REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH CO LGATE DENTAL BURNS SLICED MOCK CHICKEN MAC CHEESE PICKLE PIMENTO OR LUNCHEON LOAF OR BOLOGNA COOKED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED BEEF CREAM 50 OFF OZ PKG PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS SCHNEIDER FROZFN BREADED FRIED BUCKET OF CHICKEN 27 LB TUB CANADA GRADE FROZEN EVISCERATED BETWEEN 512 LBS TU RKEYS 10 OFF WAS 98¢ LB LB LANDERS BABY SHAMPOO 50 OFF WELLA BALSAM 900 ml C033 50 OFF WAS 398 450 mt com TAME REGULAR BAISAM OR Wliti 7365 IH CREME RINSE 32 OFF 16 FL 02 com 25 OFF LB COORSH SLICED CORNED BEEF 50 OFF mm RAZOR BLADES OZ PKGS 90 21 PKGOF9 Eriécmu ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED COLOURS ALL PURPOSE TOWELS JCLOTHS 29 OFF PKG OF 12 MOUTHWASH GARGLE LISTERINE 20 OFF 500 ml BTL GILLETTE TRAC ASSORTED FRAGRANCES WIZARD ROOM DEODORIZER 50 OFF mm 602 AERO CONT SCENTED OR UNSCENTFD REGULAR OR POWDER DI ODORANT ULTRA BAN 24 OFF oz AERO CONT seéciAL SANIFLEX LARGE gagiï¬giows P518 88 iilï¬iiiigizigTIQKUPS 996 gsï¬OXVEAgiiKMPOOS 76¢ SHAMPOO 33159 NEWLAFBEEEBM 9536129 RBNIKCIN with 119 VLiQhLiJrng EANER SPECIAL QSSERTEBXQRIEHES 1302 SPECIAL EEGUIARORIIMUN SPECAU Winipigx 3fgo 73¢ LiATRSPRAY 538 159 FNRDUIT SALTS 01 125 CLOSED MONDAY SEPT 1977 Open TuesSat mm 10 pm Values effective until closing Tuesday Sep I977 Georgian Mall and Simcoe Plum Barrie ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE 30 OFF PKG 38 OFF 20 LBS 14 OFF HAWAII 12 or 20 OFF 50 OFF mm lllli Qumran PRODUCE OF ONT CAN NO POTATOES PRODUCE OF USA SFEDLESS GREEN GRAPES PAPAYA69¢ PRODUCE OF ONTARIO PEPPER SOUAS DUCE OF ONTKCAN NO GRADE CARROTSZ GROCERS CHOICE OF 200 98 59¢ 39t FRUIT SNACKS 28 OFF WAS 289 Exclusive Distributors of Free OHM0 SWEEPS Tickets minion Wt Muttth nu It nmn urner It MAL mmw Jtlllst mun LJIVHNIUN gluten nmm 69 Whoopee An Ottawa Tuthcr play with his on at Ottawas Mooneya Bu iHIHTT 2h hundrcdu of It LHWIITTN sought rcIiv Irom thi dog days it ummcr which rcturncd with wnginnfc nt tvr Weik and half of cold autumnal wouthtr Tem ptratunh mmd into the 305 end the humidcx humidity in diU stood ll 11 rampartd t0 nurmal ummtr rludiny 0f 27 Wircphotn Evangelist was summoned by Prestey IMF HICII TtitHMHIt munntwim who spnkc at F2Ii Ircxh tunva saxd he and hv migcr vat and printt tugmtur at Ins Vegas tutti mtt Flirts Kant hrist is gnnnn llITit rm mun isnt In Itc HM Hwnhnztt who tnczninw Ic nitIImnK If tt0t zrntnn It Httid said Il ui nit1ng Mmutuy that hc Xflx Ilt111titttï¬iif IttSIt last Ihccnith twin hthi lttd ItumtmmHuiInnwthlsmtv 11 In ttm ruck stars dri mint ti thc IAN chns Ihitnu Ihtc HI mitt IrcsIcy Litcth iiittt with wmdx it tilill tut Itl iltl saying hi xx nr mucz IInn tic HZI nt pnusctt stnnx1 utt mm spoon IIuni Inuit rtmIIwI MuhtcnIy Iic turnut ununtt unit mntinncd us tn tnlinu Iuni wcnt into rcri xnmit tmni Iikc closet and III pulled thv iImr Im tu nmiutcs uid Hum hunt Iilt mtkm nl IIIIIITIIILI hut tnc Minimum IIc quutctt the HM Icstutncnt nt tIic BIN Ito SQIIII tIuist IS gnnnu cnnu rml mun isnt IicI IIumhzniI Hittitth satlt ch think Attct IInm Irut spoken of the Itthtc tm mmc tnnc hc cvun uctist SdltT Just rcuchcdovor 21nd timk tutti In hands in minc and sand Iiil right now unnt tn prny Int nu Hc and IIczm do and he SIEIIINI rmpnn th iust enio tinntill uhan LITIti trcnihlcd All at In Iilt room wcrc vimpun It Hh ivinctidntnz Mpcrwnw Accuses US on peace move Musctm Itcuttr Pate stnnnn Icmtcz Yasscr Arafat Ittltwti thc tnitut Statcs nt tr tug tn ignnrc thc IuIcstnr tun prnhlvni ind frustrate the itIIIVJI MIiItIIc East pcacc talks Arnfnt was intcnlcwut by Iititt1tt ncus igcnc Tags lT tcr what 111 itSt Itiini frank and ucccxxtul tnIks hctc Mun day With Fwctgn Munster drci ironiykn Iasu reported the interview Tuesday the Inlcslinizin leadcr atv tnckm Ihc Icccnl Middlc East tour Slutc Sccrctnr tyrus Vunct MI In It was It Icctcd it itldflttg and cvcn Irustrntim thc LitlttVll pence cnntcrcncc In sunl IIc sand incc tricd In TIS rcgnrtt thc lalcstlniun prnhlcni known to ho the crux it an sctllctncnl Ihc Iitctlnltn Icutcr criticism was ippnrcntly thrcc Hi It prutmnnt Ii thc and Ithnit IN xnrknn pinup 0t tTltitiI IiII tnrclull tnnnxtcls in Incl gnclmrc for lcMHuptmn ut thc icnvrn Titihk