Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1977, p. 4

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The Elaminer ll member at The Canadian Pren CP and Audit Bureau at Circulation ADC Only the Canadian Preu may republiuh new Itoriee In this newspaper credited to CF The Auoclaied Prue Reuters or Agence Fronchrene and local new Itorlen Mlllhed In The Examiner NEWSROOM BUSINESS Mitflrfli Quintin litllllrllil Belly Aiiiiur tiiiroliiy lowland ADVERTISING Semi Finlay niaimgino editor Len Sevitk manager Randy McDonalditycdiior SALESMEN sticila Mr Govern assistanl city editor aii Gaynor Ilitt Curran ounly editor Llell Johnson Pdtld Ween The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original rim and advertising material Bari Boution YEARLY by carrier trailed by its employees and publllhod in this newspaper Dana Graham 34630 Jim ev MAIL Barrie CIRCULATION Jon Butter manager SIMCOE COUNTY Linda Haiku nut manager $3650 Stew Royre M010 THROWOFF Judy Hickey mayeor AIVI LePiante Elam Pun EISEWHEREIN CANADA Mara Scartt Publtlhed daily except Sunday and statutory holiday WEEKLY by carrier the examiner serving borne and simcoe counfy Bilt McFarlanrnwrrecddor Tuesday August 30 1977 Hope Dempsey lifestyle Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Copyright registration number zooms regiater 61 RI FOR John Bruce Paul Deleon Richard Dunstan Irat Guci 015 St ott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sire Burke Natlonaladv rti In It 155me 90 km Queen StW loronthM I710 MOCaWicanSt Montreal Riitti Iliais Super Visor Leahy Voiiiiu iiitin Stunner dili Atkinson Imin Iiepett The advertiser agree that the publisher shall not be liable for damages ariulng out at er ror in advertisement beyond the 6mm paid for the space actually occupied by that por on of the mm In whldi the error occurred whether such error in due to the negligence at to ment or and there shall be no liability tor noninlofllon ot cry advertiuemeni beyond the 0mm paid tor such advertisement Elio Agostinivr publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 ClASSIFIEOS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 Wv County record better than most Although it is occasionally the target for criticism Simcoe County council has better record than most ad miiiistrations for co operit tin to hold dow intlatioii According to its budget estimates the coniin will spend total of $11ititittil this year This represents an increase of $72242 over last year which is less than seven per cent Five years ago the county expenditures totalled $6861046 But more important to ratepayers current local pro perty tax rates for county ptirposes were down for most of its 33member municipalities This was quite con trast from county school boards and reional govern ments Granted the school boards faced iffercnt situa tions in their endeavors to keep up with demands for int provcmeiits in the educational system But the county record was much better than in most regional areas where tax rises have been substantial lll recent yea rs As Warden Allan Glassford or finance chairman Mor ris Darby might point out the county administration did not neglect services The members also voted themselves $5 per diem increases for attending council and committee sessions as well as conventions making the daily rate $50 Mileage rates for expenses were rais ed cent to 19 cents per mile There was some increases for county departments mostly due to wage adjustments and higher prices lint these were kept down to reasonable level The largest percentage of increase for departments was for planning and annexation where it was estimated it would cost the county 81314311 The 1976 net expcnr diture in this department was only $8550 The budget for social and family services which iii cludes welfare was boosted in keeping with conditions with 32571708 allowed for general assistance and 3228630215 for upkeep of Homes for the Aged the main items But greater government assistance enabled the county to actually decrease its share of responsibility from 3898260 to 8588821 out of the $5615123 total For recreation and community services including library museum and agricultural grants the county pro vided 355311 more to make up total of $289399 The cowitys share for roads went up from $145300t to 31485506 but included fairly extensive new construc tion program details of which have been given on the news pages Overall the county dministration was assisted in holding down its share of taxes by new construction which increased the equalized assessment from $1415000000 to $1498728304 This $83728304 was help but economic administration was the main factor While there have been arguments over certain relatively minor expenditures the overall showing of the county administration reflects credit for this inflationary era simcoe yesteryear lliiin photograph of In lurnbulln one time lioum loriitcd iii the wormr of lliIiihitli and Bradford sinrt was taken about 192 when Ntwlfh and writer iiuiimi were being installed Siiirr their Elizabeth 901 was renamed liunliip up floor of the house wim moved to lloioi nthrt and Maple avenue iii lflflfi and made into ii hiplllttlt dwelling Interpreting the news Poll shows opposition to Panama withdrawal llV tAIIIIY FAIIIIIAIRN WASllleilfiN ttlt lrlsidciil tnt lci law bitter and brursiiig political battle ll his effort to remove one of the last remnants of United States territorial iniperinlisiii Tamr realizes he has an uphill tight III trying to persuade fongress and the public to accept his proposed treaty with Panama that would gradually end con trol of the Panama canal and anal Zoni The United States acquired that control in 191111 treaty it signed with the tleditliin Panamanian government just after laiiaina declared its independence under If guidan cc recent opinion poll said 78 per cent of the American people oppose US withdrawal from the Canal Zone and politicians of both major parties are lining up to fight the treaty telephone survey of US senators in July found 37 per cent inclined to favor the pro posed treaty 25 cent opposed and 13 per cent undecided fjust nine of the undecided senators vote against the treaty it would fail to get the twothirds majority needed for US ratification There are also politicallyinfluential organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars working against acceptance of the trmty RISKS HIGH Whatever the dangers to US interests and to Carters political position the risks of not litivuig treaty appear many tiiiieshighci Panamanian leader ticii tiniar loirijos has said ll the treaty li rejected lniianin Will be swept by wave of violence that may cost 2Eititlttlivcs ltcw if any US officials Will disagree wtlli the prediction that treaty rejection will produce severe violence Another concern is that the at mile canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific is vulnerable to salmtiigc despite the iii iiiilc wide antil Zone governivi and garrisoncd by tiic lherc art11000 ll troops in the Ioiic ithcr rcjwrcussioiis would include hostile reaction against the throughout Latin America and other developing regions With such dangers in mind US officials are starting aimprchensive campaign to Sell the proposed treaty IWo hours of White House briefings luesday were devoted to st ate and civic leaders from just two states Kentucky and Mississippi EAINIII SUPPORT In farsighted iiiove arier acted early to gain the support of his Republican prcxlecessor Gerald Ford and former state secretary Henry Kissinger The White House also got another Republican endorsement from colorful California Senator Sl Hayakawa who won laughs in the 1978 campaign by saying the US should keep the canal because we stole itfair and square Your business My VINIIjNI EGAN Business and inisiiiiici Allahs Analyst lhoiiison News Seii ice What ttlllSllllltl hasnt at some tnnc litconic desperate enough to write still lct tcr ol complaint dciimiidnii redress lltilll some oflcndiiii business organilation retailer insurer public utility apartment iiiaiinpeiiiint company or whatever The trouble in that tiiost siicli letters are Iiiillcctive becatisc the llltl become so carried away Villli their own indignation that they lose sight ol the purpose of their coin pliiiiit Most of us are vaguely aware of lawyers letters which seem to work like niaitli while layincns complaints are ignored llIit consulting lawyer Is out ot the lilthlltill iii the vast lllIiitll of such cases because legal fees might well exceul the amount ot money involved or in non iiioiictiiiy cases be out of proportion to the principle lIthIthtl Now couple of lawyers have shown how the liiyiiiiin can make sure that attention is Nlltl to his ttilllpltlllllh in ii book entitled iltlll lhiciits idistrilnitcd iii tiinada by Mc llelliiiid mid Stewart ltd 11111 pages The sub title tells it all How To Sound Like Lawyer And let Your liights tin Your iwn Well not quite till The authors John Striker and Andrew ti Slut iirn are New York lawyers lllltl they cite not imp but II legal ItttlltlllS law and regulations none of which Would be directly iippliciiblc to ii taiiiidiaii consumers pieilicaiiicnt IIANK IIIIIIZIIS Setting asidcthc legal specifics however ii The world today By JOHN IIARIIIION Foreign Affiilrii Analyst Ihoiiiiion News Service it was both good mid bad time for the United States secretary of state to visit Peking Good because the lltli on ress of the oiii munist party of the Peoples Republic of Mina was just over to establish that vast nation on future road of moderation in foreign policy and economic growth It was bad because the Chinese having lili nounccd the goals of the new Chairman liua Kuofeng successor to the great Milo Tse tiing made it clearer than ever to Mr Vance that SimAmerican relations will not ad vance until the Americans withdraw from Canadian consumer would find the general principles well Worth olxservingvespccially when the authors tell what not to do In all too many cases consumer with grievance quickly reaches boiling point because of unreturnod telephone calls or unkcpt promises and decides to write st rong letter to his adversary It turns out however to he crank let tcr badly organized rambling in terniinably indulging in personalities making obviously idle threats introducing irrelevant sideissues maybe even neglecting to come to the point what the complainant wanlsdonci Instead the authors suggest that when the time has come to write letter of complaint it should be polite simple clear and direct let to the point in the first sentence stick to it keep it short tone page calm and rational This will show that its the product of logical mind and your adversary knows that logical thinkers cannot be safely ignored Nevertheless your polite complaint letter may still produce no satisfactory results lheii say the authors is the time to draw your weapon of last resort the super threat This is notice rather than letter and it should be rimming with formal legal ex pressions One of its purposes is to make the recipient ask himself whether he can con tiniic to ignore you or whether he is running serious risk of being sited for more than it would cost to settle your just complaint IIIIIIN1 AtlltiN super threat as explained by Striker and Shapiro consists of four main elements Notice This word centred at the top signifies your offensive stance It shows the Taiwan and nurse to recognize Nationalist hinii Not even the prospect of an antiSoviet omniunist hina linked more closely to the It detracted from the obvious dis satisfaction of the Chinese with the US foot dragging on Taiwan Accordingly in that hierarchical way of doing things which the Communist Chinese have inherited from their imperial forbears Viuice held his talks with Foreign Minister lluang llua They were not with Chaimian llllB no relation or Deputy Chairman leng Hsiiioping the wily 72yearold who had sur vived two purges since Maos death NOT PRIORITY Nor Were formal banquets held in the New book tells consumers about filing complaints date of mailing and begins with lnThc Matlt tcr followed by the name and address of your adversary Statenient of Complaint Summarize the gist of your complaint in the first sen tence in the second refer to your polite corn plaint letter and say copy is attached lemand for Action Say what action you want to have taken being reasonable precise and leaving no loopholes One pur pose is to give your adversary an escape hat ch that is course of action he should be willingtotake Statcnicnt of Complaint Summarize the gist of your complaint in the first sen tence In the second refer to your polite com plaint letter and say copy is attached lemand for Action Say what action you want to have taken being reasonable precise and leaving no loopholes One pur pose is to give your adversary an escape hat ch that is course of action he should be willing totake in the face of your threat Set deadline Ultimatum ln legalese you hold your adversary liable for the consequences of his failing to take action on your complaint The appearance of super threat is almost as important as its content say the authors It must be typed preferably on an electric machine doublespaced on plain white paper Even super threat however isnt magic Your adversary may be utterly irresponsible or even criminal Or your situation may give you no real leveragewthc penalty for ignoring your complaint may be no more than the cost of remed ing it But if your at versary does have weak spot aim for it in your super threat US relations with China depends on Taiwan policy cavernous main dining room of the Great Hall of the People in central Peking but in lesser eating place within it The Carter administration has therefore inherited the impasse of the US over Taiwan the one created long ago in the early 1950 at the time of the Korean war when the enemy in the field along with the North Koreans were the armies of Communist China The strongmindtxi right wing in the US which defended American support of Nationalist China is still there and still de fending it Queens park Past leaders of Liberals By DON OHEARN Queens Park Correspondent Thomson News Service TORONTO In the 34 years since they have held office the Ontario Liberals have had host of leaders ranging from Harry Nixon and Mitch Hepburn to Stuart Smith Farquhar Oliver actually led the party twice in 48 and 55 with Walter Thomson gandwiched in between Then John Wintermeyer took the party to the country in 1959 and 1963 He was followed by Andrew Thompson Then there was Bob Nixon and now Dr Smith For long time they were dismal 0p position Then they began to take on some life and spirit with Wintermcyer And reached peak with Bob Nixon and 38 members in 1975 Until today where though they have few less members they come across as in their best shape since 1943 WHO BEST ln speculating on who was the most im pressive over the years it would come down to tossup between Bob Nixon and Win termeyer And personally think would pick the Sccond Not that Nixon wasnt good He had many fine points But in one area feel Wintcrnicyer gets the edge This area is imagination He had more imagination than probably any leader since Mitch Hepburn while Bob was bit short in this direction ddly both men might have won the gover nment but lost out through poor campaigns in tsl Wintermeyer was even with Hobarts at the start of the election But he dropped uickly mainly good many people think cause be concentrated on crime Nixon also started off in good spot in 1975 But his campaign also backfired particu larly the television debate with the premier in which he lost his temper it is probably not accurate to say that John Wintermeyer had more imagination than anybody since Mitch Walter Thomson also was an imaginative man But too much so for his own sake The public simply wouldnt buy him and his ideas SMITH PROVE Stuart Smith hasnt been included in this assessment because the present leader still is proving himself But from the way be has been showing up particularly at the short summer session it appears the proof will be forthcoming Canada story War of Pork and Beans By BOB BOWMAN There might be some temptation to think of Canadas governors governorsgeneral and lieutenantgovernors have been stuffed shirts This has not been the case and is not today Many of them have been men of achievement with remarkable careers One of the last known and yet most spec tacular was Sir Howard Douglas who was lieutenantgovernor of New Brunswick from 18241831 He was also majorgeneral in com mand of all troops in New Brunswick Nova Scotia Cape Breton Prince Edward Island Newfoundland and Bermuda He arrived at Fredericton on Aug 30 1824 and one of his first tests was to reorganize much of the colony after it had been swept by the disastrous Miramichi forest fire in 1925 Although Douglas was an outstanding soldier he really played the art of peacemakcr in the trouble along New BrunswickMaine border that has come to be called the War of Pork and Beans If Douglas had been less expert there could have been war between Britain and the Unit ted States It isnt possible to outline even his career in this space There is good book about him by Lambert called Redcoat Sailor in the series Great Stories of Canada Briefly he began his adventures by being shipwrecked on the coast of Newfoundland when he was young lieutenant on his way to the garrison at Quebec Like dlberville Douglas was equally competent as soldier or sailor and he saved that situation He served in Upper Canada where he worked in cooperation with lndian Chief Brant and then returned to Britain He later served with Wellington and with Sir Thomas Moore at Coruiiiia bible thought But ye are chosen generation myal priesthood an holy nation peculiar people that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Peter 29 We are not redeemed by God just to enjoy our experience but to share it He is not lookin for authorities ust witnesses Let ther eemedof the Lor say so

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