14 the examiner Friday August 19 1977 01 property for do RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR CHINRn 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 gt8 rlIrll OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AUGUST 21 AGENT ON DUTY PM TO PM YOUR ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO VIEW THIS ELEGANT HOME ON THE ABOVE DATE FEATURES INCLUDE BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE FINISHED GAMES ROOM CAR ATTACHED GARAGE OVER ACRE LOT LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 26 MILE PAST MIDHURST TURN OFF WATCH FOR THE SIGNS CALL JOE DYSON 7262090 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Big Bay Point area brick and aluminum only two years old Lot size 80 150 Only $44000 Call Don Allan 4872412 Ora THINK ABOUT BUILDING Did you think about it Good here is building lot for you located in beautiful area surrounded by new homes Close to shopping and churches An ideal place for your new home Please call Milan Heron 7373584 CODRINGTON STREET 1800 sq ft spacious rambling bedroom bungalow Formal living room with fireplace separate dining room large kitchen open to family room Oversized double garage Lot 147 225 suitable for tennis court and pool Just listed Call Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 IN TOWN PROPERTY storey bedroom home situated on 66 132 lot great possibilities home requires renovation Lot zoned for duplex or semis Call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 PLEX Central five 2bedroom and four Ibedroom apartments Presently grossing $21000 extra large lot Call Don Allan 487 2412 Oro SNOW VALLEY ROAD at Highway 2627 this bedroom IV storey home is in excellent condition and features 81 ft lot frontage with gorgeous mature trees Priced to sell at $43900 Call Joe Dyson 7262090 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED bedroom storey double brick home exceptionally large kitchen all new aluminum drains and soffit In side of home newly decorated To view call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 ACRE FARM for nice living Try this modern bedroom brick home with breezeway and garage New barn with box stalls for horses This is choice piece of property fronting on Highway 11 North and Concession 12 Cro Call Lorna Verstraten 4876343 or 7284401 DUPLEX DOWNTOWN Two large bedroom apartments Live in one and let the other pay the expenses only $39900 Call Dan Allan 4872412 Oro EXECUTIVE ESTATE Large luxury homes nice lots brand new Choose from variety of models starting at $89000 Located on beautiful Valley Drive Call Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 COTTAGE NEAR WATER on beautifully treed lot two bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen fully furnished Coll Milan Heron 7373584 BRENTWOOD ROAD ANGUS Attractive bedroom angelslone and stucco home close to stores Features eat in kitchen large living room with Franklin fireplace and utility room off kitchen Must be seen Call Lorna Verstraten 4876343 or 7284401 BEECH AVE INNISFIL 1300 sq ft of gracious living in this bedroom brick bungalow single attached garage master bedroom 13 125 good size kitchen large treed lot Excellent financing For further details please call Joe Dirracolo 7260567 or 7284401 LOW 550s bedroom brick home north of Barrie large Ian dscaped lot 96 208 with lots of trees and the back yard is fenced This home is in on area of executive homes Call Lorna Verstraten 4876343 or 7284401 COLONIAL STOREY This bedroom home features family room fireplace bar games room broadloom patio cedar deck 14 pc and 12 pc bath car garage beautiful gardens All this at price you can afford with good terms Located on Luella Boulevard Anten Mills Call Joe Dyson 7262090 A019 Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Nora Rivers 7262596 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Joe Dyson 7262090 Joan Thorogood 7281742 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Martha Dyson 7262090 Don Allan 4872412 Lorna Verstraten 4241956 Murray Valiquette 7260617 Milan Heron 7373584 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Bill Hockley 7262596 BARRIE 7372300 99 ACRES 12th line lnnisfil Property is zoned as Quarry 20 acres of hardwood bush Asking $179000 Please call Les Wain wright 150 ACRE FARM Very spacious house in excellent condition farm buildings in good shape very sceinic rolling land Asking $139000 Call Mary Foster EXECUTIVE CUSTOM HOME Eight rooms bedrooms Every room is large bathrooms Beautifully rugged and decorated Early possession can be arranged Lovely grounds on Shoreview Drive $1 12000 Inspect with Les Wainwright COOKSTOWN Eight room storey brick home and storey shed with the older type charm Large acre lot with frontage on three streets Call Anne Spencer for more information PRICE REDUCED Charming older brick home recently remodeled extra large lot Many extras was $63500 now reduced to $58900 Call Philip Peacock for further information BARRIES EAST END Ideal family home bedrooms kitchen with walkout to deck family room with walkout all large entrance hall washrooms recreation room study double att garage Vendor must sell Asking $59800 Call Mary Foster MILDRED AVE INNISFIL $57500 Large bedroom brick bungalow master en suite full basement att garage Make an of fer Current rate mortgage available Call Les Wainwright DIXON RD Nearly new bedroom side split walkout from dining area large family room with fireplace treed area Asking $57900 Call Mary Foster LONSDALE PLACE Three bedroom raised bungalow full basement ott garage Asking $48500 Call Mary Foster NORTH OF BARRIE In small community immaculate bedroom brick bungalow large eatin kitchen full basement with large recreation room cedar deck double lot Priced to sell at $43900 Call Mary Foster STURGEON BAY 75 ft of waterfront with yearround home beautifully treed lot Priced to sell at $41 900 Call Mary Foster BUILDING LOT VESPRA Build your own dream home on 60 363 well freed lot Two springfed streams flowing through proper ty Septic already installed Asking $19900 Call Marilyn Mason BUILDING LOT Cove Ave lnnisfil handy to lake mature trees culvert and driveway already in High and dry Asking $16500 Coll Les Wainwright 13 ACRES VACANT LAND With creek north of Barrie Must sell any cash offer considered Call Philip Peacock Au19 Anne Spencer 4589211 Philip Peacock 7281136 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Billy Stephens 4562917 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Mary Foster 7372300 Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Les Wainwright 4362396 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 For Best Results Examiner Want Ads 01 property for sole Olproportyforsole TF TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD EAL DID YOU MISS THE LAST ONE Dont miss this buy Owner leaving country bdrms baths TWO fireplaces Attached garage paved drive Asking $52900 Call Larry Thompson NOW Jain from the house Call Ash Jain Ash Join Ash Jain 7269915 Larry Thompson 7285219 3703 GEORGE WORRALL REALTY LTD 110 DUNLOP ST 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pinoviow Estates of Midhurst PETER GUBBELS ALCALHOUN notoll ART MAW JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 77 LIMITED 168 DUNLOP EAST Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to 01 property forsleeT Secluded Home 100 year old original Slurvy log cabin Situated on arrirs North of Village of Baxter Spring trd stream flowing through property Fxrnllint financing Asking 564900 Call Don Graham 89 862 RUSldlntP 416 473 7675 representing Robirt Arm strong Realtor PRIVATE SALE 21 STHABANE AVE well maintained home heatsd with hot water family room mm fireplace Very private large tread 63 153 tenud lot with 20 40 heated pool AskIng $61000 CaI1726 8980 OPEN HOUSE Daily 183 Anni St rorniar of Castle Drive Over 3500 square Inct of rustorn burlt bedroom bungalow flefflliHff baths finished rec morn separati games room 1101 wittir healing many extras Owner has bought Asklflf $79900 Call 7211 7616 737 2351 NEW HOME largr trecd lot throt bedrooms two full baths broarlloorri throughout laundry room tireplari Off the 12th line of lnnistil close to lakr Private 436 4905 Ready To Build SIX UNIT apartment building centrally located on bus route contact Pratt Construrtion at 726 797 or 728 2210 Level Side Split Ideal location Eastvmw arra Ctran and modern Extra large kitchen At tractively finished family room on rrrmn floor with custom firrplari and attalt hirl V2 bath Four large brdrnont AtlarhId garage Paved driveway Landrapid and completely tenrid lot 10 first mortgage Asking $61500 Talcphoni 726 9867 CAPE CORAL FLORIDA Broarllonm ed house three bedrooms baths some appliances and all drapery trai ks Included Asking $49500 but Open to of fers Call 1416 757 1936 after 30 Nocollectcalls PRIVATE SALE Custom burlt rm maculale retirement bungalow Main floor family room with fireplace walkout to patio full basement attached garage $51900 778 3842 ESTATE PROPERTY for sale close to Barrie Proporty consists of arris with river tlowrng through Partially wooded and partially landsraprd bedroom home with fireplace and bar in family room Guest cabin Close to ma for roads and only one mile from golf course Apply Box No VII The Ex aminer 61 PfOPerty for sale 1111 OWEN STREET BARRIII ONTARIO 7373000 Lshoped Liv Din Rm with wainscotting Main floor Fam Rm with dble glass to patio Fenced lot 132 deep garden trees flowers shrubs Excellent financing 55500 down for qualified purchaser LEVEL BACKSPLIT WHITE HOUSE bedrooms bathrooms finished rec room patio fenced large backyard garage with paved drive Asking only $51900 Call Ash COMMERCIAL LAND ON HWY11 272 OF FRONTAGE Large solid farm house with approx 500 sq ft solid barn Income IMMEDIATE POSSESSION bedrooms finished rec rm backyard laundry room Good mortgage House is in immaculate condition Prestige area Asking only $54900 Must be sold Ask for sun deck fireplace fenced Au19 Hari Jain 7269915 Doug Renault 7280810 MLs Realtor 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 360 8808 Mortgages Appraisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS WATERFRONT OPEN HOUSE SAT SUN pm pm Just reduced $5000 New 8dr homes all under $80000Conc10 Oro to lake Call Barbara Hot for further details 7371771 or 487 Au20 MW FTF LTD REALTOR 728 2425 8352742 728 1346 El 79 BAYFIELD ST 11111 PHONE 7261405 7283293 07 business opportunities FOUR CAR BODY SHOP or mechanical repair garage Also suitable for sheet metal storage etc Good location Im mediate possession Cell Mr Realty Inc Real Estate Broker 7371010 days or call Paul 436 4374evenlngs PRIVATE SALE Summer business marina thirty miles north of Parry Sound Good potential Full price$90000 Owner will hold first mortgage at 10 per cent With $30000 down Ideal for next season opening Reply Bax V19 The Ex aminer 08property management SUNNIDALE ROAD Just three miles out of town on paved road Is buflt on raised bungalow finished tamin room and fireplace dou ble car garage large lot surrounded by trees Time to choose all your colours Phonc builder 726 2444 09commerCIaIIndustrial GARAGE Bay 27 30 12 foot doors washroom Available July Dunlop West Telephone 726 5452 days or 728 0547 evenings THREE BERCZY Street formerly the Artifact Craft Gallery is for rent This charming spacious old building would be ideal as either residence or profes Sional ottrccs The building is close to downtown and has ample parking Telephone Mr Purser or Mr Oatley 726 9021 or address inqurries to Berczy LIITTIILd Borczy Street Barrie 3600 SQUARE FEET surtable for store garage or warehouse 20 Maple Ave across from bus terminal Apply at Valley Car and Truck Rentals 16 Maple Ave TOIPDIIUDC 726 6666 600 1550 SQUARE FEET Mary St morth of Dunlap Central vacuum air conditioned renovated WlTII parking Surlablc for professional or serwce oc cupancy 728 4991 BARRIE CENTRAL 1200 square teat $300 monthly Compressed air heal hydro supplied 776 8716 SPACE FOR LEASE UttIls 1050 sq ft each or may be combined for larger area Suilahli for automotive whole salers ulc PflfTTf locatIon Phone 726 U3910xtcnsrun 47 1200 SQUARE FEE two storey house industrial irittnurcv As murh parking as rrqurrni WIII run or lease Good ï¬fts PITIIP1OII728 9711 or 7281136 NEW INDUSTRIAL commircml TRAVELMAyE 15 Momy home 319995 rental or sale fully uqurpped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 budding 30 60 area as much parking and opirn storage as TLQUITLO WIII rent or Image anon atcs Ptnl Pear ork 728 r7711 or 7711 1116 12 mortgages SECOND MORTGAGES T0 85 0F VALUE 113796 We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ion Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF Hi 01 artt it vii 111 Rm iv Hr vir 71 4il tVtl row law an varu rum va this Irwrriiavr amrngall iirry iymvaa tri Oilr l1il lI7 ll EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728 2414 12 mortgages 91 T2 mortgoges First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 72671 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF 14 mobile homes troilg RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT ports and Service Exclusive Dealerfor Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF Baytmld St 726 6438 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king Size bed sarrrlku at $7000 firm Ic0sl $9500 ruwl usizl only six tinIis 705145 1480 OVEL bedroom mnbrh ltrrttlu tenc 16 opts to rent REDECORATED BEDROOM apart ment fridge stove perklng private en trance avellable August 15th $250 mon thly First and last months rent re quired references Telephone 72118474 ONE BEDROOM at Mldhurst avallable September lst Stove fridge laundry facilities parking First and last months rent No pets Telephone 7266725after4pm ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment overlooking the lake main floor 194 Dunlop St East One year lease re quired $185 monthly 7268420 or 7260241 Wï¬ï¬w gt LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment private yard balcony parking and laun dry room $275 Including utilities and heat Telephone 7372743 ONE BEDROOM apartment Stove refrigerator laundry facilities utilities parking $200 monthly First and last month required 248 Steele Street 7269469 BRADFORD STREET Newly decorated older home completely self enclosed upper floor two bedrooms plus third floor as storage balcony and closedin porch Downstairs is beauty salon Parking Adults only please $250 monthly plus utilities Available October lst Telephone 776 5467 or 7288285 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Available September lst Close to shopp lng and bus route Appliances included $200 monthly Telephone 726B954 TWO BEDROOM September lst $195 monthly Business couple No pets Telephone 416 247 2982 CENTENNIAL PARK area two bedroom very clean fridge stove and parking $250 monthly Telephone 7288082 Bachelor$135 mthly Clean broadloomed basement apart ment very private Baytield and Cun dies Available immediately 7269915 THREE BEDROOM Apartment large balcony playground utilities and car peting included Close to shopping $285 monthly Available September 4th Tele phone 737 3737 TWO NEWLY DECORATED one bed room apartments available now In the downtown area With fridge and stove supplied Rent $135 plus hydro Call 9pm 776 3257 TWO BEDROOM Apartments avail able September 15 and October Close to downtown Rent $150 and $200 Call 90 776 3257 IMMEDIATEOCCUPANCY 3bodroom apartment With refrigerator and stove Large living room WlII1 fireplace Ideal for three to share Sorry no pets or children Om VOIIICI only $275 monthly For appointment to View call 728 5792 106p nd yarn 511000 Unfurnished Drapm FURNISHED bazhlor apartment wrth inr rarprtrnu Included Telnplmrii 474 101 at 124 bill 16 opts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Borne Flnesl IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults IF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West ONE TWO and THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 TF TV Parking available Near shopping plaza 517 montth Phone 726 9859 or 7217 1631 AVAILABLE OCTOBER One bedroom second floor apartment East end on bus route Heated stove fridge parking Adults no pits $165 monthly Call 776 785 LARGE CLEAN completely furnished apartment om brdroortt porking Iaun dry central location Suit couple First and last rnunths rent Talcphone 728 0751 17houses to rent TOWNHOUSE On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus oil and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF FURNISHEI ONE and lwr lwrtroorn tHlEF BEDROOM drarhIrl IIOUSI IapaUrIinl availablv Crirtril Adults WIT garaur III Allandalr Hiiuhts IOliy 326 0988 wriiday lone AND TWO Iiiirm Aalalilt Siritinrlmr Option It pur pdytnuirits chasu it tiuuirul $l7i monthly all lirari gran mnnltrly CtIllrrtl lllalll 767757 irirs and last lfll rm Ammanr and towNHorISf litrLi to law beITllt4n7 intat rni llllfl Tllwryrltu 169419 atir maths tour apprartciS broadlyiv Mort throughout garsow $l2 monthly in TWO 3900 pay rim ludis ablr arrI wanr Closr Ill srrmiilr lskpTIftltxr Dd lyiii and SHIN11710 76 4318 avalahli rviw rIrt irt ltJlIt all Ii us SUBLf IBEIJROOM ICWiiTOUSl $290 plus bin and park IN 10s rr Barf 10 rri irit ly Availa II 15111 at August 10 30th MalI TllDfll1 72 1016 0i SpJVqItvhiy riwrn 11135 FUPNIsHFD ONE and tww frirlrtrrl ExfCllTrsf HOUSE WITTI mautildi apartnorth availablu LtDlrI Artuls wow of mu latt Four lxrlrrkrris two only 1M 098 1ITllr1r bathrni ms Vito month Oltt ynar RALHF 11 xg um lrasi TiIipiriti 726 r3470 or 726 0211 trttrnnrr r1111llII tut rrrtl loi WATTP fPUNlAGF in BarrrH ritr IrVrt and ilJ7lrtI trill BiItu tut iw lI yiar aid Illt Hr Iaunwiw ORGYMINI Hilton rm hurti kiirtiin and two DDOQM apirlrtI dya idem tIt Iq dlta FIIF1IIIG or unturnSlltd mnfli yw II lJlIIVI six aptI itICt Avalamr Irpi tliirMHUm pr igyrtrr Sollirrrlrir Rrtutirrus TtQUlrtO $575 Ritiririr 15 iii 94m idun or $4041 rrrnnttily MIR61171 far ilit 728 III SPLIT LitLl HOME wttlr doubli Lnrms two or Droou mam camIv luvIM MtGrUUv Subdlvr ava rtfill InllTltdiquiIy pundit sun Angus Am Iatrlvwntimhir1 $100 1m tixt TrIipliiiii 11 047 FURNIHFHX AfIfITMf NI ttiilut on 83 hmvnu pm an THREE BEDROOM tiousn avarlalflv 14 Nm vm MPH pm snpthrntpr 1l Firr turthir rnfcirrttalirin 77ft Mir7 Wow 78 77134 Swunkda rs only 12 mortgages Offers ï¬r Onenlst and 2nd Mortgages 071 property for sole IVAT trrrplrIHtiataiwnli1 fl lrr1tn lrtrlrrxIII wrll ttrirt Mirtliurd arra nlll from fIilffl on paved road 647000 IlllIlllll Im 7168 DETACHED BUNGALOW Iltflrflfflll hrneliwa Vir privati ASklflq yrrit rriutirt ProstitIrnu arca sun docks oarin bar kind ravrni Call rrprIrrrlitivrgt of llnrl JnIrI I37 300 776 IIlr LAKEI NONI roIIrItl Immi than only $43500 Taurus bedroom 17 71 fl $577100 H14 Approx Ilrttrit year nIIlI IIIIIIIHITII 776 516 PRIVATE iflf ANGUS llIIItIIIIurII SIIIINIIIIIIlili1frllNlllNl iiii 771Illl Four tudrwnnu larqr Itlfflfll Ilarairi fInrril Ifrflll Hull garrlrrti Stparali rntrarrrn Prrcril tn aiII inrIir tr aitftrtl hr 111 formation nr VITWIIIIJ all 424 0407 02property wanted WAN Int IIrilt from 11130 HOMES OP murli your hnrni worth 111 hula5 market To fian out With no obligation all Wityflt Ward Ill 171 or 716 8720 reprrsrntiriq llnrgruup Ini 04Iots for sale liAL lfriw Real ESIJII EAST END BARRI fflllTOP LOTS fULlY SERVICE lOTS 75 140 LOT 140 138 TANTASTIC VIEW BUY NOW FOR YOUR TUTOR MOM PHONE 7284590 Au24 BUILDING Lownll pvrrnit phone 717 075 NEAR SWIMMING and fishing 80 700 trcrd lots Only 31500 down Full $16500 Call non GitrrIck Rvnl Eslalt Ltrl at I76 111 SUNNIDALE ROAD large 00 lots 100 100 paved road tollphant 817 540 OakVIlliI Iveninu 07business opportunities OPPORTUNI lY IN CALIle SALE Expanenctd sirllstarter to taki ovor establishtd busmlss Telephone 728 3110 during offict hours LOT 66 approval Prici in Now budding Trlc Sept rr availablr $10000 Just off Durkworlh St BARRIE hydro tan road In Gravrrnhursl lWIllI Month IlllfliSl Burristn LIE2111111160 Monthly payments to suit your budget Prime Bates 48 hour Commitments Commercial Residential or llacatIon Properties the municipal SEJVIITQS loan corporatlon 88 DUNLOP sr EAST BARRIE lllllllf Illa llliIlIlll llllf 7287280 LLION IN EXISTIN MORT IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages forms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 CallAnyfIme 24 Hour Phone Service Home improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 347 BAY STREET 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF TORONTO ONT TTUTIly pw ullt us Call 424 6221 for VIIIIIQ TWO f1 DROUM HOLSE Orin acri Int highway 90 $275 monthly Heat and hyrtr ixra Ava labln for twp couplis it nrr nary Call nvvninqs 776 0170 lHHfi RFDROOM BUNGALOW Irv inr rzrrirrt dining rnon all broadlnnmid firut 710 bath rrr room with IIVLDIFII firatid garngi and writ k211in largo land SlrtDttI llll motor appliances Lenar availalilv Availabli Svptpmlwr 15 S375 lTTmrIlIly Ttlltpftijtlf 7711 1117 1WD ftFDROOVl HOME tritiiw stovr lardi bmk yard $100 monthly plus ut III Angus Tfllplti 726 7704 LAFUf HOMf Bayfivld arm Ilrilllrflll surroundsnu Has green TIOUH for mini ul v1 or prairssronal piyipii Also Suitablt tnr lffl or hummus ItlfIlI11I147377000117720 705 lthEi ItFDROOM cnndnrriiniurrr on North Strirt lmttrrnarris hrnadlnnrrr throughout Available iiplirnlwr 15th at $190 pir llrtTIfi Jrtiriniis rcqurril tiIiiiri11i rim IHRE IlilROM trriusr TVfHIllOIsrllll thi lakv $100 rrrrmth 110le dicirrattu and lriiaitlixIIIia yld liaSL Ii Silmp slII IITflI TlltllOlll 77611420 or 7760111 IOWNHOUSI FOR RENT Friduo htnvr waslrtt and dryat Adults ritirinris requith Tllftt bedrooms 776 00 THRI 131 DROOM country homo Ivailnhlr tiipt Tirltpttnni 416 2477 ITlIIC not In of Barrio $775 monthly Illlifll 776 152 aftII nt Ian1lll0n1ll Ioi alert in Tall Irons arta rtIrIitrin Iflfpftllnl 70 717 1459 IBapts wanted to rent barhnlirr aparliriint Must bt self shopputg cnnvaIIiIti By Or labor 15f Box V13 Ttw Xï¬fTTIITIf prvtmrril Phoni ollrr 466 2100 20rooms to let ARC1 URNllin ROOM Sharikit 011 four ptflf bath with two other working 11 10 Cadringlun St up after 30 stop cooking facilities available 778 4768 daysor 728 0810 evenings rates Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 area 776 639 facilities 776 7186 737 1000 room suit single lady laundry facilities Available immediately Central Iota lion Telephone 778 075 porch downtown area child welcome 776 923 near factories and West tlara $25 wwk ly Telephone 726 6690 facilities Free parking central Gentlemen preferred 7711 05911 EnrolIr CLEAN 120619157 Kitchen 20 rooms to lot priviledaes In good home Handy to down town For mature adults Phone 7373923 21room and board RETIREMENT HOME Home like surroundings lndlvldual at tention comfortable rooms excellent meals laundry common room Near park and downtown Immediate open lngs Telephone 7265671 NEW COUNTRY HOME Private room for lady pensioner Home cooked meals Nursing care available View of moun tains Telephone 466 after pm 23offices stores for rent IMODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelott 1200 sq ft of office spacetor rent Downtown area 54 Maple Ave Ample parking Available starting September lst Call Peter at 7281743 before pm or 728 6899 after pm TWO OFF ICES iust over 500 square feet each can be ioined together 3150 men thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrio Mrs Petch 726 3338 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq it fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ft 18 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelotf VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in property Phone 778 7044 or 416 635 0637 BARRIE CENTRAL 1200 sq it com mercial industrial use Compressed air heat hydro supplied $300 726 8736 267accommodations7torsha re GIRL HAS TWO Bedroom apartment to share Reasonable rent Utilities includ ed East end on bus route Available September Call 726 16980r 728 9848 FEMALE SENIOR CITIZEN deswes same to share small home on lakefront at Alcona Beach Reply to Box V14 Bar ricExaminer COMPLETE ACCOMMODATIONS available now for two business ladies to share completely furnished house with same Near bus and malls $170 monthly 726 9319 after 28cottages for sale LAKE SIMCOE ORILLIA Largo two bedroom furnished winterized cottage Boat house marine railway Sand beach cedar hedges Milo from town $49500tirm 705 325 8514 evenings 32 ears for sale 1971 BUICK Lesahri far alr V8 PS PB automatic Good condition As 15 Reasunably pllkfd Call 424 9528 atiytrrrw 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY IV Grand Cooper 44000 arigi nines Tires like now ExciIiunt Condition will certity $1500 or boat otfcr Call 728 6017 altnr 1976 FURY CUSTOM four door lull powir air ntrrlerIrrg vinyl root radio wrritiwalls and wheel covers 7000 Iriile Chryslrr Canada car with balance at warranty LCJ AI 54 795 Reg Smith Mairrs 13 14 Baytiud Street 737 08le 1975 MONTE CARLO nk blue Ioadrd air vinyl roof swivel Duckws Mus srll Best ft Telephone 726 3C71 anytInir 1971 GREMLIN blue and wilte automatic Sixcylinder rad altrres low mileagr ExrplIintcondition lacstutter Telephone 418 9416 1974 CORVETTE 350 automatr air condition no Shirto iugudqn rack mag whetIs poerr WInUJW steering and bratvs Excelltrlt condition Bent otter 1705114156765 1971 AMBASSADOR WAGON V8 automatic 9004 on gas S950 1975 PON TIAC passrngir Catalina wagon all pnwrr AM FM undArcaalid SWD Soi Park 511 Moci Wasaqa Bench 1971 MAVERICV tuur door eight cylinder nurkvt soar loOr console Vinyl rorf 107er trim Call EllfIT 456 3708 AINT ll ru hour I966 FAIRLANF in rurtnirirr randhon net1 minor VBpï¬rs A5 13 5151 IOIOpftrtI 7051 4a 197 VEGA GREEN wrtt Mirra flair frmslt AUTIITTIIIIIL rado 10000nrlr1100 $1995 Telerrliririi rest 4517 3483 197 AUSTlN MINI Good onlrpn 36 000 miles Futra rirLs As is 51000 or best irtlii Must soil all after 728 tillb 1970 FORD XL 390 power steerrig two lIatlI Availabli nnw Teloptmnr batti trriplain doubli garage in at it near in Bay Pninl $375 month brakis and windows Runs wrll $650 UOC0rtfrl30 Telephone 723 4350 FOR SALE 1971 JEEP WAGONEER tour wriinl driyi Best otter Telephone 778 8183 1975 CORDOBA Owncn driven Law mileage Power stcirngand brakes air conditioning nor tires 7261806 I970CHALLENGE 340 tour barrwl V8 automatic povvir STfLIIIIg poth bratCH air shorks new transit SS 01 Uncirtilrrd 557 In good condition Telephone 737 0229 1971 OLDSMOBILE custom raiser sta IIUI waunn air EOIIGIIIOHIU and fully equippnd In good cnnditinn Askinu $3100 TclipltCDC 776 1527 1971 GRAND TORINO blue with black vinyl top 48 000 miles pnvwr stimring and brake radii Very good and tinn $880 737 174 1971CAflJl FOR SALE MW irnqino Mir lIiIin radial tires adiil In good on drlron Ctfliflfd Bust ottir Ttltplllllle 478 1574attnr Sp nt 197l TOYOTA COROLLA toUr door Sudan standard transmiSSion radio Iran intirior 57 000 original miles snnw tirirs Inclurlnrl uncertified good condition UtSOIflf Telephane7281247 1974 LF GRAND FUNBUG 20000 11105 Tth MILIICIIH Ix tires sunroof rUstprtxrftil Ming glazrd AM FM cIullt trai Many tXIIIIS Excvllent Condition BlSIleItf 726 5303 DUNE BUGGY tor sale Fiberglass body Veryliltloworkrequiredtabocar tilivd tor the road $800 Phone 737 3098 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS Sports Coupe thklI Spats maroon radial tires radio 43000miles Certified Telephone 415 55119 anytime I964 VAL IANT slant automatic 8400 original milns iirtitied 1973 Dnddv Chargir V8 autoniatri door hardtop low ITIllldlu EUIII extollcnt 728 8729 or 776 1203 AVAILABIE OCTOBER thrrn bedroom two bathroom oniplelely renovated Ilfrllsf on paved road Five SPLIT LEVfL HOME for rent fully Clom tn ItIalIs Gnorl locality for RETIRED GENTLEMAN needs Ofllrlllllll nn Inwrr or sncoml 001 near Pleasr apply divno full partrtulars to THREf 0R FOUR GlRl lonklng for apartment near Lilliqt Two bedroom stairs or thisronlrnl lncatInn pay only $75 monthly or $20 wtrrkly Call 7211 4967 FURNISHED ROOM In Allandalo at bus Gentlemen preferred Telephone NEWLY DECORAIED furnished rooms downtown l1 atinn ReasonablcI EXTRA LARGE FURNISHEDROOMS show klIChffT For SIIIQITS or young couples Linen supplied Downtown CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms tron parking laundry FURNISHED ROOMS citan modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate LARGE FURNISHED IIDUSIIHLDIITQ TWO ROOMS kiti lion and summer sun Avnllablu Soplmnhor Isl Telephone FURNISHED ROOM tot qtlllllltmlt LOVELY CLEAN HOME largt bright furnished bedroom with Sink Rooms cleaned linin changed wtPkly KIli hon I950 AUSTIN A40 Fully original In good condition Must be soon 77000 original lIIIItS Best offrr Telephone 835 5916 1971 AND 1972 PINTO $725 for both Uncnrtitiod Tolephonv 726 4216 WRECKING I966 VOIVII 1215 1961 544 Sport 1970 GMC Van With 110 tQUIp mcnl Tellpftllnt 72ll 7658 1976 CHE rET 1600 8000 miles In ex tIIIIII conclItinn Asking $7700 or bust of for Telephone 728 0660 after 1971 PONTIAC LLMANS two door haId top 350 automatic PS IB roar wrndow lotaiigor radio Uncarliliud Call 723 1562 ï¬fllt In 1971 PLYMOUTH STATIONWAGON for sale nonds some body repair Power SItOfllIg power brakes automahi lransrtiissmn $1000 as Is Telephan 728 6716 191 FORD PINTO Hardtop standard tadIi two snows Very good running car Asking $800 Telephone 728 6732 ask for Sitillcy 1976 R7 air conditioning AM FM radio With tape deck rod with black interior 14500 miles Cfllfltd Asking $5 010m bestofler J25 3037 1968 DODGE MONACO 500 power steer mo and brakes bucket seats vinyl roof Immaculate condition Must be seen Telephone 778 7148 COLLECTORS CAR I966 Valiant c011 vertible bucket seats stick shift radio automatic To be sold as is Telephan 325 3674 1970 CUTLASS 000d motor body fair Asking $195 as is Good running car Telephone 436 4970 1974 GRAN TORINO immaculate condi lion many extras low mileage or mind Telvphone 7711 729 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA 59000 mules As is $250 or best offer Can be seen at 428 Cndringlon Call 728 7947 1975 FORD GRAN TORINO door hard top automatic power radio radial IlllS burgundy wrth whiti vinyi roof Ono owner 75000 miles Shaip HUH 535 $1 795 Reg SrtIilh Motors Ltd 141 Bayrold 5116919370801 1940 DODGE COUPE Complete $500 191 Ford two door body and frame $700 Dual exhaust tor Mustang $20 1941 Chev halt ton complete $400 Telephone 716 602 SUPER SAVINGS 1972 Cougar XR7 two door hardtop ll cylinder automatic p5 pb AM FM stuno buckitseats Finish ed in medium brown matc hing interior vinyl lop Only 54000 miles Compare anywhere LlC FEK 6116 INTRODUC TORY OFFER $1685 International Automobiles 100 litlIn Street 726 9050 32 can for sole SUPER SAVINGS 1970 CHEVY II NOVA door coupe 327 V8 speed Finished in silver grey black vinyl Interior wide oval lettered tires radio PE FORMANCE CAR License FER 446 INTRODUCTORY OF FER Compare at $1195 International Automobiles 100 Tlltln Street 726 90507 VHVM 1976 CHRYSLER ms £16m hardtop P5 P8 low mileage rustprooted many op tions $4400 Telephone3260901 SUPER SAVINGS 1973 Pontiac Paris two door hardtop cyllnder automatic ps pb radio Finished in rich wine metallic whitevinyl interior and roof Radial tires Immaculate condition 54000 miles INTRODUCTORY 0F FER Compare anywhere Lic MFJ 725 $1875 International Automobiles 100 Tittln Street 726 9050 1965 VALIANT for sale cylinder automatic in good running condition Some body work needed $150 as 15 Telephone 728 5837 1970 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner 383 speeds megs motor and body in ex cellent condition $2000 or best otter Telephone 456 5345 ask for Dave SUPER SAVINGS 19767MGB com tible sports unfinished in lime yellow equipped with AMFM stereo rustproot ed only 7000miles mint condition com pare to new License No LDR 387 IN TRODUCTORY OFFER $41351nterna tional Automobiles 100 Titfin Street 726 9050 1967 RED FORD VB automatic In Al condition Power steering and brakes Good radio Asking 5350 Telephone 728 0835 anytime SUPER SAVINGS 1976 M68 convertible sports car Finished in burgundy maroon equipped with AMFM stereo and tape plus fibreglass hardtop Only 10000 miles Mint condition Compare to new Lic LDB 011 INTRODUCTORY OF $4285 International Automobile100 Titfin Street 726 9050 FOR PARTS ONLY 197172 doortiét chback Pinto motor and transmission needs work Telephone 728 2425 for fur ther details I972 DODGE CHALLENGER 313 motor floor console two door hardtop live summer tires winter tires good condition certified $2200 Telephone 4367134 1974 GREMLIN black with gold stripe 304 engine mag wheels three speco standard power brakes power steering summer and wrnter tires Ask Ing $2500 Call 737 3015 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA four door automatic 34000 miles AMFM radio eight track tape deck 1600 engine 5950 Telephone 728 2988 1971MUSTAHG FASTBACK road hug ger 650s Renegade F605 Keystone mags 302 cubic inch automatic radio air shocks and snow tires Must sell make an offer 776 6673 or 776 6066 1972 COMET FOR SALE tour door lady driven 30000 original miles new paint new tires Certified 51500 Telephone 487 2036 1973 BUICK CENTURY two door dark brown white vrnyl root tinted windows Many miles but runs well Little rust $1450 Telephone 776 2474 or 778 2366 1965 FAIRLANE With excellent running 68 302 engine Need brake and body work Urrcurlitiea 5150 Telephone 726 2474 or 728 2366 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF tOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd llr Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY wANTs cars and trucks for erbing and parts top prIces paid Frie pckup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After 424 5949 WAN TED Clean used cars earnsis da Auto 55110517 Gowan St 776 6488 swikns WRECKING and rawing scrap metal cars bought over scales Bestprirespaid 436 3677 Ilatrucks and trailers 4x4 1973 LANDROVER 22000 original miles CB radio mUSt sell best rea Sofï¬lflt offer Telephone 728 2410 before 309 111 FOR SALE 1976 GMC TON six cylinder standard 11000 miles Asking $3 500 Telephone 778 4545 days and 726 4299 evenings 40 FOOT FLATBED semi trailer corn plete tti racks Best otter Telephone 726 6445 between to weekdays 1968 CHEVY VAN six cylinder stan dard in good condition Uncertitied $650 Taliphone 72B 8690 alterspm 1971 CHFV TON 307 standard with cap Askrno $1900 certified Telephone 726 6062 1975 CHEVY VAN automatic power brakes power steering stabilizer bars radio Now paint 27700 miles $4600 Call 728 1041 after 3013 1970 FORD VAN shau carpet as is Chrome wheels needs some work Best altar Telephone 436 2093 1975 FORD RANGER hnlf ton insulated cap undercoated $3900 Telephone 436 1195 call Ron or Shirley alter 6pm 1974 THREE QUARTER TON Chev rea step bumper and hitch power SIOCIITW and brakes 86000 miles Real good Condllon Certitied Telephone 474 6463 1974 FORD pick up Very good condition Radial tires heavy suspension radio standard Quartz hcadlights Certified Telephone l2 1711 FOR SALE 1973 DATSUN 1600 pickup with canopy excellent condition good meaae $7 000 or best offer Telephone 728 5786 DODGE HALF TON pickup truck club cal powc steering automatic transmission heavy duty suspension radio cap three spare wheels good can itition very clean $3000 Telephone 437 2504 1977 DODGE halt tan Cylinder automatic short box No rust Certified Inlephonc 436 3012 36auto accessories 396 ENGINE FOR SALE with transmis sinn out of 1968 Firebird In good can dlIIOII Best offer Telephone after 111 7371626 FIVE BRAND NEW firestone steel bolted radials raised white lettered GR70 15 $60 each or best offer Tolvphorm 416 5690 37motorcycles I973 HON DA 750 Barrani rims Dunstall exhaust clean and well maintained ask inq $15001clephpno778 2410 before 430 1975 175 CAN AM TNT ENDURO $775 197 250 CI MOTOR CROSSS4251977 440 Male Ski FUTURA Including cover and asp TI ml $1400 solid aluminum handlebars and MAGURA levers $75 Two new TRELLEBORG Knobby tires studded for lCl racing two new BARUM Knobby IIriS six used tires IanIre about prices Telephone 728 7468 KAWASAKI 500 10000 miles In good cnndirion As is Plus accessories $950 Also dune buggy frame and motor Best offer Telephone 728 1149 after pm 1973 HONDA mini trail In good chdition 49c Telephone 726 I710 AA 1971 HONDA 90 cc tor sale in excellenT LOTIOITIOTT Low mileage Well maintain ed As is $250 Telephone 723 5837 AUGUST 2l11H MOTORCYCLE flea market one mile north of Highway on Highway 17 Want to sell your blke This IS the plain Call Bar Hodgson Produc lionsi41614618101 1972 KAWASAKI 350 Excellent and tron S7000r bislotfcr CAII 9407 HONDA ca 5001 ms model bought In I976 1700 miles luggage rack two helmets crash bars like new Wlll cer tily$1300 Telephone no 6307 40ort es for sdo My DINING ROOM SELECTION is pleasure to show buf fet hutch table leaf and five chairs only $499 delivered No money down in store financing UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St West iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 Au24