20 the examiner Thursday August 25 1977 ataglanoe One of the attractions at Saturday nights rofest sponsored by the 0m and District Lions Club was series of spot dance contests Emcee hris Wyers leftl the prire for the first spot lance to Gina and Bill lleap of Barrie About 500 people attended the Lioiis fui raising dance Examiner Photo Former Minnesota Vikings guard lim clleiie died Sunday in aliforiiia one day after his ililrd birthday lle hall suf fered from llougkiiisdisease ll lhotol are Oasvhrm id home movie of special type is llenr lonrlas lltl starring takes Jaws vehicle Tentacles some the film uses loii alled and concerning an octopus which apparently lips from das own pool and patio as setting 57 Nancy Phillips pulled down her sunglasses Sunday to find raindrops were blurring her vi sion and Vancouver was getting its first rain in 23 days lliotol Its said that itome people will throw out everything but the kilclieii sink when it comes down to all around house cleaning and the unidentified owners of this wellused Volkiswageii hug are no exception lhis garbage bin and its unusual contents Were photographed in fill avra Saturday Photo The doctor says Pile surgery can be avoided By LC lllSlESN Ml Dear Dr lliosteson My hus band was referred to surgeon for his piles but surgery was not recommended for him He was told to stay off work while and take lliree hot baths day and lay in bed which he did They went away and the doc tor said they wouldnt come back They did Now he cannot sit comfortably Will he need surgery nowMrs This sounds like success story tunied sour It sounds as though your hus band got sonie good advice Most adults are troubled to some extent by piles or he morrhoidsl which are varicose veins in the rectal area In some cases radical treatment isurgcryi is not required to keep them under control The surgeon wisely chose the coir servat ive approach therapy of rest hot baths etc When the doctor said they would not come back he un doubtedly iiieaiil they wouldnt it if he continued to avoid the things that can bring them back suspect your husband did not follow through Piles tend to recur but this chance can be minimized by avoiding straining at stool con stipation and long periods of standing The hot baths might haverbcen continued even after the problem subsided perhaps on reduced schedule Now your husband should re turn to the doctor who thug nosed the piles earlier If they have xrsscd the point of no re turn it could be that surgery is the only alternative leihaps injections to dry out the vari coscd veins is ill possible nd there is alviays the chair BRIDGE Oswaldand Jim Jacoby cc that he will be started on the same program of control that worked before for him Dear Dr Thosteson My husband had vasectomy four years ago after our second child was born now want to adopt but my husband doesnt want to dont want him to go through the operation to rever se the vasectomy so we can Iiave baby Is it possible to ex tract sperm from his testicles so that can be artificially in seminatedMrs lM Prior to attempting rever so of vasectomy surgeons usually perform biopsy to study the vitality or lack of it in sperm still being produced It is usually lower after the vasectomy This is not done for artificial insemination Some men do have some of their sperm frozen prior to va sectomy as hedge against the future Dear Dr Ihosteson Why does my breath have strong odor when get up in the morn ing then improve during the day its the same mouth This has always puzzled mixMrs LN lleavy morning mouth odor has several causes mouth breathing which dries out the tissues and overnight stagnation of saliva chief among them Another im portant factor is that the iiioulli tends to be inactive while you sleep There isnt the constant tongue movement the swallowing chewing or flow of saliva During the waking hours this keeps the tissue cleansed and lubricated This is why odors from such items as tobacco alcohol and food lend to be more intense after arising Make best use of trump 25 NORTH ti rr 612 WIZSI EAST it Il ti ll OAKlllTSi OJfl Julxfi Lkllliwi Slit ll ll to er ii llolh vulnerable est North laasl South to liss lV lass Pass ltiss lass tlpcnilig lead K6 By Oswald James lacoby South ruffs the diamond lead and if he wants to lose this contract he can do so at trick two All he has to do is to lead trump lle shouldnt lead this trump The hand looks as if crossruff will he needed and if you plan to crossruff you dont play any trumps yourself So South leads his king of clubs and chucks one of dam mys spades lIast wms and makes his best return trump South notices the bad trump break but sees that he can come to It tricks with the crossruff He has two tricks in can make his last two trumps and duminys three trumps separately and is look ing at two good spades and one good club llowrver there is one cross ruff principle that South must not overlook It you plan to rossrruff take your sidesuit Winners first He must cash duiiiiiiys twu spades and his club separately So South takes his queen of clubs and duiiimys ace and king of spades Then he ruffs diamonds in his hand ruffs club in dummy ruffs dia inonrl Willi his last trump for trick eight and still has two top lfllllips in duriiiiiy ASKJ®W Maine reader sent us the South hand shown abow and asked us what We hid WIllI it in response to partners one diainond opening The answer is that we res pond one heart in spite of the sixcard club su1l We try to avoid bidding two of lower suit With less than nine or If highrard points daily crossword ACROSS Fuel carryinri Ship Cats off 50 Auxiliary verb Trot 51 Auto workern Egypt tatibr 12 South seas feast 13 By mouth 14 Energy unit 15 Colloqoy 17 long period union tabfir 52 Become formed wds 57 School organr ration nbbr 58 Author of time 18 Time zone 59 abhr 1g Hams 60 Not forward 61 Copper corn 21Trainterniinal 62 TM track 24 Folksrnger Seeger 25 Piano keys DOWN 27 ConCierge Coneq 31 Actor Ferrer almfl Egyptian sun 63 affirmative 34 Bus token Dance Stop 35 Journalist Se Relief vareid Bounder 37 Nimbus Gridder 39 Mans Jimmy nickname Obsolete 40 Tankard Votes in 42 Least bright Over Ger 44 Emblem 10 Egyptian deity 46 are red 11 Operates Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 204211203 16 Ancrent port 38 Tapestry of Rome 41 Lyric 20 Egg Fr 43 Clean 21 lOcent Hebrew pieces 45 Serious 22 Turn outward 47 Drinking 23 Crippling vessels Le 43 Vow 24 False thief 49 Out 26 Greek letter 50 Damned 28 Cuts 29 regularly 53 Sunflower owned state abbr 301935 54 In manner of 33 Uepressron If lials 55 Greek letter 36 Pick carefully 56 Conger AstraG ra Bernice Bede Osol Aug 25 1977 Fxcihnri developments could be Ill store for you finanmallv and llllWIl this zomiriq year However youd be Wise to be mou concerned With the cash than the niiotliqht VIRGO Aug 23Sopl 22 You ihrriht our hrirarzteristicatty sweep lllllill tho ruq something that rur TlfiflllJll to do and devote your ltllltllflv to lirii snrikind tor lll Tali tsk LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Rather lllllll lmiiiri irritrifiil for what you have and what you are you mirth lu too concerned with another status or possessions flr thankful for your advantaqu SCORPIO Oct 24Nov22 If there someone youre fond of seek their attention obliquely to rtriy Bruno subtle adds to your lirirni SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 21 In furtherino your purposes llflJIV use only your own HHfltlflf If you cant do it alone think twrce before attemp lllltl it CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Vrriw rroort salesperson t0 lttv tint ylill must sell your illllillfl on its nirarils if you add STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only St 00 Free estimates Call us now of Whitfield Winthrop Mlï¬alLE so Bugs Bunny TAKE EURELE For ARCH yr BC IF cu WERE yang TOMOEKOM roe XE THE LEAVE 27 rmEMeerT 15 1f t0tltott it or My you iAKr Al Tilt itll oral or it NORTH ERN OFFICE OUTFITTERS WHAT C29 YOU THINK ABOUT THAT NEW NEU lmN WARHEAD INDIGESTION sSTlH JI ERY 737020l the lily prepare to reflect on what mioht have been AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Kerpron secrets will be difficult luv you today Unfortunately the person you spill the beans to minor he the hrqqest broad raster PISCES Fob 20March 20 Heed the words of friend who points out somethinq youre do inu that IS offensive socralty Others would trust talk behind your liiitk ARIES March 21Aprll 19 You II he more to people today so fond as they are dorrrq your bid rlinri If theyre litflr ballry youll noon lose pritioriu With thorn nunus Aprll 20May 20 In BARRIE PLAZA EURBLES EUBBLES nerNTEoRATE ACID cAuseo EV HARDTO DIGEST FOODS if iiiilk UJITH nm um Jusr THINKIN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 PATIENTS You Quad Diner THINK you MIMOED Kramer IOUR eiRLiE SOMETHING was 27 AND wmrmwr THAT BE CPEEV 0744 lLJE APE Mararows BPOGVC mannoma youngsters today be fair but firm They could take too much indiilqence as weakness on your part GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Theres strong possrbility today either you or your mate could lent the budget by buying something you aqreed to do Without at present CANCER June 21July 22 An associate could he more astute ihari you today If its your partner listen closely to his or her room before you make llill LEO July 23Aiig22 This IS our of lhosr days when you wont qlfl rfiifllq for nothing mot mount wrridfall when ynll vr contributed lip in grï¬pwbe 79335 tr IM cor NA PEPOEKON 1W ILL 86 IN THE stAMMER FOR PUNCHING our ONE NoeY Marat mm BUT you KEEP TURNle THE Wage Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service