1a the examiner Thursday August 25 1971 Rim COlOR IV coppertone $450 tor pair Excellent cone chestITelephone 7288234 l1 articles for sale REFRIGERATOR AND STOVE GE dltlon Also chest oi drawers and cedar tlon 7264414 56 camping equipment 19 WOODS HARDTOP CAMPER plus ew adderoom sleeps six good condi saoo or best otter Telephone EIGHT EOOT trUCkVCamper Frdpiné lridoe and stove is gallon water tank side dinnette 12 volt or ill 500 TIImlp melted MANAGER FOR CONVENIENCE attendants 7lItelp wanted FILLTIME SALES PERSON required tor ladies wear store Experience essen tlal Apply in person Mamselle Ladies Wear Bayiield Mall 7256066 STAFF REQUIRED tor dance and ban quet hall in Barrie Parttime snack bar ticket sellers and adult 1lIielp wanth COCKTAIL WAITTRESSESWAITERS evenings Regular employee benefits Apply in person to The Holiday Inn Bar rle GENERAL CAFETERIA HELP requir ed Must be pleasant and neat in tip pearance Apply in person to Mr Cor SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES havethe 50va CLOTHING was 6x to Iglephone 778 1493 otter 5pm giggfgagn For Interview telephone sflffltflflcflelegteteria Death Notices Engagements Births 5550 AIS seasons Good condition White TENT TRAILER with custom added if Mae maximum 40words additional words lOcants per word bathroom sink and taps Two ceiling room 5600 in excellent Condition 255 IIvllaEIedAtxDpI FIIJ LpIEIIEOIIIMIEj 7253les helpagents card mm words 3550 Iigéh3itures Orange double bedspread RENO 737 379° Im lorma No experience necessary Must Fudas Fruit Contpanpy Lvtd Highway ll EstyDlï¬gaggNéamegg Egrazc Additional word 10 can word 26 °°°r 35 EIREPLACE wood tor sale Top soil I5 FT TRAVEL TRAILER 9335 slot °I°Y meeting public Good gKgESIï¬ER rwram ï¬rme ha ariingutegsmrvision Earn 94000 per In Memoriom no verso 3550 CAMP 1402 2118 20 Toshiba per week $390 Delivery SETVlC33 Talepmnen 7587 232237133533IIEIQX5I° Im9 Fl alnlng POgrom One school age Chlldeone Tear old child zfgzngléirfgï¬we efgfgfwï¬ï¬Â°$° Verso per count lino extra 22 cents per line all Quebec government 2° RCA Xlioo per week $565 Automotive equipment included 600 Call Reply to vet c3 5959m22 07 Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum on hydro congruent Slte 26 Panasonic potluck $650 424 1566 and DAVE KEITH SITTER REDUIRED nail daysduring school in the iorest Hill school area grammar 991s 246 ComingEvants $322 per column inch on James Bay may seem 57Iivestock ior sale mums Ca MB on maledominated enterprise but ytime Tues 76em loyment wanted NO MONEY DOWN Farm Batteries 85 Rd day and WednesdayMinimum for some workers It is the Ideal No PAYMENT TL Many types in stock Good taCtory war mï¬ 523 Eamgésgrfgflfmggélffl arson day or Friday ¢tIrIouno MANbgngIlIts position as audio womans worldI rarity Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 SALESpERS may Ispatcner or eepcr tralnee ave OCTOBER 77 Silf°° ETIZZT B°e tzntisisritzli 33 mim Don be om oi the news when sch°° is YewGm attiihï¬nmwflneSn°li26£é 212 daYllu iyearso mm A027 in selling cars Job otters salary plus em subscri on in Phone l°m9hl Einewooo get it while its hot Stu 2°0f1bgbndï¬agfsï¬gg ngWIII°€ wmw goménlszirgn Apply at Toke Motors 89°F YMCA Kllcmlqflollrlq oThe Exam about 151 agamst the men Delivered TOIllghl sgfe ggsggï¬gm wee$lgï¬z ceilent disposition Telephone mt MOVING TO BAR James Bays soctal life 9204 evenings VICE ROY HOMES Plumber with over as years experience The women are Just like KR mo Horsepower electric $35 55 ï¬ggvsmlgigltgcgstm Sfï¬iFï¬ZJJSSI iJL°S l2£iéieintmizittlréttsmz bees in hive said an admin $°t°yzlségggc$a£eslersnugSITme iumpon soundI Tempyonflgifwyu amicath homes In Ontario Expericnc wishes employment in the Barrie area For an month subscription Postage included ISlralOl as he Shared drlnk Dynaco $60 tube amplitier 25 watts HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Moke money ed contractors only Please Contact the it years experience tn layouts and with his roommate in his are hard to Construction Department no 793 7200 estimating Have been employed by one me 99 amp 9° Well cared tor Track and trails Windy ognioy me more Extension 52 tlrm tor the past I0 years Box V71 The lrdller They aCl JUSl llke 331833353$2fx432n£25£ioots Fm 36 Me mendl 90 la BABYSITTER REQUIRED Three Ee 59 Cheque m°neY Order Wlh Y°U name at C°Iilee Oddress queen beeS REG AND GRAD HOLST HEIFERS VP days per week in my home Oakley RELIABLE MOTHER Wt We to The at ever thin the BAIIIIIE SHOPPING PUZA 935W 77 9653 iron SALE Two asbna chairs and trom brucellosis and TB tree herd Due EASY even YOU V9 Park area Two school age children Cit In her home OBKIEV Park 5000 want wo chess drag85 Sunablo or my early Sept to Nov Maurice Schaer never saw beforeI can now one preschooler and one baby sio per area Telephone 737 mo ceIIII Inly Whe one of the Minesing 776 7788 day no 8440 alter Ipni MOTHEp will babysit mum to one ta Tele none 726 title ApLE AU US 27 REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE demls 728 9652 or wme SMALL BUSINESS OFFICE reqmres year old Monday to Friday $256 week women goes to the only dis MTTItFTF csomer Inga 3nd Tium marcI years oldI HHI nicyi AVON PO BOX 485 BARRIE mature pIrson tor regular part time Allflndfllt 681 TEIEDIIO 778 7575 colheque at the sprawling LGZ HWC7 maven 900d hum iumpor or We dutivs Acruroty with IHUCS Must LADY SEEKING steady employment as WHITE TOP LOADER KENMORE LZ5°gnd1$3eï¬ed r5 prospect435 4389 Th TF Some typing and Itllng Reply to Box receptionigtfurdpntistorIdoctorsolhce lbgoytwld syI camp the odds are all on her portable dishwasher excellent condl cessoriesI etc many ome em ARABIAN PUREBREDI regimede wo ï¬d II IIIHImIII IIIII II V44 lm XamInerI II yeezyenggsodpmyzlstohwcnttgzgnanogg BARRIE 51d 0350mb0 MU W059 saddle m5 sale Tables year old colt crmstnul with tour wnitu EA ExM MONEY shown RESPONSIBLE PERsON requtm Club rules say that men can almos new be TeIEphone gétizeéGEogteLyEebtilpmgtt and misc socks ti hands breeding or showing Cantde hm hm Chuwxmsmrm htthystt In our llomi ther altvrrluotis Examnt 35 Otter Expires Dept 30 not enter the disco aptly 726 7°Sbanyttme Loco Tele hone Cooksiown wcvk two We Sitowl children Allan RELIABLE MOTHER willhatiysitdaily LIN DquATIc Oil Furnace713600 iifgcscizisiï¬f 27 am pm $332th i1ï¬fsr3r 03 °5 C5 in my home Hot Writhes Preter YFS vwlf named La Femina unless they BTUs tour years old in good working REGNATWO TOTAL cash regisyer like SUFFOLK PUREBRED LAMBS Ewes trIc cataioquo and prompt Sirvice LICENSED MFCHANCC TQUVCLII flirtingwgevygzgg Rgiflzppew iï¬I are accompanied by woman C°d° 53 99 badr°°m new reasonable Telephoné 487 2t07 and rams Registered Call Cookstown Jttantlron Greeting Card Co Ltd i753 medialer tor Simm ounty Com ruc binhs 38c°ming even FUN INITHF NT home or large shops200 Phone 7283007 anmme 453 Am King St Hamtlton Ont LUM to tCon ICovrItpanCv mpg405 Farrell WOULD LIKEI to BIAhYSITIctItIIIctren In VII Hang WW fun here In the nor IUL Inn my home ago one rec Ime or GENERAL ELECTRIC Portable soyaenand LIVF lN HOUSEKEEPER netcht lor COLE Dam and Quinn are proud to washer spin dryer excellent condition 32¢LPBSJ1E55832333853screen s90 59ppunryFhCKS mottwrless tantily children tour nnrt Requred Immedlately 312lnIrvpï¬IIfIaIggbzgggs Balield Mall announce HI In IM gm Jcmw tthv sald Joanne DanalreI who 5150 Also sunbeam 9lec lawnm°ww singer machine cabinet model $35 DEKALB READY my puuelsI avail 99 tea CWl pm hours trnoonsn Monday MClaf TlUrrde UJ 977 works the camp general With corduood condition$40726 53541 Hammond Spinet organ LlOO $ll50 able Alsoarmnesnvggs crag Hume WltIl Lonilortamo actitmnioltntlmi Box Imuqh Friday SCHIvy ammpom brothcr tor Jamie Grandson Mr John Store USED LUMBER quantities ol bx Metronome $15 All In excellent condi pounry Farms Strong 436 mu 45 C0thle Telepltlm 81 mmpdnim may Wm NMan flnIg ï¬n gm mm 2th TIIce MDmmlt and Mlldftd and l0 and 2x l2 Cedar 2x 071728423 79 Nlll 50s Alli or ltnltiIrt Attvtirlnlil NOTICE 10 CREDITORS REBEKAH AND DDDFELLDWS Another nomdn computer and Wm 80000 BTU EIRE 00D CEDAR RAILS and bohleedSeedgra MMUREI RESPONSMl twrlenur It 69 WWW Mondays Chlldlitalrottarn Programmer agreed Ill be furnaces and air nurts plus two walk in wanturt tor nlIlt work In lillrtrvtts 19pymnltn mu 173 Itfl IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE New ma II II ireczer doan 70ioot cedar root trusses g3°3lamraq£$ggmgggu YORK STARR WHEAT tor sale trnnIt mm Mmmonpm FROM DISK IILERK IIqIIIIIII WIIII GERALD ROBERISON We of wwmjzzgvjscmldsgngfdflé EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT staying dslongdSICdn era stored serd iarm lield inspectsI 5°CTe°pl0 6105 cellaneous accessories reasonaoiv 0330 emwdI my um 55 10 MIDDLE ACED RESPONIIULI Pct ypmnnru in rrrtInrtrll wnttlt Must me Township of Innis in he ThursdaysCrIlldttaHnrtogo 800 pImI Women de been workmg GJRAGE AND DRIVEWAY sale at the Telephone Roger atterepm 737 I565 per mlan Return bans TNDDHOHC SON ropuirmt tor ItltiIIII work Ill haw 0w lpymlioy yny appoint Friday sICtIIIrt ts Iowng mrtgiylng he campfor about two years year and 14 Gloria street Rlverwood 41boats and motors 7be MN MW SW0 rtlllIern II ItOtilIt thyyuw art tnlnplnmn ms II ssoi risk Inr Mr County Simcoe evision Saturday Child works hard tor Ila I00F HALL FERRIS LANE MmTI they Sun lose out to Farms Many many attthues and tell llolti 11 worm 16 lwl Mm SImion Mono er deceased trying Jack $100 refreshmem bOOhI nouscnntd items irom seven Wt9 64tarm machinery BARDFR STYLlSl nlCdttI tull mm mm PM HI NE mm And Lhtld Inl born on mi Sdti the men when pay cheques are amhos 5IUrqw AUQUS 27m and sun Ulllftirdli waIIrs Will tllildl7 dlt INTd plut nlnt Illll liIil ildrllttu All persons hovmg mms bamp ThTF handed out average 35 0m 3° 435 JOHN DEERE COr WM ownth will ovw yvarattivrwr Ittttll tterUtttl Aorn IillUll1llyvw against the estate at GEORGE Im NW 6mm it b01it$4iflla Week for their ObS Ll 90 INCH thl 90W lakï¬ BM ply Rotter Brittwr Slum 47H My an Onml Chtlrtrtin hearing this Vli0b CUUntrr gummy REGULAR Sizoaarbago bags blade and Hall niowcr SLBOO retc PARI IIME DRIVER IIIIIUIIIIII III 05 IIII1III GERALD ROBERTSON wno le Cunehamdfl warman WHICH corFEE HOUSE the laundryI storesI ofï¬ces KIIEIiijI Iï¬flsyï¬gcz Al condll9 M0Y 905 ISUCh phone Tame diltvvr Ctnnvst Inuit must XIHIVIII WAN it Motllt ANI PLAYVIA 0n or about the 6m doY OI MJY TI A995 0nd UP and cafeterias compared to the Lit 1ls twin nnr mantletooolcoyers 05 Olr Condllwnlngi VHF ShP 67IrUItsVegelabl85 on Volkswativn trIyIr amt bi ItoImImII In trtkt In toIn yrIr nIrIt llIVIrItlly 1977 are required send P0 your child Now An EtJirtlirtlr Swirl FRII AUG 26 570931200 09k COIICCted by rir ntm or NU 2268 an Shore radlov depth sounder PURE NATURAL HONEY Whites IUIIII31nljxngrjijiggililt IOWCK $1123ldtlllxllSIIIIII TIlIpllllmy tICUIatS OI such IOlmS to the un Allnfllfltltlltlllt Mil Illlurjn mr name at 730to midnight the men for heavy ConslmCtlon TtR 90 st and camper back oher at we Geormm Mall Hwy Ch IZOIOM Vllm Wm dersigned solicitor on or betore Iilirylizlrritiglilrtaitltl FARMERSMARKET work super wa 1N 79p It ll ton earOld urIrIIIIlIxIIIIIInII torlditlmt Call on cessories Asking $19900 ok APPLE Apply K00 amt snn on 71helpwmted 7Ihelp wanted the l5th day at September yIIIIt IEZIIIJIIIIginIIIIIIIISIIInItIIjlmuoII Mulcoste III CI III IIiIn used to th best otter Will take car or truc 055 RI Om Tulvmhw 11y Mao or 1977 alter which date the Bay on mmmg Locol entertainment AD dUTK or EIISdl ffï¬2fhfutftiimgiéaiiiiie gig on ade see by oppoimmen 7261907 CIUSMSUMN estates assets will be in ertIorrm Exam nIlIjr Blrjt tying MISSION 50c per person tdh IICZilfi 0t Zhlldtten ln Mon fit trIthll lrr It Rem an Vol mdnmg wasmr and tin5E rCl31pl 0523itlpllgilotilii it dlslllbUed hOVng regard only titllltlllwrflés IUIrll1Jl Mix REFRESHMENTS SERVED IFdedJUII Jrréuwicoml W51393332XIflgaï¬oggnfhi orv or on morn 50¢ per dozen TplpphOtHniJ aim to the claims that have been prions 281414 Au2526lI Id md Tilem l= 36 3465 alCSDm C°ll729272 68personals Immediate openings Iior experienced piecework cuttets 7man received ncfitï¬szgéamelu g0 39 men EHOIIIPIUIIURTLPSCILEI Iiï¬AAIHII1 iIII VI TF crew worIUng on treelengttt operation Thls ImOdJH compI DATED acnnev onlono ge Indeed m0n6v IS lhe NO at ï¬rm SlcWnli unit bedroom 72 FT SHEPHERD mahogany nont HOLIDAY IN THE SUN located l8 miles east and 22 miles north at Atlkokun thTIVltlg 8th day of August I977 IFIIIEPGUSQNIIH ENNII IIIII traytum at the onstruction it Th llo at Clr slr nbnard jurnory In Arnrv ylzscorjguge ii Smiths lazuli 525w AI TREASURE ISLAND 5T community 0l6000 GRAHAM WILSON3 GREEN p1J ay SlIC Isolated lit the Wilderness ERCIELD ELVET like new Telephone le 424 alter 309 PETERSBURG FLORIDA We Rates are as per current union contract with guaranteed WOQEIOI i7 Poyntz Street Box 987 rItIt lIiniortIuIIn IIuIrItoInltCVIIIIIIJAIITIII Buy meg 39earcold me on at green antique lo FOOTER AND design Paresttip hoye vacancies tram July on $6722 day l0r 30 dOYS Oitd exwllet Iltgt bettelits Program Barrie Ontario LAM 5E1 Mr MIL lrnn cliparr 83 rock rlrIll repairman looks for Pr QHrmmed Dev made SM LI new only mm rd atSI 75 er rth Estate Welt it rty hi 11 hace Am gm MC brown longs Iihmes yrI me VigilchigiislJgï¬grlthr EITirciczncy units from $75 CI Week filUdmg demo plan he powemow gas on 00 197m or 79 3D Hf JI mu CMJV girl Edeitotjigi caflbinlcrulser er In 05 0y 78ten OIS Cftfltlllllttrtrlo Te II Irv rrld ff my or two persons Phone Barrie Wh Icohons 19059 Includp your phone num rec dI mMWM ensen Inger appt II Sideligttlonditiï¬wconlpwlw Jaw 7283I36 tor Information ber 85I deafl home m0 tgdge and bmyIK l6 It Etislifiioilénfllizitif zit Witt3° APPLICATIONSSHOULD BE DIRECTED to Ltris gfï¬ingghéiérmdéiuc Jr II III i1 iIlttl 32 5365 TELECARE Vrty titttit your ttr mlom $11k 1qu IIII lIIvI7 IIrIIIIIIIII IItIII IIIIIIH he SIIIU 30 5757575 Cnelkn Mark alum Let truntl twin Call rlltllr WI SOD II II i115 HPntDoard outboard CB mmde 716w dent Omano Jwrp WWI nvtrw riur UN Iw here clst for bits dmer erin en VVIOIVIT rt Dri Elir H6 ï¬IaoniInjlvrngnIyIffl23153300$30 ACOHOLICSANONYMOUlt mi Mil OQQI UP MINISTRY OF DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII mam III IMIm 02 money Same MSIIIH ielépgcnCHo you drink In jur unsntiss it you Domtor Woodlands Limited TURA RESOURCES nIp QMI asked haan DuthI who wanttoquitmiitsours ill anyttvw NA 01 nib rIa curs $404 Mel rtn cover gt PEEEnRFnOeguoiecrigrohis UNWANTEO HM WW WWI Lumber DVSon MIDHURST Ont LOLlXO 9a°°0MW rndlUClks 7IC Rth l8 AEYEUSYQTWH georhSTini SEMI perm tnnntly medtr ally approved Ly Aï¬kokon Ontario aw itarrtiI strotdyrut tléztlunlt HrLnrnuk COVIIICU Electrnltwglst tenders are invite on Wimpy 4n ll complete camper back only 50 hours II II UIII II III II Wde seleulon OI dlscounl 33 Wk 77 All ON OR PHONE COLLECT 10 607 59 2896 days levellltig ot two tields on the 151 y¢l rLW3 or many 101 pruvtdOSJObS ir WOW ll sTQLI to not arvmi II II tobrtcs ggllrire againrgom 5M 30 HuncaonnSruett Bdrl III1 minutes Nursery Inyolvtng the ylcr Ilu rraIwi uéS vtt vw mt Just itIUI ddIIdIJIe back AIll rl 3° Cushws 19 FOOT GREY MARINE Icylnoor WW aw °° movement at 5800 cubic yards 1V hllllI nd Toos both amateurs looard movar caoir cruiser with traver INTERNJTIONLL lNETlGAIION OISOII 0n am 18 IDocket at Barre Mar na Asktm Sl 250$ SCVICO Cy otva dyttr Ill memortoms ll proessonm lcr Desotter 72¢ 0cm surytmnm ru rtl IrtrilIdIVIIJ Tendets are Invited to supply lot nlli LilltdoifvtIherI Needles h90d55 Wlnes EVINRDDEM ounoarc kiwi 77 IKGS and deliver one housond Ive dtotkrmnm mil dignity garland MO 4c and cart to rt tr aw III Iv II BUIO SITOdIe oyrde aecvlretflsmUzegadrot 12527531 trtvt rultlrtil DBSilnn ClliQ Vlzituy hundled CUbC Yards OI SOWdUS Stillw lwwt Ir tII vv But progahh Come orri ee me Sta prov3 Hit 5m Ire evbvne 176 ltt IimIFrI liny II IIlt II III to be news tothe PTOVlthIOI Forest Station II II IUIIIIII III II IIII hark Im kmmI bocduse Jobs SUV es FCOT ERLdsE Ior saw MilliI 21 Art UK lEs irlllélltvl Cl059 dale Spplembc 77 Bu st Itit Ly AI rm us IDVJCC 0V DCEVG amp 9J1 vt We dont think you do gt id 11 doesn Ahp Ig Cclr 300C conoztvon must Or at no tor looim sslnrtviu sumo Ilvtart F0 unth mIormuion We artpit In rt UPHOLSTERY name as zwnioiwwt Rlniwtlttt In Mn cost much to live here buy be aDDreCIaec $2 300 Tenor Cryut kat 715 please onm HOHIdge IDII IIIIIII II III IItaIIII SIIIIIII CIEIIIIOIIIN nowgpapers 725 5637 tr 42 amides waned er 78 In you re goo enoug 7057286599 IIItltittdnx Ill draught built and that about Col ML WI on sol III11IIIIIL Fl WIN rm nn AME cuc It of Fabric 135975495535021ngth ng ring 7IIteIP wanted We don think you are rn dew and ere Dopery Mill outle it tems 7128 8234 rr vw AUCTION SALE dywwMpg certainly are more elegant Jus nonh of ICHI LVDVS TABLE AND CHAIRS watnIerj SATURDAY MORNINGI AUQUSY Iain1 will snowtil we 5r places to beI one orker c311 Prefer wooden sew 90051 fond on 27 IeyiriIfl II III planned buy the camp as rt It yr Georgian Mail Pease ai 24 658 II 00 womo work to newspaper Standards yIISIIIIVII WWW WHIOIHAIWI 1mm addvd number of at 73745 $353$350 itji7nra $1 opptoyxlmotely hrs daily We don think YOU 028263 603W lmctions that make life more In tlsws lwi Hobart Llauwt misotssriazzzr idols week Think you can photograph anything OAK LEA CRESCENT Pi1lxrisrz 17312 no Saturda sorHolido PIANO preteramy apnr mer sill WASAGA BEACH ome over Anrtlnunnnllnly pm an ant no ï¬gs7383903n7289093766crjndltlan Tnliphnnhl holrt VOItd drivers IICQDCO he now bridgeI fur righ down IIItItllatITNIIZIIZII II till My Te WANTED Om usrd two or Ir ur whmtil 0yer 2i yrs at age We dont think y0u can 00k L90 095 behind Le° mu II utility trailer In good Condition will pny pass medical Vane Sore new by he Amt Iltlld yIIIIIIIIn rIrltItI II a9 Gm sanllli Iu gtI IXitLI III fres oter Telephone 35 lepmnenb 583 Then we want YOU Prove US wrong River hi hlnttly minisle ow Nth Wleiltll Iiilil QE RACING sacheI Pes Mr Howlett sole Of household lurmlure ttlm nftts fllllia171ll7tl elt Iile Also large BARRIE POODLE Salon ShampowIQ Sock Brohers We need porttlme photographer who can do all tttosrt things including many onthue pleces tint alIIlrt anI ulII Itltvttt n3 livid waitttLIIrvtt Illi It yltll at rmer sA asbaturday SrrdeeilEZTtrjngitljil we SM School Bus Lines and more 0Ilec Ital ophplCl ndc es mm mm mmm Is Write re tigerotor was er ryer witanirllm new ngegrif 501533 all 31353603 Iamndl di hes Osswme tools 0nd man In Irvan momm rlt itfl Awe5 Cernrwts Telephone IJiyery 729d 8798 Pet Stooge weekend PhoeroP er man 0318 miscellaneous at Flttwtr Murat MW otiswr away BV DONNA KING All MAYIS pOQDLE pApLOR Pimps lF The Examlner deg as Gum mmmtqg 31mm art 30 IInllnlné IIN dlldlIllIn 55 Nth 10 or Frenrn prom Stonal clippan and groorntnrl reason Box 370 UIIhIIIIWII II IIIIII IIIII III II III Jam Ru Ourth novelI The Jte uId rm table we nor able rates Telephoneno 006i cuss Itllthan rnqniml to Terms cash no reserve as the RU US mm mom Iv AMyerS Arms 73 arorri7wa 9I TROPICAL FlSH Bow selection In MY 400er Ont home tr Ior solo and the owner nwn Ighmmflm 01 Chm Dung mx ded JV 71 town Aquariums an 3195 at unhlialafjhy Mil Irtfltt it rt 50 ll so trlnnitulllni Ltttrt in yitiir omrtvn II Init pjilld Iltljklllf wlIIl pyillt Shllws mm gt ï¬nals an ANTIQUE 87 Carri Gar dnno prices Eveninqs and weekends Emu VVvl mll and prove us wrong lsmovmg HM together through Choice or Cir Jhyflfl 31 in 000 Aquara Ardaq Road 77 My PEprO To In AWHV Management Of auctioneer WIII lot Wlllt til Iartli Dali wan our tit mu mI Ill to tifanfllVI Ca no blob ater SAMOYED puppII mm 0th 18 Murrow 5mm bl idems IMSt slitthitii knitting worsted lti um ma and Imam Cd IIIII not IoresponSI Smil mixlII by will 6ny Rnntty mm my 759 Th novel It In the 19605 50 9555Wv tinlime his pOPerY doY OI 5°l9 ltItIlIlll Cm til IIIII optn with 50 Hair old Ruth to wood Ca5sf tan FOODLE pups 111 LBARR AUCTION SERVICES v5275256533573833 one emae My fEIIRYCOUCHLIN Auctioneer $125 for tItCIl pattern cash Vllicvltr ltilllllnifl lhil herVan Véllygum mtylaalw Tel7f AU25 WM cheque or money Olde Add couvvr boarding house Will be ioltItEyLicxkfarljEralpEEiufltigli Ellie 96 VI 251 each patient for IllSI torn down in make way for Dc lIIIIEIILEITFjï¬gLEijlIrl 5004 hunlflq doc bisrratly prtmd AUCHON SALE ma to orwahr redp IesII ox Jags mm and handlmg Send rmd For mart lVltbnlrl or tIftylllt num ers to var iser as Mice BrooksI Needkuafl it to 0m SATURDAY AUG 27 W77 soon as possible we accept no new Rllll IMF llllrltllld larIlelIy aywil EF GOOD lPm Short of 055 of Characters Including Maws vv 91 fxï¬ihm f1 1II inr Mr Mrs Henry Belt Ye nolrlzzpicd ome The FXtlnllitr 60 Progress ollingwood intelligent It trail II or in 474 699 attertp yonge St Borne Ont one hrough emu IQOIIUIG or deon IAvome SvflrbmnughI Um WOHIQI pflut gytmngId future UrduUNI CDICKIF ISSIANIIIIEL pulrryIlgrt IUiyr NI mile north oi Painswuk In ogrwordng such mphesI aria Mun mining IJIII2II IIESbIlgreVel0 pornyou Tf 3512Lfizpkgzï¬32 Sole consists mainly at ho es co to at Is II II therwtse be If dcal tt Id articles some tools wevero Ont testdents l5 ll mmg ra nu 130 cry SOgarclen supplies house women WM my ION coal and wow Stom ling EXAMINER ladllaiitte liaising trill Npaiiti ll dd At Ii start have tll lawns germus Itr Evening and vtIV 80 mg WANTS ADS Mr IlI ladelivery Call11 Humor 17 ill modlinesl two metal desksI less takes turns sleeping llh Sltrees and Shrubs three oilice choirs space PHONE 72824 Imide 18 NHPH mill lomlxrs llle boardmg ca 03 0059 IIter becomes involved heater Chesterfield and chalr in ABSENT 5359515591 177 80 bl 225 9535 he With Mavis and finally has 4w twinn argt nu at Itc nay Iatut very good condition i970 Ices Jnkpud nluvm Vrlwwn and small ttvmmt mil tittltl 197 CialtsIKtIIl Clochel Send 5t child by Tom pelmssI the éfl1iir315I omno om £35 ommemsv 5150 American who dreams of own PL NT IOUTMl tr rurt Irrt ï¬t It 900d runan condmon no can Plllow Showmls slso ing his own restaurant IIrr It iru II lljJllktIYIIllï¬ltttlli Irtaen Up All itlrt errillaIJIl fYtlT hast Reserve bd EC Sale gluflhPIPPu AISU InCIudd are draft 4149171 Hm C05 IIIC dodger mentioned in onlyatew Ira uIIn at urIIIIrvu mlnIan SZplants and bulbs Tl CODRINGTONMOUNIBAnEN AREA JOHN KRUL Auctioneet CtOChel Wllll Squales 5100 chapters before the police find 082 tl rt CII am gtnnqlAI Sundown SIIflJSOmpllgltLI TROPICAL PLANTS Inr ynur mum AIEIU 7284494 1le blatrhk holbnosexua Tollprom 19 501 OIHILL et Bray Garden mtlrn Alnoricnn in run ecause BU El FRUI HOOD unique rmndale Dr I76 zrm it noice le crochey ruud SowI the Inn haired smoker ulrlss doors With matching ï¬atservice and re air Knit iralnert wall mirrors S275 Chrystal DIVIIIIOIIII cw drllgIldImg dloimmv anI Joan CIlBIIUQIlOVSIO Vltction sotte 176 Ml Mln5lIY0 CIOC CI mo VaughanI representlng he GARAGE mu Oak Street moy 2tIII um Hairpin Clothet Book $183 unlimmml wmnan waiting for 5Ilt lsitt Wain Tlcrriifrifittnrivd magi sogttso L0 or OMIWI Instant Crochet Booli 00 hugbdndI hubul ban house and TI IA restaurant tictits everything Ie cu Ing ISlam Macame blgtill rxuIt git 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Rugs 15¢ of loneliness mostly display it my to ttlrsltsrtlclrl sntn only cabinets tile paint wallpaper by Ruth who feels she is being my ll ctrlrrIrid suitr 4950 more or ass as tma iltlvltl nmttlutlur III Dutilop Street madel Spec or pnvme St amount of SAND AND GRAVEL on Conemmn pushed along by progress homes against herwill Im Utility omit t4 IONE FRIDGE OAIso call for wholesale prices cc nun Sltt shows the sadness of the Imm it mu tvIt IiunIInrat on kitchen cabineys and 20000 °s °P°°l° WI ourprentltureIIItiltsincluded In In Hrittitt IIII IV en one bal°° V°°5 hon Immmufm °p°r°n9n Deadlllle IUI CldSSllled tittlie novel summing it up With mm til 1le ttlrtwtr mu rm TEtEPHONE Wit porto ant in word ads thephmw takes mis dy atulnrlilrwlllttlltilkitttitrntnile 50 aï¬onI oitd tlitl Illl riwiti but Ilour ing to be born June iiulo lives on Gilliano island herself and expects to stay there for the next 10 years writing NIIIIIIV tuna glittrll vult Slitriklf and amp V4 tl III rivlvmr tintn IllSI oi rlrnmrrs Ill mm mm ll KItlir wile IIIDII tlnrlllllllilt ll lutIu I7 maunl slum run tIrIIIr rim ritmrtttttrtlt Stlr rlr yIr white The last day upon which ob iections may be tiled with the Ministry at Natural Resources co Huronio District OIIice II WI TThSISII AMUSEMENT MACHINES survich and repairs pinballs speclalty sales purchase arrangements nvnilnrtll Tell phone 73 344 COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR d9 CARRIER PROMPTIYIIIIIII pm day previous Midhurst Ontario is October previous wok anti iii WNW MM WWW 55C°5UC° maChInerY 1977 Dated this twentysecond diall author are Against the crux 60 motor sate lOttlUltIrlt FORK LIFTS rs used reduced low Season This is Not for You and sorttttlwy VMora lwstip AVIYIIUP Y1 prices Best buys over DaiS all A025 Mr post TtItIIIIHIII IM ltlllnr IYHIAl 4M 5020 Evenlnqsdlo 637 192 noon Saturday Desert of the IIiiiiI