Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1977, p. 16

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camping equipment Vi WOODS CAKITPTRAILER sleeps tive Fully equipped In good condition 5350 TeephFEf 776 693 57livéstoCk tor sale 33 can wanted TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd ll Bradford Si Barrie 7298 JUNK CARSWANTEO Highest prices 40 tides for in 16 the examiner Tuesday August 30 1977 it opts to rent ONTINENTAL 1165 50 rooms to let FURNlSHED ONE and two bedroom FURNISHED ROOMstor rent neariac 9319 Same daY Dtkw H0 AUIO apartments available Central Adults tories and shopping From $22 to $30 YLTCCK9VS1Z°37 Complete $99 Free only 776 0988weekdays weekly 726 9889 and737 i631 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor der No TACK SHOP English equipment Ger R00 wrecking and parts top prices paid wery qua man saddles and bridles Robinson ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments VELY NlSH lrom sloo monitin Central location aVaIlrlllL immediately Central FeepCkUP70l99h0re7769437 Toney down ore Uflldflfieru9209999517737 F11 sl and last required Appliances and Carpeted throughout shared kitchen COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted financing UNCLAIMED HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie FREIGHT 202 DunIop 5L lVIivVeVlchaarrneVVdgrfigzack and trails windy ior wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 632 Atter pm 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars éarrie Hon 13 AUIU Sales l7 QOWGD SI 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing and ltalli Telephone 726 9399 lil1l 11 luded Telephone 776 94TH after in i1 FUkN SHED ONE apn1l1111111ls clVilthllll nily 76 0988 weekdays iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 REG AND GRAD HOLST HEIFERs trom brucellosis and TB tree herd Duo early Sept to Nov Maurite SJlall Minesing 726 7788 MLTSTSELL Three year ol 7l77room and board ND BOARD available two bldl ti1illl Adults nnrl Centtai Just look over the ads below The advertisers and will assure you of the Need help listed are experts in their liel lot younri illlinutlintily 00M ClillCllclTi HAMMOND ORG halt Ara BEDROOM apartment Available Meali luniIiistiiirkttdniiiiliiihtwashino ngalv lilfll Cals bought Over Scales UUUI lsl Lame ltnltony or yard tliiiio Cciltill IOCililnli Pnikino 05 pritespaid436 3677 AN ounder ex SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top tinest Ob pOSSible Hem condiiom V000 or be Duet bian chestnut mare trained for saddle $45 each mm and harness Reasonable priced jl 711l Mans speed bicycles new Portable gas barbec SVl75 Telfiephonei7277gitts AUTO RADIOS all UlillllLS includitt leluiilinnit and sllupptitlt Flnyunnmd arm Cl 1111 lo transpiirlal 111 ilc tsi1leloplt1111i 717 Ht 17 BACHELOR one DLLliuCinl bi1d1l1lim apartitlcnls tor rent TelephoneVCreemoro 4M 2923 prices paid Free ue i4 22 anyllliil 416 2900 Statrucks and trailers 237otiices lstotes tor rent media MW MODERN OFFiCE small or lnlue Milieu 59pouitry7chicks DEKALB READY to lay able Alsotarni lrrsh eqas Craig Hunlet CHILI IWO UV spare lot lensin ICi ulluts avail lliilTIkdl ate 1c rottitieralor and stove supplied Call uplly s11ii 11 ltllifl tnm 11153400 711 111 IHIWLIH in Anneltllt 14 FURNISHED APARTMENT 12V mitts OFl Ice SPACE nvmlatitn tmm 111510 TAPE DECKS Poultry Farms$troult143b lBll ISrVL1111 narhiVic SSUlOlkDlVJSlanSS $115503th 11011 slimiu 11111 RLillnl rate siso per l0 PCkUP Wk ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING HOME IMPROVEMENTS CASSETTES 60 feedseedgrain ill sq ll Call Bill Sitkaris National Trust H39944 lmm fM fflw 777777777 771 acu ate At low low prices Top quality lrom 118 N67 Company 11 901 995 REStDENTlAL FENCING Chain link magi TWO IEEMBPEgglSzéI Vz Audiovox Pratt Motor Supplv Co Ltd HAY FOR SALE WWW 78161 TWO NEWLY DLCORATED on 1700 it in ititice splice tor tent wood lonces Improve your propfly aogmy P4 39 High St 728 59 Now open Satur 2000 DaIEs at 65 cents abale Telonhfin VUOTTTVBDMIHEHIS tVVVfilflqgle nnwd 71 DUWIIIOWII arr1 Mttplt Ave Ample 0H fth PM AWMW égfpéglq 474 fiw Exterior PointingRi daystitls 726 5813 LUWIT itwn area Wt r1 91 an DVD Hrk no 7t ivin rec room extra 114 supplied Rent 5135 NUS 1an0 Call V1 lét c1111 E11113 1i shift151L191 Tunnel Mme pinpwgm ifmdry ottktmmgo Home Repairs MUST sELL OWNER TRANSFER TOP QUALITY hay tm we tLlrptorr 9pmv 7116 3257 or 721tqumrp1 Sdng 50 Trough spout Also painting wollpovpeting Murray ON GUARANTEED RE Two air conditioners 92777559 Two BEDROOM Apartments avail Two 0FF1C3 lug 151 Awnings Doors Windows Ball 7283906 SATISFAC Westinghousewoo BTU regularly main FOR SALE 20 arms good ertsilagi on ti 90 7777A 777777r7 777777777777 10 1Fl htV SEDVILTNJCVV Villmoomglseléé each can be ioinud together SiiO mon ClkljsTOM RECi RSOMS Complete basement MIL 2255 zagdsgrllfiegnzlfigofaggV 85 gglwzner LOVlp 0own own on an thly enclt includes itarkiittt and heal nning an ocotating privacy screens lbic ycle tunior bicycle soil year old 9pm 726 3257 Located Dunlap St downtown Barrio 549 Boyfield 5L Barrie and patios aluminum door The number tor no each oding garden chairsV 64farm machmery SUBLEY Two BEDROOM aparmemV My pethM 338 737 025 9l9lrl°°¢iu8999 Esfl rVg or the pair Barbecue 510 Etectric sauna underground parking $762 OFFICE SPACE over 600 near Lil Chain link Tence SPECIALIZING IN Tucll pointing chimneys cor poiisher 375 Win consider DAVID VBROWN 990 It condition monthly Dunlop St West Available CC tie Ave and Hwy Now it 5th mommy Au30 waterproofing brick and stone caulkingwin1 NS 474 067 $4800 lirm Also Busti Hot 406 tobor lsl Telephone 77¢ 9715 atterSpm Manama in su lies at lower IICGS dew and 9K dnsion 101 work uaran 777 777 $1400 Telepmiicm 41136 eephmc 58 93 ELECTROHOME stereo console 77 BALHELOR APARTMENT adults on 728 1971 mm HALF TON 307 Standard Do it yourself or we Install 9°37 r77 cabinet by Dielcratl $175 GE 40 67truitsvegetables IerVSIgtiroalVdgrr 5131er ReggdflgbudgsastoxgV $30 lgsoV gntVAREC EEVT Mary St Wm cap qom commnon asking 51900 To 76 Discount Available Cgilgxdflglsgmfifi nggmtgfi 2252 range $40 Call alter 5pm 737 19 HONEV WhVVf 7V or unop enlra vacuum air Icertitted Telephone 726 606 cu with l15 58W modern WUIDDDG IJUlldlY rooml conditioned renovated with parking 1970 DODGE MAX VAN oh No For roe eslm es 921Ff$°fl€l9172431 33353lgtifxirusenécruxEwan mile north Geriroian Mall Hwy 27 locked doors intercom elevalom Smtablo tor protesSionat occupancy wfifiw NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms 77 778 8577 na 86 I28 trust pfilTLlLd carpeted etc 60000 mi 6001 $175 Telephone12 ba er APPLES lt 1ml Ask Oiiein son rn BACHELOR APARTMENT on John Stl 24space for rent orogr TelepgglitgyilgtngASgoou wnmng 91999597517636092976909 LSEL2$5WGCErZi¥VEbgagDig cession 090 Tletllt 77R 84R amiable September Isl $160 monthly 77777 77 t1 GENERAL 11mins renovations WW1 PARKING LOTS M6ma as is mg who 12 1907ciosed Sundays Filddgéirgol2ll19gd parking in pRIME NDUSTRAL SPACE 1000 sVSEVIVICE 3V repélrs lV miall plumbing electrical exteriorinteriory 776 3451 FRESH ptCKEDV whmmdie 005 cue 777 11 BACHELOR FURNISHED 030195 13W SprlktredJAMDO iLCENSED MECHANIC willdo general PRODUCIS 1051 AQUINO 1WWWaphnmugumweinégmg 1907 UPRIGHT BELL Piano needs am51 Wm emf 6095 partmentV an in tlruc loading docks lIlt l8tt mm by appoimmemonw Nigms and DRESSES FITV it ma 0V EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Rariovotions1 ALLWORK GuARANTEED minor repairs $200 or best Otter Pears onions peppers A11 145 Eooohnt vaFlOOkiiig the lake $185 monthly l94 Clear part at large expandinu industrial WGMCMS Telephone 728 ialixing in pantsuits gowns and nliero house mini panning mommy and 51449 0rd Emmi 777 141 Dunlop St East Suitable for one work mall 726 7i30 lions Eugenio 51 PlOWnbw chimneys tooling Estiinatescoll7269135 FREE ESTIMATES Tegpfinc ing person One year lease 72601 or FOR LEASE hdumfim Qua and 36an0 accessories agsgminé TAILORING and allow RCONsmucncm 5151510m C°MPLETE LVNC ROOM bedron HOS 776 am Sldlng Eavestrough 11 91 land kitchen turniture modern living 122225 hlpho 76 FOUR lt SHELBY aluminum slotted If oW to 050mm mites For gpomme donom mmmr °dd° Ph°° room antique bedroom suite All in ex TELECARE Nhy tign your nrrmlem art2552320fiéircsgfilnsleizamfrg1T 910 mags wlm cu Goudyem raised white so ows H7 blames 5367955 750va if 77 77Ifl77 cement Condition Telephone 726 9063 talone L97 Ud 17 lVERY NCE liduslrm Wilding 011 letter tires Brand new Must sell Call Facia Doors INCOME TAX atler 530 pm in 79 anym 119 our 89€l13055 Un umished $1301 Dunlop St West with inrqo tellced in 705 304 DRYWALL 77 AtcoHOlics ANONYMGUK 61El1l UMSMG gt0 Ultllles Included Tele iproperiy Phone 2711 7041 or iii Tiers wmngs TT latboats and motors You dunk mi you WWW phone 715 54755 1635 0637 37tnotorcyces DRVWAU in Midmnmt INCOM AX WWm 99909d1A 5° Drweways TParkmg LOS want to gun tndtr gun can an try ONE BEDROOM furnished artment 77 dlllonsROO l0 111mm ss up till 0011750114245 10111191 Tennts cows 17 1126accommod1tionstosh1re lwd °° 1d kond unwANTED HAIR wmwuu saiiiiy SUITSatéle tor gouno couple Contact Davei LllVitJlDA TSION SALE Vercrything must Porch EnclosuresStonework tmoWonHSflnn Concree Work permanpm mm NV mm at ollier trect Apartment 101 lp to p01 cent motorcycle 111 PRIME LOCATION 5911 conlained 11151 HAS BEDROOM p° 11155111115 Aslol 511W deals 011 ml Forlree estimate N50503 FREE ESTIMATES IS mm °° lsnaren Hwy 57310lmlv1l511 Kawasaki Valhalla Cilii Am that aro 737 767i forte élgfimtgongofijd last not reqUIlerl rtitepmiw 716 yam whenemmt T25 7831 COIPIIILSPUILING 27777 BOTTINGV PROPERTY jorvue Rough Mow written Guarantee Ai condition Many extras such RIDING 51 RUin tot are was mg pruning owrtciit gmtallmaintonanca Horses margej Barrio minutes 000 Smrag 93 Avalsl anyhmt HONDA 550 in 90 Looltr trou hltl installed Cail728 6678 loiidscupiri Soddin Froa llflTOleS as condnlonIng ShIP Hat tt Farm m2 gt717 monthly includes utilities Adults ovi° uh gt Iniiii crash bars H000 miles good can 7797 776s Shore radio depth sounder only Dyeingrs No drugs 00s RP 50 BUS OHUL mum so hvV 0C0 am US 955 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUOHING Specialists Servin Simcoe Cour iNrERNITONA N1VVVL37ISATION prime Toronto 741 5371 wcpkends Septuntbiir gnu Tniepnonn 729 3398 thaifigéafi 7ALUWNOM7Proa 7370 Rooting and rooting repairs Fioo oslimoloVsI camper back All other OC Services Civ1l 3111117 divorre 76 éliporlFarlna 75 VW BEETLE 36fidesfgrgfgwTlhm mm 1009 310 Gum lglrgggngmzftwf° V°°d1F77V7777777 7777 od 017Y9031 cessories Asking $19900 or 331mg Der1 110 111101111111 SMALL FURNISHED bachelor at art 000 9002 con ru 01 mi 51 tit N0WEEDOY9 mnwmg 96 A77777 77 ntnnt 535 weokly includes mm hydro Lc 567 38 mleb 11 Erjpgdipb 09 76 77 repairs Judi Bolus rmV estimatw and stunt iiiinmiin Also tough niawng be Oller lake Car or Ud VNIONECA sixyir an art mat11111 fridge stove central locate Very 900d COlldlllOll Botoll Av Allulldula 716 3657 0W Vic Triomslro 7260437 on trade See by appointment icounsellinq Days am PVLrllIl1 man 4119mm 776 RUSHS SPORT CENTRE 111nm 1111111 ol am Jl 37 D°F C° 1°9F°al Ph77 CNE BEDROOM APARTMENT Pay ELEGRICAL 111 5191100177 Hwy Lawliotid golden ngHgglgggotYps We Hedi many on may Mom laochRs WANTED 177 11111an 01miwdro Stove tridQCV heat firm and IV Istdmg Osofflt Fosua Sivtwniohilu moani 726 3458 4H A7177 BOW Teams iJUfilCi OI Sllli2 VNTTV OV la mom rem No Children 565 mm ughuners owmdows PETER GAMBLE Elnciric Common iul Call 7284272 ladies tor leagues Stnl11il so rintact Residential Industrial Iiistollaiiniis and siii CUSTOM PICTuRE FRAMING TF 1Art or Chuck at 71 9761 YouR toMORROy 1mm am wt 11 Parking space Telephone 726 8993 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM toitrtmLnl fridge and stove married CWIPWOVle no pets pay own hydro first amt last lthliliS rent required available land tea cup redoing Fo iptr1ri11rt tcall 728 JVUZ lWANTED Pepsi lei and WI pity 11 11 lTetrptiiine 194 56W STAN KNICFLY MASONRY Brick blodt and alone work Firoplocot specmlty $190 itslininlrt l705474 5l5H MICROWAVE OVENS 77 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asktnq $7500 Telephone 435 A745 alter 430 RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 RENTAUPURCHASE °°°fly°gh i1°°1°°° SIMCOE ELECTRIC 26 Electrollome per week $495 1V 20 Toshiba per week $390 CQIB 5112111 nitrilwrs 11111bc1 549 Boylield 51 iiiziliediately Telephone 778 5l35 alter 7370254 10RCA XUOO or week $565 7lndustriol Commercial 77 77777 7777777777777 1130 i6 FOOTER AND design Paceship CW ONE BEDROOM apartment 26 Panasonic or week $650 APPUANCB 7Residentiol Forms DELL MICROWAVE 599 our ad ll Yellow P0905 made Day Salter Like new Only three arac livingroom With tireplace wood mes in wamr ouer Fm 70IOST and iound paneled and brondloom throughout new 19113 pLYMOIri71 run 1111 tannin NO MONEY DOWN 1Eucmoluxlc°fi°d°nga°3g ml Lighting design Servtces ARTIFRAM Custom picluw lramlnfl wfd thur intormation 7371147 Barrie Mr 5111149 and tr1dcte supplied huydro includ Coupei Min ti 1111 Imus 11117 LdWWICI 86 lonrfi El Amono flon Panasonm telchum Fast wire Low low pICU Tell 1105 EMAH Lu ir inn 11 $35 monthly available immediate n3w Eyrolipnt man 311 Cn in Qadnco on HWOCE son 72886330von1ngs V9 FOOT GREY MARINE AC nae VV whitt pthVcltos IV1Vi1 111 ipfr yrs experience 05 yo rii 1eye ye ow 111 17 man board motor cabin crUIser With trailer Answorsto Patches 73$J1l€tlllf 111 AUTO REPAIRS 1vT111lrtne7tl 7540 gtsgiu tar1 mm all 71111511l atlor darken at Barrie Marina Asking $i501L051 Two 5M 1V 10 OCTOBER 77 City Masters Lic US Sales VERY MODERN one bedroom Tun F1 81 tonistierl private entrance stove and Wt PONTiAI EMnNs SnortJ sciopo WE REPAIR British European and Japanese mono 0Y° boot 0ith 726 00453 lI iiie broadloomed parkino Suit tingling goats mini 11 mu it tiriis Phone tonight cal Coronation Auto Saw Mary 7288234 100 year WOITOITIY 321150133113pifiillg22d°iii£i 76 FOOT SKIFFCRAFT l975 tlybrtdge filming is is 11 111 11 Visfil VV Sgsgrgn$VVqsyls7C monthly In rnVVMVlaLereTUVVTVVV Til 11 Delivered Tonight on Among rosrteovéiiiom ceramic til Bilotta stove retrigerator sleeps live Q35 mer and N71 Strteroart Pow11 wiser outdrive Barrie City Marina 458 7403 rsRNisVijifVD BACHEVLORVAbparithVwm 1a PLYMOUTH crimcR 16111 BIRD HOUSE put ELKmtg Save Up l0 75 On Hydro mm immmnommanner 156900 11 Vilugfllf raznllgllglertgo 020i gall 14 if ttiiivl As PURPLE MARTIN Houses lot sala Apply ctli Indusno Comnerciol days VH OUT BOARD MOTOR iOrV Sailboat t1atly located Available intvvtectiritely lilo $1 Tmept 111 13 11124 iinr mlroseAyo Boiiiaortolophonu728 5283 Nd goofing New Awhot wing arms SEGQUIL good condition ASKING 715 S713 Tuesrtay attcr Wednes Form oReSIdefihtfl MUSC Rwan mumed qwmv work $700 Telephone 737 2349 or I76 7771 NV Iii11sctaybeiorez W1 CA Beam Hem rrrrr 77 777777 Rwasonable i74ib 1395 753Jtolloct WANTED MATURE WOMAN to mind lt 1WTT WARRIH awovmot Mow lm puopln Min two small children necasionally CVEVL CONTAINE PACHELOVR arltV Rut als anVtV Ii xint VsmUoGUNG wn BOOKS mm rs Ron es IVkDVUVUVVV GU Hum 72 955 ANDVR R00 INC New and lopairt Premmbly my home Rpemnce 00 wonV V0 work 11E In OrOrarpc1ettclev1siontui 511 Tolephpn 1Y9 Fine asl mains 3271897 alt16p s1 r11 Phone between pm in SHOPPING PUIA mm rygynynm R0 toe Wn Purity AyAIIAau r051 wmomos REC leupmm 77 98s roxmmet hr 11 L1 1111 11 72 11 in inf 79mn °° nons oiimrp PARllL Coll 72¢ 5211 citnr 1V IMMACULATF cs or Hull main pp DNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM hirmwn 11 11 dust QUALITY SINCE l949 by storm i1hwcirkinr iih gerioa bow and 5d0y$ WEEK Apartment clOse to factories Heat otter TiIrpioni 59 Gouge wwwm no Saturdays Ovalcljy not 111d Q3107 nrtudtq ctr ntodilied Mercury many extras $9700 1V VV rVI V73 ix 1977 Toyoy 1y MTT TF Auo Gonqral Contraclor Kilrhari rot 77711777717171711 including custom trailer Trailer 09 +7me Vold dr 0le fl ln no are n1nri rIleEt11r1 gtl1 rooms renovations additions litapluwx UitAp mans on and pnwtm at r00 lng or immai 773 6968 4ver2 AV1VV1VoVIVVyV NAévailqoic natUEvff plfltlil 11¢ 71 51111 ILrllllil Goitai and guaranteed 7371507 M1Ip OW midi n6 Hm Grove yrsVo Vog 19 W7 poof Si flch 377 11111 attainVa mwnths old Bitillgln CARPENrgn spectaiunw rooms llt 777 77 77 77 orS 142arhdes wanted 9055 medco l77houses to rent Michelin 11411 wt 11 11V 111 1111 l1 WM 35 111m rmodeliing mm etc Please ROBERT aOYcHorr summit tinting DANCING msnwcno an CASH FOR Old turiiiture books dishes Then we wont YOU lv1t F0111 yitl lyrT111i i1r1t iii 7131 729 8884 alterOp pin Lysienu tioiiitniiq initui 71 Eavesroug n9 chuws ILka odds and ends itllE1 11w gt1 113 iiI l11 1l1 lfi lRNl TIJPE Air11 filldlililtll CABIN MAKER mo Don um girlyul 436 MESH 436 liil es 905 and oven wwmms 8734 en Thlo 111w 37 lmT ir 7ll1 1r1tll tr11qs lot with or cottatle pm tunpm nowtiuns commercal M1 Top Ballet Jon Baton WANTED One used two or tour wheel PRESTIGE luxury 81 bedroom 111501 Ds TIE 1V 4ivi1sj1o1V1iér1V01kclinghighHimV unwanom 0mm communal 775 WEST GROVE ResIdenfiul Umiw an in mm common WM Day TOCk BrOl GFS dry ta3i11 111 11 111 UVv1riil iroi aunt1 2948 7170 Iii ITOW Of 05505 t1mtttouses Selective neigh New VfV 01 Hi Hm mem Wawmwfl For esimoes ca cash Telephoni 776 0158 altLréip school BUS mes ENCED CARPENTERS Cuslam home mb iv it es 275 lvtIJvl wr 1m 1813 ON con mencirig in ep LOT i97 VOLKSWACFN 111iw nliflll cottages TOHOVONOH5 repairs Satislortioii 44d09$ and pets Bloke 726236 to pm st1ittttitr1tVd CVyllllUnVVvRailll11Nl1of gttorpntaqd RundJComtruclion 726 746i Backhoe ECoVV Telephone 7264713 BARRIE FOODLE 531 Shgpoglflr 11 11 ti EVVVPVVVVVQV 7289682 ionrji r711 QRPENTER Will do vac 00m5l7nv0l1701i9 1ranching EGONAl V7 and Clipping all broeds Sophia If This 12 °d911N°°°° 72° IA DANCING Shinglng Painting Strert East 776 4141 VVVVIV ideVVi VV VV VV CONSTRUCTION llCCHIOd cotpmitois OHIO poQDLE 1RIMMiNG protescmnal $1ODVV 1V Jyt l1 VinV Vr V211 iV r0 97ln owance 0r tor rurlovations additions homes cottage grooman broods pVV and VVVT ABEDROOMV delalchmzi huff CV ¥VVVVV VVV YVH YoUr old lumpy free estimates 4351995 98 ACCORDION tiltit1 pint night begin191 COMMUTE Ivery 774 8798 500 lmake your guyfinfiy VOL7tth Alarda nix 111111111mt 11111t 11111 tntlLllttelli 71 SPRING AND MAT anti 38200531125 onehgnhlm Kcutrli ml my DH FIREPLACES lxlmiit 11 11111 1111111111 comma Ara NIW A1111 Virtual 12EISUPOQDLEV1 PARLQR PM 1dreoms Comr 1101 YWl 71 or 01 int us 111 71 711111111 it MM 315 1ng to timing an grooming reason 751° rniiwtign A1 In 1o 111 ES START YOUR ipiiiig cleaning today AM am Mlflfllklfl fibletales Telephone 726 006i GETAWAY FUND AV owo Brand new box STONEWORK uiiil l1iutriirits xvi410W MLlsKlANsttll IS STRLSSET Ptoon not TOWNHOUSE three to tour bedrqorvtx pt1111 17371 r11liln Ravitalua your carpets wtlhA rarpal laain VVVVVV WW VV my TROPICAL FISH 895 Seecmn VrepresenoweV You VV DOVer mmn 776 Watson lo hop as Hunt ig wt itMiii ti Jylvtil Kot tau CDw alleS broadloan id Viv£111 Hi 1ri1 Spring and mattress com REHACH UVV VVV VVVM My 109 778 9367 an 27 10 1t0wn Aunariums all ltiizes at unbeatable 1know how easy is to 001 liCLi 111 17 311122 21 were at $109 No cum insmunou 1111 1e 1211122xgnizitssgmzrizt 50 mi 11 A1011 30 mm mg V1 my 11 money down in 500 b11111 All wuhiw 11 11111111 1m 111111 1111 a1111t1u1s slylieili Mull sfwmc MAchfi 15V MOYED RQOM HpurE OVV 3V VVV J1VVVV VV VV CARPET AND VINYL ruling itiitullutinn mum 717 7w 17 es Swill purbred you try or rt peiSL 1101 LTDVVV STV VVVJWV VVVIV flanNV ligogcmg 2U3CLVAIMED 5390331104 work at it reasonable piiut PVNU VHJUNS VVV VVVVVVV VVV WHVWVUM VgtrViTYVIVVVVLEI Lmd 37 Call 725 7885 elrviow wnhou 011114901 AT VVVAltVV wNew toy womw El HT 20 un op St gt 11111 Al 7m 11m SEW EASY 7289652 or WW9 AVch PA V7 714 WKO ca tom $5 NATURE POODLE puppIts male 11 CrllWlma 71M 11 111111 11 1V tust west ol the Barrie CHIMNEY PMR WOOD tlt11oniV If11V LVN V1 111l smiiatnii pain all makes induurial ltonlaleeigtliweeks Old liqittdpricol in Box 485 BARRtE on HCME galyimir Gym 41 71111111 p111 i1 Arena 726 2900 woo 111119 ul 11 1i and Inuba inorhinoi New mod salu Color SSOIMII Telephone 4741758 surroundsing Has gyrim aulol11it1 11 strwr Ili 1i 737162l FREE To God Jxririhviie Otrr motiettiwa 32312tsqii11q UT $2 II 00 REHNISHHG viiiiriGA PAINTINC It 71171 SNOWPLOWING If blw° mgir cofligeadealSet 033$ gt 7V Onri1nnf73l7 V517 3V 1V 11 VVVMV HARDWOOD HOOPi 515111011111 Mm ii1 w11k iiiiiuilll mitigblisli uflT hxmwnhcmmren 726 7776 5F VETDIOCHIIA 17305 LVR hi i1 vi it 0l HcliIErlllalilvail dmmmg 04301610 71 225 770 91111 PAULS SNOWPLOWING rosidalillol and garden Supplies 72371111 11 4111 11 1t gt wnifl n1 rrri111 r1 11 0111 11117 11 1111 7111 71111 Your ChmnaY 50s 3pm WAvtit mtrv I1111Iui1l111nl pmnims lt°°P 703g Ladies wear chain requires tull on 77 CHOICE TOP SOIL ll Ir erll remixJr 1i Hits hi 1111 TILTII You haventcheckodit 111111 ind lliiOIH 10 osmiumi W11ili thl on 1ntroms And17 iusi soull 31 114141 116 PO PM 11 11 56 PE WE NDYMAN gullnllfluli no 71159 wniouls SNOWPIOWING Small cortinlar Vlawns1gatdons etc Evening and Satur me 9nd part ml at Tn ow 3W men co gin 11 M1 pm awn We The look Over DON WING Pudmhwm WNW tol and residential Reasonable rum tday delivery Call77639281172¢ 1111 Experience essential lr151 17 Olir iigih 1111 11 1Ir11111iwluluintuit Nit tiiritiiy Any Problems lulll1l QIIQITII 1iai1oiliitiigiiig rtttloniwoik Dpwdom 72 7757 Sitrees and shrubs MAMSELLE HQLIEE tag1711€nr771 I17t11tli1lirllil lltlwr 111111111 Suitlliiiitiiigiinutnmmt 726 61108 77 111 117727 Lyn IZVIQ COlleClor Hem 11111 Jil1y1i lillilllll Vraly Krill1 Owtndows cleaned pNNnNrJ FAN HANGING panwud SI SIIAFVJE TRIVEE31VNOWVVis Vche tinte lo BAYHELD MAU VVVV i1ll1y lt 9pm 17511 11111 11 17 lt1i111 l1111117 ll lint slilnums Ilia unlimitwn 776 9012 RUSSEH mung SPRAy n0 mm SL 0k Your Sta roe aye arge W7 W5 Graham Chimney Repalr General lawn care 56 mm mm Hum we mm mm selection and small deposit Nlll hnlci IM II clean and fertilizin HILISDAIL DIURAHHC lnliiiior an estimate Oale Russell Midhurst telephone For mljl llup7abr9ys Garden C9 75 CLASQ l1il1llitil 11 7cm his Adr lotim walltlllpiliiig iusliviii tnlitlwd wulls FLAL You WNW lune Us now Sctgallhlruv is U11 1r 11f1r5lll VVVV CVVV Garages on osements oivlrmlii gs Toluplt it 70 BM 5387 Dirt Vrecze up sVnS avalablp an VseVVVUV VVmVVVmVVV 76 AMC HORN start at only $129 BABY 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Duniop 5L WV US we of Dunlop St Us west of gggcgglszlraigggzwgntsfsérggé 569 RELIABLE PERSONS rtquiral lt liain r11 arlrthr11lvi11ltiirk viiii111 uliiliv1iiylyiil as insulation applicators tor ninml in the Barrie Arena 726 the Barrie Arena 726 phone 737 3445 1151Wmi11 0mm 11 1171 Anni imaginable pc suites Sum mummy mm in 181131 hintii rlény Winnquii Elli 13 47 JII am at only $219 Free 2900 29m HANDYMAN WILL IX almost tinowmdge plelerted Serious applil ants 1111111111 1111111419 mtia 11111191 1111 MINALNG 11111Ii tum titl 52 $2 anythingV lawnmowers small appli only Call 737 0am 171144517 llUttll Miri art11 like new tin1 delweryv no money ant ances Vinyl VEPVBIFSi Painlln91 Um MAINTENAE pFRSON roan Dy Jtl11 W9 101 ll in store ljnmlcinq UN aPenWI plumbW Free dams Pondorosa Steak House Full Tllil Mon myrooms to let ltllpi1ur1i7l6bllli CLAMED FRHGH 20 WE RN ARM RACING 5mm HELP $5ng For good lob ca day 1ng App person Monday 01 Wednesday WM OLDSMOHII 100171 tllll mil pllllll5 $700 or bi at 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$50 or best otter sue be he me rs we Odom call Mr Marma mi 386 l223lIIITOlfiilwIliigiillliiluu lfilrlItlffl Call collect any limi Alb Mil 95011 Yeemone 77 tor York Sand and Gravel For more in TRA LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS twin nit 7171 an lg 85 SWIMMING p00 mm 71 tormation call and Auctioneers and SALES SU PE RV SOR WW1 Him Flupiiiiéit gnwriiliiltzii tNor MANr AROUND 11m 1111 ir wilth with IUIIISIII1 rUIY 9°bbesnlmm PJS Mum may ERNIE pro ViriiVngianmw XRI ithrlllHL i1r l11ts many extras Rd $0435 of brand new pt KIT 56camptn9 equupment mug Dom in Han and weep nt rr lnl trlt in nl WM URNSHEQ ROOMS glam liliillliii171ILiH all 995 GEN Sun 599 20 inch COLOR TELEVISION MOTOR HOME tor sale all equipped 799990 4977 iunirnon rooms tree parknit laundry or at $12811 No payments titl 19m l111 only $69 pc squ nee $389 mane real good buyll Asking 54000 or best ol RESPONslBLE HELP tor daily clean myqu my lVI7i TORINOI ltlAllLlOl thi xilwer mediate delivery and IliSlillliIIll all do er No mono down my erV 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