitiiriio Btuiitli is ww If opieq Itiplwulltiis for yerii and ol Out year iiairpui mi li lItIII rritaiii reitilicotiouii itm Gordon Cooke Education Chairman Bus No 3256l21 Residence 325IS2I DIINLOP VI CALI nu I46 ROXY mum SHOWN AT 7008 900 non gut INS BAD NEWS BEARS ARE ONE YEAR MIR AND ONE YEAR WILDER palatable than what one has come to expect from Iroiano on hisown Among the albums top tunes are the jazztinged Peach of Mind sung by Kenner rocker Savor The Flavor and the haunting Outer Limits of My Soul seven minutes of sheer iii spirat ion SWIIIINEY IIIi dont know quite what to make of this liveman band from Vancouver Listening to Sweeney Todds new album It Wishes Were llorses tlxiiidon IStitHi is bit like looking at hers parade of fashions You keep wondering if theyre serious or not It they arent serious its good fun but if they are well Sweeney Todd came to pro iniiience in Taiiada last year with chart topping singlecall ed Itoxy ltoller The band has been through all kinds of tur nioil since then losing lead singer Nick iildcr along the way llis replacement is preen ingdandy by thenanicot ltryan iiiy II£IIIIS Adams has style reiniiiis ceiil of Queens Freddy Mcr cuiy but the similarity ends there his tit has more in common with the adolescent timbre ot Hay ity Roller Les lcleoyyn or The Keane ltrotliers than Mercury The doubts have about Sweeney Todd centre on him dains pouts coos and whines his way through the album in my from Granada ï¬om only $1500 month Youve such selfmocking tone that strongly suspect hes putting us on When he romps through rock and roll version of Theres no business like show business or love song with the romantic title Shut Up Im almost sure of it But when he gives ratiicr straight renditions of cliche ridden ballads like Song For Star or If Wishes Were llorses Im not so sure The musicians foursome headed by guitarist Skip lresl dont give anything away Their work is solid throughout the album sometimes surpris ingly so as on keyboard player Dan laudins instrumental All Hi Sudden So the question remains is Sweeney Todd courting success with selfparody or not thought the answer might be evident during their ap pearance on ltrteleyisions One Night Stand but it wasnt The audience was no help The LtllyJXIDIMI crowd went wild throughout their two songs which were on tape nd what was Sweeney Todd doing The usual rock and roll pan toinimes but iii such way that you couldnt tell for sure whether they actually behcyed in them or were simply poking fun NHVIZIS IIIIHI II II The first works of fiction to be called novels were composed in Italy in the late litth cent ury From 15 month ttobealittle to watc your own comm IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE 44 DIINLOP ST BARRIE CINEMA moan LS aw tiniii acmeants an mamm Intanumnl Pu toms Finstints THE BAD NEWS BEARS IN BREAKING TRAINING WILLIAM DEVANE CUFlON JAMES Iteii try PAUL BRICKMAN flamed lipon tiaiat tee ieated by BILL LANCASTE Illilltlt out by LEONARD GOLDBERG lltltt ted by MICHAEL PRESSMAN PLEASE NOTE FAMOUS PLAYERS PASSES WILL NO LONGER BE HONORED AT THIS THEATRE 197 IARAMUUNI IlClUIlI In linintfllAI IMPERIAL CINEMA anon lIxti hi4 it IllRllS JAthtlll lit SUSAN SARANIIHN lttl Vltllthl Its the BIGG MARHN RANfitllllHl CALL 7283440 ANYTIME 51 Its the BES the examiner Thgfsday Sogtornber 1977 13 Nixon show coming back WASIIINGIUN ilteuteri The Richard Nixon show re turns to US teIeVision next week Alter televising six hours of Elvis song up there LONDON AIJ 77 Way Down recorded by lilvis Presley be fore his death zoomed to No on Brit isli pop music charts this week litCord industry sources pre diet the recording will be the first of many in an expected flood of hitherto unreleased material prepared by Presley before he died Aug It Way Down was No it last week after appearing from no where on the charts rn Margaret Dailey AMusARCT is pleased to announce the opening of MUSIC STUDIO IS Clapperton St Barrie Pupils of all ages are now being accepted for in struction in classical and modern piano and theory including preparation for Royal Conservatory For more information please call 7289976 after discussions with the former president in May British inter viewer David Frost has sal vaged enough from the film left on the cutting room floor to put together another program Frost interviewed the former president near his California home for 20 hours in April He then sold tour 90minute shows edited from those sessions to 153 television stations around the deal estimated to have earned Nixon $1 million fifth Siomimite program entitled Nixon For the Record will be shown by many of the same stations at different times next week starting Sunday In it Nixon will be seen disr cussing the incriminating tapes that led to his downfall in cluding the stilliiiysterious 18 minute gap in one of the tapes and his reasons for not destroying the tapes after their existence became known GRENADA ieTNlALG WHHT ljiiiwwa 11 lid ivsorlmnonCiuelph lldtiilili fliirl laminaOshawa Ifliif inuCber City PitlitttG vs BUYING QEDi7 of WELJIWG Yt Z9l£lMߴ39E ff 24999 3€gt747 911329 iii2 37543 ELQQiii DtiLQEtW 22850 9184 Ai its Bvou ALBERT anoccou presents as IAN FLEMINGS JAMES npnnoor If tiitl rill THE SPY WHO 77 Inner Artists lransameni Company THIS nomic MELODRAMA MORROW iNANN YABi ANS Pitt til NiAiioN iRANi YABI ANs riiiiiitioioN lttl tittthSllil tll MiiiNioii MARIt iiiANiti ilSllR ioiiN Btu NANA YABI ANS GREAT DusK To DAWN SHow AT THE DRIVEIN ONSPNDAY llltxiiletl ivy Alllllil ii lilitltltlllll SCironptAy by llHlfll mm staiuiq hAllliAlol Alli Iiy llll llthlNli ritaiiittiec ltéi li liyilil illllllllli Wilflll lilflllAllll MAIBAUM oounu Exarmsmi EDITED IIIIE action sums TOMORROW moo an smi uni TONIGHT ONle