Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1977, p. 16

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16 the examiner Friday August 19 1977 71help waited 71holp wanted MANAGER FOOD SERVICES Professional required immediately to assume responsibilities for dining room bar cafeteria motel and banquet hall Must be ex perienced in all aspects of food management menu planning and catering to weddings etc Up to 350 capacity Short distance from Barrie Fully licensed All replies will be kept confidential Send detailed resume to FOOD AD BOX 913 BARRIE ONTARIO Au22 EXPANSION Has made it necessary for us to employ several new people who are neat and want to get ahead in life High earnings based on bonus and incentive plans Call 7371904 Ask for manager Au 17 18 i932 Parttime Kitchen and Counter Help required MCDONBI Ll it Attention Students owla independence McDonoIds will hire lneese eiees Bee cae obese num wages food discount uniforms sup scoeac ed my uses shifts per week 3035 hrs Conac manager on duty Hedda hru Thursday 330 to pm Au171819202224 PRODUCTION CLERKTYPIST REQUIRED BY CANADIAN TAMPAX CORPORATION LTD 364 St Vincent St BARRIE Ontario THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT WILL Be capable of Performing simplearithmetric functions eg percentages and graphs Plotting charts and graphs Be familiar with product testing and quality control Maintain records of equipment and spare parts Do small amount of typing and filing THIS POSITION OFFERS Generous comprehensive fringe benefits entirely company paid and uninterrupted employment under ideal working con ditions with higher than average pay rate ply in writing only Au20 WEEKEND PHOTOGRAPHER Think youve got what it takes to be news photographer We dont think you do Think youre good enough to meet deadlines We dont think you are Think you can run darkroom to newspaper standards We dont think you can Think you can photograph anything anytime under any conditions We dont think you can Prove us wrong We need portxtirne photographer who can do all these thingsre and more Write Weekend Photographer The Examiner PO Box 370 BARRIE Ont arid prove as wrong PROFESSIONAL SALES POSITION Georgian Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd 145 Bradford St Barrie If you are dissatisfied with your present income and wish to improve your financial return on time invested dont delay call us now for appointment OUR POSITION OFFERS Excellent remuneration Trolning if necessary Paid vacation Factory and in house incentives °Excellent insurance and benefit program New car supplied QUALIFICATIONS Automobile sales experience an asset Strong desire to succeed Contact LARRY HUDSON 7261885 AulB1920 ACCOUNTANT OFFICE MANAGER Seeks challenging position with progressive company Well versed in accounting functions budgets financial statements and liaison with bankers and auditors Excellent references Please telephone Al Thornley 5199413094 Au19 71helpwanted SUMMERTIME ITS PERFECT TIME to begin your spare time moneymaking career with AVON Your neighbours are outdoors easy to meet relaxed and ready to talk with you about our exciting products Start earning extra cash during the warm weather months Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ont FSTF SA LES PERSON WANTED FEMA LEMA LE Growing manufacturers of in dustrial commercial mluvational and art products At tractiw commission or salary provided For information call llamnno 1lltit$151378 Evenings local7269710 Au 18 19 20 3311 TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF CLASS mechanic reqwred for dealership in Alliston Telephone 135 437l from am to 30 ask for service manager PERSON TO learn optical trade Apply 28 Morrow Road EARN EXTRA MONEY by showmg Canadas tinesi line at Christmas cards Wraps Novelties etc Over 450 items in cluding exciting new CrOanare For free catalogue and prompt SQIVICP Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Harnilton Ont LEM IG EXPERIENCED RESIDENT CARE TAKER wanted tor year round superw sion and maintenance of lamily resort community on Georgian Bay Reliability and mectlanical skills essential Hausa and some UlllTiLS provided Other help seasonally employed Recent references required Salary negotiable Apply in writing to Iron City Fistinu Club Box $08 Parry Sound Ontario HAIRDRESSER EXPERIENCED hairdresser reqwred for downtown beauty salon excellent wage plus commission All inquiriescorl liaenlial Apply at Leons Hairstyling Collier St or telephone 7267621 FULL TIME SALES PERSON required for ladies wear store Experience eSSun tial Apply in person Mamselle Lades Wear Bayticld Mall 728 6066 LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER needed for motherless family children tour and 99 Years nice homi in Coldwatiir with comfortable alcrimrrorlat Oll Bl AS7 Coldwator TlflfDfOle gt135 111 days or 680 IQOOeveniilgs MATURE RESPONSIBLE ptTil rc Quirea tor counter twin to work lunch hours and two evenings wark supiiri hours Experience not Esstnlfll rim in appearance Apply in person to Cabla Kens Fish and Chips ll LtIlt Avi EXPERIENCED GAS ATTENDANT with workhg knowledgv of invinlury control Applr at CJTTICI Gas Bar 48 Dunlop St West Son the mariavier OPENINGS FOR cricxlail and diiiiii lounge waitrcssvs waitir Diistfliy ausgirl Own lrTTlSDUTIrTIJJYl Apply ii person to Nottuwusagii lI1 HiqlWlIy Hy Alliston EXPERIENCED par mu any or night kitchen help Over lit yrrir Telephone 136 284 CLEANERS Part time 30 Ahours nightly Monday to Fridar Must tx exporiirirrrl Good wages TtZlifptllmr 718 rllril HELP WANTED for mIVIVIi lllTIdr Packing Expo rrici prrftrrw but not essential Paid tiy percentage or by the hour Applqull CampbellliLiroria St TAYI DRIEPS and DJFIIFYH distia ctier Mutt tiavr gum llrv no riurirrt dfll neat appearance Apply UIITffl Taxi it Mapln LAYOUT ARTIST Juriiur tn inlcrmurl ar layriut artist to start irrirriixj atrily Studio rixpirrricr rilf Barr esscritial min to product wrirkirig rougtis ti 7iJFITttlIJI JISQII FFATI defried Otiiwlim Illustration rflll mm ari rtl aIAIIITI desiratilr Tflflllllllf Mrs Lisri Pilliri BurIN stiirlti departrrimit at 718 III11 Fashion Two Twenty Beauty consultants Ftqlllrtd lUIl rr parltirriri for an expiirirtirig UNIDrtnf Musl br pleasant and TIIITUF Full triiih ing prqylrjwt Frir aripriiitiriiril gillani writ Mr lfu1y7llltr3 ili THU FULI Tth PE NEON riiriiiiriri lin rrirlrtri rruf tarrii MuIllt17l3tll qr tarry rriar tiiliiry In Start TTITTIIHII ly tirirptiiriv NAN Hi Him 0400 nltrr HE HI IE irriiiiiirliltii iliti Irir ttiiu who le1 Iy fir Illlail Irtll NH lAltl Asl trir Mr Iliiltiiir RAH Ti f4 MAN EIJ Prtlflllt Ir arla Irir nirii month old Itiilit Pit FlFdTll snriimir with no at film llll Ilrrri From If to 30 ItIlnlliriv Im 28 illAfle Hflllfi VET ff ftf BBru ILIJ Iz tr in Mrlllrl tri Friday out and artii llJf iii iir iiiit frliptiirir I29 111 rxtwisiriri all lufriri Sunday UL HM POV requirvtl irri tfdlrlll pllrl apply in iivruiii tr ttir Hfll irjiiy Iflfl liar Fl Senior Accounting Clerk Rollin siIf stiirtirig irirliVirIunl tli rriamtriiri iriiariliiil arriiiirlt pilydtill rHlll grriwriil Itrllur Assist murmurr if at criiiritirig iri propiiriitiriri rif finiirir trTl stalltriuritl mill mriritti rnrl reports Prevmu rxpiriririri iri arriiiintihg or in IISFFVIfdIaIf standing In it raroqnilid at counting rtiurm frisiritiiil Ploiiiv srnd rrrsuriir stating work history and salary rrxrmrtrd Tl dfrOUIIIIIIU nyjnaqor Bax10004Barriririt 14M AWI LEGAI SECRETARY RECEP TlONlif U006 siilary Hogtmii rind Maytirrw Owen St Barric Tlllpllfflll Ill ZIIII STOCK CONTROLLER leading manutarturor of Marine Products requures solfstarting in dividual to maintain stark inventory Responsibilities include procurement and inventory of stock Issue of lots for manufacture and status reporting on finished product Previous experience in stock accounting and control would be an asset Forward resume and salary re quirements in confidence to Stefaniuk Box I0000 Barrie Ontiirin L4M 4W1 SALESPERSON WANTED PART TIME Georgian Fireside Shop retailers in finc pine furniture fireplaces and ac cessories Experience in retailing pre ferred 317 Bayfield St 776 4080 RECEPTIONIST full time Must be able to work shift work any day of wnek Phone 737 IIIII MATURE FARMER with poultry Lx pcrience references reqmred Good wages plus benefits including house day week Write Mumby Box Ills Aurora MATURE RESPONSIBLE person wanted for night work in childrens home Telephone 778 813 ARENA ATTENDANT male or ICflchII Apply in writing before September stating experience and wages expected to Oro Community Arena RR No Shanty Bay EXPERIENCED ONLY TV TECHNI CIAN for large local TV repair shop Salary bonus benefits Apply iii writing to Box V18 Barrie Examiner ZIholp wanted 71holp wanted Local Supplier of ReadyMix Concrete and Petroleum Products requires two employees CREDIT MANAGER SALES REPRESENTATIVE Preference given to those with experience All replies considered and confidential APPLY TO BOX V16 THE EXAMINER Fantastic opportunity in Midland Our promotional department needs people with car for product presentation Commission plus bonus For personal interview call MR GREEN at 5263724 Au192223242526 rapidly expanding company manufacturing hardwood produds cosr ANALYST The successful applicant will possess willingness to apply himher sell in learning this position and be willing to undertake additional responsibility Reply in confidence to Robinson CANADA WOOD SPECIALTY CO PO Box 458 Orillia Ont L3V 6K2 Aul9 71help wanted RESPONSIBLE reliable and mature babysitter needed in MIGFTUVSI Village for one child Afternoons only For fur ther information please call 726 702 7°lllr9tll91t nail OLD APPLIANCE picked up and disposed If at no cost to you 28H YOUNG MAN sciks position as radio dispatcher or IXIKIDF trainle Havig WAITRERS WAITRESSES wanted for IICETTSLO room for interview OITIL bet ween and in Barrie Burger 347 Bayfiuld Street PERSON REQUIRED in Codrington Public School arm to look ilfflf flVl year old boy for half days Monday 10 Friday Starting September Call 126 507 after PERSON REQUIRED to claim apart merit half day wuvk Shanty Bay and Blake St arcii Taliphone Nil litiU somi exporioric iii eat it Will relurittr TLIiDllflfll 519 743 001 Jack Landry Raoul 11 YM Kitr hcnir onrITiU RELIABLE MOTHER Will give day Car in her home Oakley Park School arcii Talcphonon I746 BABYSITTING ROSDUVVHDII housiwito TIclS two boys yiiars and IIVC months will DiIDISII tuddlcr in Vancouver St area Mondin Friday Blor Parcrit TLlODlttlflt 72H 411 TYPING Ill tx tion in my home Pickiid MIDDLE AGED RESPONSIBLE PER Ulldlld ItlWlrld Tllrvcyoarstypinqrx SON ruQLirid for iiiiitit wiirl in ptrlcric Rcliwillatili rutv Tetrptiiirli childrens home Buyviiiw arrn JJillkld TLItpllOfIO no 19h iir 716 IVil 72sales helpagents BAIIYSITTING mat Cndriliqtnrl Srhriul fritirmll yittr HIGH and over Hot luni lttS prciyiclid Largo twin1 EXPANDNGLANADMN Company yard hildriii 10 play wilti IfllIlIfIt newts diprnltatili tISIH who Litll wiiik lwl without supprvixlm Earn slilxll MOTHER TWO will ldltyl lfI htr year plus unus Cltflyhf tUlILFS liwti liiirni CIilTITIII dTIy riqi ttitatlwriy around Barrie Wt lrlll Writi YllbtIWIlllllrlTltrlfldAleUi fiIcittiriiii Dick Pres Sauttiwvslirii Pigtriiliuiii II Bramplm LAT DAY CARE 4erTIIIIDIQ iii niy fllillt in 1711 Tiiiiiitiii rsiii Ottiir child to play With Pritii iuis tliriq and up Illam all Titlillzlflf DAY APE Ifl rriy tiiiili We Ildvl thi rxst itiitl ill il1lid 19 Mtltldily lli ricliir Si llUlIl Iiirict nltlfJ Drtytriin Box 13le ytIriiriiltiin Olldftl iir thump hwlhmms nvflmwlmm phliniI Jlls wot lvrfll Dstttl rm RMMMH Wmmmv CWHWN aim Tllinllriiitr 7m ml Be Celebrity Crlibiy Fashion liwvl lnl lipiii nir EXAMINER for lull or part lfY atnriili No li WANT ADS vrsniinl Frvi SrIlTlDll itl traliiiir lljtllflll iiniiiiissirirlu all 94 PHONE 72824 79 auction sales DCS AUCTIONS DCS ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THF VIILAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY AUGUST 21 at PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Pc Carved Oak also Mahogany Dining Room Suntes Solid Oak Roll Top Desk Rosewood Carved Walnut Armoire With Matching Dresser Washstaiid Pine Double Size Cannon Ball Style Bed Pine Also Walnut Parielled Door Corner Cupboards Victorian Mar ble Top ltllaid Mirrored Bock Server Mahogany Queen Anne Style Droerronl Secretary Desk Welsh Pine Servers Double Size Brass Bed DropFront Kneehole Desks in Walnut Mahogany Selocr tion of Walnut Mahogany Pine Oak Marble Top Tile Back Woshstands Welsh Style Pine Hutch Square Oak also DraereaI Dining Tables Various Sets of Oak Dining Chairs Pine Kitchen Harvest Type Tables Variety of Lamp End Parlor Tables in Various Woods Welsh Style Pine Pub Benches Selection of Pine Chest of Drawers Including Highboys Boston Pressbock English Farmhouse Rocking Chairs Mahogany Walnut Case Pianos Dressers in Pine Satirivvood Walnut Chino Curio CabinrIs in Various Woods Several Walnut Oak Mahogany Bookcases Hallstonds in Oak Walnut Pine Oak Blanket Chests Drop Leaf Tables in Pine Oak Walnut DropFront Bureau Desks in Oak Mahogany Pine Woshstands Bedside Cabinets in Pine Oak Bentwood Hall Tree Towel Rails Plant stands in Pine Walnut Pine Framed Pub Mirrors Oak Case Mantel Wall Clocks Brass Copperware Collertars Cabinets Hanging Brass Oil Lamps Vic torian Other Parlor Chairs Qualin Chiiiowore Various Framed Pictures Prints 797 auction sales Over 300 Lots TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING RETRESHMENTS STORAGE Ii DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE IO ALSO HOURS PRIOR IO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT AT OFFICE If UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 AUCTION SALE VALUABLE VACANT SERVICED INDUSTRIAL LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction by George Pilher Auctioneer at the HOLIDAY INN ESSA ROAD at FAIRVIEW ROAD BARRIE ONTARIO on FRIDAY the 26th DAY OF AUGUST 1977 at the hour of 200 in the afternoon two parcels of vacant land zoned industrial The par cels contain 022 acres more or less and 10 acres more of less respectively and are those parts of Lot Concession Township of lnnisfil County of Simcoe designed as Parts 17 18 and i9 and Part 21 respectively all according to Reference Plan 51R 3797 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 at Barrie The lands are situate near the in tersection of Highway 400 and the lnnisfil Beach Road ap proximately five miles south of the present Barrie City Limits CNR rail service is available Hydro and water are available at the lot line Sewage disposal is by septic tank The said property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid and certain Conditions of Sale which will be posted at the time of auction The two parcels containing in total 32 acres more or less will first be offered en bloc and if satisfactory bid is not received the said parcels of 22 acres more or less and 10 acres more or less will be offered individually Bidding will be on an amount per acreage basis to be calculated against surveyors certificate to be provided by the Vendor on closing TERMS Ten per cent 10 of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of the above referred to auction sale and within thirty 30 days thereafter the Purchaser to pay the balance of the purchase price Mortgage financing may be arranged provided the Mor tgagee is satisfied as to the financial responsibility of the Pur Chaser For further particulars and conditions of sale please apply to TORKIN MANES Barristers Solicitors Suite 2520 390 Bay Street Toronto Ontario MSH 2Y2 Telephone No 416 8631186 ATTENTION MR MANES DATED at TORONTO this I2th DAY of AUGUST 1977 Aul2161923 rrimi NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the ESTATE of VERNON ADOLPHUS CALD WELL late of the Township of Vespro In the County of Sim coe Retlred Farmer who died February 12th 1975 following heart attack must be filed with the undersigned on or before September 1977 thereafter the undersigned wIIl distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed DATED August I977 DOROTHEA McFADDEN AND ROSS CALDWELL Executors co SMITH McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors Box 515 Barrie Ontario Au5 Canada Postes Post Canada Tenders for Mail Contract The Post Office Department in vites public tenders for the tran sportation of mail between Toronto and Orillia Full particulars of tender specifications schedule of operation tender forms etc may be obtained from the Post masters Thornhill Richmond Hill Aurora Newmarket Barrie Orillia They are also available from the Director Northern District On tario Postal Region 101 War thington Street East North Bay Ontario PIB 1G6 Receiver General for Canada Au I9 PUBLIC WORKS Tenders will be received in the envelopes supplied until 200 pm EDST Wednesday August 3lst 1977 at the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario for the supply of the following vehicles CONTRACT 77V 13 Two vehicles minimum GVW 32000 pounds complete with Body Hoist and Snowplowing equtpmerit installed CONTRACT 7714 One Cargo Van minimum GVW6000pounds CONTRACT 7715 One suburban type Crew Carrier minimum GVW 6000 pounds CONTRACT 7716 One stake truck minimum GVW 10000 pounds with 2030 pound 9le€f hydraulic tailgate CONTRACT 77729 One Cab and CIIOSSIS minimum VW 10000 pounds LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED STRAUGHAN City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T5 August 1977 Au17192426 CONTRACT 77 30 Tenders WIII be received in the envelopes supplied until EDST Wednesday August 31st 1977 at the office of tho Lily clerk City Hall 84 Colliei St Barrie Ontario for the supply and installation of 32 iiidustiiul circulating fans at tho Operations Centre 165 Fiiiii dale Drive Barrie Ontario Lowest oi arty necessarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier SI Barrio Ont Au 171924 26 taiiilti imt TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1973 CHEVY VAN FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked as such will be received by the undersigned until 430 pm Monday August 29th 1977 for the purchase of 1973 Chevy Van formein the fire depart ment emergency vehicle This van has auto transmission power steering 350 V8 engine mileage reading of 44975 and will be certified This vehicle is available for in spection during regular office hours or by appointment after hours at the lnnisfil Township Fire Department of Stroud Tender forms are available from the undersigned and must be accompanied by tender deposit equal to 10 of the ten der price bid Highest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted CHARLES HORTON Fire Chief lnnisfil Township Fire Department Stroud Ontario 4362763 GROH ClerkAdministrator Township of Innlsfil Stroud Ontario Aul924 Estate Household and Farm Dispersal sales of all types Bryan Pacello Auctloneer Appraiser 7370979 Sun Sept 4th for 0R0 DISTRICT LIONS CLUB to be held at Fudas parking lot 14 miles north oFBarriefNo 11 Hwy and 7th Line of Ora Sale will start 1200 noon sharp Large quantity of new lumber household furniture and effects Wed Sept 14th for Angus Lions Club at 700 pm sharp at Lions Hall Angus Ont Sale to raise funds for Arena FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER SALE FOR YORK SAND AND GRAVEL LTD OF ORO TOWNSHIP ONT LARGE QUANTITY OF CON STRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD THEY HAVE DISPOSED OF THEIR GRAVEL PIT HOLDINGS CONSIGNMENTS WILL BE TAKEN IN THIS SALE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AUCTIONEERS JOBBERS Auctioneer BRYAN PACELLO BARRIE ONTARIO Phone 7057370879 Au I9 24 31 79wi0 99s ALLEN HORNEIT Auction Service 79 auction solos Sale By Auction BOATS FRIDAY AUGUST i9 BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY at 715 pm Farm Househoid cooxsrow SALES BARN on OAntiques Appraisals $9322 Zd sizocrlfssmmm RR NO BRADFORD Auiq ONT TTT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 NOTICE FTF deadline for classified CATOMM word ads EXAMINER WANTS ADS previous day PHONE 7282414 noon Saturday Styled with sleek raclng frame dependa ble derallleur gears centre pull brakes Features gumwall tlres rat trap reflector dais raclng bars saddle reflectors hlte tape plug set 2T wheel 21 or 23 Aiwv LADIES TOURING BIKE Features calipro Kmart Price aldopull brakes re flector pedals chalnguard 20 frame with 26 rat trap ASSORTED TROPICAL PLANTS 10 pot 0K mart Reg Price 1688 SATURDAY ONLY PAY We reservethe right to limit quantities 19auction sales 19wction sales 191mm solos EVENING AC NERY ii AiiiliilNi iis llllilil its lelONHQALE For Mrs HENNY BORCHMANN RR No BRADFORD WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31 at 630 pm North from Bradford on Hwy No 11 to Concession West Gwillimbury Twsp west mile to sale Lot 14 Sale includes four tractors 35 Massey Ferguson gas with loader Int 82 75 diesel Ford BN Case two factory wagons with flat racks one John Deere wagon ton Mc Cormick No 46 boler Other tillage and haying equipment and miscellaneous items Some inclusions invited by contacting auctioneer Terms cash Cheques accepted with ID ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCI No Phone 7054584589 Aul926 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUG 27 1977 pm sharp lor Mr Mrs Henry Belt 111 Yonge St Barrie Ont one mile north of Painswick Sale consists mainly of household articles some tools coal and wood stove etc Sale cash JOHN KRUL Auctioneer Lic l9 7284494 Aul92325 More Classifieds on Page MENS TARGA 10 SPEED jIIUAutlr RACER mart Price Sport styling wlth Kmart Prlco deral leur gears cantrepult brakes reflector pedals 8i 19 frame with 24 wheels ll mart Regular Price 299 SATURDAY ONLY At your neighbourhood It mart store SATURDAY ONLYWhile quantities last

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