accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptiOns 82 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 bUSItoss opportunities 07 apts wanted to rent 18 Camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auctions sales 79 coming events 88 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 01 property for solo LIMITED REALTOR vullnn BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT BARGAIN HUNTERS Brick bungalow on freed lot in excellent resale area Rec room plus 4th bedroom down Quiet safe steel for children Asking only $41900 Call Helen Burns 7262386 $35500 This price includes appliances Immaculate con dominium centrally located features extra large kitchen walkout from dining room to spacious sundeck IV baths broadloom throughout Garage Call me for more details Helen Burns 726 2386 CLOSE TO SKI SLOPES acres with trout stream large split level home with 24 36 garage attached Many extras Will sell or trade on small home in Barrie Phone Percy Ford 7287930 BEDROOM BUNGALOW At Big Bay Point reduced for quick sale good lot with trees close to lake Immediate possession Call Harvey Weber 4363815 STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOMEWith garage treed lot close to lake Try your down payment Terms available Call Harvey Weber 4363815 $35000 $3000 DOWN 198 Bradford Street bedroom storey brick perfect starter home Presently duplexed having an income of $360 per month Call Jerry McNabb 7262386 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY separate parcels of land totalling 44 acres 800 No 11 Hwy frontage as well as large frontage on maior sideroad Can be severed to obtain more lots High and dry nicely freed miles from Gravenhurst in built up area Asking $25000 with $7000 down balance on Ist mortgage Call Jerry Mc Nabb 7262386 REDUCED REDUCED 300 acres $38000 Beautiful Muskoka rolling bush land 40 acres clear and workable no swamp good stream one mile to public beach Located 45 minutes north of Barrie Call Jerry McNabb 7262386 53 ACRES Very secluded close to Barrie streams pine trees and small cabin land is not swampy Reduced for quick sale Call Harvey Weber 4363815 STOREY HOME With apartment on acre commercial lot Good mortgaging first at Owner take back 2nd Survey at office Harvey Weber 4363815 365 HWY NO 11 COMMERCIAL corner property ideally situated at new overpass acres of park like setting on which sits massive storey century brick farmhouse complete with large entrance foyer formal dining room living room parlor room huge country kitchen oversized bedrooms full useable attic High and dry basement and attached storey brick coach house Over 4000 sq ft of useable space Truly remarkable property To view call Jerry McNabb 7262386 INDUSTRIAL LAND Zoned M3 corner lot 149 frontage on one street and 180 feet frontage on the other street containing ap proximately 27800 sq ft on which is located stucco bungalows plus TV car garage CallAl Rose 7288116 $39900 bedroom bungalow large kitchen and living room located on an industrial lot 49 200 This home must be seen to be appreciated Call Al Rose7288116 BUILDING LOT 60 340 located on the 8th of lnnisfil near the Thornton Cloverleaf Call Al Rose 7288116 STRABANE AREA Spacious bedroom with open concept large 63 162 lot mature trees and 40 20 inground pool Call Wayne Ward 7268220 ACRES 800 FT RIVER FRONTAGE $29500 Solid log 600 sq ft building on stone foundation built amongst tall pines beside gently rolling rapids This property is truly one of kind Located V1 hour north of Barrie and is accessible year round for maximum en ioyment Call me for more details Helen Burns 7262386 THORNTON Country living only 10 minutes from town have 22 storey older homes both modernized and in excellent condition Both bedroom homes on large lots each has its own charm and special attractions Let me show them to you Ross Burwell 458 9248 INNISFIL WINTERIZED COTTAGE Here is one you can live in and be close to both tthe lake and town real cozy starter home or cottage beach rights too Call Ross Burwell 4589248 EDGEHILL DRIVE Last chance for real bargain Lovely bedroom home on really big lot only $36000 Take it where else can you get such nice starter or retirement home for that little Call Ross Burwell 4589248 BARRIE EAST END Lovely brick bungalow in choice location newly finished family room balance of this home has iust been redecorated and is very appealing Take look the price will sur prise you and your pocketbook Call Ross Burwell 4589248 GREY BRICK MODERN SIDE SPLIT bedrooms full rec room with bar broadloom and parquet floors lot fully fenced $42900 Call Bill Purvis 7260452 LAKEFRONT HOME In prestigeous Big Bay Point and close to Golf Club 75 ft lake frontage and with twin lot behind Home is panelled throughout completely carpeted windows are double glossed new roof well insulated To view anytime call Bill Purvis 7260452 GREATLY REDUCED Last week this brick side split with many ex tras including bathrooms rec room games room sauna in ground covered and heated pool was priced at $69000 Today the owner has drastically reduced for quick sale and is offering his property for $60000 Hurry and call Bill Purvis 7260452 $29000 Summer cottage complete with furniture TV tower and is on 50 150 lot access to lake Call Nelson Garrett 7266096 $9000 Mobile home in Angus mobile home park Furnished Cedar deck and enclosed porch Call Nelson Garrett 7266096 TRY YOUR OFFER $42900 Immaculate storey brick home iust like new inside l2 baths bedrooms rec room patio Call Sue Drennan 7370437 $39900 NEWLY DECORATED Will not last long at this low low price Bright bedroom brick home full basement minutes from Barrie Call Sue Drennan 7370437 BUILDING LOT Close to lake on Concession II lnnisfil Partially treed 100 250 Call Sue Drennan 7370437 QUALITY BUILT Immaculate bedroom back split attached garage fireplace in family room TV baths nicely landscaped lot located in Allandale Heights Hannah Pentland 7288028 VACANT LAND 10 acre treed lot in Hillsdale Asking $16000 Hannah Pentland 7288028 COUNTRY LIVING bedrooms attached garage situated on 10 acres with creek Finished basement For further details call Han nah Pentland 7288028 BARRIE BUNGALOW ON OF AN ACRE East and bedrooms with apartment on main floor fireplace in living room gorgeous vew loads of cupboards stone barbecue To view call any salesperson 67 DUNLOP SEST BEDROOM Brick aluminum split entry bungalow good sized lot 1z baths asking only $53500 Call Ross Miller 7261881 214 VICTORIA ST bedroom bungalow with main floor family room also future rec room Call Ross Miller 7261881 ACRES Near 5th Ora bedroom home with oversized garage CLASSIFIED ADS cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wontad 65 cottages wanted 29 food 800d grain 60 daoths 35 financial 11 dogs pets 44 florists 89 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 engagements 83 garages 25 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner WORD ADS SEMIDISPL CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am 48 hours prior to publication houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rant 19 in mamariams 87 lost found 70 lots for sale 04 market basket 66 Instructions 69 mrriagos 84 Insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 landscaping 531 money to loan 13 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 mortgages 12 motorcyles 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 ffices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 01 property for san 7260241 7268420 194 DUNLOP 51 IAIIIE 27 LETITIA ST or bedroom home car garage double paved drive full baths on acre freed lot Large living room 13 31 with all glass wall overlooking terraced back yard Asking $79900 74 ECCLES ST bedroom bungalow on 50 136 lot Large cedar sun deck at rear of house Only $37900 with $4000 down must to see for first time purchasers Broadloomed throughout Res 7261 151 Au2930SI HOLKAN Er CO LTD EA LTO cflnhflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3846525 If TIME TO FIND YOUR HOME See this or bedroom home today Nice family room with walkout lower level has office or den master bedroom has walkin closet plus bath ensuite family size kitchen double garage and more To view call Ruth Gibbons 728 1409 or 7284401 BARRIE OUTSKIRTS Brick bungalow three bedrooms two years old iust off Big Bay Pt Road Only $44000 Call Don Allan 4872417 or 7284401 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Large lot with twin uses bedroom in sul brick home separate dining room Home requires handymans touch For more details call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 DRIVE BY 16 VARDEN CRESCENT then give me call Features bedrooms den family room with stone fireplace utility room 11 13 kitchen features illuminated ceiling Wolkout to 18 cedar deck from kitchen or family room This elegant home is situated on well landscaped lot in good residential area on cul de sac Call Joe Dirracolo 7260567 or 7284401 COLONIAL STOREY This bedoom home features family room fireplace bar games room broadloom patio cedar deck 14 pc and 12 pc bath car garage beautiful gardens All this at price you can afford and with good terms Call Joe Dyson 726 2090 or 7284401 DUNLOP COMMERCIAL 11000 sq ft fronting on streets prime tenants plus upper apartments plus warehouseing outlet Ex cellent return with future extension Asking only $40000 down with easy terms Call Bill Hockley at 7284401 or 7262596 7R rllh Ill Au30 Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Nora Rivers 7262596 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Joe Dyson 7262090 Joan Thorogood 7281742 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Martha Dyson 7262090 Don Allan 4872412 Lorna Verstraten 4241956 Murray Valiquette 7260617 Milan Heran 7373584 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Bill Hockley 7262596 REAL ESTATE LIMITED rlmjifl LOOK STEAL Bright modern bungalow bedrooms Broadloom throughout Gorgeous lot on Sydenham St Angus With $2000 down would carry for approximately $268 monthly Call Benham 7261938 or 4245033 MLS 2641 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM BUNGALOW Full basement on 74 acre lot garage North of Barrie in fishing and recreation area Ideal for retiree who likes to garden or go fishing To inspect please call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 7286435 MLS 2360 OWNER LEAVING and must sell this gorgeous custom Davies built level side split with attached garage in Sunnidale area Family room or 4th bedroom with walkout to completely private rear yard as well as professionally finished rec room with open fireplace Im maculate condition throughout Close to schools and shopping Asking $59900 Call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 No 1289 Au30 119 DUNLOP ST 726I938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM Asking $38900 Call Ross Miller 7261881 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Ross Miller 7260563 Al Rose 7288116 Cec Cook 7283036 Harvey Weber 4363815 Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7262386 Ken Miller 4873365 Sue Drennan 7370437 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Bill Purvis 7260452 Wayne Ward 7268220 Ill WEN STR IIIII BARRI ONTARIO 7373000 TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR URGENT 10 MORTGAGE Must be sold by August 315i $5500 down to qualified purchaser Master bedroom has four piece ensuite bath two other bathrooms three bedrooms rec room broadloomed newly decorated double paved drive to double garage Excellent location close to 400 high way Price $53900 Call Doug Renault TF DID YOU MISS THE LAST ONE Dont miss this buy Owner leaving country bdrms 1z baths Lshaped LivDin Rm with wainscotting Main floor Fam Rm with dble glass WO to patio TWO fireplaces Attached garage paved drive Fenced lot 132 deep garden trees flowers shrubs Excellent financing $5500 down for qualified purchaser Asking $52900 Call Larry Thompson NOW Ash Jain 7269915 Larry Thompson 7285219 Hari Jain 7269915 Doug Renault EXAMINER WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY Marg Wood no toll 4873148 01 property for sale 01 property for sale Saunders 71 REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service MOBILE HOMES KLONDIKE PARK Wasaga Beach Mariette model with expando Three bedrooms four appliances cedar deck Utility shed Asking $17800 SHAMROCK PARK ANGUS Pyramid model Two bedrooms porch builtin buffet broadloom four appliances Asking $16500 DOROTHY DRIVE ORO Two bedroom bungalow on 140 97 treed lot Fireplace in living room Asking $32500 INDUSTRIAL LOT 75 300 Three bedroom frame house on property Zoned M3 $25000 Au30 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 MLS REALTOR APPRAlSALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 4067 TORONTO 416 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TViIIov cLanding MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Norman McMillan 726 8957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bill Evans no to 3221575 Lorry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 728 4067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 726 7726 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Doug 80kt 7283274 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 Fred Reynolds 728 5333 Paul Dumoulin Rl RA Paul Arbour 7263897 SRA 7370731 40 Maple Ave Agent for Plnaview Estates of Midhurst LTU REA LTORM JOHN Oil 728 Hill lllflIGUBfIllS 728 242 10M CAIRNS 78 06 Al ALMOUN llil trill H35 2742 BERNIE BIUM 487 279J ARI MAW 728 1346 LicPAGF Real Estate Professionals Since 1913 Jim Calicilla 7371597 Bill MCreuly 7281865 Enid Day 7266904 Veilio Mullin 7282875 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Judy Pennett 7371264 Jack Slessor 7266280 Wayne Ponnetl 7371264 Boy Neill 7260205 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfielcl St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 79 BAYFIELD ST EL IARRIE mm Pliouc 726ill site NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR iXr lY JX Ilr Hours Wiiiklluys ti Snlurdays tr gYoung Biggin iEALTY WORLD llMlIfllllf ALTfF gt Ml Mufti UfiLMLfI I9 Collier It Barrio Ontario Barrio lino 7264491 Toronto lino 8630398 mtITuttimitIHITiitiiiiiï¬iflflflflflfl the home folks who cor about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leader 7269245 liln Quinlan 7260873 Au20 01 propOrty for san DONALD MILLER MLS REALTOR 4364507 TThSJ21 $2 $3000 DOWN well built bedroom bungalow huge lot with mature trees BEDROOM BUNGALOW with fireplace near lake Low down payment owner anxious Must sell this month Present all of fers MOTEL NEAR BARRIE bedroom living quarters year round operation $20000 down MODERN bedroom home with cathedral ceiling in living room large family room or third bedroom $3 $5000 down payment BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Am bassador mobile home near Barrie Excellent for starters or retirement BUILDING LOT high and dry ln nisfil $3 $5000 down Call Dan Miller 4364507 Au30 PRIVATE SALE Revenue property Close to downtown Six plex Income in excess of $1200 monthly Can purchase with low low downpayment Assume first mortgage Vendor willing to take back second at current rate for qualified purchaser CALL PYNN 7261471 Au29303l SI LfRGE THREE BEDROOM luxury Iriwnivium tinshod haimnlnl $1000 town Lorins llkl Toleptimir 7ll 1516 Ready To Build Si UNIT aplirllniiit budding rentrdlly lftt RLil iill tiiis rtiillt 1ttla Pratt l1f1iflllflilf at 776 797rir 77B 7710 rent the examiner Tuesday August 30 1917 15 7282414 opportunity for man womon74 property for solo or rent 03 snowmobiles posture for solo 61 property management space for rent 24 pasturotoront 62 proportywontodo2 stampsandcains4$ posture wanted 63 public notices so summer properties foroala 3t personals 68 rasorts3 photography 49 raomandboord 2l toachorswontod plants and bulbs 52 rooms to lot 20 tenders 78 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 tradaschools 75 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 property for solo 01 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 09 commercial sale or rent mortgages ran RENT Service siaiion wmi three car service area on busy highway close Household Rec to Barrie Call between and pm 776 0601 12 mortgages No bonuses No brokerage fees No finders fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Ser vices 25 Dunlop Street East BARRIE 7266535osuo I4 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service SECOND MORTGAGES T0 85 0F VALUE 11370n We are mortgage broken and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and Individual at tontion to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ampla funds for residential commercial and recreational EXClUSl DWI l°r open Bendix and Glendale We also purchase existing mor Modular Homes Ltgagas for cash thI Coll Mortgage Manager fan or onders Run for valuable advice Truve Trolers Corsair Glenette lous 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 Terms Ugo Years nghway 11 South 107 Dunlop St East in Burton Ave 7289866 BARRIE TF Member Ontario Mortgage TRAVELMATE 25 Motor nome sleeps Brokers Association rental or sale fully equipped Reserve TF now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Eéytlelq 8777664 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings kingsize First and Second iAlCiNA $79900 Two bedroom WITTTIFiItK fldftll tlnllii applldnit in rlUtlltl illriir lilrllqv Trirt int Cirisv tn ltfltil 1iliplliilli 4M Willntlvr 5p HONEY HARBOUR WATERFRONT Hi tilt ll Tl $15000 Blailllful at riS tiil wifirfrigtrlt in qurtc oily maturi triw ittll niitiinsqui rocks uxrrllvnt 1m kvrTIlliitIIV13TWULWTTFOUTTITUITISHTI lfirttdlll liilili riinin 19 Ilff11flfll1 xiilitt line also flllflSlOiIt finplain at TIdleVt Ittitllltli kltLriiln in knotly DIIH plus trilw pll llillllrftnltl must siiii Enid Day representing ipitit 717 I111 BillPit HAPGAIN private sale Iiilrrltl ldrlli kitchen gnrnqr °a iniirtriaui $48 900 776 965 nr 776 413i iFfIIVATF SALE 16 GITrlcrtlo DTIVI fouV llVll four bedroom Slditsnlt aniim finpinu in family room fillfxfifft ttf room With Dar fi1fl 101 With swunnnnu pnolofl sun tik Asking Kl 776 5I61 PROPE RIIES to ho sold for fill at riars Oftirinl Ontario ltSl Dept Ex Elli 6WD Station Ottawa Ont KPC IJI IHRE Bf DROOM house overlooking the litki $1001 month Newly tornrated ntlli brlimflnniliid One year leilsu Siillisiin Silltt Iolvphnnr 776 8470 nr 776 0111 Starter or Retirement Vtt attractive ther hertriinnl traini llilliglllflw 1100 sq ft lemu room 13 dining room wrttt walkout to roar dick Ciistoili kiti tiltt Exrcllrlil quality brondtixllll and 10f throughout Owner Urllr54l Must soil Enid Day rep LtFaqv 717 1011 USTOM BUILT HOME on qua1cm iltt WI VltW of the countryside troni Illi kllklllli Window With walk out to duck Family room Willi fireplace and walkout to lawn bedrooms touva car unrmil lot 100 7011 For VILWlllg call Joan Burrows utticv 778 7485 homo 7786661 llprosintirlg Coulis Id Real Estatl ME LROSE AVE Fuur bodl nom tlrlck house briltirittlltl tillishiii ric mom attached anrnqv 60 170 frnrod Int largo patio With plivnry four Clnsv to schools ltouni fltlll Int both well llinintainld For dpitiiiltlthtItl all 7754 5781 after 6p ni SUNTAN ROM HEAD TO TOE IN THE PR lVACY of tho Iargrwmkyard or rilax in Tltl shadi of the old oak tree IiltLtt1nDIIIKIHIUW Sitting on well kept lot ltlllliWflV om aria and basement inlnlat IIlrITI well constructed home in an on iIinnt Ior alien only $43500 For in spiitinii CALL NOW Hall Jain Taurus Real Estate Ltd 717 70100r 776 991 04Iots for sale BUILDING LOT 66 198 in New LoWiIl SIptlL approval and building permit availnhio Plilo $10000 Tele DITOIH 717 0751 NL AR SWIMMING and fishing Just all Our kworlh St 80 700 tread lots Only $1500 down Fill price $16500 Call Lean Gnrl ii it erl state Ltd at 776 3827 LARGE LOT 76000 sq foot with spring watvl and beautiful view in small community reasonably priced lltlllitl1t7t 3677 1N1 AfRF LOT of lend well triod stream through priipirly Silllntdltlt Rd area $18000 Private Trlophnnr 716 759 after 6p in 07busilless opportunities FRANCHISES AVAILABLF in NM tronii servicing field Capital required $1500 to $5000 Knowledge of electronic repairs Reply Box 118 Station Downsview Ontario MJH 5V6 Oilproperty management SUNN DALE ROAD Just three miles out of town on paved road 15 built on raised bungalow finished trimin room and fireplace dou ble car garage large lot surrounded by trees Time to choose all your colours Phone builder 776 7444 09co mm ercialindustrial GARAGE Boy 17 foot doors washroom Available July Dunlap West Telephone 726 5457 days or 778 0547 evenings THREE BERCIY Street formerly the Artifact Craft Gallery is for rent This charming spacious old butlding would be ideal as either residunlo or profos sional offices The building is close to downtown and has ample parking Telephone Mr Purser or Mr Ootlny 776 9071 or address inquiries to Bercly Limited Brrr 1y Street Barrie BARRIE CENTRAL 7500 scunre feet bays Compressor air nent hydra sup pllod 776 8716 MORTGAGES ARRANGED bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 Reasonable Roes newifld only SIX times 7054451480 Existing i16apts to rant Mortgages Pgrctéosid WELLINGTON PLACE or as Mortgage Life Insurance APARTMENTS AvailabIe 135 Wellington St West ONE TWO and FINANCIAL THREE BEDROOMS For appoinfrggrliffo view call 7263827 72671 30 TF Office Hours9om9pm 777 71 7T yOPpOID men Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 TF MOR IGAGFS bought and sold imme dialt action confidential David Wass Real Estale Broker call 776 4651 veiling Adults Io COMPARE our ratvs First second TF third lrlnrtgngos appraisals Gerry Syvokns 487 3367 Pat Quinn Ltd 73 1414 MODERN lUXURY EXAMlNER VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 7282414 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF Moon 12 martgoges lA IF YODTTEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages ii I29 DUNLOP ST EAST CoIIAnytimo 347 BAY sniccr BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO 0N7 7260981 Phone Service 3633 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc ummpal Offer llllllll Ist and 2nd Mortgages Wlli 1121111 ET Monlllv payments to sullVilllllllIilget Prime Rates 48 hour Commitments Commercial Residential or Vacation Properties the municipal IV ii in FL ll il it 1IIL1IIIII1 88 DUNLOP si LAST BARHlii PHlllil Illll llllllllll llNl 7287200 OVE MILLION IN EXISTING MORTG ES